Flower beds made of boards in the form of a pyramid. We decorate the summer cottage with multi-tiered flower beds. Algorithm of actions: step by step

Bright spots of flower beds and flower beds on the site are not only a way to decorate the site. They perfectly distract attention from some problem areas. By the way, this can also be used as a guide when choosing a location. We’ll talk further about how to make flower beds and flower beds with your own hands at the dacha, in the courtyard of a private house. This is not an easy task, of course, but it does not require knowledge of higher mathematics.

What are there

First of all, let's find out what the difference is between flower beds and flower beds. The flowerbed has clear boundaries and shape: circle, oval, square. Most often it is separated from the rest of the area and raised above it. We most often see this type of landscape design in parks and on the streets.

This is a flowerbed. It has a clear, strictly defined shape and geometrically correctly located plants

A flower garden is any place where plants of any shape are planted. Sometimes it comes with a fence, sometimes it doesn’t. Boxes with flowers hanging on a fence or wall are a flower garden, plants planted in old galoshes are also a flower spot on the lawn and a ribbon along the path are all flower beds.

Let's understand the terms a little. Now about what they are. They are distinguished primarily by flowering time:

Depending on the type of plants planted, there are annuals, perennials, and mixed ones. In some, only one type of plant is planted. They are called monoflowers or monoflowers.

They can be raised, they are also called high, and they can be multi-tiered. Their construction consists of several stages: first of all, the fence is built, then ready-made form The soil is filled up and plants are planted.

That's all with theory, let's move on to practice. Let's start with where you can make flower beds and flower beds with your own hands.

Where to do

When the yard is spacious it’s just great. Find the most visible place and plant a flower garden there. What to do if the entire territory has already been developed, but you want to plant flowers? You can always find a place. For example, near your house the area is concreted or lined with slabs, stone, etc. You can make an excellent raised or even multi-tiered flower bed with your own hands against the wall of your house. And there is no need to break the coating. A fence made of brick or stone is built right on it. It is advisable to lay them on the solution, and then cover them from the inside with waterproofing impregnation ( bitumen mastic), so that when watering water does not flow onto the path. Then you can fill in the soil and plant flowers.

They plant flower beds along the fences. This is a common way to decorate, for example, a long driveway to a house. But this can also be done in different ways. Here, as well as near, a high flower bed looks better.

A high flower bed made of boards. Construction will be inexpensive, and the appearance will be solid

You can plant a flowerbed in front of the gate. Outdoor flower beds must be durable. That’s why stone fences are usually used to implement them: just in case. If desired, you can make tiered flower beds. They are more difficult to build, but much more attractive than flat ones.

Outdoor multi-tiered (multi-level) flower bed of complex shape

Even if the yard is surrounded on all sides by walls, you can still find a place for flowers: Hang on the walls, in pots or in the form flowering wall, install a stand, etc. You can make flower beds in the courtyard of a private house with your own hands from anything and anywhere. It is only important not to make a mistake with the style: it must coincide with the design of all buildings. Some ideas in the photo gallery.

You don't need a lot of space and can be moved. A portable flower garden is convenient

You can make a flower garden in your dacha near a tree. They already belong to the category of garden ones. Don't want it to be banal? Come up with an interesting fence.

What and how to make a fence from

The most common fencing for flower beds is brick, wild stone, boulders. You can make a structure out of brick in a strict “ceremonial” manner. Boulders and wild stone are more intimate, non-standard fences.

Since they have a decent weight, a foundation is often made for a brick or stone fence for a flower bed. Not if one or two rows are laid, but if there are four or more rows. If the device is installed on a concreted area, you can do without a foundation at all, but if you plant a flowerbed on a lawn or soil, then it is advisable to do so.

It is not even necessary to fasten two rows of stone or brick with mortar. They can simply be laid one on top of the other, covered from the inside and covered with earth. Brick flower beds made using this method will have to be adjusted frequently: the bricks can “move” out of place

First of all, remove the turf from the marked area. If you plan to make a high flower bed, dig a groove around the perimeter, about 20 cm deep, and 5-10 cm wider than the planned fence. This ditch is filled with crushed stone, compacted, and poured with liquid cement-sand mortar. For 1 part of M400 cement, take 4-5 parts of clean sand, mix and fill with water until it becomes creamy. This semi-liquid solution is used to pour crushed stone. When the concrete has set - you need to wait a few days - you can lay out the border for the flower beds.

How to make a border from brick or stone

Do-it-yourself flower beds and flower beds made within a fence of stone and brick are the most expensive to build, but also the most durable. They will last for several years without any problems.

Stones or bricks are placed on cement-sand mortar, similar to that, with which crushed stone was poured, but thicker. There should not be much mortar between the bricks - 5-8 mm. If you place cobblestones or natural stone, it’s easier to first fold them “dry” by selecting the dimensions, and then transfer them with the solution.

A few ideas on how to design stone borders for flower beds and flower beds in the photo gallery below.

This is a border for a cobblestone flower bed. A different technique was used - a roller is formed from a semi-dry solution, small stones are stuck into it

If you don’t need to raise the plantings that much, and you only want to mark the boundaries of the area planted with flowers, but you are afraid that if you just dig a brick in, it will fall, then you can dig a trench, fill it with crushed stone, and insert flagstone into the crushed stone (stone sawn into plates , it can be found in the section that sells materials for exterior finishing at home) or standing to place bricks. Spill liquid cement-sand mortar around the installed fence elements. After two or three days, when the concrete has set, you can continue working: fill in the fertile soil, but you can’t load the curb or step on it for about another month: that’s how long it takes for it to gain strength.

Using the same principle, you can frame a flowerbed with your own hands from slate or tiles cut into strips. A flower bed can be made from metal or asbestos slate. There are scraps left after installing the roof - use them. Here's what might happen.

Photo of a flowerbed made of slate - such a fence looks good

Made of wood

It’s easier to make a fence for a flower bed out of wood: it doesn’t weigh that much. On the other hand, it is less durable. Flowerbeds and flower beds made with your own hands from wood can last for several seasons. Then you will have to restore or remodel them. It is used very rarely for ceremonial flower beds, but in a dacha or near a private house, a flower garden fenced with a wooden border is original and stylish. Especially if it resonates with the design style of buildings on the site.

Wood in any form can be used to decorate garden flower beds. They make flower beds from boards, small-diameter round timber (small logs), block house (boards convex on one side, similar to a log) and any other wooden remains. You can even cut a dead tree into logs, bury/hammer them into the ground, making such an unusual flower bed.

Birch logs - an excellent fence for a flower garden. An interesting idea for a high flower bed - a well is made from scraps of logs. Two pieces of a block house, installed one on top of the other - and in front of you is an excellent country flower bed.

How to make a wooden border? Find a log of small diameter, cut it into logs of different lengths and split them in half. You will get blanks like in the photo on the left. They are laid on a flat surface with the convex side down, one next to the other. Take a flexible thick wire and use staples from a construction stapler or bent nails to secure the wire to the flat side of the pieces of wood. One wire is nailed at the bottom, the second at the top. The result is a flexible wooden border that can be used to enclose a flower garden of any shape (pictured on the right).

To prevent the wood from losing its attractiveness and rotting, it is treated with protective impregnations. They can simultaneously give it color, or they can be colorless. From such pieces of wood gathered into a ribbon, you can make flower beds of any shape with your own hands. You dig a shallow ditch, a little wider than your fence, insert a fence for a flower bed there and cover it with soil, compacting it.

From boards and timber

One of the most inexpensive in our country building materials wood. That’s why they build a lot and often from it. They also make a fence or fencing for flower beds from wood. The easiest way to fence a flower bed is with boards. For support you will need several bars - not very thick, but wide. Approximately 50*150 mm and edged board 20 mm thick. Choose its width yourself so that several pieces installed on the edge will give you the required height.

Impregnate the wood with protective impregnations, when it dries you can begin work. First, the support bars are installed. They can be sharpened at one end and carefully hammered in without damaging the upper surface (put a piece of a block and hit it), or you can dig a hole about 50 cm deep, install a block in it, bury it and compact the earth around it. The bars are installed in increments of 1-1.5 meters, depending on how wide the flower garden is. The wider and higher it is, the greater the mass will have to be supported, which is why supports are installed more often.

Boards are nailed to the exposed supports. They can be stuffed from the inside and then the support beams will be visible, or they can be filled from the outside. In the second option, only the wall of boards will be visible. The joints of the boards should be on the beams.

Flowerbeds from boards can be made in a variety of shapes. Even in the form of a pyramid. Some interesting ideas there is below.

And this is how to make a flower bed in the form of a pyramid

Made of plastic

There are many types of ready-made fences for flower beds and flower beds made of plastic or resin. They have special legs that sink into the ground along the edge of the planted area.

But we are not talking about them, but about flower beds made from scrap materials. For example, from plastic bottles You can make a decent fence for a flower bed.

They are selected by volume and color. This will make the fence look better. Then they cut off the necks at the same level and stick them into the ground. This is one mounting option to create low curb. The second one will be much higher. It can be used in fondant more tall plants. In this case they take wooden beam, caps are nailed to it at a certain distance, so that the bottles are close to each other. Bottles are screwed into the caps. To make such a plastic fence for a flower garden more stable, it is pierced through with wire closer to the bottoms and closer to the narrowing point at the neck. The finished fence section is installed and fixed on the ground.

Despite the fact that the material is waste, if everything is done carefully, such a fence looks decent, pleasant, and attractive. Photos of fences for flower beds and flower beds made of plastic bottles are in the photo below.

We couldn’t pass by... a fence made of old bicycle wheels. Original flower beds can be made from any junk. If you have talent, of course...

Old bicycle wheels can decorate your dacha. How? Make a fence out of them for a flower garden. A flower bed made of wheels is cool...

Original and unusual flower beds and flower beds

Sometimes you’ll be amazed at how people manage to make original, unusual, and, most importantly, beautiful things. The same applies to the design of flower beds. Well, I would never have guessed that an old chest or galoshes or a hat could be turned into a flower bed or plant pot. See for yourself - the photos don’t lie.

Tire flowerbeds

Completely unattractive car tires turn into beautiful flower beds. The tires are cut, the edges are sanded using a grinder with an emery attachment. The resulting flowerpots are washed with soapy water and dried: the plants will not develop well if you do not wash out the engine oil, gasoline and other similar substances that get inside.

After drying, it is painted. You can paint a tire (tyre) as usual. oil paint, only the surface must be degreased, dry and clean. It lasts for several years. There are special paints for tires. They cost much more - they are made for styling tires. After the paint has dried, you can install the finished tire flower bed, fill it with soil, and plant plants. How you can make a flower garden from tires with your own hands, or rather, how to design it, look below (the photo gallery scrolls automatically, if you need to stop, click on the picture).

Strawberry pyramid

Vertical growing of strawberries has long ceased to be an innovation. It is convenient, practical and inexpensive. A do-it-yourself strawberry pyramid is constructed quite simply from scrap materials. Beloved berry crop usually planted early spring or autumn. By this time the bed should be ready. Vertical design can be built on open area or in a greenhouse.

Advantages of growing strawberries in a pyramid

On six acres it is difficult to grow all the crops that one would like. And during the season I want to get more fragrant garden strawberries. It is the pyramidal strawberry beds that provide this opportunity. They have a number of other advantages:

A vertical ridge saves space significantly. On small area you can plant the same number of strawberry bushes as in a large, regular-shaped garden bed.

Caring for strawberries is greatly simplified. It is much easier to remove overgrown tendrils, water, fertilize and harvest. Strawberry roots do not rot.

This type of strawberry is almost completely excluded from the chain of care. labor-intensive process like removing weeds.

Money spent on watering, spraying against pests and fertilizing is saved.

The berries do not come into contact with the ground, so they always remain clean. At vertical growing they are all clearly visible. Harvesting is faster.

Aesthetic appearance pyramid allows you to use it not only for harvesting delicious berries, but also as an element of landscape design. There will be a strawberry flowerbed beautiful decoration yard

What to make from

Planting strawberries in a pyramid is a creative process. Therefore, a bed can be built from different materials: boards, tires, metal or polypropylene pipes, plastic construction bags or any other material. Let's look at a few simple and affordable options.

DIY wooden pyramid

Making any pyramid for planting strawberries begins with a drawing. The drawing can be found on the Internet, or you can make your own. To make a pyramid of boards with your own hands, you will need nails, a hammer, a level, a chain-link mesh, an asbestos-cement or PVC pipe. The boards can be pre-processed with a plane so that they are smooth and have a decent appearance.

The work begins with laying the base of the pyramid. To do this, you need to take a piece of chain-link mesh. The dimensions of the base are 240 x240 centimeters. The first tier is installed on the mesh in the form of a wooden box measuring 220 x 220 cm and 25 cm high. Next, a layer of sand-earth mixture is poured.

Advice! It is better to make the height of all tiers of a wooden pyramid the same. This bed has a presentable appearance and is convenient to use.

A pipe is installed in the center of the future pyramid. You first need to make holes in it for the irrigation system: at the top - with a diameter of 10 mm, at the bottom - 5 mm. After fixing the pipe, a layer of compost is laid out on the sand-earth mixture and compacted.

The next tiers of the pyramid are installed in the same way. This scheme offers the following tier sizes: second from the bottom - 170 x 170 cm, third - 120 x 120 cm, fourth - 70 x 70 cm, last - 20 x 20 cm. A layer of earth and compost is poured into each wooden box.

The planting scheme for strawberry bushes is as follows:

1 tier (lower) with 7 strawberry bushes on each side

2nd tier with 5 bushes on each side

3 tier with 3 bushes on each side

4th tier with 3 bushes on each side

5th tier (top) 2 strawberry bushes at the base of the pipe

Water and feed the strawberries in such a bed through the top hole in the pipe.

Strawberry pyramid made from old tires

Pyramid bed round shape made from old tires different sizes. Lower tier- this is a tire from a heavy-duty vehicle, the next tiers must be selected in accordance with the lower tier. The width of the soil layer should be sufficient for planting strawberry bushes.

The site of the future bed needs to be cleaned and a hole the diameter of the tire must be dug. The depth should correspond to half the height of the tire. The top of the largest tire needs to be trimmed. The easiest way to do this is with electric jigsaw. The remaining part must be placed in the prepared hole. It is poured onto the bottom drainage layer about 2 cm of expanded clay and a layer of prepared soil mixture.

The next tiers are made in the same way. Typically, tire pyramids do not exceed one and a half meters in height to avoid falling apart under the influence of precipitation. The last stage of work is planting strawberry bushes.

It is difficult to arrange compact plantings if there is not enough space in the garden. This is especially true for such an exquisite crop as strawberries. Many experienced gardeners invent different ways– pipes, frames, pyramids. As it turns out, this is not such a difficult matter - all you need is some imagination.

This wooden structure, built of planks, filled with soil.

This design looks very attractive, and it is not difficult to make.

Growing is carried out vertically - so that the roots are directed downwards, as if planted in an ordinary bed, but raised above the ground.

The design is quite simple, it you can build it yourself, using improvised means. The principle of the pyramid is that the lower layers of plantings are not blocked from access by the upper layers sun rays and just light. The beds themselves are arranged in the form of steps– the seedlings are arranged in several tiers, and the tiers look like an ordinary planted horizontal bed.


Even this small structure can accommodate several dozen strawberry roots.

The main advantage of the pyramid is that it is possible to save space in the garden, in addition to planting a large number of seedlings in a relatively small area. Another plus is the beautiful aesthetic appearance - it looks like an exotic flower bed.

Board cutting diagram.

Assembly order

To summarize the above, we can highlight the following:

Due to the fact that the plants are located on a hill and practically do not come into contact with the soil, root system significantly less susceptible to rotting. This growing method makes it possible to avoid infection, slugs, and cabbage.

Resistance of strawberries to fungi when planted in a pyramid

But the culture also acquires conditional immunity to infection and spread of fungal diseases.

Due to this prevention is simplified – the number of preventive sprayings or therapeutic treatments is reduced. Among other things, caring for plants is simplified - it is convenient to pick off the first flower stalks and shoots.

The pyramid can also be made collapsible and stored in a barn for the winter.

Reviews from gardeners

  • It is easy to loosen the soil, remove possible weeds, add minerals or...
  • Watering the beds is simplified – several tiers are watered at once.
  • Fruit ripening time is reduced , simplifies harvesting – no need to bend over all the time.
  • Many gardeners use pyramid beds as landscape design element – looks great both during the flowering and fruiting periods.
  • The structure can be decorated with climbing plants - bindweed, wild grapes.

Selection of material and mechanism for constructing a pyramid

When deciding to build a pyramidal structure for strawberries, you should take into account the possibilities - the availability of the necessary material, skills and imagination.

This structure can be built from various raw materials - wood, metal, polyethylene, plastic, but, in addition to the above materials, the following means can be used:

  • unnecessary tires;
  • a set of old pipes of different lengths and diameters;
  • bags for construction needs;
  • plastic bottles;
  • empty containers - barrels or boxes;
  • flowerpots.

From these materials you can create not just a strong pyramid - you can depict a beautiful decorative element on your site. For long-term service, it is advisable to use raw materials that can stand firmly for several years - from one to four years.

In most cases, gardeners choose wood- boards or long beams. The structure, which is made of wood, is usually built with three or four corners, while several steps are erected - tiers.

It is more difficult to make a high pyramid, since it is necessary to calculate the sufficient rigidity of the structure.

Location determination

If there is space for a vegetable garden on your personal plot, then choosing a location should not be a problem.

Otherwise, you will have to choose a place right in the yard, and in this situation it is worth showing your imagination and installing a vertical bed in the form decorative element landscape design. The same decision should be made if you want to install a structure in an apartment environment - you will have to figure out how to decorate the frame in the form of a beautiful flower stand.

Pyramid with strawberries in the apartment

If the installation is carried out in an apartment, optimal place for this purpose there will be a balcony - it is desirable that it be insulated and on winter period closed tightly.

For the balcony it is better to come up with something compact, for example, a small rack based on pots.

If the frame small size, it's possible. It is important that the location of the vertical flower bed is on the south or southwest side. As a last resort, must be provided maximum light access – can be equipped artificial lighting using a special lamp.

When to plant seedlings

In some cases it is possible to plant until mid-September, but in these circumstances it is necessary to place the plantings in such a place that do not expose new gardens to the first frosts - in an apartment, on a closed balcony.

Preparatory work and drawings

In order to produce a high-quality and durable pyramid, it is worth calculating the parameters using drawings.

Plank pyramid diagram.

  1. Next you need to prepare wooden boards, nails for connections - size from 20 to 50 millimeters.
  2. Take a hammer, plane, spirit level.
  3. But you will also need pipes made of asbestos cement or PVC, in which there are holes with a diameter of ten millimeters.
  4. To fill the cavities of the flower bed you will need soil mixture– chernozem, sand, peat, humus.
  5. It is advisable to treat all surfaces with drying oil.
  6. Better to avoid processing chemicals due to the fact that these funds will affect the quality and size of fruits, the level of development and adaptation of seedlings.

Selection of connecting grooves


The base is a board about forty millimeters thick. When all the pieces are ready, connect them using nails and glue.

Can be used for greater strength screws and metal corners. The lower tier is filled with compost with a small gap of 6 cm for subsequent feeding. Next, the soil is compacted. All floors of the pyramid are installed in a similar way. There can be from three to nine tiers.

We fill in fertile soil and plant strawberries.

Features of landing

At each level, designs are applied.

  1. They start from the lowest floor - seven seedlings on each side.
  2. The next level is five bushes on each side.
  3. Third and fourth row - three bushes on each side, top level– two seedlings at the base of the pipe.


Caring for plantings consists of regularly watering the seedlings, but you cannot rely on any conventional scheme.

Watering is carried out as needed. Feeding is carried out using liquid nutrient mixtures. Among other things, it is worth taking care to protect plantings from low temperatures and providing sufficient lighting .

Video on how to make a slate pyramid

Vertical flower beds are considered one of the most beautiful decorative elements personal plot. They are often used to save space. They amaze with their unusualness and diversity. There are several types of such flower beds. The choice is determined by preferences, capabilities and availability necessary materials. It is important to remember that the vertical flower bed must support the chosen style of the site.

Types and design of vertical flower beds

For those who like to combine flowering plants with non-blooming ones, we can recommend an alpine slide. To build it you will need a small hill of earth and stones. The stones do not need to be placed according to size; it is important to maintain the pyramid shape when installing them. Plants are arranged chaotically. Low-growing flowers can easily coexist with tall ones. Of the low-growing flowering plants, the most common are viola, primrose, and forget-me-not. Look interesting options.

Varieties alpine slide consider cascade and pyramid. They consist of an odd number of tiers. Their difference is that top layer must be completed with stones: for the cascade - flat, for the pyramid - sharp. Stones can be replaced with bricks (even not whole ones) and tree cuts.

One of the most common options is a flowerbed in the form of a screen. It is decorated with climbing plants and decorates a fence, porch, gazebo.

A three-dimensional figure is a type of flower bed-screen. Using metal or wooden rods, any desired shape can be created. Planted at the base of the flower bed climbing plants, which then wrap around the entire figure.

Raised beds leave a lot of room for gardener creativity. They can be made from any available material. They consist of individual flower beds, each of which rises above the other, creating a multi-level space.

The materials you can use are tires, buckets, flowerpots, baskets, chairs. Flowering plants look very impressive in them different heights. The shape and size of a raised flower bed can be any size.

Hanging flowerpots are considered the easiest type to execute. They are attached to fences and walls. Only flowers intended specifically for flowerpots can grow in them (only they can bloom in a limited amount of soil).

The main advantage of vertical flower beds is that they do not need to select plants by color and height. It is not necessary to follow the rules for their placement. This means that all the favorite types of flowers will decorate them, delighting the owner of the plot.

How to create a petunia flowerbed

The owners certainly decorate their private yard with flowering crops. According to aesthetic rules, the decoration of the farmstead is not even beds, but decorative ones. garden plants. To prevent them from spreading throughout the entire area and taking up too much space (it would be a shame to uproot the cherished beauty!), they are limited to flower beds. The result is bouquets that bloom from early spring until late autumn. It depends on what crops to plant them with.

To make the flower beds in front of the house look bright, it is worth using flowers from hot countries in their creation. This is where the real festival of colors lies! And it’s not for nothing that petunia, a native South America(more precisely, Brazil) they like to grow it as a flower decorative culture. Its flowers are painted in rich shades of red, pink, orange, lilac and spotted white... The cup size of the petals is small and there is also large. Why not suitable planting material?

So, having decided on the type of flower, select the floral range. The flowerbed can be one color, or maybe with a gradient transition from dark to lighter color. Which form of drawing should I choose? Concentric circles, contrasting stripes, “petals” big flower, geometric shapes and generally fantasy patterns invented by you personally. The main thing is that the pattern is clearly visible from the side.

Although petunia is also perennial in nature, the annual form of the crop is common in floriculture. That's even better. Each year you can create different patterns. In different colors.

Along with erect stems, some varieties of petunias have curly stems. It is also beneficial to use such mini-lianas in flower beds. For a multi-stage design in combination with straight stems, vines are very useful.

The root system of petunias is such that it does not require large spaces or containers. It will take root well in small flower beds. Even in the hollow of an old tree or in a hollowed out stump. Landscape designers recommend unusual solutions! Petunia also feels great as a flowerpot.

Petunia goes well with other plants. Compositions in combination with gillyflowers, snapdragons, marigolds, and begonias will look impressive.

Petunias are not afraid of heat. They have immunity. But, like plants of a subtropical climate, they prefer abundant watering (in no case a swamp). Plant these flowers better seedlings and in sunny areas, but they will also accept partial shade.

Petunia is one of the most suitable and unpretentious plants for vertical flower beds.

A small plot often does not allow gardeners to develop luxurious flower beds. But everyone wants to decorate their plot so that it becomes the pride and decoration of the yard. In this case, it is recommended to build vertical flower beds.

Of course, if you contact landscape designer, they will often create chic multi-level compositions for you fancy shapes With perfect combination flowers.

But you can create it yourself with very little effort.

1. The easiest way to create such a flower bed is as follows. Take two or three plastic or wooden pillar different heights. In the second case, the wood must be pre-treated with an anti-rotting agent.

You will also need old plastic buckets, the handles of which are removed and attached to posts in different places. Make sure they are fastened securely. The next step is extremely simple. Fill buckets with soil and plant flowers. As a rule, it is worth choosing climbing plants that will grow to cover the entire composition, creating a waterfall of color.

2. One more interesting way creating a flower bed involves using flower pots. If there is an old tree in your garden that does not bear fruit, do not rush to get rid of it. Treat its trunk, removing dry branches and bark. You should not touch the still living branches of the tree; they will also be useful in creating the composition.

To attach the pots we will need screws or special strips. You need to buy lightweight, plastic pots. They are placed in random order along the entire trunk of the tree and on its branches. After this, they are filled with earth or substrate and the most various plants. The closer the pots are located to each other and the brighter the flowers in them, the more spectacular the composition itself will look.

3. An ordinary pipe, which is used for sewerage, can also become your assistant in creating an original flower bed. There are several options for using it. The first simple one involves cutting the pipe lengthwise, resulting in two equal parts with a gutter.

Restrictive elements are installed on the edges, which will not allow the earth to spill out of the structure, and our “bed” is suspended using ropes in any convenient location. For example, on the canopy of a threshold, on a horizontally located tree branch, at the entrance to the gazebo. In such a flowerbed you can plant both climbing flowers and small bright ones. It is possible to create several tiers by arranging such flower beds on hangers of different lengths.

4. Second way to use plastic pipes even simpler. You need to bury the pipe in the ground one third of its length in a place convenient for you. Next, small holes are made in the pipe, and its cavity is filled with a substrate into which plant seeds are pre-mixed. After a short period of time, the plants will grow through the holes, and you will get unique colorful vertical flower beds.

Vertical flower bed master class step by step

For this vertical flower bed we take plastic barrel and make these holes. Then we plant ready-made petunia seedlings, as shown in the photo.

The result is this multi-colored vertical flower bed.

Video tutorial - how to make a simple vertical flower bed from plastic bottles

Vertical flower bed photo gallery

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