Onyx pyramid how to use. Esoteric practice has proven the magical properties of the pyramids. Mystical properties of onyx

Pyramid of stone

From the depths of centuries they look at us Egyptian pyramids. On the other side of the world, the pyramidal structures of the ancient Indians haunt scientists to this day. There are also underwater pyramids of sunken cities. And everywhere the same form. Various countries, peoples, faiths, religions - and everywhere these unusual buildings. Why? Scientists have been asking this question for a very long time.

The shapes of the pyramidal structure have attracted humanity at all times. They were seen sacred meaning, endowed with divine powers, used as energy batteries and for communicating with the other world. It is not surprising that in Feng Shui the pyramid became famous and very powerful talisman, helping to protect yourself from negativity and recover from diseases. But not only that. Let's look at what else pyramids can do.

The magic of the pyramids

It is known that the pyramid has unusual properties. So, even a short stay in this building has a good effect on health. Tourists who visited Egyptian cultural monuments could note a general improvement in tone, and in some cases even the disappearance of certain diseases.

From an esoteric point of view, the pyramidal chambers are purified astral body, leave the person, and are replaced by positive ones. There is an energetic renewal of the subtle bodies.

The first explorer of the pyramids was Anthony Bovy. It was he who established the relationship between the shape of the pyramid and its influence on biological processes in living organisms. For example, it is known that in the Egyptian pyramids there can be long time fresh meat is stored.

In addition, this form easily allows one to accumulate a kind of cosmic energy, which W. Reich called “orgone”. Almost all world religions used the pyramidal shape in the construction of temple complexes and sanctuaries. Man sought to cognize and subjugate the energy of the cosmos. And to a large extent, the science of Feng Shui has succeeded in this. It was the masters of this art who noticed that the crystal pyramid in Feng Shui allows not only to accumulate energy, but also to transfer it to the owner of the talisman.

Feng Shui pyramid as it is

Crystal Pyramid

The talisman is made of wood, crystal, less often paper and cardboard. But the most popular materials are glass and stone. When making a talisman, it is necessary to use the “golden ratio rule”: one face must be oriented towards the North Star. It is believed that this form absorbs the wisdom of humanity accumulated from time immemorial. The accumulated energy is perfectly transferred to household members. The latter can be cured of various diseases.

It is believed that the talisman can do more than just that. If you write your wish on a piece of paper and put it under the pyramid, it will definitely come true. You can even charge minerals in hollow pyramids; the talisman transfers its properties to the crystal.

Among other things, the pyramid is one of the best shielding means. Negative energy the room is literally “pumped out” by the talisman. It is replaced by positive Qi. This is especially effective if you place it on a windowsill so that it can be illuminated by sunlight.

The crystal pyramid is also an excellent assistant for meditative practices. Since ancient times, crystal has been considered the material of magicians, sorcerers and wizards. He can cause visions. In certain lighting, it is easy to succumb to its charm and become imbued with its hypnotic essence. Ideal for those who like to just sit in silence or engage in deep practices various meditations, admire the beauty of the edges.

The pyramid can also help protect against the influence of unfriendly people or energy vampires.

Where to put the pyramid

The pyramid is the most powerful tool

Research shows that the feng shui pyramid has a strong energetic effect on a person. This is most clearly expressed when organizing the interior. The arrangement of furniture according to sectors and zones also affects the flow of Qi, but it is the pyramid that is the key link that brings everything into harmonious compliance with the laws of Feng Shui. The pyramid must be placed so that its edges and sides are strictly oriented towards the cardinal points. Check them with a compass.


It is worth placing a talisman both at home and in the workplace. If you place the pyramid in the northern sector of the room, then it will improve your career and business at work.

South and southeast

In the southeastern sector, the crystal pyramid will help strengthen and increase your financial well-being.

The southern sector is the glory sector. This is the most favorable sector for triangular shape pyramids. Placing a crystal talisman in the South brings well-being and prosperity in one's career.


In the eastern sector, the pyramid helps improve health and family relationships.


In Western, you will receive support from nature, as well as establish relationships with people and protect children.


In the southwestern sector, the pyramid will improve relationships on the love front. However, it is not recommended to use the talisman in the bedroom!

The range of the talisman depends on its size, on average from 0.5 to 3 meters.

A pyramid oriented to the cardinal points is an excellent store of Qi energy. And it’s up to you how to manage it. And with the right attitude, a talisman can not only improve health, but also help in everyday activities.

The pyramid may be different colors, and its action will differ from this.

Colorless - promotes career growth.

Pink – attracts love.

Blue or blue - bestows wisdom.

Green – responsible for a person’s personal growth, attracts wealth.

According to one version, the pyramids on the ground protrude energy centers that maintain the balance of the entire Earth. So let such a talisman become the center of harmony in your home!

April 16

Modern pyramids

Modern pyramids are no different from those built of stone in ancient times, and in terms of impact force (of any kind) they are more powerful due to their perfection modern materials, high precision processing technologies and energy-mathematical modeling using state-of-the-art computers. If we take into account the presence of modern stage development of the science of nuclear physics and space technologies, which make it possible to enhance the natural (already unique!) properties of the pyramids, then the desire of man to achieve the maximum possible positive effect of the energy-informational influence of the pyramids on the human body in order to strengthen his health (immunity, vitality, extensions life cycle etc.). The best way to overcome a disease - not to get sick, and for this you need to use everything possible and available funds, one of which is the onyx pyramid of health.

Why onyx?

Yes, because onyx is unique. Even the currently advertised shungite does not have half the healing and energy-informational properties of onyx, and in protection from the adverse effects of geopathogenic zones, shungite is inferior to onyx in many respects. It was not for nothing that the epigraph to this page was a quotation from the Bible: the prophet Moses certainly would not have written about unimportant things. What is onyx? Let's try to present and explain this popularly.

Energy-informational impact of onyx on humans.

Onyx is a type of agate that has the properties of unique energy-informational effects on a person: a talisman made from it makes leaders out of mere mortals and gives an ordinary person the ability to achieve a great goal. Onyx is also a talisman for older people, which wards off troubles, relieves loneliness, improves mood and gives courage in difficult everyday situations. Souvenirs made of onyx, such as bowls, vases, table clock and other products have a beneficial effect on the atmosphere of the house, protecting against alien intrusions, supporting the psychoenergy of the person in the room for high level. Onyx evokes respect in other people for its owner, helps concentrate energy and directs it in the right, working direction. In addition, talismans and amulets made of onyx “attract” members of the opposite sex to their owners (usually the owners) and make them think about the happiness of marriage (the so-called “amorous effect”).

The healing properties of onyx.

As a remedy, onyx soothes pain, tidies up the intestines, significantly reduces intestinal colic and renal colic, and significantly reduces inflammation and tumors. This stone has a special gift - onyx draws out diseases through itself and sends negative energy into the Universe through a special energy channel. Anyone who drinks liquid from an onyx bowl becomes tireless, because onyx relieves fatigue, calms hunger and thirst (attention - those who want to lose weight!), sometimes acting like a very mild drug. Onyx corrects problems in the spine, significantly improves hearing and vision, automatically normalizes calcium metabolism in the body, helps with asthma and impotence, and restores it to the proper level. women's health and increases libido (down with frigidity!).

So what is this health pyramid?

The health pyramid is a medicine and a talisman, an amulet and a souvenir, a gift and a talisman. It is the result of long-term work of both military medicine and military cosmology. When creating the health pyramid, the latest achievements of science and technology are used, which open the doors to a world of amazing results and opportunities in the field of health. These are exclusive, modern products with quick and obvious results.
Scientists have long been thinking about how to create a new universal remedy based on ancient methods, which would replace many energy drinks, antibiotics, amulets and amulets, which cost a lot of money over the years. This is how the Health Pyramid appeared.
Its capabilities are great: it can reduce high blood pressure(low levels return to normal), increases immunity, destroys viruses-bacteria during influenza, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, periodontal disease, inflammation of the ear, trigeminal nerve, and osteomyelitis. Even Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an infectious streptococcal suppuration of the bone that no antibiotic actually treats, goes away in 10 days.
Who hasn't had a headache at least once? If you have the Health Pyramid, don’t grab the pills, put it on your forehead and the pain will go away. The health pyramid restores blood circulation in the capillaries. This opens the way for phagocytosis, a mechanism for removing pathogenic bacteria, cleanses and restores blood vessels. In case of heart failure, tachycardia, arrhythmia, after heart attacks, it is necessary to apply the Pyramid of Health with its base on the solar plexus.
With atherosclerosis, in places where the Pyramid is applied, blood circulation sharply increases, more active blood begins to erode atherosclerotic plaques, and the development of gangrene stops. With its help, fractures heal very quickly, contusions, dislocations, bruises go away, and cramps in the calf muscles are relieved. The Pyramid has a unique effect on joints with arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, neuritis, intervertebral hernia, heel spur. Bumps on the joints dissolve, crooked fingers are straightened, joints, tendons, and muscles are restored, and the femoral neck is restored. The pyramid normalizes intracranial pressure (and for this you just need to be in the same room with it), as a result of this, ringing in the ears and head disappears, and vision may improve. Good results for thyroid disease and radiculitis.
In addition, the Health Pyramid is exactly the thing that will help you maintain and improve your health without drugs and diets, prolong your longevity, add vigor, optimism and faith in yourself and in a better future. It will fill you with the positive energy of the World Ether and protect you from the influence of negative energy emitted by both cosmic forces and purely earthly ones: bad (evil) people and objects. The energy of the health pyramid will bring your body out of a depressed state and allow it to realize its natural potential: diseases will be cured or, at a minimum, will recede and lose their severity. Freed from the struggle for existence, the soul will have the opportunity for holistic development and self-awareness. Everyday problems will be solved or will lose their severity. You will become the center of attention for others as an attractive source of life-affirming force, capable of transforming the world for the better. You will perform any work easily and naturally, your business will develop at a high pace, your income and standard of living will increase many times over. In addition, since you will be charged with positive energy, your matrimonial problems will be easily resolved. You will become a real Man, the master of this world.
There will probably be skeptics and pessimists who will doubt the above. Well, there have always been distrustful people who did not believe that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Our task is to put good into the hands of those who believe in it, and not to convince non-believers. We can only advise them to go on the Internet and look for materials on the pyramids, and after reading it, think: why is there so much talk about pyramids in our time? Why would this be?

Is the health pyramid a panacea or not?

No, not a panacea. As we know, there is no panacea. And yet, unique properties Onyx pyramids surprise specialists and delight clients. Evidence of this is the positive conclusions and reviews of major Russian scientists who tested the health pyramid, a certificate of compliance with international standards of energy-informational effects on living organisms, thank you letters those of our clients who have already used the health pyramid and experienced its healing, protective, amorous and other positive effects. And, in the end, in lately It has become almost a good tradition to have a health pyramid at home (ask your friends, acquaintances or neighbors), and soon, perhaps, it will be almost indecent not to have one. So - away with doubts and long live the one who has already acquired the Pyramid of Health!

Despite the fact that rabbit's feet are considered to be one of the most common amulets, not every one of them can bring good luck. For these purposes, only the back left paw is suitable, in addition, it is necessary to take into account the phases of the moon and be sure to cast a spell.

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Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of runes.

Meaning and magical properties onyx pyramids

Onyx is a relatively inexpensive mineral that is very often used to make interior items. He is handsome, noble, looks impressive, but that’s not all. The stone has its own magic, very strong energy that cleanses and harmonizes space. An onyx pyramid will be an extremely useful acquisition - the meaning and properties of this item have won it worldwide popularity.

Mysticism and reality - a little background

Why do the Egyptian pyramids have exactly this strictly repeating shape with exact observance of all proportions? It is believed that it is not due to the aesthetic preferences of the builders, but to ancient science, the achievements of which have been forgotten and lost over the past millennia.

The classical pyramid is a kind of “receiver” for the energy of the Cosmos. And also - a transformer and repeater, allowing a person to be powered by the original source, those same Higher Spheres. If such a structure, even the smallest one, created according to all the rules, is located in the house, it works in several directions at once:

  • increases concentration positive energy, making the inhabitants of the home more resilient, efficient, and active;
  • eliminates possible “imbalance” of individual organs, which leads to a cure for chronic diseases and restoration of lost sexual function;
  • helps to quickly return to normal after mental and physical injuries;
  • cleanses thoughts and emotions of all kinds of “slag” - old grievances, conflicts, aggression, phobias and neuroses.

A pyramid made of onyx can be especially useful - the value of the mineral will only enhance the properties of the structure. The powers of the stone are aimed at:

  • cure diseases,
  • achieving harmony,
  • activation of mental activity.

The tandem turns out to be truly unique!

“Magic” onyx - the magical properties of the pyramid

Esotericists assure: an onyx pyramid exhibits magical properties in proportion to its size. A tiny thing, the edges of which do not exceed five centimeters in length, “covers” with its energy one and a half to two square meters area. The conclusion is simple: it is advisable to install such a product at the head of the bed for good rest or on the desktop - for the sake of increasing productivity.

Taking several larger pyramids and placing them in different parts home, you can completely

Onyx is natural material, which became very popular. It can be found more and more often in stores. He has incredible qualities, some of which have not yet been fully revealed to this day. Year after year, something new is learned about this stone.

They produce a large number of decorative items and medicinal products. The main thing is to know not only the origin of onyx, but also how to use it correctly.

Description and use of the stone

Onyx is a type of agate. If this stone is cut in half, we see that its thickness consists of different quantities stripes. It has unequal size and color, which affects the cost of the stone. Based on the color of the stripes, onyx is divided into different types.

When a stone combines white and brown stripes, it is called sardonyx. Carnelian stone has white and red stripes. And black and white stripes are observed in chalcedony. There are stones in which stripes of transparent color are observed.

The most expensive stone is considered to be the one in which the stripes are very thin and barely noticeable. This stone is very rare. Onyxes with medium stripes and large ones are more common.

Onyx is usually mined in India, America and Saudi Arabia. But mostly real stone is produced in Kurchugal. Only there are deposits of the most expensive types of stone.

The history of the origin of this stone is very old and fascinating. There's a lot to do with him interesting legends and riddles. Onyx is popular because of its practicality. In ancient Babylon and Egypt it was used to cover the walls of houses.

In Rome, onyx was used to create various patterns. To do this, they took a large number of stones of different colors and produced various abstractions and paintings from them. Temples and houses of great people were decorated with such beautiful paintings.

One of the famous buildings made entirely of onyx is the Temple of King Solomon. There were no windows in this building, but it was always light there. Since onyx was used translucent.

Features of the stone

Onyx owns a large number interesting qualities. On the one hand, these are mystical features, and on the other hand, it has a good effect on people’s health. Basically, a pyramid consisting of onyx has such qualities due to its appearance and sharp corners.

In mysticism, onyx is suitable for strong and energetic people. Especially if it is a dark colored stone. If worn constantly, it will make its owner strong and active. You also need to be afraid that if there is a lot of energy, it can arouse interest in getting rich, and this will make the person very angry.

And these pyramids add eloquence. Those people who often decide many important issues can put such a pyramid in their office. This stone will even help students in their exams.

Onyx also has a large amount medicinal properties. He is capable of making people sick. If you insert onyx into silver, it can be used for insomnia.

In order to make the pyramid special, which will help well, the master must put science, medicine and technology into it. And then she will have good energy.

How does the pyramid work on health?

The pyramid has an important effect on human health. If used correctly, it can cure even difficult diseases and prevent the appearance of new ones.

The onyx pyramid relieves headaches. To do this, the pyramid should be applied to the head and held for fifteen to twenty minutes. The pyramid is also used to restore pressure. Onyx will help restore blood circulation and cleanse the blood.

with their own good properties Onyx became famous a long time ago. Since ancient times, people have used this stone to treat various ailments and eliminate microbes.

The pyramid treats Pseudomonas aeruginosa diseases. It is applied to the sore spot for ten minutes and everything goes away. The pyramid also helps with various inflammations on the skin.

When diseases of the heart and bronchi are observed, this stone can be of great help. To do this, lie on your back, place the pyramid on it and hold it for fifteen to twenty minutes. In this way you can treat pain in the abdomen and intestines. This method is used for small children, since chemicals they are contraindicated.

The pyramid can be used to increase immunity. To do this, place it in the room, useful energy will begin to be released in the air, and in this way it will help improve immunity. But from time to time a person needs to hold it in his hands, then the effect will be much better.

Nowadays, onyx energy is often used for water. To do this, pour water into a glass and place an onyx ball or the pyramid itself in it, and leave it overnight. In the morning, water with good energy is ready.

You need to drink water both for the treatment of diseases and for prevention. It also has an analgesic effect. If you are often bothered by various pains, for example in the abdomen, in the stomach or diseases of the female part, drink charged water, and the pain will go away quite quickly.

The effect of onyx on the mental and internal level

The pyramid helps people well in life. It is used by shamans to recharge with good energy. The stone also comes to the rescue and ordinary people. The pyramid knows how to protect people from bad energy. With its help, a person turns into a joyful and active person.

Onyx can also solve important issues. Of course, it does not answer any questions, but simply provides a person with good energy, which in turn improves the aura and makes it possible to think sensibly. People who have such pyramids achieve success in their affairs. Your financial status also increases, and great success comes in your work and career.

A person who is very shy shows courage and perseverance.

The onyx pyramid can create miracles. She solves a large number of problems, although even some do not believe in her abilities. In order to be convinced of the power of this stone, you need to purchase it and feel its power for yourself.

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