Snip 2305 95 natural and artificial lighting. Lighting standards for catering establishments

Illumination standards are regulated by the set of rules SP 52.13330.2011 (updated edition of SNiP 23-05-95).

Below are tables of illumination standards for the most common objects:

Illumination standards are indicated in lux for work surface: if this is an office, a reading room or a billiard room, then this is the height of the table, usually 0.8 meters from the floor (G = 0.8); if it is a staircase, a lobby, a gym, a road or a stadium - then it is: a floor, a roadbed, a field (G = 0.0).

Lighting of streets, roads and squares

Illuminated objects

Average illumination (Esr), lux no less Illumination distribution (Emin/Esr), not less
Highways, regional and transit routes. Road class - A
1 A1. Highways, federal and transit routes, main city thoroughfares (outside the city center)
- With throughput more than 10,000 units/hour
30 0,35
2 A2. Other federal roads and main streets (outside the city center)
- with a throughput of 7,000 - 9,000 units/h
20 0,35
3 A3. Central highways connecting streets with access to the A1 highway (in the city center)
- with a throughput of 4,000 - 7,000 units/h
20 0,35
4 A4. Main historical passages of the center, internal connections of the center (in the city center)
20 0,35
Main roads and district streets. Road class - B
5 B1. Main roads and city streets of district significance (outside the city center)
- with a throughput of 3,000 - 5,000 units/h
20 0,35
6 B2. Main roads and streets of the city of district significance (in the city center)
- with a throughput of 2,000 - 5,000 units/h
15 0,35
Streets and roads local significance. Road class - B
7 B1. Transport and pedestrian connections within residential areas and access to highways, except for streets with continuous traffic (residential developments outside the city center)
15 0,25
8 B2. Transport and pedestrian connections in residential neighborhoods and access to highways (residential developments in the city center)
- with a throughput of 1,500 - 3,000 units/h
10 0,25
9 B3. Transport connections within industrial and communal-warehouse areas (in urban industrial, communal and warehouse areas)
- with a throughput of 500 - 2,000 units/h
6 0,25
Separate tram track
10 Separate tram track 10 -
Streets and roads of rural settlements
11 Main streets, public squares and shopping centers 10 -
12 Main residential streets 6 -
13 Secondary streets (alleys) in residential areas 4 -
14 Village roads, driveways on the territory of gardening partnerships and dacha cooperatives 2 -

Lighting of gas stations (gas stations) and parking lots

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
no less
Gas stations
1 Access roads from roads of category A and B 15
2 Access roads from category B roads 10
3 Places for refueling and discharging petroleum products 20
4 The rest of the territory with a roadway 10
Parking lots and storage areas for rolling stock
5 Open parking on streets of all categories, as well as paid off-street, open parking
in microdistricts, passages between rows of box-type garages

Lighting of pedestrian spaces

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
no less
Light distribution
no less
1 P1. Areas in front of entrances Areas in front of entrances of cultural, sports, entertainment and shopping facilities, sports, entertainment and shopping facilities 20 0,30
2 P2. The main pedestrian streets of the historical part of the city and the main public centers administrative districts, impassable and in front of factory areas, landing areas, children's and recreation areas 10 0,30
3 P3. Pedestrian streets, main and auxiliary entrances of parks, sanatoriums, exhibitions and stadiums 6 0,20
4 P4. Sidewalks separated from the roadways of roads and streets, main passages of microdistricts, entrances, passages and central alleys of children's, educational and health care institutions 4 0,20
5 P5. Secondary passages in the territories of microdistricts, utility areas in the territories of microdistricts, side alleys and auxiliary entrances of city-wide parks and central alleys of parks of administrative districts 2 0,10
6 P6. Side alleys and auxiliary entrances of parks of administrative districts 1 0,10

Lighting of underground and overground pedestrian crossings

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
no less
Light distribution
no less
1 Passages of underground pedestrian crossings and tunnels 75 0,30
2 Overhead pedestrian crossings with transparent walls and ceilings or glazed wall openings 75 0,30
3 Staircases, ramps and viewing platforms for elevated pedestrian crossings with transparent walls and ceilings or glazed wall openings 50 0,30
4 Stairs and ramps of underground pedestrian crossings and tunnels 45 0,30
5 Open footbridges 10 0,30

Lighting of building entrances

Emergency lighting of escape routes

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
no less
Light distribution
no less
1 Evacuation routes for high-risk areas 15 0,10
2 Escape routes up to 2 m wide 1 0,025
3 Evacuation lighting large areas 0,5 0,025

Emergency and security lighting

Lighting of administrative buildings(ministries, departments, committees, municipalities, departments, design and engineering organizations, research institutions, etc.)

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
no less
1 Design halls and rooms, design, drawing bureaus. (on tables, G-0.8). 500
2 Analytical laboratories. (on tables, G-0.8). 500
3 Computer and reading rooms. (on tables, G-0.8). 400
4 Laboratories: organic and inorganic chemistry, thermal, physical, spectrographic, stylometric, photometric, microscopic, X-ray analysis, mechanical and radiomeasurement, electronic devices, preparation. (on tables, G-0.8). 400
5 Cabinets and workrooms, offices. (on tables, G-0.8). 300
6 Premises for visitors, expeditions. (on tables, G-0.8). 300
7 Photocopying facilities. (on tables, G-0.8). 300
8 Binding and stitching rooms. (on tables, G-0.8). 300
9 Modeling, carpentry and repair shops. (on tables, G-0.8). 300
10 Reader's catalogs. (at the file cabinet front, V-1.0). 200
11 Conference rooms, meeting rooms. (on tables, G-0.8). 200
12 Recreation, corridors, foyer. (on the floor, G-0.0). 150
13 Book depositories and archives, open access fund premises. (on shelves. B-1.0). 75

Lighting standards for banking and insurance institutions

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
no less
1 Operations room, credit group, cash room. (on tables, G-0.8). 400
2 Server room, premises for interbank electronic payments. (on tables, G-0.8). 400
3 Room for production and processing of identification cards. (on tables, G-0.8). 400
4 Premises of the collection department, collector. (on tables, G-0.8). 300
5 Service premises individuals. (on tables, G-0.8). 300
6 Depository, pre-storeroom, storage room for valuables. (on tables, G-0.8). 200
7 Safe. (on tables, G-0.8). 150

Institutional lighting standards
general education, primary, secondary and higher specialized education

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
no less
1 Classrooms, auditoriums, study rooms, laboratories of secondary schools, boarding schools, secondary special and vocational institutions. (on the board). 500
2 Technical drawing and painting rooms. (on tables, G-0.8). 500
3 Classrooms, auditoriums, study rooms, laboratories of secondary schools, boarding schools, secondary special and vocational institutions. (on tables, G-0.8). 400
4 Auditoriums, classrooms, laboratories of technical schools and higher education institutions educational institutions. (on tables, G-0.8). 400
5 Informatics and computer science classrooms. (on tables, G-0.8). 400
6 Laboratories in classrooms. (on tables, G-0.8). 400
7 Cabinets for service types of labor. (on tables, G-0.8). 400
8 Workshops for metal and wood processing. (on tables, G-0.8). 300
9 Stages of assembly halls. (on the floor, G-0.0). 300
10 Teachers' offices and rooms. (on tables, G-0.8). 300
11 Gyms. (on the floor, G-0.0). 200
12 Assembly halls, cinema auditoriums. (on the floor, G-0.0). 200
13 Recreation. (on the floor, G-0.0). 150
14 Indoor swimming pools. (on the surface of the water). 150
15 Gyms. (at a level of 2.0 m from the floor). 75

Lighting standards for leisure facilities

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
no less
1 Multi-purpose halls. (G-0.8). 400
2 Theater auditoriums, concert halls. (G-0.8). 300
3 Club rooms, music classes. (G-0.8). 300
4 Auditoriums of clubs, club-living room, premises for leisure activities, meetings, theater foyers. (G-0.8). 200
5 Exhibition halls. (G-0.8). 200
6 Foyers of cinemas, clubs. (on the floor, G-0.0). 150
7 Cinema, sound and light equipment. (G-0.8). 150
8 Cinema auditoriums. (G-0.8). 75

Lighting standards for preschool institutions

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
no less
1 Music and gymnastics rooms, dining rooms. (on the floor, G-0.0). 400
2 Group, playing. (on the floor, G-0.0). 400
3 Changing rooms. (on the floor, G-0.0). 300
4 Medical office. (G-0.8). 300
5 Isolators, rooms for sick children. (on the floor, G-0.0). 200
6 Adopted. (on the floor, G-0.0). 200
7 Sleeping. (on the floor, G-0.0). 100

Lighting standards for sanatoriums, holiday homes, boarding houses

Lighting standards for sports and recreational institutions

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
no less
1 Sports games halls. (on the floor, G-0.0). 200
2 Aerobics, gymnastics, wrestling halls. (on the floor, G-0.0). 200
3 Bowling alley. (on the floor, G-0.0). 200
4 Pool hall. (on the surface of the water). 150
5 Sports games halls. (at a height of 2 m, B-2.0). 75

Lighting standards for catering establishments

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
no less
1 Dining rooms of restaurants, canteens. (G-0.8). 200
2 Handouts. (G-0.8). 200
3 Hot shops, cold shops, pre-production and procurement shops. (G-0.8). 200
4 Kitchen and tableware washing areas, bread cutting rooms. (G-0.8). 200

Store lighting standards

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
no less
1 Trading halls self-service grocery stores. (G-0.8). 400
2 Trading areas of stores: bookstores, ready-made clothes, linen, shoes, fabrics, fur products, hats, perfume, haberdashery, jewelry, electrical, radio goods, food without self-service. (G-0.8). 300
3 Fitting booths. (B-1.5). 300
4 Main cash register premises. (G-0.8). 300
5 Premises of order departments, service bureau. (G-0.8). 200
6 Trading areas of stores: tableware, furniture, sporting goods, building materials, electrical appliances, toys and office supplies. (G-0.8). 200

Lighting standards for public service enterprises

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
no less
1 Repair shops: watch repair, jewelry and engraving work. (G-0.8). 3000/300
2 Repair shops: production and repair of hats, furrier work. (G-0.8). 2000/750
3 Repair shops: repair of shoes, haberdashery, metal products, plastic products, household electrical appliances. (G-0.8). 2000/300
4 Repair shops: repair of photo, film, radio and television equipment. (G-0.8). 2000/200
5 Atelier for the production and repair of clothing and knitwear: sewing shops, cutting departments, clothing repair departments. (on tables, G-0.8). 750
6 Laundry: laundry repair. (G-0.8). 750
7 Clothes dry cleaning studio: stain removal departments. (G-0.8). 500
8 Atelier for the production and repair of clothing and knitwear: hand-knitted and machine-knitted departments. (G-0.8). 500
9 Darkrooms. (G-0.8). 400
10 Hair salons. (G-0.8). 400
11 Laundries: drying and ironing sections (manual). (G-0.8). 300
12 Atelier for the manufacture and repair of clothing and knitwear: departments for the preparation of applied materials. (G-0.8). 300
13 Atelier for the production and repair of clothing and knitwear: ironing, decatering. (G-0.8). 300
14 Recording studios: recording and listening rooms, music libraries. (G-0.8). 200
15 Rental points: premises for visitors. (G-0.8). 200
16 Dry-cleaning studio: salon for receiving and issuing clothes, dry-cleaning premises. (G-0.8). 200
17 Self-service laundries. (on the floor, G-0.0). 200
18 Laundries: departments for disassembling and packaging linen. (G-0.8). 200
19 Laundries: drying and ironing departments (mechanical). (G-0.8). 200
20 Laundries: washing departments, washing, preparation of solutions, storage of washing materials. (G-0.8). 200
21 Laundries: departments for receiving and dispensing linen. (G-0.8). 200
22 Photos: salons for receiving and issuing orders. (G-0.8). 200
23 The baths are waiting and cooling-off. (G-0.8). 150
24 Rental points: storage rooms. (G-0.8). 150
25 Photos: studio photo studio. (G-0.8). 100
26 Baths - swimming pools. (on the floor, G-0.0). 100
27 Baths - dressing rooms, washing rooms, showers, steam rooms. (on the floor, G-0.0). 75
28 Clothes dry cleaning studio: chemical storage rooms. (G-0.8). 50

Lighting standards for logistics centers

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
no less
1 For closed warehouses with floor storage with gas discharge lamps 75
2 For closed warehouses with floor storage with incandescent lamps 50
3 For rack storage with gas discharge lamps 200
4 For rack storage with incandescent lamps 100
5 For open warehouses 20
6 Expedition of cargo reception and delivery 150
7 Sorting and picking of cargo 200

Hotel lighting standards

Residential lighting standards

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
no less
1 Children's. (on the floor, G-0.0). 200
2 Living rooms, kitchens. (on the floor, G-0.0) 150
3 Common premises: concierge premises. (on the floor, G-0.0). 150
4 Corridors, bathrooms, restrooms. (on the floor, G-0.0). 50
5 Common premises: lobbies. (on the floor, G-0.0). 30
6 Common building premises: floor corridors and elevator halls, staircases and landings. (on the floor, G-0.0). 20

Lighting standards for auxiliary buildings and premises

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
no less
1 Health centers: treatment rooms. (G-0.8). 500
2 Health centers: doctors' offices, dressing rooms. (G-0.8). 300
3 Health centers: waiting rooms, registry, rooms for duty personnel. (G-0.8). 200
4 Sanitary facilities: washbasins, latrines, smoking rooms. (on the floor, G-0.0). 75
5 Sanitary facilities: showers, dressing rooms, rooms for drying clothes and shoes, rooms for heating workers. (on the floor, G-0.0). 50

Pharmacy lighting standards

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
no less
1 Assistant, aseptic, analytical, packaging, preparation of concentrates and semi-finished products, control and marking. (G-0.8). 500
2 300
3 Storage areas for medicines, dressings and utensils. (G-0.8). 150
4 Storage room for acids, disinfectants, flammable and flammable liquids. (G-0.8). 75
5 Pantry containers. (G-0.8). 50

Station lighting standards

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
no less
1 Computer center. (G-0.8). 400
2 Prescription department, manual sales departments, optics, finished medicines. (G-0.8). 300
3 Waiting rooms, operating rooms, ticket offices, ticket baggage counters, communications department, operator's room, control room. (G-0.8). 300
4 Rooms for mothers and children, long-stay passengers. (on the floor, G-0.0). 200
5 Distribution halls, lobbies. (on the floor, G-0.0). 150

Lighting standards for parks, stadiums and exhibitions

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
no less
1 Public recreation areas, areas in front of the entrances to theaters, cinemas, exhibition pavilions and open-air stages; sites for board games: exhibitions. (G-0.0). 20
2 Public recreation areas, areas in front of the entrances to theaters, cinemas, exhibition pavilions and open-air stages; areas for board games: city-wide parks and gardens of administrative districts. (G-0.0). 10
3 Main entrances: stadiums and exhibitions. (G-0.0). 10
4 Central alleys: exhibitions. (G-0.0). 10
5 Recreation areas on exhibition grounds. (G-0.0). 10
6 Main entrances: city parks. (G-0.0). 6
7 Auxiliary entrances: stadiums and exhibitions. (G-0.0). 6
8 Central alleys: stadiums. (G-0.0). 6
9 Side alleys: exhibitions. (G-0.0). 6
10 Main entrances: gardens of administrative districts. (G-0.0). 4
11 Central alleys: city-wide parks. (G-0.0). 4
12 Side alleys: stadiums. (G-0.0). 4
13 Auxiliary entrances: city-wide parks. (G-0.0). 2
14 Central alleys: gardens of administrative districts. (G-0.0). 2
15 Side alleys: city-wide parks. (G-0.0). 2
16 Auxiliary entrances: gardens of administrative districts. (G-0.0). 1
17 Side alleys: gardens of administrative districts. (G-0.0). 1

Lighting standards for sports facilities

Type of sport
Class of game or sports facility
Minimum horizontal illumination (Ecr), lux
Open structures Indoor buildings
1 Football Training 50 300
Competitions 100 500
2 Ice hockey, figure skating Training 100 500
Competitions 400 500
3 Field hockey Training 50 150
Competitions 100 500
4 Ice skating Training 50 150
Competitions 100 500
5 Badminton, basketball, volleyball, hand ball Training 50 300
Competitions 400 500
6 Tennis Training 100 300
Competitions 400 500
7 Table tennis Training 150 400
Competitions - 500
8 Acrobatics, gymnastics, fencing Training 30 200
Competitions 400 500
9 Boxing, wrestling Training 30 200
Competitions - 1000
10 Athletics Training 50 150
Competitions 100 -
11 Weightlifting Training 30 150
Competitions - 500
12 Swimming Training 100 150
Competitions - 400
13 Water polo Training 100 200
Competitions - 400
14 Diving 100 150
15 Jumping on a trampoline - 200
16 Bullet shooting - 75
17 Chess checkers - 150
18 Gyms (on the floor, G-0.) - 200
19 Indoor pools (on the surface of the water) - 150
20 Aerobics, gymnastics, wrestling halls - 200

Lighting standards for industrial facilities according to VSN 196-83
Industry standards for the design of artificial lighting of the main workshops of industrial enterprises of the Ministry of Transport and Construction
First put into effect on January 1, 1984.

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
no less
1. Foundries for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
1.1 Copper department (crushing of scrap metal). Shihtovy yard, plot, work site lift Walkways around the workshop and approaches to work stations. (G-0.0). 75
1.2 Mixing preparation department Conveyors (G-0.8). 30
1.3 Mix preparation department Beguny. (G-0.8). 200
1.4 Mixing preparation department Rollers, sieves. Rod compartment. Molding department - general level of illumination in the department. Making molds, assembling flasks, setting cores for large and medium castings. Technological processing of models, drying. Knockout department is the general level of illumination in the department. Mechanical knocking out of molds and cores from flasks. (G-0.8). 150
1.5 The molding department produces molds for casting according to models. (G-0.8). 300
1.6 Rod compartment for drying and storing rods. The molding department supplies flasks and molds for filling. (G-0.0). 50
1.7 The melting and pouring department is a site for inspection and repair of cupola furnaces and furnaces. (G-0.0). 30
1.8 The cooling area for the flasks. (G-0.0). 10
2. Forge shops for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
2.1 Procurement department. Forging department. Mechanical department general level of illumination in the department. (G-0.8). 200
2.2 Mechanical department tumbling drums. (G-0.8). 150
3. Cold stamping shops, departments for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
3.1 General level illumination in the workshop, department. Presses, stamps, bending machines with manual feed. (G-0.8). 200
3.2 Automatic stamping. (G-0.8). 150
4. Heat shops, departments for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
4.1 The general level of illumination in the workshop or department. (G-0.8). 150
4.2 Thermal furnaces, furnace-baths, high-frequency installations, hardening baths, cooling baths. (G-0.8). 200
5. Metal coating shops, (plating shops) production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
5.1 General level of illumination in the workshop. Pickling baths, washing, metal coating. (G-0.8). 200
5.2 OTK. (G-0.8). 500
5.3 Branch treatment facilities. (G-0.0). 10
6. Metal structures workshops for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
6.1 Procurement departments, areas. (G-0.8). 200
6.2 Procurement departments, areas in open areas. (G-0.8). 50
6.3 Drilling section. (G-0.8). 150
7. Welding and assembly-welding shops, departments, areas for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
7.1 General level of illumination in the workshop. Welding, cutting, fusing. (G-0.8). 200
7.2 Marking, core. (G-0.8). 300
8. Painting shops for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
8.1 Painting shops - general level of illumination in the workshop. Preparatory operations (cleaning, degreasing, priming). Painting of structures, construction machines, equipment, etc. (G-0.8). 200
9. Mechanical and tool shops, equipment shops for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
9.1 Tubing and mechanical workshop - general level of illumination in the workshop. Tubing processing complex design on radial drilling machines. (G-0.8). 200
9.2 Mechanical, tool shops, departments, sections, equipment shops, the general level of illumination in the shop (G-0.8). 300
9.3 Mechanical, tool shops, departments, sections, equipment shops, marking table, metalwork, pattern work, work with drawings. (G-0.8). 500
9.4 Mechanical, tool shops, departments, sections, quality control equipment shops. (G-0.8). 750
10. Mechanical repair shops for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
10.1 General level of illumination in the workshop. Dismantling of machines and mechanisms. Dismantling of machine components and mechanisms after washing. (G-0.8). 200
10.2 Department of repair of engines, motors, pumps and other electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic equipment. (G-0.8). 300
10.3 Department for repairing chassis of tracked vehicles. (G-0.8). 150
11. Mechanical assembly shops for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
11.1 Department of assembly of large components of machines, mechanisms, equipment. (G-0.8). 150
11.2 Department of assembly of medium components of machines, mechanisms, means small mechanization, equipment. Workshop, department, area for assembling machines, mechanisms, equipment. (G-0.8). 200
11.3 Department of assembly of electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic equipment. (G-0.8). 300
12. Electrical installation shops for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
12.1 General level of illumination in the workshop. Installation area for panels, panels, consoles, cabinets, etc. (G-0.8). 200
12.2 Wire cutting area, winding operations, assembly of instruments and other electrical equipment. (G-0.8). 300
13. Abrasive shops for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
13.1 General level of illumination in the workshop. Department for preparing molding mass. Department, heat treatment area abrasive wheels. (G-0.8). 150
13.2 Press department. (G-0.8). 200
13.3 Branch machining abrasive wheels, hardness and tensile testing, QC. (G-0.8). 500
14. Concrete mixing shop for the production of reinforced concrete and expanded clay concrete structures and products
14.1 Concrete mixing plant general level of illumination in the departments of the plant. Concrete mixing department. Concrete mixer. (G-0.8). 10
14.2 Concrete mixing unit dosing department. (G-0.8). 150
15. Reinforcement shop for the production of reinforced concrete and expanded clay concrete structures and products
15.1 Reinforcement shop, procurement department, general level of illumination in the department. Welding shop, department general level of illumination in the workshop, department. Welding stations, automatic machines, machines. The department for assembling reinforcement cages is the general level of illumination in the department. (G-0.8). 200
16. Molding shop for the production of reinforced concrete and expanded clay concrete structures and products
16.1 Molding shop general level of illumination in the workshop. (G-0.8). 150
16.2 Heat and humidity chamber. (G-0.8). 50
16.3 Section of stripping, insulating, finishing works, Quality Control and Labeling. (G-0.8). 200
17. Production of sand-lime brick
17.1 Crushing department. Limestone roasting department. Grinding department. Mass procurement department. (G-0.8). 75
17.2 Control finished products. Presses, automatic stackers. Molding department. General level of illumination in the department. (G-0.8). 200
18. Production of red clay ordinary bricks
18.1 Roasting shop. (G-0.0). 75
18.2 Drying ovens. (G-0.8). 75
18.3 Control of finished products. (G-0.8). 200
19. Lime production
19.1 General level of illumination in the laboratory. Laboratory equipment, instruments. (G-0.8). 300
19.2 General level of illumination in the department. (G-0.0). 75
20. Granite and marble processing
20.1 Granite and marble workshops. General level of illumination in workshops. (G-0.8). 150
20.2 Sawing natural stone into slabs. Cutting and edging of slabs milling machines. (G-0.8). 200
20.3 Grinding and polishing of slabs. (G-0.8). 300
20.4 OTK. (G-0.8). 500
20.5 Packaging of finished slabs. (G-0.0). 75
21. Woodworking enterprises and workshops. Sawmill production.
21.1 Unloading (loading) areas for raw materials, lumber, finished products from transport (to transport). (G-0.0). 10
21.2 General level of illumination in the department. Sawmill frame (log supply side), second floor. Sawing wood on band saws, circular saws, pendulum saws. (G-0.8). 200
21.3 Department for sorting and rejecting lumber. Lumber processing department. (G-0.8). 100
21.4 Waste processing and transportation department, first floor. (G-0.8). 100
22. Woodworking enterprises and workshops. Carpentry production.
22.1 General level of illumination in the department. Section for cutting and marking lumber. Automatic production lines. Assembly department. Glue preparation department. Product painting and varnishing department. (G-0.8). 150
22.2 Grinding machines. Glazing areas of window and door units. Preparation and coating of products with varnishes and paints. (G-0.8). 200
22.3 Areas for selecting texture and gluing veneer. Grinding (cleaning) the surface of the product. (G-0.8). 300
23. Production of inventory buildings of container and prefabricated types
23.1 General level of illumination in the workshop. Assembly station for volumetric blocks. Panel production line (wipes, presses, tilters, roller tables, nailing machines, insulation laying stations). (G-0.8). 150
23.2 Section of additional and roof elements. The area for sharpening and merging boards along the length and cross-section. Area for cutting slabs according to format. Area for gluing slabs. (G-0.8). 150
24. Production of wood-laminated structures (DKK)
24.1 General level of illumination in the department. (G-0.8). 150
24.2 Places for storing packages. (G-0.0). 50
25. Repair and tool shops, departments, areas
25.1 The general level of illumination in a workshop, department, area. (G-0.8). 300
25.2 Machines for sharpening knives, carbide saws, milling cutters, rolling machines. Saw dies for cutting teeth. Tables for assembly, inspection and control of finished tools, metal workbenches. (G-0.8). 300
25.3 Warehouses for metal, scrap metal, lumber, raw materials, bulk materials(crushed stone, sand, cement, etc.), finished products. (G-0.0). 20
26. Car service companies
26.1 Car washing and cleaning. (G-0.0). 150
26.2 Maintenance and car repair. (G-0.0). 200
26.3 Daily car maintenance. (B - by car). 75
26.4 Inspection ditches. (G - bottom of the car). 150
26.5 Departments: motor, aggregate, mechanical, electrical and power supplies. (G-0.8). 300
26.6 Forging, welding and tinsmithing and coppersmithing departments. Carpentry and wallpaper departments. Tire repair and installation. (G-0.8). 200
26.7 Car storage facilities. (G-0.0). 20
26.8 Open areas for storing cars. (G-0.0). 5
27. Boiler rooms
27.1 Boiler service areas. (G-0.0). 100
27.2 platforms and stairs of boilers and economizers, passages behind boilers. (G-0.0). 10
27.3 Premises of smoke exhausters, fans, bunker compartment, fuel supply. (G-0.8). 100
27.4 Condensation, chemical water treatment, deaerator, boiler. (G-0.0). 100
27.5 Above the bunker room. (G-0.8). 20
28. Electrical rooms
28.1 Chambers of transformers and reactors. (B-1.5). 50
28.2 Premises distribution devices(B-1.5). 100
28.3 Battery rooms. (G-0.5). 50
28.4 Battery repair. (G-0.8). 200
29. Premises for electric cars and electric forklifts
29.1 Parking and charging facilities. (G-0.0). 50
29.2 Repair of electric cars and electric forklifts. (G-0.0). 200
29.3 Electrolytic and distillation. (G-0.8). 160
30. Premises utility networks and other technical premises
30.1 Premises for ventilation equipment(except air conditioners). (G-0.8). 20
30.2 Premises for air conditioners, pumps, heating points. (G-0.8). 75
30.3 Machine rooms for pumping rooms, compressor rooms, blowers with permanent staff on duty. (G-0.8). 150
30.3 Machine rooms for pumping rooms, compressor rooms, blowers without constant personnel duty. (G-0.8). 100
30.4 Premises for utility networks. (G-0.0). 20

SNiP 23-05-95 “Natural and artificial lighting. Design standards".

Standardization of artificial lighting

With artificial lighting, the minimum illumination in lux is standardized depending on:

· d – characteristic of visual work, which is determined smallest size object of distinction d

· contrast of the object of discrimination with the background (small, medium, large)

background characteristics (light, medium, dark)

· lighting system (general or combined)

type of light source

SNiP contains all tables for GL; for LN, the standards are reduced by 1 step.

Rationing natural light

In natural light, KEO is normalized

, Where

- illumination at a given point in the room

Illumination created by the light of an open sky covered with clouds

KEO does not give an idea of ​​the lighting in the workplace. It regulates how much natural light should enter the room when performing certain work.

KEO estimates the sizes window openings, type of glazing, contamination of glazing, i.e. the ability of a natural lighting system to transmit light.

KEO is standardized depending on:

1. from the characteristics of visual work or the category of visual work

2. from the lighting system, i.e. top, side, combined

3. from the area where the building is located on the territory of the Russian Federation

17. Calculation of artificial lighting

Before calculation you must:

1. select the type of light source LN, GL depending on the conditions in production premises(temperatures), as well as features technological process

2. choose a lighting system, i.e. combined, general localized, general uniform

3. choose the type of lamp depending on the environmental conditions

4. distribute the lamps throughout the room and determine their number

5. determine the required illumination of workplaces

1) Luminous flux utilization factor method.

Used for general uniform illumination calculations

Fl – luminous flux of lamps or group of lamps (Ln)

Ep – normalized illumination (Lx)

K – coefficient of wear and dust of the light source 1.4-1.8

S – room area

Z – minimum illumination coefficient 1.1-1.?

N – number of lamps in the room

η – luminous flux utilization factor depending on:

1. type of lamp

2. flow reflection coefficient relative to the floor

A, B – length and width

H – height of the lamp suspension – distance from the lamp to the working surface

Based on the obtained luminous flux, use the reference book to select a suitable lamp

2). Point scattering method

3). Calculation of natural light

Natural and artificial lighting in premises is regulated by SNiP 23-05-95, depending on the nature of visual work, the system and type of lighting, background, contrast of the object with the background. The characteristics of visual work are determined by the smallest size of the object of discrimination (for example, when working with instruments - the thickness of the scale graduation line, when drawing - the thickness of the thinnest line). Depending on the size of the object of discrimination, all types of work associated with visual tension are divided into eight categories, which in turn, depending on the background and the contrast of the object with the background, are divided into four subcategories.

Artificial lighting is standardized by quantitative (minimum illumination Emin) and qualitative indicators (indicators of glare and discomfort, illumination pulsation coefficient kE).

Separate standardization of artificial lighting has been adopted depending on the light sources used and the lighting system. The standard illumination value for gas-discharge lamps, all other things being equal, is higher than for incandescent lamps due to their greater light output. With combined lighting, the share of general lighting should be at least 10% of the standardized illumination. This value must be at least 150 lux for gas-discharge lamps and 50 lux for incandescent lamps.

To limit the glare of general lighting fixtures in industrial premises, the glare indicator should not exceed 20...80 units, depending on the duration and level of visual work. When lighting industrial premises with gas-discharge lamps powered by alternating current of industrial frequency 50 Hz, the pulsation depth should not exceed 10... 20%, depending on the nature of the work performed.

When determining the illumination standard, one should also take into account a number of conditions that necessitate an increase in the level of illumination, selected according to the characteristics of visual work. An increase in illumination should be provided, for example, when there is an increased risk of injury or when performing intense visual work of grades I...IV throughout the working day. In some cases, the illumination level should be reduced, for example, when people stay indoors for a short time.

Natural lighting is characterized by the fact that the created illumination varies depending on the time of day, year, and meteorological conditions. Therefore, a relative value is adopted as a criterion for assessing natural lighting - the coefficient of natural illumination KEO, which does not depend on the above parameters.

KEO is the ratio of illumination at a given point inside the room Evn to the simultaneous value of external horizontal illumination En, created by the light of a completely open sky, expressed as a percentage, i.e.

KEO = 100 EUR/EN.

Separate standardization of KEO for side and top natural lighting has been adopted. At side lighting normalize the minimum value of KEO within the working area, which must be ensured at points farthest from the window; in rooms with overhead and combined lighting - according to the average KEO within the working area. The normalized value of KEO, taking into account the characteristics of visual work, the lighting system, and the area where buildings are located in the country:

en = KEO ts,

where KEO is the coefficient of natural illumination; determined according to SNiP 23-05-95;

t is the light climate coefficient, determined depending on the area where the building is located in the country;

c is the climate sunshine coefficient, determined depending on the orientation of the building relative to the cardinal directions;

coefficients t and s are determined according to tables SNiP 23-05-95.1

Combined lighting is allowed for industrial premises in which visual work of categories I and II is performed; for industrial premises built in the northern climatic zone of the country; for premises in which, according to technology conditions, it is necessary to maintain stable air parameters (areas of precision metalworking machines, electrical precision equipment). In this case, general artificial lighting of the premises should be provided by gas-discharge lamps, and lighting standards are increased by one step.

DEVELOPED by the Research Institute of Building Physics (NIISF), the Limited Liability Company "All-Russian Scientific Research, Design and Design Lighting Institute" (LLC "VNISI"), the Joint Stock Company "Central Research and Design Experimental Institute" engineering equipment"(JSC TsNIIEP engineering equipment), Academy of Public Utilities named after. K.D. Pamfilov (AKH named after K.D. Pamfilov), All-Russian Research and Design Institute Tyazhpromelektroproekt (VNIPI Tyazhpromelektroproekt), Research Institute of Human Ecology and Hygiene environment them. A.N. Sysin (NIIEChGOS named after A.N. Sysin), Scientific Center for Social and Industrial Problems of Occupational Safety, Ivanovo Institute of Occupational Safety, Limited Liability Partnership "Ceres".


SNiP 23-05-95 * was amended No. 1, approved by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated May 29, 2003 No. 44.

Sections, subsections, paragraphs of text, Tables, formulas and appendices where changes have been made are marked with an asterisk.

Amendment No. 1 SNiP 23-05-95 developed by: federal state organization Research Institute of Building Physics Russian Academy architecture and construction sciences (NIISF RAASN) (advisor RAASN, candidate of technical sciences Shmarov I.A., Ph.D. tech. sciences Zemtsov V.A., Kotlyarova N.I., Ph.D. tech. sciences Kozlov V.A.), LLC "All-Russian Lighting Engineering Institute" (LLC "VNISI") (Doctor of Technical Sciences Eisenberg Yu.B., Ph.D. tech. sciences Fedyukina G.V.), specialized state unitary enterprise"Mosgorsvet" (SSUP "Mosgorsvet") (candidate of technical sciences) Koryagin O.G.), JSC "TsNIIEP engineering equipment" ( Zobov V.P.), State Unitary Enterprise - Institute for the Design of Residential and Public Buildings, Landscaping and Urban Design "Mosproekt-3" (SUE "Mosproekt-3") (Ph.D. Architect. Shchepetkov N.I., Ph.D. arch. Voronov V.V.), Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (SCCH RAMS) (candidate of biological sciences Teksheva L.M.), Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in Moscow (candidate of medical sciences Bobkova T.E., Ph.D. honey. sciences Fokin S.G.), Establishment of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia, Research Institute of Labor Protection in Ivanovo (NIIOT Ivanovo) (candidate of technical sciences Ilyina E.I.), Open joint stock company"VNIPI Tyazhpromelektroproekt" (JSC VNIPI "Tyazhpromelektroproekt" ( Gorbacheva Z.K.), LLC "Ceres-expert" (Moscow) ( Orlov A.V.), LLC "Lighting Solutions" (Ekaterinburg) ( Bogomolov A.A.)


SNiP 23-05-95 was developed in accordance with common system regulatory documents in construction and is part of complex 23 (Appendix B SNiP 10-01-94).

The document establishes standards for natural, artificial and combined lighting of buildings and structures, as well as standards for artificial lighting of residential areas, enterprise sites and places of work outside buildings.

SNiP 23-05-95*


Date of introduction 1996-01-01


These standards apply (except for cases specified in other chapters of SNiP) to the design of lighting for premises of newly constructed and reconstructed buildings and structures for various purposes, places of work outside buildings, sites of industrial and agricultural enterprises, railway tracks sites of enterprises, outdoor lighting of cities, towns and rural settlements. The design of local lighting devices supplied complete with machines, machines and industrial furniture should also be carried out in accordance with these standards.

These standards do not apply to the design of lighting for underground mines, sea and river ports, airfields, railway stations and their tracks, sports facilities, medical institutions, premises for storing agricultural products, placement of plants, animals, birds, as well as to the design of special technological and security lighting when used technical means security

Based on these standards, industry lighting standards are developed, taking into account the specific features of the technological process and construction solutions for buildings and structures in the industry, which are coordinated and approved in the prescribed manner.


These rules and regulations refer to the following documents:


Requirements for lighting of premises of residential, public and administrative buildings (KEO, standardized illumination, cylindrical illumination, discomfort indicator and illumination pulsation coefficient) should be taken according to table. and application.

4.4 Artificial and combined lighting should be designed taking into account the requirements for ultraviolet radiation in accordance with current sanitary standards and methodological guidelines “Preventive ultraviolet irradiation of people (using artificial sources ultraviolet radiation)».


5.1 * Premises with constant occupancy should, as a rule, have natural light.

Without natural lighting, it is allowed to design premises that are defined by the relevant chapters of SNiP for the design of buildings and structures, regulatory documents on the construction design of buildings and structures of certain industries, approved in the prescribed manner, as well as premises, the placement of which is permitted in the basement floors of buildings and structures.

In residential and public buildings with one-way side lighting:

a) residential premises in residential buildings, the normalized value of KEO must be ensured at the design point located at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the floor plane at a distance of 1 m from the wall farthest from the light openings: in one room for 1-, 2- and 3-room apartments and two rooms for 4-room or more apartments.

In other residential areas multi-room apartments and in the kitchen, the normalized KEO value for side lighting should be ensured at the design point located in the center of the room on the floor plane;

b) residential premises of dormitories, living rooms and hotel rooms, the normalized value of KEO must be ensured at the design point located at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the floor plane at a distance of 1 m from the wall farthest from the light openings;

c) group and play areas of preschool institutions, isolation wards and rooms for sick children - at a design point located at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the floor plane at a distance of 1 m from the wall farthest from the light openings;

d) in educational and educational-industrial premises - schools, boarding schools, vocational and secondary special educational institutions - at a design point located at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the conditional working surface at a distance of 1.2 m from the wall, farthest from light openings;

e) in the wards of hospitals of healthcare institutions, in the wards and bedrooms of sanatoriums and rest homes and boarding houses - at the design point located at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the floor plane at a distance of 1 m from the wall farthest from the light openings;

f) in the offices of doctors receiving patients, in examination rooms, in reception and examination boxes, dressing rooms - at the design point located at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the conventional working surface at a distance of 1 m from the wall farthest from the light openings;

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