What does it mean on the clock. What do the same numbers on the clock mean? What does the coincidence of numbers on the clock mean?

During the reign of Louis XIV, the favorite gave him a neckerchief and warned him that if he ever took it off, he would immediately lose his crown. This is how the modern tie arose - an indispensable attribute of business people.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Signs about wheat and spikelets

The ancestors believed that evil and good forces are in a constant state of confrontation. In order to appease some and outwit others, special rituals had to be performed. In particular, the Slavs associated wheat with high prosperity - signs advised using it to decorate the house “with meaning.”

Special beregin dolls were stuffed with ripe grains, which the housewives made with their own hands from their undershirts. The most popular cereal was planted in a bowl on the windowsill: a successfully grown ear of bread was called a “money bush.” Subsequently, its roots were cleared of soil and the plant was placed in a clay container, at the bottom of which several coins were thrown - this promised constant prosperity.

An ear of grain is pleasing to the “owner”

Gift to nature

Previously, cereals were harvested manually, using a sickle. The women knitted sheaves, which they took to the barn for subsequent threshing.

  • But the “outermost” bunch always remained on the field; it was used as an offering to the spirits of nature.

Usually they took ears of wheat - the signs ordered that such a sheaf should be first decorated, tied with bright ribbons and symbolically handed over to the “owner” of the field (as a sign of gratitude for the generous harvest).

Ears of wheat were part of the bouquets that were given to newlyweds for their wedding - this is how they wished them a comfortable life, healthy children and harmony in the family.

There were other “holiday” signs: spikelets of the house were placed in the “red corner” on many church holidays (in particular, on the Savior and Christmas). It was believed that this would help the inhabitants of the home never experience hunger and want.

Home protection

  • Bread was made from wheat, and its ancestors revered it above all else. It is no coincidence that they always shared fresh baked goods with the “grandfather” brownie.
  • The pot of ears of corn was also pleasing to the chief keeper of the estate and was perceived as a sign of respect and gratitude for the help. Such decoration could well be dry, this did not detract from its beneficial power.
  • To maintain an atmosphere of happiness and success, housewives hung bundles of herbs, including wheat, in the corners - in the house (according to legend) this ensured not only a well-fed life, but also harmony.

Why do you dream about a field of wheat with ears of corn?

Dream books describe many night visions in which wheat appears. It is believed that this is very auspicious sign- regardless of the nuances.

All magical traditions treat grain with respect. And this came from the past, when people were heavily dependent on nature and the harvest. Now we can go to the supermarket and buy vegetables and fruits from different countries, and people of the past were deprived of such an opportunity. The use of grains in magic was due to survival, and not just someone's amusement.

Despite the fact that the world has changed, the relevance of using grain in magical practice did not fade away, but passed through the centuries and even transformed. Yes, magic evolves, but its foundation remains unchanged.

Symbolism of grain

Plant grains contain enormous power, which allows for a long time persist for up to several years, and at the moment suitable conditions– come to life, grow, develop and give new life. Grain is a symbol of life itself.

Grain is a kind of matrix of life. It must “die”, falling into the ground, and be reborn, giving new life in a new quality. The symbol of dying and further rebirth permeates the myths of all peoples of the world and religious teachings.

Grain is a symbol of fertility, wealth and prosperity. There is still such a ritual for newlyweds when they are sprinkled with grains so that their family has prosperity. In different cultures, wheat, rye, rice, etc. are used for this. Although not all grains are suitable for this, for example, millet in Russia in the old days was used only for a ritual in a cemetery: the grain was scattered on the grave so that birds would peck it, thereby making the path easier for the deceased in the afterlife.

The list of conspiracies and rituals using grain is very rich. Rituals with grain can help both attract wealth, health, success, harmony in the family, and deprive all of this using the same grain. One of the most common sources of spoilage is grain. Ultimately it is up to you how you use this power.

The Celts have a festival of the first harvest - Lammas (Lughnasadh), which is celebrated in the first days of August. On these days, ritual bread was baked and offerings were made to the gods in order to collect and preserve the harvest.

Among the Indians Central America(Aztec) there is the god Quetzalcoatl, who gave the people corn so that they could live off it. There is even a separate deity Chicomecoatl or the Goddess of Corn (Mais), who was depicted with a head made of corn; later she began to be called the goddess of fertility.

Often, it was not the grain itself that was brought as a gift to the gods, but bread baked from it (if you want to learn how to make such bread, read the article “Nut Bread”). The Sumerians baked 30 flat cakes every day for gods such as Ishtar, Marduk and Shamash. And in Egypt they baked bread for Amun, Ra, Nekhber and Ptah. In Ancient Greece, bread was also baked as a gift for Dementra, the goddess of grain, bread and agriculture. The Phoenicians baked bread with horns, a symbol of the god Astarte, to give it divine qualities.

There are a large number of rituals as simple as those available ordinary people, and those that only experienced magicians can perform. Let's look at a few rituals using grains.

We grow our income

Materials: For this ritual you will need fresh ripe grains of wheat, a ceramic saucer without drawings and 3 coins of different denominations. It is advisable that these coins be modern and not antique, because you do not want to attract money that has not been in circulation for a long time.

Time: the right time to be held is dawn on the waxing moon on Wednesday or Thursday.

Progress of the ritual:

Put 3 coins, place a saucer on top of them, and pour a grain of wheat on the saucer. Place several layers of gauze or other cheesecloth on top of the grains. natural fabric. Then pour warm water over them and say the spell:

Mother Earth, you feed both the young and the old, the poor and the rich. You fill us all with your strength, and Father Sun warms us with his warmth. From the grain you give ten, fifteen, and twenty. Let me, (state your name), give birth to money, like this wheat.

As she grows day and night, gaining strength, so let my money grow and feed me in the most favorable way. Let it be so and so it is! True!

Then, every day at dawn, water these grains a little at the same time. Then, by the nature of the seedlings, you can judge the presence of negativity. If all grains germinate at the same time, then this good sign, well, if very few grains have sprouted and not evenly, then it is worth going through a cleansing ritual to remove the negativity that interferes with the implementation of your plan.

After the seeds germinate, carefully transplant them into a separate pot or outside if it is spring or summer. Coins should be put in your wallet. They will be a talisman for you (so you shouldn’t pay with them). If necessary, you can perform a similar ritual using the same coins.

Getting rid of diseases

The seed contains life, just like the egg of birds. This is why eggs are often used in cleansing rituals. There is no less effective way getting rid of diseases with the help of grain.

Materials and time: For this ritual it is necessary to sew a bag of black cloth and fill it with wheat grains. It is better to carry out this ritual on the waning moon on Saturday.

Progress of the ritual:

Light a black magic candle or an ordinary church candle. Conduct your own meditation on connecting with the Earth, imagining how roots grow from your feet, which reach the center of the Earth and energy rises through them. When you are ready, take the bag in your hands, lean it against the sore spot and say the following words:

The progenitor, Mother Earth, is the one who gives life to everyone on this earth. Help me heal from my illness... (name the illness). Take this disease, let it go back where it came from. Fill me with your power. Let it be so and so it is! True!

At the same time, imagine how your illness goes into a bag of grain, and sore spot filled with the healing power of the earth. Once you are ready, thank the Goddess for her help. Ask her how you can thank her in the real world.

As the birds peck these grains, so my illness goes away... (name of the illness). Let it be so and so it is! True!

Depending on the severity of the disease, this ritual must be repeated until you recover.

Amulet for home made of wheat

This is a powerful amulet that will attract prosperity and create peace in the home.

Materials and time: the time of year is the harvest from July to September, so don't miss out. On the waxing moon, collect a bouquet of 12 ears of wheat; ears of other plants will also do. Tie them with a green or gold silk ribbon.

Progress of the ritual:

Conduct a meditation right on the field and turn to the Ancestress with a request to endow this bouquet with your power, and also bring gifts to the Goddess (you can use milk or honey for this).

When you arrive home, walk clockwise around the entire house inside, starting and ending front door. Then place this bouquet in a visible place, watch the bouquet carefully so that it does not gather dust or break. After a year, you should burn the old bouquet and make a new one.

The image of an ear of wheat is one of the monetary symbols of the magic of attracting material wealth.

An ear of wheat is a symbol of life and prosperity. Many legends and myths are associated with it.

IN Greek mythology The constellation Virgo is personified by Demeter - the goddess of fertility, the patroness of agriculture, who taught people to cultivate the Earth.

Ears of wheat also occupied a special place in the life of the great Coco Chanel; she considered them a lucky talisman, a metaphor for inexhaustible creativity.

That is why they could be found in the apartments of the great fashion designer: in the form of a bouquet standing on the table, or drawn especially for mademoiselle by the great artist Salvador Dali.

It can be worn like , can be placed in the wealth zone, but there is another interesting way to get rich - to grow a money ear of wheat with your own hands.

You already know that the theme of money trees is generally very popular among financial magicians.

In many cases, it is the host’s energy that works, not the plant itself. If a person believes in magical properties flower, then he is guaranteed 50% success.

This is self-hypnosis and coding of space for mandatory well-being. For people with weak energy, this method of increasing income may be absolutely useless.

There are various techniques growing money tree. And each of them involves working with a specific plant.

The simplest one is to grow an ear of wheat.

Wheat is very close to the Slavs. Since ancient times, people have brought tied ears of wheat into their homes. They were placed on the table, hung from the ceiling or sewn into feather beds.

There is also historical material that the ancient Egyptians used similar techniques with the ear of wheat in their occult arsenal.

In Egypt, wild Emmer wheat was used for similar rituals; it grew throughout the Nile Delta. From Emmer wheat, Egyptian farmers developed several different varieties cereal.

What is needed to grow an ear of wheat

1. 6 grains of wheat, preferably durum. These varieties are unpretentious and have a high percentage of seedlings. The result will be better.

2. New flower pot light colors, volume of at least a liter. You can make an inscription on it reflecting the purpose for attracting money.

3. Soil from a wheat field. It is advisable to dial in advance, because it will be difficult to do this in the city.

If you haven't done this, then as a last resort earth will do from a large and well-kept flower bed.

Please note that the flowerbed contains mostly plants with white flowers. Avoid red, burgundy and purple flowers. These colors carry unfavorable energy for our process.

4. Coins yellow, at least 30 pieces (even number), always yellow. Then for water you will need a few more coins, the sum of all coins is even.

Coins are needed in yellow color, it is attributed to them magical ability and they are used for various spells. They were awarded these qualities precisely for their color, since it is believed that they contain precious metals and are less oxidized.

5. Water. The water must be infused separately. Ideal option is rainwater(in winter - melted), mixed with morning dew. A few drops of dew per glass of water are enough and rainwater turns into miraculous nectar. Place 6 coins in a container with water a day before sowing.

When you have everything you need, you can start. Focus on your wish and imagine how happy you will be when your tree makes your dreams come true.

How to carry out the ritual of growing a money ear

1. Prepare the soil you brought, mix with 24 coins and pour into the pot. Pre-place drainage at the bottom of the pot.

2. Plant each grain separately with your left hand (according to the superstition: you need to take money with your left hand and give it with your right) to a depth of 2-3 centimeters.

All grains should be planted close to each other, almost in the same place, so that when they germinate they form one massive trunk.

3. Water the soil immediately after sowing.

4. In the future, water once every three days. Do not remove coins from the water.

5. When the wheat sprouts, talk to it. Fill it with the energy of your desires. Love her so that she feels your care and warmth.

Place the pot in your bedroom, on the window, so that the plant bathes in sun rays. If possible, protect your tree from prying eyes and never let strangers touch it.

6. When the wheat grows and ripens, remove it from the pot, along with the root system. Tie the stems together with a thin gold chain or thread and place in a vase without water. There should be 24 yellow coins at the bottom of the vase.

7. The first six grains that fall from the ears can be used to grow the next “tree”.

Grow money wheat ear once a year. The most favorable time for growing is, of course, spring, but this is not necessary.

The most important condition- this is your desire. Passionately desire to grow your ear of money, and the result will not take long to arrive.

Are you involved in "preventing Alzheimer's disease"? Let me expand - it is believed that the brain needs to be constantly trained, that is, “reading, watching exhibitions/films/series/plays” - this does not count, you need to give the brain “tasks”. So, survey: are you training your brain now and how? Are you going to train in old age, at what age and how?

How to avoid divorce and improve your relationship with your husband


Thanks for the article)

I agree, everything is like that for me) my husband and I haven’t gotten to this point yet, but I notice a lot about myself that is described above. The husband, of course, is not an angel either, but whichever of us is an angel, let him live in heaven. I appreciate the article, I will try to correct errors)

Where is winter wheat grown?

Winter wheat is one of the most valuable grain crops. Wheat seed is rich in gluten proteins, which is why it is often used for food purposes, for example in the confectionery industry, in addition to making pasta and other food products. Previously, winter wheat was cultivated only in the south of Russia. Today it is sown very widely. The main crops of winter wheat are located in regions with favorable conditions wintering. The largest areas are sown winter wheat V...

Performance for schoolchildren "Autumn Adventure" in "Fairy Tale...

The children's museum-theater "Fairy Tale House" on Gorkovskaya invites children to an exciting "Autumn Adventure". This interactive travel game will be held for schoolchildren from September 3 to November 15. The fabulous Aunt Osenina will introduce the program participants to the signs of Russian folk calendar and traditions peasant life. Together with the children, she will walk along the paths of a fairytale forest, talk about the gifts of autumn, teach them to listen to the language of nature and solve its autumn riddles...

Inspired by: Pro wedding dress Below I learned a lot of new and interesting things for myself:), I especially liked that “you can’t wear a suit - you’ll have a double life” (and it’s unknown what this meant:) Do you believe in omens? Which ones? I myself don’t believe in omens, I think it’s obscurantism. We celebrated my husband’s 40th birthday, my daughter’s birthday falls during the summer holidays - we regularly celebrate in advance (a month in advance)... I regularly return from the road (and nothing happens). Perhaps the only remnant...


I try not to put pillows on the table: my grandmother, an atheist and materialist, who was also more than skeptical about all signs and superstitions, was afraid of this sign herself and passed it on to me (you can’t put pillows on the table - someone will die, well, in the sense of one of her own) . In our country, no one knows how to whistle except me, I somehow don’t feel comfortable at home, and I can’t whistle at home, but I still don’t have any money.

I collect good omens, and I ignore the bad ones.

We sow, we weed, we sow, Happy New Year!

We sow, we weed, we sow, Happy New Year! Even though it's "old" New Year- it still brings goodness! In the old fashioned way, we wish fertility for a cattle, a warm shelter for a little dog, a saucer of milk for a kitten, a handful of wheat for a cockerel, a red girl for a friend, small children for mom and dad, and small grandchildren for a grandmother! We sow, we weed, we sow, Happy New Year! Open the chest, take out the penny! :))) On the night of January 13-14, Russians celebrate the Old New Year - a holiday incomprehensible to many...

The child was inspired by the idea, of course not to grow spikelets, but at least to germinate them. If so, where can you buy the seeds, and how and where do you use it later? It’s really interesting, please share your experience. Thank you


The seeds were taken from Auchan, in the health products section. That's what it was called - wheat for germination. They grew both wheat and oats for cats. Quite tasty and a lot of thanks))) We didn’t live to see the spikelets, of course. As a rule, they rot later.

It's very fun to germinate cacti.
"So small, but already a cactus"
Or simpler - asparagus.
I sprouted about 15 years ago, asparagus is still growing.
Seeds are sold in stores everywhere.

Signs of the onset of labor: false contractions, prolapse of the abdomen and other changes in the body


If I were you, I would call an ambulance, or go to the hospital myself.

01/05/2019 13:52:13, 201z

Hello. Tell me 33 weeks according to ultrasound, 36 according to menstruation.
The stomach becomes hard in the evening and tingles a little at the bottom. In the morning, sometimes I have an unpleasant feeling, like before my period (the stomach doesn’t hurt, but it’s tight and my back aches)... I run to the toilet very often.... How should I react to this?)

I just read: “if you are suffering from a problem excess weight- embroider a lady in a hat!" :))) don’t run 100 thousand kilometers in six months, don’t eat less at night, but embroider a lady in a hat. I don’t know about you, but I went to pick out a design for myself :)))


Well, everything is correct. You can sit at the computer and eat, you can read a book and eat, but embroidering and eating doesn’t work (I’m embarrassed, but I tried). As a result, you lose weight.

Oh I don't know. Maybe I should embroider it in the evenings instead of dinner :-)
Although I have in my bins a rider from Riolis in a hat. But now I’m already in the process of embroidering on black canvas, and I can’t handle 2 parallel stitches on black. So for now I’ll just struggle with the kilograms, and later I’ll figure out the lady in the hat.

Glazed balcony and there was a small crack. It flew in, jumped and flew away... I was upset for some reason:-(Not that I’m very superstitious, but suspicious:-(((

My husband and I found a pigeon on the balcony. We have a balcony on our floor, like a street one. We live on the 14th floor. From this balcony there is a door to a public air gate, a fire station, or what is it called? They went out to smoke, and there was a dove at the door, so beautiful, snow-white. We decided that he was cold, we opened the door for him and let him into the stairs, it was warmer there. An hour later they came out again, and he was sitting in the same place. The husband took him closer to the radiator and crumbled some bread for him. At first I thought I was cold. And now I think maybe...


no, it's fine! That's when a pigeon's foot or wing hits the eye while flying, like I did this Friday :)), that's bad, yes!))) It results in a bruise :). That's what I tell everyone I know - the pigeon hit me!! :)). People laugh)) This is the first time this kind of trouble has happened to me, although I don’t know, maybe he’s having a hard time now too - his leg and wings hurt! And all because of me :))))...

a dove is a bird!

This morning, while we were sleeping, a titmouse flew into the window in the kitchen. Flew across the entire apartment and began hitting the window in big room. Woke up and let him out. Now there’s such a panic, I buried my mother in August, and now this. It seems like I’m not particularly superstitious, but in the morning I’m already hysterical. The streak is not black, but some kind of continuous darkness, lawsuits over the apartment, my husband almost lost his job. There is still a trial pending in my mother’s case. There has never been such a terrible period.


Listen, we had the same thing! My father-in-law died, two weeks later a tit flew in, sat on my daughter (!), flew and flew out on its own. And my mother-in-law says that from time to time a tit hits the window.

don't care. Hummingbirds always fly into my living room across the terrace a couple of times a year. I'm throwing a net away from the pool :) everyone is alive and well :)

Interesting site "15 gifts" (on English) asks you to indicate the age, gender, habits of the person (or those) for whom you are looking for a gift - and gives a list of 15 things. It is not at all necessary to buy these particular things, but interesting idea you can peek. For home, for everyday life in Rus' wedding gifts symbolized wealth (furs, brocade, silk, feather beds and pillows, large bowls and goblets made of silver), as well as fertility and healthy offspring - for this purpose they gave domestic animals (chickens, ducks, piglets), the number of which had to be a multiple of 10. Each guest was presented with a small wicker basket containing hard-boiled chicken eggs, symbolizing fertility in many cultures. Of course, now for a wedding with boiled eggs and piglets...
...If this is not possible, a gift certificate can be a lifesaver good store household appliances or interior salon. Paired sets - glasses, plates, figurines, decorations - are of particular importance - they personify the unity between spouses. When purchasing a wedding gift, remember that giving some things is considered a bad omen. So before you go shopping, make sure the bride and groom aren't superstitious - or refrain from buying a gift that could be misinterpreted. What household items should not be given as a wedding gift? Knives, forks and spoons (they bring quarrels and resentments into the house) Wrist and wall clock(to the imminent separation of lovers) Mirror...


You know, I don’t know what to give my parents for their wedding anniversary. It’s not written here what to give for the 19th anniversary. Well, it’s kind of strange. You can’t give me money - they are my parents after all, I’ve already made a lot of things with my own hands (it’s called both at my house and at my parents’, my crafts:
1) in cabinets
2) on cabinets
3)under the beds
4)under cabinets
5)under tables
6) on tables
7)under chairs
And the bed linen is not comfortable - and so all the cabinets are full, the same with the dishes. You can't give a horseshoe. Well, okay, give mom flowers - and that’s it, but with dad we always had problems - what to give?...

04.01.2019 00:57:35, Ekaterina Dadiani

02/22/2018 21:29:16, Krylovs

The organization left - the peacock feathers remained... My daughter wants to go home, and I heard somewhere that bad omen. Now I'm sitting, thinking what to do...


The sign is the same as with reeds - understandable, if the reeds standing in a vase are torn apart, dried out, etc., then it will fluff up the whole apartment, and feathers, in general, can also fluff up in large quantities.... no problem for allergy sufferers))). That's all))))))))))))))))

the sign about feathers (of any kind) appeared due to the fact that very often birds, especially in wildlife, are carriers of infectious diseases. That's all, nothing more.

You can also opt for a set of small towels for guests. Or a beautiful porcelain set: after all, everyone knows that there can never be too many dishes in the house. Although, if the owners recently celebrated their wedding, be careful: they could have been given more than enough dishes and linen. Then your gift will be completely inappropriate. If you believe the signs, every house should have a “master” who protects the home from everything bad. So you can give a straw souvenir in the form of a little brownie. It will provide peace and tranquility to this home. And finally, I would like to say that buying and arranging housing is a colossal work that requires enormous material and enormous moral costs. Therefore, having crossed the threshold of his friends’ newly acquired apartment...

Cottage or vegetable garden? The difference is in the main purpose of the place - for relaxation or for work, vegetables. In any case, a garden is for the soul! Only in the garden are you a few hiking conditions, not the level of desired comfort (which is important for gardeners and gardeners with children) than in the country. At the dacha, conditions may be better: shower-toilet in the house, hot water etc. Some gardeners keep their dachas only for growing cultivated crops, sparing neither their own nor anyone else’s strength, so in such cases it is not surprising that the younger generation is unwilling to go only to “plough” and collect Colorado potato beetles. The task of adults is to organize everything correctly: evenly...
...Show the “umbrella” inflorescence (dill, celandine, primrose) and ask them to guess why it is called that. You can tell that the main axis of the “umbrella” is greatly shortened, and the flowers are located on developed pedicels of the same length (like the spokes of a real umbrella). In clover, the pedicels are poorly developed, and such an inflorescence is called a head. Consider the complex inflorescences of forget-me-not, St. John's wort, lilac, elderberry, milkweed, string, and buttercups; you can also show complex ears of wheat and rye. Ask what names the child himself could give to these inflorescences. Let him dream up! Teach your child to see and appreciate beauty from an early age, ask him to find the most beautiful thing in the garden. beautiful flower. Kids are naturally inquisitive and are able to quickly and easily grasp and remember information, and therefore it is better not to put their questions on hold. He...

I’ve never bothered with signs, but now I somehow feel uneasy :(. I was in the kitchen when I heard cooing in the room. I came across the room a meter from balcony door A red pigeon is walking. He was not afraid of me, calmly turned around and went out onto the balcony. I brought him bread there too. He does not eat, but sits calmly, turning towards the room. I closed the door, but somehow I felt uneasy in my soul. The balcony is glazed, one frame has been removed for the summer. I'm afraid to scare him so that he won't break into the glass. Now I have to hang my linen there...

Girls, I don’t even know where to go - I need ears of rye or wheat. Where can I even look for them? I can’t even imagine where to go to search:-(Right at least digging out from under the snow in the fields:-P

Girls, I’m not superstitious by any means, but last night a mirror fell down, which had been hanging for 6 years glued to the chipboard and didn’t break, at night. I don’t think I believe it, but three friends have already said that this is some kind of sign, but what? If it didn't crash. Tell me, I want to know what the mirror is silent about)))))

Tell me where to buy wheat. Which chain supermarket has it?


In fact, I mean kutya, which is usually prepared as one of the 12 dishes on Christmas Eve, and not a funeral dish. Wheat is boiled and seasoned with honey, poppy seeds, nuts, halva, etc.

But is wheat really needed there? a funeral dish like rice, raisins...

Spring... The most important event in life is ahead, as it seemed to me then - a wedding.
...I never danced on it, but I dreamed about it. I was very upset, but now I understand, looking at my son, how insignificant all this is compared to the happiness of being a mother. Maybe this is a coincidence, or maybe not - on March 24 I found out about pregnancy and on November 24 I gave birth to a son. Moreover, in the Year of the Ox, my husband and I are also, by the way, “bulls”. This is the kind of family we have now. Maybe we should believe in omens? They prophesied to me. Thank you! zlata007, [email protected]...

I understand that this is not on the topic of the conference, but I need it: (The child said that they were needed for school. This is normal when the wheat was harvested on August 30: (And the most offensive thing is that in the summer we drove past so many fields and could have picked them even in Europe: (Well, where should I look for this happiness now?

It's blooming for the second time, but I didn't notice the first time, I saw it when the flower dried up, and now it's healthy again!!! Hasn't bloomed yet, but there will be small white flowers

The fact that your family will have a daughter is indicated by swelling and deterioration in appearance (“the girl takes away her mother’s beauty”), a rounded belly, wide, protruding to the sides, and a desire to consume various sweets in large quantities. As a rule, all of the signs listed do not have a scientific basis. Scientists have not identified any relationship between the gender of the unborn child and the shape of the abdomen, dietary preferences and appearance of the expectant mother. The shape of a pregnant belly depends only on the condition of the abdominal muscles and the woman’s skin, the number of previous pregnancies and births, since the muscles supporting the uterus and the abdominal muscles, as a rule,...
...Of course, furry felines have no effect on the number of friends and enemies a child has, but this warning is very reasonable. Cats are sources of toxoplasma - microorganisms that are very dangerous during pregnancy, causing toxoplasmosis and leading to severe malformations of the fetus. Therefore, it is advisable to limit contact with a cat, especially if you have never had a cat at home before, during pregnancy, it is advisable to limit your hands thoroughly, and entrust the cleaning of the cat litter to one of the family members or to do it with gloves (Toxoplasma is released into the external environment with cat feces). A pregnant woman should not hang out her laundry. According to gynecologists, short-term raising of arms, for example, while hanging laundry or performing physical...


Oh, two things bothered me - raising my hands and dyeing my hair. It ended with my husband starting to hang up the laundry ^^ and with hair it’s more difficult, I’ve been dyeing my hair red all my life =/ and I didn’t want to look ugly when I was pregnant. Sisters, smart girls))), found me a special IHC hair clinic as a gift, where, in addition, you can dye with ammonia-free special dye, which is not harmful to either mother or baby. So I did this therapeutic coloring there, at the same time I checked my hair, asked for advice on care, so that during breastfeeding they would not interfere, in short, I went with benefit)
So, future mothers, if you are really annoyed by your family and friends with their superstitious fears, you can turn everything to your benefit

03.02.2010 17:00:01, Tane4ka

I read the article! I support the author. I would like to add that another superstition was not touched upon - not to buy any things for the unborn baby. I personally convinced myself that this is not true! I bought things from the very beginning of pregnancy, and all 9 months, and the birth went well, and the child is completely healthy!!! I want all expectant mothers to stop believing in superstitions! Be confident in yourself and everything will go well for you!!! Good luck everyone!

Pregnancy imposes significant restrictions on a woman’s lifestyle. Most of them are related to the need to eat right, visit more fresh air, do not overwork, etc. All these recommendations can be found in any book on pregnancy, and they are really important and reasonable.
...During pregnancy, do not approach cat litter: It is through the feces of cats that Toxoplasma enters the external environment, so transfer such concerns to the household. As a last resort, use rubber gloves. If the cat has been living at home for a long time and you have been interacting with it for a long time, there should be no fears, since only primary infection during pregnancy poses a danger to the expectant mother. A pregnant woman should not sit on the threshold. Our ancestors perceived the threshold as the line between their own and someone else's world, and it is precisely on the line of transition that it is most difficult to protect yourself from evil forces. But sitting on the threshold is really undesirable: drafts are simply unacceptable during the waiting period...

A button as a fashion decoration. History of origin, role in modern world fashion. Signs and interesting facts psychology related to buttons.

How to manage everything with a baby in your arms.


Well, it’s good that no one bothers you! :)

Of course, it’s very difficult with a newborn in your arms alone. I went through everything myself. My grandparents were far away, my husband was constantly at work, because I had to earn money, so I had to do almost everything myself. The main thing is that the child is healthy, and everything else is wrong scary. You definitely need a daily routine. When the child eats, walks, and sleeps at the same time (at least around the same time), it will be easier to distribute his time. I have three children, but the age difference is decent. There are 4 years between the first and second , and the second and third are 8 years old. The first child, it seems to me, is the most difficult, and when you already have experience, then it’s easier.

Geranium makes people kinder and more tolerant of each other. Its aroma strengthens nervous system and helps get rid of depression. If you place a pot of geranium in a room where a geopathogenic zone is located, the plant will neutralize all its harmful effects. But our houses are often located in places that are not very favorable for humans. So geranium on the window will be useful to many. Geranium can also help in love - for this you need to give geranium with scarlet flowers to the object of your tender passion. In order for the lover (or beloved) to reciprocate, the geranium must remain in the house. Geranium can grow not only in a room, but also in a garden or park. There is only an eye...

When the wind subsides, the cherry-colored Telpos Mountain is pacified by a ruddy light. The cloud sitting on the Zyryansk Olympus takes the form of a huge head supported by hands, with elbows resting on the slopes.
...The twisted talons of a white-tailed eagle protruded from her back. The robber himself rotted. Apparently, he grabbed the fish, but did not calculate the strength. And the claws are designed in such a way that they do not unclench during hunting. So the robber went into the depths with the salmon. There are now three houses in Orlovka. Two darkened ones, repaired and repaired, and one fresh. It is being built here for tourists by the national park. I comfortably settle down in the park area, and Ivan Anufrievich and Zhenya spend the night in the back. There is silence all around. The taiga has calmed down in autumn anesthesia. They say that to this day, somewhere in the inaccessible wilds, in the hidden depths of forests, bearded men in worn-out robes that have lost their original color live and pray to God. This is old...

My previous pregnancies were not easy for me, after 3 miscarriages I was completely desperate, and my common-law husband ran away. When at 31 you are left alone, completely alone, you can go crazy. At work, the girl was going on maternity leave, and I, looking down, asked: “Can I touch your belly?” I touched it. Some time after this, while walking the dog in the evening, I looked up at the sky and saw a shooting star. “I want to become a mother,” I said in a low voice. Then m...


Much happiness to you and your daughter! Believe that everything will be fine with you! And you will definitely have a daddy, the best one in the world! Just believe it! This is the most important thing!

Happiness to you and your baby, and your son and daughter definitely need a dad.

04/17/2008 15:04:58, Zhanna

Believe in miracles! Did you know that in 2007 Kuban celebrates glorious anniversaries: the 215th anniversary of the development of Kuban lands by the Cossacks and the 70th anniversary of education Krasnodar region? Then go ahead!
...There is no land sweeter than our Kuban, the eternally young daughter of the steppe expanse. Our southern sky is like a blue girl's gaze. At the head of the Kuban lie the Caucasus Mountains, at its feet it splashes sea ​​wave. Ears of wheat sway in the wind. The poplar candles are straight into the sky and quietly whisper their song. Our flowering land is amazingly beautiful! And no wonder it’s an amazing combination endless steppes, mountain forests, mountains covered with snow, and warm seas allowed the Kuban city of Sochi to win the right to host the Winter Olympics in 2014. Russia's favorite daughter deserves it. The star is the personification of Russia on the international stage. Red ribbon o...


Bol "shoe spasibo. Ochen" poznavatel "no, dinamichno, interesno. Primenila na uroke istorii dlya russkoyazichnix detey v Americe (Florida).

11/13/2007 20:40:02, Natalia 06.11.2007 14:53:13, Lilia

Here is the “Almost Ideal” design, which has the known properties of increasing the families of embroiderers :-) Is there by any chance such a magical design, the embroidery of which would help solve the housing problem :-)?


My parents wanted to build a second floor in their dacha for 20 years, but things didn’t work out and various obstacles arose. The family is getting together, but there is no place for everyone to sleep! And last year I embroidered Lamplight Bridge from Thomas Kinkade. The second floor grew in two weeks! All our neighbors were shocked that they built it so quickly! You just need to channel your desire into an image and act!
I believe in the “Almost Perfect” design and am waiting...

Here it is, this house that “helps” :))

Just let me tell you the whole story first. This set was bought by Lana-Ezhechka in St. Petersburg. I quickly embroidered it and showed it off at the conference. My husband saw the photo; he’s actually quite relaxed about embroidery. This design caught his attention and he really asked me to get the pattern and embroider it. I really liked the house too, so I plucked up the nerve and agreed with Lana about an exchange. In mid-October, I had the rest of the kit, and I immediately started embroidering, of course :)) I sewed each cross with pleasure, it’s true, not a single job went so happily! I embroidered it, immediately dressed it in a baguette (which doesn’t happen with every embroidery I do), and boasted...
And at the same time, we were busy exchanging my husband’s apartment from one district to another, so that his mother could be moved closer to us. They themselves lived in my one-room apartment. They tried to change for probably 5 years, but somehow it didn’t work out. And then it all worked out! Yes, quite fortunately, we came across a freshly renovated, clean apartment, in a quiet courtyard, a block from mine... And there were buyers for my husband’s apartment, and the chain did not fall apart, as often happens. We moved my mother-in-law into a one-room apartment and moved into a two-room apartment ourselves. Everyone is fine, everyone is happy.
And in St. Petersburg, meanwhile, Lana and her husband worked, worked, worked and earned themselves an apartment. It seems like we moved into our new homes almost at the same time :))
That's when they put it all together here, on Marya, and the legend was born that Everet Cottage helps solve the housing problem :))
I am a moderately superstitious person, I don’t forget to look in the mirror if I had to come back halfway;)) but here... In short, decide for yourself whether this house will help you :)))
In any case - good luck!

Here's another question. They say that you should not put peacock feathers in a vase or keep them in your home. Why? and then is it possible to keep crafts made from them in the house? I'm talking about that mask with feathers.


Hmm... this is the first time I've heard about Feng Shui and peacock feathers! What connection? The fact that it is better to throw away dried flowers as soon as possible is for sure, but what about feathers? If I'm not mistaken, in some books on Feng Shui it is written that in the south (the place of the phoenix) you can place a beautiful vase with peacock feathers...
In general, Feng Shui IMHO is not blind faith in a mixture of European and Chinese prejudices.

and also grow ivy, embroider on weekends, and so on....
Either you believe (and don’t ask, but follow the made-up rules)...
Or you don’t believe it, then why ask?
those. all this is your personal choice...

09.06.2004 15:31:25

Only prices can be found several times lower

Are “belief in the evil eye and corruption” and “faith in God” compatible? What's the attitude Orthodox Church to superstition? Here is a dialogue between visitors to the conference “Child from 1 to 3” on the website 7ya.ru
...God is wise and merciful, the devil is cunning and cunning. Yes, many signs come true, fortune telling comes true. But the Lord warned us: “Let it be done to you according to your faith.” What you believe in will lead you along life path, this is how you will be guided in life. This is obvious. If faith has descended to superstition, then the Lord leaves the superstition and he becomes a weak-willed slave of the devil and his passions (sometimes, in order to get rid of such slavery, obsession, when the demon takes possession of a person of little faith, one has to use reprimands...

My dear girl, you are a real princess. Small yet, but very beautiful. Let's play. Our first game is for your royal hands. This is very interesting, very old game. I remember my mom and I playing it when I was a kid.
...So, now we make braids - these are spikelets of ordinary green grass, a dress made of flowers - pansies, cloak - from coltsfoot, etc. At the dacha, where we grow dahlias, peonies, calendula, cherries, and apple trees, you can imagine so much! In autumn - these are dried flowers, bright leaves of trees, rowan fruits, ears of wheat, cones. Do you want us to compete with you to see who can make the most original little man? We bet that here in the park you can make it only from sticks and falling leaves? And the russula hats will be luxurious hats! Look how beautiful it is, we’ll come home and we can draw them. This is our second creative imagination game. And when you become an adult...

Signs about children. Bathing newborns. You can’t finish your child’s half-eaten bread - eat up his health. In order for the child to grow up healthy and have healthy teeth, the spouses should be given silver spoons when the child begins to cut his teeth. You can’t sit a child on the table; he will cry a lot for no reason. When a child is sleeping, do not look at him, he will be scared. They don't kiss babies on the cheek, otherwise the teeth won't show for a long time. They also don’t kiss babies’ soles - it’s too late. They don't look good with him until they're a year old...


I don't like all these signs. I didn’t follow anything during pregnancy, and now too. Well, I like to kiss Zhenya’s heels :)))). And on the cheeks :)). There are, of course, signs that have simply become a good tradition - giving, for example, a silver spoon when the first tooth erupts. This seems normal to me. And any heresy, in my opinion, only clogs your brain, so you will look around every minute, like - “oh, is this like - maybe a bad omen?” :)). I don't think it's worth bothering with.

09/15/2015 11:03:03, Markeseva

you don’t have to believe in any signs, we prepared things beforehand, I got my hair cut and started renovating the house shortly before giving birth, it’s not like raising my arms high, climbing stairs, putting putty on the ceilings, and gluing wallpaper. Which is inevitable, I have fame God, the children are fine, despite all the signs

near the metro, an old woman was selling an amazingly beautiful meter-tall fern. but I passed by. however, the plant still couldn’t get out of my head. I came back and talked to the old lady, and it turned out to be a garden fern. what a pity! however, I couldn’t help but buy it. girls, what should we do with him now? Can I plant in a pot at home? or is it better in the yard? PS: I'm afraid that my mother will say that you can't keep ferns at home - it's a bad omen. although I have one living (the “home” form).

When planning or expecting a baby, some parents really want the new family member to be a boy or a girl. Is it possible to influence the gender of the baby?
...For example, there is an opinion that you can find out the sex of the baby by the shape of the mother’s belly. This is not true, and here's why. If the bony pelvis of the expectant mother is narrow, then the growing uterus will move forward, towards the pliable anterior wall of the abdomen, and it will be pointed. In this case, there may be a girl inside the uterus. There are, however, two signs that even according to doctors, you can completely rely on. Usually, mothers of girls change in appearance during pregnancy: the face becomes puffy, cheekbones and nose enlarge, and pigment spots appear. The little coquette already in the womb lays claim to her mother’s female hormones. Boys, as a rule, are not interested in such trifles, and the expectant mother is getting prettier every day. It has been noticed that mothers of girls feel sick...


my mother has two crowns - one marriage, I have two, my son has two

My husband has 2 crowns and he believed all his life that there would be 2 marriages. So, I am the second wife, and we had a daughter with two crowns)))). So what, I have one crown, but I’m married for the second time. I'll tell you, self-hypnosis is a very powerful thing. So just think that your husband is just a happy and lucky person. And that a huge number of people with the same crown get married 2,3,10 times??

27.04.2016 19:26:58, Katyusha, Polina and Varyusha

Incredible facts

Any object in a person’s house has its own energy; each object is unique and affects the biofield of the owner. Having information about exactly what things might be talismans, a person can turn his home into a real fortress, which will be well protected from negative energy.

For the same reason, you need to immediately rid your home of chipped dishes, torn items and unnecessary items.

We have compiled for you a list of the luckiest and unluckiest things you can have in your home, according to a number of different beliefs and superstitions from around the world.

Let's start with unlucky objects and things.

Unlucky things in the house

1) Cactus

This is a very popular plant in the interior today, but according to Feng Shui experts, plants with thorns, with the exception of roses, are brought into the house negative energy and failure.

2) Dead or dried plants

Are the flowers dried out in your house? Or maybe you forgot about caring for your live composition, it has dried up and is waiting in the wings? In Vastu Shastra, the Hindu science of architecture, it is considered very bad sign allowing plant leaves to die in your home.

3) Green walls

Before you start painting the walls of your home various shades of green, know that in the UK and US it is considered unlucky sign. It's all thanks to a scientist who used arsenic to create green wallpaper that released toxic fumes when in contact with liquid.

4) Rocking chair

The Irish believe that an empty rocking chair is an invitation to evil spirits into your home. It’s better to always have something on it. If it suddenly starts shaking on its own, then it’s too late, the spirits are already in your house.

5) Old calendar

It's high time to take the old calendar off the wall. According to many beliefs, constantly seeing the wrong year, month or day is an unnecessary reminder of the past time, which, in turn, negatively affects your life and can even shorten it.

6) Black door

According to Feng Shui, a black door facing south, east or west invites bad luck into the house. However, this does not apply to the black door facing north.

But there are things whose impact on the owners and the energy of the house is only positive. If you purchase such items, you strengthen your cash flow by increasing the potential of your financial channel. What are these things?

Lucky home symbols

1. Pottery

Clay is very strong natural material, a symbol of wealth and prosperity. If you regularly use clay pot, a mug or a jug, then they will help you save what you have acquired and protect yourself from the evil eye.

2. Images of money

The energy field is tuned to the desired wavelength when there are paintings, installations or panels in the house that contain images of money. They symbolize wealth. However, it is important to remember that money and valuables, as well as their images, should not be stored in the bedroom, because the combination of two different energies can negatively affect your well-being.

3. Water containers

An aquarium, a decorative home waterfall, a water clock are very powerful money magnets. Financial energy is very similar to water energy. When placing a water source in your home, you need to activate the money flow by placing a few coins next to it or in it.

4. Wheat ears

Grain has long been considered a symbol of prosperity, because the well-being and very life of our ancestors was directly dependent on the quality and quantity of the harvest. Today, grain does not have a direct connection with a well-fed life, but has become a symbol of prosperity. To ensure that there is always money and good luck in the house, a bouquet of ripened wheat ears should be placed in the kitchen.

5. Gold decoration

Gold is the brightest embodiment of luxury and wealth. The strong energy of this metal can not only restore financial flows, but also significantly enhance them. To attract wealth, put it together with your household savings gold decoration, and put it on when you need a large amount of money. Don't forget about money rituals, which will also help attract prosperity and wealth into your life.

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