How to care for a pair of parrots. How to care for budgies? Hand Taming

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Many people decide to get a parrot, naively believing that these are the most problem-free pets. Like, caring for a parrot is not difficult. In fact, small birds need more care and attention than we used to think.
We will tell you further how to care for budgies and what you should never do.

Place for a cage

The first commandment in caring for parrots: protect from drafts and noise.

To nervous system the birds did not suffer, budgerigars should live in a quiet room, preferably remote. Ideally, there should be no equipment such as speakers or a TV here. Because wavy animals do not like sharp and loud sounds. And also because the wonders of modern technology interfere with the bird's activity and rest regime.

If there are no options, carefully monitor the behavior of the birds. And when budgies begin to nod and hide their noses in their feathers, cover the cage with a thick blanket that does not allow light to pass through. Just leave one side of the cage open so that air can pass through and the parrot does not get lost in space.

Care budgerigar in the first days is to provide him with maximum rest. Let your pet get used to its new home and look around. All this time the cage should be located at the level of human height. This is how the budgie gets used to its owner’s face and voice. Later the cage can be rearranged a little lower. On the stand or coffee table, For example.

The cage should not be placed in the kitchen or in a dark hallway.

Keeping parrots in these premises has a negative impact on their health and life expectancy. So, in the kitchen, the feathered companion will be surrounded by various pungent odors, to which the bird’s delicate nostrils are sensitive. Again, people talk loudly here, the hood makes noise, or the refrigerator hums. People don't notice these noises. And the bird reacts to them anxiously. There are often drafts in the hallway.

And budgerigars will not be able to navigate time: biological processes in their organisms they are subject to the daylight hours. In conditions of constant darkness, they even stop eating.

Correct lighting

Caring for budgies at home is a complicated matter.

Take, for example, lighting for these birds. In the absence of daylight, so that miniature organisms do not experience malfunctions, you need to take care of it additional sources. And ordinary lamps will not work. In its light, everything will be seen by the birds in black and white.

Ornithologists advise purchasing a full-spectrum fluorescent lamp.

By the way, it is easy to find among products for budgies in pet stores.

They can and should be included during bird breeding periods. And also for young individuals whose bodies are just beginning to form.

Under the influence of special light, vitamin D3 is produced - an important component of bone tissue.

Its deficiency can even lead to pathologies of the endocrine system, behavioral disturbances, and metabolic problems.

Quality ultraviolet lamps equipped with a timer that controls the lighting on and off. Service life is no more than a year. Because the phosphorus in the lamp tends to disintegrate. And the lamp ceases to be effective.
Thus, caring for a budgie is impossible without organizing proper lighting in the cage.

Balanced diet

Caring for budgies also involves regular feeding.

The basis of the diet is grain feed.

There is a great variety of bird food on the shelves of pet stores. But not everyone will benefit. Those who have kept these ornamental birds for many years and know everything about budgerigars unanimously declare: they eat mainly millet.

Oats and other ingredients that are useful, from the manufacturer’s point of view, remain at the bottom of the feeder. Where to go for pure millet? It is sold by parrot sellers. But it is better to purchase food from a trusted person. Because unscrupulous sellers do not follow the rules for storing food, which causes poisoning of parrots.

When choosing food for your budgie at a pet store, look at the packaging. It shouldn't be cardboard.

In it, the food becomes damp, and is also saturated with foreign odors if the boxes are stored next to goods that have a strong aroma. It’s good if the packaging is equipped with a zipper, which will allow you to “seal” the package of food after filling.

Do not get carried away with foods enriched with vitamins and iodine.

They should be given to birds as food only if the body has a deficiency of some microelements or problems with the endocrine gland. Of course, after one pack of food no pathological changes will occur in the body. But next time, be careful - do not overdo it in caring for your budgie.

Chalk is what a budgie needs at any time of the year.

It is available in any pet store. But the chalk pieces should be changed periodically. After all, the parrot will constantly clean its beak on it or grind its claws. As a result, a dirty coating forms on the chalk. As mentioned above, the main danger for parrots is food poisoning. A permanent contacts with a piece of dirty chalk this is exactly what they threaten.

It also doesn’t hurt to add mineral supplements to your diet once a week. To ensure your budgie gets a dose useful substances, mix the fertilizer with millet.
There are also a variety of “spikelets”, which contain various seeds soaked in egg yolk. As practice shows, birds do not eat the “spikelet”, but simply gnaw it off. As a result, all the useful things and goodies lie at the bottom of the cage, and the budgie frolics with the piece of wood on which it was all attached.

Proper care of a budgie involves having several feeders. One is for dry food and mineral supplements. And in the second they put succulent food: vegetables and fruits according to the season. You can also purchase several holders for seasonal gifts of nature, because a budgie can throw everything out of the feeders to the bottom of the cage.

Caring for a parrot also means feeding it seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables.

To avoid having to spend money on vitamins for poultry, ensure the daily availability of juicy fruits and pieces of berries or vegetables.

In small doses, grapes, quince, and apricot will be beneficial. In winter, please your bird with steamed dried apricots or a slice of kiwi. Naturally, most of the treat will go past the beak, but what is absorbed will benefit the body.

By the way, caring for a budgie at home in the summer is regular cleaning cells. Indeed, in the hot season, the processes of rotting of the same fruits that you give to the bird are accelerated. Don’t be too lazy to once again clean the bottom of the bird’s house from debris.

Water procedures

How to care for a budgie during hot weather?

Provide him with access to saving moisture! True, not all parrots strive to plunge into specially equipped swimsuits. Some “conservatives” prefer saucers with water. Or soaked in water room temperature green leaves. It could be cabbage, lard, parsley - anything. Even tree leaves will do.

When pouring water into a saucer, cup or bathing suit, make sure that its level does not exceed 2 cm. If the depth is greater, the bird may choke or get scared.

In special cases, bird fright ends in death. To avoid tragedies, we recommend playing it safe.

There is a separate point about budgies that do not like to swim. To gradually accustom your panties to the water, place a mirror at the very bottom of the bathing device. The bird will become interested and gradually begin to enter the water.

Budgerigars are very common as pets. They have bright colors, their singing lifts the spirits of adults and children; such parrots can be tamed and also taught to talk. And the cost for a pet is quite reasonable.

But still, if a person decides to get such a pet, first of all he needs to figure out how to care for a parrot at home.

Home for a friend

Budgerigars have small size bodies - from 17 to 19.8 centimeters - and therefore do not take up much space even in small room. The cost of food for feathered friends does not put a strain on the wallets of their owners.

Unlike cats and dogs, which, in most cases, have free access to all parts of the house or apartment, budgies must be kept in a cage. It will become the main habitat for a small pet: you can hide in it to sleep or in case of danger (for example, if there are cats in the house), eat, drink. Therefore, the choice of cell is the basis proper care for your pet.

Best suited rectangular cage with flat roof. Its length is additional benefit. Since in this case the bird will be able flutter from one perch to another, without experiencing the inconvenience of a small space.

Round cells are not the best a good option for birds. In such parrots lose orientation in space, do not feel protected, cannot be alone, and therefore feel extremely uncomfortable.

The cells will be inconvenient for the owner intricate structures or with graceful roofs. Since they are more difficult to care for, and arranging accessories for budgies is not always convenient.

If we talk about the size of the bird house, then necessary Keep in mind that there should be an average of 30–35 centimeters per pet. If a pair of birds is placed in one cage, then this figure should be increased to approximately 60 centimeters.

The bottom of the cage should be retractable. This will make the cleaning process easier. In this case, it is better not to place gratings or other elements below. Otherwise, the bird may damage its legs.

When choosing housing for a pet, it is better for owners to give preference iron cages rather than wooden ones. The former are much more convenient to clean, and they also retain their appearance and service life longer.

Climatic conditions

The budgie and its cage should be placed in a room with a stable microclimate. The temperature must be maintained between +18°C and 25°C.

Since the duration of daylight hours for birds should be about 15–16 hours, then winter period necessary will take care of additional lighting of the room to maintain optimal conditions.

An important requirement for proper care of parrots is the absence of, drafts and frequent changes in temperature conditions. Such conditions will be disastrous for a domestic parrot.

It is worth considering that the bird cage it is forbidden place in the following places:

  • next to heating appliances and radiators;
  • near air conditioners and cooling systems;
  • next to the windows;
  • on the floor or on a cabinet (a table is optimal for placing a cage with a parrot, since its height will be ideal for the bird);
  • in noisy places.

Interior design

A parrot's cage, like its owner's house, must be equipped inside with special devices.

Cage care is a must condition. spring-cleaning in the pet's house should be carried out once or twice a month. During this process, it is necessary to wash the entire cage, including the poles, with a sponge and water, and then dry thoroughly. Usage detergents prohibited as they may cause allergic reaction at the pet's.

Feeding a budgie

In order to know how to care for a budgie, you need to study its issue in detail. feeding.

The diet should be balanced and varied so that the pet receives all the necessary nutrients throughout the day. The following products may be included in the diet:

  • special food for birds: it is balanced and rich in vitamins and minerals;
  • cereals, cereals: oats, millet;
  • corn and wild grass seeds (pre-soaked);
  • greens: beet and lettuce leaves, dandelion, St. John's wort;
  • berries and seedless fruits, as well as fresh vegetables;
  • food containing protein: crushed boiled eggs, softened bread;
  • live food: moths, small insects.

There should always be fresh food in the cage pure water. It is worth considering that tap water It is better not to give your pet water.

What not to feed

Proper care of a pet also includes adequate nutrition that will not harm the pet. Therefore, like for many other pets, for parrots there is scroll prohibited products:

  • stale food;
  • sweet, spicy, fatty, fried, smoked foods;
  • black bread;
  • greens: parsley and dill, basil;
  • onion and garlic;
  • meat;
  • coffee.


Purity– the key to health and complete care. This also applies to budgies. In summer, you can bathe them every day, but in winter it will be enough two or three times in Week.

For bathing, you need to use a special bath installed in the cage. But it is also possible spray spray the bird with a spray bottle or bathe it under running water.

If the pet does not like water, then the bath needs to be filled sand for cleaning feathers. And at the pet store, buy a special brush for this purpose and use it about once a week.

Parrots are very active and sociable creatures. They love company. Therefore, you need to talk to your pet often and let him sit on your hand or shoulder.

In case of a long absence from home during the day, you can leave your wavy friend “company” in the form of a switched on radio. Then the bird will think that it is not alone in the apartment.

Once or twice a day parrot necessary let out of the cage to fly. This way he can stretch his wings and explore the territory, finding something interesting for himself.

But the parrot should not be allowed to play around and be naughty: it must know the boundaries of what is permitted.

Caring for a parrot is quite difficult and sometimes care takes a lot of time. But believe me, your emotions from the bird are priceless. Care tips - read this article

Parrot care- this is a very responsible matter, because as Saint-Exupery said: “We are responsible for those we have tamed.” Indeed, a parrot in captivity is like a small child who needs attention, care and with whom you need to communicate a lot. If you want your pet to live a long and happy life, you need to take care and create the most comfortable conditions for your foreign family member.

Those emotions, the positive that you will experience thanks to this bird are truly priceless, and the time and effort that you will spend on caring for the bird pales in comparison.

So, here are some tips on how to properly care for your parrot.

Parrot care includes:

1. Right choice cells.

2. Selection of perch and others necessary elements"interior" of the cell.

3. Climatic conditions.

4. Lighting.

5. Location.

6. Properly selected and varied food.

7. Availability of always fresh drink.

8. Regular and frequent communication.

All these points are very important and require special attention.

Point 1. Choosing the right cage

The cage for your parrot should be:

1. Medium size. Very large cages make it difficult to tame parrots, while small ones crowd them out.

2. Rectangular shape. Round cages do not give the parrot any privacy and they feel uncomfortable.

3. An area of ​​35 by 35 cm - for one parrot, 65 by 55 - for two.

4. With a retractable bottom to make cleaning the cage easier.

5. No fillers. On winter time You need to place a bath with sand for bathing your parrot and for his personal hygiene.

6. No grill on the bottom. The grille can injure the bird's paws.

Point 2. Selecting a perch and other necessary elements of the “interior” of the cage

The parrot's perch should be:

1. Diameter 2 times larger than that of a pencil. This is necessary for proper grinding of the claws.

2. At first (about 3-4 months), it is better to use plastic perches, since ticks are better preserved in wooden perches.

3. After 5-6 months, the material of the perch should be changed from plastic to wood.

4. From pear, cherry or other fruit trees.

5. It is better to place 2 perches so that the parrot has somewhere to have fun.

Point 3. Climatic conditions

1. Room temperature from +18 to +25°.

2. It is very important that there are no sudden changes in temperature.

3. The room should be free of drafts, but with fresh air.

Point 4. Lighting

1. The average daylight hours are 15-16 hours. That is, the room in which the parrot will live should be well lit.

2. On short autumn and winter days, it is necessary to turn on the light in the room; it is better to do this in the morning and evening.

Clause 5. Location

2. Your pet’s cage should be at eye level, this will make it more convenient for you to communicate and monitor your parrot. Remember that by placing the cage high, you give your parrot the right to be more important than you.

3. Don't place your parrot's cage in a very noisy place. If you are a fan of loud and heavy music, then it is better to place your parrot away from speakers and other musical equipment.

Point 6. Proper and varied diet

Remember that proper and varied nutrition guarantees your bird longevity. And vice versa, the wrong one leads to illnesses in parrots, such as diarrhea. Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to what your parrot eats and drinks. The parrot needs to be fed:

1. Cereals and cereals: oats, millet, canary seed. Do not forget to get rid of the husks in the feeder 1-3 times a day. It is also recommended to germinate millet and oats in a jar, and then leave it in the cage so that the parrot can enjoy it at any time.

Ears of wheat and oats diversify the bird's cereal diet well. Not only is it good for digestion, but it is also good exercise for the beak.

Parrots also feed on corn and wild grass seeds, but all must be soaked in water first to soften the seeds. You can sometimes please your parrot with sunflower seeds and nuts, but no more than 2 pieces per day.

2. Greens: nettle, dandelion, plantain, sow thistle, lettuce, beet tops, St. John's wort, woodlice, knotweed,

3. Live food: moths, larvae, bugs.

4. Fruits and berries, but without seeds, as well as vegetables (except garlic and onions).

5. Protein food: finely chopped boiled but cooled eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, white, stale bread, after soaking it in tea, water or milk.

1. Dill, parsley, basil.

2. Fruits that are not fresh and with seeds.

3. Food for people: salty, fatty, meat and spicy.

Point 7. Availability of always fresh drink

Drinking should be:

1. Always fresh.

2. Water should be at room temperature.

Point 8. Regular and frequent communication

Don't forget that your bird is Living being which requires attention and care. Parrots are very sociable birds, so they should not be left alone for long periods of time.

If you work late, it is better to turn on the radio to your parrot. So he will think that he is not alone.

Try to communicate as often as possible, so your parrot will quickly learn to speak and thereby delight you and your family.

Melopsittacus undulatus) is a species of bird from the order Parrotidae, family Psittacidae, the only representative of the genus of budgerigars ( Melopsittacus).

The Latin name of the species is formed by 3 words: the Greek word “melos”, meaning “singing”, the word “psittacos” - “parrot” and the Latin word “undulatus”, which means “wavy”. Therefore, literally translated, the name of the bird sounds like a singing budgerigar. A number of ornithologists suggest calling the bird the wavy singer.

Budgerigar - description, appearance and characteristics

All of the above names are absolutely true: budgies are really very noisy and chatty, they remember and imitate perfectly. individual words and phrases that are repeated many times, often without much meaning.

The budgerigar is a beautiful and slender bird, which, due to its long tail, looks much larger than it actually is. Body length a budgerigar excluding the tail reaches 17-19.8 cm with a body weight of about 40-45 g. Poultry participating in exhibitions often have a body length of 21 to 23 cm.

Wings Budgerigars, 9.5 to 10.5 cm long, are used by birds exclusively for flight and are completely unsuitable for support when walking or sitting.

The flight is beautiful and arched, similar to the flight of a swallow, and when landing, the bird’s wings bend downward, like a quail’s. Thanks to this structure, the budgie flies quite quickly and is able to cover considerable distances in search of food.

The budgerigar has quite a long tail step-shaped, growing up to 8-10 cm in length, and in young individuals the tail is much shorter.

Limbs birds are developed and tenacious, ending in 4 long fingers: 2 of them are directed back, 2 look forward. This design allows birds to grab with their paws various items, food, and also deftly climb trees and walk on the ground. At the end of the fingers grow strong curved claws of dark blue, black or almost white.

The budgerigar's paws can be colored gray-blue, reddish, bright scarlet and pale pink.

In budgies living in nature, eyes dark blue in color, and the color of the iris is yellowish or almost white.

These birds are able to distinguish colors, and a sufficiently large viewing angle allows them to view 2 perspectives at once.

The budgerigar is distinguished by its strong beak, protected by a strong horny substance, and its curved shape resembles a beak birds of prey. At the base of the budgerigar's beak, a cere with nostrils is clearly visible. The bird's beak is quite mobile, the upper jaw is not fused with the bones of the skull, but is held in place by the ligamentous apparatus, while lower jaw much shorter than the top one.

Due to its peculiar morphology, the beak of these birds serves as an excellent mechanism for tearing and crushing shoots, foliage and seeds of plants, and at the same time is convenient tool for carrying objects, food and climbing tree branches. In the event of an enemy attack, the beak of a budgerigar acts as a reliable means of protection.

Budgerigars have a small, short and thick tongue, and its rounded tip is protected by keratinized epithelium. Almost all individuals inner surface The beak is equipped with special horny teeth, which act as a file that sharpens the beak, helps clean grains, and also picks and breaks fruits.

The beak of the chicks is different dark color, but with age it becomes intensely yellow, with a slight greenish tint.

Thanks to their natural grass-green coloration, budgies are invisible to enemies against the backdrop of the natural landscape. Cheeks All individuals are decorated with symmetrical purple marks of an elongated shape, and below, on both sides of the crop, there are black spots - special signs inherent in all representatives of the species.

As a rule, the markings partially overlap the throat spots.

Crop and scalp wild budgerigars are colored in intense yellow, in the occipital region, a thin and light dark brown waviness passes to the back, where it becomes much wider and brighter against the general yellow background.

In young parrots, the wavy is not so noticeable and starts right from the wax, and as they grow older, it is replaced by a characteristic yellow mask.

Feathers budgerigars on the forehead of males have a unique feature: under the influence of ultraviolet light they fluoresce, due to which females in nature choose a partner for nesting.

Moreover, the human eye can detect this radiation only at night, but budgies see the glow even in daylight.

Determining the sex of a bird is not difficult. To find out the sex of a budgerigar, you need to look at its cere, which is located at the base of its beak.

  • Young males have a purple cere; in a young female it is intensely blue with a light border around the nostrils.
  • In mature males, the cere is dark blue or purple (in albinos). An adult female can be distinguished by the beige-blue or brown color of the wax. By the way, the brown color of the wax in females appears during nesting.

Male on the left, female on the right

Types of budgies, photos and colors

Today, the budgerigar is considered the most common and favorite ornamental bird for home keeping. Over the years breeding work More than 200 varieties of these birds have been bred with a wide variety of plumage colors, including recessive varieties that lack the characteristic waviness.

Photo from

The yellow color of the budgerigar is the first mutation color and was created in Belgium in 1872, and subsequently all modern color variations based on a yellow or white base appeared. Below are some varieties of budgerigar colors:

  • Natural, traditional color budgerigar plumage - light green(color Light green)

with a glossy sheen that covers the breast, belly and lower back of the birds. The traditional mask is light yellow, the dots on the throat are black, and there are purple markings on the cheeks. The head, wings and back of the parrots are decorated with pronounced black undulation. The long tail feathers are dark blue, the supporting surface of the wings is colored black with a minimal light yellow edge.

  • Dark green budgerigars (Dark green color)

especially elegantly painted, they appeared in France in 1915. The chest, belly and lower back of these parrots are dark green, the mask is light yellow, the spots on the throat are black, slightly overlapped by purple cheek spots, and the body has a characteristic waviness. The shade of the wing plumage is identical to the classic variety, but the tail feathers are darker.

  • Olive green budgerigars (Olive green color)

descended from dark green individuals and were bred in France in 1919. The predominant plumage color of birds is olive green, the mask is bright yellow. Black waviness is contrastingly indicated on a yellow base. The wings of budgerigars are black with a green tint, the feathers on the tail are darker compared to dark green specimens.

  • Sky blue budgerigar (Skyblue color)

was developed by the Belgians in 1878. The chest, belly and lower back of the parrot are different blue, and the birds' mask is pure white. The characteristic undulation is clearly defined on a white base, the tail feathers are distinguished by a blue color, the primary flight feathers are black with a minimal white edge.

  • Cobalt budgerigars (Cobalt color)

were first demonstrated at the London Exhibition in 1910. Their chest, abdomen, back and tail are distinguished by a blue color, the bird's mask is pure white, the bright wavy is well expressed on a white background. The wing color of a budgerigar varies from black to blue. The tail feathers are darker compared to sky blue parrots.

  • Lilac budgerigars (Mauve color)

appeared as a result of mixing 2 dark factors, giving deep purple colour without the presence of a gray tint.

  • Gray-green budgerigar (Grey Green color)

the fruit of the labors of Austrian breeders, which was obtained in 1935. The front, lower part of the body and lower back of these birds are distinguished by a very light mustard or gray-greenish tone. The parrots' mask is bright yellow, the spots on the throat are black, and the cheeks are gray, the clear wavy contrasts well with the yellow background. The tail plumage is black, the parrot's primary flight feathers are black with a minimal light yellow edge.

  • Gray budgies (Gray color)

appeared in Austria and England at the same time, in 1943. Representatives of the variety have a gray chest, lower body, cheeks and lower back, a snow-white mask, and black markings on the throat. The characteristic undulation is clearly marked on a white base, the tail is black and the wing feathers are black or greyish.

  • Violet budgerigar (color Violet)

first appeared in Germany in 1928. The chest, abdomen and lower back of the bird are distinguished by a deep purple color. The budgerigar's mask is pure white, the throat markings are black, the tail is dark purple, and the primary flight feathers are black with minimal white edges.

  • yellowface There are two types of budgies:
    • The first type, single-factor, assumes that the bird has a lemon-yellow mask, which rarely extends beyond the occipital region and onto the chest. A lemon yellow hue may cover the white tail feathers and other white areas of the bird's plumage. The yellow tint does not extend to the remaining feathers. In two-factor birds the yellow mask is absent.
    • The second type of yellow-faced parrot also includes two varieties: single-factor and two-factor. Both have a yellow mask. At the same time, the yellow color extends not only to the white feathers of the budgerigar, but also to the main plumage of the bird, turning it from light green to turquoise, from cobalt to dark green, from mauve to olive.

  • Lutinos(Lutino)

a very unusual variety of budgies with a bright yellow egg-yolk color. These parrots have red eyes with light irises and pearlescent cheek markings. The feathers of the budgerigar's tail and wings are light. Males are distinguished by pink or purple shade cere, in females the cere is brown. The birds' feet are red-brown or deep pink.

Albino on the left, lutinous on the right

  • Albinos(Albino)

were first obtained in Germany in 1932, by two amateur breeders. These budgies are distinguished by their pure white feathers and red eyes with a white iris. The cere and tarsi of albinos are the same as those of lutinos.

  • Crested budgies

are presented in a wide variety of color variations, but differ in the type of crest. Some individuals are decorated with a pointed tuft of feathers growing on the forehead or crown. In others, the crest has the shape of a semicircle, formed by feathers that grow to the beak in a kind of shield. The third variety of budgerigars is decorated with a double or round crest growing from 2 points, while the feathers are arranged symmetrically and can form crests of different shapes and lengths.

Where do budgies live in the wild?

Budgerigars live throughout most of Australia, Tasmania and other nearby islands and are the most common and numerous species of Australian parrots.

IN natural conditions budgerigars live in flocks of 2 dozen to several hundred individuals and spend their entire lives wandering around the mainland in search of food. Typically, birds stay in semi-desert and steppe landscapes with open forests, therefore they inhabit the entire eastern and western coasts, as well as the central part of the mainland, with the exception of the northern regions with dense forests.

The composition of a flock of budgerigars is constantly changing: individual individuals fly away, others join, small groups can gather into giant flocks of up to a million individuals, representing an unforgettable spectacle of beauty.

Birds usually wait out the hot part of the day in the shade, hiding on branches in the dense foliage of trees. At night, budgerigars sleep, and at the first rays of the sun they gather in small flocks and go to watering places and feeding areas located several kilometers from their roosting site.

Some birds drink at the water's edge, others descend to the very surface and quench their thirst in flight. They are often accompanied at watering places by cockatoos and zebra finches.

What do budgies eat?

According to scientists, the basis of the diet of budgerigars in nature is seeds. land plants, mostly these are the seeds of kangaroo grass. Due to human intervention in natural habitats, birds are forced to adjust their diet depending on changes in environmental conditions. Today, Australia's main cereal crop, grown everywhere, is, but the grains of this cereal are too large for small birds. In addition to grains, budgies eat young shoots and leaves of plants, various berries, vegetables and fruits, and occasionally feed on insects and other invertebrates.

Nesting of budgerigars in their natural habitat occurs all year round: the northern part of the population begins to breed immediately after the end of the rainy season, in the south nesting begins in November and December. Nesting pairs occupy hollows, stumps with crevices and any other hollow niches.

The mating games of budgerigars consist of various courtships, an important part of which is “kissing” and regurgitation of food by the male. In this way, he demonstrates to the female his ability to feed future offspring. In the chosen place, practically without any bedding, the female budgerigar lays from 4 to 12 white eggs, their incubation lasts about 3 weeks.

Throughout the incubation period, the male budgerigar feeds the female, being nearby in a tireless search for food.

Budgerigar chicks hatch from eggs naked and blind, weighing about 2 g, the mother warms the offspring, and both parents do the feeding. 10 days after birth, the chicks' eyes open, at the age of 1 month they are fully feathered and can leave their native nest, although some young individuals remain near the nest for some time.

At the age of 3 months, grown individuals are already able to reproduce.

Breeding budgies at home is a rather labor-intensive process.

The male and female, unlike most birds, must grow up together and feel great sympathy for each other, and artificially created pairs, as a rule, do not produce offspring for several years.

How long do budgies live?

In nature, budgerigars live for about 7 years, and at home, with proper care, birds can live up to 10-15 years. The lifespan of some individuals in captivity can reach 22 years.

Budgerigars at home: maintenance, care, feeding

It is better to stop choosing a feathered pet for home keeping at 3-4 month old individuals: at this age, budgies easily get used to their owners and their new home. But before you bring the bird home, you need to stock up on everything necessary for proper care and maintenance of your budgerigar at home.

A rectangular cell is considered the best option. The size of the cage for a budgie should be such that the bird can flutter from one perch to another without its wings touching the walls. To keep one budgerigar, a cage measuring 25x40x40 cm is sufficient. A cage with frequent vertical and sparse horizontal bars will ensure the unimpeded movement of the bird and prevent slipping. Most best material for the cage – unpainted stainless steel. If the rods are painted, the bird will chew on them and may eat paint particles.

The budgerigar is a very curious and active bird. This curiosity can sometimes lead to negative consequences when walking outside the cage. But this does not mean that your pet should sit locked up all the time; on the contrary, parrots need to leave the cage for a walk from time to time in order to maintain their physical and mental health. The owner must create conditions under which the bird can safely move and frolic outside its home.

Some dangerous situations you should try to avoid

Try not to leave your parrot alone unattended; If your windows and doors are open, the bird may fly out.

Mirrors: Colliding with a mirror can cause serious injury to your budgie. A bird can also be injured by hitting a closed glass door.

Naked electric wires: When trying to chew the wires, the bird may get hit electric shock.

Houseplants: Many species are dangerous for your parrot, and some are so poisonous that your parrot can be fatally poisoned.

Do not leave cigarette butts in the ashtray in the room where the bird is located. A parrot can be poisoned by tobacco poison or burn itself on an unextinguished cigarette butt. Never smoke in the room where the parrot is.

All kinds of cords from blinds can also be dangerous for birds, including entanglement and suffocation on them.

Open washing machines, refrigeration chambers, ventilation shafts (grills) lead to injury and death from getting inside these unsafe objects.

Open aquariums, bathrooms, and glasses with liquid threaten your curious pet with drowning. Watch for open trash cans. A bird can get in there and will be thrown out with the trash.

Open pots, stoves, sharp cutting and piercing objects. Everything that touches the kitchen is dangerous for your parrot. Starting from gas and ending with food fumes, as well as fumes from Teflon dishes, this is detrimental to the health of a budgie. A bird has no place in the kitchen!

Crayons, markers, and felt-tip pens pose a risk of poisoning. All kinds of toxic substances used to kill domestic insects are very dangerous - this poses a mortal danger to birds. If you still need to disinfect the premises, carefully read the label on the packaging of pesticides: how it affects pets.

Yours home furniture and everything connected with it also poses a threat to the budgie. This is especially true for furniture care products and all kinds of scented polishes. All these toxic fumes are harmful to the parrot.

Try to keep your parrot away from those chemical substances that emit a strong aroma, do not use hair care products near the parrot: hairspray, foams, deodorants, and do not spray air fresheners. To protect respiratory system Your pet, use chemical substitutes. Use regular soda, but to wipe the glass you can use an unsaturated solution of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

Any kind of repair in your home also poses a threat to the health of the parrot. If you have started repairs, then it is better to give the parrot to friends and relatives for foster care in order to protect the bird from all kinds of toxic fumes. Your house will be completely safe for a parrot when, after the renovation is completed, you yourself will not feel the presence of foreign smells of paint and varnish.

Another potential threat to the life and health of a budgie is some pets.

Cats are natural predators. Even if your favorite fluffy cat pretends that he is absolutely indifferent to the parrot, never relax. As soon as you turn away, your beloved parrot will find itself in the tenacious claws and sharp teeth of your equally beloved cat. Always take safety precautions and never leave your cat alone with your budgie! A dog can also harm a bird by accidentally stepping on it or hitting it with its paw. If it suddenly happens that your feathered pet has been injured by another pet, immediately contact your veterinarian to provide assistance to the bird. emergency assistance and avoid the spread of bacterial infection from puncture wounds or fractures, which will later help save your parrot’s life.

Yes, what can we say about animals if the owners themselves can, willy-nilly, harm the health of their budgie. For example, the owner lay down to rest, and the parrot perched next to him, at his side. It seems so nice, your pet loves you, he sat down to rest next to you, but in his sleep the owner turned over and crushed his pet. Or another example, when the owners accidentally lock the bird in the washing machine, oven or freezer. But, fortunately, such cases are rare, since in most cases the bird is noticed and placed back in the cage.

The threat to your parrot's safety increases during the holidays. Very dangerous new Year decoration made from tinsel, which a parrot might get sick if they pecked. Or, getting your feet entangled in the wires from a garland can result in injuries and broken limbs, not to mention electric shock. On such days, nervous tension in birds increases due to the constant coming and going of strangers, so it is better to put the birds in a quiet place, out of reach of loud sounds.

If the owners decide to go away for the holidays or on vacation, it is recommended to leave the bird at home in the care of a close relative, who will regularly visit and feed your feathered friend in your absence. Although the bird will miss you, it will be in an environment familiar to it: in its own cage, with its favorite toys, which is less traumatic for its psyche.

A few words about indoor flowers. In the room where the bird is located, it is advisable not to keep any indoor plants. Since many species are poisonous, some are even fatal to a parrot, and we know nothing at all about a number of exotic indoor plants. In this case, the risk is not justified.

Here are some plants that are poisonous to parrots, and this is not a complete list:

Amaryllis, lily, narcissus, dieffenbachia (very poisonous!), English ivy, foxglove, mistletoe, rhubarb, monstera (very poisonous), croton, etc.

Plants are generally not poisonous, but it is better to avoid bird contact with them

Violet, aloe, Christmas cactus, ferns, edible fig, gardenia, grape ivy and others.

Our wavy pet requires daily care, only then will its excellent health be guaranteed. The bird will be happy that it lives in an atmosphere of care, love and complete security that its loving owner provides it with. You can accustom your parrot to a kind of daily routine: the bird will quickly understand that you clean its cage and give it food every day at the same time. The parrot will know that his natural needs will be satisfied by those people whom he considers as members of his “flock”.

Some rules for daily care of a budgie

Closely monitor any suspicious changes in your bird's health or behavior. If any warning signs appear, contact your veterinarian immediately. Remember that all metabolic processes in birds occur very quickly, and sometimes lost time can play a cruel joke on your pet.

Feed your bird only fresh food, remove uneaten food in a timely manner to avoid the spread of pathogens (applies to soft food). Change the water daily and rinse the drinking bowl with hot water until the mucus is completely removed.

Change the paper on the cage tray as it gets dirty. Never use newspaper to line a tray. Printing ink is harmful to the parrot.

Let your parrot go for a walk every day to maintain good physical condition.

Make it a rule in the evening to cover your pet’s cage with a cape at the same time. The bird will know that it is time for bed and will prepare for bed. By covering the cage with a cloth, you will still hear your bird for some time. Perhaps she decided to drink more water or eat before going to bed. A budgerigar needs 8-10 hours to sleep, but it is possible that she will take the hours of sleep she did not get during the night at the expense of daytime rest. There is no need to interfere with her in this.

Pay attention to your wavy friend's droppings. It is the condition of the droppings that will indicate to you the beginning of problems with the health of your bird.

Normally, a budgie's droppings consist of a kind of round ball with a white (cream) center and a green sausage around it. Normal droppings consist of equal amounts of fecal material (green sausage), urine (a little colorless liquid), and urate (white, creamy center).

What is the norm?

Frequent bowel movements are normal. Parrots go to the toilet 35-50 times a day. The droppings should be odorless, fairly hard, dark brown or green in color, depending on the bird’s diet. If the main diet is seeds, then the droppings will be dark green in color; if the main diet is pelleted food, then the droppings will be the same color as the food. Dry droppings often appear black in color. Urine should be clear. Urates are milky-cream in color, opaque, chalk-like.

You need to be able to distinguish between diarrhea (diarrhea) and some temporary changes in the color and consistency of the droppings. In any case, before drawing any conclusions, you need to remember what you fed your pet the day before. A change in the color of the droppings can be indicated by beets and carrots eaten the day before. An increase in urine in the droppings may indicate juicy berries and fruits eaten the day before.

What should you be wary of?

Droppings that are too light, tan or bloody. An unusually large amount of droppings with no characteristic color or odor. The presence of undigested food debris in the droppings, bad smell. Yellow or green urates. If you still observe signs of frizz, trembling, lethargy, refusal of food and vomiting in the bird, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

By placing a clean sheet of white paper on a tray, you can carefully monitor your feathered pet's droppings every day, thereby preventing the development of all kinds of dangerous diseases in time.

As mentioned earlier, in order for your pet to be healthy and cheerful, in addition to daily monitoring of him, you also need regular cleaning of the cage. Taking care of the cleanliness of your bird's home should become part of its daily care routine. Thoroughly clean the tray and all corners of the cage from debris and dirt. Hot water Using a soda solution, wash the cage and all accessories included with it: tray, drinking bowls, feeders, bathers. Using a hot shower under high water pressure, knock out any remaining food from all corners of the cage. Clean the perches, bars and everything hard to reach places cells with a toothbrush. Wash the toys thoroughly, discarding old and worn ones. After washing the cage, let it dry and disinfect the cage disinfectants, purchased in advance at a pet supply store. Follow the instructions strictly when using disinfectants, rinse the cage thoroughly and dry. Many owners, to prevent the fight against sucking-gnawing insects, use chamomile or wormwood grass, having previously poured it under the cage tray. After the cage has completely dried, you can put the parrot into it.

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Related materials:

  • Molting and bathing of a budgie
  • Cage equipment for a budgie

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