How to make a wall from wood cuts. Do-it-yourself floor made from wood cuts. Eco-friendly flooring in your home! Do-it-yourself wooden floors from saw cuts

The statement that making a floor from saw cuts with your own hands is not difficult, to put it mildly, is not entirely true - despite the fact that technologically it is decorative coating It looks simple, but in fact it is replete with a lot of different subtleties and nuances.

If you treat such a floor with disdain and underestimate the complexity of its manufacture, the result will be dismal - it will take several years, and the coating will have to be redone. Do you need this? To do this, to do this - at a minimum, such a floor should last for ten years. And at a minimum, its dismantling at the end of its service life should not entail a global, large-scale repair - ideally it should look like, for example, replacing linoleum or laminate. I agree, creating such a covering with your own hands is very difficult, but you need to strive for this - in principle, it is real, and we will tell you how to make such a floor from wood cuts with your own hands on this page of the Dream House website. But first, let's get acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of this flooring.

Wood flooring photo

Advantages and disadvantages of a floor made from wood cuts with your own hands

Agree, almost all construction and finishing materials, which people use today to arrange their living space, are mostly of artificial origin. Even if they are not toxic and are classified as environmentally friendly pure materials, yet they don't have natural origin, and from the point of view of the science of Feng Shui, their energy component tends to zero. But this is not the point - unlike them, wood (including its saw cuts) is a creation of nature, which is the first advantage of a floor made from saw cuts. There is no need to rejoice in advance - this is a double-edged sword. On the one side natural wood, and on the other, synthetic polymer binders that will have to be used as protective coating– in general, the situation from an environmental point of view is twofold and, most likely, negative factors will win here and negate the entire environmental component of the floor.

By and large, here we can highlight only a few advantages that can really be called the advantages of this sex. Oddly enough, this is a decorative component - in fact, it is something that can be done at your own discretion, creating various patterns. And save money by doing the installation work yourself. In my opinion, everything else is far-fetched. Judge for yourself.

But let's return to our strength - a good and durable floor from wood cuts cannot be made cheaply. Spending money for the short term is also a very dubious idea. By and large, this gender cannot offer a person anything other than unusual beauty. This is purely my opinion, but if you think carefully about this issue, you will probably come to exactly the same conclusion. And while you are thinking, we will go further and tell you about two ways to make a floor from saw cuts with your own hands.

Floor made of wooden cuts: an option for a summer house

Why for a dacha? The reason is simple. This is a simplified version that does not involve the use of polymer binders. This floor can really be called environmentally friendly, and it will cost you a minimum. At the same time, the floor will lose strength, aesthetics and other characteristics. In addition, it cannot be washed in the literal sense of the word, since unprotected wood will quickly rot. Such a floor is made from saw cuts in a very primitive way.

Once everything is dry, the floor will need to be sanded. In order for such a miracle coating to last longer, each cut must be thoroughly soaked with an antiseptic. In addition, the wood must be properly dried before laying.

End-cut floors: durable technology

As in the previous case, all wood used for the manufacture of such floors must be well dried and treated with an antiseptic. To achieve different effects, it can be shaded using stain. An important condition creating such a floor is to strictly adhere to the thickness of the cut - if in the first case this moment of great importance does not, then differences of 1 mm will result in a large consumption of polymers, which will make the floor very expensive.

In this regard, it is better to think about a device that will allow you to make cuts with maximum accuracy. In addition, they also need to be made as thin as possible.

Such floors are made from saw cuts with your own hands as follows.

In conclusion to the topic of how to make a floor from wood cuts with your own hands, all that remains is to say a few words about self-made removable slats. They are made in exactly the same way, but not on concrete or wooden base, and on sheets of plywood, along the edges of which they are cut manual router connecting grooves. Believe me, it is not so difficult - but as a result you will get some semblance. The sizes of such fragments can be any - naturally, within reason, so that they can be easily laid with your own hands.

Advantages of floors made from saw cuts

The saw-saw floor is made from natural materials.
Relatively cheap.
Very beautiful and pleasant to the touch.
Easy to do (relatively).


Unfortunately, this type of flooring requires quite a lot of wood good quality, so it is recommended to cover only small areas.
Floors made from saw cuts need to be serviced approximately once every 2 years.

What will you need?

Round stones 10-12 cm thick, sawdust, limestone, clay, linseed oil, beeswax, water, lard.

Note: It is important that the cuts are very, very well dried (not to mention working, no moisture).

The process of making such a floor is relatively simple and very similar to laying paving slabs or paving stones. You need a hard, well-compacted surface, on top of which we pour a layer of river pebbles (about 6-10 cm). Then using rubber mallet Let's start laying the cuts. We tap and check with a level that the floor is level and that none of the cuts stick out or go too deep. As a rule, after laying, the distance from the surface of the cuts to the sand level is about 4-7 cm, and the distance between the cuts should be approximately 1-1.5 cm.

Mixture for filling joints

For a floor area of ​​about 5 square meters In a 15-liter bucket, add 1 kg of lime, 5 kg of sawdust and 2 kg of clay with water to 1 kg of melted pork fat. After thorough mixing, you should get a paste-like mass. You can also add marble dust.

We introduce the mixture into the distances between the cuts and rub it well, as much as possible, without leaving air pockets. It should fill the gaps. It is very important that there are no voids left, otherwise cracks and water leakage cannot be avoided in the future. The remainder of this mixture can also be used to fill cracks in saw cuts (if applicable). After the last seam is covered, we leave our floor to dry for 1-2 days. If cracks appear, fill them.

After complete drying (another day or two), we polish the floor from the saw cuts well. It is even recommended to do curettage. You can rent a scraping machine to achieve the perfect effect. After this, check very carefully to see if there are any cracks.

And finally we polish beeswax and linseed oil.

p.s. And this is an ancient “pavement” made of saw cuts, which the craftsmen gave a hexagonal shape (the shape of a honeycomb), it is more than a hundred years old.

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Nowadays, such seemingly very simple at first glance floorings made from wooden sections of logs - such unique stumps - have become very popular. They are used as decorative elements, objects for various arts, as well as for larger projects, such as paving paths in the garden and on a summer cottage, finishing whole or part of the walls of premises.

Some craftsmen have long tried to make floors from wood cuts with their own hands for their own dacha or even apartment.

They claim that the work is not at all as difficult as it might seem, but the result is striking in its natural expressiveness of texture and design.

Almost all materials that surround us in modern house, perhaps beautiful and comfortable, but, let’s be honest, they are artificial, not always environmentally friendly, and sometimes even toxic. Nowadays, it has become very fashionable to use more natural materials, in particular wood, both in room decoration, crafts, pieces of furniture, and in the manufacture of entire walls, floors, ceilings, even paths in the garden and on the plot.

As you know, everything new is well forgotten old. End cuts have been used in home and garden decoration for a long time. Both in rich houses and in simple village ones.

They were placed in outbuildings, forges, on the streets, in houses in the form of parquet, but not the kind that we know now, but the end one. It was done in the large halls of palaces, from the most different breeds wood, even interspersed soft species, looked great.

Do-it-yourself wooden floors from saw cuts

The advantage of floors made from saw cuts is “naturalness”, as well as low cost. The floors are very strong and hard, durable, have great view. They claim that you can do it yourself. They are warm, accumulate and retain heat well from the radiator, stove and just sunlight from the window.

This durable material, especially if you use special means. For example, there are impregnations for the protection and preservation of wood.

Real wooden parquet will never go out of style. Today we will think about the production of floors from wood cuts, radial or transverse cuts, otherwise they are also called end cuts.

The idea of ​​making an original wooden floor with your own hands is in the air. As far as I know, there is far more than one option for implementing this idea.

I made a selection of photographs, as well as information on one topic - sawing logs as “flooring”. Maybe someone will be inspired by this idea and make an exclusive floor for their home from wood cuts with their own hands.

You will never get tired of looking at such beauty - the structure of the tree on each cut is so unique, it is a drawing of nature itself.

As you can see in the photo, cracked logs and what is called “substandard” - tree trunks that are not quite round in cross-section - will also be used for the work. In the intervals between the large ones, small ones will fit well - cuts of small branches and twigs.

Someone decides to use round saw cuts (“rounds”), some even take them with bark, but one must understand that this raises the problem of filling the empty areas between the wooden circles and attaching them to the floor. This floor looks very decorative.

You can make the cuts yourself, many have summer cottages there is such an opportunity, and you can also buy it; now such blanks are very popular, in particular for making various crafts and interior decor.

Some people want to get around this problem by using wooden blocks of strictly geometric shapes - for example, squares, rhombuses, hexagons in the form of a “honeycomb”, while the parts will fit together with virtually no voids. But there is more work involved in processing the source material, and a lot of it will be needed.

In our age of new technologies, some have found a solution. Everyone knows self-leveling floors, which were first made in production premises, as well as in wet conditions. Now there are hobbyists who have this type of flooring at home, it is good for the bathroom or kitchen and does not require special care.

Its advantage is that under transparent self-leveling coating you can place a drawing, a collage with some interesting subjects, I even saw floors with small coins along the entire length. I don't know how much money this attracts, but decorative element in such a floor there is undoubtedly.

Wooden saw cuts - laying and pouring technology

Now let's talk about the most interesting thing - the technology itself. Almost any type of tree is suitable for the job, but it is better if they are plants with a dense, solid structure. As we know, for example, hard wood is found in oak, beech, and hornbeam.

In addition to hardness for wood, there is also the concept of stability, this is also important for what we are going to do. We do not take into account exotic species, but if we consider traditional species, then oak and walnut have these two indicators at their best.

Trees such as linden, spruce, poplar, pine, aspen, cedar, and fir have soft wood and are not suitable for flooring. There is a measure of wood hardness, it is measured on a certain Brinell scale. So, for the manufacture of parquet, only those trees are used that have at least average hardness on this same Brinnell scale.

I think it’s already clear that the saw cuts should be very well dried. No humidity is allowed.

Method 1

Here is a description of one technology. End cuts of logs 10-12 cm thick are suitable, but it’s a matter of imagination, you can take absolutely any, lay circles in one floor different diameters. Lime will also be needed sawdust, wax, clay, linseed oil, lard, water.

Laying as for a mosaic, with minimal distances between adjacent elements. Sand with small pebbles is poured onto the surface in a layer of up to 10 centimeters. Afterwards, lay the saw cuts, pressing them into the sand, making sure that top level Everyone had approximately the same one.

How to fill the space between the round logs? The “holes” are filled with a composition of the consistency of paste: 1 kilogram of fat, 5 kg of sawdust, 1 kg of lime, and about 2 kg of wet clay. They say that it is a good idea to add marble dust or small glass fragments to the composition.

Carefully fill all voids, as well as cracks in the saw cuts, and allow to dry for 2 days. After which the surface should be well polished; a sanding machine will not hurt. Polishing with wax and oil.

Method 2

Here's another description of the process. Cut the wood sections with a band saw. Place them on the plywood, gluing them with construction adhesive. Fill the seams with a specially prepared solution containing 20% ​​sawdust. After hardening, it is sanded using a machine, and the floor surface becomes smooth and the cuts are clean.

The top of the floor with saw cuts is covered with sealant. I think the mortar is 80 percent epoxy-based self-leveling floor mortar. It is better to take a dark color, but then make sure that dark color did not stain the surface of the wood.

I think at the end you can apply a topcoat, varnish, epoxy, or polyurethane-based self-leveling floor.

By the way, some people place saw cuts on liquid concrete, probably for greater reliability, as in the very first photo. So here everyone decides for himself what will be more convenient for him to work with.

By the way, if you want the visible wood surface of the floor to have a certain shade, then this can be done, for example, with stain, immediately after leveling and sanding, before applying the final varnish coating.

In interior design nowadays, saw cuts are widely used to create very beautiful tabletops, chairs, decorative wooden wall panels in eco style. Remember the cartoon about the hedgehog in the fog? There the hedgehog talks about juniper branches. It is better not to cover crafts or artistic compositions made from juniper with anything on top, or with any varnish - they have an amazing aroma that lasts for many years.

Cutting down a tree - most interesting material for creating all sorts of crafts, and it is beautiful in itself. Children enjoy burning and drawing on them.

What else I would like to add is that the end parquet made of transverse rounds does not necessarily have to consist of round mosaic components.

If you have a beam, square or rectangular in cross-section, then it will also be interesting, only here there are certain specifics - the gaps between the parts will be smaller. It looks like real parquet. However, this is parquet, only made using a different technology.

Floor mosaic with examples of geometric design elements

There are different types of floors; sawn wood floors are also a kind of “mosaic”, since they are laid according to the same principle. But further here we'll talk about the classics. Simple as well as more complex patterns and ornaments with two, three, four color combinations tiles Samples were photographed in the museum; these are the works of old masters.

To such unique wooden floors in the best possible way will do unusual furniture, also made by hand, on our own. It will perfectly complement the interior. If you follow the link ( large selection different options), then there, in addition to those in the picture, you will also see several examples of tabletops for tables with wood cuts.

The saw-cut floor is made from natural materials that have no negative consequences for health. Due to the fact that it is made from natural resources

Advantages of floors made from saw cuts:

The saw-cut floor is made from natural materials that do not have any negative consequences for health.
Due to the fact that it is made from natural resources, it can be very cheap.
Contrary to the opinions of skeptics, this floor is more durable than expected.
Exceptional aesthetic appearance and pleasant to the touch.
Easily done without the need to hire a specialist.


Unfortunately, this type of flooring requires quite a lot of good quality wood, so it is recommended to cover only small areas (to protect the woods).
Require frequent maintenance(once every 2 years)

Construction stages:

Before you start creating such a floor, it is very important to read information about natural houses, the floors of which can not only be inexpensive and healthy, but also which are very effective because they form thermal mass and act as a heat sink from sunlight or any other source of energy.


Pieces of logs are about 10-12 cm thick (the diameter may differ from everyone’s imagination).
Sawdust, limestone, clay, linseed oil, beeswax, water, lard.

Note: it is important that the cuts are very, very well dried (not to mention work, no moisture).

The process of making such a floor is relatively simple and very similar to laying paving slabs or paving stones. You need a hard, well-compacted surface, on top of which we pour a layer of river pebbles (about 6-10 cm). Then, using a rubber hammer, we begin laying the cuts. We tap and check with a level that the floor is level and that none of the cuts stick out or go too deep. As a rule, after laying, the distance from the surface of the cuts to the sand level is about 4-7 cm, and the distance between the cuts should be approximately one to one and a half centimeters.

Mixture for filling joints:

For a floor with an area of ​​about 5 square meters, add 1 kg of lime, 5 kg of sawdust and 2 kg of clay with water to 1 kg of melted pork fat in a 15-liter bucket. After thorough mixing, you should get a paste-like mass. You can also add marble dust or glass shards with grease to help the mixture become waterproof.

We introduce the mixture into the distances between the cuts and rub it well, as much as possible, without leaving air pockets. It should fill the gaps up to the magazines. It is very important that there are no voids left, otherwise cracks and water leakage cannot be avoided in the future. The remainder of this mixture can also be used to fill cracks in saw cuts (if applicable). After the last seam is covered, we leave our floor to dry for 1-2 days. Check, if you have any cracks, fill them. After complete drying (another day or two) it polishes well. It is even recommended to do curettage. You can rent a cycling machine to achieve the perfect effect. After that, check again carefully, very carefully, to see if you have any cracks. If you find one, fill in the gaps, hand sand and leave until completely dry. This usually shouldn't happen after scraping, but especially if you're using this kind of bathroom floor, it never hurts to be more careful.

And finally the time comes for the most enjoyable stage of finishing. Since our floor is made of natural materials, we will polish it natural materials, namely beeswax and linseed oil.

The construction industry does not stand still; no one will be surprised by innovative materials used in interior decoration; new trends in the field of renovation appear with enviable regularity. But everything new, as they say, is well forgotten old, in lately The use of wood for flooring has become popular. No, we won’t talk about trivial parquet or boring floor boards. This article will describe the process of making a floor from wood cuts, which you can do yourself.

Advantages of a stacked floor

  1. Environmental friendliness - all components and materials used in the production of flooring from wood cuts do not negative impact on the human body;
  2. Cost-effectiveness - if you live near a forest belt, you can save a lot on material, although if you purchase it, you won’t be able to save your wallet;
  3. Strength qualities – at high level due to the fact that hard wood is used in production and it is filled with paste, which after drying becomes unusually hard;
  4. Appearance - the unusualness and beauty of this design solution It will put guests almost in a stupor, and will continue to delight you for many years.

To install such floors, you will not need to hire outside specialists, because the whole process is completely simple; after reading this article, you will be able to do them yourself in your home.

The main disadvantages of floors made from cut trees

  1. Expensiveness - one of the advantages can easily turn into a disadvantage, if you do not have a source for obtaining material in the form of wood in the neighborhood, you will need to purchase it, and this is not so cheap;
  2. Maintenance - this technology involves regular work to refresh the top layer of floors; they need to be done less often, but not less than once every two years;
  3. Choice of wood - although many forums say that any type of wood is suitable for saw-cut floors, the use of soft wood is not recommended;
  4. Wood quality - the process of selecting saw cuts requires care; many parts of sawn trees are not suitable for use, especially those that have mechanical damage and clear signs tree diseases.

Laying the saw cut on a sand base

The floor is made from wood cuts with your own hands, photo, and is made using the following materials:

  • Log cuts are the basis of the floor;
  • Sawdust – used as a binding material for paste;
  • Lime is also included in the paste;
  • Clay is one of the elements of the mortar that fills the gaps between cuts;
  • Sand - used as a powder under wooden floors; its use will help level the components of the floor;
  • Spatula;
  • Mallet;
  • Wax – used to add shine to wood;
  • Varnish - it is used to cover the floor, protecting it from dampness.

Step by step instructions

  • The process of preparing the foundation must begin with the boundary frames. In the case of laying chopped logs not in the entire room, but only in part of it, it is necessary to make a border, behind which the paste that glues the floor will not be displaced. The barrier can be made of bricks or boards;
  • When the frame is fixed, you should prepare the base for the cut pieces. To do this, the surface of the screed is covered with river or sea sand, without clay impurities. The layer should be about 5-10 cm thick; it can be leveled using a simple mop. Granulated slag can be used as an alternative to sand, but its environmental friendliness is questionable;
  • Both transverse and longitudinal logs of wood can be used as laying material, but transverse ones look better.

Advice! All cuts should have approximately the same thickness, but the choice of diameter is not so important. On the contrary, the presence in the structure of the floor of elements different sizes will bring more aesthetics to his image.

  • During the installation process, you need to show patience and perseverance and lay all the parts of the future floor with minimal gaps, like a mosaic. It is important to lay the pieces of saw cuts at the same level horizontally, so that after filling them with paste they will be located in the same plane.

Important to know! To seat the protruding part, use a rubber or wooden mallet, and while tapping, use a board. This is necessary to avoid splitting the workpiece, because even the strongest types of wood are very fragile when cross-cut.

  • When all the elements of the wood floor have been laid with your own hands, you can start kneading the paste;
  • The components of the paste are mixed in the following proportions: for 5 kg of sawdust, which will be the binding element, one kilogram of fat and lime is added, and 2 kg of wet clay is added to this mixture. When the paste is ready, you can use a spatula to spread it into the spaces between cuts.
  • In addition to the gaps between the bars, all cracks that exist in their structure are covered.
  • The paste dries within two days, after which the surface should be polished and varnished.

The second method with gluing blanks

This kind of floor made from wooden cuts is more suitable for covering the entire room.

  • The log cuts are glued to plywood, the thickness of which must be at least 10 mm. Construction adhesive can be successfully replaced with epoxy resin;

Advice! In order for your cuts to be minimum thickness when blooming wooden logs, use band saw. Unlike a chainsaw, it does not exert unnecessary stress that can break thin workpieces, and the cut area is smoother.

  • After waiting for the glue to dry completely, and this will happen 48 hours after its application, you can begin to fill the gaps.
  • Prepare the solution or, as it is called, paste for wooden floors according to the recipe given above;
  • Use a sander to sand down the entire perimeter of the floor. This should be done after the solution has completely dried, which will also occur two days after its application;
  • After sanding, the floor is covered with a transparent sealant and filled with a self-leveling mixture based on epoxy resin, in that case appearance floors made from sawn wood will look impeccable.

Using these tips when renovating a house, you can make a magnificent decoration out of ordinary floors; floors made from cut wood will look especially harmonious in a house made of timber. The design of the room in which they are laid should be executed in the appropriate style, using other natural materials, wild stone or brick.

Video: saw-cut floor

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