How to plant a blackcurrant bush. We plant black currants. Cuttings or ready-made seedlings

Let us continue our conversation about black currants.

Plot under planting black currants we chose and seedlings best quality They can't wait to settle in a permanent place.

So, it’s time for our black-eyed beauty to take her place in the garden.

Ideal time for planting black currants– beginning autumn period(end of September - first days of October).

Before the first frost, the plant planted at this time manages to completely restore the root system, firmly settling in the ground.

  • It is recommended to plant black currants in the spring only in special cases - they do not tolerate such planting too well.

If you missed the favorable autumn time, dig in the seedlings before the spring season.

But know that such planting requires certain places with very little snow cover (the shrub easily freezes the roots).

In spring, it is better to plant black currants at the end of April (have time to do this before the buds begin to bloom).

The most important event

This is precisely planting currants. It's a troublesome and responsible matter.

Seedlings for you can plant black currants not only buy in nurseries, but if you already have currant plantations on your site, then you can take excellent material from them:

  1. We cut several cuttings from young, summer branches. Leave 4 buds on each.
  2. We cut off the tops of the branches - we don’t need them.
  3. We put the cuttings in water and wait about 3 weeks.

After this time, the young cuttings give roots. As soon as the long-awaited roots appear, the currants are ready to appear in the garden.

When planting, keep in mind that the bushes will grow, so maintain the required distance between each bush of about 2 m.

Important landing rules

Do you know the main secret of how to plant blackcurrants? One of the most important conditions for this event is that the root collar young seedling should go deep into the ground 6-9 cm below the soil level.

In this case, the bush is located at an angle of 45°.

  • By observing these conditions, you will allow the young growth to quickly form a strong bush and form additional healthy shoots and a developed root system.

If a gardener needs standard material, black currants are planted without slope or depth.

Such seedlings will become rather weak plants (they cannot be protected from winds and frosts), and their life span will be limited (only 6-10 years).

But they have their undeniable advantages:

  • Thanks to its compact shape, standard currant ideal for small gardens where there is very little space.
  • These species receive more sun, so their yield will be higher than that of ordinary seedlings.
  • Standard varieties are less susceptible to disease, because their branches do not come into contact with the ground.
  • Such crops are simpler and easier to care for.

The most suitable blackcurrant varieties for growing using the standard method are: Aist, Mechta Kyiv 3, Universitetskaya, Pamyatnaya, Sanyuta, Yubileinnaya, Monasheskaya, Premiere.

Autumn planting of black currants

  1. Immediately before planting, all damaged, diseased roots of the seedlings are cut off.
  2. A bucket of water is poured into the holes/trenches prepared for planting.
  3. The cutting is carefully placed in the hole in an inclined position (keep an angle of 45°). At the same time, carefully straighten the roots.
  4. Gradually, without rushing, young plant cover with soil while watering (you will need up to 3-4 buckets of water per plant).
  5. Gently compact it near the trunk, pressing the soil with the toe of the foot.
  6. After planting, the soil around the bush is mulched (rotted leaves, peat, humus or compost are suitable for mulch). A mulch layer will protect the bush from moisture loss and prevent the formation of unnecessary crust on the ground.

Advice. Experienced gardeners It is recommended that when planting black currants (at a time when the plant is covered with soil), the cuttings should be shaken periodically so that the soil fills the voids near the root system. It is best to plant shrubs with an assistant: one person holds the seedling, the other buries it.

After planting, the plant is trimmed, leaving only 5-10 cm from the ground level.

Such harsh pruning will delay the appearance of the first harvest by a year, but will give the shrub more strength, allowing it to form a powerful, strong bush.

Spring planting of black currants

Let us remind you that the black-eyed beauty does not tolerate spring planting well, so leave these activities for areas where winter does not indulge in a lot of snow.

  1. At the very beginning of spring, seedlings are pruned short to prevent premature bud break.
  2. We wait for the soil to completely thaw and plant the young plant in the garden. The most optimal time for this April-early May.

All preparation activities seats The seedlings and plantings themselves take place exactly the same as in the autumn.

Growing boles

Unlike the usual standard plantings Black currants are made straight, without tilting.

Our task is to prevent root branches from developing. The root neck of the young growth is cleared of additional shoots and buds. Buds must be removed from the entire seedling before planting.

This procedure is carried out in the same way with the usual option. Standard varieties are planted in early August.

  1. We plant a cleaned, thick summer branch in the garden and pinch off its upper zone.
  2. IN next year Young branches appear on the top of the plant. In August, we again pinch each fresh shoot. At the same time, remove the remaining fresh shoots and leaves below required length(for young standard seedlings 20-25 cm from the ground level, for two-year-old seedlings about 40 cm).
  3. In the third year of development, we again pinch the tops of new branches and remove the root shoots. All shoots longer than 10 cm are also pruned. During this period, your standard seedling can already please you with the first, but still small, harvest of berries.

Subsequently, pinching is carried out every spring and summer, and at the same time all branches appearing below are removed. established level our standard.

After planting blackcurrants in the third year of life, our currants will produce a plentiful and rich harvest.

But, unfortunately, the fruiting period may end after 6-7 years of the crop’s life.

Young trunks in dry weather (especially in dry late spring) need watering and simultaneous mulching.

In autumn, the roots of young growth need to be protected from severe frosts. To do this, after mid-October we will mound the soil with peat or compost to a height of about 10-12 cm.

We will need to cover the area near the root with a layer of mulch of 5-6 cm.

Caring for a fragrant beauty


Blackcurrant respects moisture very much (its roots are located close to the surface and cannot provide themselves with a drink from groundwater) .

If there is not enough water, the bush will slow down its growth, and the berries will become small and quickly fall off.

The autumn dry season will lead to freezing of plants (especially if the winter is harsh and snowless).

It is very important to provide the bush with drink during the following periods:

  1. Time of growth of branches and formation of ovaries (end of May - beginning of June).
  2. When pouring berries (June).
  3. After harvesting the fruits (August-September).
  4. If autumn is too dry, we water before winter (end of October).

The soil must be moistened to a depth of about 40 cm. Moisture consumption is 4-5 buckets per m² (the amount increases when watering in dry and windy weather).

For this procedure, it is necessary to dig ditches to a depth of 12-15 cm near the bush, keeping a distance of 20-30 cm from the tips of the branches.

It is better to water in the evening with warm water.

  • Watering should be stopped when the currant berries begin to acquire color, otherwise the juicy berries will crack on the bushes due to waterlogging of their cell juice.

Necessary fertilizers

The black-eyed beauty does not have enough nutritional components in the soil. Fertilizing of the crop is carried out throughout the entire period of its development and fruiting.

♦ First two years of life. After planting black currants, the young plant will have enough nutrition (potassium and phosphorus) from the dressing mixture that you placed at the bottom of the planting trench.

At this time, we will feed the currants only at the beginning of the spring season with nitrogen fertilizers (50 g of urea per bush).

♦ Third anniversary. At this time, in addition to nitrogen-containing additives, currants already need organic (5-6 kg), superphosphate (40-50 g) and potassium (15-20 g) fertilizers.

♦ Fourth year of growth. Starting from this period, we will reduce the dose of urea to 20-40 g. It now needs to be applied in two stages (2/3 in early spring, the rest after the bush blooms).

In the subsequent years of life after planting black currants, the rate of nitrogen fertilizing (urea) remains the same, but the amount of other types of fertilizers depends on the quality of the soil:

  • Loamy soil. For one bush, organic additives (15-20 g), superphosphate (130-150 g), potassium sulfate (35-40 g). Fertilize once every three years (in autumn).
  • Peat bogs and swampy areas. IN autumn seasons each plant is fed with superphosphate (120-150 g) and potassium sulfate (25-30 g). Currants are fertilized once every three years. In addition, every four years such land needs to be limed (400-500 g of lime per m² is added).
  • Light soils (sandstones and sandstones). Feed every spring. Each bush requires organic matter (4-6 kg), superphosphates (45-50 g) and potassium sulfate (15-20 g).

♦ Liquid fertilizers. In addition to the main additives, the beauty also requires diluted ones (they are added simultaneously when watering).

As feed you can use slurry (a bucket of manure diluted 3-4 times per bush), bird droppings (diluted 10 times, consumption: ½ bucket per bush).

They are introduced:

  1. During the flowering season (May).
  2. During rapid growth of shoots (June).
  3. After fruit harvesting is completed, when flower buds are laid (August).

In the June-July months, foliar application will be useful. mineral fertilizers: potassium permanganate (12 g), boric acid (4 g), copper sulfate (40 g).

Each substance is dissolved separately, then the solutions are mixed and diluted in a bucket of water. They spray the plantings.

Weeding and loosening

For excellent development of currants, the soil around the plant must be kept moist and free of weeds.

Thoroughly loosen the soil to a depth of 10 cm. Carry out such activities once every 20 days.

  • You will have to loosen less often if you mulch the soil area in the area of ​​bushes with organic matter (herbs, compost, peat). The ideal mulch thickness is about 8 cm.

♦ Autumn. If your site is loamy and heavy, you need to dig it up 15 cm around the circumference of the bush, between plantings of black currants by 15-20 cm.

At the same time, break up frozen clods of earth for better absorption of moisture. At availability of light soil, there is no need to dig it, just regularly loosen it by 10 cm.

♦ Spring. Under each bush you need to mulch the soil. Use dry grass or peat.

Some gardeners cover the ground near the bush with newspapers (this is done when the buds swell).

The newspapers are removed when the beautiful black-eyed plant begins to bloom (during this period, beneficial insects crawl up).

Then (after flowering) the paper can be returned to its original place.

Forming and trimming the bush

♦ Formative pruning of black currants. This the most important condition good plant development.

The first time the plant is pruned after planting. In this case, about ½ the size of each shoot is cut off, with the obligatory preservation of up to 4 developed buds on each.

These procedures continue for the next 2-3 years.

Aged, frail and thickened branches are cut out annually. You need to leave three young, strong annual shoots on them.

If currants do not produce enough root shoots, take care of the existing ones and stimulate the appearance of new ones.

To do this, remove perennial branches (even fruit-bearing ones). Hill up the bush regularly to 10-15 cm in height.

  • Formative pruning is completely completed 4 years after planting black currants. At this time, the plant has provided itself with 12-15 shoots of different ages (there will be 3-4 more young one-year-old branches).

♦ Sanitary pruning. Simultaneously with formative pruning, sanitary pruning is also carried out. During the processing process, diseased, dry, and broken branches are removed.

They are cut off completely, not even leaving a stump.

♦ Anti-aging pruning. Such care is carried out for an adult fruit-bearing plant.

It is removed from mature (5-6 year old) branches. They no longer bear fruit, but only take away the strength of the currants.

It is easy to recognize such branches: they are thick at the base, with dark brown, almost black bark. Almost all of their fruit branches are dried out and dying.

  • But if the old branches are in good condition, they are developed, have strong growths and large buds - the life of such shoots can be extended by a year if desired.

During the process of rejuvenating pruning, young branches (underdeveloped and having a small number of fruit-bearing buds) are also removed.

The best pruning period is early spring, before the buds open (late March-early April).

But gardeners sometimes do not have time to carry out the procedures (they take a lot of time).

Therefore, it is permissible to prune currants in the fall (after harvesting the berries). Such an event can be carried out slowly, even during cold weather.

How to preserve ovaries

After planting black currants and it seemed good growth, the plant suddenly begins to shed its ovaries at the end of flowering. What's happened?

The reason is unexpected May and June frosts (this is when currants bloom and form ovaries).

  • Most best way protect your blackcurrant beauties by spraying the bushes with water. Moreover, not only the plants are irrigated, but also the soil around them. You need to spray generously in the morning and evening several times.

During frosts, wet plants become covered with an ice crust, which releases heat when thawed.

This type of care for black currants saves the future harvest from destruction. Many summer residents cover currants during these periods plastic film, or burlap.

The ideal would be to combine covering the bushes and spraying them.

An excellent remedy is smoke. Use raspberry, strawberry leaves, last year's potato tops, straw, or straw manure.

The material is piled up in piles about 70 cm high, up to 80 cm long and wide. They are placed on the same line with a distance of 3-4 m.

  • Smoke starts when the temperature drops to +1° C (when frost is predicted to occur). And the process is completed an hour after the air has been thoroughly warmed up (from 0° C).

Harvesting a fragrant harvest

Beautiful, plump, fragrant berries must begin to be picked after full ripening (all greenish tints should disappear from the color).

The blackcurrant harvest is harvested with individual berries, or even with whole tassels.

Use large trays or boxes for harvesting.

  • If you needed to plant black currants for sale and the crop needs to be transported, it is better to give the berries the opportunity to ripen on the way. In this case, you need to collect them on tassels. The fruits should be dense, not completely colored (but green must be missing).

It is best to harvest currants in the early morning (in the absence of dew) or late evening. This procedure should not be carried out immediately after rain - wait until the bushes dry out.

The uniformity of fruit ripening depends on the duration of flowering. If currants bloom for a long time, then the berries will ripen in different times.

To achieve ripening in the same period, arrange more uniform and intense lighting currant bushes.

Now we have learned how to plant and properly care for black currants. In the next article we will talk about this wonderful berry bush.

See you soon, dear readers!

​On light sandy and sandy loam soils Fertilizers are applied annually, and in the spring. 4-6 kg of organic matter, 40-50 g of superphosphate and 10-20 g of potassium sulfate are added under the bush.

In autumn, heavy loamy soil is dug up to a depth of 10-15 cm in the tree trunk circle, 15-20 - between bushes and rows. To better absorb moisture and retain snow in winter, earth clods don't break. If the soil is light and not very compacted, on the contrary, it is not dug up, but loosened to a depth of 10-15 cm.​

Currants are planted in holes 30-40 deep and 40-50 cm wide or in the same trenches. At autumn planting they are dug up and filled with a nutrient mixture in advance (2-3 weeks) so that the soil has time to settle. Places for spring planting are also prepared in the fall.​

​After purchasing, it is important to bring the seedlings to the site safe and sound. Squeeze the leaves away, and to prevent the roots from drying out during transportation, wrap them in a damp cloth and place them in plastic bag. In the garden, remove the cover and carefully examine the bushes.

Placing black currant bushes in the garden

​The seedling, in principle, will not get worse - it will grow as usual. But new root shoots will form poorly and it will take longer for a lush bush to emerge.​

​Now our seedling can easily grow until spring.​

Preparing a residence for black currants

​Like all currants, black currants also love the sun, but grow well in partial shade. If we plant several bushes at once, the distance between them is maintained at 1.2 meters. Think over your plantings so that you don’t have to replant adult plants later. Currants grow in one place for 30 years or more. At good care and anti-aging pruning.​

The planting density of this crop depends on the type and variety. When placing it, the fertility of the soil and the shape of the crown of the bushes are also taken into account. The most spreading and tall varieties are planted less often than more compact currants. The interval between bushes should be 1-1.5 m.​

When to plant black currants

​As for how to plant grapes correctly, almost all types of soil are suitable for growing them, except for waterlogged and saline ones. To plant grapes, choose places with good lighting. Even a small shadow can lead to a decrease in sugar content, and the berries themselves will become much smaller. For better rooting, the cuttings are placed in water for a day, immersed by a third of their length. Planted on a bed, placing it at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other, leaving 40-50 cm between rows. Planted obliquely, at approximately an angle of 45 degrees. They are buried so that 2 buds remain on top, and one of them should be at soil level (Fig. 4). To avoid voids, the soil around the cuttings is compressed and compacted. After planting, water and mulch abundantly. In the spring they are cut and left in the garden for another year. Transplanted to permanent place in the fall. Care consists of watering followed by mulching the soil. Sometimes in the spring the cuttings bulge, then after the ground has completely thawed they are planted. This is done carefully, trying not to damage the buds. Formative pruning is completed in the 4th year after planting. A properly formed bush usually has 10-15 branches different ages(about 2-4 of each). At the same time, there are a couple more annual branches, and fewer 5-6-year-old branches. Simultaneously with the forming one, they carry out sanitary pruning, removing dry, broken and diseased branches. They cut them down to the very base, leaving no stumps.​

In addition to applying basic fertilizers, black currants are given liquid fertilizers, which are combined with watering. They are usually used during flowering (May), during the period of shoot growth (May, June), when filling berries (June) and immediately after harvest (August), when flower buds are formed.​

Preparing sites for planting black currants

​Due to a lack of moisture, blackcurrant shoots slow down, and during the period of formation and filling of berries, they are crushed and shed. Autumn drought can lead to freezing of bushes, especially in severe, snowless winters. Due to the fact that the roots of currants are shallow, they are not able to drink themselves from groundwater and need watering.​

​When digging a hole or trench, the upper (fertile) layer is placed on one side, and the lower (subsoil) layer on the other. Then prepare the dressing mixture. The fertile layer is mixed with 8-10 kg organic fertilizer and 200-250 g of any complex mineral.​

If the tips of the roots and shoots were damaged upon delivery, carefully trim them back to a healthy part. To prevent the seedlings from drying out, it is better to dig them in before planting. Or you can dip the roots in a clay or earthen mixture. But in any case, the root system must be protected from direct sunlight.​

Planting blackcurrant seedlings

​Bad landing site.​

​And now I'll tell you

​Find out how close the groundwater is in your area. For many trees, shrubs and flowers this has great value. Blackcurrant does not like groundwater above one meter.​

​One of the main features of planting young currants is the deepening of the root collar of the seedling 6-9 cm below ground level. In this case, the planting material is placed in an inclined position.

​But before planting strawberries correctly, you need to find soil on your site that will be light in mechanical composition. Note that there should be no carbonates in the ground. Their high content will lead to poor fruiting of strawberries.​

Proper soil care

You can immediately plant the cuttings in a permanent place. Then proceed as follows. In a place prepared for a new bush, 5-6 cuttings are planted in a circle at an equal distance from each other, observing the above rules. After rooting, leave 2-3 plants, which will become the basis of a powerful bush. The rest are dug up and used for planting elsewhere.​

​Pruning of an adult fruit-bearing bush is mainly of a rejuvenating nature. First of all, aging 5-6-year-old low-yielding branches are identified and removed. They are easy to recognize by their external signs. Old branches are thick at the base, their bark is dark brown, almost black. The annual growth at the ends of most branches is very weak, approximately 10-15 cm. The fruit branches, although numerous, are mostly dying and dry.​

For fertilizing, use an infusion of mullein or slurry, diluting 3-4 times (a bucket of solution per bush); infusion bird droppings, diluted 8-10 times (half a bucket to a bucket of solution per bush). Sometimes it is difficult to get natural organic fertilizers; in these cases, you can use ready-made preparations from the store, for example “Barrel and 4 Buckets”, “Root Tops”, etc. Or use an infusion of weeds.​

Watering black currants

​You don’t often need to water currants; it’s enough to do it several times a season: during the growth of shoots and the formation of ovaries (late May - early June), when filling the berries (June), after harvesting (August-September). If the autumn is dry, winter watering is needed (end of October).​

​When they begin to fill the hole, first pour in the filling mixture (about a third of the volume), and then fertile soil. Then the root system of the seedling will be protected from burns that occur when fertilizers fall on the roots.​

​Black currant bushes are best planted in low-lying, moderately moist, sunny areas protected from the wind. They are often planted along the fence. This is a good option. It is advisable to place the bushes only at a distance of 1 m from the fence. You can plant black currants between the young fruit trees. In this case, the distance from the tree to the bush should be at least 2 m.

Avoid planting in the shade. No swampy lowlands, close groundwater, long standing melt or rain water.​

Additional nutrition for blackcurrant bushes, basic fertilizers

​about common mistakes when planting black currants in autumn​

Planting black currants in the fall begins at the end of August, but if it is still hot and dry, then postpone this matter. Autumn is rainy - you can start early. Until the end of September you can safely start planting. Later you need to look at the weather, if frosts are not expected for another month, plant.​

​Thanks to this method of planting, a spreading bush with a wide base is formed more quickly. Also, the inclined position of the seedling promotes the formation of additional roots and shoots. If a gardener wants to get a standard currant bush, then the seedling is planted without being buried in a vertical position. In such plants, the regeneration of shoots will be rather weak.

The soil needs to be well moistened, but make sure there is no excessive excess moisture. Be careful not to lie close to the surface groundwater. If they are found, then such a plot will not be suitable for growing strawberries.​

​Propagation of black currants by horizontal layering is also simple and affordable way obtaining blackcurrant seedlings. But it is only suitable for young 3-5 year old plants.​

Of course, when removing branches, they take into account not only their age, but also their condition. If the old branch is well developed, well located, has strong growths with large flower buds, then it can be left for another year. And vice versa, if a young branch is poorly developed, shaded and has few fruit-bearing buds, then it is cut out.

What liquid fertilizers are needed for blackcurrant bushes, and proper watering

​For liquid mineral fertilizing, 10 g of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers and 20 g of phosphorus fertilizers (consumption per bush) are dissolved in a bucket of water.

When watering black currants, the soil is moistened to a depth of 30-40 cm, using 3-5 buckets per 1 m2 of soil surface.

The seedling is placed in the planting hole in an inclined position, approximately at an angle of 45 degrees, and slightly recessed so that the soil level is 5-6 cm above the root collar. With such planting, additional roots are better formed, more new basal shoots appear, which means a more powerful, durable bush with a wide base develops. Whereas with direct planting, a standard bush is formed with one or two skeletal branches and a shorter lifespan.

The distance between currant bushes depends on the variety: spreading ones are planted every 1.5 m, straight-growing ones - every 1. When planting in rows, the row spacing is 2-2.5 m wide. This distance is quite enough for passage between plants when cultivating the soil, staking bushes, spraying, harvesting and other work. When choosing a place for currants, keep in mind that good predecessors are vegetable, fruit and berry crops (except for currants and gooseberries themselves).​

Preservation of black currant ovaries after flowering

​Planting in a mound in the fall.​

Currants need time to take root before winter

Blackcurrant pruning and bush formation

​Before planting currants, it is necessary to prepare planting holes. Their size should be 40x40 cm or 40x50 cm. Compost or rotted humus is poured into the bottom of the pit. All the roots of the seedlings are straightened. Then they are evenly sprinkled with soil, thoroughly compacting it. It is recommended to shake the seedlings periodically so that it completely fills the voids around the root system of the plant.​

Many novice gardeners wonder when to plant currants? Experts say that this berry crop can be planted both in spring and autumn. At the same time, young seedlings develop equally well, and begin to actively bear fruit after 2-3 years.​

​Early in spring, the soil under the bush is loosened and fertilized. Then shallow grooves (10-15 cm) are made along the radius and 1-2 year old shoots are placed in them. Pin tightly with hooks in several places. When the buds awaken, sprinkle with soil, leaving only the tops on the surface. After some time, vertical shoots will appear from the ground. When they reach 10-15 cm, they are hilled up with loose and moist soil, and after 2-3 weeks the hilling is repeated. During the summer, the soil with layerings is watered abundantly and mulched with compost, peat or other organic matter.​

They also take care of the further renewal of the bush. To do this, select and leave strong, evenly spaced annual basal shoots, about 4-6 pieces. Everyone else is cut out.​

In June-July, black currants benefit from foliar feeding with microelements. Take 5-10 g of potassium permanganate per bucket of water, 2-3 - boric acid, 30-40 g copper sulfate. Each drug is dissolved separately, and then the solutions are mixed and sprayed on the bushes.

​Water is poured into grooves 10-15 cm deep, which are dug around the bush at a distance of 20-30 cm from the end of the branches. This best option, but you can water it by pouring it along the furrows along the row. In case of severe drought after watering, it is advisable to arrange a control measurement. If the soil is moist at a depth of a little more than a spade bayonet, it means that the currants have received enough water.​

In the planting hole, the roots of the seedling are straightened and covered with soil, gradually compacting it.

In the area allocated for currants, first fill up all the holes and depressions so that the area becomes level. Then the soil is dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet. Fertilizers are applied for digging, using per 1 m2: 3-4 kg of organic, 180-200 g of any complex mineral. The latter can be replaced with 100-150 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g of potassium sulfate (or 100-200 g of wood ash).

​The root system will not be protected from frost with this method. In a low area, organize drainage system, water drainage. Dig grooves along the area to drain excess water. You can make additional drainage from sand, stones, and shards at the bottom of the planting hole so that water does not stagnate at the roots.​

Methods of propagation of black currant

​Late planting dates.​

Propagation of black currants by woody cuttings

​, in order to winter quietly and immediately begin to grow in the spring with warmth. In spring she wakes up early.​

​After filling the hole 2/3 full, water it abundantly (0.5 buckets per hole). After the planting hole is completely filled and the soil is compacted, the seedling is watered again (0.5 buckets).​

Any types and varieties of currants can be planted in the fall. Over the winter, the soil around the young bush will settle and become well compacted. Such bushes grow early in the spring and develop well in a new place.​

In the fall, the cuttings are separated from the bush. Well-developed and fully rooted ones are planted in a permanent place, and weak ones are grown in the garden for another season.​

The best time for pruning currant bushes is considered to be the early spring period before the buds open. However, in currants they begin to grow very early and can bloom in late March - early April. And since pruning takes a long time, gardeners often do not have time to complete it completely in the spring. Therefore it's better most of Pruning should be done in the fall, especially since it can be done until the onset of persistent cold weather.​

Propagation of black currants by horizontal layering

​Very often the ovaries of black currants fall off after flowering. The main reason for this is the return of cold weather in spring, which occurs at the beginning of May, when flowering occurs, and sometimes at the beginning of June, when the ovaries form.

​Black currants are missing nutrients, located in the soil. Therefore, she needs to be fed throughout her life.

At the same time, the bush is shaken periodically. Then the soil will evenly fill the entire space between the roots and there will be no voids.​

Currants are healthy and very delicious berry. It is eaten raw, compotes and jams are prepared, rubbed with sugar and used in baking, wine is made and dried, and the leaves are used in conservation and for medicinal tea. In addition, this is a very beautiful powerful bush with curly dark green leaves, which every self-respecting gardener has.

How to choose and plant black currants?

The first bush for the garden, as a rule, is bought looking at beautiful picture or a photo provided by the seller. You should definitely ask if the variety is self-pollinating or if you need to add more bushes in the neighborhood, find out the expected size of the crown, and the timing of fruiting. If you are going to purchase several plants at once, it is better to buy different varieties and plant them nearby. It is believed that they have a positive effect on each other and increase productivity.

It is advisable to immediately place a seedling with an open root system in its native environment. But, if a trip to the dacha is planned only at the end of the week, you need to take the plant to a cold place and place it in a bucket of water so that all the roots are immersed. If before sale caring owner I dipped the plant in a clay mash so that it does not dry out during transportation; there is no need to wash off this solution. Having wrapped the root system in a bag, it is enough to spray it with water every day. When planting, be sure to wash off the clay and keep the bush in water until it completely limp and falls off.

When to plant - spring or autumn?

There is no big difference when planting at different times of the year. In autumn, the bush takes root better, since the above-ground part is at rest and all nutrition remains in the roots. But it is important to guess the planting date. If you plant early and the autumn is warm and long, the buds may begin to bloom - plants also experience biological failures. If it is late and there is a sharp cold snap, the bush does not have time to take root and may freeze out. Optimal time- second half of October.

When planting in spring, you need to shade the plant for a week and provide regular, abundant watering if the weather is dry. But March bushes immediately declare their viability; you don’t need to wait 5-6 months for results.

If the seedling is sold with a closed root system, then it can be planted at any time from March to November. The roots are placed in the planting hole along with a lump of earth, and the plant experiences virtually no stress. Abundant watering and creating shade in the summer heat will ensure easy establishment and development of the plant. The ground near the stem should be mulched with a thick layer of grass.

How to plant currants in the fall?

It is advisable to dig a hole in advance and prepare it. Black currants are very fond of potatoes and everything that can be taken from them. If you pour the water in which it was boiled onto the planting site all summer and throw it away potato peelings, the young bush will reward you with good survival rate and rapid growth. At quick preparation holes, you can pour starch solution into it and add ash. The dosage is arbitrary. If the soil is acidic and currants really do not like acidification, be sure to add lime or dolomite flour before planting and dig up this area.

There are many opinions on how to plant currants correctly. The seedling can be placed vertically and the bush grows smooth and beautiful. For better rooting, it is recommended to tilt it at an angle of 45 degrees. Then the underground part is larger and many small additional roots appear at once. It is recommended to deepen the border between the root and stem (root collar) by 5 cm. If the plant is underdeveloped, you can lower it even lower, leaving 2-3 buds above the ground.

Currants do not tolerate close groundwater. But if the entire area is slightly swampy, and you really want to have this plant on it, when and what is the best way to plant currants? We choose the most high place in the garden, dig a hole and pour expanded clay into the bottom to ensure drainage. If the soil is acidified, we take it outside the site and fill the hole with fertile alkaline soil. We install the seedling vertically with minimal depth so that water does not quickly reach the roots. It is better to carry out such planting in the spring; high groundwater levels after winter will ensure good survival of the bush.

Where to plant?

Currants love light, allowing diffuse shade for no more than three hours of daylight. Considering the size and height of the bush, it is difficult to recommend planting it in the center of the site. Therefore, a place near a fence, house, or outbuildings is acceptable, but no closer than one and a half meters to them. The distance between neighboring bushes should also be no less than 1.5 meters. If there is a pond or tap on the site, then this berry will be happy to become their neighbor.

How to plant currants from cuttings?

If there is a healthy large-fruited tree on the site delicious variety, it can be propagated by cuttings. When pruning, select healthy branches with a diameter greater than 0.5 cm, trim the edges with sharp pruning shears and leave cuttings with three buds. Bury them in loose, fertile soil at an angle so that only one bud remains above the ground. Mulch the planting.

Red currants begin to grow in the spring before black currants, so they are planted in the fall. There are no differences in planting technique; the depth is slightly deeper, up to 8 cm, to strengthen the root system. This shrub does not like windy places, tolerates slightly acidic soil and is more drought-resistant than its black relative.

Plant black currants better in autumn(late September - early October). Before frost, the currant seedling will have time to heal wounds on the roots and will overwinter normally with a restored root system. It is also possible spring planting(no later than the beginning of May), but black currants tolerate it worse than autumn ones.

In spring, it is recommended to plant currants only in areas where little snow accumulates in winter, so there is a high risk of roots freezing. It happens that the acquisition planting material occurs at the end of autumn. Then it is better to dig the seedlings in for the winter and plant them in early spring (before the buds open), having first trimmed the shoots short.

Preparing sites for planting black currants

Currants are planted in holes 30-40 deep and 40-50 cm wide or in the same trenches. When planting in autumn, they are dug up and filled with a nutrient mixture in advance (2-3 weeks) so that the soil has time to settle. Places for spring planting are also prepared in the fall.

When digging a hole or trench, the upper (fertile) layer is placed on one side, and the lower (subsoil) layer on the other. Then prepare the dressing mixture. The fertile layer is mixed with 8-10 kg of organic fertilizer and 200-250 g of any complex mineral fertilizer.

When they begin to fill the hole, they first pour in the filling mixture (about a third of the volume), and then fertile soil. Then the root system of the seedling will be protected from burns that occur when fertilizers fall on the roots.

Planting blackcurrant seedlings

The seedling is placed in the planting hole in an inclined position, approximately at an angle of 45 degrees, and slightly recessed so that the soil level is 5-6 cm above the root collar. With such planting, additional roots are better formed, more new basal shoots appear, which means a more powerful, durable bush with a wide base develops. Whereas with direct planting, a standard bush is formed with one or two skeletal branches and a shorter lifespan.

In the planting hole, the roots of the seedling are straightened and covered with soil, gradually compacting it.

At the same time, the bush is periodically shaken. Then the soil will evenly fill the entire space between the roots and there will be no voids.

When the roots are covered, but the hole is not yet completely filled, the seedling is watered, using about half the bucket. Such watering is necessary not only for moisture, but also for a tighter fit of the soil to the roots. Then the hole is completely filled up, a hole is made around the bush and another half bucket of water is poured into it. To retain moisture for a longer period, the hole is filled (mulched) with compost, peat, or simply dry soil.

In dry weather, especially in late spring, new crops are also watered, followed by mulching of the soil. In autumn, the roots protect from winter freezing. To do this, in the second half of October, they first hill up the soil to a height of 10-12 cm, and then trunk circle cover with peat or compost with a layer of 5-6 cm.

There are several ways to preserve your favorite currant variety. One of the options- plant a young bush with already formed roots. The second method is a little more complicated- cut off shoots from old fruit-bearing bushes using the cutting method. Both options are good for increasing the number of currant bushes on the site (dacha). Let's take a closer look at the rules for planting garden currants in the fall. step by step guide and diagrams.

The best time for planting in Siberia, the Urals, the Moscow region and the southern regions

Early autumn is a favorable time for planting currants

It’s worth planting currant bushes early autumn or in the spring. In the northern regions, the Urals and Siberia You can plant currants in the summer (late August), in the Moscow region- end of September - beginning of October, V southern regions disembarkation is carried out later - from the 10-15th of October. This allows the plant to adapt to the soil. And at the same time, adapt to wintering. And the mother bush tolerates cuttings more easily in a state of dormancy and the approach of winter. But the optimal planting time is September. And for all regions.

The rooting period of black currant is 16-20 days. And for white and red – up to 25 days. Therefore, planting should be done 3 weeks before the onset of cold weather and frosts on the soil.

Spring planting is carried out on warm soil. It is better to start it at the end of March. Then the earth is warmed up, and the soil almost no longer freezes. And such a plant does not need to be watered. But the shoots will not begin to grow at high speed. This will give time to the cutting itself (the young bush) to take root.

Planting dates should coincide with relatively warm weather. If you plant a bush closer to summer, you will have to wait a very long time for the berries.

Advantages of autumn planting red and black currants

Of course, autumn planting is fraught with many risks. But it does provide several advantages over spring sowing.:

  • fast rooting
  • no pests
  • good adaptation to the ground
  • friendly spring shoots
  • active crown formation.

Such results will only occur if the planting technology is followed open ground and after landing. And the main thing is choice suitable place. It should be covered on the windy side with other bushes or fencing.

Yes and not so much nice nuance during autumn planting. This the likelihood of damage to young red, white and black currant bushes during winter frosts. But such grief can be helped by covering the plants with film for the winter.

Selecting the desired bush

The selection of young seedlings should be approached responsibly. Which bush to choose? There are several ways to obtain the required plant variety:

  1. cuttings from an old fruiting plant
  2. buying an annual bush your favorite variety
  3. independent growing shoots from a grafted plant.

Of course, it is better to plant an already proven variety that has taken root well on the site. To do this, it is worth cutting off a young shoot from an old plant and planting it in a prepared place.

But if you need to buy a currant bush, then you should choose it according to several parameters:

  • two or more shoots
  • the root is woody, with a small amount of lint
  • without external signs of illness
  • no broken roots or cut parts.

This choice is guaranteed to give good yield., rapid growth of the bush, resistance to diseases (at least at first).

Often gardeners prefer to experiment themselves. That's why graft another variety onto the main plant. And then a shoot is taken from such a graft to form a new young bush. This method of reproduction is also good. Only shoots should be taken from plants that are not sick and bear fruit well. You can cut off the shoot after the currant begins to lose leaves. This usually starts by mid-September.

It is better to carry out cuttings when the bush no longer bears fruit and has prepared for winter. After the leaves begin to actively fly around, you can cut off the young shoot and prepare it for planting in a new place.

Preparing the landing site

Before making cuttings (cutting off shoots from an old bush), you need to decide on the future planting location of the young bush. For blackcurrant varieties optimal place there will be an illuminated area not obscured from the sun. It’s a good idea to choose a low-lying area with good humidity. This will provide several benefits:

  1. fast development bush
  2. increased productivity
  3. copious bloom without barren flower
  4. large fruit.

It is better if the soil is low acidic. And looseness also plays an important role in the rooting of the bush.

AND white currant prefer bright places, but grow well in slight shade. The main thing is the absence of acidity in the soil. And it’s better if such a place is on a hill. At the same time do not forget that loose soils help the plant to sprout new shoots at a sufficient speed. This means you won’t have to wait long for the harvest.

Fertilize the soil for young bushes

For those estates where the soil has a low acid content, it is enough to fertilize it with a mineral additive before planting. And after fertilizing, loosen it slightly. And you can plant the prepared cuttings.

And where there are a lot of salts and acids, it is necessary to slightly amend the soil. This is done like this:

  • the top layer of soil is removed at the landing site 40-45cm
  • the extracted soil is mixed with dolomite flour (0.5 kg per 1 sq.m.)
  • falls asleep back to the future landing site
  • fertilized mineral supplements.

This will help the plants to take root well and actively bear fruit in the second year after planting.

The fertilizers that should be used should be as natural as possible. Best suited for all varieties of currants Humate + 7 iodine for fruit bushes . True, it must be used strictly according to the instructions, without exceeding the dose.

A cutting or young bush can only be planted on the ground. Therefore, after applying fertilizer to the hole, it is worth pouring another layer of soil and only then arranging the plant. This will prevent the roots from burning or rotting.

Many gardeners prefer to fertilize the soil for planting currants with humus or compost. This will also give excellent results for the plants themselves and their owners. But humus must be poured into prepared areas a couple of weeks before planting the cuttings. Then the soil has time to settle slightly. And the compost itself mixes better with the soil.

Sometimes places for planting currant bushes are fertilized with potassium mixtures. This approach requires time and additional expense. Although this fertilizer is ideal for loamy soils. But on top of the mixtures it is necessary to pour a layer of soil for the quiet growth of the young bush.

Planting a plant in open ground in the fall, step-by-step guide

First, you should dig a hole to plant the plant. Next, you need to decide on the type of planting.

If you plant traditional way , then the plant in the hole should be positioned so that it is in an inclined position at an angle of 45 degrees above the ground surface. At the same time, for black currants after soil shrinkage root system should deepen by 10cm. And for red and white – maybe a little less (5cm). Pruning is required to 3 buds above the ground.

When sprinkling the plant with soil, it is worth making sure that the lower 3 shoots are also covered. Then in the spring young branches will grow from these buds.

For the fan method When the plants hang on short trellises, the bush is installed vertically. Deepening the roots is the same as in the previous method. But here it is worth compacting the place under the bush tightly. And then the branches should be cut to half.

Trellis method involves preliminary pruning before planting. Then it is necessary to remove all near-root buds and small shoots. Then plant it vertically in the ground. But after planting, there is no need to prune such a bush. Deepening the roots, as with the previous methods.

Proper care of a young bush after planting

Caring for a young plant after it is placed in the ground requires a little more:

  • soil mulching peat, compost or humus (up to 10cm deep)

  • dusting the holes sand (to prevent crust from appearing on the ground after watering)
  • abundant watering warm water (if autumn is dry)
  • hilling bushes before frost (by 15cm).

In the spring, when the earth is just beginning to warm up, young plants should be freed from a large layer of soil piled up for the winter. This will allow the currants to quickly grow and begin to form a crown.

Some useful information that will be useful not only for beginners, but also for experienced gardeners:

  1. It is better to place currant bushes in one place, and not along the perimeter of the site - this will give abundant harvests and help plants preserve required quantity moisture
  2. possible not only in spring, but also in autumn– the formation of bushes in the spring after autumn pruning will be more active and faster

  1. currants are better against frost on the soil cover with dark film– this will give good condensation even from the winter sun
  2. water the plants it is needed abundantly only during periods of drought - it especially loves water.

The right choice sites, soil preparation, Compliance with planting technology guarantees abundant harvests from each bush. At the same time, the berry will be large and tasty.

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