Diesel gun heater. Diesel heat gun: device, pros and cons, capabilities. How to choose a diesel heat gun

The unit structure includes a metal housing, which is able to protect the structure from various damages. Heating parts are fireproof. All models are lightweight, which allows them to be moved to any location.

Diesel structures are often in demand in the construction of various objects. They are used when it is necessary to quickly dry the surface. Designs on liquid fuel There are indirect and direct heating. In the first method, a withdrawal is performed flue gases from the premises. The operation of such devices is accompanied by oxygen burnout, so they are used for outdoors or in rooms with flowing ventilation.

How to choose a diesel heat gun?

Please note that when starting the heat gun on diesel fuel combustion products are released. Manufacturers offer two types of such devices: direct heating and indirect.

When choosing a design, the following factors are important:

  • room area;
  • availability of fuel raw materials;
  • the ability to remove harmful impurities, and ventilation;
  • how it will be used: constantly or periodically.

Diesel units contain a burner, combustion chambers, a fuel tank and a fan. Some products are equipped with wheels for ease of movement. Fuel is supplied using a pump.

Useful information! When choosing a model, base your calculations on the following indicators. For 10 sq. m. you will need about 0.9-1.5 kW.

Nuances of choosing a direct heating diesel heat gun

A diesel fuel heat gun has a simple direct heating mechanism. An electric motor and a fan are located inside the product. With application pumping unit fuel is delivered to the combustion tank. The burner is mounted inside the housing, so there is no open flame.

When burning, diesel fuel warms up air masses, which are diverted from the fan. The heated air is distributed in space. And the smoke masses disperse inside the building. Therefore, such devices can be used outdoors or in buildings with a good ventilation system.

Pay attention! Such models are suitable for short-term work. For example, dry work surface at construction work or warm up a frozen engine.

How to choose a diesel indirect heating heat gun?

In installations indirect heating, in addition to the main elements, there is also a heat exchanger. The fuel is transferred from a special container to the combustion chamber. In this case, the flue gases do not mix with the air masses from the fan, but exit through the chimney structure to the street.

When the device is turned on, the heat exchanger warms up and heats the air. At the outlet, such devices can emit from 50 to 110 degrees of heat. This technique is used in factories and warehouses, since harmful gases do not pass inside. In modern equipment, combustion tanks are made from stainless steel.

Some devices are equipped with flexible hoses that allow a warm stream to be released to a specific area.

Useful information! You can connect a thermostat to the equipment, which is mounted inside the building. In this case, the equipment will be able to maintain the required temperature and will produce heat for about 17 hours.

Models of infrared diesel heat guns

The infrared diesel heat gun installation does not include a fan heater. Such heaters warm up not the atmosphere, but the surrounding objects using infrared irradiation.

The burner with diesel raw materials warms up infrared emitter, which heats surfaces and objects in the room. are silent, since their device does without a fan.

Model overview

A review of the prices of individual models will help you decide which heat gun is better, gas or diesel.

ImageModelsPrice, rub.
Ballu BHDP-1013900
Hyundai H-HD2-20-UI58616600
Master B 35 CED18100
RESANTA TDP-20000, 20kW red13500
QUATTRO ELEMENTI QE- 22D 243-90514300
Kerona P-3000E-T24200

The following companies produce such heating equipment:

  • Master is one of the popular brands. The company has been working in this field for more than 40 years. At the same time, they offer not only diesel models, but also gas and electric. The products of this manufacturer have proven themselves to be reliable, safe and affordable;
  • Ballu models are mainly used for large production facilities and warehouses. The equipment is known for functionality, good performance and pleasant design;
  • Kerona's arsenal includes models of both economy class and luxury class. All models run on kerosene or diesel fuel.

How to calculate the power of equipment?

An important factor influencing preference for a particular product is power. This figure ranges from 20 to 220 kW. To calculate the unit with what power is required, you need to calculate the volume of the room. For this, the height, width and length of the walls are determined. You should also know the quality of the thermal insulation provided. This coefficient will differ for non-insulated brick and wooden buildings, as well as in buildings with increased thermal insulation. To carry out calculations, it is worth determining the difference in temperature values ​​inside and outside the building. In this case, the power of the device is calculated as follows: the volume of the room is multiplied by the temperature difference and the thermal insulation coefficient.

Waste oil heat gun models are an excellent solution for heating any room.

What to choose for heating your garage (video)

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In our conditions cold winter We cannot do without space heating. It is often necessary to heat certain areas of the room or create conditions for working outside in cold weather. The use of special high-power heating equipment - heat guns - will help solve the problem of heating premises under construction, garages, and warehouses. One of the advantages of these powerful fan heaters is their high mobility; they can be easily transported to the desired location.

Operating principle

A heat gun is a powerful air heater. It works the same as a regular household fan heater. The heating element located in the gun body heats itself and heats the air flow passing through it. The output is a very powerful jet warm air. Hence the name of the unit - heat gun.

In this case, the heat transfer process occurs almost instantly, which allows you to very quickly heat the air in the room.

Manufacturers produce models that operate on different types fuel. Available on the market:

  • diesel fuel units
  • on kerosene
  • on liquefied gas
  • electric heat guns.

Directly heated diesel heat guns are often used in construction. For example, when installing suspended ceilings A mobile heat gun is indispensable. Heat guns can be used when you need to quickly dry the surface

Diesel heat guns

Diesel heat guns have gained the most popularity. This is primarily due to the availability of the fuel used - diesel fuel. Naturally, when diesel fuel burns, combustion products are released.

Taking this into account, there are two main types of diesel fuel heat guns on the market. They differ from each other in the way exhaust gases are removed:

  • direct heating diesel guns, in which heated air is discharged directly into the room
  • indirect heating guns. The design of the unit provides for the exhaust gases to be discharged outside the premises.

The price of the unit directly depends on the design of the heat gun, in other words, on the method of heating the air flow. If we are talking about diesel guns, then direct-heated guns are about half the price. This design has its pros and cons.

Direct heating heat guns

The operating principle of a direct heating diesel heat gun is simple. The unit housing contains a powerful fan with an electric motor. From the fuel tank, fuel is supplied to the combustion chamber using a pump. Since the burner is located inside the housing, there is no open flame. Because of this, heat guns can be used indoors.

As diesel fuel burns, it heats the air flow coming from the fan. The heated air flow passes through a special screen and is directed to the object that you want to heat. In this case, waste products of combustion, the same exhaust gases, dust, soot are discharged along with the air flow into the heated area.

Therefore, direct-heating diesel heat guns can be used in well-ventilated areas, semi-open areas or outdoors.

Most often, such units are used when it is necessary to perform one-time work. For example, in winter the car engine froze in the cold, they warmed it up with a gun, repaired it and drove off. Or in construction industry to speed up the process. The builders completed, for example, a screed, and heated the room with a heat gun for quick drying. It is important that no people are in the room while the unit is operating. long time so as not to be poisoned by combustion products.

If you are faced with the task of heating a room where people stay for a long time, you should choose an indirect heating heat gun.

Indirect heating heat guns

The design of a diesel indirect heating heat gun is a little more complicated. In such designs, a special chamber is added - a heat exchanger. Fuel is supplied from the fuel tank to the combustion chamber; the combustion products of diesel fuel do not mix with the air flow from the fan, but are discharged through the chimney to the outside. The user's task is only to organize the output chimney from indoors to outdoors.

When the gun operates, the heat exchanger heats up itself and heats the air that the fan drives. A heated air flow, free from combustion products, emerges from the nozzle of the heat gun. Such units can produce outlet temperatures from 50 to 110⁰С.

Indirect heating heat guns can be used in rooms with working people without restrictions, exhaust gases will not enter the room.

Combustion chamber in modern models made of high-strength stainless steel. To protect against overheating, guns are equipped with thermostats that will automatically reduce the flame intensity if overheated. The outer casing of the unit does not heat up at all.

By the way, you can additionally connect an additional thermostat installed in the room to the device. In this case, the heat gun will be able to automatically maintain the set temperature in the room. And the unit itself can work up to 16 hours without stopping.

In order to warm up large area, included flexible hoses- corrugations made of durable material with a diameter of 300-600 mm. Using corrugations, you can direct warm air flow to the right place to organize local heating.

With the help of indirect heating heat guns, you can easily solve the problem of heating shops, sales tents, warehouses, car washes and exhibition centers.

Infrared Diesel Heat Gun

There is another type of gun that runs on diesel fuel. These are infrared heat guns. The design of these units does not include a fan heater. These heaters work on a different principle.

Infrared heaters do not heat the air masses in the room, like the usual fan heaters, but objects that fall within the field of action infrared radiation. In turn, objects heat the air through heat exchange.

In design infrared gun The infrared emitter is heated using a diesel fuel burner. It, in turn, heats objects and surfaces in the room; all that remains is to point it in the right direction.

The absence of a fan can be attributed to positive point of this unit. After all, fans work, producing noise, and infrared heat guns are almost silent.

How to calculate the power of a heat gun

As you can see, the scope of application of a diesel heat gun directly depends on the operating principle. To someone suitable option with direct heating, but for some these models will be unacceptable.

There is another factor influencing the choice of model - its power. IN different models it varies from 20 to 220 kW. In fact, if your task is to purchase an air heater for installing suspended ceilings, there is no point in purchasing a unit increased power, because its fuel consumption will be many times higher.

In order to decide on the choice of model, you need to calculate the required power of the unit. To do this you need to know the volume of the room. Let us remind you that the volume is easy to calculate if you know its dimensions - length, width and height of the walls. In addition, you need to know the degree of thermal insulation of the room, it is indicated by the thermal insulation coefficient.

The thermal insulation coefficient is different for:

  • uninsulated rooms from wooden structures or metal sheets(for example, a metal shell garage). K heat = 3.0-4.0
  • uninsulated brick premises with single brickwork, single windows, non-insulated roofing (for example, country house). K heat = 2.0-2.9
  • standard brick buildings with conventional thermal insulation, for example a standard residential building. K heat = 1.0-1.9
  • buildings with improved thermal insulation. K heat = 0.6-0.9

To calculate power, you need to know the difference in temperature outside and inside the room.

The power of the unit is calculated as follows: multiply the volume of the room by the temperature difference and multiply by the thermal insulation coefficient.

For an uninsulated warehouse space, we take the thermal insulation coefficient equal to 2. Well, let’s assume that the temperature outside the window is -5⁰С, and we need +16⁰С (the minimum allowable in the workplace). The temperature difference turned out to be 21⁰.

We calculate the required power. 300*21*2=12600 kcal/hour. To convert to the usual kW, divide the value by 860. We get

12600 /860=14.7 kW.

This means that to maintain the temperature in our warehouse at 16⁰, we need a heat gun with a power of at least 15 kW.

Diesel heat guns will become a good decision heating problems of any premises. Mobility and ease of operation, as well as the ability to choose a design depending on the purpose, make this heating equipment unrivaled. We hope our material will help you in choosing the unit that suits you.

Maintaining heat inside the garage in winter becomes especially important if you need to tinker with the car, so the heating system must be effective and reliable. Diesel heat guns do this job well. They are sold in stores where you can buy tools, car parts, and much more of that kind. Diesel fuel heat guns are characterized by good performance, save the owner money, and if handled properly do not pose any health hazard.

General characteristics

To understand the advantages of such equipment, you need to know what it is. Diesel heat gun works according to simple principle, similar to what is used in household fan heaters - the air is heated and then pumped into the jet. When he finds himself in a cold surrounding space, hot currents give up their energy to the masses of cold air. This cycle continues until everything is completely heated. internal space to the optimal temperature.


Diesel fuel heat guns are equipped with a reliable metal casing designed to protect heating element and the supercharger from damage or penetration of objects that could ignite and cause a fire.

The design must include a safety element that turns off the system in case of overheating. Therefore, you can safely turn on diesel heat guns to warm up the room in which you are doing something, and not worry too much. However, compliance with safety precautions has not been canceled.

Operating principle

Diesel fuel heat guns, prices for which start from 3,500 rubles, consist of several main elements: a fan that drives air through the heater, a heating element, and a housing in which everything is housed. This description is quite general, but there is no need for those who use it to understand the intricacies of such equipment. If a person’s profession is repairing heat guns, then this is a different matter.

So, everything is clear with the device, and with the principle of operation, everything is not much more complicated. Due to the combustion of fuel, the air is enriched with heat. It is driven by a fan through the heating zone. And it is precisely how the air is heated that allows us to divide the guns into two categories.

Types of heat guns

Speaking about safety, many may wonder where they go because diesel fuel burns and forms certain substances that need to be removed. All these compounds are quite dangerous to human health, so it is important to take care of their removal. And now it’s time to tell you that diesel heat guns come in two types: direct and indirect heating. Each of these types has its own characteristic features, features and possibilities for use.

Thermal indirect heating is well suited for the garage. This design assumes the presence of a pipe - it is designed to remove exhaust gases. A hose is attached to it, which can later be taken outside. This will not lead to any significant heat loss, but harmful heat will not accumulate in the room. carbon monoxide, as well as other substances that pose a health hazard. This is why a diesel heat gun is perceived by many as best option compared to gas models. Many gas-powered appliances do not have this method of removing combustion products, so you will need to open the garage for ventilation, which will cause significant loss of precious heat.

Direct heating heat gun

This option is not suitable for rooms where people are located, since diesel combustion products mix with hot air and accumulate in the room. Therefore, the choice should be based on the most thorough study of information about the device. If you need a heat gun, the instructions for which say it is impossible to use it in a room where people are, then you should think twice before buying it.

Scope of application

Diesel fuel heat guns can be found in many places. They are usually used for heating, during the installation of suspended ceilings to speed up the heating process of the film, and also wherever there is a need for mobile devices, capable of quickly and inexpensively heating rooms of different sizes.

Heat guns, the majority of which have only positive reviews from users, are most widely used as heating devices. storage facilities, construction halls, as well as other places where heating is required, but the use of traditional equipment is difficult or impossible for some reason. In particular, such devices are becoming relevant for buildings in which there is no direct connection to electrical networks. The operation of a heat gun also requires a certain consumption of electrical energy, but not much of it is needed, so a small portable generator is quite capable of coping with this task.

Special types

Diesel-fired heat guns that use deserve special attention. This type of equipment heats the room without the use of a fan, and the air temperature does not increase due to direct heating. Like all heaters infrared type, such a gun produces heating of planes and objects, and not the air masses inside the room. The heating element here, as in all other cases, works due to burning fuel, but without the use of a fan. This makes such a device completely silent during operation, which adds certain advantages to it.

Operating rules

Basic requirements for the use of equipment vary depending on what type of equipment is used. If we are talking about a gun with direct heating, then it is required high-quality ventilation heated zone. Most often, heating units are used for local heating of well-ventilated or semi-closed rooms. There are no such stringent requirements for heaters that use indirect heat transfer, since a chimney can be used to remove combustion products.

Diesel fuel heat guns are increasingly being used when installing tension coverings indoors. The operation of such units requires minimum flow fuel, which significantly reduces costs. In this case, the requirements for organizing the operation of the device require organizing the removal of exhaust gases, which, as mentioned above, is done very simply.


The price of a heat gun can be from 3,500 rubles (depending on the power and manufacturer), and its upper limit is not limited. Such heaters can operate not only on diesel fuel, but also on kerosene or waste oil. Thanks to small additions to the design, it is possible to use such fuel, as a result of which the efficiency of the equipment increases several times.

The main advantage of such devices is their mobility. They weigh very little, and their bulk is fuel tank, the dimensions of which depend on the power of the device. Thanks to this, you can easily transport the equipment and install it in different places.

Quite big model range allows you to select suitable option to solve any problems. Maximum efficiency of a heat gun is provided even with its minimal dimensions, while maintenance costs can also hardly be called significant.

This becomes quite relevant in those moments when you need to quickly and very strongly warm up the room in which renovation work. In particular, when installing suspended ceilings. Using a gun, the air is heated to the required temperature. Thanks to the extreme mobility of such a heater, it can be brought into the room without any difficulties, and then removed from there. To do this, there is no need to attract additional personnel; everything is done by craftsmen who directly install the coating.

Repairing heat guns is also not particularly difficult. These tasks require minimum set tools and basic knowledge in the area heating equipment, running on liquid fuel.


Safety is a significant factor when choosing a heating device. By this parameter gas guns are far behind diesel ones, and electric ones require access to the power supply network to operate. Therefore, the diesel option can be considered optimal.

Reliability is an important parameter, and it is this that dictates what is better in favor of such equipment. A diesel heat gun of indirect heating is practically not subject to breakdowns, and its repair is much easier than when using gas units.

All of these factors speak in favor of the fact that this is reliable, economical and convenient equipment. The only thing that can cloud the use of such heaters is the requirement for a gas outlet pipe or ventilation.


It is already clear what qualities heat guns have. Reviews of such equipment speak of maximum convenience and ease of use. Everyone who has had to use it testifies that it is modern way quickly and efficiently warm up any room. Special demand such devices are used by renovation specialists, since they help to produce a whole series operations. The price of a heat gun is quite affordable, so such a device pays for itself very quickly.

For heating hangars, tents, sports and exhibition halls, agricultural and livestock complexes, as well as other large industrial and construction facilities for various purposes used heat gun. It is a mobile powerful air heater. A special heating element is installed in the gun body, which heats up to a high temperature. The air passing through it, forced by the built-in fan, exits into the room with a powerful air flow of high temperature. The combustion chamber is made of heat-resistant alloy steel. The outer casing almost never heats up due to the rapidly passing through diesel heater large air flow. The wear-resistant outer coating of the gun body is designed for long-term operation diesel air heater.

Depending on the method of heating the heating element, there are 4 types of heat guns:

- diesel heat guns;

Gas heat guns;

Heat guns without power control;

Direct heating heat guns.

Available in two types diesel heat guns : direct and not direct action.D excellent thermal cannon direct action can be used to heat air only in the absence of people, animals, etc. in a heated room. This requirement is due to the fact that the air repeatedly passing through the heat gun loses oxygen and is saturated with the products of its combustion.

Indirect heating air heaters are characterized by the absence of emissions of combustion products into the heated room, and can be used in places where people are located. Diesel guns indirect action have a special heat exchanger, which ensures the removal of harmful emissions beyond the heated area, whereas in workroom clean heated air flows in. Powerful indirect air heaters operating using diesel fuel have a burner torch control system. To achieve complete combustion of the fuel, a flame regulation mechanism is provided. Also, all units are equipped with overheating protection. Automatic maintenance of the set temperature is ensured by a built-in thermostat, which is equipped with most models of diesel air heaters.

Diesel heat gun, enough fuel, with non-stop operation, for 8-16 hours, depending on the model and volume of the fuel tank.

Diesel heat gun during operation, it creates a powerful directed stream of hot air, the outlet temperature of which reaches 255 degrees (depending on the model and type of product). The heat transfer process of the air heater occurs almost instantly. High performance And forced circulation air when using a heat gun allows you to quickly heat and maintain the set temperature in a large room.

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