Equipment for the production of corrugated sheets. Homemade sheet bending machines (sheet benders) Drawings of a machine for corrugated sheets

Production of reliable, light weight and inexpensive profiled sheets used in construction industry our days, is carried out on special manual and automatic equipment.


Corrugated sheeting – universal modern material for the construction of low-rise buildings, wall cladding, roofing and other construction tasks, made from galvanized cold-rolled steel sheet. To give such rolled products the required shape, only two methods are used - hot and cold rolled. Both of these operations require passing flat sheets made of steel through special shafts.

Due to its characteristics, hot-rolled technology is available exclusively at large metallurgical plants.

But cold rolling steel billets in order to obtain from them, it can be performed in semi-professional and even amateur conditions. The main thing here is to choose the right equipment and learn how to use it correctly.

The cold rolling production technology consists of two procedures following each other. First, the workpiece is passed through rollers, and then the resulting corrugated sheet is cut into specified geometric sections. The shape of the rollers determines, as you yourself understand, the shape of the finished product.

simplest manual machine for the manufacture of profiled sheets, it is able to “give” us products of only one shape. In cases where an automated line for the production of corrugated sheets is used, it, as a rule, makes it possible to produce products of different assortments and shapes. This variety is achieved due to the fact that automated equipment makes it possible to change the settings of the rollers.


Manufacturing is possible using three main types of installations:

  • manual machine;
  • mobile (mobile) type equipment with partial automation of work operations;

Any person can use a basic machine for the production of profiled sheets, provided that he is ready to make quite serious physical efforts to process steel sheets. On manual installations Workpieces of small thickness are usually rolled. The quality of the resulting products is at a low level. In most cases, such a machine is used to produce profiled sheets for fencing and fencing.

Manual equipment does not have to be purchased from finished form. There are a huge number of detailed drawings and diagrams on the Internet, guided by which you can independently make the simplest bending machine. Let us note once again that there is no point in using it to produce truly high-quality profiled sheets. You simply won't succeed.

Partially automated equipment for the production of corrugated sheets allows us to produce much more professional products. Such units are equipped with an electric drive, they have a relatively light weight, which allows them to be transported and used directly on those sites where low-rise construction is carried out, the construction of storage facilities for agricultural products and warehouses, hangars, fences, and so on.

Semi-automatic equipment is in no way inferior to fully automated lines in terms of its operating efficiency and the quality of profiled products produced. Moreover, it is mobile, which in some cases is of great importance.

A stationary automatic line is a whole complex of units. Depending on the specific configuration, it may include the following settings:

  • directly rolling mill with rollers of several sizes;
  • device for cutting profiled sheets;
  • equipment for applying to finished products polymer coating.

Also, automated lines sometimes include a unit for performing loading operations. It is clear that such complexes have a high cost. But their productivity is many times greater than the capabilities of manual and semi-automatic machines. It makes sense to invest in automatic equipment when you plan to work long and fruitfully in the field of manufacturing and selling profiled sheets with various geometric parameters.


Experts say that the minimum configuration of automated equipment for producing high-quality profiled sheets should include the following mechanisms and devices:

The corrugated sheet production line is controlled by a special system. It can be relatively simple or truly complex. A simple control system does not provide high level automation production process, but people with low qualifications can work with it. But a complex equipment control system increases the efficiency of the line. True, not everyone will be able to understand such a system; to use it, it is necessary to attract specialists with a large amount of technical knowledge.


Procurement in the production of profiled sheet products at automatic lines directly depends on the number of rollers for rolling. They are arranged in pairs above each other. There is a small gap between individual pairs of rollers. The steel sheet from which the corrugated sheet is made is slightly less than the specified gap in thickness (and sometimes these indicators are the same).

The initial workpiece is passed through rolling shafts, and a similar procedure is carried out several times in a row, since it is usually not possible to achieve the required sheet shape in one pass. In one pass, the workpiece is bent between the rollers by a certain amount. At the same time, it turns out that minimum pressure, which ensures an ideal final deformation result.

It is important not to “overdo it” with the number of pairs of rolling shafts. If you pass the workpiece through too many of them, there is a possibility that zinc coating steel sheet will collapse. In addition, the quality of profiled sheets is influenced by the quality of the steel alloys from which the rolling shafts are made and the level of cleanliness of their processing.

Experts advise purchasing equipment foreign manufacturers(for example, Finnish) or domestic production lines, and never pay attention to units for the production of profiled sheets from Chinese companies. And one last thing. If possible, it is better to buy new rather than used lines for the production of corrugated sheets, since the technical capabilities of the latter are usually at a very low level due to their wear and tear.

From sheet metal they make a lot of products - drainage systems, shaped parts for sheathing or metal tiles, flashings for the base, corners for structures made of corrugated sheets, etc. All this can be done by a special bending machine for sheet metal. We’ll talk about how to make a sheet bending machine with your own hands in this article.

Types of sheet benders

All these devices are classified as sheet bending machines. The easiest way to make one with your own hands is the unit of the first group, a little more difficult - the third (rollers for sheet metal). So we’ll talk about them - from how to make a sheet bending machine with your own hands.

Simple manual

Shaped metal parts cost a lot of money. Even more than corrugated sheeting or metal tiles, so it makes sense to do the simplest machine for bending sheet metal, and with its help, make as many corners, ebbs and other similar parts as you need, and exclusively to your dimensions.

Bending machine - side view

If you're worried about appearance, then in vain. On sale today there is sheet metal not only galvanized, but also painted. In all designs, the sheet is fixed tightly, so that when working it does not slide on the table, which means that the paint does not rub off or get scratched. It is also not damaged in places of bending. So the products will look quite decent. If you try, they will look even better than what they sell on the market.

Powerful sheet bending machine from brands

This sheet bending machine will require a flat surface (table), preferably metal, three corners with a shelf width of at least 45 mm, and a metal thickness of at least 3 mm. If you plan to bend long workpieces (more than a meter), it is advisable to take wider shelves and thicker metal. You can use brands, but this is for bending metal sheets of large thickness and length.

You will also need metal ones door hinges(two pieces), two screws large diameter(10-20 mm), “lambs” on them, spring. Will still be needed welding machine- weld the hinges and make holes (or a drill with a metal drill).

For a homemade sheet bender, a 70 mm brand was used - three pieces of 2.5 m each, two bolts of 20 mm in diameter, a small piece of metal 5 mm thick (for cutting jibs), a spring. Here's the procedure:

  1. Two brands are folded, and grooves are cut into them at both ends for hinges. The edges of the recesses are beveled at 45°. The third tee is cut in the same way, only the depth of the recess is made a little larger - this will be the clamping bar, so it should move freely.

  2. Weld the loops on both sides (weld on the front and back).

  3. Two jibs on each side are welded to one of the brands (the one farthest from you, if you “open” them). They are needed so that you can install the clamping bar clamp bolt on them.

  4. Weld the bolt nut to the jibs.

  5. Install the clamping bar (third cut tee), weld metal plates with a hole in the middle in the upper part. The diameter of the hole is slightly larger than the diameter of the bolt. Center the holes so that they are on the same vertical line with the welded nut. Weld.

  6. Cut the spring so that it raises the pressure bar by 5-7 mm. Pass the bolt into the “ear” of the clamping bar, put on the spring, and tighten the nut. After installing the same spring on the other side, the clamping bar rises on its own when unscrewed.

  7. Weld two pieces of reinforcement to the screw head to serve as handles for tightening.

  8. Weld a handle to the movable (closest to you) brand. That's it, you can work.

This option is very powerful - you can bend long workpieces and sheets of considerable thickness. Such scales are not always in demand, but they can always be reduced. The video suggests a similar design of a smaller size, but with a different fastening of the clamping bar. By the way, no one bothers you to also install a spring on the screw - it will be easier to raise the bar. What’s interesting about this design is that you can make beading on it, something that such devices usually cannot do.

From a corner with a different type of clamping bar

This model is welded from a thick-walled angle, the frame is made like an ordinary construction sawhorse, which is welded from the same angle. The handle is from a luggage trolley. The design of the screws is interesting - they are long, the handle is curved in the shape of the letter “L”. Convenient to unscrew/screw.

In this homemade machine There are many features for sheet metal bending:

Now let's move on to the design of the clamping bar (pictured above). It is also made from a corner, but is laid on the machine with an upward bend. To ensure that the bar does not bend during operation, reinforcement is welded on - metal jumpers. Small metal platforms are welded at both ends of the strip, in which holes are drilled for bolts.

Another important point- the edge that faces the fold is cut off - to obtain more acute angle bending

The clamping bar is placed on the machine, and a spring is placed in the place where the nut is installed. The handle is installed in place. If it does not press the bar, it is raised above the surface due to the elastic force of the spring. In this position, the workpiece is tucked under it, positioned, and pressed.

Place a spring under the hole, then a bolt

Not a bad option for home use. It will not be possible to bend thick metal, but tin and galvanized steel can be bent without difficulty.

Sheet metal rollers or roller bender

This type of sheet bending machine can have three types of drive:

  • manual;
  • hydraulic;
  • electric.

They make rollers for sheet metal with manual or electric drive with their own hands. Manual ones have 3 shafts, electric ones can have 3-4, but usually there are also three.

This machine requires a good solid foundation. This could be a separate bed or some kind of workbench or table. The basis of the structure is rollers. They are made the same size. The two lower ones are installed permanently, the upper one is movable, so that in the lower position it is located between the rollers. By changing the distance between the lower rollers and the upper one, the radius of curvature changes.

The machine is set in motion using a handle attached to one of the shafts. Then the torque is transmitted to other rollers through sprockets. They are selected so that the rotation speed is the same.

If the equipment is intended to produce pipes, the upper roller on one side is made removable, with a quick fixation system. Once the sheet is rolled into a pipe, there is no other way to pull it out.

Is it possible to make corrugated sheets (corrugated sheets) yourself from almost any sheet metal according to your sheet size, pitch and wave height in your dacha?
After all, automated machines cost from 2 million rubles, and manual ones from 70-100 thousand rubles.
There is a way out! A manual machine for mini-production of individual products!
The cost of the sample does not exceed 2 tr.
Machine weight 40 kg. Transported in a passenger car.
Overall dimensions - 1300 mm × 900 mm × 350 mm
Forming sheets can also be transported in rolls without using a truck.
The machine can be manufactured by a low-level welder in 1 day + setup.
Possibility of reprofiling the machine to “folder”

Materials and components used.

1 Bearing - Inner diameter 40 mm., external 80 mm., rim width 15-20 mm. (approx. z 208 semi-closed for easier lubrication) - 4 pcs. Select the middle bearing according to the required wave sizes (you can install two or three, thereby increasing the width waves). Forming bearings need to be fixed eccentrically (welding is quick and affordable, but requires care and experience) or secured to a shaft made by a turner, or other options)
2 Pipe 1" - 1 meter (handle), 25 cm (upper shaft) and 15 cm (lower shaft).
3 Guide plate.

Bed 1350mm; (for sheet width 1250 mm.)
I recommend making a machine for the popular sheet size (1m x 2m)
1 Angle "32", 1200 mm - 4 pcs. (for the upper carriage guides)
2 Angle "25", 1200 mm - 2 pcs. (for molding guides at the bottom of the machine)
3 Pipe 1" or "32" to form the "skeleton" of the frame - about 3 meters.
4 Angle "32" for making a guide for feeding the sheet and exiting the corrugated sheet at a right angle.
5 Reinforcement, strip or other linear products - about 3 meters.
6 Electrodes and your desire!

P.S. For greater liquidity of your micro production, we recommend purchasing sheets from factories or bases in rolls by weight.
By agreeing on a good discount or purchasing goods at a bargain price, you can count on a profit of 80-100%

Your own machine for corrugated sheeting will help you not only make good material, for example, for suburban construction, but also start profitable business, however, for this you need to know many nuances.

Such a device is quite easy to make at home with your own hands, if you understand the principle of its operation.

Considering that almost no construction site today can be completed without this material, it is widely used in everyday life, and if you make your own machine, you can make goods for sale.

Corrugated sheeting is an extremely popular coating today. It is used as a picket fence, material for walls and roofs, and cladding material.

Moreover, such sheets are characterized by relatively low cost and ease of installation.

However, it is worth understanding that corrugated sheeting has strict operational requirements that must be taken into account, especially if you make the material yourself on a homemade machine.

There are several types of corrugated sheets, in the manufacture of which various raw materials are used. For example, metal corrugated sheeting is very popular.

It is made from steel using cold method rental

For structures that will be used outdoors, for example, for a picket fence, you can make sheets coated additionally protective coating– enamel, polymers, fiber.

Each type of raw material gives its own sheet thickness.

In the case of steel, we can get high-quality corrugated sheets, which can also be galvanized to increase strength and resistance to aggressive environments.

If you make sheets without any coating at all, the material will wear out faster. Therefore, we can say that not only the machine itself, but also the raw materials play a big role.

It is better to assemble a rolling machine for corrugated sheets indoors, where there is a flat concrete floor.

In this case, the temperature in the room also plays a big role: it must be heated, without sudden changes. We choose a temperature not lower than 4 degrees.

If you plan to constantly produce such material, then it is better to immediately prepare rooms for storing rolls, dry and warm.

Varieties of design and principle of operation

To make a device such as a machine with your own hands, you need to understand the operating principle of industrial models.

This approach will help compensate for many shortcomings by replacing parts with more affordable ones.

Any corrugated sheet is produced by cold rolling smooth sheet raw materials through special nozzles and shafts.

In the end it turns out corrugated sheet of a given shape, which can be used as a picket fence, a fence, or a wall.

Even at home, a machine for the production of corrugated sheets requires the purchase of high-quality raw materials. It is bought in rolls for ease of use.

Such rolls still need to be unrolled, and here everything depends on the thickness of the raw material.

If you initially aim to make subtle modifications to the corrugated sheeting, then there should be no problems - the sheets can be straightened by hand.

But if you need to produce fairly thick products, then you can’t do without a bending machine.

The machine for corrugated sheeting can be made in two types: manual and automated.

The first one has a simpler principle of operation, it is easy to do it yourself and the cost of the design will be more affordable.

However, here the supply and adjustment of the shaft is carried out independently using its own force.

It is almost impossible to construct an automatic device at home on your own. This is economically unprofitable and also extremely difficult.

It is noteworthy that difficulties arise in final stages rental

The fact is that the rolls have a decent length, so to get finished goods, which can immediately be used as a picket fence or fence, you also need to provide a method for cutting the sheets.

Special guillotines can help here. These scissors are made of very well sharpened steel and are also equipped with protective boxes and mechanisms for safe operation.

The best option would be to buy ready-made blades, since they follow the shape of the finished sheet.

Also, a manual machine for the production of corrugated sheets, like an automated one, can be designed using both simultaneous and sequential profiling technology.

In the first case, corrugation is produced simultaneously on both sides of the sheet. In the second, you need to run the sheet twice on both sides.

Of course, you can make corrugation on only one surface, but such sheets are not suitable for all purposes.

For example, for a home picket fence it is better to make two sides.

There are also machines that work with the hot rolling method.

But they are not used at home, since it is initially necessary to heat the steel and pour it into a mold that practically melts.

Ready-made sheets are suitable for picket fences, but are unlikely to be used as cladding or for building walls.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling the machine at home

The main difference between corrugated sheets and others metal sheets– trapezoidal corrugation. It seems that it is impossible to make such material at home, but this is not so.

It is quite possible to make a machine for making corrugated sheets made by yourself using a sheet metal folding machine.

However, it is worth understanding that home device will not always be able to help in the manufacture of too thick products.

Thus, the maximum thickness of galvanized steel that can be bent should not exceed 5 millimeters.

With such a device you can make not only sheets for picket fences, but also skates, cornice strips and so on.

First of all, the frame of the machine is assembled. He has small sizes, and also does not require complete closure of the walls.

It will be enough to make good supports and secure them to concrete floor using screws. Next, you need to prepare a table on which the sheet will be served.

Usually its length should be at least a couple of times greater than the expected length of the product, because there should still be room to receive the finished sheet. The table can be made from aluminum plywood.

The main thing here is to make a special bar that will allow you to secure the roll or raw material. It is pulled tightly to the table using bolts. The hand lever is secured in the same way.

It is needed to move sheets across the table and adjust the feed angle. For greater reliability, this design can be equipped with a control spring.

It is worth understanding that some parts need to be purchased ready-made. For example, rolling shafts. It is impossible to make them at home from available materials.

But you can order them - today this is not a problem, and the cost for a home workshop will be very low.

They are fixed to the frame and brought to the lever. The shafts should be secured using brackets made from pieces of metal corners.

With this procedure, it is necessary to carry out preliminary assembly. The first running-in of corrugated sheets is also carried out on it. All bolts are not tightened to full strength, and sheets are fed extremely carefully.

It is necessary to be guided by the fact that during operation the shelf of the corner and the shelf of the frame must be on the same plane.

If you manage to give the corrugated sheet the desired shape, then all the parts can be secured. However, do not forget about safety precautions.

This is especially true if guillotines are installed.

The work should be done extremely carefully, without haste, even if you experienced master, since there is an increased chance of injury.

The mechanism of operation of the device is quite simple, which is why it is possible to make such a machine at home. First we place the sheet of metal on the table. It is fixed using paws or a bar.

You can also cover corrugated sheets different compositions, but for this you need to equip a special table.

At all stages you must wear protective clothing, gloves, and use safety glasses.

The production of corrugated sheets is a very attractive business idea - the only question is the equipment. Construction materials become more expensive every month. They are always in demand, especially such as corrugated sheets. It is used on any construction site as:

  • facing material;
  • frame for prefabricated non-residential facilities (for garages, warehouses, hangars, household premises);
  • fencing the territory;
  • roofing material;
  • permanent formwork For monolithic construction buildings;
  • material for auxiliary, decorative design (canopies, awnings, valleys, ridges, ebbs, siding and complex products).
Where is corrugated sheeting not used? Its popularity in the construction industry stimulates constant demand for profiled sheets. And profitability is also at a decent level. The average wholesale price for 1 ton of galvanized sheet metal 0.55 mm thick is $1,400. One ton of galvanized sheet can produce 250 square meters of corrugated sheeting. Galvanized profiled sheets in retail today sell for $8 per 1 sq.m. Thus, 250 X 8 = $2000, business profitability is 40%. This concept can be realized thanks to equipment for the production of profiled sheets. Then the question arises about the amount of investment to launch a core business. Factory lines for the production of corrugated sheets cost a lot of money. But there is a compromise solution - a manual sheet bending machine for home production of metal profiles. The cost of the machine is $2000. Naturally it pays for itself – very quickly!

The machine is equipped with structures that allow the production of high quality corrugated sheets

A manual sheet bending machine is an inexpensive, compact and versatile equipment for the production of corrugated sheets. The quality of production is in no way inferior to factories. Low cost is primarily due to low productivity. Manual labor always famous high quality and low productivity. The structures of beams and supporting elements are made of high-strength metals. This allows for a long service life to work with metal sheets up to 1.5 mm thick. The cam clamping mechanism allows you to operate the machine with one hand without disturbing the geometry of the workpiece. The equipment allows you to work with rolls of galvanized metal sheets without preliminary cutting. The equipment set includes a steel, roller knife made of durable metal alloys. It allows you to cut products yourself. The length of the sheet can be changed at the request of the customer. The operating principle of the machine is quite simple. A strong steel beam bends a wave of the required shape using a controlled force. The force and shape are pre-adjusted to the thickness of the workpiece sheet. Control is carried out by sensors that stop the metal bending process at the right moment. The machine operator must first configure all equipment controls before producing corrugated sheets. A special scale controls the travel of the traverse and the bending angle. The process is carried out cyclically until the production of the profile sheet is completed. Roll forming manual equipment allows two workers to produce about 120 sheets of corrugated sheets of size (1100mm X 2500mm) in one shift. In production, the machine for self made will never leave scratches on the polyester coating of the sheet. The next benefit of working on such a machine is the lack of energy supply for its operation.

Corrugated sheeting is indispensable in any construction industry

Corrugated sheet for lately gained high popularity among building materials. And at certain nodes construction project, has become an indispensable material. Important information about corrugated sheets. It has acquired several types in different fields of application:

  • roofing;
  • carrier;
  • wall;
  • facing;
  • sandwich panels (wall and facing corrugated sheets in a pair, and between them a thermal insulation layer of foam or polyurethane).
Working with corrugated sheets is very convenient and fast. Builders often prefer corrugated sheets because of its useful characteristics: The corrugated sheet is resistant to any climatic conditions. The processed material is not affected by high humidity and temperature changes. Profiled sheets made from galvanized sheets treated with polymers can be indispensable in areas that are especially susceptible to corrosion. It is often used when it is necessary to build simple structures in the shortest possible time.

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