Installing a home air conditioner yourself. Installing an air conditioner yourself: we do the installation according to the instructions in the apartment. When is the best time to take a split?

Installing an air conditioner is a rather complex undertaking that requires, if not experience in carrying out such work, then at least thorough theoretical training. In more than half of the cases, problems with air conditioning appear due to incorrect installation and errors during the system connection process. Even the most expensive and modern device will not be able to fully realize its potential if its installation is carried out in violation of technology.

The traditional split system includes external unit, which is located outside the window, and an indoor unit. In some cases, more than 1 block is installed. Such combinations are known as multi-split systems.

Each element of the system performs its own functions. So, outdoor unit is responsible for condensation, while the internal one acts as an evaporator. The blocks are connected using a backbone of tubes and wires. Freon circulates through the tubes. The system also includes a drainage tube. It is connected to the outdoor unit. It is responsible for removing moisture that condenses during operation of the installation. According to the rules, this tube must be connected to the sewer system.

Air conditioning systems are available for sale to suit every taste and requirement. However, in terms of their composition and connection technology, they are practically no different from each other.

Before you begin installing the blocks, you need to decide on a number of important points.

  1. First, decide on the side of the world that the capacitor unit will face.
  2. Secondly, you need to establish the material from which the walls of the house are made. In accordance with this point, suitable fasteners will be selected. Additionally, certain changes in the system installation process are made by the weight of the blocks.

It is important to ensure normal access to the units to carry out preventive maintenance and repair activities. The outdoor unit must be protected from precipitation, icing and other adverse influences.

When choosing the power of a future split system, take into account operational and other important characteristics housing. First of all, take into account the orientation of the apartment or house to the cardinal points. Also important is the number of people inhabiting the home, the total power of electrical appliances, the number of heating radiators, the presence of other ventilation systems and devices.

Before proceeding with the installation of the outdoor unit, you need to make sure that the strength of the balcony railing or wall is sufficient to support the weight of the product. The most powerful models weigh up to 60 kg or even more. On average, household outdoor units weigh 10-15 kg and usually no problems arise with their placement. The wall and all fasteners used must have a minimum of two times the strength factor.

If there is external insulation, be sure to ensure that the brackets are not attached to the thermal insulation, but directly to the wall material.

Quite often, aerated concrete is used in modern housing construction. This excellent material with high thermal insulation properties, however, unfortunately, it cannot boast of great strength. If the external walls of your house are built specifically from aerated concrete, you should refrain from installing the air conditioner directly on the wall.

It is not recommended to hang the block on a ventilated façade., because During its operation, quite strong vibration and noise can be created. In the situations described, the unit should be installed using a special damping seal, which is pre-fixed to the wall. The air conditioner itself rarely produces noise more than 25-30 dB, so in houses with walls made of a material denser than aerated concrete, no inconvenience usually occurs.

Any distortions when installing the external unit are unacceptable. At each stage of installation, you need to check the horizontal installation of the product using a building level. Deviations from the horizontal will lead to disruption of the circulation of freon or other refrigerant used.

If possible, the air conditioner should be installed in a place where the wind blows from all sides, but at the same time it is protected from precipitation and other negative influences. The best option is to place the unit under a pre-installed canopy or at least on the balcony. Residents upper floors apartment buildings can install an outdoor air conditioner unit on the roof. It is only important to ensure that the main length does not exceed 15-20 m in total. Otherwise, there will be significant losses of cold in the system, and the air conditioner will consume electricity in vain.

Take care of proper arrangement drainage of condensed moisture. Regulations require that this pipe be connected to a sewer. However, this requirement is almost never met, and the moisture simply drips onto the ground under the window. In such a situation, you need to at least make sure that water does not drip on passers-by.

The rules require that the distance between the outdoor unit and the wall surface be at least 10 cm. The problem is that the compressor must have sufficient airflow from all sides. If you install it closer than 10 cm to the wall, in summer the airflow will be insufficient, which will lead to damage to the unit.

Installing an outdoor unit is associated with a certain danger, because... This is still high-altitude work. Therefore, installation can be carried out only if you have the necessary insurance, or it is better to completely entrust it to professional installers.

Installation procedure for the indoor unit

Inside the premises, the corresponding unit is installed and the pipeline is laid. Special attention should be paid to the process of arranging electrical wiring. Household air conditioners consume about 2 kW of electricity or more. First make sure that the wiring in your apartment or house can withstand such a load. If she is not capable of this, lay an individual line from the shield with a separate fuse. This will protect the wiring from overheating and your property from fire.

Lay the line from the external unit of the air conditioning system to the location of the indoor unit. The line can be laid outside or inside. At external laying it hides in a plastic box, in accordance with internal installation the line needs to be buried in the wall.

Be careful when choosing a place to place the indoor unit. The further the blocks are removed from each other, the less efficient the system will be and the higher the energy losses will be.

The indoor unit must be placed so that there are no objects near it that could interfere with the normal flow of cooled air. Appliances, curtains and other objects that are at the same height as the unit must be at least 3 m away from it.

The unit must not be placed directly above a heating radiator. The installation location must be such that the installation can be easily accessed for repair and maintenance work. The distance between the unit and the ceiling should be at least 20-25 cm. It is not recommended to install the air conditioner above appliances and furniture.

The air conditioner must be installed so that the output during operation cold air did not blow directly on the person. Otherwise, bronchitis and sore throats will not take long to appear.

The indoor unit may have a wall or ceiling structure. The latter are extremely rare. However, regardless of the type of system, it is necessary to ensure the most correct and reliable fastening. Installation is carried out using brackets and screws. Brackets must be checked for strength.

After connecting the outdoor and indoor units, it is necessary to remove moisture and air from the line. This process is known as vacuumization. Special equipment is used to pump out air and water.

Do-it-yourself air conditioner connection sequence

Air conditioner installation is carried out in several stages. First, the electrical wiring is laid. Next the external unit of the system is installed. The technology requires that it be placed at a height of at least 180-200 cm from ground level. This requirement is relevant for owners of private houses and residents of apartments located on the ground floor.

In the outer wall holes are drilled for laying communications. The diameter of these holes should be 500-600 mm. Brackets are installed to ensure the block is secured. A special waterproofing cup is inserted into the prepared hole and the connecting lines are laid directly.

Next you need install the indoor unit. The maximum permissible distance between these two elements is 20 m. A distance of 7-12 m is considered optimal. Specific recommendations are given in the instructions for the equipment; be sure to study it before installation. Install the brackets and secure the indoor unit of the air conditioning system.

At the end, all that remains is to lay the wires that will ensure the functioning of the system. Mount the box. It, as already noted, can be internal or external. Connect the electrical wires and freon tubes. Evacuate the system. Special equipment is used for this. The procedure itself lasts on average 45-60 minutes.

After the vacuum is completed, perform a test run of the air conditioner. Professionals at this stage use special software and hardware equipment. If it is absent, at least observe the operation of the system and the state of the electrical network for some time.

Basic connection errors and their elimination

Mistakes made during the installation of an air conditioner lead to many different troubles. However, the services of professional installers are becoming more expensive every year and an increasing number of people, in an attempt to save money, are trying to install the air conditioner themselves. This, as already noted, is a rather complex and very responsible job, which has many features and requires taking into account a wide variety of nuances.

  1. One of the most common mistakes is laying pipes with unacceptable and/or repeated kinks. Because of this, the load on the compressor will increase, which will not have the most favorable effect on the operation of the system.
  2. The external unit cannot be installed on glassed balcony. Previously, recommendations were given for its installation in this room, but they are relevant only for unglazed balconies. It is important that normal air circulation is maintained and the unit is blown from all sides.
  3. The air conditioner should not be installed where any kind of installation that generates high-frequency electromagnetic waves is operating. Such equipment includes various welding machines, machines, etc.
  4. It is important to maintain maximum evenness of the installation of the blocks. If this rule is violated, the resulting condensation will simply drain onto the floor, which will cause a lot of inconvenience. As already noted, the air conditioner cannot be installed directly above the radiators.

If these and any other errors were made and led to undesirable consequences, appropriate measures must be taken to correct the violations. If there is a draft from the air conditioner, it is usually enough to change the direction of air flow by adjusting the dampers.

When the system is turned on in heating mode, ice is often detected on the external unit. The reason for this phenomenon is usually that the system does not have an automatic defrost function. To remove ice, it is enough to turn on the equipment for a while to cool. The air conditioner will heat up and the ice will disappear.

If your air conditioner stops cooling properly, you need to check the filters. They require regular cleaning. Detailed recommendations on this matter are usually given in the instructions.

If water begins to drip from the indoor unit, the cause of this problem in most cases is severe clogging of the drainage channel. Ice plugs that form also lead to this. It is impossible to eliminate this kind of blockages on your own without the necessary skills. It is recommended to urgently call a technician who can properly warm up the system and correct the situation.

Uncharacteristic noises during system operation usually indicate an imbalance of the fan or severe wear of the bearings. This problem can also be dealt with only by a qualified technician.

If you find that the air conditioner has begun to overheat, you should call a technician to check the freon level and the tightness of the system.

Thus, self installation and connecting the air conditioner is a completely doable job. But you need to be prepared in advance for the fact that this event is not easy. Follow the instructions in everything and promptly eliminate any problems that arise. Then the air conditioner will serve as long as possible, fully performing all the tasks assigned to it.

Good luck!

Video - How to install an air conditioner yourself

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Split systems provide coolness in the hot season, normalize the microclimate and purify the air. High cost installation work encourages you to connect climate control technology on one's own. Sequential installation of a powerful air conditioner, done by yourself, is possible only if you follow the step-by-step instructions and standards.

Selecting a location

The presence of two or more blocks climate control equipment involves choosing a place for each of them. Before starting installation work, you will need accompanying documentation.

Do I need a permit to install an air conditioner?

Structurally, the air conditioner is a system with an indoor and outdoor unit, which is mounted on the facade.

Multi-storey building, on the basis of Art. 246 of the Civil Code is common property with the right of disposal by all owners. Installation of equipment without approval is a violation:

  • the device makes noise, buzzes, disturbing the peace of neighbors;
  • condensation can damage the façade of the building or get onto the balcony below;
  • the overall block blocks the view or view and windows;
  • There are risks of wall cracking, wiring shorting and fire.

Based on paragraph 1 of Art. 25 LCD installation of a split system is considered as a reconstruction or re-equipment of the premises. Clause 3.5.8 of Resolution No. 170 states that it is prohibited to install an air conditioner without permission from the management company and neighbors. Consent or refusal can only be obtained after a meeting of the residents of the house.

Important! Residents of private homes can begin installation immediately after purchasing the device.

Permission is required if:

  • installation work is carried out on the front part of the high-rise building;
  • the user lives in a house that is valuable from a historical and cultural point of view;
  • the split system is located above the pedestrian paths;
  • on window opening where the block is located, there are no special fences.
Important! Management company has no right to remove air conditioners. Art. 330 of the Criminal Code considers such actions as arbitrariness. Dismantling of devices is carried out only by court order.

Choosing a location for the indoor unit

Installation of the internal air conditioner module is carried out with your own hands so that cold air flows do not cause discomfort. It can be placed above the head of the sofa, on the side and behind the workplace. Construction regulations The order of arrangement of the indoor unit is determined:

  • from the structure to the ceiling - at least 15 cm;
  • from the module to the right or left wall - at least 30 cm;
  • from the block to the floor - 280 cm, but for apartments on the ground floor the external block is mounted at the same level or lower than the internal one;
  • from obstacles to the movement of air flows - no less than 150 cm;
Advice! In a room with a sofa and TV, it is better to place the air conditioner above the sofa.

Where to locate the outdoor unit?

The outdoor module is placed near a window opening or on an open loggia. If the balcony is glazed, the block is placed on a fence with good bearing capacity or on the facade. Residents of the 1-2 floors need to determine a place for the outdoor module as far as possible from passers-by. On the 3rd or more floors, it is allowed to place the device under a window or on the side.

In a private house, the outdoor unit is placed on a wall with high load-bearing capacity. On ventilated facades, a special fastening is organized or the block is placed on the plinth.

Determining the distance between blocks

The maximum length of the intermodule route is 6 m; if it is exceeded, additional freon injection will be required. If the external and internal modules are placed at a distance of 1 m, the route should not exceed 5 m. The excess of the system is formed into a ring and placed behind the block.

Interesting to know! Manufacturers indicate different maximum distances between blocks. For Daikin equipment it is 1.5-2.5 m, for Panasonic - 3 m.

What you need for installation

Consistent installation of a good split system when doing it yourself should be carried out taking into account ease of access during maintenance and ergonomic criteria - cold air should not have direct access to rest and work areas.

Approximate layout of split systems

The appropriate layout for installing a new air conditioner depends on the type of unit. The indoor module can be hung:

  • to the left of the outside. The track is flat, the block is located 0.5 m from the wall. When turning the line onto an adjacent wall, the distance can be reduced to 0.1 m. The output and the route are masked under the cover of the equipment;
  • to the left of external wall without laying cables on the facade. Communications are laid in the corner of the room and hidden in a box. They hide him under the curtain;
  • to the right of outer wall. A typical solution involves laying the route in a box from the wall or laying it in a groove.
Advice! Use the groove laying technology if there is a ban on laying the route on the facade.

The outdoor unit can be positioned:

  • on the loggia or balcony. The module is fixed frontally or sideways for ease of maintenance;
  • on the glazed balcony. The window sash should be above the air conditioner. To prevent snow, moisture or debris from getting on the block, install a visor and plastic;
  • under the window. This option is suitable for rooms without a balcony;
  • next to the window. The block is placed at the level of the bottom of the window.

Air conditioner installation options

Advice! Do not use hollow or metal materials- they have low sound insulation.


At self-installation climate control equipment will be needed:

  • perforator for making through holes for the output of pipes, cables, drainage pipes;
  • a pipe cutter with a sharp blade or a hacksaw for metal;
  • file and rimmer for trimming nicks;
  • a pipe bender or a special spring for forming copper pipes;
  • a drill with drills of different diameters to make holes for the mounting plates;
  • pipe calibrator and flarer;
  • wall chaser, which can be replaced with a chisel, sledgehammer and hammer;
  • vacuum pump to start the air conditioning system;
  • screwdrivers, hex wrenches, level.
Important! Cutting pipes with a hacksaw involves smoothing the edges with sandpaper.

Materials and consumables

Use only quality materials, selecting them according to the type of equipment:

  • supply wire for power supply and connection of modules - power cable for 4 cores with a cross section of 2 mm2×2.5 mm2;
  • seamless copper pipes with the diameter specified in the instructions. The length of the products is equal to the length of the route, and the margin is about 30 cm;
  • insulating insulation (foamed rubber) - sections along the length of the route;
  • synthetic insulation;
  • a corrugated hose with an internal plastic spiral for drainage or a propylene pipe along the length of the route plus 80 cm;
  • L-shaped brackets (2 pcs.) for fixing the outdoor unit with permissible limit loads are 5 times the mass of the device;
  • fastening elements - bolts, dowels and anchors, selected according to the type of brackets for the internal module.
Important! To hide the route you will need a plastic box 60x80 cm.

Basic rules for installing and connecting an air conditioner

Installation and connection of a household air conditioner when doing it yourself requires compliance with a number of requirements.

Rules for installing the outdoor unit

The module is configured as follows:

  1. Checking a balcony or facade for strength is 2 times more equipment, which weighs from 10-15 to 40 kg.
  2. Inspection of brackets on external insulation - they must be hidden in the wall material.
  3. Laying a damping seal on a ventilated facade or aerated concrete walls.
  4. Consideration of equipment noise - extremely permissible level ranges from 25 to 30 dB.
  5. Check for distortions at each stage of installation to prevent refrigerant leakage.
  6. Installation in a windy area with a canopy for protection from bad weather.
  7. Maintain a line distance of 15-20 cm if the equipment is located on the roof.
  8. Connecting the condensate collection pipe to the sewer.
Important! The distance from the outdoor unit to the wall surface is at least 10 cm.

Rules for installing the indoor unit

A second module is installed in the room and a line is laid:

  1. Connection to the electrical network with the organization of an individual line - the energy consumption of the air conditioner is 2 kW.
  2. Laying the main line externally (hidden in a box) or internally (hidden in a wall) methods.
  3. Maintain a distance between blocks of a maximum of 6 m for efficient work designs.
  4. Removal household appliances, curtains from the device by 3 m.
  5. The air conditioner is not located above radiators or furniture.
  6. Maintain a distance of 20-25 cm from the block to the ceiling.
Important! The indoor unit is mounted on the wall or ceiling.

Installing an air conditioner yourself

The correct installation of a powerful split system will be done with high quality by yourself if the sequential work instructions are followed.

Installation of the indoor unit

The internal module or hair dryer is installed immediately. Installation activities include:

  1. Taking measurements from the device.
  2. Place the steel mounting frame on the wall strictly horizontally, checking with a level.
  3. Marking the points where the fasteners will be.
  4. Making holes in the wall with a hammer drill.
  5. Fixing plastic dowels with a hammer.
  6. Application mounting panel to the wall and fixing it with self-tapping screws.
  7. Hanging the hair dryer on a special plate and checking that it is horizontal.
Important! If there are distortions, there is a risk of condensation accumulating on the pallet and flowing onto the walls.

Laying a communication line

Experts advise users who do not know how to properly connect a household air conditioner without making mistakes with their own hands, to start by preparing the main channels.

Electrical connections

High energy consumption of split systems (more than 1.5 kW) requires the organization of a separate line and the installation of an RCD. For the main line, a cable with a cross-section of 1.5-2 mm2 and automatic shutdowns are used. A yellow cable with a green stripe running along it is connected to the neutral (zero) wire of the input panel. Using the indicator, zero and phase are determined. If used non-standard wires, zero and phase sections are designated at both ends.

Air conditioner connection diagram
Installation diagram


It is better to carry out the work together:

  • V block houses the locations for laying the reinforcement are determined so as not to harm the load-bearing walls;
  • the assistant should be below and report on the installation;
  • holes are drilled using a hammer drill;
  • for houses without thermal insulation, the diameter is 50-60 mm, for thermally insulated buildings - at least 80 mm.

After preparing the holes, you need to install the brackets.


For preparation and installation you will need:

  1. Cut the copper pipe with a margin of 1 m for bends.
  2. After cutting, carefully bend the product without kinks, observing the maximum radius of 10 cm.
  3. Place flexible thermal insulation on the tubes - polyurethane foam hoses. Foam rubber should not be used due to rapid wear.
  4. Place special flanges on the end of the pipe with threads.
  5. Flare the ends of the tubes.
  6. Connect the pipeline, cold and hot fittings one by one, checking their diameter.
  7. Tighten the fitting flange firmly, but not too tightly.
  8. Make a drainage channel from a piece of reinforced plastic pipe, connecting it to the drain with a flange or heat-shrinkable pipe.
  9. Make a solder by working the soldering iron in a circle.
Important! If the pipes are severely bent, the refrigerant will move unevenly, increasing electricity consumption.

Outdoor unit installation

The external module of the split system weighs more than 20 kg due to the compressor. Work at height is carried out with the involvement of 1-2 people:

  1. Marking is organized using a level.
  2. Holes are made using a hammer drill, taking into account the thermal insulation of the house.
  3. Anchor bolts are screwed into the holes.
  4. The brackets are screwed with a nut to the bolts.
  5. To reduce vibrations, rubber is placed under the feet of the outdoor module.
  6. The quality of the fasteners is checked and the external module is hung.
Important! If the outdoor module is installed on the 3rd floor or higher, it is advisable to contact industrial climbers.

Connecting system units

The blocks are connected through channels in the wall with the cable connected to terminals similar to the color of the main wiring. If the level difference between the modules is more than 5 m, a special loop is made to catch the oil. If the difference is smaller, the loop is not performed.


Drainage channels are equipped with a discharge to the street or to the sewer. The pipes are connected as follows:

  1. A corrugation is pulled onto the outlet of the indoor unit (a plastic tube with a tip).
  2. The connection is secured with a clamp.
  3. A hose is attached to the outlet of the outdoor unit to remove moisture from the walls.
  4. When using polymer pipe adapter is selected.

Drainage pipes must be laid with a slope. The maximum is 3 mm*1 m, the minimum is 1 mm*1 m.

Freon circulation system

Copper refrigerant tubes are bent using a pipe bender or a spring without sharp turns. The connection begins with the indoor unit - the nuts are unscrewed from the ports. As they weaken, the hissing of nitrogen is heard. After it stops, remove the plugs, remove the nuts, put them on the tube and begin rolling.


After removing the plugs from the tubes:

  1. The evenness of the edges is checked.
  2. The jags are smoothed out with sandpaper.
  3. The cross section is adjusted using a calibrator and the edges are aligned by 5 cm.
  4. The extreme parts are flared for fastening at the inlet and outlet.
  5. During flaring, the edge of the pipe is directed downward and fixed with a 2 mm exit.
  6. The flaring cone is placed on the edge of the pipe and tightened with force.
  7. Rolling ends when the cone does not pass into the edge.

The operation is repeated for all segments.

Port connection

The flared end of the tube is connected to the outlet, and the nut is tightened. No sealants or additional gaskets are used. For a strong fixation, you will need a pressure of 50-70 kg so that the copper is flattened and the connection becomes monolithic. Work is being done for all exits.

Leak test

A solution is used for sealing. You will need 0.5 liters of distilled water, heated to boiling water. Dissolve 1 tbsp in liquid. l. laundry soap. The outlet nipple is removed and a bicycle pump is put on the pipe. When pumping, the compound is applied with a brush, and the thread is tightened until bubbles stop forming by 1/8.

Important! It is better to remove soap scum with a damp cloth.


Vacuuming helps remove moisture, dust, and excess air. The system is pumped with a special pump for 60 minutes. During this time, moisture and remaining air are completely removed.

Filling and watering

The system is filled from a cylinder with refrigerant. The reservoir is connected via a pressure gauge with an adapter. The pressure is injected to the value specified in the manufacturer's documentation. Electrical wires are connected via terminals - zero to zero or neutral. Phase ones are connected by color.

Important! Air conditioners with refrigerant are not filled with freon and vice versa.


The check is carried out as follows:

  1. The circuit breaker turns on.
  2. The air conditioner goes into test mode automatically.
  3. For some models, the test is activated from the remote control.
  4. If air flows at the end of the test, the position of the blinds is set.
  5. Thermal shielding is performed with thin aluminum - this saves 2-3% more electricity.
  6. The harness and drainage pipe are wrapped with insulating tape that is resistant to moisture.

At the last stage, the holes in the wall are carefully sealed.

Common mistakes during air conditioner installation

With unprofessional installation, users can make a number of mistakes:

  • laying pipes with kinks - increases the load on the compressor;
  • installing an external unit on a balcony with glazing - normal air circulation is lost;
  • location of the air conditioner next to welding machines;
  • uneven arrangement of blocks - condensation begins to flow onto the floor;
  • choosing equipment that does not have an auto-defrost option - in heating mode, the external unit freezes.

For normal operation of the air conditioner, you need to regularly clean the filters and drainage channels. When overloaded, the system becomes noisy - the fan is unbalanced or the bearings wear out. These breakdowns should only be repaired by a specialist.

  1. Automatic switches designed for boilers and washing machines are suitable for split systems.
  2. If the drainage pipes sag too much, condensation accumulates.
  3. If you have never done flaring before, practice on an unnecessary piece of pipe.
  4. It is better to carry out sealing together.
  5. After connecting the pipeline, you need to fill the holes with foam or fill them with silicone sealant.

Watch a video on how to install an air conditioner yourself

Installing an air conditioner is quite difficult task, which requires certain knowledge and sometimes special tools. In our article today we will talk about how to install an air conditioner at home yourself. There are various types air conditioning systems, which include mobile and window models, as well as so-called split systems. In our article, we will take a closer look at the sequence of actions when installing the latest version.

The installation process of a split system is quite complicated and is carried out in several steps. In this regard, all actions can be divided into three main stages, which include the following:

  1. Installation work on the indoor unit;
  2. Actions related to installing an external unit;
  3. Vacuuming.

We will consider each of the stages in detail.

Stage one: installing the indoor unit

If you decide to install a mobile air conditioner at home, then you don’t have to worry about the installation process, you just need to put it in the right place. But with a split system you will have to work hard, since it consists of two blocks, each of which needs a separate installation. If we talk about the indoor unit, then there are a number of requirements for its installation. So, for example, it should be at a certain distance from the ceiling, which should not be less than ten centimeters.

You should understand the importance of the above requirement, since if it is ignored, the following consequences may occur:

  • its body will quickly become clogged with dust, and it will have to be removed almost every day;
  • Dust will also settle on the surface of the ceiling. The result will be a not-so-pretty dust stain;
  • the system will not have enough air, and this will subsequently affect its efficiency.

Such a distance from the wall is required so that it becomes possible to ensure a distance between the curtains and the device of at least ten centimeters. At a shorter distance, curtains or drapes will constantly flutter, which is also undesirable. Next we install mounting strip, it is necessary to adhere to the level. You should also first arrange the markings, which are done using dowels and a hammer drill.

Further independent installation of the air conditioner involves making a through hole in the wall, which is required in order to lay the main line and drainage system there. For this purpose, you need to take a drill, the diameter of which is forty-five millimeters, after which you can start making a hole. This tunnel should be constructed in such a way that the slight slope required for condensate to flow through it is ensured. Further actions will be related to the collection and connection of the route. First you need to measure the required length of the pipe and cut them. This will require the use of a pipe cutter. But it is better not to use a hacksaw for metal, since chips that get inside will lead to damage to the compressor.

Next comes the connection of pipes - rolling is used. The quality of the connection holding the refrigerant also depends on how well this operation is performed. Even before rolling, you need to put the nut on the tube. This requirement is explained by the impossibility of such action in the future. It is also important to screw the nuts to the indoor unit as tightly as possible, this only improves the quality of the connection.

Connected tubes, electrical wiring, and drainage system must be insulated and wrapped with tape. Next, the free main ends need to be inserted into a previously made hole in the wall. As for the internal block itself, it is installed on a bar. At this point, the installation stages of the air conditioner associated with its indoor unit can be considered complete. Now we move on to the next steps to install the external unit.

Stage two: install the external unit

Solving the issue related to competent installation The air conditioning system, or rather its external unit, is associated with some risk. This is relevant if high-altitude work. In such cases, insurance is mandatory.

As part of this stage, the first step is to install the brackets. In most cases, the external unit is mounted under the window. Explained similar solution about its location in that it makes it possible to ensure convenient maintenance and repair.

As for the location of the brackets, it is calculated in such a way that the external unit of the air conditioning system would be located below the level of the window sill.

After completing the marking work, you can proceed to the stage of attaching the brackets to the wall. Due to the fact that the external unit is characterized by quite significant weight, the brackets must be secured with maximum reliability. For this purpose they use long screws, the diameter of which should not be less than twelve millimeters. After installing the brackets, the block itself should be lowered onto them. It is advisable to mount the block together with an assistant, since due to its considerable mass there is a danger of dropping the block.

Next, after installing the block on the brackets, it will need to be securely fastened. But this must be done by securing all four screws. When these steps are completed, it will be possible to connect backbone elements to it. In this case, all actions must be carried out extremely carefully, since it is important not to confuse which of the tubes should be connected where. In addition, even during the process of connecting them to the indoor unit, it is recommended to make the appropriate marks. In all other respects, other actions are carried out similarly to the indoor unit of the air conditioning system.

Stage three: vacuuming

When deciding to install an air conditioner at home with your own hands, remember that vacuuming must be carried out. This process is a set of actions aimed at creating a vacuum in the main line tubes. Without these measures, it is impossible to ensure the operation of the air conditioner. Vacuuming is performed to remove residual dust and moisture from the pipes. This is done with a special pump connected to the system using a pressure manifold and flexible hoses.

Next, the pump is turned on and the port on the external unit is opened. After the pressure gauge goes into vacuum, close the port and turn off the pump. Completing these steps will take no more than fifteen minutes. This operation can also take a longer time, but this is no longer necessary. Do not rush to turn off the pump with a pressure gauge, since the arrow may change its position. So, for example, when it rises, we can talk about the lack of tightness of the system. Therefore, all joints in general and rolling in particular should be checked.

You can start the refrigerant only after making sure that everything is sealed, and it doesn’t matter where you decide to install the air conditioner. At the same time, it is better to leave the pressure gauges in their places. The first thing you need to do is open the tube responsible for the supply, then the suction tube, after which you can start fixing the freon pressure. It is also important not to confuse the above sequence of actions.

Next, the system starts for the first time, which will not happen immediately; you will have to wait for some time. Then you need to let it run for about fifteen minutes. This time is allotted for the complete distribution of freon through the tubes. Then control measurements of pressure are carried out, and the pump equipped with a pressure gauge device is turned off. At this point, the work on installing the split system can be considered complete.

Window air conditioner installation

In cases where you want to install a window air conditioner at home, the steps are slightly different, since its design is significantly different from a split system. To do this, you will need to remove its front panel and remove the block located on the slide. After this, the housing should be installed with a slight slope towards the street. Next, it is assembled in the reverse order and plugged into an outlet, adjusting the required power.

To install an air conditioner, as a rule, you need to call specialists who, upon completion of installation of the equipment, will issue you with a document indicating that the work was carried out correctly. If you install a split system yourself, you lose the right to warranty service. But in order to save money, many home craftsmen try to install the air conditioner themselves. In this case, it is worth considering one point: in order to properly connect the external unit of the system with the internal one, and then put the unit into operation, you will need to purchase quite a expensive equipment. In addition, installing a split system is quite a troublesome task if you do it yourself. Purchasing equipment is advisable in the following cases:

  • you plan to move one or more units to new locations;
  • if you purchased several units;
  • you are planning a serious renovation of your apartment, which involves complete dismantling, and then reverse installation of the split system;
  • you want to help install a split system for your friends or relatives;
  • If you need this set of tools to repair your car air conditioner.

In other cases, installing an air conditioner in an apartment with your own hands is impractical.

The standard configuration of a split system usually includes such components.

Important! To install the air conditioner yourself and put it into operation, you need to supplement the standard equipment of the device.

Installation materials and tools

To install a split system yourself, you will need to purchase the following materials.

Without special tool also indispensable:

  • pipe bender (how to use, shown in the video);
  • Rimmer-stripping;
  • pipe cutter (you can learn how to use it from the video);
  • rolling (see video);
  • manifold;
  • vacuum pump.

Selecting a mounting location for the indoor unit

The location of the indoor module should be such that during its operation you do not experience discomfort from the flow of cool air. If you look at the following figure, it will become clear without words what types of ideal options installing an air conditioner in the apartment.

When placing the module above the head of the bed, the flow of cold air will not enter the rest area and will not cause harm to health. Workplace It is recommended to position it so that the air flow is either from the side or from the rear. If the table you work at is located under an air conditioner in an apartment or office, you can install a special screen under the hairdryer to direct the flow along the ceiling.

Requirements for installation of the indoor unit

There are the following rules for placing the indoor air conditioner unit in a room:

  • the distance between the hair dryer and the ceiling must be at least 15 cm (some models are installed at a distance of 20-30 cm from the ceiling);
  • distance from installed unit to the wall on the right or left - at least 30 cm;
  • the obstacle in the path of air flow should be no closer than 150 cm.

Sometimes the question arises: at what height should I hang the indoor module if the room has high ceilings? On average, you can hang an air conditioner on the wall at a height 280 cm from the floor, as shown in the picture.

The following figure shows examples of various installation options, clearly showing how best to install the air conditioner.

Requirements for installation of the outdoor unit

The external module of the unit is usually placed under a window, near a window or on a balcony. If the balcony fence is strong enough, then you can fix the module on it.

If the apartment is on the first floor, then the outdoor unit must be located at a height of at least 2 meters from the ground, adhering to the rule: the outdoor unit must be mounted slightly lower than the indoor unit, or at the same level as it.

When installing split system modules, you should remember the minimum and maximum distances between them. These values ​​may differ depending on different manufacturers climate technology. For example, for Panasonic split systems the minimum distance between modules can be 3 meters, and for Daikin – from 1.5 to 2.5 meters.

Some manufacturers do not specify a minimum distance at all. In this case, the blocks can be placed back to back.

The maximum length of the route between modules is usually 6 meters. More is allowed, but in such a situation it will be necessary refilling with freon, which entails additional material investments. Therefore, if you install the air conditioner yourself, it is better not to exceed the designated 6 meters.

Installation procedure

The procedure for installing an air conditioner, including inverter air conditioner, implies step-by-step installation all its modules and highways. Installation must be performed following the step-by-step instructions below.

The rules for installing an air conditioner state that at the first stage you will need to install the indoor unit (hair dryer) of the air conditioner. To do this, follow these steps.

  1. To properly install the air conditioner yourself, take a steel mounting frame and attach it to the wall where the hair dryer is intended to be installed (taking into account all the distances described above). It is important that the frame for installing the air conditioner is placed strictly horizontally(use a building level).
  2. Mark places for fastenings.
  3. Using a hammer drill, make holes in the wall and hammer plastic dowels into them.
  4. Place the plate against the wall and secure it with self-tapping screws.
  5. The hair dryer is suspended on the mount (plate) for the air conditioner, after which it is necessary to check the horizontal position again. If you allow the air conditioner in the room to become distorted reverse side from the drainage channel, the liquid will accumulate in the pan and flow down the walls.

Preparation of communication channels

Do-it-yourself air conditioner installation continues with preparing the channel for the main line. To bring out the freon circuit tubes, power cables and drainage, it is necessary to make a hole of the appropriate diameter in the wall. For this, a hammer drill with a long drill is used. To ensure free flow of condensate to the street, it is necessary to make slight slope.

Outdoor unit installation

Installing an external air conditioner unit is considered the most labor-intensive process when installing split systems. The difficulties arise from the fact that the weight of the module can reach 20 kg or more, due to the compressor located in it. In addition, most often the external module is installed at a high height.

To begin, make markings using a level. Then use a hammer drill to make holes. Next, anchor bolts are screwed into them, and the brackets themselves are screwed to them with nuts. After the brackets are securely fastened, the external module is installed on them.

When installing an air conditioner, especially an outdoor unit, you will need the help of at least one person. If the module is installed at a high altitude, then you will not be able to install the air conditioner yourself. It is better to use the services of climbers to hang this module.

The outdoor module is attached to the brackets using bolts. It is recommended to place thick rubber under the feet to reduce vibration.

Connecting blocks by communications

To continue installing the split system with your own hands, you need to connect both modules to each other.

  1. First of all, remove the protective plastic lids on the terminals of the external unit. Using the instructions, connect the control and power cables that come from the indoor module to them.
  2. Carefully, in order to connect the modules in the future, make route installation your air conditioner, having previously put thermal insulation on the tubes (the ends are fixed with reinforced tape). To prevent debris from getting into the tubes, also seal their ends with tape. The route is secured with clamps screwed to the wall. After this, measure the length of the line and cut the tubes, leaving a margin of 10 cm. Place union nuts on them and roll the ends. Using a rimmer, remove the chamfer. The laying of a route (main) for an air conditioner can be carried out both outside and inside the premises, if for aesthetic reasons it is prohibited to place any communications on the facade of the building.
  3. Using union nuts, screw the tubes first to the fittings of the external module, then to the fittings of the internal module.
  4. Secure the drain tube using plastic clamps.

Below is a diagram of the connection of split system modules.


Without evacuating the line, refrigerant cannot be introduced into the system. This procedure will require a vacuum pump and a gauge manifold. The pump is connected to the filling fitting through the manifold, as shown in the figure below (the valves on the manifold should be in the “closed” position), after which it is turned on for 20-30 minutes. to remove residual air from the system.

After turning on the vacuum pump, you need to open the handle located under the low pressure gauge. After a short period of time, the needle on the pressure gauge will begin to fall and reach zero, within 30 seconds or more. The pumping time depends on the length of the line and the diameter of the tubes. The position of the arrow at zero means that in the highway a vacuum has formed.

Do not turn off the pump at this stage. Continue vacuuming for about 30 minutes. After the specified time has passed, first turn off the tap on the manifold, and only then turn off the pump. If the tap is not closed, air will leak into the system.

Freon filling

Freon is launched into the system without disconnecting the hose connected to the service port valve. If this is done before the refrigerant starts, air will enter the line.

In order to independently introduce refrigerant into the system, you need to slowly open the valve located on the liquid valve using an allen key. After filling the line with refrigerant, you can unscrew the hose connected to the service port located on the gas valve.

Attention! When the hose is disconnected, freon may be released, which can freeze your hands and damage your eyes. It is recommended to wear safety glasses and gloves on your hands. The face must be kept away from the fitting.

It is necessary to unscrew the fitting from the valve as quickly as possible to reduce the loss of freon. Don't be alarmed by loud hissing. The nut may become covered with frost when the refrigerant escapes. Do not touch it without gloves to avoid getting burned.

All connections can be washed to check for leaks. After checking, screw all the plugs onto the valve valves, not applying much force, but well enough. If you tighten them loosely, it is possible that winter period will happen Freon leak.

After you have verified that the line is tight, turn on the split system for a while, then check all connections again. At this stage the installation wall air conditioner is considered completed.

Do I need permission?

People often ask whether permission is needed to install a split system, and is it possible to install it without approval from the authorities? Based on practice, permission to install an air conditioner is not required. An exception may be cases when it is necessary to coordinate the installation of climate control equipment with the authorities in buildings that are architectural monuments or having historical, aesthetic value. In other cases, approval is not required for the installation of climate control equipment.

Installing an air conditioner in a residential area has its own characteristics. In order for this climate control equipment to work most efficiently, it is important to carry out the installation correctly. Equally important suitable power. The main parameter for calculations is room volume. But the side of the world that the windows face also matters. So, if it is south, the room will be a priori warmer than a room of similar size, but with windows facing north. Therefore, you should choose a device that is 30% more powerful. Low-power air conditioner even when correct installation will not be able to fully cope with the function assigned to him.

Where to start?

So, there is a suitable air conditioner. What's next?

  • selection of installation time;
  • choice of installation location;
  • choosing an installation method.

Most often, split systems are installed in apartments, consisting of an internal (evaporator) and external (condenser) units. They are connected to each other by a tube containing wires and freon. IN lately Devices with two indoor units operating independently of each other are gaining popularity - this makes it easier to install an air conditioning system in adjacent rooms.

The optimal time to install an air conditioner is not spring or summer, but during repairs.

It is necessary to draw a separate line from the electrical wiring panel for the air conditioner, and if this is done during the repair process, the wires can be successfully disguised. And preparing the hole for the freon tube is literally dusty work. Therefore, if there are repairs in the near future, it is better to wait to install the air conditioner.

How to properly install an external unit

Installation of an air conditioner always begins with the installation of a condenser. Based on the weight of the external unit, brackets that can withstand such a load are selected. The brackets must be attached not to the insulation or sheathing of the house, but directly to the wall - a solid foundation.

To protect the device from precipitation, it is recommended to cover it with a visor. This is not necessary, but such a measure will extend the functionality of the device. If the air conditioner is located on one of the first two floors, it would be a good idea to make a metal cage for it - this will protect the device from theft.

According to the rules for installing this type of climate control equipment, the drainage pipe coming from the external unit must be discharged into the sewer.

Placing an external unit under a window

In practice, in our houses, especially multi-story ones, this is impossible, so the pipes are left hanging freely. But the sound of dripping condensation may not please neighbors living below. And this is natural - the knocking of drops on the windowsill only becomes more distracting and annoying over time. If you want to maintain good relations with your neighbors (as well as your nerves, which may go into figuring out who is right), it is worth considering this moment.

Installing an external air conditioner unit on the balcony

The optimal solution is to lengthen the drainage tube so that drops fall from it along the wall along a line where there is no window openings or balcony structures. Don't forget about alternative option- application.

Where is the best place to place the indoor unit?

The distance between the blocks is directly proportional to the power loss of the device. Therefore, the shorter the distance, the more efficient the air conditioner is.

It is for this reason that it is preferable to install the indoor unit on the same wall as the external one, or as close as possible to it.

It is important to remember that air conditioners:

Sometimes the most convenient option It seems like placing the air conditioner above the closet - no one will see it there. But, firstly, this will interfere with the normal operation of the device, and secondly, every time you start the air conditioner, all the dust from the surface will be swept down, and people will breathe it. Therefore, this option is not as good as it seems at first glance.

Important so that free access to the indoor unit of the air conditioner is provided. This will not only provide more high performance, but will also allow you to clean the device in a timely manner.

Sometimes they try to mark the indoor unit behind curtains or lambrequins so as not to attract undue attention. Of course, he may not fit exquisite design interior, but such camouflage prevents productive air cooling.

It is better to spend a little more time choosing an air conditioner and find a model whose evaporator will be in harmony with the interior.

Protective screen-reflector for air conditioning - prevents direct contact of cold air with a person

Modern manufacturers offer various options- from laconic classics to very bold solutions, right up to, so the search will definitely be crowned with success.

How to install the indoor unit

Actually, the principle of its installation is similar to the principle of installing an external unit. Selected first suitable place, then brackets are attached to the wall, and the evaporator itself is installed on them. The only difference is that before installing the indoor unit, a hole is prepared for the freon tube.

After this, the indoor and outdoor units are connected and the air conditioner is connected to the network. The fewer bends the tube has, the more efficiently air is removed, which means the more productive the device is.

Advice. Upon completion of installation, be sure to check the air conditioner for operation.

For this, there are special test programs that allow you to determine whether the system is installed correctly.

Is it worth doing the installation yourself?

The principle of installing an air conditioner is generally simple, but the details are very important. So, it is necessary that both blocks are installed evenly - without distortions. Otherwise, condensation may accumulate and, as a result, rapid breakdown of the device.

In addition, some companies provide a broader guarantee if the installation is carried out by their qualified specialist, which is quite understandable: this eliminates all doubts about incorrect installation as a probable cause of unit failure. However, the instructions for any air conditioner include: detailed description how this device should be installed. Therefore, if there is an irresistible desire to do the work yourself, this is quite possible.

True, it may be difficult to find a tool to install the brackets and drill a hole for the freon tube. And on floors above the first it is not so easy to install an external unit: insurance is required. Specialists will not have any problems with this - all the equipment is included, they know how to use it, and do it quickly and efficiently.

- this is real, but entrusting the installation to specialists is more effective.

Right installed air conditioner does not make any extraneous sounds. It only requires preventive cleaning once or twice a year - in spring or spring and autumn, depending on the intensity of use, as well as refilling with freon once every two years.

For many, air conditioning at home has become simply indispensable. It creates a comfortable indoor microclimate when it is hot outside. But this is only possible if it is installed correctly.

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