Necessary conditions for installing a gas convector. Gas convector - what it is, how it works and what it consists of. The process of installing a gas convector in a wooden house

D. Sytov

From a technical point of view, a gas convector is a fairly simple device. Accordingly, its installation may seem like a simple matter. However, there are a number of rules and nuances, neglect of which can lead to incorrect operation of the device or even an accident. Let's look at the basic installation rules gas convector

Installation of a gas convector is regulated by the following documents: DBN V.2.5-20-2001 “Gas Supply”; DNAOP 0.00-1.20-98 “Safety rules for gas supply systems of Ukraine”; NAPB A. 01.001-2004 “Fire Safety Rules of Ukraine.”

Mounting a gas convector to the wall

The convector should be installed in the place of the greatest heat loss in the room, ideally under a window. But here one important nuance arises: there should be no flammable objects or structures near the device. It should absolutely not be covered with curtains, drapes, etc., since the body of the device heats up significantly during operation.

Included with the convector, some manufacturers include wiring diagram(template), which shows the places where the device is attached to the wall and the place for the outlet of the coaxial chimney. When choosing a mounting location, it is important to ensure that the distance along the outer wall between the coaxial chimney and the ground level is at least 0.5 m, and from the nearest window - at least 0.25 m. It is also necessary to take into account the possibility of the formation of a snow drift, which can block the outlet combustion products. Indoors, the device must be installed in such a way that the distance between the lowest part of the convector (usually the rear wall) and the floor is at least 0.10 m; for the best quality convection, this distance should be 0.20-0.25 m. The distance between the device and the side wall should be at least 0.18 m. The distance from the top of the case to the window sill, if the convector is mounted under a window, is at least 0. 10 m (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Placement of the gas convector

Coaxial chimney

Installation of a coaxial chimney is carried out in a pre-punched (drilled) hole in the wall. Problems of a purely technical nature may arise here, because the removal of combustion products and the intake of air for combustion in gas convectors occurs naturally, and in this regard O.D. The chimney is large enough. Basically, the diameter of the hole in the wall, depending on the manufacturer’s requirements, should be 0.16-0.20 m. Punching such a hole may turn out to be not an easy task if the wall is made of durable material.

Video. Installation of a gas convector

The length of the coaxial chimney in most models is a maximum of 0.59 m, i.e. the thickness of the wall on which the device is installed should not exceed this value. The minimum wall thickness may be less than 0.20 m, but the manufacturer does not guarantee normal operation of the convector and achieving the parameters specified in technical passport, due to large heat losses of the building. The chimney must be mounted in such a way that the air intake pipe is located flush with the plane outer wall and protruded into the room by 0.035 m. In addition, to avoid moisture getting into the device, you should take into account the tilt of the coaxial chimney by 2-3 degrees. A protective cap is attached to the outside of the chimney, which, firstly, prevents the entry of foreign objects, and secondly, serves as protection against wind blowing and knocking down the burner flame.

Gas convector installation errors

  • a coaxial chimney protrudes from the wall (Fig. 2). This installation option leads to frequent shutdowns of the device due to the increased likelihood of wind blowing. IN winter period in severe frosts, the combustion products will be greatly cooled, which will lead to the formation and subsequent freezing of condensation inside the chimney;
  • The coaxial chimney is not installed tightly. The consequences may be frequent malfunctions of the device;
  • incorrect slope of the chimney. In addition to incorrect operation of the device, this leads to moisture getting inside and, as a result, to corrosion and destruction of the heat exchanger;
  • narrowing the diameter of the gas supply. For stable operation of the convector, gas must be connected to a pipe whose diameter is indicated in the passport. Reducing this size can lead to loss of the pilot burner flame, failure of the main burner to ignite, spontaneous shutdown of the convector, and a decrease in power.

It is important that the gas convector is mounted on a non-combustible surface in accordance with DBN standards (insulation with roofing steel on an asbestos sheet with a thickness of at least 3 mm, plaster, etc.) at a distance of at least 30 mm from the wall. The insulation must extend beyond the dimensions of the housing. Violation of these standards may lead to damage to the wall material or
even to a fire.

Gas convector is a type of gas heating equipment. The device has general type designs and a wide range of thermal power (models). Its use is often due to the lack of stable water supply, low cost natural gas compared to electrical energy (electric heaters are also installed in the absence of water). Installing a gas convector is a simple process, but has a number of features.

The operating principle of the gas device is based on burning natural gas and heating the air circulating through the convector structure. The air flow moves in a closed cycle - room-convector-room.

The gas convector consists of the following main structural elements:

  • Metal body equipped with grilles for air circulation;
  • Heat exchanger with combustion chamber;
  • Air supply (smoke removal) fan;
  • Room air circulation fan;
  • Coaxial or separate chimney;
  • Gas burner built into the heat exchanger;
  • Brackets for wall installation(usually purchased separately);
  • Monitoring and management system.

The heat exchanger has high-quality fins made of metal plates to increase the heat exchange area. A gas burner is built into the heat exchanger - it burns gas and heats the heat exchanger. For combustion, the chamber is fed with the help of a fan. outside air. The same fan serves as a blower to remove combustion products. Air and flue gases move through coaxial chimney(pipe in a pipe) or separate pipes - air is supplied through one, smoke is removed through the other.

A fan is installed inside the housing to circulate the internal air volume of the room through the convector housing (over the surface of the heat exchanger). There are two possible types of installation of convectors - rigid (with firm fixation of the device) and on wall bracket with the ability to change the direction of air supply to the room. Installation on a bracket is possible only with separate chimneys, which are connected to the device with flexible inserts - this makes it possible to slightly reorient the direction of air flow.

Some manufacturers equip gas convectors with adjustable grilles (such as blinds) to manually or automatically change the direction of supply of heated air into the room.

Control gas devices performed from a remote control. The system is equipped with the necessary safety sensors and limit mode locks.

Installation of a gas convector, connection of a gas pipeline

The installation of a gas convector is strictly linked to the implementation of the gas project. Any equipment that uses natural gas in its operation requires obtaining a permit and completing a gas project.

To obtain permission to install a gas convector, you must submit an application to the organization responsible for operating the gas pipeline to which you plan to connect the equipment. Independent reinstallation of gas pipelines is strictly prohibited.

The operating mode of this type of installation is characterized by a high heating rate and cyclicity, so installing a gas convector in an apartment or private house most likely will not create comfortable living conditions. Temperature fluctuations in the time interval will reach decent values.

It will also not be possible to install a gas convector with your own hands - you need to have a special license for this type of work. Installation of convectors in wooden houses requires compliance with safety measures building structures made of wood from contact with high-temperature device elements. Such interaction between wood and hot metal can lead to a fire.

The most popular area of ​​application of gas convectors is considered to be heating of large volumes of premises - production workshops, hangars, warehouses and so on.

After receiving the application and processing it, you will be issued technical specifications for connection to the gas pipeline. They indicate the connection point, gas consumption and other indicators. Based on the technical specifications, it is necessary to carry out a gas project.

The gas project specifies the installation locations of the devices, methods of connecting them (in compliance with the requirements for the installation of gas convectors), and the configuration of the gas supply pipeline. The project is coordinated with the organization that owns the gas pipeline. Only after this they begin to install the equipment.

The installation process itself is quite simple. Holes for coaxial or separate chimneys are equipped in the wall; when supplied from an external gas pipeline, a hole for gas inlet is installed. The convector body is installed on the brackets. Smoke removal structures are connected to the housing.

The holes through which the chimneys pass are sealed with fireproof material. In the case of wall installation of the device (not on a remote bracket), the wall is also insulated from the convector with fireproof materials with low thermal conductivity (asbestos sheet, etc.). Supplied to the convector electrical wiring(220 V). Implemented electrical connection convector (built-in fans are powered by electric motors). A remote control panel for controlling the operation of the convector is installed in the accessibility zone.

To install a gas pipeline, you need to involve an organization that has a license for the appropriate type of work. The installation of the gas pipeline is carried out by electric arc welding; the gas pipeline is laid in compliance with the requirements of the project.

After installation work For gas, pressure testing is carried out and the gas pipeline is handed over to a representative of the organization of the gas pipeline owner. Pipeline joints are checked for leaks by soaping. If leaks are detected, they are repaired and a new leak test is performed. After successful completion of the work, a gas pipeline acceptance certificate is drawn up.

Convector test run

After carrying out all the above measures, a test run of the gas convector is carried out. It is carried out according to the instructions supplied with the installed equipment.

The gas pipeline is connected to the convector using a special type of flexible connection. Voltage is supplied to the unit. The “Start” command is issued from the remote control. At the same time, the burner is ignited and the built-in fans are turned on.

At the initial stage, the operation of the equipment may be accompanied by foreign odors. This is most often caused by burnout of excess paint and lubricants in areas close to hot surfaces.

The stability of the installation is monitored. During operation there should be no smell of gas, smoke, or extraneous sounds. The direction of air supply is adjusted, the temperature regime.

The advantage of gas convectors is that there is no need to build a heating system and there is no water in the equipment. This protects against the occurrence of leaks and the costs of installing pipelines with heating devices. The main disadvantage is the length of time it takes to complete the installation of gas convectors, the presence of hot surfaces and the possibility of natural gas leakage.

From the author: welcome you, dear friends! We invite you to talk about how to install a gas convector yourself . These heating devices are less popular among consumers than their electric counterparts. The fact is that this type of heater implies the presence of a centralized gas supply or a gas cylinder. But such models are much cheaper to operate. They are usually installed in dachas or country cottages- that is, in those locations that do not need constant heating.

Device design and operating principle

Let's start with the definition of a gas convector. This heating device is not analogue gas boiler. It works on a completely different principle - it heats not the coolant, but the air. set in relatively small rooms, since they heat the air locally.

The design of this heating device is relatively simple. The gas convector consists of the following parts:

  • heat exchanger, in which the air is heated;
  • programmer- a device responsible for maintaining a certain temperature in the room;
  • control panel, on which the indicators are displayed;
  • gas valve, controlling the gas supply;
  • fan No. 1 responsible for supplying air to the heat exchanger and valve;
  • fan No. 2, which disperses heated air throughout the room.

How does a gas convector work? Everything is quite simple: it operates according to the principle gas burner. Cold air from the outside, obeying the laws of physics, enters from below, heats up and exits through the hole at the top of the device. Note that gas models can function due to natural or forced convection. In the second case, air is pumped by fan No. 1.

Pros and cons of individual gas heating

Please note that the quality of the device, as well as the duration of its successful operation, directly depend on the price of the gas convector. Is it possible to buy a cheap unit and connect it in the house? Yes, but keep in mind that an inexpensive model will last you no more than a year. At the same time, it is unlikely that such a convector will be repaired if it fails.

Let's consider the advantages of gas heating devices, based on the fact that you did not save money when purchasing and purchased a high-quality unit.

Advantages of gas convectors:

  • the room heats up quickly;
  • economical use of fuel;
  • The device can be easily installed indoors by yourself;
  • reasonable price;
  • a gas convector does not require installation of a heating system;
  • does not destroy oxygen in the room;
  • the heater can be mounted to gas cylinder;
  • the device operates in autonomous mode;
  • if the convector works according to the principle natural circulation, then it does not depend on the power supply.

Important: gas convectors with closed camera combustion can be installed safely in any room, including the bedroom .

Disadvantages of gas convectors:

  • to correctly install a gas convector with connection to centralized system, it is necessary to obtain permission from the relevant municipal authorities;
  • The connection diagram for a gas convector requires punching a through hole in external wall building, in the place where the device is planned to be installed;
  • impressive size;
  • if you plan to use several gas convectors for heating an apartment or house, then each of them will have to be individually supplied with gas from outside the building.

Important: experts insist on choosing models with a built-in fan. They are more efficient than similar devices with natural convection.

Required tools and installation diagram

The next step after purchasing the device is preparation for installation. Make sure you have on hand following materials and tools:

  • pipe cutter;
  • drill;
  • drills;
  • adjustable wrench;
  • wrenches;
  • screwdrivers;
  • perforator;
  • shoulder blade;
  • silicone (plumbing, high temperature);
  • screws and dowels;
  • gas tap.

Now you can move on to the next stage - choosing the installation location.

It is important to act in accordance with GOST! Before you begin installation, take careful measurements, markings and “trying on” the convector. Please note that the room in which you plan to install the heater must be prepared. Remove furniture from the room or cover furnishings with polyethylene, since working with a hammer drill is a rather dusty business.

Installation of a gas convector is carried out according to the following scheme.

  1. Decide where the hole for the gas pipe entry will be.
  2. Make a hole in the wall with a hammer drill, focusing on the diameter of the future pipe. This stage is the most labor-intensive.
  3. The next step is to drill holes for the heater mounts and hammer in the dowels.
  4. Connect the convector to the exhaust pipe. Be sure to seal the joint with silicone that can withstand high temperatures.
  5. The heater is attached to the wall with self-tapping screws. At this stage you will need help, because the unit has an impressive weight.
  6. The final stage of installation is to fill the holes and cracks with foam to prevent cold air from entering the room.

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Gas connection

Friends, at this stage it is important to be extremely careful! Let's say you don't have the skills to work with gas appliances- then to perform the following work it is better to contact specialists.

Installation of a gas heater to a gas supply source proceeds according to the following algorithm.

  1. Let's imagine that there is a special threaded outlet on the gas pipe. Then you just need to screw a gas valve onto this pipe. If there is no special allotment, then one will need to be made!
  2. Next step - let down gas pipe to the convector and connect them using a fitting. This process cannot be rushed.
  3. Secure the supplied pipe with special clips. The distance between them is 1 meter. To do this, you will need to drill holes on the outside wall of the building.
  4. Treat fittings and pipe joints with silicone to ensure a tight seal.
  5. Be sure to call your gas service representative to ensure proper installation and connections.

Equipment startup and performance check

Before you start using your new heating device, it is important to conduct a test run. You should proceed according to this scheme.

  1. Open the gas valve and check the system joints for leaks.
  2. After checking, you can turn on the convector. For the first time, you need to hold the start button for 1 minute and wait until the gas penetrates into the combustion chamber.
  3. Do you see the burner lit? Now you can adjust the operation of the convector.

Important: installation of a gas convector in wooden house absolutely safe because fire hazardous parts are located in the inside of the heater.

To summarize, we note: despite the fact that gas heater- this is not a very popular heating device; it can be used to create a comfortable temperature in dachas and in country houses. The unit quickly and efficiently heats the air in the room, and at the same time is much more economical than an electric radiator. Another obvious advantage is the ability to connect to a gas cylinder. One dubious circumstance can be considered that it heats only one room, and not the whole house, unlike a gas boiler connected to the heating system.

We hope that the article was useful and helped resolve the problem!

Obtaining permission to install a heating convector

To create a comfortable temperature regime in the house, you need to wisely select and install all heating items. These could be boilers, pipes, various batteries, as well as convectors.
Heating convectors are quite popular things in everyday life, which have been used for a considerable time for full or additional heating of residential premises.

They are used both in country houses and in high-rise apartments, they work according to simple principle natural convection. That is, cold air, which is located below, it heats, turning it warm, then warm air Having become lighter, it rises higher, and another cold air comes in its place.

Convectors can be electric, electromechanical, or gas. And if for the first two, when using them in individual heating, no paperwork is required, since, in fact, everything complies with safety requirements and laws, and your electricity costs are already your problem, then for a gas convector you will need to complete the necessary package of documents .
To be fully informed, you need to contact the company that owns your boiler room. This could be Gorgaz, ZhEK and Teplokommunenergo. If you live not in a private house, but in an apartment, then you need to find out which company the boiler room belongs to, then contact that company with a request to disconnect your apartment from central heating(if technically possible), and creating an individual heating project.

If these actions are technically possible, then you will be provided with a protocol confirming a positive resolution of the issue. But all this needs to be done only if you live in an apartment; if you live in a private house, you can skip this point. Next, you need to obtain documents for technical conditions from the same companies that provide public utilities, this is if you have an apartment.

And only then do we turn to design organization, which creates projects for private houses and apartments. After the project has been created, and it must be created in two copies, you contact Gorgaz. There you will agree on the timing of connecting the gas convector to the general gas supply system, and there they will take one copy of the project from you.

This is the story with the gas convector. An electric heating convector can be installed without any problems, the main thing is that it matches all technical requirements. But in fact, any new generation convector is very convenient, it is inexpensive, compact, fits seamlessly into different interior apartment or house and, of course, creates a cozy temperature in your home.

In the cold season, they are used to heat the room various devices. One of the most popular today is the gas convector. As a rule, after purchasing this device the question arises: how to install a gas convector?

The installation can be done independently, you just need to adhere to the necessary requirements.

If the installation is carried out in compliance with all requirements, the room will be warm and the device will function correctly without endangering you.

Required materials

To install this device, you should have a kit on hand. necessary tools and materials:

  • the gas convector itself;
  • metal-plastic pipe with metal fittings;
  • pipe cutter;
  • a wrench that is suitable for tightening the fittings used;
  • silicone for plumbing work;
  • gas tap;
  • a powerful hammer drill with a special blade-shaped crown;
  • drill;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • polyurethane foam that can withstand impact high temperatures;
  • high temperature silicone;
  • plastic dowels and screws for them.

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Main stages of work

Here are all the items you will need for high-quality installation. Now you should proceed directly to the installation of gas convectors. The principle of operation is quite simple, you just need to follow the instructions.

  1. You need to choose the place where the device will be located. Most regulations indicate that it can be installed under a window.
  2. Having chosen a convenient location, you need to try on the gas convector itself in place. Here the principle of operation is that you don’t have to carry the entire device, but simply use the tape measure, having initially made necessary measurements. But you can attach the gas convector to the wall to mark future mounting holes.
  3. The third step is to install the gas inlet. If it is located at the bottom of the convector, then it is necessary to leave sufficient distance for the supply of a pipe with a clamp fitting at the end.
  4. Next, a through hole in the wall is punched along the diameter of the exhaust pipe using a perforator. Installation at this stage of work is considered the most labor-intensive, so you should prepare in advance for dust in the room. Cover everything plastic film or rags.
  5. Drill holes for fasteners and hammer dowels into them.
  6. Now you need to insert it into the device exhaust pipe. The joint is treated with silicone, which can withstand high temperatures. Hold the convector in your hands and insert the pipe into the resulting hole in the wall. Now the gas convector can be fixed to the dowels in the wall using self-tapping screws. During these stages, installation requires special attention. This is due to the fact that the convector is heavy. If everything works out correctly, then the specified operating principle will help you attach the convector to the wall and bring the outlet pipe to the street.
  7. Now carefully seal all the gaps between the pipe and the wall using high-temperature foam.
  8. Install a special cap on the end of the pipe, which is included with purchase. This cap will serve to prevent the burner from being blown out by strong gusts of wind. The cap is installed on the self-tapping screws included in the kit.

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Gas supply: main stages

The installation of the gas convector has been completed, now we need to get started with the gas supply. This stage is quite complex and responsible at the same time. To supply gas, do the following:

  1. According to regulatory documents, the pipe leading to the convector must go along the street. There are two options here: the first is that the pipe has a pre-installed threaded connection, the second is that there is no such connection. If there is a thread, then you can screw on the gas valve yourself, which will shut off the gas supply to the convector. If there is no withdrawal, one must be made. To do this, call professional gas welders from your local Gorgaz or similar office.
  2. After installing the gas tap, it is necessary to carry out metal-plastic pipe to the convector itself. Using a tape measure, calculate the length of the pipe, simultaneously determining the presence of fittings.
  3. You need to buy pipe and fittings. The principle of purchase is that the seller must check with the seller for a certificate of conformity of these pipes and fittings for this type of work.
  4. Lay the pipe, secure it with clips every m. To install the clips, you need to drill holes in the wall.
  5. When installing the necessary fittings, carefully lubricate the pipe and the fitting itself with silicone, which will provide additional sealing. Silicone will also serve as a lubricant and will make pipe installation easier.

As a result of the work, you should receive a convector mounted on the wall with a gas pipe connected to it.

Now the last stage of installation remains. A test run is required.

Before starting, open the gas valve and go through all the joints of the fittings and threaded connections brush dampened aqueous solution soap or shampoo. This will allow you to notice any inflated bubbles (if any) that indicate gas leaks. If this happens, immediately turn off the gas supply valve. After checking the joints, start the convector. To do this, hold down the gas button for one minute. This way the gas will have time to pass through the pipes and enter the combustion chamber. Press the piezo igniter, a spark should ignite the gas. A blue flame will flare up in the firebox.

Adjust the operation of the convector by setting comfortable temperature. During the first few hours of work you may feel bad smell burning oil. This is normal, since the convector is new and the combustion chamber burns out. If the smell lingers for a long time, then you should turn off the gas and check all joints and threaded connections again.

It is advisable that all work on the installation of gas convectors be carried out by a professional who has sufficient experience in performing such work. This is also due to the fact that self installation convector may void your warranty on the device. The gas convector must be accepted on the balance sheet by Gorgaz. You must have a documented permit for the tie-in. In addition, all installation decisions, as well as the conclusions of the commission for acceptance of the device into operation, must be documented and signed in the appropriate manner.

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