How to increase apple sales using mechanical sorting? Mechanical sorting of apples The variety of apples also matters

Mechanical sorting of apples

Competition between producers of fruit products increases the requirements for their quality. Therefore, farms must take care not only of choosing the optimal varieties and planting new orchards with them, but also of preserving and pre-sale preparation of dessert fruits, for which earnings are the highest. The latter is especially true for large

producers of fruit products - they must quickly and on time deliver goods online.

Preparing fruits for sale involves sorting them by size and color, washing and packaging. The complete process is quite labor-intensive, and modern gardening strives to mechanize it as much as possible. The equipment needed for this is produced in countries with developed horticulture - the Netherlands, Italy, Greece, Spain and Poland. Below is a market overview.


Sorting begins with the supply of fruit to the workshop. The container filled with fruit is turned out onto a conveyor line or into a special container filled with water.

receiving container.

To carry out this operation, you will need an unloader. The Dutch company Perfect, known to gardeners for its sprayers and mowers, produces everters and (dry sorters) and unloaders of fruits into water. SK everters are designed for dry sorting lines. It is compact (photo 1) and comes standard with a soft flap for the container and a photocell that helps manage unloading. It is possible to additionally equip the unit with a brush that rotates or is fixed. The lifting height of the container is set manually. The SK model is manufactured with manual, automatic and semi-automatic control.

Operating principle of the SK turner: a container covered with clamps and closed with a flap is turned over 135 ° (almost bottom-up) using hydraulic mechanisms, raised to a given height and moved so that when

move the damper a little, apples could fall on the unloading surface (beginning of the conveyor line). As the fruit pours out, the damper is pushed back further, and the container is raised higher (it moves on inclined guides), to full

unloading The accuracy of the unit's movement is controlled by photo sensors.

The DK model everters are more productive, in particular, the photo sensor controls not only the accuracy, but also the unloading speed. In other respects, the operating principle of the machine is similar to the SK model.

The unloader model FS2 is water type. Such machines are an essential component of modern sorting lines. Its main structural part is the receiving hopper - during operation it is filled with water. All structural elements machines are made from stainless steel.

The sequence of operations is as follows: a container with fruit is placed on an unloader, which lowers the container into the water, where apples float up from it. They flow by gravity to the transfer points onto the conveyor. Model FS2 delivers fruits gently and carefully - water transport (photo 2) eliminates any damage.


Further processing of fruits is carried out using sorting machines - mechanical and optical. The Dutch company Perfect produces sorting machines of all types.

The mechanical sorting machine CGM-5-4 (photo 4) is designed for sorting the harvest of cherries, cherries and plums; it distributes the fruits by size.

Fruits for sorting by

are given on a special platform, from which they fall onto a conveyor belt measuring 3 x 0.75 m. It presents the fruits on five pairs of conical shafts (the diameter of the shaft decreases with length). The shaft axes are parallel. The width of the gap (slot) between the conical shafts is not the same, this helps to distribute the fruits that fall into these cracks by size. The fruits, separated by caliber, go to four different unloading conveyors, from where they reach the packaging tables.

As standard, the machine is designed for sorting fruits with a diameter of 22-30 mm (with caliber graduation every 2 mm). Machine productivity - 0.4 t/h.

The machine can be equipped with a distribution system for slightly larger fruits.

The machine model MGS 250 is also mechanical and sorts fruits by weight, mainly hard fruits (apple, pear). This sorting machine has a cup conveyor (photo 5).

Whether the cup “throws away” the fruit is influenced by its weight. The length of the conveyor is divided into weight sections (sections 70 cm long).

At each segment, the cup unloading mechanism is triggered by a predetermined weight. Such sorting machines are made of 2-4 conveyor lines. Each line of the sorting machine distributes fruit with an intensity of 0.75 t/h.

The operation of the Uni-Cup model sorting machine is controlled by a built-in computer - for this it receives information from optical sensors (cameras). As standard, the machine sorts fruits by diameter. Conveyor lines are equipped with cups that are similar in design to weight sorting cups. However, such a cup does not work by weight, but by dimensions, which are read using cameras (photo 1). The machine is equipped with 2-8 sorting conveyors, each of which is capable of distributing fruits at a speed of up to 1.2 t/h. The lines can be equipped with photo sensors that react to the color of fruits or their defects.

One of the simplest sorting machines already long time produced by the Dutch company Creefa - this is an A3/UP mechanical unit designed for hard fruits (photo 8).

The principle of operation of the machine: after loading the fruits onto the receiving conveyor, they fall onto a round sorting table with a convex cone-shaped surface, it rotates and distributes the fruits by size. Performance

sorting - 0.45-1.2 t/hour. The machine is compact in size and easy to install. The unit is recommended for small farms specializing in growing apples.

The compact Mini CC machine (photo 9) is designed for sorting fruits weighing 30-450 g with a diameter of 40-100 mm using an electronic weighing device. The machine has six outputs for sorted products; it can be used both in small farms and in large-scale production.

The CombiSort machine (Photo 10) is designed for sorting apples, pears, peaches, apricots, plums, it works with fruits with a diameter of 40-120 mm and a weight of 20-500 g. This is a modern unit that distributes fruits based on data about their scanning (candling) - sorts by size (diameter), color, external and internal defects. Conveyor lines with cups - they unload fruits from the surface or other specified properties. Each machine has up to 10 sorting (conveyor) lines. Such a unit requires a special room; it is 70 m long and is mounted permanently. Recommended for powerful horticultural and vegetable farms and for fruit storage enterprises.

The Easy Sort machine (photo 11) is designed for high-speed sorting of fruits round shape and works similarly

CombiSort. These and others complex units, which Greefa produces, are controlled using a built-in computer.

The Greek company Olimpias specializes in machines for sorting and packaging fruits. In particular, they produce machines for sorting cherry fruits - Force Cherry (photo 12). The unit distributes fruits using highly sensitive optical sensors (cameras) not only by size, but also by color. The capacity of the sorting line is 0.5 t/h. The sorted fruits are removed from the machine by a stream of compressed air.


Peripheral equipment - unloading devices, storage bins, etc. are elected in connection with sorting machines.

A rich harvest of apples will delight any gardener. But at the same time, with joy, the question arises: how can all this wealth be kept fresh until spring? Which varieties are best stored, how to determine their degree of ripeness, what methods of laying apples exist - read about all this in our article.

Every gardener knows that growing a crop is only half the battle; you also need to be able to preserve it. Experienced gardeners have mastered the wisdom of “apple longevity” long ago; they have experimentally developed the maximum effective ways storing apples to preserve their benefits, aroma and freshness.

Choice the right varieties, harvesting according to all rules, proper sorting, stacking, optimal temperature and humidity are the main components of long-term storage.

Choosing the right varieties

Whether apples will be stored for a long time without deteriorating in taste depends on their variety. Varieties have such a concept as keeping quality, that is, the ability to retain nutritional and nutritional properties for a certain, fairly long time.

Late (winter) varieties of apples, which are harvested starting in mid-October, are characterized by excellent keeping quality. Today the most famous and popular are the following winter varieties:

  1. Aurora- variety resistant to low temperatures and fungal diseases. The fruits are large, round in shape with a diffuse, wide blush, and are distinguished by their pronounced aroma and juiciness. Harvesting begins in early October. This variety keeps well until spring, even in the refrigerator.
  2. Jonathan- one of the most famous winter varieties. The fruits are small, have a pleasant aroma and a wine-sweet taste, and, subject to optimal storage conditions, do not lose their nutritional qualities until mid-May.
  3. Golden Delicious- American variety, medium-sized fruits, golden color, juicy, valued for their excellent taste and aroma. Apples of this variety ripen by the end of September and are stored well until mid-April.
  4. Calville snowy- Ukrainian variety of folk selection. The fruits are medium-sized, greenish-white. It stores well in the basement, without losing its taste and aroma until mid-April.
  5. Renet Simirenko- most common late variety Russian selection. The fruits are large, round in shape, have a pronounced aroma and sweet and sour taste. Apples of this variety are favorable conditions can be stored until summer.
  6. King David- American late variety, characterized by high yield. The medium-sized fruits have a flat-round shape, a dark red blush covers almost their entire surface. This apple variety has a spicy aroma, juiciness and excellent taste.

It is very difficult to describe all the variety of varieties in one article. You can find out more information by consulting with specialists involved in growing apples in your region.

How to properly harvest

You should carefully prepare for picking apples: select tools, clean containers and storage, plan the order of work. In this case, it is very important to determine whether the apples are ripe - under-ripe and over-ripe ones will not lie.

Defining maturity

You can determine when it’s time to remove apples from the branch visually, by looking at the carrion. If among the fallen fruits tasty large apples with characteristic varietal characteristics have already appeared, then the rest are ready for picking.

Ideal maturity can also be determined by the following criteria:

  • press on the apple, if the dent disappears, the harvest is not yet ripe;
  • if the peel bursts when pressed, the apples are considered overripe and are not suitable for storage;
  • Ideal full maturity is indicated by non-leveling, sagging skin.

Maturity can be determined “scientifically”, in a special way chemically. To do this, dissolve 4 grams of potassium iodide and 1 gram of iodine in a liter of distilled water. The apple is cut in half and dipped into the solution. Maturity in this case is defined as follows:

  • if after two minutes the edges and middle of the apple turn blue, it means there is a lot of starch in it, which indicates immaturity;
  • if blue is observed at the edges and yellow towards the middle, the maturity is ideal;
  • presence only yellow- The apple is overripe.

Experienced gardeners believe that it is better for the apples to be unripe than to be overripe and begin to rot.

Correctly picking apples from trees

To harvest winter apples, choose a warm, clear, dry day. It is better to do this in the afternoon, when the air is warm enough and the fruits are perfectly dry.

The fruits are picked very carefully so as not to damage them. Take the apple with all fingers, pressing the stalk with the index finger where it is attached to the fruit branch, and slightly lift the fruit up. Do not unscrew, break off or pull the apple down. In fruits intended for long-term storage, in no case should you tear off the stalk, this significantly reduces the keeping quality of the crop.

When harvesting winter apples, you should not wipe off the matte film, the so-called natural waxy coating, from them. Picked apples should not be thrown away; they must be carefully placed in a container prepared in advance.

Sorting apples

Immediately after harvesting, it should be kept in a cool room for 15-20 days, after which it should be sorted - during this time all signs of possible defects will appear. After this, it is necessary to sort through the apples, selecting for storage fruits with stalks without wormholes or mechanical damage.

Apples different varieties It is recommended to store them in different containers; you should also sort them by size - small, medium and large. After this, the crop is stored for storage using one or more of the methods listed below.

Storing apples

It is better to allocate a separate pantry or cellar for apples. The fact is that these fruits emit a lot of ethylene during storage - a gas that promotes the rapid ripening of other vegetables. Increased content ethylene in the cellar causes root vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets, celery) to sprout rapidly and spoil faster. Therefore, it is strictly not recommended to store apples together with these vegetables.

Before planting apples, the room should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. The walls are whitened with a solution of freshly slaked lime and copper sulfate in proportion: 10 liters of water, 150 g of vitriol, 1.5 kg of lime. The floors are sprayed with a solution of iron sulfate (450-500 g) per 10 liters of water.

Late apples, depending on the variety and temperature and humidity indicators, can retain their nutritional value for 4-7 months. Ideal storage conditions in this case are considered to be: air temperature from 0 to +3...4 degrees, relative humidity at the level of 85-90%. If the humidity is lower, the apples will wilt quickly.

For winter storage Any container is suitable, the main requirements for which are cleanliness and strength. These can be wicker baskets, wooden, cardboard or plastic boxes which should be thoroughly cleaned before use.

You can store apples in winter in various ways.

Easy installation

The apples are laid with the stalks up in one, two or three layers, without shifting anything. You can stack a lot of apples in this way, but this method is considered the most “short-lived”; the stacks should be checked regularly to prevent possible areas of rotting from spreading.

Wrapping in paper

Each individual apple is wrapped in paper napkins or plain white paper and placed in a prepared container with the stems facing up. If all the fruits are healthy, then apples can be stored in this way for quite a long time.

Interlayering (overspilling)

The most optimal way of winter storage. The best material in this case there will be well washed and dried sand with the addition of ash in a ratio of 1:10. Sand and ash are poured onto the bottom of the prepared container in a layer of 3-4 centimeters, then the apples are laid out so that they do not touch each other. Cover it with sand again. This way you can lay 3-4 layers.

Instead of sand and ash, you can use other materials: sawdust, leaves or shavings of trees (not conifers), onion peels, sunflower husks, peat or moss.

Storage in the ground

If on personal plot There is no cellar; the apple harvest can be stored in the ground. To do this, dig a trench 50-60 cm deep and 30-40 cm wide in advance. The bottom of the trench is covered with coniferous spruce branches or juniper branches - this will protect the planting from rodents. Apples are packed in plastic bags of 4-5 kg ​​each and placed on the bottom, then covered with earth on top. To protect against severe frosts, you can sprinkle dry leaves on top.

Treatment with carbon dioxide or ultraviolet light

The apple harvest is perfectly stored in the cellar in plastic bags, into which water is pumped through a small hole using a siphon to carbonate carbon dioxide. The hole is then quickly sealed.

Some summer residents treat apples laid in one layer with a bactericidal ultraviolet lamp within 30-40 minutes. The lamp is hung at a distance of 1.5 meters, the apples are turned over once for uniform processing. This method allows you to destroy most harmful fungi and bacteria that cause the development of rot.

By storing your apple harvest, you can enjoy the fragrant apples all winter long. healthy fruit and be sure that your body will not be harmed by the chemicals that are often present in fruits sold in supermarkets in winter.

In marmalade-pastil production, applesauce, which has good gelling ability, is the main type of raw material.

To produce it, winter varieties of apples of removable ripeness with a dense pulp structure, good pronounced taste and aroma and with a sufficient amount of gelatinous pectin and acid are used. These varieties include apples Antonovka, Pepinka, etc.

In the production of marmalade, puree from the fruits of wild apple trees, whose gelatinizing ability is high, can be used. Due to their tart taste and increased color, wild apples are recommended to be added to puree from cultivated apple varieties.

Sorting and washing apples. Apples entering production are poured into a receiver with water. The fruits that float to the surface of the water are captured by a bucket elevator (Fig. 1) and fed to an inspection conveyor, the speed of which allows for a thorough inspection of the fruits.

During inspection, rotten, moldy and rotten fruits are removed. Apples are divided by color, degree of ripeness, size and presence of defects (spots, etc.).

After sorting, the apples are sent to a wash to remove contaminants from their surface, as well as microorganisms and pesticides used to spray trees.

To wash apples, a fan washing machine can be used, shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Fan washing machine for fruits, berries and vegetables: 1 - bath; 2 - conveyor; 3 - shower device; 4 - fan; 5 - mud pan.

The apples pass through a conveyor and are sprayed with water. The air pumped by the fan creates turbulent movement of water, as a result of which the apples are thoroughly washed.

For washing apples, you can also use a drum machine, which is a trough with a rotating drum made of wire or a stamped sieve. Inside the drum there is a pipe with holes from which water continuously flows.

Apple lock. To improve color applesauce and reduce the loss of vitamin C during scalding, apples are soaked in cold water within 24 hours. Apples lying in water receive less oxygen from outside than those located in air, as a result of which part of the oxygen contained in the tissue is consumed for fruit respiration. With a decrease in free oxygen, the oxidation of vitamin C and tannins in apples decreases.

Apples fumigated with sulfur dioxide do not need to be soaked, since the latter binds free oxygen.

Apple scalding. To soften the apple pulp and make it easier to rub them through the sieves of a rubbing machine, scald is produced. When apples are scalded under the influence of heat in the presence of the acid present in them, protopectin hydrolysis occurs, the fruit cells are partially separated, as a result of which the fruits soften and lose their shape. The temperature and duration of scalding should ensure complete sterilization of the fruit.

When scalding, the enzymes that cause the breakdown of pectin and the oxidation of tannins are inactivated. The scalding prevents the formation of dark-colored products in apples.

To maximize the preservation of vitamin C in applesauce, apples are scalded under mild conditions. thermal regime(at a temperature of 100°C for 8-10 minutes).

There are two methods of scalding - steam and water. Steam is used for steam scalding low pressure(about 1 -1.5 at). Inside the scalding apparatus, the excess steam pressure should not exceed 0.1-0.2 at.

Continuous scalding of apples is carried out in a screw scalder (Fig. 3). It consists of two bodies 2 and 3, made of stainless steel or wood with a semi-cylindrical bottom and hermetically sealed lids. Inside the housing 2 there is a screw 1 with a hollow shaft 4, through the holes of which steam is bubbling.

Apples or pulp are loaded into the scalder through hopper 5, and during the scalding process they are moved by a screw along the first housing 2, and then along the second housing 3 to the unloading hatch 6. To remove steam and sulfur dioxide, the scalder must be equipped with an exhaust device.

Continuous shaft scalders can also be used for scalding apples.

When scalding with steam, the moisture content of the puree obtained after rubbing is less than in the puree obtained after scalding with water, but the breakdown of pectin substances is possible.

Water scalding is used mainly in small enterprises, using digesters. At the same time, some of the valuable extractive substances and vitamin C are extracted from the apples. To prevent losses, scalding water is used again in production (for dissolving preservatives, pouring rubs, for secondary scalding, etc.).

As a result of the mild heating mode of apples, a more moderate hydrolysis of pectin substances occurs than when scalding with steam.

Rubbing scalded apples and pulp. To separate the skin, stalks, seeds and seed pod from the pulp and grind it to obtain a homogeneous mass (puree), scalded apples or pulp are rubbed using machines (Fig. 4).

The body of the grinding machine contains stamped cylindrical sieves 1 made of stainless steel with holes with a diameter of 1.5-2 mm (for re-grinding applesauce, sieves with holes with a diameter of 0.5-1 mm are used), a shaft with a screw mounted on it and blades for crushing product with two or four beaters 2, along the outer edge of which rubber pads are attached.

The scalded apples or pulp enter the loading funnel of the cleaning machine 6 and are fed by a screw 3 to the crushing blade 4. The crushed fruits through the distributing grid 5 enter the working chamber of the machine, in which, under the influence of centrifugal force, they are thrown to the periphery and pressed through the mesh into the receiving hopper 7.

The ungrated part of the apples (the wipes) is removed from the rubbing machine through the side hatch. The beaters are slightly shifted towards the generatrices of the cylindrical sieves, as a result of which the fruits and wipes move towards the side hatch.

The angle of inclination of the beaters should be within 1.5-5°, depending on the type of fruit, and ensure maximum release of the pulp from the pulp.

For the normal operation of the wiping machine and to prevent its overload, it is necessary to monitor the uniform and correct supply of scalded apples into the machine, and systematically monitor the quality of the wipes, which should be as free from pulp as possible.

When mashing scalded apples, you should not allow the seeds to crush, as this may transfer amygdalin from the seeds into the puree and give it a bitter taste.

Amygdalin- glucoside, which is an ester-like carbohydrate compound, is found in the seeds of many fruits - bitter almonds, apples, quince, rowan, plum, apricots, peaches, etc.

After the first rubbing, apple wipes contain about 24-30% dry matter, including 3-6% sugar, 1.0-1.5% pectin (calcium pectate), 10-12.5% ​​crude fiber. To extract pectin and sugar, the wipes are collected from a rubbing machine in a collection with coils or in a digester, filled with two or three times the amount of water and scalded for 30 minutes. Then the wipes are rubbed through sieves with holes with a diameter of 0.5-1 mm. The resulting puree is used to produce dark-colored varieties of marmalade.

Dried pulps can be used to produce apple pectin.

Fruit and berry puree is a favorable environment for the development of yeast - the causative agents of alcoholic fermentation - molds and a number of acid-forming bacteria, therefore puree made for future use must be preserved.

Of course, harvesting a rich harvest of apples at your own dacha is one of the top priorities for every gardener. However, it is important not only to pick the fruits from the tree, but also to provide them proper storage. I especially crave a fresh apple when cold weather sets in. Well, who among the summer residents does not dream that the collected apples retain their natural properties for as long as possible? taste qualities? At the same time, not everyone knows how to store apples for the winter.

It should be noted that an apple picked from a tree does not “die”; it continues to live, inhaling oxygen and evaporating moisture. How to create optimal conditions for the above processes?

It is the study of the question of how to store apples for the winter, and the application of this knowledge in practice that will help in this. It is very important to remember that these fruits are classified as perishable, so it should be emphasized once again: the main component of success is the creation necessary conditions for storage.

Decide on storage location

Naturally, considering the question of how to store apples for the winter is meaningless without deciding another: “Where should the fruits be stored?” If you ignore it, you may simply lose your harvest, and all your efforts to grow the fruit will be reduced to zero.

Experienced gardeners know that apples for the winter are usually stored in the basement and on the balcony.

The type of apple also matters

The shelf life of the fruit in question depends on the variety. Those who want to know how to store apples for the winter must learn to understand their species diversity.

There are summer varieties, which have a thin and delicate skin, there are autumn varieties that have a skin of medium thickness, and there are also winter varieties, characterized by a rough shell and a specific waxy coating.

Pay attention to the peel of apples

When deciding how to properly store apples for the winter, the thickness of the fruit peel is of fundamental importance, since it is this that prevents the fruit from drying out and shriveling, and also does not allow harmful insects to penetrate it.

It is the varieties with rough skin that can remain fresh and juicy for the longest possible time. For this reason, winter varieties of apples are considered the most suitable for storage, while autumn and summer varieties begin to deteriorate within a few days after harvest.

How to pick apples

Don't know how to preserve apples for the winter? It is very important not only to learn how to choose a variety of fruits, but also to collect them correctly. This should be done at the end of September or at the beginning of October, and there is no need to wait until the fruits are fully ripened. They must be carefully removed from the apple tree along with the stalk to preserve the waxy coating on the peel. Naturally, the fruits need to be collected, first armed with a basket.

Apple sorting

When considering the question of how to preserve apples for the winter, one of the key points is the stage of their sorting. What does it mean? After harvesting, you need to sort through the fruits, separating those that are beaten and spoiled by pests. Remember that only whole apples are suitable for storage.

Storage containers

Surely many are interested in the question: “What should I store fruit in?” Boxes made of moisture-resistant cardboard or soft wood are ideal. Make sure they are stable and free of dirt particles. Also, they should not have large gaps.

Each fruit must be packaged

It’s good if you can package each fruit separately. Wrap the apple in paper, then sprinkle with one of the following ingredients: maple leaves, buckwheat hulls, moss, sand or husks. In some cases, straw is added to the fruit to increase shelf life, but this technique has one significant drawback: if at least one apple begins to rot, or the process of moisture condensation is activated, then the rot also deteriorates.

If you place fruits in boxes, they should be placed diagonally or in a row.

Storing apples for the winter is a rather troublesome task that requires a lot of effort and time. To increase the shelf life of fruits, they must be treated with an alcoholic infusion of propolis or a 2% solution of calcium chloride before laying.

Storage in sand

Many experienced gardeners When asked how to store apples in winter, they will answer without hesitation: “In the sand.” To do this, you will need fine, clean sand, which must first be dried in the oven. The bottom of the container is sprinkled with a thin layer of sand, on which the fruits are placed, and then another layer of sand is placed on them, the thickness of which should be at least three centimeters. Next, a second batch of apples is placed in the same box, and the procedure is repeated. If you have to move boxes from one place to another, try to stack the apples as closely as possible to each other to minimize the risk of damage.

Storage in paper

A huge number of summer residents do not have the slightest idea how to ensure the storage of apples in the basement in winter. Shelving is ideal for this space.

Fruits should be wrapped in paper pre-treated with petroleum jelly. Experts also recommend sprinkling apples with shavings soaked in mineral oil.

Storage in plastic film

Fruits placed in plastic wrap will also be perfectly preserved until spring. Two layers of film are placed crosswise in the container, and apples are placed on them in even rows. On final stage placed on top of the box polyethylene film in the same way as for the bottom of the container.

Storage in a plastic bag

Some gardeners store apples in plastic bags. Each fruit is pre-cooled and then placed in the above material, which is tied tightly. The fruit is then placed in boxes or on racks.

When "inhaling" oxygen, apples give up external environment carbon dioxide. It is a kind of preservative, which increases the shelf life of fruits. That's why this method storage allows you to keep apples fresh even on the balcony of a city apartment. The main thing is to comply temperature regime- from +5 to +7 degrees Celsius.

Places to store apples

As already emphasized above, the most suitable place for storing apples - this is a cellar, a basement or, with the exception of the best, an apartment balcony. The lower drawers and shelves must be placed at least 20 centimeters from the floor, and the upper ones - at least 30 centimeters from the ceiling.

In the upper part of the room for storing vegetables and fruits, the temperature is slightly higher, so products with a maximum shelf life should be placed at the bottom.

Optimal storage conditions for apple varieties grown in middle lane Russia, are such that after harvesting, fruits must be placed as quickly as possible in a room in which there is high humidity and low temperature. To normalize the first parameter, experts recommend watering the floors with water, and to lower the temperature, it is necessary to ventilate the room more often at night and when it gets cold.

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