Anthurium: transplantation and propagation at home. Tips for replanting anthurium at home How to replant an indoor anthurium flower

Anthurium, which is otherwise called the “Male Happiness” flower, is a plant of amazing beauty that has become widespread in indoor floriculture. Despite the fact that this capricious representative of the world of exotic flora makes many demands on the conditions of its maintenance, plant growers treat it with special trepidation. Thus, it is known that anthuriums are very sensitive to transplantation; if the rules are not followed, they can get sick and even die. What conditions should a grower provide if he plans to soon replant his exotic pet? How is this procedure performed correctly?

Why is a transplant needed?

Absolutely any plant requires replanting from time to time. Anthurium, as a representative of the world of the tropics and subtropics, places increased demands not only on the regularity of this procedure, but also on the correctness of its implementation. Poorly chosen time for transplantation, unsuitable soil or pot - these and many other factors can provoke wilting and even death of exotic plants.

Anthuriums usually require replanting due to the following reasons:

  • the root ball has outgrown the volume of the earthen ball;
  • incorrectly selected substrate;
  • soil depletion;
  • diseases and pest damage.

In addition, recently purchased plants that have undergone home quarantine, which implies temporary isolation from others, also require replanting. indoor flowers.

Any ornamental plants, purchased in flower shops, replanting is necessary to replace the store-bought substrate. This is due to the fact that sellers of indoor plants most often use an inexpensive and even low-quality substrate, which allows the flowers to survive transportation and maintain a presentable appearance on the display until the moment of purchase.

Store-bought substrates have increased density and do not allow air and moisture to pass through easily. Such substrates are absolutely not suitable for anthuriums with aerial roots. In addition, store-bought soil mixtures are characterized by low moisture capacity, as a result of which plants often suffer from moisture deficiency. Considering all these factors, exotic plants, purchased in a store, after the expiration of the quarantine period, they must be transplanted into good nutritious soil.

Replanting is also necessary when the age of the plant requires it. Thus, young anthuriums that are actively developing and growing should be replanted every year as they mature. More mature specimens are recommended to be transplanted once every 2–4 years. In the case of transplanting adult plants, the procedure is combined with rejuvenation, which stimulates the formation of new young foliage.

How to determine that it is necessary?

A number of objective, visually detectable signs allow you to determine that a capricious exotic needs a transplant. The degree of expression of these signs depends on the nature and characteristics of the reason due to which the plant requires a change in the substrate and pot.

The root ball has become larger than the substrate ball.

If root system the plant has outgrown the volume of the existing pot and, as a result, the earthen coma will begin to spill out of the container. In this case, the aerial roots of the anthurium will begin to grow above the surface of the substrate, trying to go beyond the pot. Very often, when the root system grows strongly, you can see individual roots that have penetrated through the drainage holes at the bottom of the container. All these signs are signals for an immediate plant transplant.

Incorrectly selected substrate.

The exotic origin of anthuriums determines their increased requirements for the composition and quality of the substrate. The aerial roots of these exotics do not tolerate heavy, dense soils and soils with a high clay content. Fertile garden soil is not suitable for them, and universal primer, which many indoor plants treat very favorably.

Too dense soil in a pot compresses the roots of the plant, disrupting its metabolism and vital processes. As a result, the anthurium takes on a sluggish and sickly appearance, and then dies completely.

The fact that the substrate used is not suitable for delicate exotic plants is evidenced by its gradual withering, accompanied by yellowing and drying of the leaves.

Soil depletion

If a sufficient amount of time has already passed since the last transplant (more than 1–3 years), the soil mixture may be depleted. Any plant, especially one that is actively developing, draws strength for its growth from the resources of the substrate. The more intensively a flower develops, the faster its soil mixture is depleted and becomes unusable.

The fact that the substrate has completely exhausted its supply of nutritional resources is indicated by a sudden stop in the growth and development of the plant. At the same time, it can retain the glossy shine and beautiful shape of its foliage, but the anthurium will not form new stems, leaves and flowers. Also, depletion of the soil mixture is indicated by a sign in which young exotic leaves cannot acquire the same size as old ones. This indicates that the plant objectively does not have enough resources to enlarge young foliage while simultaneously supporting old and mature leaves.

Diseases and damage by pests

If an exotic plant has suffered from pathogenic bacteria or fungi or has been attacked by pests, it can be replanted at any season. An emergency transplant in this case will allow the sensitive exotic to be preserved, even if it has suffered greatly. Delay in transplanting and treating a diseased anthurium here is fraught with its death and infection of healthy plants in the neighborhood.

In addition, anthurium requires replanting in cases where a strange coating forms on the surface of the substrate. These may be lumpy dirty gray or dirty yellow formations, a fluffy gray-green coating, or dark brown or black marks. If the surface of the soil mixture in a pot with anthurium begins to become covered with suspicious growths or plaque, it is necessary to immediately replant the plant and replace the substrate.

In this case, the infected container is either thoroughly disinfected or replaced with a new pot.


Before repotting any houseplants, you need to prepare thoroughly. At this stage, you should create certain living conditions for green pets and arm yourself with necessary equipment and materials.

The materials and tools needed to transplant an anthurium will require:

  • new substrate;
  • new pot;
  • a basin for dumping excess soil;
  • newspapers or oilcloth;
  • auxiliary means: a spatula for indoor flowers, a wooden stick for leveling the substrate, a watering can with settled water.

In the case when replanting a plant is due to the small size of the pot, it is necessary to purchase a new and more spacious container. It is important to ensure that the diameter and height of the new pot are 3–4 centimeters larger than the similar parameters of the previous container. It is preferable that the new pot be made of plastic or ceramic.

In some cases, plants require transplanting into a smaller container. If anthuriums grow in a pot that is too spacious and wide, they may not have enough strength to develop the entire earthen clod.

As a result, water will begin to accumulate in the substrate, which will eventually lead to rotting of the roots and death of the plant.

Before planting, you should disinfect your new pot and make sure there are drainage holes in the bottom. If there are none, they can be done independently using a hot nail or a thin drill.

When planning to transplant an anthurium, it is also necessary to prepare a fresh nutrient substrate. It should be loose, moisture- and breathable. It is preferable that it contains the following components:

  • turf;
  • peat;
  • crushed pine bark;
  • sphagnum;
  • leaf humus;
  • sand;
  • charcoal;
  • vermiculite


If it is not possible to purchase a ready-made soil mixture for representatives of the aroid family, which includes anthurium, you can prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to mix steamed peat, coarse sand and deciduous soil, taken in equal proportions. One part should be added to the resulting soil mixture coniferous land. It can be brought from a pine forest by removing the top layers of soil under the trees. In this case, the ground should also be subjected to heat treatment– steaming.

When preparing for transplantation, you also need to purchase high-quality drainage. For capricious anthuriums, the drainage of the substrate is very important, ensuring complete circulation of air and moisture. For drainage, gardeners usually use crushed expanded clay, fine gravel, pebbles, and brick chips.

How to transplant correctly?

Best time Spring is the time to replant these delightful representatives of the world of tropical flora. Summer is considered a less favorable period.

Gardeners do not recommend replanting plants in autumn and winter. Despite the fact that anthuriums have virtually no dormant period, the winter season is considered difficult for them. If you transplant capricious exotics from one pot to another at this time of year, they will require a lot of effort to recover and adapt.

You can replant a healthy anthurium at home using the “transshipment” method. This method involves removing the plant along with a lump of earth from the old pot and planting it in a new container. At the same time, the roots are not cleared of the adhering soil mixture.

The sequence of actions that must be performed step by step during transplantation is as follows:

  • before planting, the substrate in an old pot with anthurium is moistened abundantly;
  • carefully grab the flower by the stems (closer to the roots);
  • carefully remove the plant along with the earthen lump;
  • carefully examine the roots for damage, traces of diseases and pests.

If the roots of the plant are not damaged and look healthy, the anthurium is transplanted into a new container. In the event that damage or signs of disease or pest damage are revealed during inspection, diseased and rotten roots are removed, and healthy ones are treated with the drug “Fitolavin”.

Before placing the plant in a new pot, place a layer of drainage on the bottom of the container. The substrate is poured over the drainage layer so that the pot is filled by about a third. Then, focusing on the center of the container, the plant is placed in the pot. At this stage, you need to make sure that its stems are located in the central part of the pot.

Then they begin to carefully fill the pot with substrate. Fractions that are too large (fragments of pine bark, peat, turf) are carefully pushed with a thin stick, trying not to touch the fragile roots. To more evenly distribute the substrate in the pot, it is recommended to lightly tap its walls while filling the soil mixture.

At the end of the transplant, the surface of the substrate is compacted, lightly kneading it with your fingers. You should not put in unnecessary effort.

After purchase

Plants recently purchased from a store are not replanted immediately. For some time, new anthuriums should be kept isolated from other indoor flowers. During the quarantine period, it will be possible to check the health of the flower, eliminating the possibility of its infection by pests or pathogens. The duration of quarantine can vary from several days to 2–3 weeks. After quarantine, the plant is transplanted into a new pot with fresh nutrient substrate, performing all of the above steps.

During flowering

Beginning gardeners are afraid to replant the “Male Happiness” flower during flowering. Experienced plant growers claim that despite all its whimsical blooming anthuriums They tolerate this procedure quite calmly. However, during the flowering period, it is better not to disturb the plants unnecessarily. At this time, they spend a lot of energy on the formation of buds and flowers. Transplantation can distract exotics from flowering, forcing them to direct available resources to adaptation and restoration.

Post-procedure care

After replanting, the plant should be cared for more carefully than usual. At this time, anthuriums need gentle conditions of detention, allowing them to recover faster. To facilitate the adaptation of the delicate exotic after transplantation, you should pay attention to the following nuances of care:

  • watering;
  • feeding;
  • optimal lighting;
  • suitable air temperature;
  • suitable air humidity.


Watering the transplanted plant must be done very carefully. Practice shows that even with the most careful transplantation, the fragile roots of anthuriums are often injured and become more sensitive to conventional procedures.

It is necessary to water transplanted exotic plants with settled or filtered water. Its temperature may be slightly higher than with regular watering.

Watering is recommended more abundantly than usual, but the water should not stagnate in the pot. If water accumulates in a pot or tray, the excess must be drained. The need for regular watering is determined based on the condition of the earthen clod. If the substrate has dried out on top, you need to water the plant.


In the first month after transplantation, fertilizing should be abandoned. If the roots of the anthurium are damaged during the procedure, feeding may worsen their condition. Moreover, there is no need to apply fertilizers after transplantation due to the fact that the new substrate has enough nutrients.

Optimal lighting

After transplantation, the plant requires a lot of soft and diffused light. These delicate exotics tolerate poor lighting, as well as direct sunlight, painfully. It is best to place pots of anthuriums on windows in the eastern or western parts of the house. If there is a lack of natural light, flowers should be illuminated with a phytolamp or fluorescent lamp.

Air temperature

The exotic origin of anthuriums determines their increased temperature requirements environment. Plants will recover faster after transplantation if the room where they grow is maintained at a stable temperature of 25°. In winter, the temperature can be lowered slightly. Sudden temperature changes should not be allowed, since tropical plants they are destructive.


The tropics and subtropics, which are the natural habitat of anthuriums, are characterized by high air humidity. After transplantation, these exotic plants will be able to adapt and recover faster if the air in the room is saturated with moisture. You can cope with this task using a household humidifier. If there is no such device, you should install a wide tray or container with water next to the anthuriums. Also support optimal humidity air will be allowed by regular spraying with warm, settled water.

Exotic anthurium is popular with many gardeners. The variety of varieties allows you to choose a flower with different colors of bedspreads. There are varieties that are popular for their decorative leaves, such as Crystal Anthurium. The plant is popularly nicknamed “Male Happiness”, and in its homeland it is known as “fire tongue” and “pink flamingo” because of its scarlet and soft pink bracts.

After you have bought an anthurium and brought it home, the question immediately arises whether it is worth replanting it or not. The opinions of flower growers differ on this. Some believe that the flower needs acclimatization and should not be touched for some time. Others insist on an immediate “male happiness” transplant.

Experts recommend maintaining the standard time required for the plant to get used to new conditions - 2 weeks, after which replant the anthurium. The fact is that plants are sold in special transport soil, which contains a minimum of nutrients. The supply of fertilizer is enough for a short period of time, and then the plant begins to experience discomfort. Spots may appear on the leaves, individual leaves begin to dry, and flower stalks also dry out.

If you take a flower out of a pot, you will see that its roots are intertwined in a tight lump, and the soil is almost invisible. A cramped pot depresses the condition of the root system, impairs air access and creates conditions for moisture stagnation. Anthurium begins to hurt. In addition, due to lack of nutrition, there is no stimulation of the growth of new shoots. Therefore, if you bought a large specimen of anthurium, it is better not to delay replanting.

We talked about replanting the flower we just bought. How often do you need to replant an anthurium that has been living in the house for several years? The rule here is one that applies to most indoor plants. Young specimens are replanted annually as they grow, adults once every 2-3 years. Transplantation is often combined with rejuvenation of adult anthuriums.

Although these flowers do not have a clearly defined dormant period and can produce winter months peduncles, grow new leaves, nevertheless, winter is for them difficult time. It is best to start replanting anthurium in the spring.

Note! A plant may also need an unscheduled transplant when its pot is clearly too small or it is in a depressed state.

Anthurium is rarely affected by pests. But sometimes this nevertheless happens and this can also become a reason for an unscheduled transplant. If necessary, it can be carried out at any time of the year. Flowering is not an obstacle to transplantation; in this regard, anthurium is not too sensitive.


Anthurium transplantation can be done in two ways. If the plant is healthy and the pot is simply too small for it, you can replant the flower using the transshipment method. In this situation, the roots are not completely freed from the soil, but only the excess substrate is lightly shaken off them. When replanting an anthurium due to disease or root rot, the root system is thoroughly cleaned of old soil and planted in fresh soil.

The root system of anthuriums grows in breadth. Therefore, it is better to choose a wide, shallow pot. Moisture in such a container will also stagnate less.

Important! The pot should be selected in accordance with the volume of the root system. Do not use a container with a reserve, the earth will turn sour and acquire an unpleasant odor.

If you want to get babies from anthurium, it is better to take a wider pot. But in this case the plant will bloom worse. Need a profusely flowering specimen? Then replant the anthurium into a pot 1-2 cm wider than the previous one.

It is better if the container is made of plastic; in a glass pot it is more difficult to maintain stability. temperature regime. For tropical plants, it is undesirable to expose the roots to hypothermia, as this will lead to disease or rotting. When planting an anthurium in a previously used pot, the walls must be thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water or treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

In nature, anthurium lives in dense forest thickets among fallen bark and leaves mixed with soil. He needs approximately the same soil composition at home. It should be slightly acidic and allow air and moisture to pass through well. If you manage to purchase a specialized substrate designed for growing anthuriums, that’s great. In such soil, as a rule, all proportions are observed and the plant’s needs for the necessary substances are taken into account.

Some people replace it with orchid substrate that contains bark, peat and sphagnum. You can prepare the planting mixture yourself. The soil should be quite loose, but at the same time keep a large specimen in an upright position. One must have drainage installed. It may consist of expanded clay, brick chips or small pebbles.

The mixture should include:

  • leaf humus (2 parts);
  • turf land (1 part);
  • coarse sand (1 part).

You can use another composition:

  • turf land (2 parts);
  • fibrous peat (1 part);
  • pine bark (1 part);
  • crushed sphagnum (1 part).

Leaf soil, bark and moss can be collected from the forest, turf can be prepared at summer cottage. Each component serves its own purpose. Moss and pine bark make the mixture light and breathable, leaf soil and turf provide nutrition.

Useful advice! As a small additive, you can add perlite or vermiculite and charcoal; their share in the composition should not exceed 15%.

Before transplantation, the substrate must be disinfected. This can be done:

  1. calcining it in the oven;
  2. holding it over steam;
  3. freezing for three to four days;
  4. spilling a solution of potassium permanganate or fungicides.

Peat and moss do not need such treatment; only turf and leaf soil and humus are subjected to it. Then the components are mixed.

  • Before transplanting the anthurium, water it so that the earthen ball softens and becomes more pliable - this makes it easier to remove from the pot. Plastic pot You can knead it lightly with your hands.
  • The roots should be carefully inspected and all damaged, dried or rotten areas should be removed. After this, the plants are dried in air for half an hour and then treated with phytolavine.
  • Drainage and a thin layer of soil are poured into the pot, after which the anthurium is placed vertically and soil is added along the edges. During the process, you need to tap the walls of the pot so that the soil fills it evenly.
  • At the end of the transplantation, compact the soil with your hands without excessive pressure and water the plant.

Now put the pot in its usual place; the anthurium will need some time to recover.

Atrium transplantation: video

Flower care after transplantation

Caring for an anthurium after transplantation differs from normal care only in that the plant is watered more carefully. Its roots do not immediately begin to work at full strength and may become injured. For the same reason, the flower is not fertilized in the first month; the new soil contains enough nutrients to ensure its growth and development.

Tropical anthurium needs bright diffused lighting. Direct sun rays are contraindicated for him. It will grow well on east and west windows. Plants on the southern windowsill must be shaded, and on the northern windowsill they must be additionally illuminated.

“Male happiness” loves warmth. In summer, the optimal values ​​will be 20-28 degrees; in winter, the contents are kept cooler. Some varieties of anthurium need this to form flower buds. But the temperature should not drop below 15-16 degrees. Please note that anthurium does not like sudden changes in temperature and drafts.

For irrigation, it is recommended to use settled or filtered water at room temperature, or a little warmer. Water the flower abundantly, but in between, the soil should dry out half of the pot. Anthurium roots are sensitive to stagnant moisture and rot easily. Excess water It is necessary to drain from the pan after watering. At cold wintering The plant is watered less and less often.

Since anthurium is an epiphytic plant, it needs high humidity air. Although breeders are trying to develop new varieties that are resistant to dry indoor air, it is necessary to take into account the needs of the plant and carry out spraying or place a humidifier on the windowsill. You can also place bowls of water or trays with wet expanded clay.

Anthuriums are fed in spring and summer once every 2-3 weeks. The root system of epiphytes does not tolerate an excess of mineral salts, so the complex fertilizer is diluted in a weaker concentration. Experts advise reducing the dose by half compared to that recommended on the package.

Anthuriums respond very well to weekly foliar feeding on the leaves. Once a month you can indulge in “male happiness” organic fertilizers. To do this, use mullein infusion or mulch from leaf humus. Instead of mullein, you can use chicken manure.

Don't forget that flowers need our care. Regular care for them requires much less time than it will take to treat diseases caused by improper living conditions. Support optimal temperature and humidity, feed and replant the anthurium in a timely manner. Then he's on for a long time will remain a decoration of your interior.

Almost all indoor flowers need replanting. Usually purchased small plant up to one year old. As it grows and matures, the volume of the root system increases, and the flower becomes cramped in the pot. In this case, a transplant is needed. Before reaching the age of 1 year, anthurium is replanted annually, at the age of 3-4 years - once every 3 years or less, depending on the speed of root growth.

Step by step instructions on replanting anthurium at home will help you perform the procedure correctly, not harm the plant and maintain its health.

When is it time to replant?

The “male happiness” flower is replanted several times during its life:

  1. For the first time you need to replant the anthurium after purchase. Typically, indoor plants are sold in a shipping cup, which is made of thin plastic or other materials unsuitable for constant growth. In addition, in order to save money, depleted soil is used (sometimes just peat), with a minimum content of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, during the initial transplantation, you need to change both the pot and the soil mixture. You should not immediately carry out the procedure as soon as the anthurium is brought home. It is better to wait 1-2 weeks, arranging a kind of quarantine. This will help you understand whether the plant is infected with diseases and will reduce the risk of infection of other indoor flowers.
  2. The second transplant is carried out after one year or earlier if the anthurium is growing too actively. The roots sticking out from the drainage holes or on top of the pot will tell you that it’s time to replant it. In general, it will be noticeable that the flower has become crowded.
  3. Mature plants that have already reached three years of age do not need to be replanted annually., and carry out the procedure once every 3-4 years, when the flower becomes cramped in its previous container.
  4. Some varieties of anthurium reach large sizes, and the bushes are very dense. Old branched plants do not need to be replanted completely, since there is a high risk of damaging the root system, which will lead to death. But you still need to update the soil. In this case, carefully dig out the top layer of soil to at least a third of the height of the pot, replace it with new soil, and at the same time remove too long roots that stick out above the surface or below in the drainage holes.

The following signs will indicate that the plant needs replanting:

  • roots are visible that are not in the ground, but on its surface or at the bottom of the pot;
  • the plant slows down or stops developing;
  • leaves may begin to turn yellow due to a lack of nutrients and moisture in the soil;
  • watering becomes more frequent due to the fact that overgrown roots draw water faster;
  • the overall decorative effect of the flower decreases - the leaves become unequally long, the flowering is not so bright and beautiful.

The initial planting of an anthurium in a permanent pot after purchasing it should be the most careful - the plant is still young, fragile, its roots are thin, brittle, easily damaged and broken off.

Timing of the procedure

Transplanting anthurium during flowering is undesirable, because flowering plant spends all the energy and nutrients extracted from the soil on maintaining beautiful flowers. Therefore, it is optimal to transplant in the spring until the end of May, when the temperature in the room does not exceed 25 ℃. If it is very hot and dry, the temperature is above 30 ℃, it is not advisable to move the flower to a new place, as it may not take root.

You can replant in the fall if the plant has already bloomed. Anthurium does not have a resting phase, it blooms all year round almost non-stop.

It is better to transplant the anthurium before the buds appear or after flowering has ended.

In order to properly transplant anthurium at home, you need to follow several rules.

Preparatory stage

First you need to select a new pot and prepare the soil if you are not using a purchased one.

Selection of pot

The size of the anthurium pot should correspond to the volume of the root system. A small young shoot will easily fit and feel comfortable in a container approximately 10 cm in diameter. When replanting annually or regularly, you need to select a pot with a diameter 3–5 cm larger to provide the roots with the necessary space.

Anthurium does not have a branched and deep root system; all roots are in top layer soil. Therefore, you need a wide pot, with low sides, and shallow. It is better if it is made of ceramic, but plastic will do. There should be at least 4 holes about 0.5 cm at the bottom for drainage. This will prevent stagnation of water during watering or irrigation. Be sure to place a tray under the pot.

Soil preparation

Both a ready-made substrate, which can be found in the store, and a self-made soil mixture are suitable. In the first case, choose earth mixture, intended for decorative flowering indoor plants. You can transplant a flower into it immediately after purchase or during regular transplants. Typically, such mixtures are already enriched with the necessary set of nutritional components and are optimal in composition.

The soil can be made with my own hands from the following components:

  • 1 part each of sphagnum, peat;
  • 1 part coniferous soil;
  • 1 part leaf soil;
  • 1 part coarse river sand.

Before mixing the soil, the components must be disinfected, for example, calcined in the oven, rinsed in running water or treat with special solutions by spraying.

Then the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and if necessary, remove debris and weed roots. The pot, if it is not new, also requires disinfection. It can be frozen for one day in the freezer of the refrigerator, washed with potassium permanganate, or, if the manufacturing material allows, calcined in the oven.

Lay out on the bottom drainage layer about 3 cm thick or less depending on the height of the container. This can be large perlite, small broken cuttings of a pot or brick, or pebbles. Sprinkle the top with a thick layer of earth.

How to prepare a plant for transplanting

One day before the planned transplant, the flower in the pot needs to be moistened and the green parts should be sprayed. This is necessary to make it easier for the plant to come out of the pot. You can use the “bottom watering” method, that is, pour water into the pan, which the anthurium will absorb with its roots.

If aerial roots have taken root on the surface of the ground, they need to be carefully dug up, being careful not to damage the delicate roots.

Procedure technology

You can transfer a flower from one pot to another as follows:

  1. On a table or other hard surface you need to place the soil, an old pot with a plant and a new container, materials for the drainage layer, a small shovel and scissors for sanitary pruning.
  2. Tools are disinfected. If a plant is infected with fungal diseases, the root mass and leaves are treated.
  3. Carefully remove the flower, clasping it at the roots with your hands, shaking off excess soil, but do not remove the lump completely. Roots are inspected, rotten or damaged roots are cut off, sprinkled with crushed coal, and treated with fungicides if necessary.
  4. A little soil is poured onto the drainage layer, the anthurium is placed vertically in the center of the container, covered with soil up to the root collar and pressed lightly with your hands.
  5. The plant must be immediately selected suitable place so as not to rearrange it around the room. This should be a windowsill without bright sunshine and drafts.
  6. After transplantation, the flower is not watered or fertilized for at least 7 days.

If you need to plant an old plant, it is advisable to rejuvenate it before doing so. To do this, cut off the top with 2–4 rudiments of aerial roots.

This part is wrapped in a damp cloth or a moistened ball of moss. When the roots appear, the cut top is transplanted into a new one. big pot.

Features of care after transplantation

Anthurium is grown after transplantation in compliance with the following rules:

  1. Avoid dry air. This can cause leaves to yellow and fall off. In hot weather, additional spraying is carried out; the entire plant, together with the pot, can be placed in a sink or shower and watered with water.
  2. If the lower part of the leaves turns yellow, this may indicate stagnation of water. You can notice rotting at the base of the plant - the petioles and leaves soften and become watery. In this case, the flower must be replanted and the damaged parts cut off.
  3. Monitor the temperature carefully. If in winter period the air becomes too hot and dry due to operating heating devices, place the plant on northern windows, organizing it additional lighting. In order for anthurium to bloom beautifully and for a long time, lighting must be regular.

If during the transplantation process you use self-prepared soil, the tools or the pot were not sufficiently disinfected, the plant may become infected with diseases. Most often these are fungal diseases that are very difficult to cure. Therefore, during replanting, preventive treatment with fungicides and spraying with a slightly pink solution of manganese will not harm.

On average, young bushes (they are considered such until they are four years old) are replanted once a year, old ones - once every two or three. This general rule, it applies to most domesticated tropical flowers.

The best time for such a procedure is spring or first half of summer.

The main reasons for transplantation of this flower are:

  • heavily overgrown root system(the roots stick out from the holes at the bottom of the pot, they simply burst it, and if the pot is plastic, it can even bend, and if you take the plant out of the “house”, the soil will not be visible behind the roots);
  • depleted or saline soil(a rusty or white coating has appeared on its surface);
  • suspicion of disease or pest living in the roots of a plant (for example, it can hide in the roots and soil mealybug- the photo below with a violet shows how it manifests itself);

  • your wish divide an overgrown bush for propagation of anthurium.

Is it true that after purchasing a plant it is necessary to replant it?

Experienced flower growers advise not to delay such a transplant for more than three days.

Firstly, during this procedure you appreciate the roots of the flower and you will finally understand whether the anthurium you were sold was good or defective. If part of the root system is rotten, cut off all suspicious areas and treat the sections with activated carbon.

This is what the roots of a healthy plant look like:

All brown and black segments are under the knife.

Secondly, you replace the soil. In the store, the flower is often watered a large number chemistry - sellers need the flowerpot to bloom faster and brighter, that is, to have presentation. The remains of these fertilizers linger in the soil, negatively affecting its quality. And in most stores, flowers are generally watered with tap water, often flooding poor plants, so that the soil can either become salty or become waterlogged.

Well, finally, you can change the pot to a more spacious one or just a beautiful one.

What if the bush is just blooming?

You can also wait with anthurium if the transplant is planned (once a year or even less often). But if you carry it out after the purchase or it is sanitary (the flower is sick), do not wait. Anthurium is a culture that does not react too painfully to “relocation” during flowering.

Some flower growers recommend cutting off all yellow, limp leaves, as well as flower stalks, before re-transferring - they say, without wasting effort on flowers, the plant will take root better in a new pot. But I don’t cut flowers, it’s a pity. And yet, male happiness endures a careful transshipment without problems.

The correct technology for “moving” an anthurium into a new pot

  1. Water the flower to soften the old soil.
  2. Carefully remove the plant from the old pot. Be careful: the roots of the flower may look thick and substantial, but in fact they are very delicate and brittle.
  3. Inspect the root system. Cut off anything damaged (before doing this, it is advisable to disinfect the tool by wiping it with alcohol). Along with the rotten roots, remove the soil adhering to the roots - it probably contains a lot of putrefactive bacteria.
  4. If the old soil is salty or there is a disease in the pot, the roots can be lightly rinsed in a bowl of water, washing away all the old soil. After this, the flower should be placed on the table for an hour or two, giving it the opportunity to drain a little and dry.
  5. Even if the anthurium is healthy, you can carry out preventive treatment of the plant. For example, spray its roots with “Fitolavin” or “Fundazol”. This procedure will protect the bush from rot and bacteria. It is especially recommended to treat a newly purchased plant with a similar product - everyone is well aware that in most cases both pests and dangerous diseases come into our homes precisely from stores or nurseries!
  6. “Place” the plant’s roots in a new pot filled with drainage and some soil. Add more soil around the edges, shaking the pot slightly so that it fits more tightly. You can press it down with your hands only lightly, and only when the plant is already completely planted. And do not fill the soil right up to the edges of the pot: there should be about 2.5 cm from the soil to the edge.

A flower has not only deep, but also aerial roots. They can be deepened into the ground, but only slightly - a couple of centimeters. And those that are higher can be covered with damp moss - such roots are afraid of drying out.

Choosing a pot

A “house” for male happiness can be both plastic and glass. You can also take glazed clay pot(but the glaze should be inside, given flower culture Pots with rough walls are not suitable - roots can grow in them, and when transplanted they will not come out, but will be torn out, which will end in injury to the flower).

Personally, I’m just delighted with this pot:

True, I bought a simpler one for my flower. Reason: drainage holes. It is very difficult to find a glass pot with holes in the bottom, but this flowerpot needs such holes - it is afraid of stagnation of moisture in the soil.

Correct pot shape: shallow but wide.

Can I use an old pot? Yes, if it fits. But it needs to be washed thoroughly, removing all whitish salt deposits from the walls. And if the plant in this “house” was sick, the pot should definitely be disinfected with a prophylactic solution of a purchased fungicide, or at least spilled with boiling water.

Purchasing or creating a soil mixture

Since man's happiness is an epiphytic plant, he can buy soil for this type of flowerpot. For example, substrate for orchids.

Options for soil that you can create at home:

  • small pieces of pine bark + sphagnum moss, also known as bog moss + some charcoal(you can also take pharmaceutical, activated, in tablets) + expanded clay;
  • forest land + light turf soil+ sphagnum moss;
  • 1 share of peat + 1 share of deciduous soil + 1 share of coniferous soil + 0.5 share of sand + a little charcoal + a little pine bark or other coniferous tree.

When collecting soils and bark from nature, do not forget that they must be boiled or calcined in the oven. This way you will protect the delicate flower from bacteria, viruses or harmful insects, the larvae of which may be in the soil and appear invisible to the unprotected eye.

Also don't forget about drainage. Expanded clay should be poured onto the bottom of the pot (at least a quarter of its depth).

Dividing a bush for propagation

The older a man's happiness becomes, the thicker the bush.

The first division can be carried out in the fourth year of the flower’s life..

Ideal time for such breeding: January-February. At this time, the flowerpot is just beginning to shed its old leaves, entering a dormant period. At this time, the division procedure will least disturb the flower.

However, this cannot be said that it cannot be divided in the same spring or at other times of the year. One summer I even divided a flowering bush, forming three flowerpots from it - and all three are still blooming well.

Each division should have enough stems and leaves, as well as buds.

If you cannot untangle the roots with your hands, take sharp knife and cut them in several places. But remember that this is a last resort. Never use a blunt instrument (it will crush the tissue, and the roots will only begin to rot). In addition, be sure to treat the knife before the procedure by wiping it with alcohol or at least dipping it in a solution of potassium permanganate or boiling water.

Flower care after transplantation

Overweight male happiness does not need special conditions: take care in the same way as before.

  • the lighting in the room should be bright, but indirect (the sun's rays should be diffused by a curtain or trees outside the window so that they do not fall directly on the flowerpot);
  • anthurium loves warmth;
  • the plant cannot live without spraying or other water procedures(for example, in winter it will not refuse to grow near a humidifier);
  • water the bush little by little, waiting for the soil in the pot to dry (take settled or filtered water - use the same liquid for spraying);
  • Immediately after transplantation, do not feed the flower for 2-3 weeks - it will find everything it needs in fresh soil.

Although this exotic is not considered super problematic, sometimes a gardener faces difficulties caring for this flower.

Instead of an afterword: let’s remember the most important

  • Anthurium is replanted after purchase (within three days), if a disease or root pests are suspected, when the pot becomes small, or as planned. It is advisable to replant young flowers annually, mature ones - once every few years.
  • Blooming anthurium can be replanted. The main thing is not to disturb the plant, carefully handling it.
  • Orchid soil is suitable for the flower. Its basis can be moss, peat, sphagnum, forest soil.
  • Choose a shallow but wide pot - it is in such a vessel that water will not stagnate. Drainage holes in the bottom are required.

Anthurium is one of the most beautiful indoor plants. But beauty requires proper careful care from the moment you purchase a flower in a store. Now we find out how to properly transplant anthurium?.

Remember! Replanting is a gross intrusion into the life of the plant, so we must mitigate the situation as much as possible.

Before starting the transplant

Photo of anthurium transplant

Before you start transplanting work, answer a few questions for yourself:

  • Why is a plant transplant needed?
  • When is the best time to produce it?
  • How often should you do this?

The answers to these questions can be found in the table.

Preparation of substrate for anthurium transplantation

Anthurium substrate

Now you can begin preparatory work for transplantation.

The first thing you need to prepare is the substrate.

Remember! 90% of success is the right soil!

Composition of soil for anthurium─ this is the case when knowledge about its natural habitat helps to select the necessary components.

Anthurium came to us from the forests of Colombia and Ecuador. There it grows on tree trunks, takes root in stuck leaves with particles of earth between the axils of the branches, in the crevices of old trees. This is an epiphyte. From here it becomes clear what composition to prepare for transplantation.

There are several options for the composition of soil for anthurium. This is not to say that they are very different.

General requirements for the substrate: it must be light, moisture permeable and breathable.

Here possible options soil composition.

  • Option 1.1 Part leaf earth, 1 Part peat, 1 Part coniferous land, 0, 5 parts sand
  • Option 2. Fibrous heather soil, high peat, bark humus hardwood, coarse sand.
  • Option 3. 2 parts peat, 2 parts moss, 1 Part turf land.
  • Option 4. Fibrous coarse leaf soil, swamp moss, light turf soil.

Remember! Anthurium does not tolerate alkali. The earth should have a slightly acidic reaction.

As a simpler option, especially when transplanting in winter, you can buy nt, which is used for I love orchids, since they are both epiphytes. But experienced flower growers They claim that the soil is just as suitable for azaleas. It can also be transplanted into soil for bromeliads.

You can mix the soil for azaleas with peat, sphagnum and crushed pine bark.

Since anthurium is an epiphyte, it can successfully develop in sphagnum alone without any additives. Moss conducts air and water well, it contains nutrients, when grown in sphagnum, the plant does not need to be sprayed: humidity increases the moss.

Any soil, both purchased and independently prepared, needs neutralize harmful microorganisms. To do this, you can remove the soil in the cold several hours or vice versa, place in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10–15 minutes.

Choosing a pot

Having prepared or purchased soil, proceed to choosing a pot.

Number of pots and their volume

Photos of different pots

Following the general rule for all plants, you need to replant them in a pot. larger size than the one in which the plant is before transplanting. But it is possible that a smaller pot may be needed. When starting a transplant, prepare both options.

A pot, even a new one, must be treated before planting a plant in it. It is good to bake a clay pot in the oven, and plastic and glass pots needs to be washed with laundry soap and rinse thoroughly with hot water.

Never replant a plant in an old pot. Remember! A pot that has already been used needs special treatment.

If we are talking about rejuvenation, which involves dividing the bush, prepare as many pots as you want to divide into independent plants anthurium. If you must separate cuttings from an adult plant, prepare pots for both the plant itself and the cuttings. Keep in mind that the root mass of the plant will become smaller.

When choosing a pot, decide for what purpose you will grow the anthurium. If you want to have a beautiful flowering plant in your apartment, then you need to choose a smaller pot. So that there is a distance between the walls of the pot and the lump of earth with the rhizome no more than half a centimeter. Then your plant will bloom profusely.

If you want to get babies from the plant, side shoots that form on the roots, then you need to transplant the plant into a large enough pot and accept the fact that it will not bloom. But it will give me numerous offspring. True, after you plant the children in separate pots, the mother plant can be planted in a tighter pot and achieve flowering. But this takes time.

Anthurium pot material

Now a few words about what material the pot should be made of.

Many gardeners believe that best pot For indoor plant from clay.

This is true. Clay allows air to pass through, providing additional saturation of the rhizome with oxygen.

But in the case of anthurium not worth taking clay pot . Or at least it should be glazed on the inside. And again because anthurium is an epiphyte. It will grow its roots into the clay, and then it will be difficult to remove it from the pot for replanting without damaging the roots. Plastic or glass orchid pots are better suited for anthuriums.

Remember! Each time you should choose not so much a wider, but a deeper pot for replanting.

Preparation of drainage before transplantation

The photo shows drainage for transplantation

Now prepare the drainage. It must be placed at the bottom of the pot.

At first on the hole on Place a clay shard at the bottom of the pot. This is necessary so that the soil does not fall out, especially in the first time after transplantation, and the hole itself does not become clogged.

Sprinkle a little on top broken bricks or expanded clay. Then add sphagnum moss and perlite. Then you can add some soil. The pot for replanting is ready.

It must be remembered that drainage for an adult plant occupies one fourth of the pot, and for a young plant ─ a third.

The soil is already ready, but you can add a little more charcoal or finely crushed brick to improve air penetration.

Tools and materials for transplantation

Spatula for replanting house plants

Before you begin transplantation work, you need to prepare the tools and materials that may be needed:

  • Scissors.
  • A spatula or wooden stick 2–3 cm wide.
  • Sphagnum moss.
  • Finelycrushed charcoal.
  • A weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Phytolavin solution.

Remember! All parts of the plant are poisonous. You must work with gloves!

Transplanting a plant

When getting started, use the following algorithm:

  • Water the plant well.
  • Take it out of the old pot (if the plant does not give in easily, then you need to gently knock on the bottom of the pot. You should not use force in this case ) .
  • Clean the roots from the old substrate, being as careful as possible.
  • Inspect the root system of the plant.
  • If the rhizome is healthy, it can be sprayed with phytolavine for preventive purposes.
  • Trim rotten and dead roots.
  • Sprinkle the cuts with wood coal.
  • If you find on the roots of a plant small pests, then the roots need to be thoroughly cleaned and soaked for several minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • If you divide the plant, the roots must be patiently untangled.
  • Choose a pot by size. If it was deleted most roots, you will need a smaller pot.
  • Place the plant in the pot.
  • Using a stick, carefully fill the space between the roots with soil.

Remember! Do not press the roots of the plant to the bottom of the pot.

  • Add soil to the pot.
  • Anthurium epiphyte. Therefore, it may have roots located very high, and therefore cannot be covered with soil. Cover such roots with damp moss, otherwise they will dry out.

If the plant becomes cramped in the pot, then there is no need to carry out such a drastic operation to replant it. Simply transfer the plant to a larger pot.

You need to run a knife between the soil and the walls of the pot, carefully remove the plant without damaging the lump of earth, and put it in a new pot with fresh drainage. In this case, it is not advisable to use old drainage.

Pour soil into the empty space between the lump and the new pot. Also add a layer of fresh soil on top. But this method of transplantation cannot be used constantly, although it is the most gentle. With this method, the substrate does not renew. Over time, nutrients run out, and then it is necessary complete replacement soil.

For a healthy plant, you can alternate transshipment and replanting with a complete replacement of the soil.

Lift the plant removed from the transport pot and see if there is a so-called floral sponge, which may contain some of the roots. If the root system is strong, try to feel the sponge by carefully inserting your finger into the middle of the rhizome. If it is there, then it must be carefully removed. It will interfere with root development.

If you cannot remove the plant without much effort, add more water to the pot.

You can determine the appearance of excess minerals by the white coating in the pot.

After transplantation, the plant should be watered abundantly and placed in a place where there is no direct sunlight.

The transplanted plant cannot be fertilized for a month.

The transplanted plant needs more abundant watering and constant spraying.

With proper care, anthurium blooms all year round.

Do not replant the plant in hot weather.

If necessary, an adult anthurium can be replanted during flowering. But after transplanting it is better to water solution epina. As a rule, it does not discard flowers when transplanting.

Anthurium is an easy plant to care for. The main thing for him is your care and attention. Then it will constantly bloom and delight.

Watch the video about replanting anthurium!

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