Do-it-yourself grape press: step-by-step instructions. How to make a grape press with your own hands: device, choice of material and step-by-step manufacturing process Do-it-yourself grape press

Breeders have developed many grape varieties that can ripen in any part of Russia. Grapes are prepared for the winter in the form of juice, which children love very much. And for adults there is nothing better than natural grape wine. To squeeze out the juice, winegrowers have to put in a lot of effort. A special press helps make work easier. And by making a grape press with your own hands, you will be able to get useful device, saving money.

General definition and types of presses

A grape press is a barrel with drainage grates, equipped with a tray for collecting juice. A power screw is located on top of the barrel, with the help of which pressure is exerted on the pressing element. The barrel is made from stainless steel, as well as wooden planks made of beech or oak. It is important that all materials are environmentally friendly.

Presses can be used not only for processing grapes. They are equally effective when processing apples, as well as other fruits and berries. All devices are divided into several types.

Mechanical. Such devices are popular among gardeners. Their distinctive feature is not very high productivity associated with the need to use manual labor.

The grapes are poured into a perforated basket. And the principle of operation of mechanical equipment is that the creation of the required pressure on the press is carried out due to a screw mechanism, which is rotated using a handle.

Electrical. This category includes two types of equipment:

  • hydraulic press;
  • pneumatic press.

The operation of the hydraulic press is ensured by a hydraulic pump. That is, it exerts pressure on the pressing element using water. Pneumatic equipment involves applying pressure with air. From mechanical presses electrical devices characterized by the absence of the need for manual labor. Due to this, work productivity and the volume of juice obtained are significantly increased.

What materials are needed to make a press?

Grape press can be purchased at finished form. Manufacturers offer consumers various types equipment, including hydraulic juicers. But it’s not at all difficult to make it yourself.

The grapes are loaded into a barrel or basket, touching its walls. Therefore, it is very important that it is made from quality material. Two options are most often used.

Tree. Only hardwood, such as beech or oak, is suitable for these purposes. By making a basket from wooden planks, you will be able to obtain a durable and environmentally friendly structure. But when using wood, difficulties arise with caring for the equipment. After each juice extraction, the basket will have to be thoroughly rinsed and dried.

Metal. Ideal option will be cast iron or stainless steel. These materials do not oxidize upon contact with fruit. Metal barrels are easy to maintain, easy to clean and are highly hygienic.

The press itself is a circle, which is often made of wood. In addition, you will need to prepare bolts and nuts for fastening structural parts, a metal rod and bearings, as well as tools for working with wood and metal.

Procedure for making a press

To make it easier to make a grape press with your own hands, you can take a drum from an old washing machine. Holes are drilled in the drum for attaching wooden planks. Drainage strips can be sawn from bars or use parquet planks.

A “pancake” is made from the same strips, which will act as the bottom of the basket. A block is screwed onto the “pancake” across the slats, which will provide a gap between the basket and the metal barrel.

Next, a U-shaped frame is made from a metal profile. It is important that the profile thickness is at least 3 mm. The frame is concreted in the ground, ensuring its stable position. If you need to do mobile device, legs made of metal pipes are welded to the frame.

A “pancake” made of stainless steel or cast iron is installed on the frame crossbar, which acts as a press. To fix the “pancake”, a hole is drilled in the frame. A lever or handle is installed on the press. Further turning the handle, the press will lower into the basket.

The barrel is installed at the base of the frame on a pallet, for example, in a basin. A hole is made in the basin into which the hose is inserted. The juice will be drained through the hose into a receiving container.

It is also necessary to make wooden shield, which will cover the grapes loaded into the basket. This completes the process of making a homemade press.

How to use the press

To use a homemade press, the basket is covered with filter cloth. As a filter, you can use gauze folded in several layers, special fabric, chintz or synthetic fiber. It is important that it does not contain dangerous dyes.

The grapes are removed from the bunches. If juice is supposed to be made from it, the berries are washed under running water. For wine, washing the berries is not required, since it is the grape skins that contain wine yeast, which causes natural fermentation.

Next, grapes are loaded into the basket. It is covered with a wooden shield on top. Using a lever or handle, a metal “pancake” is lowered onto a wooden shield. Under metal pressure, the juice formed from the grapes gradually enters the pan and, entering the hose, is drained into a receiving container.

After use, the grape press is disassembled, thoroughly washed and dried. These manipulations must be carried out after each use of the equipment. Otherwise wooden elements structures will rot.

The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is the period of mass harvesting of vegetables, fruits and berries. A bountiful harvest is great, but it all needs to be processed. For example, preparing juice from grapes or apples is a labor-intensive process. You can get by with a regular juicer, but if there is a lot of raw materials, it will take quite a lot of time. It is better to use a special press. Let's figure out how to make a grape press with your own hands.

Grape press: simple design

Those presses that are sold in stores are diverse; one significant disadvantage of such mechanisms is the high price. If you have some skills, you can make the device yourself, saving a lot of money. In particular, the grape press will indispensable assistants for winemakers.

simplest homemade press for grapes - this screw design, consisting of the following elements:

  • base (frame and basket);
  • pressing device (jack or shaft);
  • pressing piston.

To make a grape press you will need the following items and equipment: welding machine, drill and grinder, 50 liter tank, metal channel (10-12 mm; 150 mm), angle (40-50 mm; 3200 mm), wooden slats (40x25x400 mm) - 50 pieces, jack, fabric ( square meter), 2 mm fishing line - 3 meters, crane.

Manufacturing process

Work should begin by preparing the base of the entire structure.

Frame. This element must meet high strength requirements, since it will bear the main load. The side parts are made from corners, the height of which is 85 cm. The lower and upper parts are a channel 70 cm long. Welding is used to connect the frame elements.

Advice! To enhance the strength of the structure, you can additionally weld a gusset between the channel and the corners.

The finished frame is sanded and coated with metal paint.

The tank must be made of stainless steel. At the bottom of the tank you need to drill a hole in which the tap will be attached.

Advice! Instead of a tank, you can use a stainless steel pan of suitable size.

A grid of wooden slats. The height of the slats should be equal to the height of the tank. Holes (2-3 mm) are drilled at the ends of the slats, through which a fishing line or stainless steel wire is pulled. The result should be a kind of basket through which the juice will ooze. The gap between the slats should be no more than 2-3 mm.

You don't have to use the tank at all. The slats are tightened with a galvanized hoop, the basket is installed in a tray where the juice will drain. You can use a stand from under the big pot for flowers or kitchen sink made of stainless steel.

The grape crusher can be framed; installation of a basket in this design is not provided. The grapes are placed in a multilayer fabric bag between the grates and crushed in this form.

The piston for the press is made of wood (preferably oak), you can take the remains of the slats. The main thing is to get a round part that will fit into the basket in diameter. The slats are folded together, a circle is cut out, and the parts are connected with screws or wire.

The power mechanism is a jack or a screw. You need to place several boards under the jack during the spin cycle.

Filtration bag. Here you should pay attention to the structure of the fabric. Nylon, lavsan, polyester, propylene, durable cotton or linen fabric are suitable. The main thing is that the bag does not tear while squeezing out the juice.

Operating principle

A basket is inserted into the tank and a filter bag is placed. Berries are placed here, a piston and a jack are installed. The tap needs to be opened and a receiving container placed. Giving should be done carefully; sudden movements may damage the frame or fabric bag. You need to squeeze out the juice by doing several pumping motions intermittently.

A large amount of grape harvest cannot be eaten immediately or stored in bunches for a long time, so there is a need for its processing. Depending on the variety, homemade juices are pressed from the berries, wine is made, or they are put in vinegar. All of these drinks require chopping the berries and squeezing the liquid out of them. For these purposes, they purchase in farming press. You can buy it ready-made or make it yourself. Its operating principle is quite simple, so the diagram self-assembly understandable even to novice gardeners. The second name of the tool is a crusher.

The principle of operation of the grape crushing apparatus

As already noted, a grape press is used to squeeze juice out of berries. Next, the liquid is pasteurized and poured into jars or vinegar is prepared on its basis.

Mechanism components

  • frame;
  • a tray into which liquid flows;
  • the pressing element itself;
  • barrel;
  • fine mesh;
  • spin-intensifying screw.

In addition to the fact that the crusher squeezes juice, it can also be used to ferment various drinks. Also, the part that presses and the food material are practically not in contact; therefore, heating is minimal, which ensures the safety of all useful substances in the drink.

For small volumes, the berries are processed manually, but with a press, the process goes much faster and the gardener has more free time.

Types of grape squeezer: which one to choose

Absolutely all presses are made from environmentally friendly pure materials , without application chemicals for connecting or processing parts. In this regard, there are two options for the material from which the press is designed: wood and metal. Devices are also classified by power and volume. Depending on the relevant characteristics required for crop processing, farmers choose one or another machine.

How to build trellises for grapes is described.

What material to make a device for home use from?

Wooden presses have a much shorter service life, unlike metal ones, but are considered safer, since there is not even minimal oxidation of the product.

Wooden: oak, apple, beech, linden, ash

In a wooden press, absolutely all parts are made in natural material As a rule, hard varieties are taken for production: apple, oak, linden, beech or ash. These presses require careful care and drying after each use. This is due to the fact that bacteria accumulate in the pores, which can adversely affect freshly prepared juice.

Before each use, farmers inspect the basket for damage to its integrity, the appearance of mold or other growths. And only after that he gets to work.

Homemade metal appliances: stainless steel, cast iron

For metal structures choose a non-corrosive metal: cast iron or stainless steel. These materials do not oxidize and, accordingly, do not react with aggressive juice due to the large amount of vitamin C and do not change the properties of the drink.

Such presses are durable and odor-neutral. They are produced in two formats: industrial use and household.

By volume and power (industrial, household)

Differences in power and volumes do not depend on the purpose of the press (domestic or industrial). Devices with a reinforced motor are successfully used both in private farms with large output and in factories.

Pressing units vary in volume, ranging from 1 liter of loading to 80 kg.

The more powerful the design, the more expensive the press will cost.

Making a wine juicer with your own hands

The press is quite simple in nature, especially when it comes to the screw format. At home, it can be made almost from scrap materials.

  1. 2 pipes with a diameter of 18 or 25 mm in cross-section, welded to metal profile in the shape of the letter P. Its height is conventional, but selected in such a way that the key nut on the screw can be placed freely.
  2. A compression mechanism is welded at the bottom, which will fix the required position. A clamp will help attach the finished press to a horizontal working surface.
  3. The frame is made from bars 5*10 mm or 4*10 mm and approximately 70 cm long.
  4. Device width depends on the length of the grooved rollers. It is best to count on a dimension of 20 cm, while the rollers and bars should protrude at the same distance, and the depth of the grooves should be at least 2.5 cm.
  5. The structure is directed helically with a shift of 2 cm to the rollers and secured every 10 cm to the frame using a bearing.

The rotation speed of the device is different, therefore the gears are attached to different calibers.

In addition to the main part, which crushes the berries, you need a ladle or bucket with a narrowed base. It is also installed on the frame, at a distance of 1 cm or more from the pressing mechanism.

A container for liquid is attached below and the process can begin. Thanks to the gaps between the rollers, the seeds slip into the filter compartment intact, so the drink turns out sweet, rich and without bitterness. Will it be possible to eat grapes with seeds?

The basket can also be made of metal. In this case, stainless steel gaskets are used to separate the juice into portions.

Materials for a drum press machine according to Italian drawings

Before you start work, you should understand what materials will be useful for the future press according to an Italian or other drawing. They need to be placed all at once on the desktop to speed up the design process.

  • wooden beams 4*10 mm or 5*10 mm;
  • rolls;
  • 2 mm stainless steel discs;
  • pipes with a diameter of about 25 mm;
  • U-shaped profile;
  • fastening tool, welding machine;
  • bearings.

In addition to the above, you will need devices and tools for working on wood and metal.

Rules of application for manual or electric squeezing of grapes

There are several rules thanks to which the press will produce the largest amount of high-quality juice and last a longer period.

  1. The selected crusher is firmly fixed to a stationary, horizontal and level surface to prevent displacement.
  2. At the bottom there is a container for the cake (any tank, plastic bucket, pan).
  3. Berries are loaded into the ladle in portions, making sure that the rollers have time to fully process the material.
  4. The cake is partially formed in the basket, so a coarsely woven napkin is placed on the bottom.
  5. After finishing work, the press is washed and thoroughly dried. If cracks occur, they are immediately sealed with wood putty.

There is no need to remove the skin from the berries, as this is what gives the aroma and deep aroma to the drink when received.

Winemakers who are professionally involved in grape cultivation divide it into 2 levels:

  • gravity-fed fruit juice;
  • using a press.

In the first case, the liquid is most valuable, as it is rich in taste and useful substances. In the second option, you can squeeze out the juice in 2 stages, that is, recycle the pulp. For varieties such as, recycling is not recommended, since the taste characteristics are significantly affected.

The cake is pressed again no more than 3 times. On the basis of this, less elite varieties of alcohol are prepared, relative to the first pressing.

Video: how to make a simple screw press for squeezing grapes

This video talks about presses and squeezing grapes with your own hands.


A grape press is necessary, even for home, indoor use. It has undeniable advantages over juicers and juicers.

  1. The press can be used to process (squeeze, press, produce) the cake up to three times.
  2. Making it yourself takes little time, and the materials for it are always available in the household.
  3. There are 2 types of the most popular presses (screw, manual, pneumatic, washing, electric): made of wood and metal (stainless steel).
  4. For homemade wooden structures choose firm, noble varieties of garden and ordinary trees: apple, oak, linden, ash or beech. When producing from metal, the choice is made of materials that are not subject to corrosion: cast iron, stainless steel.

Read about how raisins are made in the process of drying grapes.

The grape press is often used in the preparation of grape juice and wine. It is popular not only in small private farms, but also in industry. There are such devices different types, manual, electric, and if you wish, you can make a grape press with your own hands.

What is a grape press

A grape press is a machine that squeezes juice from grapes. This juice can be used simply to make wine, but it is very concentrated, so it is often diluted when drinking. But most often, a grape press is used in the preparation of high-quality must.

When squeezing grape juice with a press, the seeds are almost never crushed, which means the taste of the must does not deteriorate.

The device is a pressure device. When grapes are poured into the basket, the squeezing process begins. The piston presses the grapes under pressure and juice begins to ooze out of them, falling into a large canister. When the tap on the tank is opened, the juice flows out. Thus, it is convenient to pour it into bottles and jars. The grape juice is squeezed 2-3 times; of course, the first squeeze yields the highest quality product.

Types of presses

Also check out these articles

When choosing a grape press, you need to consider what type of device will suit best way and will bring a lot of benefits.

What materials are used for presses?

In order for the press mechanism to work correctly, many different parts are used, which are made of various materials. But depending on what material dominates the press, they come in several types, the most popular of which are only two.

  • The wooden press is environmentally friendly and safe. In such a press you can make high-quality juice. However, a wooden press requires careful and proper care, disinfection, otherwise it will not last long.

Experienced winemakers do not recommend squeezing juice from one batch of grapes more than 3 times. After the 3rd spin, the raw materials need to be changed!

  • The metal press is made of cast iron or stainless steel. This material is hygienic, easy to clean, and durable. If metal good quality, then it will not spoil the smell or taste of the juice.

How to make a grape press with your own hands

Price categories for a grape press depend on the material from which it is made, size, functionality, characteristics and some other qualities. Still, this is not a cheap mechanism. Therefore, many winegrowers make a press for squeezing grapes with their own hands.

Dimensions various parts depend on the size of the press you need, so different cases may vary. You can take a large or small basket for grapes, and the rest of the details, their sizes depend on this, the main element. This is important to consider! So, how to make a grape press with your own hands?

  1. The first thing you need to do is a basket for fresh grapes. To do this, you can take an old tank, a drum from a washing machine, a large saucepan or something like that. Holes are made in the walls of this container in a checkerboard pattern with a distance between holes of 2-3 cm and a distance between rows of 2-4 cm. The diameter of the holes should be small, just so that the juice can ooze out.
  2. If you need a grape press for a long time, then it’s better to find a stainless steel cylinder, or find a fine stainless steel mesh and make a cylinder from it. This design is not susceptible to rust, does not oxidize and will not give the juice a metallic taste.

You can make a grape press with your own hands not only from metal, but also from wood, but it will take more time and effort, otherwise the design will be unreliable.

Now the design is assembled and tested. A basket filled with grapes is placed in a basin with a tap. Next we install it in a frame with a press. The basket with grapes is covered with a pancake and placed exactly under the jack. When the jack begins to unwind, under its action the pancake crushes the grapes and juice oozes out of it. Grape juice enters the basin through the holes in the cylinder and is drained through the tap. To obtain purer juice, it is filtered through cheesecloth or a sieve.

As you can see, the design is quite simple, but it also needs to be properly looked after, otherwise it will not last long. After each use, all components are washed and dried. And during operation, the grapes are pressed intermittently so that too much pressure is not created inside, then they will be of high quality.

Why do we need wine presses, what problems do they solve, what are they, and how to use them correctly? Today's lesson at the School of Crafting is dedicated to this topic. It is important not only to choose suitable design, but also understand how and why to use it. The bell rang - let's start the lesson.

This is how grapes were pressed in sultry Italy

Squeeze it dry?

The very name of the equipment makes it clear that it is used to extract moisture from crushed raw materials. You can squeeze both juice and wort in a press, depending on the technology you use to prepare the wine.

How long should the pressing pressure be? The pulp is squeezed out until the juice stops flowing from it. In some cases, it is possible to carry out a secondary extraction, but for this the mass is crushed a second time. Sometimes a small amount of water is added to it to “revive” the pulp. The resulting juice or second-press wine will be inferior in quality to the first.

Preparation for pressing

It is very important to properly prepare the material for pressing. Only crushed material is pressed. Even if you are going to make wine from soft berries, you need to crush them into pulp, and only then put them under pressure.

Why crush the berries at all?

  • To squeeze out more juice.
  • In order not to break the press. If you put in whole berries, then trying to squeeze out the maximum amount of juice can break the machine.

If you press the pulp, then before the first pressing it is not processed additionally, but for the second and subsequent pressings the pulp also needs to be crushed.

Stages of pulp pressing

I’ll say right away: the technologies for making red and white wine differ from each other. If you have the time, desire and inspiration to make real, proper red wine, you will have to work a little harder.

  • First you need to make pulp and put it on fermentation along with berry peels and skins.
  • After fermentation is complete, the pulp sinks to the bottom of the container with the wort.
  • Part of the wine is drained by gravity, and the remaining pulp is unloaded from the container for pressing.

Pressed wines have a higher tannin content, minerals and have more bright color. To obtain pressed wine of good quality, the wort must be constantly stirred during fermentation for better aeration.

The simplest option is to crush the berries, squeeze out the juice and put it on fermentation. This is what they do when they want to get homemade wine with minimal labor.

Separation of wort by gravity

From the very beginning of draining, the wort flows under gravity rather than under pressure. Gravity in Bordeaux is called “big wine”. It differs not only in the method of production, but also in its characteristics. It balances sugar and acidity. The taste is more subtle and soft due to less tannins. At the same time, the product has a weaker color and a reduced amount of anthocyanins, which are responsible for the anti-inflammatory properties of wine. Gravity separated wines are more susceptible to developing yeasty and sour odors. That's why they are mixed with pressed wine to add depth of flavor and color.

First pressure wort

After the wine has been drained or siphoned off, we need to press the remaining must. The wort is removed from the vat or bottle, moved to a press and pressed. The result is pressed first-press wine. It contains a reduced alcohol content and an increased sugar content, but there is no excess sugar content. First pressure wort has a brighter color and a more tart taste due to high content anthocyanins and tannins. It does not contain malic acid, taste qualities appear brightly.

The wort can be blended (mixed) with “big wine” immediately after the end of pressing. This is how young table wines are produced.

Second pressure wort

But the first pressing does not completely free the pulp from the wort. Therefore, a second and even a third spin is acceptable. Before each subsequent pressing, the residue is further crushed in order to achieve a greater degree of grinding of the material. Naturally, repeated crushing causes the destruction of the pulp material, releasing more bitter and astringent fractions. Second-press wort contains sugar, malic acid, and has a high tannin content. It is not blended immediately, but is allowed to mature separately, and only after that it is put into production. The second pressing must is used to produce dessert wine.

Third pressure wort

We grind the pulp again and put it under the press again. As a result of the third pressing, we obtain a wine with high acidity, high tannin content, but the level of sugars in it is minimal. The anthocyanin content decreases, as does color saturation. Third pressing must is not added to young wines. It is used to obtain vintage wines, as well as strong red wines.

If you continue pressing the wort, the resulting raw material can be used to prepare grape alcohol.

Living wood or cold steel?

No matter what technology you use to prepare wine, you still can’t do without a press.

What to prefer - a press made of wood or metal? For the manufacture of presses and their individual elements, hardwood is used. Beech is most common, as it is hard and relatively available material. It must be said that today presses made of solid wood are becoming less and less common, and they are expensive. The most common option is a combination of materials, when the frame is made of metal and the basket is made of wood.

If you come across a press made entirely of wood at a price below 6-7 thousand, then do not rush to grab your wallet, but check the material of manufacture. Most likely, the device is made of plywood and will quickly become unusable if exposed to moisture.

Metal presses have many advantages, which is why they are very popular. They are characterized by ease of maintenance and operation, they are sold in a huge range of volumes and prices. The main condition is that the metal for the press must have protective coating, which protects against rust formation. Stainless steel presses are not at risk of corrosion.

As a rule, we choose material for the press based on taste preferences and capabilities. In addition, if you are looking for productive automatic presses, the vast majority of them are made of metal and other lightweight modern materials.

Basic design of wine presses

The general structure of a wine press is well described by its colloquial name: a crusher.

There is a place for storing crushed raw materials, and there is a tray for draining the liquid fraction. On a plate or drainage grate, which is in direct contact with the pulp, pressure is applied using various mechanisms. For a screw press it is a screw, for a hydraulic press it is a hydraulic jack or a membrane. Liquid is squeezed out of the pulp under pressure. It flows into the pan, and from there into the prepared container.

There are other designs, for example, barrels with a membrane, popular in hydraulic and pneumatic presses. Expanding, it crushes the pulp, and the liquid is squeezed out of the barrel, flowing down the outer walls into the pan. The cake remains on the walls.

Even the simplest screw hand press turns out to be an order of magnitude more effective in spinning than manual labor. If we talk about automatic or mechanical presses, then in them the spin takes place, literally, “with one left”.

The main rule for the safety and security of the press is to add only crushed raw materials, since the pressure must be uniform. Adding unchopped fruits or berries is fraught with failure of the pressing mechanism.

Types of wine presses

As I said above, the types of presses are very diverse in terms of their operating principle. All of them are actively represented on the market and are intended to make the work of winemakers easier. Let's talk about the most popular and common types.

Mechanical hand press

Its structure and principle of operation will seem familiar even to those who have never dealt with pressing. Here are the main structural elements.

  • Perforated basket for storing pulp.
  • Cover or bag to prevent splashing.
  • Screw mechanism.
  • Pressing plane.
  • Bed with receiving tray.

The pulp is loaded into the basket. Manual rotation activates a screw mechanism that lowers the plane onto the pulp. The descending piston creates the necessary force for pressure; under pressure, the liquid flows into the receiving pan, and from there into the collection container.

Design advantages.

  • Easy to manage and operate.
  • Cheapness
  • Compact dimensions
  • Variability.
  • Relatively high productivity, higher than that of the same juicer.
  • Maximum gentle and high-quality spin.
  • It can be made of wood, which ensures the most natural taste of the future drink.
  • Does not require additional water or electricity consumption.

One of the disadvantages is the need for significant muscular effort.

It is best suited for small volumes of pressing, for example, for seasonal wine from the harvest of a private farm. Easily allows you to get from 4 to 15 liters from one batch of raw materials, depending on the model. Cheapest and economical option press.

Pneumatic press

In the design of this press, the force is created using compressed air.

The principle of operation is simple. The pulp is loaded into a barrel or basket. The membrane acts as a press, which is activated by compressed air. Under air pressure, the membrane expands, squeezing juice out of the pulp.

Advantages of a pneumatic press.

  • High performance.
  • High efficiency.
  • A minimum of effort - even a woman can work with the press.

The downside is the rather high cost, which is increased by the need to additionally connect a compressor as a source of compressed air.

A pneumatic press is suitable for those who plan to engage in winemaking on a relatively regular basis or create a family business. Of the mechanical and manual presses, it is the most expensive. Even higher are the prices for pneumatic membrane presses.

Hydraulic press

As the name suggests, pressure is provided by a hydraulic mechanism. This may be a hydraulic jack, as in some hand presses. Or maybe an expanding membrane.

Among hydraulic devices, there are designs that use drainage frames rather than a plate or membrane. Between them are placed raw materials packed in fabric bundles or bags. Using a hydraulic jack, the device is driven, developing great force and showing excellent efficiency.

Advantages of a hydraulic press.

  • Efficiency.
  • High performance.
  • Does not require electricity, which means there are no additional costs for it.
  • Presented in various options, so you can choose what you need.

The downside is the rather high price, water consumption, and placement of some structures, for example, a hydraulic drainage press, requires quite a lot of space.

The hydraulic press provides high performance. Many models yield 30–40 liters from one pulp. Suitable for trying your hand at craft winemaking on an ongoing basis. Costs less than pneumatic models, but more than manual screw models.

Electro-hydraulic press

A productive and powerful device that is used in cases where the power of mechanical and, especially, manual models is not enough. The design of the device resembles a hydraulic one screw press which is driven by an electric motor.

Among the advantages, I note high productivity, ease of operation, and spin efficiency.

The disadvantages include the high price and additional costs for electricity. The electro-hydraulic press is heavy. It cannot be transported like a conventional hand-held device. But it saves your energy and time as much as possible. Its use is justified in cases where you want to make your own wine on an ongoing basis. Well, or if you are a champion of ergonomics and want your every movement to bring maximum effect.

What to look for when choosing a wine press?

What criteria should be used as the basis for choosing a press?

Mounting location: floor or tabletop

For large premises It is logical to choose a floor press. As a rule, such devices have a large capacity.

If the size of the room is limited, you need to place the equipment compactly and conveniently, then opt for tabletop presses, especially since among them there are capacious models for 8–10 liters of the finished product.


The press has two volume characteristics - loading (basket volume) and output.

The basket volume shows how much raw material the press can accept at one time. The second is how much juice or wine the press produces in one cycle of operation with a full load.

Thus, a press with a 20 liter basket produces 8–12 liters of product. Equipment for 10 liters of raw material loading will produce 4–6 liters of juice.

The choice depends on what volumes you expect to work with. Take the press not “for growth”, but based on real needs.

I draw your attention! It is impossible to achieve the same juice yield for all types of raw materials. If it is said that a press allows you to get 4-6 liters of juice from 10 kg of product, then this is an average figure. Pressing, say, grapes will give you this volume, but from currants there will be much less juice. Therefore, I give average figures for the output volume.

Automatic or manual

I have already spoken about this above. The greater the volume of raw materials for processing, the more work. Therefore, to obtain wine from your own grapes or apples, you can use a hand press. If you have plans to process hundreds of kilograms of fruit and berry products, then it is worth investing in a productive automatic press.

Material of manufacture and price

Depends on your tastes and capabilities. Moreover, the majority modern models they still have a stainless steel working part.

Practical part

To consolidate the theory, watch the video material, which will help you understand the issue.


Send me a photo of the press you use or the one you have planned for yourself. Explain why you like this model.

In this lesson we got acquainted with wine presses, learned about different types presses, what tasks they solve, how to use them correctly and understand the intricacies of pressed wine.

Add hashtags to your homework projects. #craft_school #cosmogon

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