Forsythia branches. How to plant and grow forsythia. Comprehensive care - what to do during the season

Plant unusual shrub(sometimes a tree) called forsythia. From the Latin Forsythia, the beauty is also called forsythia. Externally, it is an ornamental flowering shrub with bright yellow, medium-sized flowers. In spring it is covered with a golden cloud of fragrant inflorescences.

The plant comes in compact sizes, but can reach a height of 3 meters, depending on the variety. Bell-shaped flowers bloom in early spring and delight the eye for almost a month. In Europe, the beauty is found everywhere, being an integral part of urban design. Our gardeners should also pay attention to it.

Forsythia growing conditions

The shrub is very unpretentious, but still several conditions must be met:

  • Forsythia loves sunny areas, but also tolerates partial shade.
  • Soils with a slightly alkaline reaction are preferred, acidic soils It is recommended to alkalize with lime or dolomite flour.
  • To achieve high decorativeness of your landscape composition with forsythia, plant juniper or other low-growing conifers nearby.
  • Keep in mind that forsythia leaves turn purple-violet or purple in the fall. golden color, which can also be effectively used in your garden.
  • It is preferable to choose a place protected from strong winds.
  • It is advisable to mulch the soil with a layer of pine needles or other mulching material.

When and how to plant forsythia

Forsythia should be planted or replanted in early autumn or spring, when there is no chance of night frosts. It is important that the plant autumn planting has time to take root before the dormant and wintering period begins.

  • For planting, prepare a hole slightly larger than the size of the roots of the purchased seedling. Usually this is a hole with a diameter of about 60 cm and a depth of half a meter.
  • The distance between forsythia bushes is left at least 1.5 meters.
  • If there is a possibility of flooding with melt water in the selected location, make drainage: deepen the hole somewhat and lay broken brick, gravel, small stones on the bottom, and sand and garden soil on top.
  • When planting in autumn, it will be necessary to cover it for the winter with a thick layer of fallen leaves or straw (30-40 cm). It will even be possible to pre-heat the soil into the tree trunk area, but in the spring it is necessary to remove the shelter so that the roots do not dry out.

Forsythia is regularly watered for the first two weeks as the soil in the holes dries out. But you shouldn’t be too zealous either: flooding the plant is harmful.

How to care for forsythia

What everyone loves about forsythia is its unpretentiousness. Usually, precipitation is enough for the bush. Only in conditions abnormal heat the plant will need to be helped by sometimes watering a bucket of water under each bush.

Particularly attentive gardeners can take care of forsythia plantings by introducing organic fertilizers in autumn: rotted compost or humus, scattered over the surface of the earth in a layer of 10-20 cm, will become an excellent shelter for the winter, a source of nutrients for development in the next season. In spring, you can feed plants with phosphorus-containing mineral fertilizers to stimulate flowering. For example, natroamophoska (a tablespoon per bucket of water, consumption of 1-2 liters of solution per bush). At the end of flowering, it is advisable to fertilize with Kemira-lux or potassium nitrate according to the instructions. This will help prepare the plant for the next flowering season and wintering.

Winter hardiness of forsythia

Grow in middle lane In Russia, the best choice is ovoid forsythia, whose winter hardiness is above average. Such a beauty survives even in the conditions of the Urals and Siberia, but requires shelter for the winter.

Propagation of forsythia by cuttings

Most often, green cuttings are used: in June, green young branches 10-15 cm long are cut and planted in cups with nutritious soil, covered with bags or transparent plastic cups on top.

Before planting, it is advisable to soak the cuttings for a day in a solution of heteroauxin or root, which will stimulate root formation. In about a month to a month and a half, the cuttings will produce new shoots, which will be evidence of rooting. In September they can be planted in the ground, and before frost they can be insulated with a layer of earth and fallen leaves for a successful wintering.

In October, you can cut woody cuttings and bury them directly in the garden, leaving them under cover for the winter. In spring, the shelter is removed, and the cuttings quickly produce young shoots. By autumn, the seedlings will be ready for planting in a permanent location.

The video will tell you about propagating forsythia by cuttings at home:

Propagation of forsythia by layering

Branches, tilted and pinned to the ground, lightly dug, quickly take root in the digging area. especially if you make a small cut in the bark at the pinning site. Layering can be done almost throughout the warm season, starting in spring and ending in autumn. In a year you will receive an excellent seedling that can be separated from the mother bush and planted in the place you need.

Pruning and shaping forsythia

Forsythia tolerates pruning, but should not be overused. Young bushes undergo only sanitary pruning, removing frozen, dry and diseased branches. Only in the 3-4th year can you begin formative pruning, giving the bush the desired shape: spherical or rectangular. Remember that you can cut no more than a third of the length of the branches so that the forsythia continues to bloom. By cutting up to 6 cm at the tips of the branches, you do not risk anything and can safely experiment.

If the bush is already old, it can be rejuvenated by radical pruning, leaving only a third of the length of the branches. This will stimulate the active growth of young branches. But such an operation can be carried out no more often than once every three to four years.

When to prune forsythia?

Sanitary pruning of forsythia is usually done in the spring, and formative pruning in the fall or summer, after flowering.

Pests and diseases of forsythia

Forsythia gets sick and is rarely affected by pests. However, the danger still exists.

  • Appearance brown spots on the leaves indicates the development of moniliosis. Will be required sanitary pruning all affected parts and treating the bush with a fungicide.
  • The appearance of nematodes is recognized by the fact that the bush stops growing and even withers. Soil treatment with carbation is required.
  • If the bush begins to fade sharply, immediately treat it with a five percent solution of foundationazole.
  • If you notice signs of quickly spreading rot, this is a sign of bacteriosis. It will not be possible to save a diseased bush; it must be dug up and burned as soon as possible so that the disease does not spread to neighboring plants.

Forsythia in autumn Preparing for winter

Young bushes can freeze, so take the time to cover them by raking the soil and covering them with leaves. The branches need to be bent and pinned to the ground, covered with spruce branches. In winter, it’s good to shovel some snow on top. In early spring, the shelter should be removed and the branches freed from spruce branches. It is important to do this on time (before the start of sap flow) so as not to disrupt the natural development cycle of the plant. Mature bushes do not bend to the ground, but covering the roots is still necessary.

Forsythia in landscape design

Forsythia is often planted together with evergreens: conifers,

How to plant forsythia Bagryannik and forsythia photo

Forsythia is planted next to the Canadian scarlet, they look like this joint plantings simply fantastic: delicate purple and bright yellow flowers create a great combination.

Forsythia is ornamental shrub with bright yellow inflorescences, which is one of the first to bloom in spring. The plant does not lose its decorative value throughout the year: in summer the bush is covered with lush green foliage, and in autumn it turns into a wide variety of colors.

If you also want to grow this unusual shrub in your garden, we recommend that you read this article. It describes not only the specific features and varieties of forsythia, but also the features of planting and further care of the plant.

Description of forsythia bush

Forsythia is a small shrub or tree whose height, depending on growing conditions and variety, can reach 1-3 meters. Most species have simple leaves, but there are varieties with trifoliate leaves.

Figure 1. External features bush

Forsythia flowers are shaped like a bell, and the color of the petals is bright yellow (Figure 1). Flowering begins in early spring and can last three weeks or more, depending on the climatic conditions of the region and the care taken. After flowering is completed, a box with seeds forms in place of the withered buds.

Forsythia is found almost all over the world, but most often in wild conditions it can be found in Japan, China and some European countries, although this shrub can be grown in cultivation in almost any climate.

Types and varieties

IN temperate climate The most common variety is considered European. The height of the shrub rarely exceeds two meters, and its erect shoots are covered with oblong leaves. During the flowering period it is covered with bright single yellow flowers (Figure 2).

Other popular varieties include:

  1. Forsythia Giralda outwardly similar to the European one, but differs in increased sensitivity to low temperatures. In addition, this variety has longer leaves, and the light yellow petals have a curved shape.
  2. Hanging (drooping) variety The culture is much taller: adult specimens can reach three meters in height. One more distinctive feature- leaf shape depending on age. On old shoots the leaves are simple, while on young shoots they are trifoliate. The inflorescences are large and collected in buds of several pieces. This type includes several varieties, but the most popular for growing are purple-stemmed, deceptive, variegated and Fortune forsythia.
  3. Dark green variety it is also quite tall, about three meters, and its distinctive feature is the green color of the shoots (in other species the bark color ranges from brown to reddish). The branches are densely covered with green leaves, and during the flowering period they are covered with yellow-green buds, collected in small bunches.
  4. Snow or white forsythia differs from other species in the color of the buds: unlike other species, they are not yellow, but white.

Figure 2. Main crop varieties: 1 - Zhralda, 2 - drooping, 3 - dark green, 4 - snowy

Almost all of these varieties are quite suitable for growing in the garden, but in addition to the choice suitable type, you should also learn about the basic rules for planting and caring for crops.

Planting forsythia in open ground

In order for the cultivation of shrubs to be successful, certain rules for planting must be followed. Next we will look at the main steps this process, so that it is easier for you to choose a site for shrubs in your garden, and direct planting in the ground does not require much time and effort.

Choosing a place and time for landing

Forsythia is very sensitive to sunlight, so you should choose well-lit areas for growing it. If your garden does not have such areas, you can plant the shrub in partial shade. Under these conditions, forsythia will also develop, but the flowering will be less lush and prolonged, although in general the decorative nature of the crop will remain.

Despite good lighting, it is advisable that the area be protected from strong winds and drafts. The branches of the plant are quite large, and the flowers appear early, so sharp gusts of spring wind can easily break them off.

What soil is suitable for planting

The best soil for the plant is considered to be a mixture of sand, humus and leaf soil in a ratio of 2:1:1. It should also be taken into account that calcareous soils are much more suitable for the plant than heavy and waterlogged ones: in such areas the seedling simply will not take root.

Before planting, it is advisable to place a handful of slaked lime and wood ash in the holes. You should also take care of removing excess moisture from the site by arranging drainage, without which the roots of the shrub may begin to rot and the plant will die.

How to plant seedlings

Unlike other crops, forsythia is best planted in early autumn, although in some cases it is suitable spring planting(unless summers in your region are too hot). The procedure for planting shrubs is shown in Figure 3.

Planting forsythia seedlings is carried out as follows:

  1. In a selected area that has been previously cleared of weeds, dig holes measuring 60x60 cm. If you are planting several seedlings at once, make sure that the distance between them is at least 2-3 meters;
  2. A layer of drainage is placed at the bottom of each hole and 200 grams of wood ash and slaked lime are poured;
  3. The seedling is immersed in the hole, deepening it to 70-80 cm;
  4. Each hole is filled a quarter full with any drainage material (broken brick, expanded clay, etc.) and the rest of the hole is filled with fertile soil.

Figure 3. Main stages of planting seedlings

At the final stage of planting, the soil around the seedling is compacted and watered abundantly.

Forsythia care

Despite the early onset of forsythia flowering, special care culture is not required. There will be enough standard measures applicable to other ornamental shrubs - watering, periodic fertilizing and pruning.

Let's look at the features of each stage of care in more detail so that you can learn how to properly care for it. unusual plant in your garden.


If there is enough rain in the summer, there is no need to specifically water the shrub. Adding additional moisture may only be necessary if the summer is dry.

Note: The plant is highly drought-resistant, so even during drought, watering once every two weeks will be sufficient. At the same time, it is worth adding about a bucket of water under each bush.

After each watering or heavy rainfall, it is necessary to thoroughly loosen the soil (to the depth of a shovel bayonet). This will prevent stagnation of moisture at the roots and ensure accelerated transport of water and air to the roots. Next, you can mulch the tree trunk circle with sawdust or peat so that moisture from the soil evaporates more slowly.

Top dressing

Forsythia needs feeding only three times per season. The first time, in early spring, rotted manure is spread in a thick layer on the soil around the trunk and watered. It is important that the organic matter does not touch the branches or stem. Such feeding will not only saturate the plant with the necessary nutrients, but will also play the role of mulching material.

The second time, fertilizing is carried out in April, using for this purpose complete mineral fertilizer (70 grams per square meter soil). Fertilizer is simply distributed over the surface of the soil and watering is also carried out.

The third time feeding is required after the flowering period, when the plant forms new flower buds on next year. For this purpose, use any universal fertilizer for flowering bushes(120 grams per square meter of area).


Pruning for forsythia plays the same important role, as for other ornamental shrubs. In early spring, before the flower buds awaken, all dry and damaged shoots should be removed. You can also shorten all the old branches by half: the bush quickly grows green mass, so by next year it will be lush again (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Shrub pruning diagram

When pruning, it should be taken into account that it is not worth thinning out the young growth too much, since it is on it that the main part of the flower buds are formed. To save abundant flowering, you can only slightly shorten the tops of the shoots, and to increase the decorativeness of the shrub, remove branches that stand out from the general crown.


Most often, the vegetative method is used to propagate forsythia - that is, growing a new plant from a cutting. But in specialized farms they also use the seed propagation method, although it is not suitable for home use.

You can also use the layering method if you have enough time for rooting new culture and caring for her. To make it easier for you to decide on the method of reproduction, we will consider each of them in more detail.


Cuttings are the most popular method of propagating forsythia. For this purpose, you can use both green and woody shoots. To do this, cut from an adult plant in June required quantity branches up to 15 cm long. Next, they need to be treated with a solution of any root-forming preparation and planted in the sand, preferably under cover (for example, in a greenhouse).

Lignified cuttings can also be used, but they are also cut in October and rooted directly in the open ground of the garden, leaving only 2-3 buds above the surface. For the winter, the seedlings are covered with dry leaves (Figure 5). In the spring, when the shelter is removed, the cuttings will actively grow and by the fall you will receive full-fledged seedlings that can be immediately planted in the ground.

By layering

To propagate a shrub by layering, in summer or autumn you need to bend a young shoot growing close to the soil surface to the ground. First, the edge of the shoot must be tied with wire and cuts made in the bark on the side that will be on the ground.

Figure 5. Propagation of culture by layering and cuttings

Next, the sprout must be secured, sprinkled with soil and left for a while. With this method of propagation, forsythia quickly takes root, and in the spring the branch can already be separated from the mother bush, and a year later you can enjoy the flowering of the young crop.


Propagating forsythia by seeds takes too long, so this method used only in specialized farms for growing seedlings of a certain variety.

After flowering is complete, collect the seed pods and lightly dry them. planting material, then stratify it and plant it in small containers. When the sprouts have several true leaves, they should be planted in separate pots for growing.


The advantage of forsythia is not only the early onset of flowering, but also that this plant can be used to create winter flower arrangements. So, before the onset of frost, you need to cut several annual branches from the bush, up to 50 cm long. They need to be wrapped in plastic bag and place in the refrigerator.

In winter, the branches can be awakened at any time: just take them out of the refrigerator and put them in water for several hours (temperature 30-35 degrees). After 4-5 hours, the shoots need to be moved to a vase with water room temperature, mixed with sugar (5 tablespoons per liter is enough). In just 10 days you will receive a full-fledged lush bouquet with yellow flowers.

Preparing for winter

To prevent the shrub from freezing in winter, it must be properly prepared for the cold season. To do this you need to sprinkle trunk circle dry leaves, and bend the branches to the ground and secure them. The top of the bush is also covered using spruce or pine branches for this purpose.

Young shrubs need to be completely covered, but if winters in your region are consistently snowy, forsythia may not need to provide additional cover.

Diseases and pests

Another advantage of forsythia is its resistance to diseases and pests. In rare cases, the bush may show signs of bacterial wilt or bacteriosis. In the first case, the plant needs to be sprayed with a two percent solution of foundationazole, but it is useless to fight bacteriosis. The infected plant is simply dug up and burned along with the roots.

Figure 6. Using forsythia to decorate the garden

Sometimes the root system of a shrub is affected by nematodes. To combat these pests, it is enough to disinfect the soil with carbation.

Forsythia is rightfully considered one of the best ornamental plants for the garden. It can be successfully grown on any soil and in any climate, and can also be used as a central element of flower arrangements and in single plantings (Figure 6).

The only requirement is that the shrub should not be placed on a hill, as in this case it will be exposed to strong winds.

The author of the video describes in detail the features of caring for forsythia and its use in landscape design.

Already in the spring you can revive your garden or summer cottage plot, just waking up from hibernation.

AND the best option This is done by planting forsythia.

This charming shrub begins to bloom in early spring, delighting everyone around with its abundant yellow inflorescences.

What kind of plant is this?

Forsythia or forsythia are shrubs and small trees, which belong to the olive family. This genus of plants is very ancient and got its name from the famous botanist from Scotland, William Forsyth.

It was he, the gardener of the Royal Palace, who brought the bush from Asia, where it is especially widespread, to Europe.

This beautiful bush or tree has height from 1 to 3 meters. Its bark is gray-brown, and during flowering its branches are covered with bright yellow, bell-shaped flowers.

A spherical miracle that will provide the shrub with bright long flowering, and to you good mood. Read more in our article.

How to build a concrete garden path with your own hands - how to prepare the surface, mix cement and others.

This type of forsythia will delight its owners for about 3 weeks, and with proper care, longer.

Moreover, among other ornamental plants, it is forsythia that blooms the earliest.

Throughout the entire gardening period, the shrub pleases with its appearance. In early spring, it is covered with a luxurious fountain of “golden” flowers, which are then replaced by green foliage, which acquires a purple hue by autumn.

This amazingly beautiful plant will make any corner of the garden unique; it is an excellent hedge and complements the ensemble of coniferous trees. In addition to decorating a cottage or garden, such a shrub will transform the entrance to any store or shopping center.

Variety of species

There are several main types of forsythia:

  1. The most popular and widespread in European latitudes is European. It is a small bush, up to 2 meters high, with large leaves oblong shape. The flowers of this plant are single and bell-shaped.
  2. Beautiful Giralda very similar to European. An important difference is sensitivity to low temperatures. The plant begins to bloom in May with very beautiful flowers that have an unusual twisted shape.
  3. Drooping or drooping. This shrub can reach 3 meters. Its crown is spreading with drooping branches. The flowers are quite large and collected in small inflorescences. Today, several forms of hanging forsythia are known: variegated with bright flowers and yellowish leaves; Fortune with dark yellow inflorescences; purple-stemmed, which at the time of opening has dark red leaves; Zimbold; deceptive.
  4. Dark green– a very tall shrub with large leaves (up to 15 cm in length). Its yellow flowers have a characteristic greenish tint. This plant is drought-resistant.
  5. Intermediate species- This is a hybrid of dark green and drooping. This shrub grows very quickly, its height can reach 3 meters. But it begins to bloom only in the 4th year of its life. There are many varieties of this species. The most popular are “Densiflora” with pale yellowish flowers and up to 1.5 meters in height; "Beatrix Farrand" is the tallest (up to 4 meters); "Spectabilis" is considered one of the most beautiful, its height does not exceed 1 meter, and the flowers are quite large, the foliage has green, but in the fall it turns purple and bright yellow.
  6. Ovoid- a modest low shrub with spreading branches. Its green leaves turn purple in autumn. He has small bright flowers(only up to 2 cm in diameter). This species is drought-resistant, winter-hardy and grows quite quickly.
  7. Snowy or white forsythia is a very beautiful shrub up to 2 meters high. IN summer period Over time, the underside of its leaves turns purple. And the flowers have white, in buds – pale pink.

In the photo there is an ovoid forsythia

When and how to plant?

The ideal time to plant this shrub is early autumn or spring. This time of year allows the plant to take root well.

The plant loves warmth and sun. That is why it is advisable to select windless and bright areas. Some varieties of plants are shade-tolerant, but this is far from their environment.

Therefore, if forsythia grows in the shade, it will not give such a bright fireworks of colors.

The shrub loves dry and light soil. Before planting, it must be properly prepared. Small holes up to 60 cm deep are made for the seedlings. If you plan to plant several bushes, then the distance between the holes should not be less than 1.5-2 meters.

A specially prepared drainage made of crushed stone and broken brick is placed in each hole. A mixture of sand, humus and wood ash is placed on top. Shrubs are already being planted in this soil. In this case, the roots should be located at a depth of 30-35 cm. They are covered with earth, which is slightly compacted and always watered.

Rules of care

Caring for forsythia is as follows:

  1. Watering. If there is enough rainfall in the summer, then there is no need to water the forsythia additionally. In case of a dry summer, it will require about 10 liters of water per bush 1-2 times a month. Immediately after watering, it is advisable to loosen the soil around the bush.
  2. Fertilizer. The plant should be fed exactly 3 times throughout the entire season. The first time was in early spring. Manure is laid out around the bush and watered thoroughly. The second time was in April. This time you will need mineral fertilizer (about 70 grams per square meter). Last time– after the bush has finished flowering. Top dressing - Kemira-universal (about 100 grams per square meter).
  3. Trimming. Young shrubs are pruned only if necessary (if the branches are frozen or dry, or the shoots are broken). Adult plants must be pruned in the summer, after flowering has ended. The branches are made 2 times shorter. Old shoots are completely removed, leaving only 4-5 cm from the soil. In this case, new shoots will appear. You can rejuvenate the bush. In this case, all branches are pruned so that a height of 4-6 cm from the soil remains.

Video about the features of pruning forsythia and other ornamental bushes.

This activates the growth of the bush. However, it is recommended to carry out this procedure no more than once every 4-5 years.

Preparing for winter

Protecting forsythia from frost in the cold season is quite simple. It is necessary to cover the trunk with a layer of dry leaves (approximately 10 cm).

All branches are bent to the ground and then pinned. You need to sprinkle them with spruce branches on top. Only in early spring is all the cover removed and the branches bent back.

Young plants should be completely covered with spruce branches for the winter. If the winter is snowy, then the bush feels great even without shelter. However, it is better to be safe.

Reproduction methods

Forsythia can be propagated in several ways:

  1. Green cuttings. They are prepared back in June. Moreover, for this purpose they choose branches that are at least 15 cm long. The leaves from below are removed and the branches are planted in small containers, which are filled with a mixture of sand and earth. After about a year, the rooted shoots are planted in a permanent place.
  2. Lignified cuttings. In this case, cuttings are taken from one-year-old shoots. The main thing is that they have at least 4 kidneys. The cuttings are planted, hilled and mulched with peat.
  3. Seeds. Held in spring and autumn. The seeds are sown in a box with soil. Only after 5-6 weeks will shoots appear. Their picking takes place only in the 2nd year.
  4. By layering. In this case, in spring or autumn, the branches are bent to the ground and sprinkled with humus. The soil in this place is slightly compacted and watered thoroughly. Rooting occurs in these places.

Pictured are forsythia cuttings

Diseases and dangers

Forsythia is a truly unpretentious shrub. It is very resistant even to pests and diseases.

Sometimes this plant affects:

  1. Bacteriosis is the most terrible disease. With it you have to dig.
  2. Withering. They are treated by spraying with a solution of a substance such as foundationazole.
  3. Monoliosis. Main symptoms - appearance dark spots on the leaves. In this case, the affected branches are cut out.
  4. Nematodes also cause trouble for the plant. In this case, it is necessary to disinfect the soil. This is done using carbation.

All work on growing forsythia does not require special costs. At the same time, such a shrub will give bright flowering in the very early spring and will decorate any garden plot.

Decoration landscape design Forsythia often appears in gardens and courtyards, Moreover, planting and caring for it do not cause any particular difficulties. Due to its aesthetic appeal and spectacular appearance This shrub looks much more advantageous than many other ornamental crops.

How to choose the right seedling in a store

The very first and, perhaps, fundamental question concerns the purchase of forsythia seedlings. How to make the right choice so as not to regret it in the future?

We do not recommend buying plants from people without necessary documents, confirming them trading activities and professionalism in the plant trade. Simply put, it’s better not to take it “from hand.” Order seedlings from organizations, shopping centers, in a word, from those who specialize in landscape design and have established relationships with trusted nurseries and plant suppliers. It is better to entrust the choice to an experienced dendrologist. Another advantage to this is that, being next to him, you will receive elementary, but necessary information about your future plant.

If you decide to make a choice yourself, then definitely go to the trade fair. Since choosing a forsythia seedling, like any other plant, is not easy, it is better to have a certain reference book with you. This is how you will choose, ask leading questions, and generally navigate this type of product.

You have every right to ask for a certificate of quality regarding the forsythia you choose. The main points to pay attention to are the supplier country and the climatic zone of growth. What looks great when planted does not necessarily stay that way until the very end.

Pay attention to the age of the seedlings. The older the plant is and the more the conditions during future planting differ from the previous ones, the more difficult it will be for the shrub to adapt.

When choosing a seedling, examine not only the one you like, but also the others. If there is at least one patient among them, leave there with nothing. An infected plant will be an extra troublesome task for you, since it will not only require special care, but will also infect nearby plants. Buy only seedlings with thick and strong branches with many buds. Do not purchase plants with broken branches or damaged shoots.

Did you know? The ornamental shrub received its name in honor of the botanist from Scotland William Forsyth, part-time head gardener of Kensington Palace and one of the founders of the Royal Horticultural Society. He was the first to bring the forsythia bush from the Celestial Empire to Europe.

Planting a forsythia seedling

To make a forsythia bush with yellow flowers a decoration for your garden, you need to know a few basic aspects of planting it.

Optimal planting dates

Planting forsythia in principle, just like replanting it, it’s better V spring period or early autumn, until frost hits. The plant needs to get accustomed to winter.

Choosing a landing site

Forsythia is a warm and sun-loving plant. Taking this factor into account is important when planting and further care behind the bushes. In the rays sunlight Forsythia develops much better and flowering is more spectacular. But even in partial shade this ornamental shrub feels good. The place where forsythia grows should also be well protected from the wind. Typically, group planting of shrubs is done along paths and fences.

How to prepare the soil for planting

Nutrient-rich, well-ventilated soil is best for forsythia to grow. For this plant, it is certainly better to prepare a special soil mixture. Humus, sand and leaf soil in a ratio of 1:2:1. Forsythia will not be able to fully grow in acidic soils. If the soil pH level is low, it will need to be balanced by adding wood ash.

Proper planting of seedlings

The hole for forsythia should be about half a meter deep and wide. If you plan to plant several shrubs on the site, then you need to leave a distance of at least two meters between them. The process of planting forsythia occurs as follows:

  1. At the bottom of the hole, a ten-centimeter layer should be laid out with drainage consisting of broken bricks or crushed stone.
  2. On top of the drainage there is a five-centimeter layer of coarse sand.
  3. The plant must be carefully removed from the container and lowered into the hole so that the root collar is visible on the surface.
  4. The roots need to be covered with the prepared soil mixture.
  5. The trunk circle needs to be trampled down a little.
  6. At the end, the forsythia needs to be watered and mulched with humus, straw or fallen leaves.

Comprehensive plant care

Unpretentiousness is a kind of “slogan” for almost all types of forsythia. Caring for this shrub is not particularly difficult. All a gardener needs to do with forsythia is:

  • Water periodically.
  • Loosen and weed around the trunk.
  • Trim the bushes.

Soil care

In this sense Forsythia is an unpretentious plant. Particularly noteworthy is a species such as forsythia medium yellow. Many gardeners may not water forsythia at all. It tolerates drought well climatic conditions. But when warm winds blow, it is recommended to moisten the soil from time to time. This is done very rarely - about once a month. One bucket of water per plant will be enough.

Important! After each watering, it is imperative to loosen the tree trunk circle by thirty centimeters and then mulch again.

Spring feeding forsythia involves spreading manure around each bush in early March. Then in April you can feed with mineral fertilizers in the amount of 70 g for each bush. The next feeding is done when the forsythia blooms, or more precisely at the end of this period. Here they use Kemira Universal and only according to the instructions on the package.

Pruning and shaping the bush

So, we’ve sorted out the watering and feeding of forsythia, now let’s move on to the aesthetic part - crown formation. The bush should be trimmed in any case - this is a mandatory requirement, because otherwise it will look unkempt. For a plant that is positioned as a decoration for landscape design, this is unacceptable. But the pruning procedure must be performed as carefully as possible. So, when and how to prune forsythia correctly?

In the first years after planting, shrubs are not formed. Only the removal of frozen branches is permissible. You should start pruning the crown in the third or fourth year. When the frosts pass, the frostbitten ends of the branches are cut off from the forsythia. The main pruning is carried out in the summer, when the bush has faded. The branches need to be shortened by half and old and dry shoots removed, leaving five to six centimeter stumps. New shoots will form from them.

The forsythia crown is usually formed in the shape of a bowl or ball. If forsythia is used in hedges, then it is periodically rejuvenated by cutting off the branches by two-thirds or to a stump of several centimeters. After this, the plant begins to grow new young and strong shoots in another large quantities. Forsythia should be pruned no more than once every three years. Otherwise, the plant will stretch out greatly and bloom poorly.

Preparing bushes for winter

Preparing forsythia for winter is similar to the procedure for similar representatives ornamental crops. Even those tested “minus” frost-resistant varieties It is imperative to insulate with the onset of severe cold. This is done using heaps of dry leaves or pine needles. Particular attention should be paid to young shoots. If they freeze in winter, they will not be able to bloom fully in the spring.

Important! Before you start insulating the branches of the bush, they need to be pressed to the ground and only then covered.

This is how you need to care for forsythia. Planting, care, pruning, watering and feeding - all this is carried out according to very simple rules.

Did you know? The most frost-resistant variety of forsythia is ovoid forsythia.

How to propagate forsythia yourself

Growing forsythia, like caring for it, is not difficult. The simplest and most used method is cuttings, but we'll look at all three.

By layering

Forsythia is propagated by layering in the spring. The shoots of the mother tree are cut under the stump. This is done so that new young and healthy branches grow over the summer. And in the fall they are bent to the ground and placed in grooves at a shallow depth. To make it more reliable, the shoot is pinned and then covered with earth.

Such a “transplantation” of forsythia requires special processing of the soil composition. First, you need to loosen it well, then lay out the bottom of the furrows with a layer of drainage made of fine crushed stone, and sprinkle soil on top. Reproduction of forsythia by layering is permissible not only in the autumn, but also early spring. One condition: the shoots must be young.


If you can’t trim a shrub at the root, then this will suit you The next propagation method is cuttings. Take semi-lignified twenty-centimeter cuttings and plant them in a box filled with a moistened mixture of soil and sand. The twig needs to be stuck into the ground at a slight angle of a couple of centimeters. Everything is covered with film on top.

Important! An unused aquarium is perfect as a greenhouse.

By maintaining sufficient humidity and shading when necessary from the scorching rays of the sun, in a month you will receive rooted cuttings. IN open ground It is better to plant them in the spring.


Forsythia can be propagated by seeds in both spring and autumn. In spring, seeds are sown in boxes with soil. After a month and a half, shoots are visible. The plant is pruned in the second year. For the winter, cover with a 20 cm layer of leaves.

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