Diesel fuel heat guns. Diesel heat guns. How do diesel heat guns work?

Diesel fuel heat gun is used for fast heating large premises. It can also be deployed outdoors in cold weather to maintain acceptable temperatures in a certain area (for example, during construction in a building under construction in winter period). The main advantage of a heat gun over standard electric or oil heaters can be considered high thermal power, which allows you to quickly heat large rooms or create acceptable conditions in small open area in the cold. Requires diesel fuel and a power connection (for fans to operate).

More about application

The use of a heat gun directly depends on the classification of models, of which today there are two:

When using the gun, it is advisable to protect it from children and try not to get close to the place where warm air comes out, because This may result in minor burns.

Design and general characteristics

Thermal diesel gun runs on combustible fuel - gasoline, diesel, diesel, kerosene, etc., which makes its use on a regular basis costly. Some models consume less fuel without significant losses in performance, but they are also more expensive (for example, the Master diesel heat gun). Heat guns are divided into two types depending on the presence of a smoke exhaust system. Some models may require a power connection to operate, as... this is necessary for the operation of the fan and chimney (if the latter is present). Main components of a diesel gun:

  • Burner. Releases a jet of flame that heats the air.
  • The combustion chamber. Here the air is heated to high temperatures, heating the walls of the chamber.
  • Motor. Required for the operation of some mechanisms. It runs either on fuel or on mains power.
  • Nozzle for hot air outlet.
  • Fan. Needed to create air circulation near the combustion chamber.
  • Fuel pump (all liquid fuel devices have it in their design).
  • Fuel tank.
  • Fuel valve. Often works from the network.

Features to look for when purchasing:

  • Heating power. Recommended value in kW - from 3 for home use, from 20 for large premises.
  • Heating method.
  • Air flow speed.
  • Recommended fuel for use.
  • Maximum heating area.
  • Fuel consumption coefficient (kilogram of fuel per hour).
  • Type of food. In most cases, it is recommended to choose 220 V.

Diesel heating guns have several significant differences from similar heat guns, the two most important of which are that they require combustible fuel to operate and there are strong differences in design, which can make repairs more or less expensive. Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of a diesel heat gun for the average consumer.


  • Combustible heat guns are very productive. Warming up occurs quickly, after which the device releases warm air.
  • Electricity consumption is kept to a minimum (in some models it is not required at all).
  • Most models are compact, which allows them to be quickly folded and unfolded and transported.
  • Easy to use. You just need to fill in the fuel and select the operating mode.
  • Some models are equipped with a rheostat, which allows you to automatically stop the heat gun when the desired temperature is reached.
  • Medium-sized rooms warm up almost instantly, larger ones within a few minutes.
  • A gun long time capable of functioning without refueling.
  • During operation, the device does not heat above 35 degrees, which prevents overheating and undesirable fire.
  • A heat gun is not dangerous to people when correct use and the presence of ventilation or chimney.


  • Diesel heat guns make too much noise when operating. However, in some places the operating noise is not so noticeable.
  • In the majority modern models heat guns do not have a backup battery to power the motor and fan, so for normal and safe work you need to connect the device to the mains.
  • It is necessary to control the amount of fuel in the tank and refuel on time.
  • It is not recommended to come close to the hot air outlet, because Some models are unsafe and you can get a slight burn.
  • High cost of maintenance, because it is necessary to regularly purchase fuel and lubricate some parts.
  • Purchasing and repairing diesel heat guns is expensive.

Popular models

List of heat guns at an acceptable price-quality ratio.


The Ballu BHDP-20 heat gun is suitable for quickly heating large rooms. It is distinguished by its mobility (can be carried with one hand) and the ability to adjust the temperature of the outlet air, convenient repair if necessary. The price ranges from 12 to 18 thousand rubles. Main characteristics of the model:

  • It has a direct heating type, so it is not recommended for use in poorly ventilated areas.
  • Power 20 kW.
  • The maximum heating area is 200 m2.
  • Fuel consumption 1.6 kg/h.


A more compact and cheaper analogue of “Ballu BHDP-20”. Its characteristics have been significantly reduced, and the price has been reduced by 2-5 thousand rubles and fluctuates around 9-15 thousand. Characteristics:

  • Direct heating type.
  • Power 10 kW.
  • Air flow speed 590 m 3 /h.
  • The maximum area is greatly reduced and is only 83 m2.
  • Suitable fuel is diesel, gasoline.
  • Fuel consumption has become lower - 0.95 kg/h.


"BALLU BHDN-20" is a more massive version of the "BHDP-20" heat gun. The model is equipped with a larger fuel tank. The device can be moved using wheels. The price varies around 25-30 thousand rubles. Characteristics:

  • It has an indirect heating type, with smoke exhaust, which makes possible work in unventilated areas and long-term presence of people during operation of the device. However, you will have to think about creating a chimney so that the escaping smoke goes outside.
  • Operating power 20 kW.
  • Air flow speed 590 m 3 /h.
  • Maximum heating area 166 m2.
  • It is recommended to refuel with diesel or gasoline.
  • Fuel consumption 1.6 kg/h.


When choosing a diesel heat gun, you need to take into account the characteristics of the room it will heat. If you need to heat a large, well-ventilated room or a certain area outside, it is better to use a gun direct heating. If the room is poorly ventilated and/or there will be people in it during heating, then it is better to use models with an indirect type.

As a rule, with the onset of the cold season, the problem of heating premises for various purposes arises acutely.

And this applies to both private residential buildings and production premises different types. In such cases, expect heat supply from the central heating system. But what to do when central heating Is it not yet working or is it completely absent from the premises?

In such situations one usually tries to use alternative sources heating, which can easily include such types of units as heat guns.

Modern market heating equipment has a fairly wide range of heat guns various types. But diesel engines occupy a special place in this range.

To have an idea about thermal units of this type, in this article we will talk about what diesel heat guns are, what characteristics they have, and also where they can be used.

What are they?

A diesel heat gun is a kind of heating unit, the main purpose of which is to quickly and economical heating such non-residential premises, How production workshops, agricultural storage facilities, construction sites, etc.

A distinctive feature of heat guns of this type is that the thermal air flow is formed as a result of the combustion of liquid diesel fuel.

Advantages of use

The use of diesel heat guns for economic purposes carries a number of positive and undeniable points, which are undoubtedly associated with the following advantages of this type of unit:

  • excellent performance characteristics;
  • easy maintenance;
  • depending on the type, the power of diesel heat guns varies from 20 to 230 kW;
  • fairly economical diesel fuel consumption;
  • ability to work offline for more than 10 hours;
  • good functioning of the unit at low temperatures;
  • Excellent heating of large areas.

Based on the positive aspects of the diesel heat gun, we can safely say that it is effective device for heating rooms.


Diesel heat guns are usually divided into two main options:

Let's consider the principle of operation of each of these types of heat guns.

Direct heating

The operating principle of a diesel heat gun consists of the following sequential actions:

As you can see, the operating principle of a diesel heat gun with direct heating is quite effective and understandable.

But a unit of this type has one significant drawback: along with the air heat flow, diesel fuel combustion products also enter the room.

In this regard, the following requirements are imposed on the use of diesel heat guns:

  • It is prohibited to use this type of unit in residential buildings;
  • the room where the heat gun operates must be equipped with a good ventilation system;
  • with the help of a unit of this type it is allowed to perform all work operations without exception on open areas.

Indirect heating

The operating principle of a heat gun with indirect heating is almost similar to the previous type.

However, a unit of this type has a significant advantage: waste combustion products are discharged outside the room through a specially equipped chimney. Thus, heat guns with indirect heating can be effectively used in residential premises, provided there is proper supply ventilation.

Converting direct heating to indirect heating

In order to understand this issue, you need to again turn to the design of heat guns of these types.

If in units with direct heating the combustion products come out along with warm air, this means that the combustion chamber is of an open type.

In an indirectly heated heat gun, emissions are removed using a pipe, so the combustion chamber is presented in the form of a closed heat exchanger. Consequently, the process of converting a direct heating heat gun into an indirect one consists of replacing the combustion chamber, as well as equipping the unit with an outlet pipe.

But here a clear question clearly arises about the effectiveness and cost of this method of technical modification of a heat gun, which remains open.

The lineup

Despite the fact that heat guns are rather narrow-profile equipment, nevertheless, modern market These units are presented by many manufacturers.

Having analyzed the products of heat gun manufacturers, we have identified the following most popular models:

Thus, we introduced you to all the characteristics of diesel heat guns, indicated the features of different types, and also provided a list of the most popular heat guns. We hope that the information presented will greatly help you when choosing a heat gun.

Watch the video in which a specialist talks about the design and types of diesel heat guns:

Important in any room comfortable temperature regime , but it is not always possible to ensure this.

To solve the heating problem there is a use case heat gun, which runs on diesel fuel, is small in size and can be easily moved to the desired location.

Also, these devices are convenient to use in the process construction work, For example, for heating rooms where installation takes place suspended ceilings.

In a simplified form, the design of a heat gun is as follows set of components:

  • fan;
  • a heating element;
  • fuel container;
  • frame.

Cannon operation is ensured by the combustion of fuel, the heat obtained from combustion with the help of a built-in fan forms a flow warm air, which fills the space around.

However, such guns differ in the heating method. It happens two types: direct and indirect.

The only difference between these methods is that devices with direct heating, along with warm air, also enter the room with combustion products of the fuel mixture, such as soot and smoke. Heaters that operate indirectly require equipment special sleeve for removal of combustion products and chimney.

Table 1. Specifications diesel fuel heat guns from Ballu and Master manufacturers
Ballu BHDP-10 Ballu BHDN-20 Master B 150 CED Master BV 77
Heating type straight indirect straight indirect
Chimney No There is No There is
Power 10 kW 20 kW 44 kW 20 kW
Fuel consumption 0.8 kg/h 1.6 kg/h 3.5 kg/h 1.67 kg/h
Volume of the tank 12 l 24 l 44 l 36 l
Air performance 590 m 3 /h 500 m 3 /h 900 m 3 /h 550 m 3 /h
Dimensions 680x400x280 mm 890x675x440 mm 1110x400x450 mm 1180x410x530 mm
Weight 10 kg 22 kg 25 kg 61 kg

Important: All heat guns are mainly powered from a 220 V network. The speed of heating the room depends on the air capacity of the device.

Repair of a diesel heat gun

If malfunctions occur, it is better to contact a specialist, but there are some breakdowns that can be repair it yourself:

  1. After turning on the heater, it turns off immediately. This can happen if any of the filters, the nozzle through which fuel is supplied, or the combustion photosensor is dirty, or the air injection pressure sensor is not configured correctly. The same problem could be due to the connections between the photosensor and the control panel board. The photo sensor reacts to the presence of light, so it is cleaned and the connections are checked for integrity and correct connection.
  2. The device does not turn on, or the engine does not run for long. There may be several reasons for such a breakdown. Low fuel level in the tank, as well as corrosion and clogging of the electrodes, or the presence of moisture in the fuel tank.
  3. Fan inactivity when turned on. First of all, check the setting of the thermostat, which may be set to too low a value. If this is not the reason, then check the electrical connections printed circuit board and engine. If this is not the case, the connections are restored.
  4. Weak flame. This malfunction is corrected by adjusting the thermal power level.
  5. The heat generator stopped working. This problem is caused by a blown fuse that needs to be replaced.
  6. Equipment overheating. The reason for this is faulty wiring and the fault can only be eliminated by replacing it. It is permissible to turn on the equipment only after it has cooled down, but it is recommended not to delay full repairs.

In our conditions cold winter We cannot do without space heating. It is often necessary to heat certain areas of the room or create conditions for working outside in cold weather. The use of special high-power heating equipment - heat guns - will help solve the problem of heating premises under construction, garages, and warehouses. One of the advantages of these powerful fan heaters is their high mobility; they can be easily transported to the desired location.

Principle of operation

A heat gun is a powerful air heater. It works the same as a regular household fan heater. A heating element, located in the gun body, heats itself and heats the air flow passing through it. The output is a very powerful jet of warm air. Hence the name of the unit - heat gun.

In this case, the heat transfer process occurs almost instantly, which allows you to very quickly heat the air in the room.

Manufacturers produce models that operate on different types fuel. Available on the market:

  • diesel fuel units
  • on kerosene
  • on liquefied gas
  • electric heat guns.

Directly heated diesel heat guns are often used in construction. For example, when installing suspended ceilings, a mobile heat gun is indispensable. Heat guns can be used when you need to dry a surface quickly

Diesel heat guns

Diesel heat guns have gained the most popularity. This is primarily due to the availability of the fuel used - diesel fuel. Naturally, when diesel fuel burns, combustion products are released.

Taking this into account, there are two main types of diesel fuel heat guns on the market. They differ from each other in the way exhaust gases are removed:

  • direct heating diesel guns, in which heated air is discharged directly into the room
  • indirect heating guns. The design of the unit provides for the exhaust gases to be discharged outside the premises.

The price of the unit directly depends on the design of the heat gun, in other words, on the method of heating the air flow. If we are talking about diesel guns, then direct-heated guns are about half the price. This design has its pros and cons.

Direct heating heat guns

The operating principle of a direct heating diesel heat gun is simple. The unit housing contains a powerful fan with an electric motor. From fuel tank Using a pump, fuel is supplied to the combustion chamber. Since the burner is located inside the housing, there is no open flame. Because of this, heat guns can be used indoors.

As diesel fuel burns, it heats the air flow coming from the fan. The heated air flow passes through a special screen and is directed to the object that you want to heat. In this case, waste products of combustion, the same exhaust gases, dust, soot are discharged along with the air flow into the heated area.

Therefore, direct-heating diesel heat guns can be used in well-ventilated areas, semi-open areas or outdoors.

Most often, such units are used when it is necessary to perform one-time work. For example, in winter the car engine froze in the cold, they warmed it up with a gun, repaired it and drove off. Or in construction industry to speed up the process. The builders completed, for example, a screed, and heated the room with a heat gun for quick drying. It is important that people do not stay in the room for a long time while the unit is operating, so as not to be poisoned by combustion products.

If you are faced with the task of heating a room where people stay for a long time, you should choose an indirect heating heat gun.

Indirect heating heat guns

The design of a diesel indirect heating heat gun is a little more complicated. In such designs, a special chamber is added - a heat exchanger. Fuel is supplied from the fuel tank to the combustion chamber; the combustion products of diesel fuel do not mix with the air flow from the fan, but are discharged through the chimney to the outside. The user's task is only to organize the output chimney from indoors to outdoors.

When the gun operates, the heat exchanger heats up itself and heats the air that the fan drives. A heated air flow, free from combustion products, emerges from the nozzle of the heat gun. Such units can produce outlet temperatures from 50 to 110⁰С.

Indirect heating heat guns can be used in rooms with working people without restrictions, exhaust gases will not enter the room.

The combustion chamber in modern models is made of high-strength of stainless steel. To protect against overheating, guns are equipped with thermostats that will automatically reduce the flame intensity if overheated. The outer casing of the unit does not heat up at all.

By the way, you can additionally connect an additional thermostat installed in the room to the device. In this case, the heat gun will be able to automatically maintain the set temperature in the room. And the unit itself can work up to 16 hours without stopping.

In order to warm up large area, included flexible hoses- corrugations made of durable material with a diameter of 300-600 mm. Using corrugations, you can direct warm air flow to the right place to organize local heating.

With the help of indirect heating heat guns, you can easily solve the problem of heating shops, sales tents, warehouses, car washes and exhibition centers.

Infrared Diesel Heat Gun

There is another type of gun that runs on diesel fuel. These are infrared heat guns. The design of these units does not include a fan heater. These heaters work on a different principle.

Infrared heaters do not heat up air masses indoors, like the fan heaters we are used to, and objects that fall into the field of action infrared radiation. In turn, objects heat the air through heat exchange.

In design infrared gun heated using a diesel fuel burner infrared emitter. It, in turn, heats objects and surfaces in the room; all that remains is to point it in the right direction.

The absence of a fan can be attributed to positive point of this unit. After all, fans work, producing noise, and infrared heat guns are almost silent.

How to calculate the power of a heat gun

As you can see, the scope of application of a diesel heat gun directly depends on the operating principle. To someone suitable option with direct heating, but for some these models will be unacceptable.

There is another factor that influences the choice of model - its power. IN different models it varies from 20 to 220 kW. In fact, if your task is to purchase an air heater for installing suspended ceilings, there is no point in purchasing a unit increased power, because its fuel consumption will be many times higher.

In order to decide on the choice of model, you need to calculate the required power of the unit. To do this you need to know the volume of the room. Let us remind you that the volume is easy to calculate if you know its dimensions - length, width and height of the walls. In addition, you need to know the degree of thermal insulation of the room, it is indicated by the thermal insulation coefficient.

The thermal insulation coefficient is different for:

  • uninsulated rooms from wooden structures or metal sheets(for example, a metal shell garage). K heat = 3.0-4.0
  • uninsulated brick premises with single brickwork, single windows, non-insulated roofing (for example, country house). K heat = 2.0-2.9
  • standard brick buildings with conventional thermal insulation, for example a standard residential building. K heat = 1.0-1.9
  • buildings with improved thermal insulation. K heat = 0.6-0.9

To calculate power, you need to know the difference in temperature outside and inside the room.

The power of the unit is calculated as follows: multiply the volume of the room by the temperature difference and multiply by the thermal insulation coefficient.

For an uninsulated warehouse space, we take the thermal insulation coefficient equal to 2. Well, let’s assume that the temperature outside the window is -5⁰С, and we need +16⁰С (the minimum allowable in the workplace). The temperature difference turned out to be 21⁰.

We calculate the required power. 300*21*2=12600 kcal/hour. To convert to the usual kW, divide the value by 860. We get

12600 /860=14.7 kW.

This means that to maintain the temperature in our warehouse at 16⁰, we need a heat gun with a power of at least 15 kW.

Diesel heat guns will become a good decision heating problems of any premises. Mobility and ease of operation, as well as the ability to choose a design depending on the purpose, make this heating equipment unrivaled. We hope our material will help you in choosing the unit that suits you.

Humanity has come up with many heating units that act as heat generators. These are numerous convectors, fan heaters, infrared heaters and much more. The most powerful of them are high-performance heat guns. They are designed to heat rooms big size and are characterized by high power. The most powerful unit is a diesel heat gun. Running on diesel fuel, it generates enough heat to heat fairly large volumes.

In this review we will look at:

  • Scope of application of diesel heat guns;
  • Types of diesel heat guns;
  • Their advantages and disadvantages.

At the very end, we will tell you about the most popular models on sale.

Operating principle and scope of application of diesel heaters

A diesel fuel heat gun is a fairly versatile unit. But not for heating residential premises. Such units are used for heating warehouses, hangars with equipment, objects under construction, large garages and greenhouses. The principle of operation of heat guns is very simple - diesel fuel burns inside them, and the resulting heat is pumped by a powerful fan into the heated space.

Despite the use of diesel fuel, this type of heat gun cannot be called autonomous. The burner will still require electricity to operate and blow hot air.

An interesting feature of any diesel fuel heat guns is that they are volatile - they require electricity to operate. Low-power models can operate on 12 volts (or 24), but the vast majority require connection to a 220 volt network. Electricity is needed here to operate the burner and pump hot air into the heated rooms (to rotate the fan).

The burner in any diesel gun works as follows - it sprays diesel fuel and at the same time provides air supply. The resulting fuel-air mixture ignites, creating a steadily burning flame. Formed in a heat gun on liquid fuel heat is sent into the room - a powerful fan is responsible for this.

Diesel fuel heat guns are required:

  • For heating warehouse premises - they generate a large amount of hot air, allowing you to do without full heating;
  • As backup heat sources for heating any objects during the onset of frosts that are uncharacteristic for the area;
  • For heating construction sites when there is still no heating here;
  • For heating hangars in which people work and equipment is stored;
  • For installation of suspended ceilings - here you need powerful source heat;
  • For heating greenhouses where any crops are grown.

At the same time, a diesel heat gun is not suitable for heating residential premises. There are two reasons here - too high productivity and the need to remove combustion products.

Types of diesel heaters

Heat guns running on diesel fuel are represented in two large categories - direct and indirect heating devices. Let's see how the presented varieties differ from each other.

Direct heating heat guns

A direct heating diesel gun is the simplest source of thermal energy. It is fully equipped open camera combustion. Its heart is a pump with a nozzle, which generates a torch. There is a powerful fan behind it. The generated heat, along with combustion products, is sent to the heated room. That is, there is no separate chimney here, which is a big disadvantage.

A direct heating heat gun is harmful to human health, so its operation in an unventilated area is prohibited (despite the almost complete combustion of diesel fuel). And even where there is good ventilation, people will be constantly haunted by the smell of burning - there is no escape from it. Such units are most often used in open areas where there is a flow of fresh air.

There are craftsmen who manage to convert direct-type guns into indirect-type units, about which we'll talk further – they are safer.

Heat guns of indirect heating

Standing next to a direct-fired diesel heat gun is like smelling smoke from the tailpipe of a truck. Staying in a heated room for a long time can lead to severe headaches and poisoning. Therefore, such units are used relatively rarely. But they came up with an excellent alternative.

A diesel indirect heating heat gun is a more advanced and advanced device. In some ways it resembles a liquid fuel heating boiler. Only it does not heat the coolant, but the air. The basis of such a heat gun is the same nozzle - it is placed in closed chamber combustion, equipped with a combustion product removal system (in other words, a chimney). The rest of the design is the same.

Due to the removal of combustion products to the outside, such units can be used to heat unventilated rooms. The pressurized air in these guns does not come into contact with the burning torch - it, as it were, blows over the combustion chamber. As for burning and soot, they go into the connected chimney and do not enter the premises. Thanks to this, indirectly heated diesel heat guns can be used in almost any conditions.

Despite the presence of exhaust of combustion products outside, for the operation of indirect (indirect) heating units, at least some kind of ventilation is still needed - oxygen for the operation of the burner is taken directly from the room.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's see what are the advantages and disadvantages of diesel heat guns. They have quite a lot of advantages:

  • Easy to maintain - there is no complex diesel engine used in automotive equipment. The heart of these units is a simple diesel heater in the form of a nozzle with a pump;
  • A heat gun can have great power - there are samples on sale with a power of 10, 20 or 30 kW, as well as monstrous units with a power of up to 150-200 kW;
  • The ability to warm up large rooms in the shortest possible time - thanks to the use of high-performance fans, diesel fuel heat guns are characterized by high performance;
  • Cost-effective – compared to electric units, even long-term operation a diesel heat gun will not lead to huge expenses.

There are also disadvantages:

  • Directly heated diesel heat guns are unsafe for humans - they release toxic components into the air resulting from the combustion of diesel fuel;
  • Volatility dependence - these units cannot operate without a source of electricity;
  • High cost - diesel heat guns are devices for industrial use, which affects their price;
  • Smell of diesel fuel – with prolonged use, the smell of diesel fuel may spread in the room.

The disadvantages are not the most serious, so they can be ignored (with the exception of the first point)

Popular models

If you want to buy a diesel heat gun, then you will need information about the most popular and in-demand models. Let's look at them in more detail and talk about their technical characteristics.

Before us is a fairly powerful diesel heat gun of indirect heating from domestic manufacturer. Its power is 30 kW, its productivity is 500 cubic meters per hour. It can be used in premises for any purpose. The fuel in it burns almost completely, and there is a thermostat on board to maintain the set temperature. One of the important functions is protection during extinction - if the flame suddenly disappears, the unit will immediately turn off.

The design of the Resanta TDPN 30000 heat gun provides a built-in tank for diesel fuel, its volume is 50 liters. This supply is enough for 15 hours continuous operation. For ease of movement of the device, it is equipped with wheels and a carrying handle. The weight of the heat gun is 48 kg.

Heat gun, diesel QUATTRO ELEMENTI QE-22D 243-905

Under such a sophisticated name hides an impressive 22 kW heat gun. With a fuel consumption of 2.1 kg/hour, it is characterized by a productivity of 585 cubic meters. m/hour. The heater weighs only 16 kg and is equipped with a built-in tank that holds 19 liters of diesel fuel. The heat gun is a direct heating model, so all combustion products go directly into the heated rooms - use it only where there is good ventilation.

The main advantage of this heat gun is the increased strength of the combustion chamber. The diesel fuel burning in it does not cause any significant harm to it, thereby increasing its service life. Digital electronics based on a microprocessor are responsible for controlling the operation of the heat gun. To control the temperature, the heater is equipped with a digital indicator.

This heat gun is characterized by increased endurance - it uses components characterized by high strength and reliability.

Before us is one of the most powerful heat guns. Its power is 70 kW with a diesel fuel consumption of 5.7 kg/hour. Such an impressive unit was equipped with a spacious tank that holds 80 liters of fuel. Due to the use of an indirect heating system, the presented model can be used indoors - combustion products are removed through a connected chimney.

Despite high power, the heat gun turned out to be quite compact. It can be easily moved from place to place, for which there are wheels and two handles. The chimney is connected from above. To control the air temperature on board, a small LED indicator is implemented. Next to it is a temperature control knob. The maximum heated area for this heat gun is 400 square meters. m.

Skip products from so famous brand it would be simply impossible and impermissible. The Ballu BHDN-20 heat gun has a power of 20 kW and can be used to heat rooms up to 200 square meters. m. The productivity of the device is 500 cubic meters. m/hour. Diesel fuel poured into a tank with a capacity of 24 liters. At the same time, the fuel consumption of this heat gun is only 1.6 kg/hour.

The heat gun is built according to an indirect heating scheme and is equipped with a powerful ignition system that ensures instant ignition of the burner. To ensure a long service life, the combustion chamber is made of heat-resistant stainless steel. In addition, the heat gun is equipped with a powerful fan, a wear-resistant body, two wheels and a handle for transportation.


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