Do-it-yourself smokehouse at home, drawings. Hot smoked smokehouse: drawings and dimensions. Brick thickness

Smoked products belong to the category of food delicacies; the cost of such products is quite high. However, you can prepare a flavorful snack yourself. This requires a certain amount of sawdust and home smokehouse.

The stores offer various ways home smoked– from ready-made mini smokehouses for a gas stove to simple processing in chemicals of the “liquid smoke” series. For true connoisseurs, we offer several options on how to make a smokehouse at home.

Important! Required condition for a normal smokehouse to work, there must be free space around. Therefore, such installations can only be used in the yard own home or at the dacha.

How to make a smokehouse with your own hands?

The general principle of operation is intensive enveloping of the semi-finished product with aromatic smoke. There are two ways to cook food with smoke:

Cold smoking

It is not the workpiece that is processed, but the product suitable for consumption. Preliminary heat treatment or salting is necessary. Product long time is located in the smoke chamber, acquiring the corresponding color or aroma.

For this purpose, the combustion chamber (smoke generator) is located at a distance from the chamber with the product. The connection takes place using a long chimney with an upward slope. It cools the smoke and generates good draft.

During smoke treatment, the product becomes dry. The smoke cannot be completely cold, and the temperature is not enough for complete heat treatment of the product. Therefore, the processed meat or fish must be fatty and juicy. That's when you get the most delicious consistency.

Disadvantage: the smoking process is too long, up to several days.. The product is not juicy enough. The design of the smokehouse itself is bulky and requires a lot of space.

Hot smoking

The smoke generator (furnace) is located in close proximity to the product. Most often it is located directly below it. Due to this, in the smoking chamber it is formed high temperature, in which not only the product is saturated with the aroma of smoke, but also direct cooking.

Therefore, not finished products, but semi-finished products are used for hot smoking. This can be lightly salted meat or lard, raw fish (sprinkled with salt as for normal cooking), or foods that are not fully cooked.

A typical design is a brazier, under which the combustion source is located. Sawdust or wood chips are placed on the brazier, which is a source of smoke. The body of the smoking chamber is a kind of oven, in the interior of which the heat treatment of the semi-finished product takes place.

Many people are interested in how to make a cold smoked smokehouse with your own hands, because everyone loves to enjoy delicious smoked meats from time to time, because these products have a unique taste and aroma.

Previously, smoking was used to extend the shelf life of meat and fish, due to the property of smoke to prevent food spoilage.

Now, meat and fish, smelling pleasantly and smoky, have become a real delicacy and appear in our homes, both on holidays and ordinary days, and are also indispensable in the country.

If you are the happy owner of a summer house or a private home, then you can buy a smokehouse or make a homemade one for hot or cold smoking with your own hands (from a refrigerator, barrel or brick) to enjoy tasty and aromatic products as often as possible.

Important points during production

To build it yourself correctly, you just need to carefully study the design drawings.

You can smoke products using hot and cold smoking. You can smoke various types meat, lard, fish, vegetables and even cheese.

Hot and cold smoked smokehouses are very similar. They consist of a hearth, an area for prepared foods, a tray for accumulating fat, and hooks for future delicacies.

The structural structure of the smokehouse ensures the movement of smoke, resulting in smoking. The longer the chimney, the colder the smoke will be.

The difference between hot and cold smoked smokehouses lies precisely in the length of the chimney.

The hot smoking process occurs at temperatures from 80° to 150° (for fish) and 35-50° (for meat), so the products are cooked very quickly.

Usually after a few hours you can get a smoked delicacy. These products will have a rich taste and smell.

The temperature of cold smoking, unlike hot smoking, usually does not exceed 40°, so smoking lasts several days.

After cold smoking, products retain their density and texture and are stored for a long time.

Smoking occurs due to smoldering wood chips, due to which a lot of smoke is released.

It is very important that the wood does not ignite or become charred, since in this case carcinogens will begin to be released from the sawdust and, as a result of smoking, we will get harmful charred products.

To prevent this from happening, you need to create reliable design. The chamber lid must be tightly sealed so that air does not enter the chamber and the wood chips do not ignite.

After repeated combustion, the metal of the chamber may bend, so it is better to press the lid on top with something heavy, for example, a piece of brick.

It is also important to choose the right firewood for the fireplace.

If there are too many wood chips and sawdust in the composition, then smoke smoke will form very slowly due to lack of air. And components that are too large can catch fire, which also should not be allowed.

Therefore, approximately half should be firewood, the rest should be wood chips and shavings for smoking. This composition will provide required quantity heat.

You cannot use pine sawdust, as this will prevent the production of smoked meats. Tasteless products are obtained when smoking over aspen wood.

Trimmings and chips of various types are best suited fruit trees- apple tree, cherry, apricot, sea buckthorn, which you will probably find at your dacha.

Bird cherry, birch and alder firewood will add a delicious aroma to the product, but you should get rid of the bark, as it can impart bitterness.

How does cold smoking occur?

Cold smoking occurs when heated from 20° to 40° (for fish) and 18-22° (for meat).

When cold smoking, you need to carefully monitor the heating of the smoke.

Unlike hot smoking, cold smoking lasts quite a long time and requires our utmost attention.

It is ideal for very fatty foods. Products need to be pre-processed at home before the process. First you need to sprinkle the meat or fish with salt and leave it for 4-5 days.

After this, to get rid of excess salt, the product needs to be soaked in cold water for several hours.

After this, you should blot the product with a clean towel and hang it to dry in a dry room in your home until the meat or fish is slightly wilted.

Protect the product from insects.

As already mentioned, when cold smoking it is important to maintain a stable temperature regime. Here important role the composition of the firewood plays.

In this case, you need to use a lot of wood chips and sawdust, and no more than 20% of the total mass is firewood.

Firewood is placed in the middle of the hearth, and sawdust and wood chips are sprinkled on top. The wood chips should be placed in a pile, and not spread all over the bottom, this way you will get more heat and less fire.

Such a mixture will smolder well and will not ignite, which is very important for successful smoking at home.

After cold smoking, the products acquire a very pleasant aroma and elastic texture.
Such products can be stored at home for a long time without worrying about their freshness.

Let's start making a cold smoked smokehouse

Do-it-yourself cold smoking is not a fiction, but a tool accessible to everyone.

First of all, you need to choose a location for the smokehouse. It should be comfortable so that you can sit down or place food freely.

In addition, the structure is quite flammable, so choose a place so that in the event of a fire the flames will not cause serious damage.

You should also consider where the underground chimney will be located, the length of which should be 3 meters, width 30-50 cm, and height 25-27 cm.

When organizing a smokehouse, you should ensure that there is good draft between the chamber and the hearth.

This is not always possible to achieve, since the draft is affected by the temperature difference between the ambient air and hot smoke.

Sometimes, smoke exhausters (fans) are used for good draft, and collectors are used to cool the smoke. Not everyone can make such a device.

From a barrel - the first option

There are more simple circuit cold smokehouse. To smoke a small amount of food, ordinary barrels made of wood or metal are useful.

A trench 2-3 meters long should be dug in the ground, which will serve as a chimney.

Its walls need to be reinforced with slate, iron or built of brick, and sprinkled with earth on top.

It is better to make the end of the trench where the fire is located deeper - this way you will provide better traction.

It can also be made from brick. At the bottom of the barrel you need to put a sheet of metal with holes for smoke, and on top of the barrel you need to put a sheet of metal or burlap.

A metal grate should be installed inside the barrel on which the products will be attached.

From a barrel - the second option

There is another option for a cold barrel smoker. At the top of the barrel they make fastenings for products.

Holes for the pipe should also be made in the bottom of the barrel. A stove is placed at a distance of 2-3 meters from the barrel and connected with a pipe.

During smoking, the barrel is covered with burlap.

Made of brick

If you plan to constantly smoke food in the country or at home, then you can make a similar structure from clay refractory bricks.

A structure made from this type of brick will serve you for many years.

The layout of such a smokehouse is not much different from the previous ones. The main thing is to decide on the place where the brick device will be located, since it will no longer be possible to move it.

The firebox and chimney are lined with brick from the inside; the food chamber can also be built from brick or made of wood.

Fastenings for products should be installed inside the chamber, and a door should be made on the top or side of the chamber.

Such a smokehouse will delight you with its proper operation for many years, and it looks much more aesthetically pleasing.

From the refrigerator

Many craftsmen make a smokehouse in the country and at home from the refrigerator. To do this, the body of the old refrigerator is freed from all the insides, and the holes are sealed with adhesive tape.

A hole is made at the top of the refrigerator body to allow smoke to escape, and a fan is installed (if desired).

The schematic drawings presented in the article provide a clear description of the process.

At the top of the refrigerator chamber, grates for food are attached. A potbelly stove or some suitable closed container for the fireplace is connected to the refrigerator with a galvanized pipe 3-4 meters long.

An electric hotplate is placed in the container and sawdust is placed on it. Electric stove turns on, and when the sawdust starts to smoke, turns off.

As you can see, the design of a refrigerator smokehouse is very simple and straightforward. A similar device from an old refrigerator can be created by any home craftsman with his own hands.

A distinctive feature of homemade smokehouses is their low cost.

Such a smokehouse can be built from scrap materials that are available at any dacha - old barrels, leftover bricks, galvanized sheets.

However, on a homemade smokehouse, even if you did everything correctly, the smoking result is different every time and the products always turn out different.

In addition, it is impossible to cook a barbecue or grill on it.

Often in homemade smokehouses, the bottoms in the chambers or fireboxes burn out from hot air and fire, and changing them is not always easy or convenient, and homemade smokehouses do not look very aesthetically pleasing.

If there is not enough space in your area near your house or in your country house and you cannot make a chimney of the required length, then you can make it curved, or install a smoke cooler on the chimney.

To do this, you need to wrap a brass tube around the chimney and run running water through it.

During smoking, fat will be released from meat and fish, so a shallow tray should be placed under the grate so that there are gaps between the edges of the tray and the walls of the box.

Wet burlap can be stretched over the firebox, which will allow smoke to pass through but retain ash and other pollutants.

To check the smoking temperature, you can drop water on the lid of the barrel. If the water hisses a lot, it means the temperature is high; if it evaporates without hissing, it means normal temperature smoking

At first, to check the readiness of the product, you can slightly open the lid and quickly return it to its place.

Over time, you will already know how much time you need to cook different foods.

When smoking you need to do important rules:

  • Check the temperature of the smoke that is maintained inside the chamber;
  • Smoking should be done in good weather, without wind or wet precipitation;
  • It is better to prepare for smoking fish and meat in the evening, and start the process in the morning;
  • You don’t need to open the camera often and look inside, as this will take a long time;
  • If possible, add juniper, grapes, and cherries to the firewood for flavor. This can be done both at the beginning of smoking and at the end;
  • Cannot be used conifers trees, since the resin from them will spoil the taste and smell of cooked fish and meat;
  • Firewood must be thoroughly dried before smoking. Wet wood will smolder intermittently and the process will take a long time;
  • Be sure to install a drip tray, otherwise the fat will drip into the sawdust and spoil the aroma of the finished food. In addition, if pieces of fish or meat accidentally fall, they will end up on the tray.

How to choose a ready-made smokehouse?

If it is difficult for you to independently develop a smokehouse project, and the funds and opportunities allow, then you can purchase a ready-made smokehouse for placement in a country house or on a plot in a private house, which is not so expensive, but looks completely different.

So, first, let’s define what should be called smoking? It must be said that this is a process in which heat treatment meat, fish. As a result, products acquire an unusual taste, are cooked and are free of harmful impurities.

Smoking features

Hot smoking occurs with smoldering coals, sawdust or straw. Cold smoking is carried out for several days at a lower temperature. Despite the fact that products are stored longer than with hot smoking, it is the second type of smoking that is used.

Hot smoked products can be obtained much faster than cold smoked ones. Hot smoking is most often used in suburban area, when hiking, on picnics. Let us immediately note that we will cook everything with our own hands. We use manufacturing manuals.

Among the products that are suitable for smoking are:

  • fish,
  • meat,
  • sausages,

Moreover, smoking is carried out both whole and in pieces.

Before smoking meat, you need to treat it with spices and let it brew. As soon as, after running a fork through the meat, it is discovered that there is no blood, you can begin to smoke it.

Regarding smoking fish, then you can smoke it either whole or cut up. If the fish is small, then smoking is performed without cutting. It is best to smoke fish that is salted and slightly dried.

If the fish is too fatty, then it needs to be wrapped in parchment. For smoking, it is best to choose fruit tree species, but in principle all types of wood are suitable. It is best to smoke on wood that does not have bark, since the bark may contain resins, and this will affect the taste of the smoked dish.

Simple DIY smokehouse options

Now let’s look at how to create it with your own hands simple smokehouse without putting in a lot of effort and time. The smokehouse itself is a simple device made of metal or plastic. There must be a lid. Inside, meat or fish is laid out on the grill.

Pieces of food should not touch each other. As soon as the wood chips are placed on the bottom, they are lit. The smoldering process begins. And the lack of oxygen in the required volume leads to the formation of thick hot smoke. The smokehouse may also have a tray where the fat will drain.

So, the simplest option is a camping smokehouse. A little shavings are placed at the bottom of the container. For example, take a bucket. We will install a grid in the middle. We will place smoked products on it. Cover the bucket with a lid and put it on the fire. While the fire is burning underneath, the lid should not be opened.

As soon as smoke and steam starts coming out from under the lid, smoking has begun. It is worth noting that you should not overheat the smokehouse either. While the meat is drying, which is a third of the total time, you need to maintain medium heat. The rest of the time we light the fire bigger. It is very easy to determine how normal the temperature in the smokehouse is. To do this, you need to drop water on the lid. If the water evaporates without hissing, then everything is fine.

Smoking lasts no more than forty minutes. At first, you can try to remove the smokehouse from the heat and quickly test the product for readiness. Once you get used to the procedure, you won’t need to test the dish to see if it’s done.

As soon as the specified time has passed, the meat can be removed from the smokehouse from the heat. But you don’t need to take out the product right away: let it brew slightly. If you're camping, you don't need to use the grease tray.

Smokehouse with a water seal for hot smoking made of stainless steel

If your smokehouse will be located on a suburban area, then you should think about a more serious design. For this we take stainless steel and weld the box.

Smokehouse with a water seal: diagram

You can create a special tube in the lid through which smoke will escape. The smokehouse can even be installed in an apartment.

Hot smoked smokehouse with a water seal, photo

In this case, a continuation of the hose is put on the tube and placed out the window. The smokehouse is filled with fuel. Now we load the meat. There must be a tray to collect fat. Now we put the structure on gas stove, and it all begins.

Country smokehouse from the refrigerator

An excellent option is the one that is made from the refrigerator. Of course, the plastic needs to be removed. The hole at the back of the refrigerator is welded shut and a hook is placed on the door. We place a potbelly stove inside the refrigerator. The chimney will be discharged through top part refrigerator.

You can put wood chips on the top of the stove, and the stove itself is heated with any kind of fuel. The meat grids are already ready - these are former refrigerator shelves.

Well, who among us doesn’t like to get the whole family together? dining table and eat delicious food, especially if you are relaxing outdoors.

But what to put on the table to surprise your family and friends? The answer is quite simple - you can treat your guests to ham, balyk or juicy homemade sausage. But, unfortunately, prices in stores are very steep, and smoking in factories is not the healthiest and the right way. And it is then that a smokehouse will come to your aid, which you can easily build with your own hands from ordinary building bricks, and most importantly, it will not take up much space. backyard your home or country house.

Let's take a look at the whole process of laying a brick smokehouse stove in order..

How to properly lay a brick smokehouse?

Before you start building a smokehouse, you need to learn the basics, and then the process of building a smokehouse itself will not take you much time and effort, and most importantly, you can easily build a smokehouse of any shape, type, and even color.

What are necessary building materials for the construction and laying of a smokehouse from ordinary or special building bricks:

  1. Brick (it is best to use special brick, as it has better performance properties);
  2. Ordinary natural clay or clay mass with various additives and impurities;
  3. Shovel for digging a hole;
  4. Lattice and ladder made of special or ordinary brick, which you can make with your own hands for smoking meat and other products;
  5. Wooden door for storing products or combustion elements;
  6. Eight thick metal rods;
  7. Cover made of durable metal;
  8. Tape measure for measuring length;
  9. Level measuring device;
  10. Base or plumb line:
  11. Construction shovel for grinding - trowel;
  12. Conclusion.

Where is the best place to place a brick smokehouse?

When choosing a location for the stove, you need to think through everything and take it into account, right down to the smallest details. Since in this article we are considering exclusively brick smokehouses, the oval shape of this structure will be capital and permanent, which means that at the slightest desire it will not be possible to move or place it in another place (if you need to change the location of the smokehouse, it will have to be disassembled and build virtually from scratch).

And that is why the location of the smoking oven must be ideal. Such a place should be: large, comfortable, located at the same time close to your home, but also at some distance so that you do not breathe smoke and combustion elements during the smoking process. It is also important to remember that smoke smoke can harm not only your health, but also the buildings and living plants that are located on the site. Therefore, the place for the stove should be quite remote. I repeat once again - the place for the smokehouse must be chosen carefully and all possible nuances taken into account.

How to prepare the site for future construction work?

The place where the construction process will take place must be thoroughly cleared of grass, dirt, debris and anything unnecessary. If you decide to build a mini smokehouse, then you need to pour a foundation measuring thirty by forty centimeters (depending on the size of the smokehouse, the area of ​​the foundation will increase).

If you want to build a large smoking apparatus in the area where it will be located, you should dig a large pit and pour a foundation with the additive into it reinforced concrete(for strength and reliability of the structure).


It is important to know: there are three standard types of bricks: double, one-and-a-half and single.

Also, during construction, bricks of standard M one hundred and fifty are often used. Its dimensions are almost identically close to a double brick. You can read how to do it here.

Brick thickness

  1. Half-brick masonry;
  2. Single brick masonry;
  3. Laying one and a half bricks;
  4. Two brick masonry;
  5. Laying in two and a half bricks.

Typically the thickness brickwork with your own hands is determined using a special metric system.

  • It doesn’t matter what kind of brickwork (whether it is made with your own hands and at home or produced at a large manufacturing plant), occurs according to a certain construction scheme, which must be adhered to without deviating. According to these rules, the joint of two bricks of a separate, lower row must always be covered upon completion of the masonry. This is done so that there are no unnecessary seams in the future.

This technology is called ligation of sutures and in order for you to get the result the right grill with a brick smokehouse, you need to make only three dressings of the smokehouse seams - spoon dressing, chain dressing and cross dressing.

It is important to know: before starting the construction of the smokehouse, it is necessary to lay a foundation for it and a base for the walls of the barbecue. The foundation should be no more than thirty to forty centimeters in size, but if the soil on your site is very damp, then the foundation can be made several times larger.

It is best to pour the foundation from a mixture of cement and sand purified from impurities with construction additives (crushed stone and so on).

It is important to know: also based on the complexity of the construction, it is necessary to determine whether it is necessary to make a poured floor screed or whether you can leave the floor made of soil. In addition, you can build a small plinth to protect the smokehouse.

The process of laying a plinth

To do this, you will need to use a trowel to apply a solution to the pre-constructed formwork on the base of the smokehouse (foundation), which should be slightly more sizes spoons and poke. Next, apply the brick so that it fills all vertical seams.

If the applied mortar has come out a little from the seam, it must be carefully removed with a trowel so that the brick accepts correct position it can be slightly beaten with a hammer or the same trowel.

What options exist for sealing seams when constructing structures made of strong building bricks:

  1. Sealing a seam into an empty space;
  2. Seal the visible seam by trimming it slightly;
  3. Extended sealing of the seam with its bending inward;
  4. Extended sealing of seams with convex elements.

If you decide to put an ordinary, stationary stove, smokehouse made of building bricks in the backyard of your house or country house, then you naturally want to decorate it properly (beautiful, neat and unusual), but before you start decorating and decorating, it is very important to seal and unstitch all visible seams.

What does a standard smokehouse consist of?

Any smoking oven consists of:

  • Valves;
  • Hook for hanging and fixing meat above the smoking apparatus;
  • Container for storing food.
  • Cold smoking chamber meat products(such a chamber is available only in universal and cold smoking apparatus);
  • Chamber for hot smoking of meat products (such a chamber is only available in a universal hot smoking apparatus);
  • Compartment for loading sawdust;
  • “Bunker” used to collect ash, slag and other remaining harmful products after the smoking process. It is also called an ash pan:;
  • Compartment for loading dry firewood;
  • A small chimney for the correct direction of smoke onto the meat;
  • Special brands or corners for overlap.

Depending on the type of smokehouse, the construction period and the amount of materials that need to be spent during laying vary significantly. For example, if you are building a cold smoked smokehouse stove, then its laying time will take from two to three days(depending on the skills of the master and how quickly the work process itself is performed).

It is important to know: if you like not only well-smoked fish, but also very juicy ones, then it is better not to use a cold smoker for seafood, since due to the fact that fat will not get directly onto the meat, the final product will be much harder, although they will last longer from the moment of preparation.

There is also a universal barbecue with a brick smokehouse, which, thanks to the laying in several rows (namely, twenty-seven brick rows) can combine both cold and hot smoking. But such masonry is more complex and will take much longer to construct.

It is important to know: the most important thing in laying a brick smokehouse for a novice builder is to correctly and accurately with the number of rows required and not to lose count during the construction process.

How to build a small smoking oven? A few simple but effective tips.

If you want to save your time, effort, energy, cash or you simply do not have the space to place a large apparatus for cold or hot smoking, and the desire to have your own home smokers is irresistible, then the best option for you would be a small home smokehouse. Its construction, as has already become clear, will not take much time, but it is also necessary to follow the sequence of all actions and the main building regulations.

So let's get started:

  • First, you need to lay out a place for installing a special chimney in the ground of your site. Length general cross section the entire part should initially be approximately two hundred and fifty to three hundred centimeters, the width should be thirty-five centimeters, and its height should be about twenty-five centimeters. It is best to use standard red to build a chimney, building brick, because it's cheaper sand-lime brick when heated, it can emit very harmful substances and evaporation.
  • The smoking chamber must be located at the very end of the common channel. The height of the chamber should not be more than one hundred and fifty centimeters. For construction similar design You can use ribbed brickwork.
  • Before you start laying the channel you need to dig a small trench. Its depth should be exactly thirty-five centimeters, and its total width should be fifty-five. Also, we must not forget to take into account that the firebox should be located slightly above the smoking chamber.
  • Next you need to lay the walls for the future chimney. All walls must be neatly and correctly laid on brick foundation. In this case, the brickwork is also done on edge, and the dressing of all visible wall seams must be the same (for the stability and reliability of the entire structure). As a final result, the entire wall should be exactly twenty-five centimeters high, and stand slightly on the edge.
  • Next you need to block the very top of the channel(it can be easily covered with ordinary red brick).
  • After you have blocked the chimney duct, then at its end it is necessary to install the smoking chamber itself. This must be done very carefully and so that the channel does not go very deep into the chamber itself (no more than thirty centimeters).
  • After the chimney and smoke channel dried out everything needs to be packed tightly regular soil to the level of the smoking chamber (this layer should be no more than fifteen centimeters in height).

The most important rules and points during construction and masonry brick stove– smokehouses:

  1. The most important thing when building a good smokehouse, which will serve you for many, many years and will delight not only you, but also your family and friends, must be used for coating everyone wooden parts not cement, but exclusively clay and clay mortar with various natural additives (sand and so on). We should also not forget that clay is a natural material that has excellent performance properties and during the smoking process emits an incredibly pleasant, natural smell, which is also transferred to meat and other products during smoking.
  2. What to do if there is no natural clay? Ways and methods of replacing it.

If you have neither clay nor the ability to get it, but with the construction brick smokehouse If you are in a hurry, then clay can be replaced with ordinary soil. As already written above, it is better not to use cement mortar.

  • During laying brick walls For the smokehouse, we must not forget about strengthening it with thick rods made of durable metal (exactly eight pieces are needed, a special grill will be placed on these rods). Since the first four metal rods must be installed so that they do not reach exactly twenty-five centimeters to the very top edge (twenty-five centimeters is for a smoking oven with a cold smoking function, but for warm smoking a little more is possible).
  • If you have the desire and time, you can install a special filter in a smoking oven (of any type). To do this, you need to pull regular burlap on top of the wire circle (which is located under the lowest rods). Installation of this filter You need to think about it before starting the construction of the smokehouse, since to accommodate it you will need four additional metal rods. We also must not forget that after installation and during use, the filter must be slightly softened with filtered water.
  1. No matter how praised metal chimney and did not attract you with its cheapness, reliability and durability, best of all old tradition build a brick chimney. Not only will it be easier to clean it from combustion residues after smoking, but a brick chimney will also last you much longer.
  2. In the smoking compartment, it is imperative to provide and make a light, removable tray so that fat and other residual products do not fall on the food, but drain. Also, in addition to the fact that without such a tray the meat will be fattier, harmful impurities and toxins will accumulate, which after several years will cause unpleasant odors during smoking, which will certainly transfer to meat and other products.
  3. If you are not particularly eager and do not want to waste energy and precious time on building complex and powdery structures, then perfect options you will have to build a structure that consists of four walls, one door and several holes for installing poles in a horizontal position, and under slate roof it is necessary to leave space for the gaps into which the rod will be installed. Next, you need to build a small ash pit, or you can simply leave one small removable brick below finished design so that the thrust itself intensifies several times.


As has already become clear, building a brick smokehouse with your own hands is not the easiest thing, but it is worth it. If you follow all the advice and do all the work step by step, slowly and following all the instructions and construction rules, then building a smoking oven will be easy for you, and in extreme cases you can always seek advice or help from professional builders - layers.
If you have any questions, we recommend watching the video instructions presented in the article.

What could be tastier than homemade smoked meats? Many craftsmen are interested in a description of the principle of creating homemade products that are useful in the household.

The finished products are shown in the photo; cold smoked smokehouses can be made with your own hands. Products homemade is a welcome treat.

Self-made design

Cold smoking is the process of processing food using smoke at a temperature of 32 degrees. The process must be organized correctly, so the master will need to figure out how to make a cold smoked smokehouse correctly. It is important not to make a mistake with the construction scheme.

It is necessary for the hot smoke to become cold. To do this, use a tunnel that connects the firebox to the compartment where the products are placed. The length of the tunnel can vary between 2-7 m. This distance is taken into account to calculate the length of the chimney.

If the firebox is located at a distance of more than 7 m from the smokehouse, draft problems, as a rule, cannot be avoided.

How does the device work?

Operating principle homemade smokehouse can be represented as follows. Food processing can last from 3 days. The process may continue for several weeks.

The main thing is to ensure that the smoking process occurs evenly. Do not mix different types of food in the smoking chamber.

You need to prepare food in one go. It is important to sort products by size.

Read more about the design of the smokehouse

To make a firebox, you need to dig a trench with dimensions of 50x50. These values ​​may be higher. Often the width and depth of the pit are made to be meter wide.

The bottom of the firebox can be made of brick, and then covered with a tin sheet. Prepare cement mortar no need. It is enough to compact the bricks close to each other. The sides are also finished with brick. Here you will need a clay mortar for masonry.

When creating a drawing of a cold smoked smokehouse, you need to take into account both the distance of individual parts of the structure and the dimensions of the materials.

A trench is specially dug under a chimney with a diameter of 25 cm. The top needs to be covered with a sheet of iron. To prevent smoke from escaping, sheet material covered with earth.

A filter is installed at the junction of the smokehouse and the chimney. The main element is a metal mesh with small cells. Dense material is placed on the mesh. The filter protects finished products from soot.

It is important to make the smokehouse durable and reliable. In this case, the structure will stand stable and will not fall if someone accidentally touches it. At the top, the smokehouse is equipped with stainless steel rods.

Their thickness varies from 8 to 10 mm. They are durable and are used to hang food prepared for smoking. Usually food is hung on special hooks. An alternative replacement is a regular grill.

The simplest scheme

A smokehouse is considered a budget option, allowing the master to save building materials and time spent on construction.

The chamber with the products is 2 m away from the firebox. The basis for the smokehouse can be a metal barrel.

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Stages of work

Having determined the dimensions of the smokehouse for yourself, you can begin construction. First you will need to dig a hole under the firebox. Its bottom is covered with a tin sheet. Thanks to this, it is possible to ensure a more uniform smoldering of chips and sawdust.

The next stage of work is the installation of a chimney. The dug trench needs to be covered from above. Only non-combustible materials are suitable for this purpose.

The pit can be covered with a sheet of slate. The top of the chimney is covered with soil to ensure tightness.

The smoking chamber is installed in a barrel with the bottom cut off. A metal mesh is mounted below, on which burlap is placed. By combining these materials, the problem of filtering out soot particles is effectively solved.

A metal grate is bolted to the top of the barrel, 20 cm away from the edge. It is not necessary to use this option; you can limit yourself to rods with hooks.

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To fully understand all the nuances, you need to watch the corresponding video clip.

When cold smoking, food loses moisture gradually. During the drying process, smoke penetrates deeper into the food. The result is meat and fish delicacies with a delicious taste.

When the carcass of an old animal is smoked, its meat will remain somewhat tough. In order not to be disappointed, you need to be guided at first by recipes that have already been tested by many. It is better to leave experiments with shades of taste for later.

The finished factory-made smokehouse has several grates and a tray. It is better to choose a product with a large capacity so that smoking is carried out more evenly.

For lovers of long hikes, you need a smokehouse made of metal with a thickness of 0.8 mm. At the dacha, you can install heavier options, where the thickness steel body is 2 mm.

Photo of a cold smoked smokehouse with your own hands

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