Women's Taoist practices: myths and reality. Types of Taoist practices and their features

Introduction to Taoist "Bed Secrets"

Unlike the Indian Kama Sutra and all Western books on sex, which have become extremely popular and deal exclusively with sexual intercourse, traditional Taoist “Bed Books” were created with the purpose of studying sexual health and longevity. They discuss how to structure a sexual relationship in such a way that:

They contributed to the health and longevity of the body and spirit of men and women;

The love game was attractive and brought pleasure to both partners.

In addition, the Taoist “Bed Books” contain information:

About special sexual massage, methods of penile insertion and control of ejaculation;

About exercises to keep the sexual organs in order to increase sexual potency and stamina, as well as to strengthen the nervous system and lymphatic system;

About how to turn sexual energy and orgasm and return them to the brain.

This rich experience in the art of using sexual energy to promote health and prolong life is the most unique and valuable contribution of Taoist culture to the understanding of sexual balance between men and women for the benefit of all mankind.

When Westerners discovered China some 800 years ago, their ignorance, puritanism and prejudice unfortunately prevented them from seriously studying the “traditional Taoist bed secrets.” Otherwise, they would now be as popular throughout the world as Chinese medicine or cuisine. In traditional Taoist dwellings, in each bedroom there were several copies of erotic “Bed Books”, in which one could find useful advice before or during sexual intercourse. These books were called “bed books” because they were usually placed on a pillow near the bed so that they were always at hand if necessary.

The role of “Bed Books” in ancient sexual life Chinese culture can be illustrated by the following passage from a poem by Zeng Hu (78–139 BC):

“I cleaned the pillow and mattress and filled the lamp with precious incense. Let us now lock the double doors with the golden bolt and light the lamp so that it fills the room with its radiance. I took off my clothes, washed the paint and powder off my face, and hung the scroll with the picture on one side of the pillow. I will take the Light Girl as my mentor, and together we will try all the different poses, those that an ordinary husband rarely sees, those that Tian-Lao ("The Light Girl") teaches the Yellow Emperor."

This poem is replete with information about sex life in ancient China.

The first line refers to the importance of hygiene, and the second suggests that the Tao had a tradition of creating a special atmosphere of love, when the room and bed linen were fumigated with precious incense.

In addition, the poem hints at the need for privacy when partners make love under the light of a lamp.

All these items were not the exclusive prerogative of Tao adherents. They were practiced by the entire Chinese population - even the most conservative representatives of the Confucian bureaucracy! Unfortunately, these techniques are no longer available to the people of modern China, since there are only a few Taoist masters left who pass on the knowledge of sexual balance to their students.

Poetry and aesthetics of terminology denoting sexual organs

The most imaginative and aesthetically pleasing aspects of Taoist bed secrets are the poetic terms used to describe the sexual organs and various sexual acts. In contrast to the Western tradition, where it is customary to use purely medical or vulgar terms for the same purposes, the poetic informal expressions of Tao evoke associations with romantic feelings and innocence. This picturesque language has an extremely positive effect on the atmosphere in which the love game takes place. Moreover, this special informal language allows Chinese poets and prose writers to describe sexual scenes in detail without hurting the ears of sensitive readers, without contradicting religious rules or violating literary conventions. As an example, listed below are various phrases associated with the expression "clouds and rain", which in Chinese is a paraphrase of the act of love.

“Clouds” symbolize the gathering storm of the feminine essence.

Rain" represents the ejaculation of male seed.

The “clouds” gathered, but the “rain” did not come.

After the “rain” fell, the “clouds” cleared.

Light “rain”, “heavy downpour”, etc.

People who gravitate towards figurative language and the aesthetic expression of sexuality, Taoist formulations can be of assistance when they want to talk to their partner about this “taboo topic” and enjoy the sexual act. To awaken erotic desire, it is very useful to use positive and tender expressions when applied to the genitals. Accordingly, lovers all over the world give each other's sexual organs gentle, sometimes diminutive and pet names. If a couple invents individual pet names for their genitals, this helps increase intimacy love relationship and helps to better understand each other’s erogenous zones. In the Taoist tradition, the male sexual organ, the penis, is called the “jade stem” or “yang sequence,” which is the personification of the cosmic creative force that commands respect. Since the male genital organ protrudes outward and changes appearance depending on the state, one can imagine that it has its own character. The female reproductive organ, the vagina, is called the “jade gate” or “yin sequence.” This is the entrance to nature’s “sacred palace of life,” the personification of conception. A couple in love can bring creativity and harmony into the “palace of joy and life” and inside it they can worship God, the creator of all things.

Adherents of Tao almost never give their real age, because they believe that it does not matter. Instead of counting birthdays, Taoists measure their lives in breaths, heartbeats and, for men, the number of ejaculations. They believe that earthly life a person comes to an end when the number of breaths and heartbeats allotted to him is exhausted. Therefore, they try to slow down the pace of life in order to extend their earthly life. People who rush around trying to accomplish as much as possible in every moment of life will not even be able to reach the expected human limit of a hundred years.

One of the most striking examples of longevity is the Chinese herbalist and adherent of Taoism Li Ching-yuen, who throughout his long and active life youthful strength, sexual potency and excellent health did not dry out. Master Li Ching-yuen died in 1933, shortly after taking his twenty-fourth wife into the house!

In China it is considered a historical fact that he was born in 1677. If this is true, it turns out that he was 256 years old at the time of his death. Until his death he had his own teeth and hair. People who knew him claimed that even at 200 years old he looked no older than fifty.

Master Li Ching-yuen left advice for those who wish to follow his example. In his life he was guided by three basic rules:

1. Never rush in life

Do everything measuredly. Don't be nervous, take everything calmly and use the time as you need it. He instructed his students: one should always be sure that the heart beats calmly; sit still like a turtle; move as quickly as a bird; sleep lightly, like a dog.

2. Avoid excessive emotions

Strong emotional outbursts should be avoided, especially as you age. Nothing deprives the body of its energy so quickly and nothing disrupts the functional harmony of the internal organs more quickly than violent emotional outbursts. As a result, stagnation forms in the three main detoxification “stations” - the kidneys, liver and lungs.

3. Do qigong exercises every day

Do qigong exercises regularly. The duration and intensity of such therapeutic programs are less important than their regularity, while the qigong master selects the appropriate exercises for you. He considered the “Deer”, “Crane” and “Turtle” exercises to be the most outstanding qigong exercises.

In addition, Li Ching-yuen gives three more tips regarding nutrition:

Avoid eating too much on hot summer evenings as this causes your blood and energy to stagnate.

Eat large portions of nutritious foods on cold winter days as this will provide the body with the essence and energy it needs to stay warm in cold weather.

Eat mostly vegetables and also take herbs that increase your lifespan.

The herbs recommended by Li Ching-yuan are almost exclusively ginseng, the root of longevity, and a rather obscure plant with botanical name Hydrocoryle Aratica minor, a modest member of the swamp cytofolia family that grows in the tropical swamps (marshes) of Asia. This plant contains a strong alkaloid, which has an intense life-giving effect on nervous system, brain cells and the endocrine system.

The theory of the “four seasons” can help us adapt our diet to the rhythms of spring, summer, autumn and winter:

In spring, energy moves in an upward direction(tree, wind, moderate, mild): peaches, pears, almonds, spring onions, chives, leeks, garden parsley, bananas, plums, apples, carrots, apricots, gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, etc. d.

In summer, energy moves outward(fire, heat, cool): melon, peppermint, ginger, basil, zucchini, eggplant, coriander, lettuce, tomatoes, radishes, garlic, grapefruit, bok choy, spinach, asparagus (until June 21), coconuts.

In autumn, energy moves in a downward direction(metal, dryness, moisture): oranges, beans (beans), crystalline sugar, potatoes, onions, lemons, grapes, beets, rice, peas.

In winter, energy moves inward(water, cold, hot): chestnuts, peanuts, pepperoni, chili, pepper, sesame oil, plantain, honey.

Chapter 1. Taoist practice

Many thousands of years ago, Taoist sages chose three animals that were famous for their longevity. One of these animals was the deer, which had extraordinary sexual and reproductive powers. The Tao masters carefully observed the habits of the deer and noticed how he, constantly wagging his tail, “trained” and strengthened his anus. This principle provides increased sexual stimulation, and the Taoists applied it to humans. This is how the so-called “deer” exercise came about, which can be of immeasurable value for the health of people of both sexes. An indication of our age is the number of years we have lived until now. However, the true age of a person is biological age. It does not depend on the number of years lived, since it reflects the state of health of the human body, as well as possible morphological changes in the skeleton and bone structure. One of the most important indicators of biological age is the condition of the anus, which refers to the elasticity of the muscle that compresses the anus. This muscle, also called the pubococcygeus muscle - the muscle of rejuvenation or love, belongs to the same energy system as the gonads. If the gonads are strong, the pubococcygeus muscle will also be strong; conversely, an untrained anal constrictor muscle will weaken the gonads. To a small child it is difficult to insert anything into the anus, even if it is a narrow thermometer. The baby's anus remains tightly compressed until the need to empty the hollow organs arises. In other cases, it remains closed, which is a sign of stable health. On the other hand, the anal constrictor muscle in an adult is somewhat weakened, since the anus and perineum gradually lose their former elasticity. As a result, the pubococcygeus muscle is also weakened. The anus can become so flaccid and weakened that some people find it difficult to stop themselves from spontaneously releasing urine and feces in cases of flatulence or severe coughing or sneezing. Further problems associated with this are significant problems related to sexual stimulation, or long-term impotence in men and frigidity in women. The higher the biological age of a person, the weaker his anal muscle, ability to move and concentration. This is why the ancient Taoist sages created the deer exercise to give people the chance to significantly reduce their biological age. We can rejuvenate ourselves by starting to regularly exercise the pubococcygeus muscle again.

The effect of the “deer” exercise on the body

The “deer” exercise develops the tissue of the genital organs, removes harmful gases from the body and helps avoid constipation. In addition, it trains the urogenital diaphragm and massages the prostate gland in men. The development of hemorrhoids is prevented because this exercise drains spent blood from the anal sphincter and the muscles connected to it, dissipating stagnant energy and blood in these important areas. Moreover, the deer exercise helps men gain control over their genitourinary canal, which can be very helpful in controlling ejaculation. It also helps women develop conscious control over the “love muscle” of the jade gate. In addition, this exercise helps prevent prolapse of the anus and uterine prolapse (hysteroptosis). For pregnant women, this exercise is a good opportunity to prepare their muscles and ligaments for future childbirth. Another result of doing the deer exercise is that life energy moves through six of the seven glands up into the pineal gland. Since it is a hormonal pathway leading from the prostate gland through the kidneys to the other glands, it also intensifies spirituality. At the same time, blood circulation in the gastric region increases. In turn, the sudden congestion of the blood moves the nutrients and energy of the semen to the rest of the body. When energy is brought into the pineal gland through the stag exercise, we feel a slight shiver or tickle. This sensation spreads upward from the sacrum along the spinal column and reaches the head. The feeling is somewhat reminiscent of an orgasm. The more you practice, the higher your sensitivity will become. The deer exercise can significantly change your emotional/mental attitude towards your own body.

The next benefit of doing the deer exercise is related to the endocrine system, which independently releases blocked areas. So if one of the seven glands is not functioning properly, the energy flow stops in that gland. This indicates a weakness in the circulation of energy in the endocrine system, which rises from below from the gonads to the adrenal glands, pancreas, thymus, thyroid glands, pituitary gland and pineal gland. The flow of energy will only be able to reach the blocked gland and will then begin to stagnate at that point until the blocked gland begins to function properly again. Such “blockades” can be removed with the help of the “deer” exercise, which will help restore the flow of oxygen and nutrients to a previously blocked gland. As a result, it will be restored normal functioning all seven glands. Everyone is able to feel a new surge of energy within themselves. Perhaps the most significant and efficient type The stimulation that the “deer” exercise can give a man is to develop a man’s sexual potency and achieve the ability to prolong sexual intercourse at will, delaying the moment of orgasm as long as possible. During normal sexual intercourse, which can be compared to a kettle hanging directly over a fire, the water in which begins to boil, the prostate gland swells to maximum size until the very moment of ejaculation. During ejaculation, the prostate gland releases its contents through several contractions, producing an action somewhat reminiscent of an explosion.

With this, the sexual act ends, since there is nothing left to empty, nothing can cause contraction and prolong the erection. The man feels empty and cannot continue sexual intercourse. We can say that the man experienced a “little death.” Metaphorically speaking, the act of ejaculation usually plunges a man into an abyss of exhaustion, emptiness, depression, guilt, anger or hunger. He becomes nervous and weak, losing some of his youthful strength. This is also the reason why women live on average 10 years longer than men.

However, if a man performs the “deer” exercise and learns to release the contents of the prostate gland in small portions, but in the opposite direction - that is, inward and upward, towards other glands and blood vessels - he can prolong not only sexual intercourse, but also a specific biological age. Without performing the “deer” exercise, it is dangerous to interrupt a male orgasm or try to delay its moment using conventional Western methods. Such methods allow the prostate gland to remain stretched for too long until the semen is carried away by the blood. This occurs because ejaculation of semen and emptying of the prostate gland does not occur. In a sense, the prostate gland can be compared to a rubber hose (sleeve). It needs to return to its original flexibility, otherwise it will stretch greatly and lose its elasticity. An overstretched, inflexible prostate gland will not be able to function properly. She won't be able to clench and relax anymore. In the end it will become weak and unable to function; the ability to have an erection will be lost and the man will become impotent. Regularly performing the “deer” exercise not only allows you to prolong orgasm and sexual intercourse, but also protects the prostate gland, strengthens its muscular strength so that it is able to regenerate, and a man restores his sexual potency even in case of illness. Squeezing the anal muscle puts slight pressure—like a gentle massage—on the prostate gland, as the anus acts as a small motor that drives the prostate gland. With such stimulation, the prostate gland begins to secrete hormones, endorphins and other stimulants that increase the emotional level. When the prostate gland begins to shrink sharply, the man even feels a slight orgasm. Alternating tension and relaxation of the anal and pelvic muscles during the “deer” exercise leads to increased physical strength and endurance, and without any doping! Using this natural method, elite athletes can achieve much higher and longer-lasting results without harming the body and maintaining the balance of the nervous system.

The Stag Exercise and Premature Ejaculation

Western orthodox medicine assumes that premature ejaculation and nocturnal ejaculation have psychological causes. Therefore, doctors consider nighttime ejaculation during sleep to be completely normal. However, many large-scale scientific studies in the East and West support the Taoist view that premature ejaculation or nocturnal ejaculation indicates prostate weakness. A healthy prostate gland can easily withstand tension that lasts for 20–30 minutes during sexual intercourse. But if the prostate gland is weakened, it is not able to “cope” with this underlying pressure. It weakens and pushes out its contents without warning, that is, without the erection of the jade stem. The “deer” exercise provides effective therapy for general potency disorders, especially nighttime ejaculation. Young, inexperienced men, as well as those who exercise extremely intensely, undergo heavy military training or are overloaded with mental work, are most susceptible to premature ejaculations. Men with a weak nervous system or rapid swelling of the prostate gland are also at risk of premature ejaculation. One of the factors common to all the described situations is the heightened sensitivity of the nervous system and the prostate gland, so that even mild stimulation causes swelling and contraction of the prostate gland. The deer exercise reduces the sensitivity of the prostate gland, strengthening it and making it more resilient. This ensures the duration of the erection and the duration of sexual desire. This exercise prevents all diseases of the prostate gland, since every tension in the muscles of the anus and pelvis massages the prostate gland. In addition, the “deer” exercise can be considered the most economical healing remedy in the world: it costs a person nothing and only requires regular practice. During exercise, the endocrine system is rejuvenated, the immune system is strengthened, the lymphatic gland system is cleansed and the nervous system is calmed. In both men and women, compression of the pubococcygeus muscle and pelvis activates the “eight wonderful meridians” responsible for health and longevity.

This article on Taoist practices is based on an introductory lecture that I usually gave at the very beginning of Qigong and Tai Chi seminars. The main goal of the article is to convey a certain mood, an approach to energy practices that I myself use in my classes. Why Taoist practices, what are their features and features of my approach to this system of knowledge. I will try to place the main emphasis on internal understanding and internal energy work using Taoist technology.

Unity of knowledge

Let us begin, perhaps, with the issue of a holistic approach to knowledge in general and to Taoist practices in particular. Unfortunately for modern society Separation is characteristic in almost all spheres of life, which is a serious obstacle to comprehending the knowledge that will be discussed. Most people believe that, for example, the Taoist tradition is separate, Indian yoga is separate, Japanese karate is separate, and so on.

In my opinion, most of the differences are external. With a superficial perception, indeed, such dissimilar attributes of different schools and cultures can be misleading. In fact, there is only one truth. At the foot of a mountain there may be many paths up, but at the top they all inevitably connect.

I myself managed to study and try a lot of knowledge, books, schools, seminars. And although I have great respect and gratitude for my teachers, I do not consider myself to belong to any particular school or a particular tradition.

Three types of energies

In order not to be unfounded, I will give an example of the unity of knowledge. The basis of the Taoist tradition is the threefold structure of the Universe and man. Taoists distinguish three main types of energy, which correspond to 3 energy centers in the human body. The center of the abdomen stores our life energy, the energy of the Earth. The center of the chest accumulates the energy of love and creativity. The center of the head is responsible for the energy of the Spirit, Heaven. Now we can “translate” the figurative Chinese expression: “Man between Heaven and Earth”: under the control of the Spirit, Man transforms the energy of the physical world into love and creativity.

Notice the analogy with the Christian Trinity. However, knowledgeable readers have probably already seen analogies with many other teachings that assume a triple model of the structure of the Universe.

So, in my opinion, there is no point in separating directions and teachings now. Indeed, for a long time, many schools were faced with the task of preserving the tradition in its pure form, so the line of transmission of knowledge was jealously guarded against foreign intrusions and mixing between different directions. But now different times have come, knowledge is being revealed, and these days strictly adhering to one tradition means limiting oneself.

For the same reason, by the way, I try to get away from everyone Chinese names and terms. At some seminars, presenters try to preserve the attributes and mood of tradition. But, in my opinion, the words “focus on the min-men point” sound a little strange. It’s much easier to say, “focus on the center of your lower back.” In my opinion, paraphernalia and beautiful rituals are not as important as the internal content of practices.

Features of Taoist practices

Why do I pay so much attention to Taoist knowledge, and not to some other tradition, since they all have the same essence? The first reason is that it was the Chinese who compiled the most accurate and detailed description of the human body and the operation of all its energy mechanisms. The Taoist tradition has a very broad theory: how many energy meridians are in the body, where they pass, what type of energy is produced by this or that organ, where the active points are located (for example, for acupuncture), and what rhythms this whole factory has depending on the time of day or season

In general, the body is viewed as a vessel in which to accumulate, store and transform certain types energy. And, thanks to a coherent and comprehensive system of knowledge, we can link the physical body, energy body and consciousness. That is, through performing certain exercises with the physical body (of course, directing your attention in a certain way) - to develop the energy body. Conversely, with the development of the energy body, our physical body becomes stronger and healthier, and our abilities for awareness and concentration also grow.

Human integrity

I would like to once again emphasize the importance of a holistic approach. Taoist practices- this is not just “physical education”; both energy and consciousness are necessarily involved in the work. Moreover, these are not divorced from everyday life practices, through them you can solve a number of issues. For example, if a person has suppressed fear, it is also reflected at all levels. Both in consciousness and in energy in the form of blocks and in the body in the form of muscle clamps. Complex work allows you to work out such things most fully and harmoniously.

In my opinion, there is no point in practicing if you then cannot apply the experience gained in your life. In addition to the everyday examples described above, in the process of mastering Taoist knowledge, a person comprehends the basic laws of how energy and the body work, which he can then apply in many other areas, from dancing or yoga to scientific activities.

An ordinary person's energy is often fragmented into several independent parts. The meridians connecting them do not work. In other words, the vessel is full of holes and it is impossible to hold water in it. This is all the result of an incorrect rhythm of life (especially in big cities), stressful situations etc. Taoist practices make it possible to achieve the integrity of the body - and, as a result, the same integrity automatically appears in actions, and it becomes possible to set goals and achieve them.

Energy conversion

So, at the first stage of training, the practitioner restores the integrity of the body vessel, which automatically leads to an increase in energy levels (the vessel now holds water). The next stage, perhaps the most interesting, mysterious and exciting in the Taoist tradition, is the transformation of energy, internal alchemy.

Our whole life is energy. Vitality, good mood, emotional energy, thought energy, love energy - all this can be considered as different types energy. And the ability to transform coarse vibrations into more subtle ones incredibly improves the quality of life.

The importance of the teacher

Now I would like to talk about the second reason why I began to engage in Taoist practices. Historically, it was in this area that I was lucky to meet teachers who have real practical knowledge. Unfortunately, I have met many schools where this internal content is not there. Movements, beautiful movements, are simply copied externally, without an internal understanding of the processes taking place. The result is fitness or rhythmic gymnastics.

The fact is that it is almost pointless to try to copy the exercises externally. If only because the characteristics of the physical body are individual for everyone, therefore correct position Everyone's will be a little different. Not to mention the fact that without working with consciousness and attention, it is impossible to launch energy processes.

At least for initial stage classes, an experienced teacher is very important, who will not only show external movements, but also make you feel inner essence. But for this, he must have a certain level in order to at least in general terms be able to sense and correct, if necessary, the energy state of another person.

As a result, the student learns to capture and distinguish subtle shades energy flows, which ultimately makes it independent. I like to engage in Taoist practices because I have found a creative aspect in them. For me, every lesson is a fascinating exploration of my capabilities and the capabilities of my body. Thanks to this approach, I can now independently choose the direction of work and explore those things that my teachers and mentors never told me about.

In conclusion

Of course, the format of the article does not allow us to go into details, but I hope I have outlined the overall picture. If you have questions, you can ask them below, in the comments to the article.

Awakening the energy of life. Freeing Trapped Qi Francis Bruce

Taoist sexual practices

Taoist sexual practices

When people make love, the qi in their bodies is strengthened and itself increases sufficiently. As chi becomes more abundant and strong, we feel more alive, creative, and vibrant with life. Our blood and other fluids flow faster, causing us to tremble and flush our faces. For many, the release that follows orgasm is often the time when we feel most relaxed and when the chatter of the mind and negative emotions seems to fade away. We feel fully present to what we are experiencing.

Now the Taoists are not worried a large number cultural, moral and religious baggage with which sex can be associated in the West. They are more interested in exploring energetic motives, and Taoist practices as such were developed by studying heterosexual adults who use contraception and do not use violence. With all this in mind, they approached the exploration of the possibilities of stimulating the free-flowing qi within people with a sexually disinterested and pragmatic approach. Taoist sexual practices fall into two categories:

Sexual Qigong – techniques that increase sensitivity and awareness to the chi flowing within you and your partner, including techniques that help you achieve the healing benefits of any chi practice.

Sexual meditation – methods that lead to profound religious experiences, often called divine awareness, enlightenment, emptiness, or universal love.

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The philosophy of Taoism teaches us to contemplate and observe trends and energy flows, and in no case go against the flow, but to recognize the rhythm of the universe and join it. Taoism teaches calmness and self-control over both the body and emotions. From a European point of view, it is the ability to recognize the paths of least resistance and use them to your advantage. The teachings of Tao are multifaceted; they touch upon both the practices of healing the body and the practices of sexual relations. Unlike the Christian tradition, the Taoists did not consider sex to be sinful; they perceived it as an energetic process that is part of the Universe, and strived for its perfection. As a result, the Taoists developed an original system physical exercise, which is designed to optimize energy processes (chi energy) in the human body.

Taoist exercises to improve chi circulation

"Seven Wonderful Exercises" The purpose of this complex is to enhance the circulation of “qi” and increase the overall energy potential of the body. The first four exercises stimulate the circulation of “qi” flows, the remaining three help improve blood circulation, get rid of congestion, and ensure blood supply to all distant areas.

The “Seven Wonderful Exercises” complex with commentary is on the video:

Taoist practices for men

In Taoism, the loss of semen is regarded as a loss of limited vital force and as a cause of exhaustion of the body; in other words, Taoists recommend saving sperm in every possible way without giving up sexual activity.

Don't be nervous, take everything calmly and use the time as you need it

In the urethral canal near the base of the penis there is a thickening - the seminal tubercle. The vas deferens pass through the body of the seminiferous tubercle. Sperm, entering through them during ejaculation, expands the ducts and affects the nerve receptors of the seminal tubercle. This causes the feeling of orgasm in a man.

The Taoist technique of multiple male orgasm is based on these processes, when the flow of sperm is mechanically stopped at the level of the seminal tubercle and pressed back (which is produced by squeezing the trained pubococcygeus muscle). In this way, you can repeatedly achieve the feeling of orgasm without ejaculation. In addition, Taoist techniques practice throwing semen into the bladder, controlling the obturator mechanism of the bladder. The benefits and safety of sperm flow redirection techniques for male health are highly controversial and questionable. Taoists consider the seed preserved in this rather extreme way to be an additional source of energy and longevity, which also raises doubts (all the same seminal fluid leaves the body only in urine).

At the same time, premature ejaculation is a common male problem and deprives many couples of sexual satisfaction. With the help of Taoist practices, you can really learn to control ejaculation and regulate the duration of sexual intercourse.

Men who believe that sex for 5-15 minutes can fully satisfy their companion are mistaken

Feeling the approach of ejaculation, the man tenses his anus and pelvic floor, pausing your breathing, as in the “Deer” exercise described below. This somewhat reduces the intensity of a man’s sexual activity, as well as desire. With good self-control, a man can stop the ejaculate in the area of ​​the seminal tubercle, experiencing a semblance of orgasm; after a short pause, he can continue frictions, prolonging sexual intercourse.

For men and women

Here are a few simple but effective exercises from different Taoist styles:

  1. The first golden exercise “Deer”.

Considering the deer to be an animal of high potency, the Taoists observed its behavior and noticed that it constantly shook its tail. Why he shakes, only the deer knows, but the Taoists regarded his behavior as training the pubococcygeus muscle. Exercise helps prevent pelvic organ prolapse, which can occur with age and impair sexual function (as well as urinary and fecal incontinence) in both women and men. In addition, a trained pubococcygeus muscle makes it possible to control the duration of sexual intercourse. “Deer” is reminiscent of Kegel exercises.

Regular practice of Taoist exercises will allow you to feel your body more acutely, feel its processes, and also make it possible to influence and control them

First, you need to stand firmly on a flat surface straight and massage the occipital fossa at the base of the skull with the middle fingers of both hands 49 times. This is thought to activate nerve endings at the entrance to the brain. Then you need to fold your fingers into a pinch around your thumb.

Inhalation is made through the nose and held for 10–15 seconds. At this time, you should quickly and strongly tense the pelvic floor and retract the anus. Then exhale through the nose for 5 seconds. The mouth should be closed, the tongue behind the lower row of teeth. Relaxation should occur as you exhale. The exercise is performed 21 times - after sleep and before bed.

  1. "Regenerating Source"

The exercise is designed to normalize kidney function. First you need to stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging and relaxed, breathing through your nose. Take a deep breath, simultaneously raising yourself onto your toes and turning your shoulders. You should try to stop breathing for a minute and shake your whole relaxed body. Men are asked to shake their genitals, and women are asked to relax the sphincter at the entrance to the vagina. As you exhale, tighten your stomach and gently lower your heels. Plus, you need to make circular movements of your shoulders 16 times in a figure eight (at this point you can already breathe freely). The hands remain lowered. At correct execution exercise, you can feel the blood flow to your fingers.

By practicing Taoist exercises, a man will be able to use this energy for general health, thereby increasing his vitality

  1. Exercise “8 diagrams” (“8trigrams”).

The hands draw a figure similar to the yin-yang symbol in a circle (trigram). Stand up straight, arms hanging down, body and mind relaxed. Slowly raise your arms in front of you to shoulder level, as if holding a round object, and squat slightly. The left hand smoothly rises above the head, and the right goes down, describing an arc from behind, while performing a half-squat on the left leg. Then raise your right arm forward and up until it rises above your head. Turn your right palm back and draw a vertical circle with your hand, and then “yin-yang” in this circle. Having described the symbol, the right hand should rise above the head. Step your right foot forward and half-squat on it. The left hand goes down and back, outlining the trigram symbol. Having finished describing the symbol, left hand ends up above your head. Then the right hand goes down and draws the symbol again, and the right leg steps back. The exercise is done 8 times on each side in about a minute and looks like a kind of dance.

It’s quite difficult to describe all the stages of this exercise in words; it’s better to watch it on video:

The exercise develops coordination of movements, calms the nervous system (while watching the movements of your arms and legs, you can hardly think about anything else), and activates a number of reflexogenic points in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, shoulders and neck. It is believed that systematic implementation of the “8 trigrams” prevents heart disease, including myocardial infarction.

The purpose of this exercise is to help the body absorb fresh elements and also get rid of used ones.
  1. "The turtle retracts its head."

Exercise helps get rid of belly fat (abdominal obesity) and is extremely beneficial for metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Standing, hang your arms along your body. Turn your palms towards the ground. Raise your arms to your chest. Take a half step forward and a half squat on your front leg. Tilt, hands try to “rake” the ground, and then rise along the front leg (at this time it smoothly straightens) to the stomach, turning with palms towards the body.

The execution of the “turtle” is shown in the video:

  1. “Flight of the Roc Bird” This exercise improves coordination of movements and normalizes weight.

The hands are positioned in front of the chest as if holding a ball. With this “ball” you need to describe a horizontal figure eight, lowering it down and starting to rise at the extreme achievable point (half of the figure eight). Next, the hands return to the chest and describe the second half of the figure eight on the other side.

Hand movements are accompanied by torso rotations:

  1. "Soaring White Crane"

This is a whole set of exercises built on imitation of the movements of a crane, its head, neck and wings. Designed to improve the health of the spine, is effective in combating cervical osteochondrosis, promotes normalization blood pressure, eliminating headaches and back pain. It’s better to watch the video on how to perform the movements; the video sequence is accompanied by comments.

The exercises are simple and do not require special physical training, here are two of them:

  • "Little Crane";

  • "Neck of a Crane"

A person ruins his body so much that even at a very mature age, he already experiences many problems. As for men, many of them already suffer from impotence at the age of 35-45. There can be many reasons for this. These include cardiovascular diseases, pathologies of genitourinary diseases, and mental disorders. As a result, his potency suffers, his beloved woman becomes dissatisfied, which is followed by a break in relationships and twisted destinies. One symptom, and what devastating consequences it has.

You should not think that only those who have difficulties with potency need to think about their libido. Men who believe that sex for 5-15 minutes can fully satisfy their companion are mistaken. In order to fully satisfy a woman, more time is needed. In addition, a special culture and abilities in intimate relationships are required, which Europeans, for example, do not have. This issue was given full attention in the East, which resulted in some practices. Many people know the Indian Kama Sutra, but few people know that all the psychophysical practices of the peoples of the East are aimed, among other things, at increasing male libido. In addition to the well-known yoga, ancient civilizations left their descendants with Taoist exercises for men.

What unexpected things can you get from practicing Taoist exercises?

What special things can men achieve by practicing Taoist exercises? It should be noted that these are not just exercises. This the whole system psychophysical exercises that allow you to heal the male body not only physically, but also mentally. The health aspect is considered here in the context that it is really healthy person has enormous potential. He can sleep for several hours, and sometimes minutes, a day, while getting complete sleep. He is unaffected by any illness, and his physical capabilities, even in old age, amaze young people. Such a person is able to remember very quickly large areas information, etc.

Sexually, a man who practices this system can experience full orgasm multiple times in one sexual act. As surprising as this may sound, it is exactly so. Sex therapists believe that only a woman can experience multiple orgasms. Few representatives of the fairer sex know about this, and even fewer experience such an orgasm. For men, this is considered unattainable without any hyperactive manifestations associated with mental disorders and genitourinary system. But the fact of the matter is that in traditions oriental practices Multiple orgasms in men are considered quite normal.

The bottom line is that Europeans equate the moment of ejaculation with the moment of orgasm in a man. For this reason, the limited amount of seminal fluid and the relatively low rate of its reproduction after ejaculation limit the number of possible orgasms in men. To achieve orgasm, women do not require the release of any fluid, which, like men, is in limited quantities. But it will be surprising to learn that Taoists do not identify these concepts. They develop the ability to experience orgasm without ejaculation, which gives them inexhaustible opportunities for obtaining voluptuous sensations.

How to develop superpowers and gain true masculine strength

Looking at the above, we can state that Taoist exercises develop a man’s superpowers in all respects. He not only becomes healthier, stronger, smarter, but also gets the opportunity to fulfill any desires of women in the intimate sphere. Although for many European women it is considered happiness if sexual intercourse lasts more than 10-15 minutes. If her partner is capable of longer duration of sexual intercourse, then this is perceived as a miracle. In fact, this is the least that can be expected when applying Taoist practices. But this does not mean that after completing a couple of exercises, you will immediately acquire the abilities of the world famous Casanova. We are talking about a system that needs to be built into your life, practicing it regularly.

In the intimate sphere, a man will have to discover and reveal his full potential of sexuality, which will lead him to the desired multiple orgasm.

Regular practice of Taoist exercises will allow you to feel your body more acutely, feel its processes, and also make it possible to influence and control them. This is the tool with which a man will be able to separate orgasm from ejaculation, since these are completely different physiological processes. Ultimately, instead of short-term pleasure, a man receives a series of orgasms, which also retain pleasant sensations longer than with ordinary orgasms.

The technique of multiple orgasms not only allows you to satisfy a woman to the extent she needs, but also leads to less fatigue and exhaustion that follows ejaculation. This leads to increased life expectancy in men, while maintaining their vitality. But in order to achieve such an effect, it is necessary to integrate this system into your life. There is little benefit if, while performing sets of exercises from time to time, a man abuses alcohol, smokes, and is indiscriminate in food. All of the above capabilities are already inherent in a person from birth.

Nature created him perfect. However, the person wanted to go some other unnatural way. As a result, human life expectancy is relatively short. Biologically, he is capable of living much longer than he lives modern man. Average duration life of 65-79 years, which are demonstrated by the inhabitants of planet Earth, is at least two times lower than what they should have. And the abilities they possess are significantly lower than those of which the human body is capable. But this does not mean that these abilities cannot be developed in oneself, as yogis, Taoists, and martial arts adherents demonstrate.

What are the benefits for men's health

But if life expectancy and superpowers develop in all people who practice Taoist exercises, including women, then for men there are some features that need to be considered in more detail. That is, we are talking specifically about increasing opportunities in intimate life. The very first thing a man will get is multiple orgasms, which he will be able to experience without losing an erection. All these orgasms will become longer lasting, and pleasant sensations will cover the whole body.

Sexual energy can be used not only in intimate terms. By practicing Taoist exercises, a man will be able to use this energy for general health, thereby increasing his vitality and life expectancy. A keen sense of a partner will arise, whose desires will begin to be predicted. And if the woman of such a man does not know how to get multiple orgasms, then he will be able to help her achieve them. He will have the opportunity to use a more advanced technique for inserting the penis, which will allow him to fully satisfy his partner.

These exercises prevent impotence, relieve premature ejaculation, can increase the strength and size of the penis, allow you to control the volume of sperm released, improve the functioning of the prostate gland, and prevent its diseases, including cancer. The Taoist system for men's health allows you to remain sexually active into old age and use your sexuality to deepen your spirituality.

One of life examples

So that all of the above does not seem unfounded to you, let us turn to cases from real life. After all, if these practices have existed for several millennia, there could not have been people who lived for a long time and remained sexually active. The fact is that adherents of Taoism are special people with special behavior. They do not calculate their age in calendar years, but measure life by counting the number of heartbeats, breathing cycles, and the number of ejaculations. According to their worldview, each person has his own number of heartbeats and respiratory cycles intended for him. As soon as they end, death occurs. Many European explorers and travelers who find themselves in villages inhabited by Tao adherents find it hard to believe that they are surrounded by people who are 100-120 or more years old and who look no more than 50 years old.

But there is an example that has become known to the world community, which is striking and difficult to believe. In the first half of the twentieth century, namely in 1933, it became known about the death of the Chinese herbalist Li Ching-yuen. He died shortly after he brought his 24th wife into the house. Having many wives in your life can be explained in different ways, but the Chinese government has recorded historical fact that this man was born in 1677, and at the time of his death he was 256 years old. It is curious that at the time of his death, Li Ching-yuen retained his teeth, he was not bald, and throughout his life he had enormous youthful strength, excellent health and sexual potency. According to eyewitnesses, even at more than 200 years old, he looked no older than a 50-year-old man.

The famous Chinese herbalist, who practiced Taoist exercises, made no secret of how he reached his age and how he managed to stay in such good shape. Anyone who wanted to follow his example could hear many useful recommendations from him, but there were three basic rules. His first advice was that you need to live your life without haste. He believed that one should strive to do everything in a measured manner, not allow chaos into one’s daily life and avoid nervous shocks. You need to meet any joys and sorrows with a calm mind. In this, in his words, inner self-confidence helps, to prevent heart palpitations and to remain in what you are doing right now. If you sit, do it motionless, like a turtle. If you move, then do it as quickly as a bird in the sky, and if you sleep, then follow the example of a dog who has a very light sleep.

His second piece of advice was that men should not allow excessive emotions into their lives. This, in his opinion, is especially true for older men. It was strong emotions that he considered the biggest source of loss vital energy, as well as a destroyer of the sustainable functioning of human internal systems and organs. During emotional arousal, stagnation occurs in organs such as the liver, kidneys and lungs. It is these organs that are the main detoxification centers of the body, and disruption of their work leads to a reduction in vitality person.

And the third piece of advice he gave was to do Taoist exercises every day. They noted that the duration of these exercises and the intensity of their implementation are less important than their constant, daily performance, so you need to not just do the exercises, but integrate the training into your life. Exercise should be as natural and necessary as brushing your teeth and eating. The famous Chinese herbalist considered the exercises “deer” for men, “turtle” and “crane” to be the most effective exercises for general use. But there are many other exercises for men.

The general recommendation for the “deer” exercise for men is to do it while standing. You need to place your feet firmly on the floor, mentally feel how they are pressed down, as if growing into it. Keep your back and head straight during the exercise. Press your middle fingers into the depression located at the base of the skull. In this cavity there is an acupuncture point that must be massaged 49 times. Such massage movements activate both hemispheres of the brain at the point where the nerve endings enter it. Next, you need to take a deep breath through your nose, touching your tongue to your gums and holding it in this position for the entire period of holding your breath. When exhaling, the tongue should touch the lower row of teeth.

Next, while continuing to stand straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart, tighten your lower pelvis with a quick and energetic upward movement. This movement is accompanied by a deep breath, which lasts for 12-15 seconds. In this position, you need to remain in a tense state for 10-12 seconds, after which you exhale for 4-6 seconds, reaching the moment of relaxation. When performing this movement, energy is directed along the spine into the brain. Perform the exercise early in the morning, immediately after getting out of bed, for 21 repetitions.

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