What does the psychological climate in a team depend on? Favorable socio-psychological climate in the organization

by the team are called a type of social community and a set of individuals who interact with each other in a certain way, are aware of their belonging to a given community and are recognized as its members from the point of view of others. Unlike others social communities the team is characterized by the following main features:

1) sustainable interaction , which contributes to the strength and stability of its existence in space and time;

2) clearly expressed homogeneity of composition , that is, the presence of characteristics inherent in the team;

3) relatively high degree of cohesion based on the unity of views, attitudes, positions of team members;

4) structured - a certain degree of clarity and specificity of the distribution of functions, rights and duties, responsibilities between team members;

5) organization , that is, orderliness, subordination of the collective to a certain order of conducting joint collective life activities;

6) openness - that is, readiness to accept new members.

Qualitative and quantitative indicators of all these main features are united by the concept of “social psychological climate collective"

Socio-psychological climate (from the Greek klima (klimatos) - slope) - the qualitative side of interpersonal relationships, manifested in the form of a set of psychological conditions that promote or hinder productive joint activities and comprehensive personal development in the group.

Synonyms for the concept of socio-psychological climate are moral and psychological climate, psychological climate, psychological atmosphere of the team. This term, now widely used, is often put on a par with the concepts of spiritual atmosphere, team spirit and prevailing mood.

The most important signs favorable socio-psychological climate:

Trust and high demands of group members towards each other;

Friendly and businesslike criticism;

Free expression of one’s own opinion when discussing issues affecting the entire team;

Lack of pressure from managers on subordinates and recognition of their right to make decisions that are significant for the group;

Sufficient awareness of team members about its tasks and the state of affairs in their implementation;

Satisfaction with belonging to a team; a high degree of emotional involvement and mutual assistance in situations that cause a state of frustration in any of the team members;

Acceptance of responsibility for the state of affairs in the group by each of its members, etc.

Social and psychological climate of the team reflects the nature of relationships between people, the prevailing tone of public mood in the team, associated with satisfaction with living conditions, style and level of management and other factors. The socio-psychological climate of the team is associated with a certain emotional coloring of the psychological connections of the team, arising on the basis of their proximity, sympathies, coincidence of characters, interests and inclinations.

The SPC of a team is always characterized by an atmosphere specific to the joint activities of people, the mental and emotional state of each participant, individual, and undoubtedly depends on the general state of the people around him. In turn, the atmosphere of a particular community or group is manifested through the nature of the mental mood of people, which can be active or contemplative, cheerful or pessimistic, purposeful or anarchic, everyday or festive, etc.

Not only in sociology, but also in psychology, the point of view has been established, according to which the main structure of the forming SPC is mood. Let us refer, in particular, to the statement of the famous Soviet psychologist K.K. Platonov, according to whom the socio-psychological climate (as a property of a group) is one (albeit the most important) of the components internal structure group is determined by interpersonal relationships in it, creating persistent moods of the group, on which the degree of activity in achieving goals depends.

The climate of the collective is the prevailing and relatively stable mental mood of the collective, which finds diverse forms of manifestation in all its life activities.

Scientists note dual nature socio-psychological climate of the team. On the one hand, it represents some subjective reflection in group consciousness the whole set elements social situation, the whole environment. On the other hand, having arisen as a result of direct and indirect influence on the group consciousness of objective and subjective factors, the socio-psychological climate acquires relative independence, becomes an objective characteristic of the team and begins to have a reverse influence on collective activities and individuals.

Socio-psychological climate- This not static, but very dynamic education. This dynamic manifests itself in the process of collective formation, and in the conditions of functioning of the collective. Scientists have recorded two main stages in the process of collective formation. At the first stage, the emotional factor plays a major role. During this period, there is an intensive process of psychological orientation, establishing connections and positive relationships. At the second stage, cognitive processes become increasingly important. During this period, each person acts not only as a potential or real object of emotional communication, but also as a bearer of certain personal qualities, social norms and attitudes. It is at this stage that the formation of common views, value orientations, norms and symbols occurs.

Another aspect that characterizes the dynamics of the socio-psychological climate of the team is the so-called "climate disturbance". TO " “climate disturbances” include natural fluctuations in the emotional state of a team, periodically occurring ups and downs in mood among the majority of its members, which can occur either within one day or over a longer period. They are associated with changes in the conditions of interaction within the group or changes in the environment. The term “climate disturbances” carries both negative and positive connotations, since these disturbances can interfere with, or can also benefit the life of the collective

Social and psychological factors of organizational effectiveness:

  1. Focus , characterizing the goals of joint interaction, i.e. the needs, value orientations of members of the organization, means and methods of interaction.
  2. Motivation , revealing the reasons for the labor, cognitive, communication and other activities of members of the organization.
  3. Emotionality , manifested in the emotional attitude of people to interaction, in the specifics of emotional, informal relationships in the organization.
  4. Stress resistance , characterizing the organization’s ability to coordinately and quickly mobilize the emotional and volitional potential of people to counteract destructive forces.
  5. Integrity , ensuring the necessary level of unity of opinions and consistency of actions.
  6. Organization , due to the peculiarities of management and self-government processes.

An important condition for the effective functioning of organizations is the presence in it of a favorable socio-psychological climate (SPC), which includes many of the above factors.

Structure of the socio-psychological climate

An essential element in the general concept of socio-psychological climate is the characteristics of its structure. This involves calculating the main components within the phenomenon under consideration according to some unified basis, in particular according to the category of relationship. Then within the structure of the SEC the presence becomes obvious two main divisions – people’s attitudes towards work and their relations towards each other.

In turn relationship with each other differentiated into relationships between workmates and relationships in the system of leadership and subordination.

Ultimately, the entire diversity of relationships is viewed through the prism of two main parameters of mental attitude - emotional and objective.

Under the subject mood implies the direction of attention and the nature of a person’s perception of certain aspects of his activity. Under tonal– his emotional attitude of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with these parties.

The psychological climate of a team, which reveals itself primarily in the relationships of people to each other and to common cause, this still does not end there. It inevitably affects people’s attitudes towards the world as a whole, their attitude and worldview. And this, in turn, can manifest itself in the entire system of value orientations of an individual who is a member of a given team. Thus, climate manifests itself in a certain way in the attitude of each member of the team to himself. The last of the relationships crystallizes into a certain situation - a social form of self-attitude and self-awareness of the individual.

As a result, a certain structure of immediate and subsequent, more immediate and more indirect manifestations of the socio-psychological climate is created.

The fact that attitude towards the world(system of value orientations of the individual) and attitude towards oneself(self-awareness, self-attitude and well-being) fall into the rank subsequent and not the nearest ones climate manifestations, is explained by their more complex, multiply mediated dependence not only on the situation of a given collective, but also on a number of other factors, on the one hand, macro-scale, on the other, purely personal.

Indeed, a person’s relationship to the world is formed within the framework of his way of life as a whole, which is never exhausted by the objects of one or another, even the most significant group for him.

The situation is similar with the attitude towards oneself. A person’s self-awareness develops throughout his life, and his well-being is significantly dependent not only on his status in the work collective, but often to an even greater extent on his family and living situation and physical health individual.

This, of course, does not remove the possibility of considering the individual’s self-esteem and well-being in this particular group and depending on it.

The well-being of an individual in a team is reflected in the individual’s relationship to a certain group as a whole, the degree of satisfaction with his position and interpersonal relationships in

In its meaning, SPC is close to the concept of team cohesion, which is understood as the degree of emotional acceptability and satisfaction with the relationships between group members. The cohesion of the team is formed on the basis of the similarity of ideas of workers on significant issues of the life of their team.
The most important problem in the study of SPC is to identify the factors that form it. The most important factors determining the level of psychological climate of the production team are the personality of the manager and the system of selection and placement of administrative personnel. It is also influenced by the personal qualities of the leader, the style and methods of leadership, the authority of the leader, as well as the individual characteristics of the team members.

The leader influences almost all factors that determine the socio-psychological climate. The selection of personnel, the encouragement and punishment of team members, their promotion, and the organization of workers’ work depend on it. Much depends on his leadership style.

Let's give brief description these styles.

1) Directive (autocratic). When this leadership style is strictly applied, the leader constructs his behavior in accordance with the principles of the formal structure. Such a leader keeps his distance from the team and tries to avoid informal contacts. He assumes full power and responsibility for what is happening in the organization, tries to personally control the entire scope of relationships in the organization, paying attention not only to the result, but also to the process. Decisions are made by him alone, employees receive only the most necessary information to complete their work. A leader of this type, as a rule, is powerful, demanding, and focused only on the target function.

2) Democratic (consultative). This type of leadership combines an orientation towards both the formal and informal structure of the relationship between the manager and his subordinates. The manager strives to divide power between himself and his subordinates, takes into account the opinion of the team when making decisions, and strives to control only the final result, without going into the details of the process. The employees of such a manager receive fairly complete information about their place in the overall task and about the prospects of their team.

3) The liberal (permissive) leadership style is maximally focused on maintaining informal relationships with employees, delegating their powers and responsibilities to them. The manager gives his subordinates complete freedom, they organize their activities independently, and decisions are made collectively. The manager intervenes only if necessary production process, exercises control and stimulates work.

It is these representatives of management that are called upon to participate most actively in the constant, sustainable reproduction of such mental states as sympathy and attraction, positive emotional background communication, interpersonal attractiveness, a sense of empathy, complicity, the ability to remain oneself at any time, to be understood and positively perceived (regardless of one’s individual psychological characteristics).

Optimal management of activities and socio-psychological climate in any (including work) team requires special knowledge and skills from management. The following special measures are applied: scientifically based selection, training and periodic certification of management personnel; staffing primary teams taking into account the factor of psychological compatibility; the use of socio-psychological methods that contribute to the development of skills of effective mutual understanding and interaction among team members (see Socio-psychological training; Business game).

In his activities to optimize the socio-psychological climate, the manager should rely on the most active, conscious, authoritative members of the team.
SEC is the result of joint activities of people, their interpersonal interaction. It manifests itself in such group effects as the mood and opinion of the team, individual well-being and assessment of the living and working conditions of the individual in the team. These effects are expressed in the relationships associated with the labor process and decision common tasks team. Members of a team as individuals determine its social microstructure, the uniqueness of which is determined by social and demographic characteristics (age, gender, profession, education, nationality, social origin). Psychological characteristics of the individual contribute to or hinder the formation of a sense of community, that is, they influence the formation of the socio-psychological climate in the work team.

Foreign researchers highlight such an important psychological concept as trust, which is the basis of organizational success (Robert Bruce Shaw). On the one hand, trust is a problem of relationships between people, i.e. an important component of the organization's security system. But from a broader point of view, trust is a powerful universal force that influences almost everything that happens within an organization and in the relationships between organizations and is at the same time a structural and cultural characteristic of the organization. R.B. Shaw identifies the factors that form trust. This is decency, competence, loyalty, openness of the company's employees. All these factors are considered in interrelation as the “social capital” achieved in the organization.

A certain system of indicators has been developed, on the basis of which it is possible to assess the level and condition of the SEC. When studying it using a questionnaire, the main indicators are usually taken as follows:

Satisfaction of the organization's employees with the nature and content of work;

Relationships with work colleagues and managers;

Satisfaction with leadership style;

Level of conflict in relationships;

Level vocational training personnel.

By asking questions to respondents, the researcher finds out the range of problems of the organization. Mathematical data analysis allows us to identify the characteristics and factors of favorable and unfavorable SPC, the formation and improvement of which requires managers and psychologists in companies to understand the emotional state of people, mood, and relationships with each other.


based on the results of assessing the socio-psychological climate of the Company


Pay special attention to personnel selection. It is easier to prevent conflict than to try to resolve it later. Undoubtedly, professional qualities are important, but character traits must also be taken into account. If even during an interview the applicant gives the impression of an arrogant, arrogant, aggressive person, then he should be denied the job. Also, you should not hire someone who openly states that at his previous job he constantly came into conflict with the team.

Try to provide employees with comfortable working conditions. If a person is irritated due to constant troubles at work, inconvenient vacation times, low wages, etc., he is unlikely to be inclined to communicate friendly with the rest of the team. Pay special attention to the arrangement of your workplace. The table and chair should be comfortable so that employees do not suffer from back pain at the end of the working day. Allow staff to bring items close to their hearts from home and design their own workspaces. This way, the office will become a second office for employees, and the team will be perceived as a family.

Set up an office kitchen and break room where employees can socialize in an informal setting. Let the interior of these premises be cozy and even homely, so that employees can relax and talk not as colleagues, but as friends. Chatting over coffee during your lunch break strengthens relationships and helps people get closer.

Be sure to hold common events: celebrate the New Year, employee birthdays and other holidays with your team, and from time to time go on hikes or picnics together. Such events should not be turned into boring meetings to which it is forbidden not to attend. Let the holidays be fun, and let employees attend them with pleasure and of their own free will, and not by order. Set up a stand and display on it the names of employees who will have a birthday in a few days. Colleagues will be able to see this information, prepare gifts and congratulations, which will also help improve psychological climate V team.

Work is not only a place where you can get money, but also a certain team. At the same time, the employee is obliged to become part of this team every day. Scientists have long found that a friendly atmosphere helps improve both the mood of employees and their productivity.

You will need

  • Event manager services, calendar


Give employees more control over themselves and their environment. A person feels happier and more confident when he understands that something depends on him. For example, many companies have a clear list of things that may be present in the workplace and which will have to be abandoned. This approach to business deprives the employee of the opportunity to form his own workspace. This can significantly lower his mood, make him more irritable, and, consequently, lead to conflicts within the team.

Encourage employees to communicate with each other. Some employers believe that communication working hours negatively impacts employee performance. However, the lack of communication depresses workers, their interest in their activities and ultimately leads to disunity in the team. If you want to improve the psychological climate in the office, then encourage employee communication in every possible way. Arrange desks so people can see each other. Set up a place for sharing meals. Create a friendly atmosphere.

Pay attention to whether they are well lit. The influence of bright lighting on increasing human efficiency was proven by American psychologists back in the 50s. The benefits from saved electricity will not offset the losses from reduced employee productivity.

Visually estimate how much square meters falls on each employee's workplace. Psychologists distinguish four zones of a person’s personal space: intimate, personal, social and public zones. For successful work a person needs his colleagues to be in the social zone of his personal space, i.e. at a distance of approximately 1.5 m from it. If this condition is not met, and others constantly invade the personal zone, the person is irritated, uncollected, distracted and constantly distracted.

It would also be a good idea to measure the room temperature. Low temperature reduces people's activity and performance.

Most problem teams have one or more people creating an unhealthy work environment. These are gossips, intriguers, brawlers and simply mentally unstable employees. The goal is to identify them, and your task is to take appropriate disciplinary action.

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Tip 5: Lighting in the kitchen: how to do it yourself

Today it is very fashionable and convenient to illuminate the kitchen not only on the ceiling. Now, using LED lighting, which not only looks beautiful, but also saves money, you can illuminate any area of ​​the room. Using LEDs, you can not only illuminate, but also visually expand the kitchen space, which is especially necessary in small apartments. It should be noted that, thanks to its decorative function, hidden lighting does not lose popularity.

LED strip lighting

Particularly popular in lately LEDs have become available thanks to their soft light, which helps create a pleasant atmosphere full of coziness. Installation of LED strip is simple and not very labor-intensive process. Therefore, LED strips are increasingly used for decoration. various rooms.

So, LED strip lighting is a flexible board on which LED elements are placed. It is convenient to use an LED strip to illuminate not only furniture, but also a work wall. Another advantage of LEDs is various colors, which allow you to create the appropriate atmosphere of any style.

So, for a kitchen made of wood, LEDs of warm colors: yellow or orange are well suited, but if you have a high-tech kitchen, then in this case it would be correct to use LEDs of silver or blue shades. Dining area, illuminated by a multi-color LED strip, will look more comfortable and will be easy to relax. From all the variety of LEDs, it is best to choose a strip with silicone insulation, which will save the wiring if your neighbors flood you.

Another competitive advantage of LEDs is that they can be installed in the most inaccessible places and where other lighting sources are simply impossible to install. A countertop with LED looks especially creative and fashionable in the kitchen. LEDs can be used to illuminate the entire space to refresh and enliven a familiar interior.

When buying an LED strip, do not forget about the power supply. And for a multi-color ribbon, you will also need to purchase a controller. Before starting installation, experts recommend drawing up a lighting plan and carefully reading the instructions that come with any LED set. To make it easier to attach the tape, one of its sides is equipped with an adhesive base. But before you take it off protective film and stick the LED strip in the right place, do not forget to treat the surface of the furniture with an alcohol solution. If for some reason the tape does not fall off, it can be glued to the surface with glue.

It is also necessary to prepare the tape itself by connecting it with a wire to a toggle switch and power supply, following the instructions from the instructions. At the same time, make sure that the wires are connected correctly and safely. Remember that the LED strip can only be bent at an angle equal to two centimeters in diameter. Thanks to adhesive based LED strip furniture, be it a cabinet, shelves or niches, can be illuminated and. It will look very beautiful if you illuminate the glass surface for dishes.

Please note: the length of the LED strip should not be too long. Otherwise, due to the fact that there is a higher voltage at the beginning of the circuit, the lamps closest to the power source will quickly burn out.

Kitchen lighting with hidden lighting

If for your family the kitchen is a favorite place for “evening gatherings,” then you should take care high-quality lighting. To select best option illumination, you need to determine exactly in which zone the light should be bright, and where a more subdued lighting option is possible.

The choice of lamp lighting for the kitchen is quite wide: pendant and surface, single-lamp and multi-lamp, lamp diffused light and energy-saving light sources. As an addition, you can do decorative lighting the entire ceiling or individual areas. Thanks to specially designed lamps, today it is possible to create even corner light. Such a simple and harmonious design, however, looks quite original and is suitable for most interiors.

When installing kitchen lighting, it is very convenient to use ceiling structures made of plasterboard, which help hide all the wires and give the appearance of the room a “zest”. Ceiling lighting must be installed carefully, following certain rules. When pulling wires, be sure to use special non-flammable and sealed sleeves. Don't forget to use soldered boxes where the wires connect. Choose the right wire based on the total load of all light sources.

To have a more aesthetic appearance, experts recommend hiding the visible parts of the light sources and placing them inside special plasterboard niches. When installing a plasterboard box, strictly ensure that each corner does not have joints. Please note that the lamps inside the box should not be attached too far from each other, otherwise they will provide a weak light source and thereby spoil the appearance of the entire room, making it dim. If you are not an electrician, then you should not carry out self-installation hidden lighting. Unlike installation LED strips, hidden lighting requires some professional knowledge and skills.

Please note that correctly positioned backlight lamps should illuminate at least half of the reflective surface.

Thanks to properly selected lighting, you can solve many design problems: hide a ceiling that is too high, visually expand a small kitchen, or give a too “boring” room the missing zest. Modern technologies allow you to choose and independently install both spot and uniform lighting to suit every taste and for any room.

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Tip 6: How circumstances can reveal a person’s character

Strong emotions bring to the fore the most hidden character traits. In an extreme situation, a quiet person can behave like a hero, and a public favorite can hide in a corner out of fear.


The human psyche is practically not studied. Scientists can talk about basic reflexes, but that’s it. The psychological component is still practically not available for study. For example, psychotherapists still find it difficult to say exactly why a person’s character changes so much in extreme situations.

Only a change of circumstances will help you truly get to know a person. It is under stress that true character emerges. Therefore, you should never say that a person is a coward, or, conversely, a daredevil, before you have seen his behavior in an extreme situation.

You also cannot fully know your character. You may be convinced that you will never go into the water until you rush to save a drowning child. Or you will be sure that you can get along with anyone, until a loudly snoring friend moves into your room and throws his socks everywhere. Then you will realize that your usual behavior is rather superficial, but in fact, at heart you are a completely different person.

Usually people who find themselves in difficult circumstances never become the same again. They understand that the way they behaved before and what they considered their character was superficial. They acted based on the ideas of others about themselves, and tried to meet the requirements of their family and friends. And only an extreme situation was able to bring out the real character, the person learned what he was really capable of. And he no longer wants to act on orders. He adjusts further behavior based only on his own ideas about how to behave and how not to behave.

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Useful advice

It is not necessary to wait for a critical situation to understand your true character. Changing circumstances works great. Go on a trip alone, join a search party, etc. Where responsibility and dedication are required, the real qualities of the psyche appear more quickly.

“Happiness is not in money”, “Live not with wealth, but with a person.” These proverbs characterize well family life. Of course, material well-being is very important, but still, the moral factor must come first, because even a wealthy family cannot be considered happy if there is no love, understanding, and warmth in it. How to improve the moral climate in the family?


Alas, often spouses, even loving friend friend, can't find common language, resort to reproaches and scandals. As a result, the matter may lead to divorce. Don't try to change your partner! Try to see its advantages, not its disadvantages.

During the pre-wedding period of courtship, future spouses look at each other through rose-colored glasses. This is understandable and natural. They either don’t notice the shortcomings of their future life partner or treat them condescendingly: they say, after the wedding we’ll re-educate them! When family everyday life begins, the young spouses gradually realize that their partner is not a sinless angel, and all attempts at re-education have the opposite effect. And some young couples break up without even living together for a year.

Remember that you married an adult, mature person who has his own tastes, habits, and views. He is not a small child to re-educate. Do not impose your own tastes and habits on him. Try to be more tolerant of his shortcomings, and see his advantages first. Avoid conflict situations, always look for a reasonable compromise. Following these simple rules will immediately improve the moral climate in the family.

More kind words, praise, less reproaches and complaints. “A kind word also pleases the cat.” Many have probably heard this phrase, but not kind words, communicating with the people closest to you. But in vain! After all, a dissatisfied, irritable tone, reproaches and complaints (even fair ones) cause an instinctive response in 99% of people. Even if a person himself understands that he is guilty, he did not act in the best possible way, he will look for excuses for himself or make counter-reproaches and accusations. This will only harm the moral climate in the family.

Try to praise your partner more often, give him compliments (there will probably be something for it). Emphasize that you appreciate his care for the family and his help around the house. And if you have justified complaints, express them tactfully, without resorting to an accusatory tone, much less insults.

Don't let everyday life get stuck. Often the moral climate in families deteriorates due to monotony and boredom, when life is limited to the confines of the home. Even if you love your family nest very much, do not sit forever within four walls. Visit museums, concerts, exhibitions, and go on tourist trips if possible. New experiences will only benefit the family.

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Work is not only about the position held and the salary. This also includes relationships with colleagues, which, unfortunately, not everyone develops successfully. If you want to win the favor of the team, you must adhere to a few basic rules.

Psychological climate is the mood of the team, the moral and psychological atmosphere that permeates the relationships of its participants. We are not necessarily talking about the work collective, although more often this is the case. The psychological climate exists in an interest group, in the family, in school, and in any collective activity. The success of this activity and the health of each of its participants depend on the atmosphere prevailing in the group. Creating a favorable psychological climate is included in measures to prevent psychosomatic diseases, conflicts, and neuroses.

The term “psychological climate” was first uttered by N. S. Mansurov in the context of studying a production team. A little later, psychologists began to distinguish socio-psychological and moral-psychological climate. Psychological climate is a broad concept, the rest are included in it.

Psychological climate is the character that arises in relationships between people, based on their sympathies, coincidence of interests, and inclinations. The psychological climate includes 3 areas:

  • Social climate – awareness of goals and objectives by all participants, respect for rights and responsibilities.
  • Moral climate - values ​​​​accepted in the group. Their unity, acceptance, consistency.
  • The actual psychological climate is informal relationships in the team.

There are 4 approaches to studying the psychological climate in a team:

  1. Climate is a collective consciousness. Awareness by each member of society of relationships in the team, working conditions, methods of stimulating it.
  2. Climate is the mood of the team. That is, the leading role is given not to consciousness, but to emotions.
  3. Climate is the style of interaction between people that influences their condition.
  4. Climate is an indicator of the compatibility of the group, the moral and psychological unity of its participants. The presence of common opinions, traditions and customs.

The peculiarity of the psychological climate as a phenomenon is that it is created by the person himself, he is able to influence the climate, improve and change.

Favorable and unfavorable climate

The psychological climate can be favorable or unfavorable. The first is characterized by:

  • friendly attitude of participants towards each other;
  • camaraderie;
  • adequate mutual exactingness, which determines creative efficiency;
  • mutual assistance;
  • joy from communication and openness of communications;
  • safety and comfort;
  • optimism;
  • self-confidence and team confidence;
  • the opportunity to think freely and creatively, to discover and realize one’s own potential.

But it is worth noting that a combination of mutual demands and mutual assistance is mandatory. Mutual assistance alone will turn into permissiveness, a “brotherly” attitude, which over time will create an unfavorable climate.

An unfavorable or unhealthy climate includes opposite characteristics:

  • pessimism;
  • mistrust and disrespect;
  • coldness and secrecy in relationships;
  • inhibition of personal potential;
  • irritability;
  • tension and conflict;
  • uncertainty;
  • misunderstanding;
  • fear of error, punishment and rejection;
  • suspicion.

It has been noted that a healthy climate increases productivity and labor efficiency. Unfavorable climate causes frequent incidents of safety violations and reduces productivity by 20%.

A healthy climate satisfies its participants and does not contradict social norms and values. For example, in a criminal group there may be a unity of opinions, views and beliefs, but for society the activities of its members are harmful, in fact, as in the end for the participants themselves (they just don’t know it).

Climate structure

The psychological climate in a team has a certain structure:

  1. Horizontal relationships. This implies team cohesion, the nature of interpersonal relationships, and ways to resolve conflicts.
  2. Relationships “vertical” (with the boss and administration).
  3. Attitude to work. Job satisfaction and intention to stay in the job.

Climate levels

Climate has two levels: static and dynamic.


This is a stable attitude of employees towards work, constant interpersonal relationships. The climate is stable and tolerates external influences well. It is not easy to create a climate at this level, but then it is easy to maintain. Team members feel this stability, which makes them more confident in their own position. Climate correction is practically not required, control is occasional. This level is also called the socio-psychological climate.


This is the changing nature of the team. The climate changes daily due to the changing moods of its participants. This level is also called the psychological atmosphere. It changes faster and is less felt by the participants. As changes accumulate, it can create an unhealthy climate in the team.

Climate diagnostics

The socio-psychological climate in a team is an indicator of the level of development of the team. Therefore, it is important to regularly carry out diagnostics and monitor dynamics, to identify the properties that hold the team together or destroy it. For this purpose, the method of assessing the level of psychological climate of A. N. Lutoshkin’s team is suitable.

The subject is asked to answer 13 statements regarding the team in which he is located. The score can be from -3 to 3.

Answer form

22 points and more – highly favorable climate.

8-22 points – moderately favorable climate.

0-8 points – low favorable climate.

From 0 to -8 – initial unfavorability.

From -8 to -10 – moderately unfavorable climate.

From -10 or more – pronounced unfavorability, unhealthy climate.

Each team member takes the questionnaire. When summing up, all points are summed up and divided by the number of people surveyed. The final number is the overall score of the team. You can also calculate an overall score for individual criteria.

Signs characterizing climate

Externally, you can judge the climate of a team by the following signs (useful for those applying for a job):

  • staff turnover;
  • product quality;
  • level of discipline;
  • claims and complaints, negative feedback from employees;
  • frequent breaks from work;
  • negligence and carelessness.

The better these indicators, the more favorable the climate. To the signs favorable climate also applies:

  • trust and high demands in relationships;
  • kind and constructive criticism;
  • freedom of speech and opinion;
  • providing initiative to employees, lack of managerial pressure;
  • awareness of participants in team issues;
  • satisfaction from belonging to this group;
  • mutual assistance and highly developed empathy;
  • responsibility for yourself and the entire team.

What affects climate

The climate is influenced by a number of factors:

  1. Type of organization, team. Open or closed, private or public, scientific or industrial organization. Family, class, criminal group, charitable association.
  2. The image and standard of living of the team members.
  3. Micro (everyday for a particular person) and macro (city, country, culture of society) conditions: normal, complicated, extreme.
  4. Rational organization of work, compliance with the regime and rights, taking into account the capabilities and characteristics of each team member.
  5. Team structure.
  6. Informal leaders or groups in a team.
  7. Leadership style and features. A favorable climate requires attention from the manager not only to production issues, but also to the personal problems of team members. That is, the democratic style.
  8. Individual psychological and personal characteristics team members. Personal opinion, mood and behavior of a person contribute to the general climate. This is based on passing external factors and events through the prism of one’s own character and personality.
  9. The combination of the characteristics of all participants forms a new collective quality - the psyche of the collective. Therefore, the psychological compatibility of the participants, primarily in terms of temperament, plays a big role. Psychologically, people must be compatible in terms of psychomotor reactions, emotional-volitional manifestations, the work of thinking and attention, and character. Incompatibility causes antipathy, hostility, and conflicts.
  10. Self-assessment of each participant. His and the correspondence of claims and achievements.

The leader has a great influence on climate formation. You should pay attention to his personal qualities, attitude towards other participants, authority, leadership style. A positive climate is created by a leader who:

  • principled;
  • responsible;
  • active;
  • disciplined;
  • kind, responsive and sociable;
  • has organizational skills.

Rudeness, selfishness, inconsistency, disrespect, and careerism have a negative impact on the health of the climate.

The conditions that dictate the climate also depend on the leader. Necessary:

  • be friendly and respectful in relationships;
  • provide employees with the opportunity to choose their own area of ​​activity;
  • notice and celebrate the activity and creativity of employees;
  • promote employee interest in self-development;
  • motivate employees for career advancement with the aim of not only material gain, but also to gain prestige and recognition from the team;
  • to be a good qualified leader and a kind mentor.

What a leader can do for a favorable climate:

  1. It is justified from a psychological standpoint to select personnel.
  2. Organize regular training and certification.
  3. Study and practice the theory of psychological compatibility, that is, have a good understanding of people.
  4. Contribute through practical activities (through organizing events) to the development of interaction and relationship skills.

Creating a favorable climate

A favorable climate is formed where participants clearly see the goals of the team, clearly understand and accept them. At the same time they have flexible system means and ways to achieve them.

The higher the level of development of the team, the more favorable the climate. However, even at a low level of development, a favorable climate can be created.

It is important to maintain the unity of motives, interests, beliefs, ideals, attitudes, needs of the participants and correctly combine their individual characteristics.

A favorable psychological climate cannot arise by itself. This is the product of the coordinated and hard work of the entire team, and the competent organizational activities of the leader.

Purposeful work must be carried out to create a favorable climate. This is a responsible and creative undertaking that requires knowledge of human psychology, the ability to predict likely situations in relationships, and understand emotions and their regulation.

Creating climate begins with changes in each individual person. In order for interpersonal relationships to develop favorably, you need to:

  • work on your own negative traits character;
  • to form positive moral qualities (respect for people, recognition of their dignity and honor, attention, recognition of the beliefs and interests of other people, trust, observance of politeness and rules of behavior, objective assessment and self-esteem, tact);
  • use polite words and phrases, observe etiquette;
  • master emotional and mental methods (necessary for the prevention and elimination of irritation, resentment, burnout, nervousness, anger, fatigue, agitation, apathy);
  • know behavioral strategies and be able to solve them competently;
  • avoid maximalism in judgments and behavior, labeling, categoricalness, inflated expectations and ideas.

Each member of the team should be valuable, unique and positive in their own way, and in a group setting they should complement each other, not interfere or overshadow each other.

Satisfaction as a criterion

The basis for climate assessment is people’s satisfaction/dissatisfaction with relationships in the team and the activity itself. However, you need to understand that satisfaction can be subjective and objective.

It often happens that one person is completely satisfied with the team, while another is not at all satisfied with the working conditions. This is subjectivity in assessment. Differences in experience, conditions and quality of life, interests, character of people and other individual characteristics contribute. The principle of subjective satisfaction is the relationship between the parameters “I give” and “I receive”.

Dissatisfaction with delayed wages, regular punishments, non-compliance with labor standards, violation of rights is an objective indicator.


Psychological climate is sometimes identified with socio-psychological or moral-psychological, which further emphasizes its basis. The basis of a favorable climate is the unity and similarity of values ​​among team members.

The nature of the climate influences the individual: whether or not it stimulates work, joint activities, raises or lowers the mood, instills faith or uncertainty in own strength, cheerfulness or despondency, stimulates or suppresses activity.

It is very easy to guess the nature of the climate. It is enough for its participants to only answer the questions “like - don’t like”, “satisfied - doesn’t suit”, “would like to - don’t want to be in a team.”

Learn about what the psychological climate in a team is and how to create a favorable climate from the specialists of the Synergy University of Self-Development.

The conditions under which members interact working group, influence the success of their joint activities, satisfaction with the process and results of work. In particular, these include the sanitary and hygienic conditions in which employees work: temperature, humidity, lighting, spaciousness of the room, availability of a comfortable workplace, etc. The nature of relationships in the group, in particular the psychological climate, is also of great importance.

Psychological climate labor collective - this is a socially conditioned, relatively stable system of relations of its members to the team as a whole. The psychological climate is always built on interpersonal relationships, and therefore is an indicator of their condition.

Interpersonal relationships are a system of attitudes, orientations and expectations of group members regarding each other. Interpersonal relationships are determined by the content and organization of joint activities, as well as the values ​​on which people’s communication is based. The joint activities of any organization are related to the decision specific task(industrial, scientific, commercial) and the presence of a common goal among its participants.

The main indicators of the psychological climate of the workforce are the desire to maintain the integrity of the group, compatibility, harmony, cohesion, contact, openness, responsibility. Let's briefly consider the essence of these indicators.

Cohesion- one of the processes uniting the division. Characterizes the degree of commitment to the group of its members. It is determined by two main variables: the level of mutual sympathy in interpersonal relationships and the degree of attractiveness of the group for its members.

Responsibility- control over activities in terms of compliance with the rules and regulations adopted in the organization. In departments with a positive psychological climate, employees strive to take responsibility for the success or failure of joint activities.

Contact and openness- determine the degree of development of personal relationships among employees, the level of psychological closeness between them.

The psychological climate in the unit largely depends on the level of compatibility and teamwork among group members. Compatibility and harmony determine the degree of interconnectedness and interdependence of employees. An effectively working group is a group that is psychologically integral. Instead of many “I”s, the concept “WE” appears. Opinions, assessments, feelings and actions of individual “I” come closer; common interests and values ​​emerge; intellectual and personal characteristics are complementary. By performing tasks together and solving problems, people develop specific ways of regulating cognitive and emotional processes, behavioral strategies, and a common style of activity for the group that is unique to this group. In such teams, people exchange experiences, adopt a style of behavior, expand the range of individual capabilities, and develop the ability, desire, and ability to relate their goals and actions to the goals and actions of other people. At a certain stage of employee interaction, the team can achieve optimal compatibility and harmony.

A favorable psychological climate is a condition for increasing labor productivity, employee satisfaction with work and the team. The psychological climate arises spontaneously. But a good climate is not a simple consequence of the proclaimed mottos and efforts of managers. It is the result of systematic psychological work with group members, the implementation of special events aimed at organizing relations between managers and employees. Forming and improving the psychological climate is a constant practical task for managers. Creating a favorable climate is not only a responsible matter, but also a creative one, requiring knowledge of its nature and means of regulation, and the ability to foresee likely situations in the relationships of group members. The formation of a good psychological climate requires, especially from managers and psychologists in companies, an understanding of the psychology of people, their emotional state, mood, emotional experiences, worries, and relationships with each other.

A productive psychological climate is considered by many authors as one of the most important factors in the effectiveness of organizations.

The most important signs of a favorable emotional and psychological climate in the work team:

Trust and high demands of group members towards each other; friendly and business-like criticism;

Free expression of one’s own opinion when discussing issues affecting the entire team;

Lack of pressure from managers on subordinates and recognition of their right to make decisions that are significant for the group;

Sufficient awareness of team members about its tasks and the state of affairs in their implementation;

Satisfaction with belonging to a team;

A high degree of emotional involvement and mutual assistance in situations that cause a state of frustration (deception, frustration, destruction of plans) in any of the team members;

Acceptance of responsibility for the state of affairs in the group by each of its members, etc.

Indicators of an unfavorable emotional and psychological climate in the workforce are:

Low personal contribution of team members to its development.

Team members are in the position of passive observers of the deterioration of the organization’s activities, without making any efforts to correct the situation. Nobody shows voluntary initiative. Errors and problems are habitually hidden or hushed up.

Extraneous factors complicate problem resolution. Status and place in the organizational hierarchy matter more than problem solving. There is excessive consumer interest. Relations between team members are formally polite, masking existing issues - especially in relation to the leader. Honesty and truthfulness are not supported.

Decisions are made by a narrow circle of people.

It is not customary to accept outside help. Other people's motives are viewed with suspicion; the leader facilitates such a system of relationships.

Conflicts are mostly hidden and directed by management, taking the form of endless mutual accusations.

Bad performance is hidden or justified

Innovation is the preserve of a limited circle of people.

The leader monitors what people in the organization may be thinking and looks for those to blame for failures.

There are signs by which one can indirectly judge the atmosphere in the group. These include:

staff turnover rate;

labor productivity;

product quality;

number of absenteeism and tardiness;

the number of complaints received from employees and clients;

completing work on time or late;

carelessness or negligence in handling equipment;

frequency of work breaks.

The leader can purposefully regulate the nature of relationships in the group and influence the SEC. To do this, it is necessary to know the patterns of its formation and carry out management activities taking into account the factors influencing the SEC. Let us dwell on their characteristics in more detail.

Factors that determine the psychological climate

There are a number of factors that determine the psychological climate in a team.

Global macro environment: the situation in society, the totality of economic, cultural, political and other conditions. Stability in economic, political life societies ensure the social and psychological well-being of its members and indirectly influence the socio-psychological climate of work groups.

Local macro environment, i.e. an organization whose structure includes a workforce. The size of the organization, the status-role structure, the absence of functional-role contradictions, the degree of centralization of power, the participation of employees in planning, in the distribution of resources, the composition of structural units (gender, age, professional, ethnic), etc.

Physical microclimate, sanitary and hygienic working conditions. Heat, stuffiness, poor lighting, constant noise can become a source of increased irritability and indirectly affect the psychological atmosphere in the group. On the contrary, a well-equipped workplace and favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions increase job satisfaction. labor activity in general, contributing to the formation of a favorable SEC.

Job satisfaction. Great value For the formation of a favorable SPC, it depends on how interesting, varied, creative the work is for a person, whether it corresponds to his professional level, whether it allows him to realize his creative potential and grow professionally. The attractiveness of work is increased by satisfaction with working conditions, pay, the system of material and moral incentives, social security, vacation distribution, working hours, information support, prospects for career growth, the opportunity to increase the level of one’s professionalism, the level of competence of colleagues, the nature of business and personal relationships in the team vertically and horizontally, etc. The attractiveness of work depends on the extent to which its conditions meet the expectations of the subject and allow him to realize his own interests and satisfy the needs of the individual:

IN good conditions labor and decent material remuneration;

In communication and friendly interpersonal relationships;

Success, achievements, recognition and personal authority, having power and the ability to influence the behavior of others;

Creative and interesting work, professional and personal development, realizing your potential.

The nature of the activity performed. The monotony of the activity, its high responsibility, the presence of risks to the health and life of the employee, the stressful nature, emotional intensity, etc. - all these are factors that can indirectly negatively affect the SEC in the work team.

Organization of joint activities. The formal structure of the group, the way powers are distributed, and the presence of a common goal influence the SEC. Interdependence of tasks, fuzzy distribution functional responsibilities, the employee’s incompatibility with his professional role, and the psychological incompatibility of participants in joint activities increase the tension of relationships in the group and can become a source of conflict.

Psychological compatibility is important factor, affecting the SEC. Psychological compatibility is understood as the ability to work together, which is based on optimal combination in the team of personal qualities of the participants. Psychological compatibility may be due to the similarity of characteristics of the participants in joint activities. People who are similar to each other find it easier to interact. Similarity promotes a sense of security and self-confidence and increases self-esteem. Psychological compatibility may also be based on differences in characteristics based on the principle of complementarity. In this case, they say that people fit each other “like a key to a lock.” The condition and result of compatibility is interpersonal sympathy, the attachment of the participants in the interaction to each other. Forced communication with an unpleasant subject can become a source of negative emotions.

The degree of psychological compatibility of employees is influenced by how homogeneous the composition of the work group is in various social and psychological parameters:

There are three levels of compatibility: psychophysiological, psychological and socio-psychological:

The psychophysiological level of compatibility is based on an optimal combination of features of the sensory system (vision, hearing, touch, etc.) and temperamental properties. This level of compatibility becomes especially important when organizing joint activities. Choleric and phlegmatic people will complete the task at different paces, which can lead to disruptions in work and tension in relations between workers.

The psychological level presupposes the compatibility of characters, motives, and types of behavior.

The socio-psychological level of compatibility is based on the consistency of social roles, social attitudes, value orientations, and interests. It will be difficult for two entities striving for dominance to organize joint activities. Compatibility will be facilitated by the orientation of one of them towards subordination. For a quick-tempered and impulsive person, a calm and balanced employee is more suitable as a partner. Psychological compatibility is promoted by self-criticism, tolerance and trust in relation to the interaction partner.

Harmony - this is a result of employee compatibility. It ensures the highest possible success of joint activities when minimum costs.

The nature of communications in the organization acts as a factor of SPC. The lack of complete and accurate information on an issue important to employees creates fertile ground for the emergence and spread of rumors and gossip, weaving intrigues and behind-the-scenes games. The manager should closely monitor the satisfactory information support of the organization’s activities. Low communicative competence of employees also leads to communication barriers, increased tension in interpersonal relationships, misunderstanding, mistrust, and conflicts. The ability to clearly and accurately express one’s point of view, mastery of constructive criticism techniques, skills active listening etc. create conditions for satisfactory communication in the organization.

Leadership style. The role of the manager in creating an optimal SPC is decisive:

The democratic style develops sociability and trust in relationships, friendliness. At the same time, there is no feeling of decisions being imposed from the outside, “from above.” The participation of team members in management, characteristic of this leadership style, contributes to the optimization of the SPC.

The authoritarian style usually breeds hostility, submissiveness and ingratiation, envy and mistrust. But if the style results in success that justifies its use in the eyes of the group, it contributes to a favorable SOC, such as in sports or the military.

The permissive style results in low productivity and quality of work, dissatisfaction with joint activities and leads to the formation of an unfavorable cooperative society. A permissive style may be acceptable only in some creative teams.

If the manager makes excessive demands, publicly criticizes employees, often punishes and rarely encourages them, does not value their contribution to joint activities, threatens, tries to intimidate with dismissal, deprivation of bonuses, etc., behaves in accordance with the slogan “the boss is always right”, does not listen to the opinions of subordinates, is inattentive to their needs and interests, then he creates an unhealthy working atmosphere. The lack of mutual respect and trust forces people to take a defensive position, defend themselves from each other, the frequency of contacts is reduced, communication barriers and conflicts arise, there is a desire to leave the organization and, as a result, there is a decrease in productivity and product quality.

Fear of punishment gives rise to the desire to avoid responsibility for mistakes made, shifting the blame to others, and searching for a scapegoat. As a rule, a person (group of people) is selected for this role who is not guilty of what happened, but is different from the majority of employees, is not like them, is weak and is not able to stand up for himself. He becomes the object of attacks, hostility, and unfounded accusations. Having a scapegoat allows group members to release the tension and frustration that easily builds up in an atmosphere of mutual mistrust and fear. Thus, the group maintains its own stability and cohesion. This seems paradoxical, but no matter what hostility and hostility the “scapegoat” arouses in its address, the group needs it as a “safety valve” that allows it to free itself from aggressive tendencies. The search for a “scapegoat” plays the role of a mechanism for integrating and stabilizing relationships in a group, allowing one to avoid acute and intense conflicts. But this process provides only a partial, immediate effect. The source of tension and dissatisfaction in the organization remains, and the manager’s misbehavior plays a significant role in their emergence.

Even if a manager uses an authoritarian management style, he can be positive if, when making a decision, he takes into account the interests of employees, explains his choice to them, makes his actions understandable and justified, in other words, he begins to pay more attention to establishing a strong and close connection with subordinates.

Thus, the manager can significantly influence the nature of interpersonal relationships in the work team, the attitude towards joint activities, satisfaction with the conditions and results of work, i.e. psychological climate, on which the effectiveness of the organization as a whole largely depends.

Consultants working in the field of management consulting are well aware that the most common reason for a sudden drop in a company’s production and commercial performance is a deterioration in the psychological climate of the organization as a whole or in its individual divisions. Often a sharp change in the psychological climate is associated with a change in leadership. The new boss comes with his own understanding of the “correct” relationships in the team and actively begins to implement them in life. The consequences are often disastrous: old traditions, rules, established relationships collapse, and new ones do not take root. The result is a decrease in interest in performance results, an increase in staff turnover, a decrease in motivation, etc.

Thus, the psychological climate of a work collective is a socially conditioned, relatively stable system of relations of its members to the collective as a whole. One of the important components of the psychological climate is workers’ satisfaction with their life activities in the team.

Features of the psychological climate in departments influence production, social and socio-psychological processes in a particular department and throughout the organization. The psychological climate in individual departments largely determines the organization's production success and its position in the market. Therefore, diagnosing and creating a positive psychological climate in all departments of the organization is priority task psychologist.

Psychology considers personality from the inside and in relation to the surrounding space. The psychological climate in a team is the environment under the influence of which a person is long time. The concept includes mood, attitudes, methods of interaction within the group: work colleagues, social group of interests, home atmosphere. Each microsociety influences the internal mood of the individual, shaping his psychological state.

Each person, interacting with others, forms an objective and subjective reflection of the situation. The objective includes an understanding of social connections: the tasks of each member, the measure of responsibility, the hierarchy. Psychological climate is a subjective assessment that is influenced by:

  • interaction style of group members;
  • attitude towards assigned tasks, methods of achieving goals;
  • complexity of the work performed;
  • emotional state of the participants;
  • psychological compatibility of group members;
  • traditions, cases, general opinions.

Psychologists distinguish two components of the concept:

  • socio-psychological climate. Interpersonal connections at work, its complexity, the system of rewards and punishments;
  • moral and psychological climate: consistency of moral norms, attitudes, group unity, as well as options for informal communication and relationships in the team.

The combination of points determines the general psychological climate and its influence on group members. It consists of subjective assessments, it can be influenced, changed, improved.

Creating a favorable climate

Favorable moral and psychological climate - achieving common goals. The better the relationship, the more pleasant it is to come to work every day, complete your tasks, and simply spend time together.

Characteristic features of the team’s mood

The socio-psychological climate depends on each member and its type nervous system, habits, attitudes. The more people in the group who are ready to help, who are smiling, friendly, and responsible, the more pleasant the atmosphere. A small percentage is always present, but the higher it is, the more difficult it becomes to work together.

A good relationship is also called a healthy environment. It affects:

  • labor productivity;
  • success in achieving common goals;
  • safety;
  • the effectiveness of each group member.

Factors that determine the socio-psychological climate of an organization

There are two groups of factors:

  • personal;
  • general (collective).


The degree of personal satisfaction with the situation within the organization depends on the internal state of the employee. These are not just work moments.

Satisfaction with assigned tasks

Some people need frequent changes of activity, complex, intensive, multitasking work. Others prefer monotony, they are diligent, and can meticulously work on one task for a long time. The coincidence of the personality type and the goals set for it increases the employee’s enthusiasm and improves his mood. And the psychological climate depends on the internal state of its members.

Opportunity for growth

The reward system for good work, as well as the adequacy of punishment for unfulfilled tasks, affects the employee’s attitude towards work. It’s rare that someone will refuse a bonus or not accept the gratitude of their superiors and employees for a job brilliantly done. Timely, problem-free leave, the ability to take days without pay in force majeure situations, the opportunity to learn new skills in courses are components of a healthy psychological climate in the team.

Comfort in the workplace

Some people prefer to always be in the center of attention, while others vitally need personal space, a separate area or office, and silence. If these needs are taken into account, the employee works much more efficiently. Equipping with the necessary items is also important: from stationery to modern technology and special devices. Temperature, humidity, noise level - one way or another, all this affects the mood of workers. The faster the needs associated with the workplace are satisfied, the more enjoyable it is for the employee to perform his duties on a daily basis, improving the quality of the overall psychological climate.

Conditions for spending free time

These include adherence to the schedule, no extra working hours, or decent overtime pay. If an employee can make plans without fear of being delayed, he will develop a favorable attitude towards the organization, management and colleagues. Respect for the right to personal time also plays a role in the socio-psychological climate (SPC) of the team.

Family situation

Negativity not only “comes” with a person home from work, but also “makes” this journey in the opposite direction. An unfavorable psychological climate at home, the lack of opportunity to relax peacefully and be with family are factors that reduce mood and performance. The employee subconsciously transfers the blame for dissatisfaction with his personal life to his colleagues and behaves towards them accordingly. The level of a comfortable psychological climate in the organization is decreasing. It is difficult to influence this factor. Changes depend on the circumstances and mood of the employee. It is within the power of his colleagues and superiors to support him, not to leave him alone, to be able to find the right words, to motivate him to work.


The general factors that determine the psychological climate in a team are related to the work environment, methods of interaction, and the characters of group members.

Compatibility of employees of the organization

Determined by personal relationships. The more common points of contact people doing the same business have, the more successful the result will be. Compatibility is, in other words, the similarity of views, attitudes, and characters. IN large organization It is not necessary for all employees to be on the same page. For a healthy climate, a coincidence of morals within the office or work area is sufficient. Compatible colleagues support each other, are always ready to compromise, and they can work quickly and harmoniously. Goals are achieved more effectively, and the results look better.


Determined by relationships at the level of assigned tasks. A well-worked, friendly team performs any task like a conveyor belt: one operation after another, in accordance with a strict order, without going beyond the deadlines. The main role here is played by the competence in business matters of all group members; the socio-psychological climate is sensitive to this. A healthy atmosphere will only exist where no one lets others down.


Defined by four principles:

  • attitude towards the leader;
  • trust;
  • recognition of personal contribution to the common cause;
  • duration of joint work.

From this point of view, the psychological climate depends on the personal qualities of each participant. Level of emotional empathy, ability to stand up for a common cause, interest, warmth, openness. The more honest, cultured, open extroverts there are in a team, the less problems with the socio-psychological climate. The predominance of envious, touchy introverts with weakened self-esteem and heightened pride makes the SEC unfavorable.

Nature of communications

Members of the group, one way or another, have to interact verbally, that is, through speech. The word is a weapon, medicine and support, but only in the hands of a skilled user. You can learn the art of speaking with the advice of a psychologist-hypnologist. Nikita Valerievich Baturin. He helps to establish relationships with others, teaches techniques for developing a harmonious personality.

The basis for successful communication for the concept of socio-psychological climate are:

  • sociability;
  • adequate assessment;
  • the ability to express one’s opinion without hurting the feelings of others;
  • knowledge of the basics of constructive criticism;
  • the ability to sense the mood of the interlocutor.

It is not necessary that all team members have master-level communication skills. A few leaders are enough (their number depends on the size of the group). The rest are required to do the minimum - remain in contact. It happens that a quiet, modest, silent employee understands the leaders so well that he performs assigned tasks better than others. In this way he saves the team, becoming an integral part of it, despite his outward detachment.

If to improve your psychological climate you need to get out of your comfort zone and learn to be more sociable, advice can help on this channel. Modesty is not always a character trait. Often it hides communication problems that can be easily eliminated through simple exercises and several sessions with a psychologist-hypnologist.

Creating a favorable psychological climate in the team

The role of the moral and psychological climate in a team is invaluable. Western countries realized this more than 100 years ago, introducing personnel selection techniques and developing ways to unite an existing team. In our country, it is difficult to achieve a healthy environment by selecting compatible employees. The group is selected solely based on skills related to job responsibilities. Rarely is attention paid to psychological compatibility, temperament, and character traits.

Even with this approach, it is possible to improve the psychological climate of the team. For this purpose, many techniques, techniques, methods have been developed, aimed both at working with the group and at correcting the behavior of individual members.

Working with a group

Includes the following aspects:

  • Formation of a team based on the compatibility of its members. For some organizations, it is enough to change positions of employees to improve the quality of work.

Example: in a chain of jewelry stores, several points did not fulfill the plan. The HR manager conducted an investigation and found that some salespeople were in confrontation with the rest of the team. After learning the needs of each salesperson, the HR department rotated employees. A month later, all the points made a plan.

  • Setting goals for the team. Usually this is a plan, production norm, quality improvement. A common goal for group members unites, concentrates on the task at hand, identifying those who worsen the condition

Example. The management of a small souvenir production company paid special attention to goals and objectives. In the process of achieving it, it turned out that several positions were not involved in achieving the goal, and therefore were not needed. Due to their weak involvement in the work, these employees influenced the morale of the team. The reduction led to an increase in labor productivity and an improvement in the moral and psychological climate in the team.

  • Pay special attention to the convenience of workplaces. It may be within the power of management to take some measures to increase the comfort and interest of employees in activities. The psychological climate of an organization depends on the convenience of the workplace where a person comes to work every day.

Example: In order to interest employees, management sent them to advanced training courses at their own expense. They were so inspired by the trip and the knowledge gained that within a month they increased the productivity of the entire organization.

Individual work with team members

This stage includes the following aspects:

  • determining the requirements for each employee, his range of responsibilities, personal goals;
  • censure of colleagues who weave intrigues and spread gossip, undermining the moral and psychological climate of the organization. When encountering such a reaction, most often people of this type refuse this behavior or quit, feeling themselves within too tight limits;
  • identifying adequate, positive, kind, honest employees with authority. Through them you can influence the rest of the team to improve the psychological climate.

Coordinated work and a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team is a completely achievable task. An organization where there is no staff turnover, and employees work together for many years, is similar to a family in terms of internal interactions. Disagreements, misunderstandings, different points of view on solving a problem are the norm. The main thing is that this does not become the basis of the team. The more nervous situations and secrecy there are in an organization, the lower the level of socio-psychological climate in the team.

If nothing is done, employee confrontation will lead to a decrease in working capacity, lack of goals, motivation, and reluctance to work. As practice shows, most often the most active, friendly and successful employees leave the team in search of a more favorable atmosphere.

In order not to lose valuable personnel, management must notice problems in time and take them seriously. The socio-psychological climate is a phenomenon that can be adjusted. Team-building is a term that came to us from the West and means one of effective means improvements to the SPK. It includes joint trainings, recreation, speaking to the management team, and other events.

A close-knit team, whose members are satisfied with relationships with colleagues, working conditions, and recreation, experiences true pleasure from daily meetings and joint activities. Each employee is a valuable personnel included in the concept of socio-psychological climate. The more attentive and adequate management is, the fewer problems usually occur in the area of ​​employee relations.

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