Gazania is a sunny “daisy” from Africa. Hybrid Gatsania: variety groups and varieties Gatsania and Gazania are the same thing

Gazania (gatsania) is also called African chamomile, since under natural conditions this unusual and bright flower is found in Africa. Distinctive feature This plant is unique in that its buds open at midday, and the flowers look like a hybrid of aster and chamomile.

Gazania is a tropical crop but is grown in gardens around the world. To make the plant comfortable in your flowerbed, we recommend that you read this article, which describes in detail all the stages of growing and caring for gazania.

Description of gazania flowers

Gatsania can be grown both as an annual and as a perennial crop. The height of an adult plant does not exceed 30 cm, while the dense dark green leaves are collected in a dense rosette directly at ground level. On the underside of the leaves there are silvery fibers that perform several functions. Firstly, they effectively protect the plant from the cold, and secondly, they prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture from the soil.

Picture 1. External features gatsaniya

The inflorescences are relatively small: their diameter rarely exceeds 9 cm, but they are very bright. Depending on the variety, the petals can be red, yellow and orange, but, regardless of the shade, there is always a dark spots(picture 1). During the flowering period, at proper care, several dozen such inflorescences can form on one plant.

Types and varieties

There are quite a lot of varieties of gatsaniya, and almost all of them are suitable for growing in temperate climates. Moreover, among the main types of flowers, both annual and perennial are distinguished (Figure 2).

The following varieties of gazania are considered the most popular and exotic:

  1. Long-rifle- belongs to annual crops, and the height of an adult plant rarely exceeds 20 cm. The diameter of the open flower is only 7 cm, and its leaves are reed-shaped. The color of the variety is considered unusual: the petals are bright yellow and dark brown at the base.
  2. Hard (shiny) gazania grows up to 30 cm in height, and the inflorescences have a rich yellow or orange color with a black or brown base.
  3. Peacock differs from other species in the shape of the leaves: they are narrow and quite long. The inflorescences are orange, with reed petals and a yellow center.

Figure 2. Main flower varieties: 1 - long shoot, 2 - harsh, 3 - peacock gazania

In addition, hybrids have been bred for growing in the garden: snow-white, single-flowered and hybrid. These varieties are distinguished by the fact that their buds bloom not only on sunny but also on cloudy days.

Growing in open ground

Since gatsaniya belongs to tropical crops, it is recommended to grow it in open ground seedling method. The timing of sowing seeds for growing seedlings directly depends on the region of your residence. So, for areas with cold and long spring, you will definitely need artificial lighting to illuminate the seedlings, since without this condition it will develop too slowly. Optimal time The end of March or the beginning of April is considered for sowing. In such conditions, the sprouts will be able to quickly begin to grow, whereas if planted later, the plants may not have time to bloom and grow stronger before the onset of autumn cold.

As a rule, seeds are sown in deep boxes with light nutrient soil. In this case, the seedlings do not need to be picked, but after growing and hardening, they can be immediately transplanted into open ground.

Growing from seeds

To grow gazania in your flowerbed, you can buy ready-made seedlings, but it is much more interesting and cheaper to grow it from seeds yourself. To do this, you need to prepare deep and wide boxes and fill them with light but nutritious soil.

Figure 3. Stages of sowing seeds for seedlings

At the end of March or beginning of April, the seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil in a checkerboard pattern, keeping a distance of 2-3 cm between them. They are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil on top, sprayed with a spray bottle, covered with glass or film and transferred to a well-lit and warm place (Figure 3).

Note: Plantings need to be ventilated daily, while simultaneously removing condensation. If the temperature is stably maintained at +18+20 degrees, the first shoots will appear within two weeks.

To grow gazania seedlings, you need to choose a deep container, as this will allow you to grow seedlings without picking. If you do not have a suitable box, the sprouts are planted in separate pots with peat as soon as 4 true leaves appear on the stems. Seedlings need to be grown in a cool place at a temperature of no more than +16 degrees. At the same time, you can start hardening off the plants by opening the window daily for ventilation. It is important that there are no drafts in the room.

Planting gatsaniya

Planting of finished seedlings is carried out on a previously prepared area. First of all, it should be well lit, since the intensity and duration of flowering of the crop will depend on this.

Do not be afraid of areas that are under the influence of direct sun rays. They are not only not harmful to gatsaniya, but also stimulate its flowering, since the culture is highly thermophilic and drought-resistant.

When to plant

Planting of gazania seedlings in open ground begins in mid-May, and the procedure can be continued until the beginning of June. At this time, the soil is still quite moist, and the risk of frost is gradually reduced to a minimum.

Regardless of the method of growing seedlings: in separate peat pots or deep containers, transplantation is carried out together with earthen lump, in which the seedling was grown. In this case, it is important to carefully remove the sprout from the soil with a long scoop so as not to accidentally damage it. root system.

It is better to plant several bushes at once in a flowerbed, keeping a distance of 20 cm between them. This way you will be sure that during the flowering period a lush flower carpet will form on your site. It is noteworthy that gatsaniya quickly takes root in a new place, and no more than three months pass from the moment of sowing the seeds to the opening of the first buds.

Gatsaniya care

The main conditions for caring for this unusual flower is well-drained soil and sufficient sunlight. At the same time, the crop tolerates night frosts quite well.

Basic flower care includes regular watering, after which the soil must be loosened. In addition, it is necessary to regularly remove faded buds so that the crop has enough strength and space to form new ones. It is also advisable to mulch the soil around the plants to prevent the growth of weeds and the rapid evaporation of moisture.

If desired, the flower can be fed periodically, but if the soil on your site is fertile, you can do without this activity. If the soil in the flowerbed is poor, it will be enough to apply complex mineral fertilizers once every month and a half.


The first buds bloom already in June, and the flowering of the crop continues until November, when the first autumn frosts begin. It is noteworthy that each inflorescence does not fade within two to three weeks, but the buds do not open in cloudy weather.

In some cases, the flowering of gazania may not be abundant enough or may be completely absent. The reason for this phenomenon may be late transplantation of plants into open ground, insufficient lighting or excessive watering. To stimulate the formation of buds, you simply need to eliminate these unfavorable factors.

Pests and diseases

Another advantage of growing gatsania is that it is absolutely insensitive to diseases. The only exception is gray rot, which can affect the plant if the rules of agricultural technology are violated and the watering schedule is incorrect. If such a plant is found on the site, it needs to be dug up and burned, and the remaining bushes should be sprayed with phytosporin.

Among the pests that pose a danger to gatsaniya are spider mites, aphids and snails. The latter are simply collected and destroyed by hand, and spraying with insecticides is used to combat other pests.

Gazania after flowering

The flowering period of gatsania is quite long, which is an undeniable advantage. But, at the same time, this significantly complicates the process of growing from seeds.

How and when to collect seeds

Collecting crop seeds is difficult for several reasons. Firstly, in a temperate climate they simply do not have time to ripen. The only exception may be regions with long and hot summers. Secondly, the seeds of the plant are very light and somewhat reminiscent of dandelions. Therefore, after ripening they simply fly away. To prevent this from happening, you need to wrap several wilted buds with gauze to retain the seeds (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Features of seed collection

But even if you managed to collect planting material, there is no guarantee that you will be able to grow a full-fledged plant. The fact is that in culture they grow mainly hybrid varieties, the seeds of which do not retain the species characteristics of the mother plant.

Gatsania in winter

In most cases, gazania is grown as an annual crop. In this case, after the end of the flowering period and the last buds withering, it is enough to simply cut off the plant debris and burn them.

But, if you want to save the plant until next year, you need to select the strongest bushes that have not yet finished flowering, carefully dig them up and transplant them into separate pots. In the future, they should be stored in a well-lit but cool room at a temperature no higher than +10 degrees, and in the spring they should be replanted in a flowerbed.

The basic rules for growing and caring for gatsaniya are shown in the video.

Gazania is known and loved throughout the world due to its colorful petals and resemblance to a daisy. It's great for decoration garden flower bed or balcony multi-storey building. Before planting gatsaniya in open ground, its cultivation and care should be studied as much as possible so that the flowers are large and delight their owners.

Features of growing gatsania as a perennial garden crop

The flower feels good both at home and in open ground

It's blooming herbaceous plant known as annual and perennial. Most often, in our climate, it is possible to grow annual gazania because it does not tolerate severe frosts. If you want to make it a perennial garden crop, you will have to take care to properly replant it and help it overwinter at home.

The gazania is native to South Africa, so it loves warmth and bright sun. Despite this, today there are many varieties that can withstand temperatures down to -5 degrees and delight their owners with lush flowers for a long time.

Which is correct: gazania or gatsaniya

Another name for the flower is African daisy.

The plant was named after the Italian priest Theodore von Gas. However, despite this, in various countries it is equally called gazania and gatsaniya. Due to the fact that its bright buds open at midday, it is known among flower lovers as midday gold.

How best to grow

Gazania is pretty unpretentious plant, so it can be grown in open ground, on the balcony and in home pots. The only condition for this is maximum access to sunlight, moderate watering, no drafts. The less heat and light you provide to your gazania, the fewer flowers she will have.

What climate is this plant suitable for?

In southern latitudes, variegated carpets of gatsania bloom almost all year round

Gazania is suitable for almost all climate types. You only need to take into account that in cold climates it is dug up for the winter, and in warm latitudes it grows all year round. The plant only dislikes humid and monsoon climates, where there is a large amount of precipitation. It can withstand significant temperature fluctuations from –5 to +35 degrees, although most of its species do not like frosts at all and die immediately.

In what soil does it grow best?

Fertile soil is considered the most suitable for this plant, but if it is sandy, the flower will not suffer from this. The main thing is that the place is well illuminated by direct rays of the sun, is protected from drafts, and the level of occurrence groundwater was as low as possible.

In the southern regions, gatsaniya is sown directly into the flowerbed. In areas with harsh winters, cultivation occurs only through seedlings, which must be sown following certain rules.

Role in landscape design and examples of application in the photo

Gatsania plays a huge role in landscape design. She gained popularity thanks to bright colors striking in its contrast. Thus, raspberry-white, yellow-orange, red, white and many other shades of gatsania are distinguished.

Let's look at some ways to use these colors:

In order not to harm gatsaniya and skillfully decorate your garden, do not plant next to it tall plants, which will create a shadow unacceptable for her.

Planting methods

If you want your gazania to have large flowers, you need to plant seedlings for it. It is important to know that the plant begins to bloom when at least three months have passed since the emergence of seedlings. That is why sowing seeds in May will give results only in August or even closer to its end. This time is unfavorable if we talk about our country, because frosts may already begin on most of its territory, which are unacceptable for gatsaniya.

To understand when it is better to sow the seeds of the plant in question in 2018, you can turn to the lunar calendar for help:

  • From 21 to 27 February;
  • In March, it is recommended to sow twice: from the 5th to 9th and from the 20th to 25th;
  • Favorable days in April are considered to be the 4th–8th.

When planting seeds and seedlings, you need to take into account the climatic conditions of each specific region. In areas where warm spring and summer begin later, it is better to begin the sowing process in March. This is explained by the fact that seedlings should not be kept at home for too long, because this makes them weaker and thinner. Because gatsaniya loves a lot warm light If you plant it too early, be prepared to provide it with high-quality illumination with a lamp.

At what air temperatures should seeds be sown and seedlings planted?

When picking gatsaniya seedlings, you need to be especially careful

The most acceptable temperature for planting seeds is +18 degrees. Before emergence, this indicator is increased to +22 degrees. As soon as the seedlings begin to rise above ground level in the box, the temperature is again reduced to +18 degrees.

The further process of development of gazania occurs at temperatures no higher than +15 or +16 degrees. If it is higher, the plant will stretch upward and be less strong.

Before planting in open ground, the gatsaniya is taken outside for 40 minutes. Every day this time is increased so that the plant gets used to the temperature outside.

When to plant gatsaniya when growing from seeds + step-by-step instructions

You need to grow seeds for seedlings in well-prepared soil. To do this, use light, nutritious, moisture-permeable soil. Most suitable option a mixture of peat and sifted sand in a 1:1 ratio is considered, as well as turf land and compost in a 2:2 ratio. If the total volume of soil is 10 liters, do not forget to add complex mineral fertilizer to it (no more than 3 matchboxes).

  1. Before placing seeds in the soil, it must be calcined at high temperature about 3 o'clock.
  2. After this, a highly saturated solution of potassium permanganate is added to it, cooled and began to be poured into the container where the seedlings will grow.
  3. 10 mm of expanded clay is poured into the bottom of a low seedling box, and prepared soil is poured on top of it. Its height should be within 30 mm. To make the seeds germinate faster, they need to be soaked in hydrogen peroxide for 3 hours.
  4. Well-compacted soil is watered abundantly with water and the seeds are laid out in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 20 mm from each other.
  5. Then another 10 mm of soil is poured on top of them, sprayed with water and pulled tightly onto the box. plastic film. This way the seeds will germinate faster. Regular ventilation of crops and drying of the film will help to avoid the appearance of mold. In this case, you need to ensure that the room with the seedlings is warm, so it is recommended to install the container close to the battery.
  6. The seeds germinate within a week. In order not to harm them, open the film and move it closer to sunlight in a place where there is no draft at all. Watering is carried out only on well-dry soil.

How to sow at home: video for beginners

In order not to damage the root system of gatsania during transplantation into open ground, it is recommended to pick the young growth when the sprouts have 4 leaves. Peat cups are used for picking (their volume should be no more than 200 ml). Soil with an acidity level of pH from 5.5 to 6.5 is poured into them almost to the very top. Having made a hole in the container, the seedlings are buried down to the cotyledon leaves. This is how they grow until they are planted in the flowerbed.

How to pick pots: video guide

Garden care from the moment of planting in open ground until autumn

Planting in open ground is carried out in a consistently warm time.

Immediately after sowing the seeds, calculate the approximate time when you will plant the gazania in open ground. This should be a period of no frost or severe cold. In this case, the soil should warm up by at least 40 cm.

Compost is poured onto a pre-selected sunny plot of land and dug up. Maintaining a distance of 20 cm from each other, holes are dug to a depth of 20 cm. Before lowering the peat pot into the ground, water the hole generously and add a tablespoon of fertilizer (potassium, superphosphate, soil).

How to care while growing

During growth, flowers are not watered heavily. Make sure that there are not many tall weeds growing around, which will block the sunlight necessary for the plant. Weeding the ground directly next to the gatsaniya must be done carefully so as not to damage the root, which is located quite close to the surface. That is why experts advise not to loosen the soil. To prevent the soil from losing moisture and becoming covered with weeds, the soil must be mulched (peat or compost).

With proper care, gazania flowering lasts about 20 days. As a result, pick off faded flowers in a timely manner to promote the appearance of new ones.

Do not forget to feed the plant once a month or a month and a half with a complete mineral fertilizer, which includes potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.

How to prepare a plant for winter

Most often, with the arrival of winter, the bushes are cut off and the roots are dug up. However, if you want to leave a few flowering gazanias until next season, dig them up and plant them in a pot. At the same time, make sure that the lump of earth in which the plant grew all summer remains intact. Place the flower in a room with a temperature no higher than +8 or +10 degrees. It needs to be watered only when the soil is almost completely dry. With the arrival of spring, the stems are cut off and the roots are planted in a new bed.

What problems do gardeners have with growing and their solutions?

Both young and mature plants do not tolerate overwatering

Like all plants, gatsaniya is also susceptible to pests, from which it suffers and may die. These include slugs, aphids, spider mites, and snails.

Pest control methods:

  • You can prevent the appearance of ticks and slugs by regularly weeding the area where gatsaniya grows, as well as pouring slaked lime between the bushes. In addition, spider mites can be killed with Ditox, Fufanon;
  • It will be possible to get rid of snails only by manually collecting them, preventing further spread;
  • To combat aphids, Aktara, Fitoverm, Biotlin are used.

If you notice that brown spots have appeared on the leaves, increasing in number every day, be prepared for the fact that the flower has been affected by gray rot. In this case, it will be very difficult to save the bush, so it is better to dig up heavily infected plants and take them away from the site. To prevent the occurrence of such a disease, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Do not overwater the gazania;
  2. Plant it in a well-lit place;
  3. The soil should be regularly ventilated, but free of drafts;
  4. For prevention, occasionally spray flowers with Fitosporin.

In some cases, gardeners claim that the plant does not bloom for a long time. The reason for this lies in improper care of gatsaniya or a bad place in which it grows.

Gazania, also known as gatsania, has about 40 species. In his homeland - in South Africa- gazania is perennial plant, but in our conditions temperate climate, it is simply not able to survive the winter with frosts and winds, and it is grown as annual crop. The lovely petal inflorescences of Gatsania resemble the well-known chamomile in their outline, which is why it is sometimes called “African chamomile”.

Varieties and types of gatsaniya

It has shoots up to 30 cm high and baskets up to 6 cm in diameter. The color of its reed flowers is either yellow or orange, the tubular flowers are purple-black. Near the base there are white, brownish or black spots. Usually the leaves are entire, but they can also be pinnately divided.

Includes varieties of mixed origin, in which the most frequently appearing gazania is a bit harsh And gazania long-rifle . The plant can grow up to 30 cm in height. Blooming profusely from mid-summer until the onset of cold weather, the inflorescences have a diameter of approximately 8 cm and consist of reed-shaped multi-colored flowers. They are of particular interest to gardeners because they allow you to create amazingly colorful mixes, are also more resistant to adverse weather and can bloom early.

One of the most common representatives of mixes based on gatsaniya is the series Kiss , which also includes the series Big Kiss . It consists of dozens of beautifully flowering hybrids, such as Gatsaniya Kiss Orange Flame , Gatsaniya Kiss Mahogany and others. They grow 20-25 cm and contain inflorescences from 7 to 10 cm in diameter.

They bloom profusely and for a long time, with early flowering species being almost 2 weeks ahead of others. For example, a mixture Frosty Kiss consists of ghazanias with silver color foliage and flowers with contrasting longitudinal stripes. In especially comfortable growing conditions, Frosty Kiss flowers can grow up to 15 cm in diameter!

Daybreak mixture

Includes gazanias with orangeish, yellow and brownish-red inflorescences. Recently appeared new variety entitled " Daybreak Red Stripe “, whose inflorescences open even in cloudy weather.

Series Talent consists of toughish gazanias with silvery leaves, especially suitable for sunny beds and containers. This variety blooms for a very long time - right up to cold weather. Large multi-colored flowers of Gazania Talent do not curl their petals if there is no sun, just like the previous series.

Another variety series of gatsaniya harsh - “ New Day "- very unpretentious, compact and saturates the corner with clean and rich shades of its flowers. The white Gatsania cultivar New Day came to us from Holland and belongs to the early flowering hybrids. At Gatsania New Day Rose Stripe The white petals contain pink stripes, giving the flowers a special charm.

- a compact plant, with a height of up to 20 cm and strong peduncles. The inflorescences of the basket are quite large and spectacular - 7-8 cm in diameter, with contrasting stripes. This species blooms from the first month of summer until frost and is used as a border plant, ground cover plant and in various flower beds.

Gazania planting and care in open ground

Gazanias are planted in open ground in late April - early May. If the temperature rises to 20⁰C during the day, then seedlings may appear within a week. Adult plants must have sufficient area for nutrition and be well ventilated, so when planting it is recommended to maintain a distance of at least 15-20 cm.

Fast germination is a clear advantage of sowing in open ground, associated with the absence of injuries to the root system inherent in transplantation, however, there is also a significant drawback, which manifests itself in the fact that the planted bush will bloom no earlier than the end of July.

Watering gazania

Gatsaniyas are unpretentious in watering. For them, the presence of heat is more important than a sufficient amount of moisture. In this regard, it is worth watering these plants consistently in moderate quantities. Moreover, after precipitation it is necessary to loosen the soil, removing excess moisture and preventing it from accumulating. Gazania planted in places where water is retained may die.

In its homeland, gazania grows in desert areas, in conditions of loose, sandy and gravelly soils. It consumes water through tap roots, which are long enough to extract it from the depths. So in the garden this plant takes root on any, even depleted soils, except heavy clay ones. Wetlands and places oversaturated with moisture, as noted above, are not suitable for gazania.

Transplanting gatsaniya in autumn

By analogy with pelargonium, gazania can be preserved in winter by transplanting adult bushes into balcony containers or pots in the autumn. By placing the plant on the windowsill, you can observe how it continues to bloom; it is even better to leave it in a lighted room with a cool temperature above zero, for example, on a loggia or terrace, and water it periodically. This way the root system will be preserved.

In spring, the bush should be cut in half and planted in a flower bed. If the only place for storage is the basement, then the above-ground part should be cut in half and planted in a flower bed. If the only place for storage is the basement, then the above-ground part should be trimmed in the fall, leaving a small stump.

Fertilizer for gazania

For harmony in growth and rich flowering, gatsanias require feeding mineral fertilizers. In the case of fertile enriched soils, adult rosettes are fed once every month to a month and a half. If you plant gatsaniya on poor soils, it needs to be fed a little more often - once every 2-4 weeks.

Gazania from seeds at home

Hybrid gazanias do not acquire parental qualities after reproduction and receive the most various colors. To grow seedlings, sowing is carried out in a greenhouse in the first month of spring. Sow in open ground already in April.

The seedlings are planted in peat pots, then grown at a temperature of 12-15⁰C. For gazanias, replanting is a difficult process to tolerate, and therefore it is recommended to keep the seedlings in pots.

Propagation of gatsaniya by cuttings

Propagation by cuttings is also possible, for which you should take them from the side shoots near the stem in mid-summer. Next, you should treat them with root formation stimulants and plant them in a place out of reach of the sun. When rooting occurs, it is transplanted to the site along with a lump of earth.

Diseases and pests

Gatsaniyas are resistant to most types of diseases and pests, but in a rainy summer, the shoots of the plant may rot. This is how the fungal infection “gray rot” manifests itself. The way out of this situation is to thin out the flower garden, loosen the soil, remove rot and spray the remaining plants with an antifungal agent.

An interesting plant - gatsaniya, planting and caring for which is not burdensome for the gardener - will delight you with its flowers until the first frost. Most varieties are perennial, but there are also annuals among these plants. The African flower has taken root well in our country, because this is the climate that is favorable for its development and growth. Despite the simple care of the gazania, it has some features.

Gazania – gazania

Resembling a large bright daisy, the flower with a small stem is striking in its variety. color shades. It does not like heavily moist soils and can withstand dry periods. A special feature of this flower is its ability to retain moisture - this is facilitated by leaves covered with fluff on the underside, which not only retains moisture inside the plant, but also protects it from frost.

Growing gatsaniya from seeds can be done in decorative containers anywhere. It can coexist with all plants without having a negative effect on them. For the winter, a flowerpot with a flower can be brought indoors - the gazania will continue to grow even at home. The variety of varieties is simply amazing: they differ not only in color, but also in some growth characteristics. For example, most flowers close their petals when the sun sets. But there are species that leave flowers open even at night.


Planting gatsaniya, as well as subsequent care, requires quite a lot of patience. First, select a site with good soil for this plant. This flower grows best in dry areas with no big amount precipitation.

When choosing a location, it is also important to consider that:

  • gazania grows and develops well on light, fertile soil;
  • it is important that the soil allows moisture to pass through well without retaining it;
  • on heavy soils, gazania grows poorly and most often dies;
  • The flower loves the sun, so it is better to plant it in sunny places.

Two methods are used for propagation: from seeds and vegetative.

Seed method

Growing from seeds at home is done due to the long growing season of the plant. For better germination seeds, it is important to follow the following stages of sowing:

  1. Prepare the soil. To do this, you need to mix the same amount of humus, fine sand, turf and leaf soil.
  2. Seeds are sown in early spring. The time is selected taking into account the climatic conditions of the area, taking into account the fact that permanent place Usually two-month-old seedlings are planted.
  3. The seeds are placed in small grooves at a distance of 3 cm. It is better to plant them in a checkerboard pattern.
  4. When the seed is lightly sprinkled with earth, water is sprayed on top with a spray bottle so as not to wash out the planted seeds.
  5. Then the container is covered with transparent polyethylene and transported to a bright and warm windowsill with a temperature of at least 18 degrees.
  6. Before the shoots appear, you need to periodically ventilate the resulting greenhouse and remove the condensation that appears on the film.

When the first seedlings appear in a couple of weeks, they need to be provided with optimal lighting. Due to the short daylight hours, the sprouts need additional lighting, therefore, next to the seedling containers you need to install lighting. It is also important to maintain the temperature at least 15 degrees, otherwise the sprouts will grow weak. You need to water the seedlings with settled water.

Important! Gazania seedlings are not subjected to diving to avoid the possibility of injury to the weak root system.

Before planting in a permanent place, you must first prepare the area where the flower will grow. Gazania is planted in a deep hole along with a lump of earth where it grew. It is important to try not to injure the main root of the plant. The distance between future bushes should be at least 20 cm. Soon after replanting, the first flowers will appear - first single, and then in groups. Growing seedlings from seeds at home is more effective than cuttings.

Advice! For longer and faster flowering, it is necessary to regularly cut off faded buds.

Vegetative method

Used for reproduction in summer. To get new plants vegetative way perform the following actions:

  • A side shoot of the main stem must be pruned with a thickened base of no more than 10 cm.
  • For better survival and to prevent the shoot from drying out, the cut is treated with a root formation stimulator.
  • Remove all lower leaves from the shoot.

Advice! To accelerate the growth of the shoot, it can be soaked overnight in a growth mixture, which can be derivatives of urea and other drugs.

  • Plant the cuttings in a container filled with soil. It is important that the container is large enough - at least 9 cm in diameter.
  • Water the shoot well.
  • The conditions for growth and development are the same as when growing seedlings from seeds. It is important to exclude the influence of drafts and direct sunlight on weak shoots. It is also necessary to take into account that future bushes need good lighting.

After about a month and a half, root formation occurs, but the gazania remains in the container until spring. Only then can the perennial be planted in a permanent place.

Growing some types of gatsanias is possible only with this method, since they do not produce seeds. When choosing a shoot from which a new bush will be formed, it is necessary to give preference to elongated and healthy cuttings. To increase the likelihood of root formation, it is necessary to select shoots with a heel - a thickening near the base.


Growing and caring for gatsaniya is not difficult, the main thing is to take a responsible approach to choosing the soil on which the future flower will grow. You should not plant the plant on heavy soil, including clay.

  • Watering should be moderate. Otherwise, growing by any means will not make sense. After all, a flower can protect itself from a lack of moisture - its long root is able to get water from the ground, and the fluff on the leaves prevents too much water evaporation. But it cannot protect against waterlogging - it weakens and begins to rot.
  • Flowers also need fertilizing. On fertile soil, plants are fed once every month and a half, and on poor soil - twice a month with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer.
  • Timely removal of weeds and thorough loosening of the soil at least twice a month.
  • Pest protection. To combat aphids, you can plant onions or garlic, which will repel insects with their specific smell. Treatment will help prevent gray rot. Bordeaux mixture. Spider mite exterminated with special insecticides. When snails and slugs appear on the plant, they are collected by hand. Garlic, sage or parsley planted nearby will help get rid of harmful insects.

Proper cultivation allows you to get plants with large, bright inflorescences. Despite the fact that most of the gazania are perennial crop, spend the winter in our harsh climatic conditions It's quite difficult for them. Therefore, for the winter the perennial is simply transferred indoors, and in the spring it returns to its place. In winter, in the room where the gazania will winter, it is better to maintain a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees.

Caring for gatsaniya winter period consists of periodic watering. Growing gatsaniya in pots or cache-pots at home allows you to bring the plant indoors for the winter without much difficulty or replanting, where it will continue to delight with blooming inflorescences. When spring comes, the containers can be taken outside again to decorate bright flowers plot.

Gatsaniya, or gazania

Gatsania, or Gazania, is an attractive South African "daisy" named after Theodore von Gaza, an Italian priest who translated the works of Aristotle and Theophrastus. Gatsania is often called “midday gold” because its inflorescences open only at midday, and even then only in sunny weather.

Gatsaniaresistant to pests and diseases, unpretentious, easily takes root on open sunny balconies.

Plantvery light-loving, weakens in the shade, stretches out and does not bloom.

Before flowering gatsaniya Water generously, then moderately. Soil for gatsaniya should be well permeable, not too rich nutrients, otherwise flowering weakens.

Reproduce gatsaniya seeds that are sown in early April. Shoots appear on the 5-15th day, depending on the temperature. In May, seedlings plants can be planted in balcony boxes at a distance of 20 cm from the plant. Flowering begins in June and continues until frost.

If you need to save it especially beautiful specimen, gatsaniya propagated by cuttings in autumn. In this case, the plants overwinter well in pots in a bright room with a temperature of 8-10°C.

Gazania(Gazania) is a low-growing plant family Asteraceae with dense rosette green leaves of various shapes. In many species gatsaniya the lower part of the leaves is covered with short silvery pubescence, which protects the plants from the cold and helps retain moisture.

From July until the end of the season from the base of the rosette gazania Many bare peduncles continuously appear, slightly rising above the leaves. The tops of the peduncles are crowned with large single inflorescences-baskets, attracting admiring glances with the unusual color of the petals.

Hybrid gatsaniya They are widely used in floriculture because they have many advantages.

Gatsaniahybrid (Gаzania x hybrida) is distinguished by large and spectacular inflorescences. Flowers plants open in the morning and close at the end of the day.

Breeders have developed many varieties gatsaniya with brightly varied colors of inflorescences. But they are all equally beautiful: with white, cream, lemon, yellow, orange, pink, crimson, red, red-brown, bronze, purple petals.

Use of gatsaniya: landscape designers recommend combining gatsaniya with gypsophila, chamomile, dimorphotoca, gypsophila. Used for ridges, borders, rocky hills, slopes and for cutting. Gatsaniya planted in wide outdoor vases or containers combined with blue ageratum or lobelia.

Dense, dark green leaves with silvery-white drooping on the underside protect gazania from excessive evaporation in hot weather. In addition, the pubescence traps drops of moisture. Gazanias are exceptionally drought-resistant, heat- and light-loving. In the garden for successful cultivation require open sunny places. Quite cold-resistant, can withstand frosts down to -5-7 "C.

prefer light, nutritious garden soils. They cannot tolerate excess moisture. On heavy clay soils, especially in rainy years, they feel depressed.

Care: moderate watering and removal of faded inflorescences promotes the formation of new buds. On fertile soils plants are fed every 4-6, and on leaner plants every 2-4 weeks with a solution of complete mineral fertilizer.

Reproduction: seeds and cuttings. To grow seedlings, sowing is done in March in boxes in a greenhouse or in a warm greenhouse. In April you can sow in cold greenhouses and open ground. At a temperature of 18-20 degrees, seedlings appear in 5-14 days. Seedlings are planted in peat-humus or pottery pots and grown at a temperature of 12-15 degrees.

Planting in place is carried out in mid-May with a damp lump of earth or in pots, maintaining a distance of 15-20 cm between plants. It is unlikely that you will be able to collect your quality seeds (achenes covered with light hairs over the entire surface), since middle lane they ripen only in seasons with a lot of sunny days. The seeds are large (1 g contains 230 pieces), they remain viable for 2 years.

If hybrid gazanias grew in a flowerpot all summer, then in the fall they can be transferred to a cool room, cut off all the tops and water as needed (without flooding, but also without drying out the earthen ball). This way they can be stored until next summer.

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