Sanpin norms for cesspools. Drainage pit for a private house - standards and rules. Plants can tell you at what level groundwater lies

Even at the stage of designing a private house, you need to take into account many parameters and rules for the location of various buildings relative to the fence. Even on your own site, buildings cannot be placed in any order. The rules for installing fences and erecting buildings inside the site are regulated by SNiP. In addition to the requirements of SNiP, local regulations must be taken into account. It is advisable to comply with the requirements and recommendations of SNiP, because failure to comply may result in a fine or a lawsuit from disgruntled neighbors. And basically, the court decision is not made in favor of the offender.

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Requirements for the fence itself

When arranging your site, information about the standards for constructing the fence itself is important. For a private house, the fence requirements are as follows:

In other cases there are practically no restrictions, the best materials that meet these requirements are:

You can agree with your neighbors on the height and transparency of the adjacent fence.
In this case, it is better to formalize the consent in writing and certify it. This will already be an official document that can help even if the neighbors change over time.

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Distance from fence to house

It is very important at the design and construction stage to correctly position the house relative to the fence. To find out at what distance to build a house from the fence, you need to use the established standards.

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Fence on the side of the roadway

The section of fence facing the road, the so-called red line, is usually equipped with gates and a wicket. The shortest distance from the fence to the house is set at 5 m. Violating the boundaries of the building in a smaller direction can cause problems when preparing documents in the BTI, and does not comply with the standards fire safety.

It should be taken into account that individual elements of the house: awnings, porch, veranda, stairs - and any extensions over 0.5 m are also taken into account when measuring the distance to the fence.

Required distance standards from the fence on the side of the roadway

If the road is a passage, the distance can be reduced to 3 m.

In addition to SNiP requirements, there are also fire safety standards, which are sometimes difficult to comply with:

  • A house made of stone, brick, concrete should be located at a distance of 6–8 m from the fence;
  • Frame buildings with fireproof insulation - 10–12 m;
  • Wooden house - 12–15 m.

A distance of 5 m has its advantages and is preferable from a practical point of view:

  • The greater the distance from the road, the less noise from passing cars will be heard;
  • Remoteness from exhaust gases and road dust;
  • Possibility to hide privacy from the glances of random passers-by.
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Fence adjacent to neighboring property

Frequent conflicts and litigation associated with the location of buildings at a close distance from the boundary line. To avoid quarrels and misunderstandings with neighbors, you should carefully consider existing requirements requirements for the location of the house from the neighboring fence.
The distance to neighboring houses is determined according to fire safety requirements:

  • Non-combustible materials (stone, reinforced concrete, concrete) - 6 m;
  • Non-combustible and low-combustible materials with wooden floors - 8 m;
  • tree and frame structures- 10 m.

Often conflicts with neighbors arise due to the shading of the site when building a multi-storey cottage. A tall house that is too close to a neighbor's fence can cause plants and trees to grow poorly. However, no one wants to place the house in the middle of the plot to the detriment of their own interests.

In any case, on this issue it is better to contact specialists who, based on the situation, the size of the area and other details, will offer best option. It is worth remembering that the minimum distance between the building and the adjacent fence must be at least 3 m.
This arrangement is completely legal and is rarely challenged by neighbors.

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At what distance from the fence to build a bathhouse?

The location of the bathhouse depends on many parameters: the material used for construction, the method of arranging the sewerage system. According to sanitary and fire standards, the minimum distance from the bathhouse to the fence adjacent to the neighboring site is 3 m.

This distance is due to the specific nature of the building: drained wastewater from the bathhouse should not fall into the neighboring area. In addition, the bathhouse can cause a fire or dense shade in the neighboring area.

According to the rules, you can save half a meter by arranging sewer drain And drainage system, then a distance of 2.5 meters to the neighbors’ fence is considered acceptable. In addition to the boundary line, you need to take into account the distance to the neighboring house - 8 m. It can be reduced to 6 m if the bathhouse is built from materials of flammability class 1-2 (brick, concrete or stone).

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Additional nuances when building a bathhouse

  1. The distance from the bathhouse to the neighboring residential building may increase if there are windows facing the bathhouse building.
  2. The location of other buildings should be taken into account: you need to retreat at least 1 m from sheds and utility blocks.
  3. The rules for the location of the bathhouse may change if the neighbor has already built a house and outbuildings.
  4. Distance to residential building for purposes fire safety should be at least 8 m, from concrete and brick - 6 m.

If in doubt, it is better to contact local authorities, who will help you decide on the location of the bathhouse.

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Garage location - towards the fence

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Location of the toilet and cesspool

According to sanitary standards, it is possible to build a toilet from the fence of a neighboring plot at a distance of a meter or more, taking into account the location of the source drinking water. According to the requirements, a distance of at least 12 m is maintained to the well or well.

When arranging a cesspool, much depends on the type of soil and the location of groundwater. Typically, the location of the pit to the fence varies from 1–3 m, if there is no source of drinking water nearby, the distance to which can reach 50 m.

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Other buildings

Approval of a construction project with local permitting authorities can become insurance against legal proceedings, but it is still highly advisable to navigate according to SNiP standards in order to avoid unpleasant situations.

Lawsuit against neighbors cesspool


As far as I remember, it should be at a distance of at least 8 m from the windows of the neighboring house.

A neighbor who climbed into the cesspool to help almost immediately lost consciousness. For some reason, the cesspool is more willing to accept migrant workers. If adult Russians do not climb in threes, then non-Russians climb in sixes.

"SP 53.13330.2011. Code of rules. Planning and development of territories of gardening (dacha) associations of citizens, buildings and structures. Updated edition of SNiP 30-02-97*" 6.8 Minimum distances between buildings for sanitary conditions should be, m: from residential building or residential building to the shower, bathhouse (sauna), toilet - 8; from the well to the toilet and composting device - 8. The specified distances must be observed between buildings located on adjacent areas.

Do not throw yeast into your neighbor's cesspool in retaliation, even if he got it! Summer, hot...

I saw this joke, it stinks, hahahahaha

DIY cesspool and drainage pit. The construction of a house and the installation of a sewage system in it has long become an immutable rule, because when constructing a cesspool from tires, it is designed so that the latter rises slightly above ground level.

Moreover, the neighborhood will stink no less)))))))

I'm actually having breakfast. . thank you!

It’s too late, mine already put on a glove for the hood)))


So you gave someone an idea...

A cesspool is a reservoir where wastewater from the house’s sewer system is collected through a pipe. Timely cleaning of toilets and cesspools ensures the cleanliness of your area and comfort for the residents of the house and neighbors.

Teenage thoughts - adults don't do that.

At what distance should a neighbor's cesspool be built in SNT?

The main thing is 1 m from the fence, and the rest is not important. You can even opposite his windows...

Cesspool from concrete rings This is a convenient and reasonable option, you can handle it yourself. It is unlikely that you will be able to install rings in pits with your own hands alone, so call your neighbors and friends for help or hire workers.

And whatever is not near and above and against a well or well

How to force a neighbor to organize his own cesspool on his property?

You can - the area is yours. Just tell him that you no longer need his waste, let him make a hole in his own area.

If there is a water intake on the site, then the cesspool is placed diagonally and as far as possible from the source. All these rules are also valid if you are densely surrounded by neighbors; the distance to residential buildings should not be less than 15 meters, and have a common...

Talk to your neighbor, give him a period of time to arrange his cesspool and at the end of this period, if, of course, nothing is done by the neighbor, dismantle his sewer system located on your land plot

How far away from a residential building should a neighbor's sewer well be? simpler - cesspool

The right cesspool - several possible paths to ruin. 1. You can make the container honestly, that is, airtight. Now, if only for the neighbor... The issue with drains was the same as it was 50 years ago, as it is now.

When placing a cesspool, in order to obtain permission from the water utility and the SES, the written consent of the neighbors is required, if this distance is not maintained. That is, if you have a dispute with a neighbor, and he has water supply from central water supply and there is a cesspool, which means that at one time you or the previous owners gave such consent. It cannot be otherwise; he simply would not have been allowed to tap into the water supply. Therefore, now you won’t find fault with him. If this is your dacha cooperative and no one has any documents for these things, of course, then you can scare him with the SES.

At what distance from the neighbor's property should a cesspool be located?

5 meters minimum, it seems, and not near the neighbor’s house, closer to the road

Bring a neighbor and get a discount. The most common type of recycling Wastewater cesspool. According to environmental requirements, it should not be done with a concrete bottom so as not to pollute groundwater.

Your neighbors also love to dig into the cesspool at that moment. When do you come to your place for barbecue?

In our village we pump out shit in early spring. That’s it. Strictly. It’s too early for barbecue.

Surface device homemade septic tank do-it-yourself cesspool for a house, dacha, cottage. A surface septic tank was spied on by one neighbor. So you have country house which you use in warm time years and don’t use the cottage in winter?

Luckily no)

It just got warmer, everyone is going and minding their own business.

Any neighbor is shit these days. First of all, you need to put up a fence three meters high. And if it’s not possible yet, then the whole family go out wearing gas masks, there will be laughter and further mutual understanding.

My neighbors love to pick their teeth after eating the delicious kebab I prepared.

Our people love their pit - they moved it under our door, although the house has a sewer system and a trash can 100 steps away

The location of an element such as a cesspool sanitary standards are regulated by the following SNiP and SanPiN. If this does not affect the neighbor, representatives of the administration must draw up an act with which you can file a claim in court.

Cesspool needs advice. Tell me, what should be the minimum distance between the pit and the neighbors’ fence?

2 meters. all buildings and plantings.

Why did your neighbor get so angry? I can’t tell you the cesspool snips... we have one under the toilet for many, many years, the SES has never visited us or anyone nearby standing houses. And she wouldn’t have come to us, but the complaint...

Agree that you have toilets in one place and there will be fewer problems. According to the standards, cesspools are generally prohibited. You need to sprinkle the “products” with grass and peat and then in the form of compost in the garden

According to sanitary standards, buildings must be located at the correct distance from those located in neighboring areas: from a residential building or house to a bathhouse, shower or toilet - 8 m; from the well to the latrine and composting device - 8 m. From the house to the latrine at least 12 meters. The border of the neighboring plot should be 3 m from a residential building (or house), 4 m from buildings for keeping small livestock or poultry, 1 m from other buildings, 4 m from trunks low growing trees(2 m from medium-sized trees), 1 m from bushes. Use cesspool devices such as backlash-closets and out-door latrines are allowed when placed at least 1 m from the boundaries of the site. The distance from the out-door latrine to the red line of the street or driveway must be at least 5 meters. The specified distance (at least one meter to the border of the neighboring plot) must be measured from the edge of the pit closest to the boundary (fence), and not from the rear wall of the building. SNiP 30-02-97

Tell me, your neighbor built a cesspool (toilet) near the fence and filled the perimeter of the fence with old trees. What to do?

Are garden standards met? If yes, then there is nothing you can do.

The requirements for a cesspool are not clear, but the minimum distance that should be is 15 meters from the house. If required,

distance of the cesspool from neighbors according to snip

In the Country Life section, to the question: How far from the neighbor’s fence should there be a toilet with cesspool? asked by the author Marina Kabanova, the best answer is a toilet from a fence like an outbuilding at a distance of 1 meter, but a toilet from a residential building at a distance of at least 12 meters. Also, you cannot simply pour sewage into a cesspool. According to SNIP 02/30/97, only backlash and powder toilets , or mounted sewer systems - septic tanks with FC / PPA

Answer from 2 replies[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: At what distance from the neighbor’s fence should a toilet with a cesspool be located?

Answer from Valentin Tkachev[newbie] Due to the fact that developers are now actively splitting up acres for private development, our neighbor’s toilet turned out to be 2 meters away from the corner of our house! And from front door It turned out that from the door to our fence in a straight line there are 3.5 meters, fence, and from the fence to the neighbor’s toilet 1 meter. Please give some clarification about this situation, taking into account that we do not have a dacha, but year-round living in such a neighborhood! And where should we go so that our neighbors are required to move the toilet 12 meters away from our fence!? Is there a system of fines for neighbors, since they are going to do this voluntarily???

Answer from Lisi4ka[guru]1 ...1.5 meters

Answer from EofanZadunaisky [master] Building codes and regulations SNiP 30-02-97 "Planning and development of territories of gardening associations of citizens, buildings and structures" 6.7 Minimum distances to the border of the neighboring garden plot according to sanitary and living conditions should be, m: from garden house- 3; from buildings for keeping small livestock and poultry - 4; from other buildings - 1; from trunks of tall trees - 4, medium-sized - 2, from bushes - 1.6.8 The minimum distances between buildings for sanitary conditions should be, m : from the garden house and cellar to the restroom - 12; to the shower, bathhouse and sauna - 8; from the well to the restroom and composting device - 8; to the building for keeping small livestock and poultry, shower, bathhouse, sauna - 12; from the cellar to compost facility and buildings for keeping small livestock and poultry - 7. The specified distances must be observed both between buildings on the same site and between buildings located on adjacent sites. 6.9 It is allowed for outbuildings to adjoin garden house. In this case, premises for small livestock and poultry must have an isolated external entrance, located no closer than 7 m from the entrance to the garden house. It is possible to combine an outbuilding and a garden house, subject to sanitary and hygienic requirements. 6.10 Garages for cars can be free-standing, built-in or attached to the garden house and outbuildings.

Answer from Vladimir Z [guru] Yes, actually, it would be better if you have a toilet and a cesspool at your neighbor’s. Build or buy peat toilet- there will be no smell, the product easily rots in 2 years and is ready as compost.

Answer from 2 replies[guru]

Hello! Here are more topics with the answers you need:


Usually in private households the problem of drainage and sewage is solved by building personal plots cesspools. There are certain standards that clearly define how the process of installing septic tanks and other treatment structures serving individual residential buildings should be carried out. It is not recommended to violate them.

When a cesspool is created, sanitary standards are regulated by Law of the Russian Federation N52-FZ of 1999 “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.” The requirements specified in it are mandatory for citizens of the country.

Sanitary standards for cesspools

According to the text normative document, cesspools (see photo) must be built with a mandatory special filtration device, and they should not have a regular bottom under any circumstances, especially if during the day the amount of waste exceeds one cubic meter.
At the same time, it should be noted that when constructing a cesspool to serve a heated house in which at least 4 people will live, the sump should be made with a special bottom.

There is no definite answer as to what the distance from the house to the cesspool should be. The requirements for this parameter are ambiguous. The minimum distance between these two objects is 15 meters (read also: " ").

The required distance from the house to the drainage pit is such that poisonous gases waste emitted did not cause harm to the local environment and people living in this area.

If there is a need to make the distance from the pit to the water supply closer, then you should contact the appropriate authorities (Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision) and utility service companies (for example, water supply department, etc.).

Rules for arranging cesspools

If a cesspool is being built, sanitary standards must be observed. Settlements with a working volume of no more than one cubic meter of waste and sewage per day belong to the classic option for arranging cesspools for servicing country houses and country houses, in which the residence of people is not permanent and water heating equipment is not used and Appliances.

According to sanitary requirements, distance from the septic tank to summer kitchen cannot be less than 5 meters. In the case when the daily volume of wastewater reaches 8 cubic meters, the distance should be increased to 8 meters.

The rules for arranging cesspools require compliance with a number of requirements:

  • when the drainage per day is 3 cubic meters, the pipes must be located as close to groundwater as possible (distance 40-50 meters);
  • pipes should be installed upward relative to the flow groundwater;
  • if there is an artesian source in the immediate vicinity of the house, the distance from the well to the cesspool should be at least 20 meters.
In the case when homeowners do not have the opportunity to maintain the distance of the drainage pit from the house and sources of drinking water, experts recommend making wells or drainages for several houses at the same time. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a 2.5-5 meter offset from the “red line”. Before you start work, you definitely need to know how to make a drain hole correctly and according to the standards.

SanPiN 42-128-4690-88: requirements and standards, installation distance

On the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of the region of residence, SanPiN requirements for cesspools apply.

When a private house does not have a centralized sewer system, its owners are allowed to locate a cesspool on the site. The main requirement for it is mandatory water resistance. There should be a lid over the sump to close it and a special grill. You can arrange a common drainage pit with your neighbors.

When a private house is located near a school or preschool institution, then the distance must be at least 20 meters. If questions arise regarding the arrangement of a cesspool, the owner of a country property should contact the local administrative authorities.

But there is general rule for all private households - the septic tank should be located so that the distance from the well to the cesspool is 50 meters.

Treatment buildings must be cleaned at least once every six months.

When disinfecting drainage pits, use a product whose components are:

  • 5% sodium hypochlorite;
  • 5% - creolina;
  • 10% bleach;
  • 10% - naphthalizol;
  • 10% - sodium metasilicate.
Under no circumstances should dry bleach be used for disinfection.

Additional requirements for arrangement

  1. In addition to the requirement, what should be the distance between the well and the cesspool, there is another important point - tightness treatment plant so that sewage does not poison the soil and aquifers, since in this case the environment will be harmed.
  2. The building materials used to construct settling tanks (bricks, boards, blocks) must differ in density
  3. The drains should not be allowed to be higher than 35 centimeters from the ground surface, since then negative consequences The property owner himself is unlikely to be able to cope.
To the distance from cesspools to engineering communications There are also requirements:
  • from the water supply system made of asbestos-cement pipes to septic tanks and drainage pits, the distance should not be less than 5 meters;
  • using cast iron pipes with a diameter of no more than 200 millimeters - 1.5 meters;
  • if there are cast iron pipes with a diameter of more than 200 millimeters - 3 meters;
  • to gas pipes - more than 5 meters.

To bad smell did not disturb the residents, you need to maintain a 5-meter distance from the building to the cesspool. The septic tank should not be located closer than 1.5 meters to the border of the site.

Hazardous to human health. At the beginning of July this year, Kazan was shocked by the news of the death of a family. An elderly couple and their 31-year-old son died in a cesspool. First, the father of the family went to clean it.

Soon, the man called for help. The son came, followed by the mother. They, like the head of the family, lost consciousness. By the time the ambulance arrived, the family had died. The reason is toxic fumes of sulfur and methane.

They are released in cesspools when waste decomposes. This is taken into account in the sanitary standards prescribed in law number 52 of 1999. Federal set of rules.

The document mentions the danger of gases emitted by cesspools, and sets out standards for the safe organization of wastewater and its treatment. In order to preserve the health of yourself, those around you and the ecology of the area, let’s get acquainted with the rules.

Provisions of the Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population”

From general provisions According to the law, it is important to study the location rules cesspool. Sanitary standards require the removal of sewage collection from a number of objects. Set aside at least 10 meters from the neighbor's house and outbuildings. From the borders own plot“retreat” by at least 1.5. The distance from your home should not be less than 8 meters.

When constructing a cesspool, a distance of 5 or more meters is set back from the gas pipeline. The distance to the summer kitchen is the same. If the volume of wastewater reaches 8 cubic meters per day, the cooking area is already 8 meters away.

From water pipes are removed by at least 20, and from wells and groundwater by 25. However, there are nuances regarding the removal of pits from wells. Different soils and sewage are treated differently. In dense clay, 20 meters is enough. In loams, a 30-meter distance is required. On sandy soils, the pits are at least 50 away from the wells.

Only hydrologists will determine the exact level of groundwater and its direction. The Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” recommends calling them. If you place a sewage collector in the path of underground flows, the likelihood of waste spreading and contaminating groundwater increases.

General requirements also concern some points of arrangement of otkhodniks. So, their depth should not exceed 3 meters. Otherwise, maintenance of the pit becomes difficult. Vacuum truck hoses are designed for a depth of 3 meters. If it is higher, sediment will remain in the sump. Old putrefactive processes are fraught with the development of infectious strains.

The sewer pipe approaching the cesspool should be inclined towards it. The minimum "slope" is 3%. At the same time, the pipes lift up from the groundwater. It is advisable to carry out communications 40-50 meters from ground sources.

The entrance of the drain into the pit tank should be soft. Flexibility is achieved by treating with bitumen. The depth of the pipe into the ground should reach 120 centimeters. There are also requirements for the diameter of the drain. The minimum is 10 centimeters.

The same diameter is made for ventilation pipe. It is required. Otherwise, gases accumulated in the system may lead to an explosion. The main culprit of the incidents is still methane.

If the hole has a bottom, it is tilted towards the drain hatch. Otherwise, pumping out sewage even from a container up to 3 meters deep will be of poor quality. Problems with cleaning the pit will also arise if there is no access to it.

We need to clear the road. This is required by federal law and SNIP. cesspool may not always meet standards. We will talk about legal exceptions to the rules in the next chapter.

Legal deviations from sanitary standards for the construction of a cesspool

The size, development, configuration of the site and neighboring plots do not always allow compliance with the rules of arrangement cesspool. Sanitary standards from the neighboring farms require a retreat of 10 meters, but in fact they only get 8.

What to do? The law obliges you to contact the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, as well as Vodokanal and other enterprises serving the house. Specialists will go to the site, document the impossibility of another pit arrangement, and legitimize the optimal option for a particular site.

Details can be found in SanPiN “42-128-4690-88”. They stipulate, for example, that from schools and other public institutions the cesspool must be at least 20 meters away. So, you have to focus not only on the 52nd law. It is necessary to compare data from a number of documents and coordinate them with local epidemiologists.

Types of cesspools and requirements for them

In '52 federal law cesspools are divided into 3 types. Some take up to a cubic meter of waste per day, while others take more. A cubic meter can be processed naturally within a day. The waste has time to go into the ground and be processed by anaerobic organisms, like fertilizers.

Therefore, cesspools that accept up to a cubic meter of sewage per day are allowed to be made open type. Under them there is a “cushion” of gravel. It serves as a drainage and filter for wastewater, slowing down its seepage into the ground.

Pits with significant daily consumption are isolated from surrounding soils, for example, closed concrete structure. The hole in it is provided only at the top. Waste cannot escape from such containers. They are being pumped out.

The procedure is carried out at least once a year, calling in sewage trucks. They draw waste into the tank through a hose. There is no threat to human life and health, since there is no direct contact with the methane and sulfur released.

Waste can be stored in a pit for a whole year if it is used seasonally or the tank has a large capacity. It’s expensive and time-consuming to pour one or lay it out from blocks. Most people prefer to make a small container and clean it every 1-2 weeks.

The third type of sewage tank, which is provided sanitary standards and rules for a cesspool, - septic tank. Anaerobic bacteria are planted in such a container. Those of them that wait for waste in the soil are relieved of the obligation to process human waste.

They are completely decomposed in an oxygen-free environment before leaving the pit. At the same time, bacteria neutralize harmful gases. A homogeneous, odorless mass is taken out of the septic tank. This can be left on the site as fertilizer.

Note that in its natural form, human feces are considered poor nutrition. It's not just the stench, but also chlorine, sodium, harmful to plants, heavy metals. Due to the type of food people eat, there are a lot of these elements in their waste products.

As we understand, septic tank pits are completely sealed. Otherwise, anaerobic bacteria cannot be provided with an oxygen-free environment. Organize it in special plastic containers. Water in such autonomous systems 98% purified.

Russians, for now, shy away from moisture obtained from sewage. This is the case in other countries. The water can be safely used for drinking. IN public toilets In India, for example, water flows from taps that has been purified in autonomous systems.

Tourists drink, praise and are surprised to learn the origin of the moisture. It tastes no different from regular tap water. The quality parameters of the drink, by the way, are even better. So, septic tanks sanitary standards for a cesspool in a private house they see ideal structures that are the future.

Landscaping a private plot of land requires the installation of various systems, which usually include a well and a cesspool. Modern cesspools are sealed tanks in which temporary storage of all kinds of economic and domestic wastewater is carried out. The distance from the cesspool to the house, well, well and other objects, like others important points, is set by the corresponding regulatory documentation. Work on the arrangement of a cesspool and a well should be carried out with reference to each other.

Choosing a location for a cesspool

The cesspool must be located in the immediate area adjacent to the private house. The distance from the cesspool to the central water supply should be at least 10 m, between the pit and the drinking water well this gap should be 20 m. If possible, it is better to place the pit even further so that in the event of an emergency breach of its tightness, sewage does not get into the water from the well .

The distance between the sewage pit and the house, as well as structures on neighbors’ plots, should be from 10-12 m. With a closer construction of the sewer pit emergency situation can lead to flooding and damage to the integrity of the foundation of the house and other buildings.

The distance between the fence limiting land plot, and the drainage pit must be at least 1 m. When choosing the depth of the structure, you need to pay attention to the depth of groundwater. It is not allowed to make a hole more than 3 m deep.

It is imperative to take into account the peculiarities of the relative placement of the sealed storage tank and gas and water pipes. The requirements are as follows:

  1. When using reinforced concrete or asbestos cement pipes, the distance between them and the storage tank must be at least 5 m.
  2. When using cast iron pipes with a diameter of up to 20 cm, a distance of at least 1.5 m is required.
  3. In the case of laying cast iron pipes with a diameter greater than 20 cm, the distance can be increased to 3 m.
  4. The minimum permissible distance between the drain and gas pipes is 5 m.

All requirements for wells, pits and other utility structures are established by the relevant construction and regulatory documents. Such documents provide rules and requirements, compliance with which allows you to avoid many problems associated with various kinds accidents.

Requirements for small cesspools

If the house is not used for permanent residence, and the only equipment it contains is a shower cabin and a washbasin, with water heating appliances and various equipment like boilers, washing and dishwashers etc. no, you can get by with a minimum pit of 1 m³/day.

In such situations, the requirements for the distance between the waste pit, well and other objects are somewhat relaxed. In particular, the septic tank can be installed no closer than 5 m to the house. If the daily drainage capacity reaches 8 m³, the distance must be increased to at least 8 m.

When constructing a small waste pit, a number of requirements are imposed on water intake:

  1. If autonomous sewerage has a capacity of up to 3 m³/day, then the pipeline through which groundwater is supplied for domestic and economic needs, must be placed downstream of groundwater at a distance of at least 40-50 m from the drain.
  2. The minimum permissible distance between the cesspool and groundwater upstream of the groundwater is 25 m.
  3. The minimum permissible distance between a sealed septic tank along a perpendicular axis relative to the movement of groundwater is 25-30 m.
  4. Sewage pits and sources of other types of pollution are allowed to be installed at a distance of at least 20 m from wells and artesian sources.
  5. It is best to install a sealed septic tank downstream of groundwater. Upstream locations are optimal for installing water intake structures.

There are quite a lot of requirements for cesspools and their relative position with wells and other economic and domestic objects. In the vast majority of cases, it is simply impossible to fulfill each of them fully. In such situations, professionals recommend using the following solution.

For several private houses located in the neighborhood along the street, wells, captages or wells are installed, after which a special site is created with a slope of up to 5% with hard surface. Such a platform should have a size of 300x250 cm. The distance from the red line should be 2.5-5 m.

The most important standards and requirements for cesspools

Construction of a sewer pit requires simultaneous knowledge and compliance with the requirements and rules that apply to it and to sewer and water supply equipment. Ignorance and non-compliance with these norms and requirements can lead to various types of emergency situations, sometimes even with human casualties.

To avoid breakdowns and accidents in the system private sewer, you must strictly adhere to all the rules for equipping cesspools. And the first thing you should pay attention to when independent arrangement sealed septic tank, this is the distance between it and the water source, i.e. well, as well as central sewerage.

Previously, requirements were given for the distance between the septic tank and pipes from different materials. It is important to fully comply with all these rules, including those regarding gas pipes. If gas pipes are placed closer to the drain than 5 m, the pipe may be damaged either at the stage of equipping the sewage pit, or due to subsidence of the earth during the operation of the septic tank.

At self-installation drainage pit, you must additionally take into account the type of soil on the site and the method of installing the gas pipe. The latter can be located above or below the ground.

It is important to remember the minimum permissible distance between the cesspool and the border of a private plot. It is 1.5 m. However, quite often owners save space and reduce it to 1 m. Such a decision can only be made at their own responsibility.

If the groundwater lies at a fairly large depth and the land plot has a flat surface, there will not be any particular difficulties in the process of equipping a cesspool. If there is even a relatively small slope, this event will become noticeably more difficult.

You should refrain from installing a septic tank downstream of groundwater, because this can lead to runoff entering wells and boreholes if they exist on the site.

Basic provisions of sanitary and regulatory documents

The main provisions and requirements for the arrangement of cesspools are given in the SanPiN document. In accordance with this document, the following rules must be observed.

If the site does not have a centralized sewer system, you can equip a yard latrine, which must be equipped with a waterproof sealed cesspool. The ground part of such a pit must be equipped with a lid. A special grill with a pre-created compartment for solid waste is also installed.

The cesspool may have an opening or removable front wall. This increases the ease of use of the septic tank, in particular, the procedure for cleaning it. If desired, you can connect several yard latrines into a common cesspool.

The distance between septic tanks and residential buildings, children's and sports grounds, various public and other institutions ranges from 20-100 m. The specific value is selected in accordance with the existing conditions. On private plots this distance can be reduced to 10 m.

If the owners of neighboring plots cannot come to a compromise and a mutually satisfactory decision regarding the placement of a cesspool, they need to contact a local authorized organization that will make such a decision for them. Regardless of the specifics of a particular situation, the decision is made in accordance with a rule that is common to all, stating that the distance between the wells and wells and cesspools must be at least 50 m.

The cesspool must be equipped with a ground part. Such a single building can be made from different materials. The most commonly used are bricks, boards, and blocks. It is important to ensure that the materials adhere tightly to each other. It is undesirable for insects and rodents to penetrate into the above-ground part of the sewage pit. The septic tank itself must be sealed.

When calculating the volume of a septic tank, the number of people who use it should be taken into account. Additionally, the groundwater level is taken into account. It must be taken into account when choosing the depth of the structure, which cannot exceed 3 m. It is important that the level of drains in the pit does not reach the ground surface by at least 35 cm.

It is important not only to determine the distance between the sewage pit, well and other important objects on the site, but also to know the requirements for maintenance and care of the septic tank. Untimely cleaning can lead to a leak in the container. The resulting sewage will pollute the water and cause a number of other problems.

The cesspool must be cleaned at least 2 times a year. Everyone must choose the specific frequency independently, focusing on how quickly the container is filled.

The owner is responsible for the cleanliness of the above-ground part of the sewage pit. It is recommended to do cleaning daily.

In addition, in accordance with sanitary standards, a private yard latrine must be washed every week hot water using special disinfectant compounds. Solutions of sodium hypochlorite, bleach, sodium metasilicate, etc. are usually used. Do not use dry bleach for disinfection.

Thus, the arrangement of a sewage pit, despite the seeming primitiveness of such a design, requires compliance with a number of important rules. The main one is the distance between residential and outbuildings, water supply, sewer and gas pipes. But the other listed points should also not be overlooked. Remember that compliance with the requirements guarantees the durability and reliability of not only the cesspool, but also other objects on the site. Take this with maximum responsibility. Happy work!

Setting up a cesspool is cheap, quick and convenient. In order for it to be legal and safe for owners, neighbors and environment, installation should be carried out taking into account sanitary standards for cesspools (sewage) pits.

Important! Failure to comply with requirements that affect the location of the cesspool is fraught with substantial fines. Also, by law, you may be required to remove (reconstruct) a dangerous structure at your own expense.


Before constructing a cesspool, you must obtain permission. For this purpose, the SES provides:

  • Scheme of the location of the object on the site.
  • The design of the structure, and it must comply with sanitary standards and regulations.

If documents are submitted that do not comply with the requirements of the law, permission will not be obtained.

But that’s not all, because after construction is completed and even several years later, an inspection inspector may come. In fact, the distance to the cesspool from the well and from other key points must correspond to the submitted documents. Inspectors do not conduct inspections at their own discretion; they often appear on a “tip” from neighbors.

Important! Do not neglect obtaining a permit; it will not cost much. You will have to stand in the corridors of the government agency, but it is cheaper than paying a fine if the distance from the well to the cesspool is incorrect.

It will be possible to obtain permission only if the cesspool is located not on the territory of a neighboring plot, but on your own. Moreover, it does not matter whether this (someone else’s) plot is residential or not and whether it is owned by someone.

Types of structures

The placement of a drainage pit in a private house differs in distance standards, depending on the type. The classification is based on the tightness of the structure. Types:

  • A simple pit is a pit in the ground into which wastewater is discharged. There is no tightness in the design, so drainage can spread in any direction. Here the distances should be maximum from all key points on the site.
  • Pit with hard walls. They create less emissions into the soil, which means they are safer. The drainage does not seep through the walls; it goes only into the soil, through the filter bottom - a mixture of sand and crushed stone. Since the wastewater still leaves the cesspool, the distance from the house and from the well is also the maximum according to the standards.
  • Sealed pits or plastic containers– do not allow impurities into the soil at all. The cesspool is cleaned using the pumping method. It is allowed to maintain a minimum distance from the well.

Important! According to SanPiN, any cesspool must be installed only in accordance with the project and after approval by the relevant regulatory authorities.

SNiP standards

According to SNiP, a cesspool is an object of increased environmental hazard, so its placement must comply with certain standards, namely:

  • The distance between the well and the cesspool is 20-50 meters. The same standards apply to the distance from any source of drinking water - a well, a standpipe, or another type of water intake.
  • From the foundation own home, neighbors, foundations of other buildings at least 10-12 meters. If you place the cesspool closer, in the event of a violation of the integrity of the wastewater storage facility, there is a risk of erosion of the foundation and, as a result, destruction of the building.
  • The distance from the cesspool to the water supply and its pipes. At least 10 meters; such a distance will prevent sewage from entering the water supply in the event of an accident on the sewer pipeline.
  • The depth of the pit should not be more than 3 meters, and only in case of deep groundwater. If they are located high, then only sealed containers or septic tanks can be installed. In both the first and second cases, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 1 meter from the bottom of the pit to the groundwater level. The release of wastewater into the soil is dangerous due to the contamination of groundwater, and therefore the sources of water intake.
  • There should be at least 1.5 meters to the border of the site (fence), but it is better to do more, then it will be possible to avoid troubles with neighbors.
  • To the highway, road, if there is one near the site - from 5 meters.
  • Distance from a stream, river – from 10 m.
  • If there are trees and shrubs on the site, then you need to place cesspools and septic tanks at a distance of 3 meters or more. The decision to move the cesspool into the garden is not the best, because the roots of the plant can simply rot from excess moisture, and besides, not all of them are so moisture-loving.
  • It is also impossible to place a cesspool closer to the garden; placement standards are 20-30 meters.

Important! The arrangement of an outdoor toilet also requires compliance with similar standards if a sealed container is not used as a cesspool. A toilet in a country house, although it is not used as often as a sewer system in a private house, it must be placed in accordance with the above standards.

If there are communications on the site

When the location of the site is such that underground communications pass through it, then a certain distance must also be maintained to them. The distance of the cesspool depends on the type of pipes:

  • Asbestos-cement or reinforced concrete - from 5 meters.
  • Cast iron with a diameter of up to 20 cm - 1.5 m.
  • Cast iron with a diameter of more than 20 cm - from 3 m.
  • Gas pipes – from 5 meters.

Important! When moving pipes away from the cesspool on a site, you should be guided by the rule, the farther the better.

Punishment for non-compliance

Punishment for violating the rules for the location of cesspools and outdoor toilets with a ruble, that is, they issue a fine. Its size depends on several factors:

  • Have any cases of violation of environmental legislation by a citizen been previously recorded?
  • How badly the norms have been violated. This means that if the cesspool is closer than necessary to the foundation of the house, the fine will be less than if a potentially dangerous object is located closer than 20 meters from a source of drinking water.

The specific amount of punishment is determined by the court; it is in court that the punishment for such an offense is determined. Violation of environmental standards is dangerous for many people, so fines amount to thousands of rubles.

If there is not enough space

It happens that those responsible for violating sanitary standards make excuses by saying that there is not enough space, and that is why they violated the rules. But in fact, it is possible to install a toilet correctly or arrange a cesspool. If, according to the standards, there is not enough space on the site, the solution is to construct a pit using a sealed container. There are also septic tanks and other installations that can be mounted on the surface, they are also sealed.

Certainly similar solutions more expensive than a cesspool, but by not complying with SNiP standards, the owner of the site primarily harms himself. It pollutes water and makes the soil unsuitable for growing any vegetable crops, trees, shrubs.

Compliance with sanitary standards regarding the placement of a cesspool and the location of the toilet according to SNiP in the country is very important. Violation is fraught not only with fines, but also with harm to one’s own health.

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