Yoga therapy in gynecology. Asanas for women's health

Women's health is the key to beauty and youth, and in order to maintain it, special attention and careful attitude towards oneself is required. Today there are many practices and teachings on the topic of preserving women’s health and longevity. Nevertheless, one of the most famous and popular techniques is considered to be ancient Indian yoga, which has millions of followers all over the world. to the globe. Despite the fact that this philosophical teaching was developed by men, and for many centuries it was intended exclusively for men, today yoga for women's health is used almost everywhere.

Factors that motivate you to do yoga

There can be many reasons why people take the path of yoga. Meanwhile, they all boil down to five fundamental ones. Let’s try to look at them in more detail and find out why women are attracted to yoga.

  • Health. The most common goal for which many women come to the world of yoga is to improve their health. It is better to prevent any disease than to treat it later, so many of us, wanting to find the most effective and proven method, come to classes where experienced practitioners teach techniques and asanas (exercises).
  • Fighting stress. Today, yoga is considered one of the best methods dealing with stress and nervous disorders. It saves you from depression and helps increase self-esteem. Promotes concentration, balance of emotional state and relief from mood swings. Numerous medical studies have proven that yoga provides healthy, sound sleep and relieves chronic fatigue. Has a beneficial effect on brain performance.
  • Source of vital energy. According to ancient Indian teachings, within every living being there is vital energy– prana. She also surrounds him. Pranayama techniques teach you to use and regulate this energy, distributing it throughout your own body.
  • Preservation of beauty and youth. Regular yoga classes strengthen muscles and tighten the skin, making it firm and elastic. Aging is a process in which old cells rapidly die, and new ones are formed too slowly to restore the resulting imbalance. Various yoga techniques help stop the process of cell death and stimulate the formation of new ones. Therefore, people who practice yoga maintain youth and beauty longer.
  • Self-improvement. Despite the fact that many modern fitness clubs and sports centers present yoga as separate species physical exercise, in fact, this teaching is something more. It is a system of self-knowledge that embraces the human being in all its integrity. Here we are talking not only about the physical shell, but also about the mental, intellectual and spiritual levels of being.

The practice of women's yoga involves a thoughtful and careful attitude towards your body with all its hormonal and physical characteristics. Correctly chosen asana complexes can turn classes into an inexhaustible source good mood and feeling great.

Yoga for women: only positive effects

During normal life, the female body produces approximately 60 hormones. Even minor disturbances and malfunctions in the functions of at least one of them provoke malfunctions in the functioning of the entire hormonal system. Return this “biochemical” ensemble to normal state Without the use of medications and the use of certain treatment methods, it is almost impossible. However, it is known for certain that performing special exercises from the practice of yoga can directly affect hormonal levels female body- this is proven by numerous medical and scientific research. Of course, no one can recommend a certain universal set of asanas, since each body is individual and needs a careful and thoughtful approach.

The benefits of yoga for women's health are determined by the effects manifested during practice on the endocrine system as a whole. According to many experts in this technique, regular exercises (asanas) help to activate and normalize the work of each link of hormonal regulation. At the same time, all elements of the body’s hormonal system begin to work harmoniously, leading to normal biochemical processes. Therefore, yoga has a beneficial effect on a woman’s psycho-emotional state, her menstrual cycle and reproductive health. This is why yoga is recommended for the prevention and treatment of infertility.

Of course, it is worth considering the fact that if you do not approach asanas correctly, yoga exercises will not bring any benefit to women’s health. Of particular importance here are the individual nuances of hormonal processes occurring in the female body. Therefore, for each follower of the ancient Indian teachings, it is necessary to constantly adjust the lesson program.

The basic principle of yoga for women is “do not harm yourself,” which means that when compiling a set of exercises to perform, it is necessary to take into account the state of the body at the moment.

For example, on critical days, exercises that open the pelvic cavity and improve blood supply to the abdominal organs, while simultaneously normalizing the functioning of the nervous and hormonal systems, will be useful. At the same time, inverted yoga asanas for women's health, intended to renew blood in the body, as well as exercises that load the abs, are not recommended.

Indicators of the benefits of yoga

The beneficial effects of yoga on the female body are determined by many signs. Let's try to identify the main ones. So, regular yoga classes:

  1. Relieves symptoms of PMS and menstrual pain

During critical days, any excessive physical activity is contraindicated. On the other hand, lack of mobility can negatively affect a woman’s psycho-emotional well-being. Performing certain asanas of various yoga techniques allows you to achieve an optimal compromise. During menstruation, the main emphasis of classes is on repeated repetition of special exercises and maintaining a static body. Any jumping, twisting and bending are completely excluded here. The choice of certain asanas is based on reducing the load on the pelvic organs and its muscles.

Sitting and standing exercises will help relieve pain and improve well-being. Experienced practitioners recommend doing yoga exercises for women's health during this period of the cycle, performed while lying on your back. Such asanas will help relax a certain group of pelvic muscles and relieve discomfort and pain.

  1. Normalizes the activity of the endocrine system and improves hormonal levels

The main function of the endocrine system is to regulate the functioning of internal organs by influencing them with hormones produced. The released endocrine cells enter directly into the bloodstream and lymph. The coordinated work of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas and gonads determines our emotional state. If in the female body one of the elements of the hormonal system produces an insufficient amount of necessary substances or does not work well enough, then the woman begins to suffer from regular depression and tearfulness.

Depending on the existing disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, yoga offers a number of complex exercises to stabilize them. Thus, with hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction, the main task of yoga is to normalize blood supply to the brain. Therefore, a complex of various inverted asanas, meditations and calming pranayamas are used here. And when fighting diabetes, in addition to inverted poses, twisting and bending are used.

  1. Rejuvenates the body

The benefits of yoga for women's health can be seen firsthand if you look at the famous Hollywood diva Madonna. Being a fan and active promoter of ancient Indian teachings, she annually wins the hearts of more and more new fans. Despite her advanced age (she is already over 50), the singer still has a beautiful appearance, an ideal body, she moves gracefully and dances well. It turns out that properly selected yoga exercises help her maintain her amazing performance and overcome old age. Regular exercises ensure optimal blood supply and nutrition of body tissues, and also normalize metabolism, which, first of all, affects the condition of the skin, joints and general tone.

Musculoskeletal system: benefits of yoga for women's health

The spine is the basis of the human musculoskeletal system. It has long been known that a healthy spine should be mobile, without curvature or the formation of clamps and intervertebral hernias. Otherwise, as a result of pinching, blood flow is disrupted and it does not receive sufficient nutrition. All human organs suffer from this. Most of the exercises used in yoga are aimed at maintaining healthy joints and spine.

When performing special asanas to straighten and stretch the spine, the necessary intervertebral space is created, which helps to free the compressed nerve canals. As a result of this effect, better blood supply occurs throughout the body. In addition, exercises to straighten the spine help expand the chest, which in turn allows you to breathe deeply and ensures optimal oxygen supply to all tissues and organs of the human body.

For joint health, yoga for women's health provides various techniques and asanas that allow you to relieve constant stress and maintain them in a “living” state. Regular yoga practice stimulates sufficient production of synovial fluid - the natural lubrication of joints. In addition, constant performance of special asanas significantly improves blood supply to bones and muscle tissue, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system.

Yoga is beneficial for people of all ages and both genders. At the same time, everyone can find something special in it, just for themselves. For example, there is a special women's yoga. It will provide the greatest benefits to the fair sex, will help improve the functioning of all body systems, including reproductive, and will improve the figure and posture.

Safety precautions

Yoga does not tolerate excessive effort, especially yoga for women, so do not try to quickly and perfectly perform a pose, listen to the sensations. Pain is a sign that you should stop. With caution, slowly perform twisted asanas. During menstruation, do not practice inverted poses.

Women's yoga asanas

Asana No. 1: Baddha Konasana

You will need a bolster or a rolled blanket. Sit on its edge or on a rug to feel more comfortable. Place your feet together and spread your knees apart. If you feel your knees lifting too much, sit on a support. Place your fingertips on the back of it and stretch upward. Open your feet and move them away from each other. Press down on your hips, knees, and use your hands to stretch your spine. Don't let your shoulders pinch your neck. The gaze is directed parallel to the floor and unfocused. During menstruation, it is better to do this asana against a wall. Stay in the pose for 3-5 minutes.

Therapeutic effect: Makes the hip joints more mobile, opens the pelvic area, promoting a greater flow of blood to this area and internal organs. Exercise is very useful for women planning pregnancy.

Spread your feet wide (should be perpendicular to the floor), move the flesh of your buttocks back and to the side. On the floor are the heels, the backs of the knees and the thighs. If you feel discomfort in your lower abdomen or back that you cannot stretch your back upward, you can sit higher. In this position, also use support under your arms and gently stretch upward. Do this for about 3 minutes.

Therapeutic effect: This asana stretches the legs, preparing them for subsequent women's yoga poses. In addition, it is good to do during menstruation, premenstrual syndrome and menopause.

Asana No. 3: Supta Baddha Konasana

You will need a bolster, three blankets and a strap. Place the bolster along the mat so that you can rest your head on one end. Fold one blanket and use it as a support under your head, roll two more and place it under your hips. Sit on the edge of the bolster, take the strap, make a large loop and throw it so that one edge of the strap is on the sacrum, and the other is secured to the outer feet. As you pull it, bring your feet closer to your pelvis. Carefully slide down. Then, leaning on your palms, forearms and shoulders, slowly lower yourself down. Stretch your arms behind your head, clasp your elbows, relax. It is recommended to stay in the pose for at least 5 minutes. After a while, change the grip of your elbows, remaining in the asana.

Therapeutic effect: The heart is gently massaged and blood vessels are unblocked, blood pressure is leveled, and the activity of the digestive system is activated. One of the most universal (aimed at the whole body) exercises in women's yoga.

Asana No. 4: Supta Padangushthasana 2

Leave only the strap as materials. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and use your hands to move your buttocks away from you. Sliding your heels along the mat, lower your legs down. Keeping your right leg strong and stable, bend your left knee. Place the strap over the arch of your left foot, close to your heel. Inhaling, straighten your leg. Keep your right leg stable. Grasp both edges of the belt left hand, and extend the right one in line with the shoulders, palm down. Maintain this position for several minutes. Moving your leg to the side, exhale and bend your left arm. Repeat the same on the other side of the body.

Therapeutic effect: One of the most not only effective, but also one of the most effective yoga exercises for women. Really lengthens your legs and makes them stronger.

Asana No. 5: Tadasana

Stand up, bring your inner feet together (keep them hip-width apart during your period) and thumbs legs Press your heel and metatarsus evenly into the floor. Balance, body weight should be absolutely perfectly distributed. Don't lean backwards or forwards, right or left. Stretch your spine upward. Spend at least 2-3 minutes in this position.

Therapeutic effect: All standing poses begin with this asana. It prepares your legs and balances your mind.

Asana No. 6: Utthita Trikonasana

Spread your feet 1 m wide or slightly wider, depending on your height. Feet parallel, raise your arms so that they are in line with your shoulders. Turn your left foot inward and your right foot completely outward. As you exhale, lower yourself down in one movement and firmly grab your shin or ankle. Gently stretching out, turn your head and look above thumb right hand. Keep your posture stable. Fix your body for 3-5 minutes. Do the same exercise on the other side of your body. When turning your legs, do not turn your pelvis.

Therapeutic effect: It strengthens the legs and hip joints well, and gently massages the internal organs. One of the simplest, yet giving maximum effect yoga asanas for women.

Asana No. 7: Sarvangasana

You will need 4 blankets, a bolster and a strap. Fold the cloth approximately in the middle of the mat into an even stack, without folds, in one direction. This is the future support for the shoulders. Place the bolster along the blankets to make it easier to lift the pelvis. Make the belt loop so wide that it is equal to the width of your shoulders.

Lower yourself down, rest your pelvis and sacrum on the bolster and rest your back on the blankets. The back of your head and most necks should be free of support. Place the strap over your right elbow, bend your knees, and, using your hands, move your feet back so that your toes touch the floor. In this position, place both your arms through the strap, over your elbows. Place your palms as close to your shoulder blades as possible. Raise your legs straight up.

As you master the asana, stay in it for 5 to 10 minutes. Then, after it, it is recommended to relax for a while.

Therapeutic effect: Considered the "mother of all poses" in yoga. It has a good effect on the digestive, excretory, endocrine systems, especially the thyroid and parathyroid glands.

Why is yoga interesting and useful specifically for women? Yoga is exercises, or asanas, that strengthen the body, and at the same time affect the emotional and spiritual sphere.

Part 1. Theory.

Each asana (pose) is deeply thought out and affects certain internal organs, improving blood circulation and supplying muscles with oxygen.

Female body by nature it is more flexible compared to men’s, so the asanas seem to be created for us. Doing yoga strengthens not only the body, but also our spirit.

Woman's body needs additional energy because it is subject to cyclical changes. At every period of your life you need to love yourself and take care of your health.

Menstrual cycle, pregnancy, breastfeeding and even menopause - all this leads a woman’s body towards physiological changes. The body becomes inert and soft.

Women tend to be overweight more men , which is why it is so important to monitor your physical fitness. Depression and nervousness are also frequent companions of the fair half of humanity, due to the great responsibility that nature has placed on them.

Classes yoga and performing special female asanas can normalize the menstrual cycle, improve blood circulation in the body organs, allow congestion in the pelvic organs to dissolve, and even influence reproductive function. During regular practice, self-esteem and emotional balance increase.

The good thing is that it doesn’t require large expenses to implement. If you can't go to the gym, all you need is a little space in your apartment and a special yoga mat. By performing simple health asanas, you will strengthen yourself.

You can practice for a few minutes a day, or half an hour, it all depends on your mood and desire. The most favorable time for practicing yoga is morning (at sunrise) or evening (at sunset), although classes are not prohibited during the day.

Try to get into the habit of getting up at the same time, starting your morning with practice. It is advisable to exercise on an empty stomach, but you can drink a glass of water with a spoon of honey and a slice of lemon. This will give you the energy you need to exercise.

First you need to perform the simplest asanas, which at first glance seem elementary and are very easy to implement. This impression is often misleading. Even the simplest asana requires effort from the body, but take your time. Everything will come with time, because yoga teaches us to listen to our body.

Listen carefully to yourself and don't push yourself if it's hard or uncomfortable for you. When performing asanas, look for the most comfortable body position. Muscles and ligaments should not be pulled.

In yoga it is customary to breathe through the nose. Over time, your breathing will come into rhythm with the exercises and you will feel how the asanas are performed in sync with your breathing.

Do not practice inverted asanas (candle, plow) during menstrual bleeding. The fact is that menstruation can stop reflexively. In an inverted position, menstruation does not occur; this can interfere with the normal course of the cycle and cause disruptions in this process.

Remember that the female menstrual cycle is divided into two phases: the period before and after ovulation.
In the period before ovulation (approximately until the middle of the cycle), you can practice more intensively, making a breakthrough in practice during this period.

After ovulation The hormone progesterone predominates in the body, which can cause increased fatigue, so try not to overdo it, perform asanas of moderate difficulty.

You can do yoga at any age, having any physical training. Yoga exercises affect a woman’s internal organs, her ligaments and nerves. Internal blood circulation improves and the vestibular apparatus develops.

Part 2. Practice

If you do yoga at home, then you can start studying asanas one by one, practicing for 15 minutes a day. Once you've mastered the simple poses and improved your fitness, you can continue to practice with more advanced exercise sequences.

Tree pose

The asana improves posture, stabilizes the vestibular apparatus, and strengthens the muscles in the legs. Hold the pose for up to 30 seconds, then change legs. Try to breathe evenly and perform several breathing cycles, try to hold the pose and stretch upward all the time.

Sitting pose

The pose regulates the menstrual cycle, improves blood circulation and posture, and increases the elasticity of the inner thighs.

Butterfly pose or Badha Konasana

Sit with your legs bent, as if you want to touch the outside of your thighs to the floor. You can push with your hands or make movements as if a butterfly is flapping its wings. The pose normalizes the menstrual cycle, relieves PMS syndrome, and makes the lower back stronger.

Halasana (Plow)

One of the inverted poses. Stabilizes pressure and makes the spine more flexible.

Candle or birch tree

This inverted pose is one of the most beneficial for the female body. It strengthens the immune system, activates blood flow to the brain, normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, due to which a woman’s hormonal levels are restored.

With the outflow of blood from the female genital organs (during the execution of the pose) and the subsequent inflow (at the end of the exercise), the supply of oxygen to the female genital organs improves. Regular practice of the pose allows you to get rid of tightness and congestion in the pelvic area.

Janu Sirsasana (Head to Knee Pose)

The asana affects the abdominal organs. You need to perform the pose first by bending towards your right leg, then towards your left.

strengthens the back muscles, stabilizes nervous activity.

will strengthen the legs, lower back, improve blood circulation.

Paschimottanasana (forward bend)

The pose tones the internal digestive organs, eliminates headaches and pain in the lumbar region, and has a tonic effect, so try not to perform it in the evening.

Cricket or Goddess Pose

Stimulates feminine energy, strengthens internal muscles thighs, perineum and pelvic floor. Overwork and insomnia disappear.

A woman has a wave nature: the functioning of her body and emotional state are subject to constant changes. Today you are cheerful and full of strength, but tomorrow you are in decline and don’t want anything, familiar? This is absolutely normal for a woman. Main goal What I pursue in my classes is to harmoniously distribute energy with the help of special exercises, taking into account the characteristics of the female body and psychology.

Below is a small complex of women's yoga that provides positive influence on the functioning of the reproductive system and the entire female body.

1. Sitting on a mat with a straight back, cross your shins(if your knees are high, place a folded blanket under your buttocks). Start making circular micro movements with your pelvis in a clockwise direction. It’s okay if at first your movements are not precise and slow, continue to “draw” circles with your tailbone and observe the sensations. After making circular movements, move your tailbone back and forth.

When performing this exercise, the sensations are barely noticeable, and it may seem that nothing is happening. But over time, you will feel that this exercise works wonders: the spine will fall into place, the lower back will feel better, the pain will decrease and, over time, completely go away, and the pelvic floor muscles will also become stronger.

2. Get on all fours. Wrists under shoulders, knees under hip joints. As you exhale, begin to slowly round your back from your tailbone to the crown, your chin reaching towards your collarbone. Stay in this position for several breaths and return to the starting position. Then, as you inhale, begin to bend your back in the opposite direction - the tailbone looks up, the chest is open and stretches down, the head is directed up, the gaze is straight. Hands are always perpendicular to the floor. Repeat several times.

This exercise will make your spine mobile and relax tense neck and shoulder muscles. Well stimulates and massages the abdominal muscles and internal organs, improves the functioning of the central nervous system.

1 /3

3. From the previous position, move the pelvis to the heels and with an inhalation we begin to lower the stomach onto the hips, then the chest and head. Calmly “flow” along the body, shoulders and neck completely relaxed. Eyes are closed, breathing is free and deep. If your forehead does not touch the floor, place your hands, a support block or a blanket under it.

The asana eliminates stiffness in the knees and ankles and relaxes the shoulder girdle. Fat deposits on the abdomen are reduced, and it perfectly relieves fatigue, physical and psycho-emotional stress and irritability.

4. Sit with a straight back and bring your feet together in front of you.. As you exhale, try to lower your knees to the floor as much as possible, stretching inner surface hips, keeping your back straight. As you inhale, lift them up, as you exhale, down again. The movements are dynamic, like the flapping of a butterfly's wings, but not abrupt.

This exercise promotes pelvic opening and relaxation, which in turn helps reduce stress and relieve discomfort associated with menstrual cramps. In addition, this pose is very useful for people who have back problems.

1 /2

5. Sit with a straight back, spread your legs as wide as possible, avoiding rounding your back. Legs are active, pull your toes towards you. As you inhale, raise your arms up to the sides, and as you exhale, lowering them down, spread them to the sides. Imagine that you are smoothing the skirt in front of you on the floor with both hands. Don't try to go lower; if you round your back, keep it as straight as possible. Repeat 8-10 times.

The asana enhances sexuality, liberates, relieves “tightness” in the groin area, calms the brain, strengthens the spine and stimulates the functioning of internal organs. Very useful for women - it stimulates blood circulation in the pelvic area and ovarian activity, regulates the menstrual cycle.

6. Lie on your back with your legs extended, arms along your body, palms facing the floor. Bend your knees, place your feet as close to your pelvis as possible, rest your palms on the floor and lift your pelvis up. Bend your elbows and place your palms on your lower back with your fingers facing outward. Distribute your weight and find a comfortable position. Gently begin to lift both legs up. Stay in this position for several breaths.

The asana helps remove toxins from the body, relieves swelling, increases the tone of the veins, reduces the load on the heart muscle, and has a rejuvenating effect.

7. Remaining in a supine position, bend your knees. Extend your arms to the sides, pressing them to the floor. Interlace your legs, crossing your hips (right leg on top). Exhaling, without lifting your shoulders and shoulder blades, smoothly lower your legs to the right as low as possible to the floor, and turn your head to the left. Stay in this position for 2-3 breathing cycles and repeat the opposite side by changing the cross of the legs.

This exercise has good therapeutic effect for the spine, relieves tension from the lower back, improves blood circulation in internal organs.

8. Stay on your back and bend your knees. The arms are extended along the body. Raise your pelvis slightly, gather your palms into a lock and place it under your sacrum. Release your pelvis from your hands and distribute your weight comfortably - if you want to achieve a greater effect, try straightening your knees and holding the resulting pose for 6-8 breathing cycles.

There is a well-established opinion that everything eastern practices, first of all, yoga, are needed to put mental health in order, that they are complex, and to the common man Without the training and guidance of a trainer, it is better not to attempt it on your own. Meanwhile, yoga for women is a step towards health, an opportunity to delay menopause and maintain attractiveness.

What are the benefits of women's yoga?

The benefits of regular classes, chosen taking into account the level of training and capabilities of the woman, are enormous:

  • Yoga serves as a means of prevention and a cure for gynecological diseases;
  • Exercises allow you to get rid of cellulite;
  • Regular workouts help keep your body in good shape and maintain your figure.

In addition, meditation calms the soul, puts the mind in order and allows you to detach yourself from problems and worries, at least for a short time.

Why yoga? The body needs movement. Only in this way does blood circulation increase. Yoga helps increase blood circulation in the pelvis, preventing the occurrence of congestion and inflammatory processes.

Features of women's yoga

It's no secret that for a long time yoga was considered a priority for men: monks in eastern monasteries, fighters and athletes used knowledge and practices that were prohibited for women. However, Gita Iyengar, the heir to the world-famous teacher Bellur Krishnamachar Sundararaja Iyengar, the founder of Iyengar yoga, introduced women to this amazing art.

There is a joke that a woman's brain is like having 8,526 browser tabs open at once. There is some truth in every joke: the female brain every minute solves a couple of dozen pressing problems concerning itself, children, family, work, and everyday life. Male thoroughness is unacceptable for most representatives of the fair sex, which means that women’s yoga practices should provide an opportunity to temporarily abandon all worries, “reset” and “reboot” the internal computer.

Female yoga surgery a large number a variety of breathing techniques, allowing each woman to choose the most suitable one for her.

Clothes for yoga classes, first of all, should be comfortable and convenient. It is not at all necessary to immediately acquire a special form. But for some women it’s easier to get into the mood for exercise; the peculiar ritual of changing clothes gets you ready for exercise, and it’s the beginning of withdrawal from business.

It is preferable to use clothes made from natural materials, providing air exchange without restricting movement.

Yoga for Beginners

Yoga for beginners is an option for gradual acquaintance with a new philosophy, exercises, and breathing practices. Watch Yulia Duvalina's overview lesson where the differences are discussed women's practice yoga from the generally accepted.

Educational video lessons will help you understand how to perform asanas (exercises).

  • The pace of the exercises should be comfortable, there is no need to try to do as much as possible or fuss. Each asana is designed for 3 or more inhalations and exhalations;
  • The mind should be occupied only with movement, all extraneous thoughts should be away;
  • After changing the position, you need to make a short stop of a few seconds;
  • You can and should drink during classes clean water;
  • Yoga should bring joy and pleasure, and not annoyance and irritation, this is the most important condition.

Beginners can start their classes with Tatyana Borodaenko (find on Youtube), her course is designed for people unfamiliar with yoga.

Hormonal yoga for women

Yoga is called hormonal because performing its exercises stimulates the endocrine system, allowing you to completely abandon unsafe hormonal drugs.

Using a specially selected program, you can regulate the functioning of the endocrine glands: ovaries, hypothalamus and pituitary gland. It is possible to establish their connected and uninterrupted operation by combining:

  1. Asanas aimed at opening the pelvis;
  2. Breathing practices;
  3. Inverted asanas;
  4. Bandhas (locks);
  5. Relaxation techniques.

The complex for beginners takes into account the lack of experience, is accessible and relatively simple, but if you want to practice seriously, it is better to seek help from a professional trainer. A thoughtless, incorrectly chosen load can be harmful to health.

Watch the introductory lessons to Tatiana Elle's hormonal yoga course, with the help of which you PERSONALLY can feel the real effect of it. Of course, in these lessons it will be lower than in the main course. But you will definitely get a positive result!

Yoga for the elderly

It's never too late to start. Women over 40 are not yet concerned about menopause; they are busy with their careers and families; to practice yoga, they prefer to visit fitness centers and work under the supervision of an instructor.

After 50, health problems and issues come to the fore; yoga for women will help you maintain your health and accept life changes calmly and philosophically.

When starting training at 50 or 60, it is worth getting a doctor’s permission and discussing with him possible restrictions and risks so that the exercises are beneficial.

Find Arthur Ptalakh’s channel on Youtube and his course “Yoga for the Elderly,” which is dedicated to people of retirement age, but who still want to work on improving their physical condition and maintaining their working capacity for as long as possible. active life. Maybe this is what you have been looking for for a long time? Here's his first lesson

The course includes stretching exercises, poses performed while standing and sitting. They will stretch the spine, leg muscles, strengthen the abs, arms, and back.

For people of golden age, asanas such as Tadasana (mountain pose), Utthita Trikonasana (extended triangle pose), Prasarita Padottanasana (bends with legs wide apart), Virabhadrasana (hero pose) and others are suitable.

Yoga for weight loss

For fat people If you want to lose weight, practicing hatha yoga will be a good help. Fat people have one big problemoverweight and a large body. Therefore, training such a group of people requires a special approach. You will find this approach on the “Live” TV channel.

  • Tadasana - exercise is performed standing, feet and knees connected, arms extended along the body. Inhalations and exhalations are made through the nose;
  • Vrikshasana - place your palms in front of your chest and extend them above your head, after a few seconds lower your arms, bend one leg at the knee and rest your foot on the knee of the other leg. The knee of the bent leg should “look” to the side, extend your arms above your head again and reach for them with your whole body;
  • Trikonasana – side bends. Stand straight, jump with your legs shoulder-width apart. Place your right foot perpendicular to your left. Right hand try to reach the floor, leaning over your right side. Then perform the exercise on the left side. You cannot bend your legs;
  • Parshvakonasana - spread your legs to the sides while jumping, bend to the right, while simultaneously bending your leg so that your knee touches your armpit. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then rise and repeat on the other side.

In addition to yoga, people losing weight need to reconsider their diet, give up high-calorie foods, flour, sweets, coffee and tea, and increase their overall physical activity.


A women's yoga course on video and classes in Novosibirsk is conducted by practicing trainer Ekaterina Firsova. Her exercises help with hormonal imbalances, pelvic diseases, menstrual irregularities and problems with the reproductive system, guaranteeing a surge of strength and energy, increasing attractiveness and sexuality at any age.

You will find these lessons on the website and on their Youtube channel.

Taoist yoga

Slow practice, which allows you to put your mind and soul in order, is recommended for restless, hot-tempered choleric people, active sanguine people at any age. It is better to do exercises in the evening to relieve the burden of daytime worries and set the body up for relaxation. Evening classes are anti-stress yoga, freeing up time “for yourself.”

Power yoga

Strength practices are aimed at training the body, increasing reaction, concentration and require a competent approach, best of all with a trainer. Meditations, breathing exercises are kept to a minimum, the emphasis is on muscle training and mental strength. At the same time, it is possible to reduce weight and consolidate the result, but for a beginner the strength complex is quite complicated.

This activity is for physically prepared people with a good level of flexibility. There are a lot of backbending exercises in this complex, so you must have a strong back and a good sense of your body to avoid injury.

Each woman must answer for herself why exactly she needs yoga and choose the style of exercise that meets her needs and will help her achieve her goals.

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