Seeing fat people in a dream. Get fat interpretation of the dream book

If in a dream you were lucky enough to suddenly gain weight, then the dream book gives this vision several basic interpretations. It can promise wealth and new knowledge, but at the same time indicate illness. Why else do you dream of such an unusual state, the details will tell you.

Lose weight urgently!

If a person of normal weight happens to gain weight in a dream, then the dream book is convinced that he is at risk of injury.

If the dreamer was overweight and in reality prone to excess weight, then the subconscious screams that there is an urgent need to lose weight.

Seeing yourself as fat means that you are actually overeating, and there is a threat of slow obesity.

To the news

Did you dream that you gained weight and immediately decided to lose weight using the fasting method? In reality, you will acquire a serious illness.

If in a dream you had to gain weight and went on a diet, you will soon hear pleasant, but somewhat unusual news.

Think about it!

Why do you dream that you had to gain weight due to overeating? The dream book thinks that difficulties are coming in a relationship with a loved one.

But watching a stranger who overeats and gets fat before our eyes means communication in a secular society, which will certainly benefit you.

If on a nightly adventure you happen to overeat and gain weight, then think about what the essence of your intemperance lies. Perhaps sometimes your desire to know and control everything reaches the point of absurdity?

Miller's interpretation

The interpretation of sleep according to Miller says that getting fat in a dream means happy changes. Seeing other fat people means that you deserve prosperity and a full life.

Blame or respect?

Why does a man dream of such a strange vision? If he happened to gain a lot of weight in a dream, then he will be accused of something. The dream book advises to be patient, in this case success is guaranteed.

If a man dreams that he has gained weight, he will be respected and successful. But an excessively fat belly with a slender figure promises a man troubles, which he will, in principle, overcome very quickly.

What are you afraid of?

Why does a woman dream of being overweight? The dream book thinks that first of all it is the fear of actually getting fat. Most likely, thoughts about the imperfection of your own figure sit in your head.

For a woman to see her sudden fullness, it means separation from her lover. If a woman dreamed that she had gained weight and was quite happy with it, then in reality things would turn out extremely well.

Earn respect!

Why do you dream that your face has become fat? This is a clear indication of obtaining a significant position.

The dream book is sure that a full and ruddy face in a dream symbolizes a successful enterprise and receiving support from people.

Did you dream that your face became full? Earn respect and a high position in society.

Miller's Dream Book

Why does a woman dream of being overweight:

To dream that you are becoming fat means that you are on the verge of happy changes in your life.
Seeing others fat promises you prosperity.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing fullness in a dream means:

You are getting fatter - happy changes;
seeing fat people means prosperity.

Small dream book

A dream with completeness is interpreted in the dream book as:

If you dreamed that you had gained weight, then in the near future you will make a decision that will radically change your life. Seeing others fat is a sign of prosperity.

Dream book alphabetically

Sleeping with fullness means:

Seeing a full sack of potatoes in a dream foretells long-term prosperity and good luck in business. Full of water the barrel means prosperity in the house.

A full bucket or can of milk - the man with whom you try to make a closer acquaintance will not be your type at all.

A jug filled with clear liquid indicates that your well-being will soon command more respect than your reputation.

If in a dream you fill jars to the top with marinade, it means that your success will arouse admiration among friends and envy among enemies.

Bottles filled to the very top - you will overcome all obstacles in love, and things will go like clockwork.

Finding yourself in a dream in a wine cellar full of barrels promises you the most pleasant impressions of new acquaintances, and if the cellar is full of food supplies, this means that you will be offered something of a dubious nature, which it is best to refuse outright and immediately, otherwise you risk going broke.

Seeing a nest in a dream, full of bird eggs, portends good start many things to do and a successful trip.

Carrying a heavy basket full of mushrooms in a dream means unprecedented success due to a fortunate coincidence of circumstances.

A full piggy bank in a dream foreshadows the brightest prospects for the foreseeable future.

Finding a wallet full of money - such a dream means that soon you will stop needing anything and will live happily ever after.

Filling a lamp with kerosene or filling a car tank with gasoline portends an explosive situation in relations with relatives who are strongly opposed to your intention to marry a person with a dubious past.

A dream in which you see people who are outrageously overweight - in reality this foreshadows the undesirable consequences of your attempt to point out your miscalculations to your superiors.

Seeing yourself full foreshadows parting with a friend, a fact to which you will react outwardly calmly, but in your soul you are very worried.

If in a dream you are trying to get rid of fullness using the method therapeutic fasting- in reality this only portends illness and nothing more; in reality you will not lose weight.

Dream Interpretation: seeing yourself as fat

There is an opinion that seeing yourself fat in a dream is a sign of change in life. better side. IN specific area there will be a significant increase in life.

Sometimes interpreters view such a dream as an overly lenient opinion of the sleeping person about himself. You do not see your shortcomings and extol yourself too much.

Dreaming of a fat body

There is no point in clutching your dream book in fear if you are terrified of gaining weight. If a person constantly diets, tries to lose weight, exhausts himself physical exercise, then this vision is not a dream. It’s just that your real fears flow into night visions, the subconscious is freed from negative thoughts. When things are completely different, then it’s worth starting to interpret.

Curvy shapes in a dream

As a rule, dream books interpret this dream positively. It doesn’t matter whether you see yourself as fat or a completely different person. Although there will still be an insignificant difference in interpretation.

Seeing your own body as fat

When young unmarried girl sees in a dream that she has several extra pounds, then the combined dream book says the following: she will have a promising groom who has a genuine interest in her.

I dreamed of fullness, which began to appear literally before my eyes - your hopes and dreams will begin to come true.

Seeing yourself fat in a dream

A married woman who has gained weight during a night vision will receive news of pregnancy.

Kananita's dream book warns the dreamer about the possible danger of injury or general deterioration in the health of the sleeping person who saw such a dream.

Dreaming of another person being overweight

Why do you dream about a very fat woman? You will have a new source of income, make a profit, and your old debt will be returned to you. The main thing is that these financial injections will be quite significant.

At the same time, the dream book even invites you to identify the woman you dreamed about. This is not the least important for prediction. Who was plump woman from your dream?

  • Girlfriend - you will be successful in love and career.
  • A girl you know - you will have a pleasant and fun time in the company of friends.
  • Mom - your parent will feel good.
  • Unfamiliar woman - you are about to meet a person who can improve your financial situation.
  • Wife or wife's mother - you will incur unexpected costs.

I dreamed about a fat baby

If you dreamed of an obese girl who cannot walk or breathe normally, and is feeling unwell, then the dream book advises you to give up any excesses in life. real life. It is worth remembering that being healthy means taking care of yourself, not overindulging in food, and not only that.

Seeing a fat child in a dream means you have entered the most favorable period in your life.

Seeing a very old and fat person means you have a lot of experience, which will soon be useful to you. Thanks to this experience and knowledge, you will be able to rise one step higher both materially and in the eyes of


See yourself fat in the mirror

Almost every interpreter says that only a person with low self-esteem can see his plump body in the mirror. You do not notice your strengths, but focus on your shortcomings. Every person who is next to you will see you in the same distorted mirror.

If the mirror shows your fat and naked body, then you should urgently take action. You are on the verge of depression, from which it will not be so easy to get out.

Seeing an unnaturally full face

Why else do you dream about your plump image in the mirror? You are too obsessed with appearance. A dream shows you that appearances are deceptive and not constant, the main thing in a person is his spiritual qualities.

Miller's dream of being fat

This interpreter perceives it most negatively when a sick person sees himself as fat in a dream. Miller believes that such a vision threatens the progression of the disease and swelling.

Why notice in the mirror that you have an unnaturally fat face? Be extremely careful with food intake, there is a high risk of food poisoning.

It is unnatural to watch your overweight- troubles will fall on you, the burden of problems will fall on your shoulders. In the workplace, you are delegated new responsibilities that will not necessarily be associated with a promotion. wages or career growth.

For women, being overweight can be a harbinger of an imminent pregnancy.

If you dream of other people being fat, then Miller gives happier predictions. If you dream about being fat:

  • child - will mark the end of a difficult period in the dreamer’s life;
  • man - you will raise your authority in the eyes of your friends;
  • stranger - receive financial investments from an unexpected side.

If a girl, telling her dream, says; “I dreamed that I had gained weight,” this can serve as a clear warning from the subconscious about the presence of health problems. It happens quite rarely that a woman who has gained extra pounds in reality has a dream in which she has gained weight, but the opposite situation occurs quite often. The fact is that people who make great efforts to normalize weight do not stop forgetting about it during sleep, because the body worked in an emergency rhythm, which invariably affected all organs and systems.

There is nothing wrong with such a dream, it simply makes it clear that the body, as well as all internal organs, have not yet recovered from the stress caused by diet or significant physical activity. The only recommendation in such a situation may be rest, proper but not meager nutrition and staying on fresh air, this will help speed up your metabolism and leave the problem of excess weight forever.

Important, but not always positive news awaits those who constantly dream that they are gaining weight - this may mean the presence of problems in the hormonal sphere, in particular with the thyroid gland and adrenal glands; in addition, it is worth paying attention to the nutritional system.

A girl who notices in a dream that she has gained weight after not being able to go on a date in a new dress definitely has problems with the opposite sex. Complexes associated with body features often become the cause of loneliness and bad mood, a dream after which she is depressed and withdrawn is further confirmation of this. It is possible to overcome difficulties, and this dream itself can be an indicator of a solution to the problem, because if it stops being frequently repeated, then things are clearly going well.

A girl who dreams that she has gained weight before an important event in a dream risks receiving unpleasant news regarding this event; this could be either minor organizational misunderstandings or a complete cancellation of the celebration. Gain weight in a dream before own wedding for an unmarried girl - to difficulties in communicating with the relatives of her future husband; for married girls - dissatisfaction with herself, a desire to blame others for her own failures.

What does it portend?

There is also a special category of dreams in which a girl realizes that she has unexpectedly gained extra pounds; it is associated with malfunctions of the body, especially often these problems relate to the presence of hormonal imbalances or insufficient production of hormones. It is not easy to recognize such dreams, but if after waking up there is heavy breathing, rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, weakness, nausea and tremors, then it is clearly worth visiting your doctor, at least for a consultation.

Pregnant women who dream that they have gained weight should think carefully about the nutritional system, availability cereal crops and refusal of harmful semi-finished products. Ladies expecting the birth of a child also do not need to reject the version with the presence of hormonal problems, because pregnancy is a delicate hormonal biochemical process that can get out of control under the influence of external factors, and not just diet, sleep, exposure to fresh air or drug treatment .

Dreams in which girls with a slender figure see themselves as significantly plump can have many interpretations, ranging from problems in relationships to illnesses or metabolic disorders; these dreams bring practically nothing good.

The most important and interesting on the topic: “I got fat to see in a dream” with a full description.

If in a dream you were lucky enough to suddenly gain weight, then the dream book gives this vision several basic interpretations. It can promise wealth and new knowledge, but at the same time indicate illness. Why else do you dream of such an unusual state, the details will tell you.

Lose weight urgently!

If a person of normal weight happens to gain weight in a dream, then the dream book is convinced that he is at risk of injury.

If the dreamer was overweight and in reality prone to excess weight, then the subconscious screams that there is an urgent need to lose weight.

Seeing yourself as fat means that you are actually overeating, and there is a threat of slow obesity.

To the news

Did you dream that you gained weight and immediately decided to lose weight using the fasting method? In reality, you will acquire a serious illness.

If in a dream you had to gain weight and went on a diet, you will soon hear pleasant, but somewhat unusual news.

Think about it!

Why do you dream that you had to gain weight due to overeating? The dream book thinks that difficulties are coming in a relationship with a loved one.

But watching a stranger who overeats and gets fat before our eyes means communication in a secular society, which will certainly benefit you.

If on a nightly adventure you happen to overeat and gain weight, then think about what the essence of your intemperance lies. Perhaps sometimes your desire to know and control everything reaches the point of absurdity?

Miller's interpretation

The interpretation of sleep according to Miller says that getting fat in a dream means happy changes. Seeing other fat people means that you deserve prosperity and a full life.

Blame or respect?

Why does a man dream of such a strange vision? If he happened to gain a lot of weight in a dream, then he will be accused of something. The dream book advises to be patient, in this case success is guaranteed.

If a man dreams that he has gained weight, he will be respected and successful. But an excessively fat belly with a slender figure promises a man troubles, which he will, in principle, overcome very quickly.

What are you afraid of?

Why does a woman dream of being overweight? The dream book thinks that first of all it is the fear of actually getting fat. Most likely, thoughts about the imperfection of your own figure sit in your head.

For a woman to see her sudden fullness, it means separation from her lover. If a woman dreamed that she had gained weight and was quite happy with it, then in reality things would turn out extremely well.

Earn respect!

Why do you dream that your face has become fat? This is a clear indication of obtaining a significant position.

The dream book is sure that a full and ruddy face in a dream symbolizes a successful enterprise and receiving support from people.

Did you dream that your face became full? Earn respect and a high position in society.

Unconditional positive

To get the most accurate interpretation, the dream book recommends taking into account the part of the body that happened to gain weight.

  • Legs - to joy.
  • Shoulder - for support.
  • Hands - to success in commerce.
  • Belly - to bright prospects.
  • Neck - to powerlessness.
  • Lips - to rash decisions.
  • Cheeks - to a worthy future.

Did you dream about a fat child? This is a symbol of an excellent period in life. Actually, the dream book is sure that any good-natured fat man in a dream marks the same enormous success and happiness.

For many, getting fat in reality is a problem that causes a lot of negative feelings. However, dream books believe that if you have gained weight in a dream, it means that only positive changes are destined in reality. Most often, such a plot is a harbinger of wealth. It is possible to understand exactly why such a state is dreamed of if you take into account all the details of the dream.

It's better to lose weight

If in a dream a person who has a normal weight in real life happens to gain weight, then, according to the dream book, he may receive a serious injury. If the sleeper saw himself as fat in a dream, but in life he is already prone to excess weight, then this plot should be considered a warning. The dream book is trying to convey to your consciousness the idea of ​​the need to lose weight in reality.

Have you ever seen yourself fat in a dream? The dream book explains that in reality you overeat, and you should stick to healthy image nutrition. Otherwise, obesity cannot be avoided.

To the news

Why do you dream that you have gained weight and decided to urgently lose weight by fasting? In real life, you will begin to have serious health problems.

Have you ever watched a stranger in a dream overeating and gaining weight right before your eyes? Soon you will have to go to secular society. According to the dream book, communicating with the rich and famous will definitely benefit you.

If in a dream you dreamed of overeating and gaining weight, then in reality you should strictly control your feelings of incontinence. In particular, the desire to know everything and about everyone.

Miller's opinion

Miller's dream book explains why one might dream of getting fat, in this way. In reality, changes for the better await you. If in a dream you happened to see other fat people, then in reality you can count on prosperity and well-being.

To overcome troubles

Why might a man dream of such a vision? If a representative of the stronger sex happened to gain a lot of weight in a dream, then in reality he will probably be accused of something. Be patient, everything will pay off for you a hundredfold.

If a man had a dream in his night dreams that he had gained weight, it means that in reality he will be accompanied by success and the respect of others. But if you saw in a dream an excessively fat belly with a slender figure, then you will have to overcome various troubles. Which, however, is within your reach.

Subconscious Games

Why does a woman dream of being overweight? The dream book believes that, first of all, the plot you see is a reflection of your fear of gaining excess weight. Surely you just think your figure is imperfect.

Had to see sudden fullness? For a woman, such a dream foreshadows a break in relations with her partner. If a woman in a dream has gained weight and is happy with her appearance, then in reality everything will be just fine for her.

Towards recognition

Did you dream that your face was getting fat? You will soon receive a promotion. In addition, if you wish, you can gain recognition and respect in society. A full and ruddy face in a dream, according to the dream book, is a symbol of good luck and prosperity.

Only good things

The exact interpretation of the dream depends on which part of the sleeper’s body has acquired a more rounded shape. So, if in a dream you gain weight

  • legs - joy awaits in reality;
  • shoulder - get support at the right time;
  • hands, which means that success in entrepreneurial activity will actually accompany you;
  • belly - in fact, wonderful prospects will open up for you;
  • neck - in everyday life you feel your own powerlessness;
  • lips - there is a high probability that you will make a rash decision;
  • cheeks - a worthy future awaits you.

Did you see a fat child? As a rule, a good-natured fat child always promises success and happiness.

Seeing yourself fat in a dream means being accused of something

If in a dream you have gained a lot of weight, then know that you are on the verge of happy changes in your life.

Seeing others fat is also good. Such a dream promises prosperity.

If you see yourself as obese in a dream, then this is a subconscious understanding that you are overeating.

You dream about yourself being too fat or too thin. – Both in equal measure

portends misfortune.

To dream that you are becoming fat means that you are on the verge of happy changes in your life.

Seeing others fat promises you prosperity.

If you dream that you have gained weight, this promises a happy life.

If you dream about being fat beautiful woman in a dark dress, and you hug her in a dream, then most likely the next day you will catch a delicious animal (in our culture this means a successful deal, profit, success).

Fullness - (but not swelling) - prosperity, contentment, fun; for a woman - attractiveness or vice versa.

Full, empty - any container, volume, luggage, box, tank... conveys the corresponding meaning literally, as fullness (positive) or absence (negative), if, of course, the content itself appears in a creative aspect (for example, pure, not dirty water; wine, not fuel oil).

Intelligent dream book

Why do you dream about getting fat in your dreams?

Why do you dream about getting fat?

If you get fat, there will be a lot of gossip about you.

Dream interpretation of birthday people

Taking into account the date of birth, what does it mean to dream about getting fat:

If you were born in the spring, why dream of getting fat in a dream - to great respect.

If you were born in the summer, why did you dream of getting fat in a dream - to illness.

If you were born in the fall, why dreamed of getting fat before your eyes in a dream - to wealth.

If you were born in winter, why dream of getting fat - you will gain authority.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

In addition, what you see means will be indicated by the dream layout according to Lenormand. And it will help you understand what you dreamed even more accurately. lunar calendar dreams

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