Easy growing of orchids in glass pots (vases). How to grow an orchid without soil in a glass pot How to water orchids in glass

Orchids are unique plants that amaze with their external diversity, shape and color range. This article will tell you about a relatively new form of keeping orchids at home - growing them in glass vases.

Features of growing orchids in vases

With this non-trivial method of growing and keeping orchids indoors, the shape of the glass container plays a decisive role in plant growth. The optimal configuration is considered to be a vase that is wide at the bottom, tapering at the top, like a cognac glass, since only the root system should be in a pot without soil, the rest of the plant should be outside the container. However, when buying a flower, the vessel in which it is placed can have completely different shapes - wide and short or tall and narrow.

Did you know? The orchid can be called a champion among flowers in terms of the number of seeds produced by one plant - up to 4 million pieces.

If the glass flowerpot has an elongated shape, then some nuances should be taken into account in care:

  • since the leaves are folded, “pressed” against each other, there is a risk of damaging them;
  • insufficient ventilation and excess humidity in the flowerpot can cause fungal infections of the plant.
Orchids growing in glass containers look very decorative, but caring for plants is complicated by the fact that flowerpots made from the above material do not have drainage holes, so you should carefully monitor the condition of the root system of flowers for pathogenic fungi, mold and algae.

Features of plant development and growth

The orchid grows and will develop in the future in the complete absence of a soil layer in the case when the root system is not in a state of constant moisture. In the natural growing environment, tree bark, mosses or lichens are only supporting materials for the plant.

Important! Aggressive sun exposure is detrimental to this type of plant, so you should not place flower pots on window sills facing south.

In our case, the supporting elements are the walls of the flowerpot or special holders. Particular attention should be paid to the correct location of flowerpots in the room in which they grow, since flowers are quite demanding in terms of lighting.

Basic principles of care

Let's take a closer look at how to care for an exotic flower.


The procedure for watering an orchid growing in a glass container is practically no different from watering plants kept in ordinary flowerpots. Water is poured so that the roots are completely immersed in it and well moistened.

The following requirements apply to water for irrigation:

  • settled (without chlorine impurities);
  • softened;
  • the content of mineral salts should be minimal.

The requirement of the last point is due not only to the health of the flower, but also to the fact that insoluble salt compounds settle on the glass surface, thereby reducing the overall decorative effect of the indoor orchid. After about half an hour, excess water is drained as thoroughly as possible.

The frequency of watering is affected by the temperature of the room. Water three times a week during warm periods, and daily on particularly hot days. In colder months, the frequency of water application is reduced to once every 7 days. For the procedure, it is preferable to do it in the morning so that the plant dries out in the evening.


It is recommended to fertilize the orchid often with low concentrations of nutrients, and not rarely, but in large doses. When the process of active growth of green mass occurs, the flower is fed once every two weeks with a special fertilizer composition at a concentration of 25% (a quarter) of the recommended dose.

Prevention of possible diseases

In order to prevent the development of possible diseases, the following requirements must be adhered to:

  1. The volume of the flowerpot should be slightly larger than the volume of the root system. Otherwise, natural ventilation is disrupted, which leads to the occurrence of root rot, fungi, and mold.
  2. Avoid overcooling the roots.
  3. Remove dead parts of the orchid in a timely manner.
  4. Wash the glass pot regularly, and carefully place the removed orchid on a flat surface to ventilate and dry the roots. Before this, you can carry out the “bathing” procedure - the roots are thoroughly washed with water at a comfortable temperature and a weak shower stream.

Important! Before the feeding procedure, the root system of the plant is abundantly moistened with water. This will avoid chemical burns.

Since the orchid is difficult to care for, the advice of professional flower growers will be very helpful in solving emerging problems with the flower.

What to do if the root system is very weak

In the case of a weakened, damaged root system, the orchid is removed from the glass container, the defective roots are removed and for some time, to form a powerful, viable system, it is placed in a mini-greenhouse. To do this, a five-liter plastic bottle is cut transversely on three sides, a layer of wet substrate (bark, moss, expanded clay) is placed on the bottom, into which a plant with pre-cut peduncles is placed. The bottle is tightly closed, securing the structure with tape. From time to time the container is opened to ventilate and moisten the substrate. After time, the roots should get stronger and recover.

Ventilation and aeration of the plant

As mentioned above, ventilation of the root system is ensured by a sufficient volume of the flowerpot and periodic removal of the plant from the vessel for forced ventilation and drying of the roots. As for the flower as a whole, it is not recommended to expose it to sharp drafts, especially in winter, as this can lead to frostbite of the leaf plates (manifested in the form of dark spots). When ventilating the room, the plants must be moved to more comfortable conditions at this time.

Did you know? Cut orchid flowers or its peduncle “live” in a vase with water longer than all other flowers.

Disinfection of containers

This manipulation will minimize the development of rot, algae, and deposits of mineral salts. To do this, the plant is removed, and the vase itself is treated with a weakly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate or special fungicidal preparations, after which the dishes are washed with running water.
Of course, the orchid does not belong to the “typical” indoor flower, which traditionally grows in the ground. However, by following the recommendations of professional flower growers and adhering to agrotechnical techniques for keeping phalaenopsis and other types of orchids, you can decorate the surrounding space with exotic flowers.

An orchid in a glass vase, flask or pot is a wonderful addition to the interior and its decoration, which will be appropriate both at home and in an office environment. In addition, this item is often chosen as a gift.

General view

The glass container looks quite aesthetically pleasing, allows light to pass through, and the plant placed in such a container looks very nice and original.

Glass vases, pots and flasks for flowers come in a variety of shapes and shades: tall and elongated, widening downward, round, glass-shaped and cup-shaped, from completely transparent to lightly darkened in color: light blue, light green or light yellow. This variety allows you to choose the most suitable type of container for a particular plant.

As for the flower itself, it comes in all sorts of colors: from bright white, milky and cream to rich purple, red, pink and blue.


We present to your attention a photo of orchids in glass containers.

The importance of choosing a container

Often, orchids are sold in beautiful tall transparent glass vases, but they are good only for a while of use - after purchasing the plant should be transplanted into a vessel of a more suitable type: tall and narrow at the top and quite wide at the bottom. Also It is worth making sure that the glass vase is not excessively narrow to avoid breaking off leaves.

Is it possible to plant and how to grow?

It is quite possible to plant an orchid in glass, observing a few simple rules: you should choose a plant suitable for planting (it must be healthy), a glass container of the correct shape, as well as good soil (as an option for a full-fledged balanced substrate for orchids, you can use ). After this, all that remains is to carefully control the watering.

Orchids are one of the most suitable plants for growing them in glass, especially if the air humidity in the room is not too high.

Pros and cons

One of the main positive aspects of using this type of container is primarily its decorative function, which serves as a real decoration for this beautiful plant. Besides this, glass transmits light perfectly, which is also important.

Besides this:

  • the wide range presented in stores allows you to choose a container to suit every taste and plant size;
  • due to its heaviness compared to plastic pots, glass is quite stable;
  • the absence of pallets allows you to quickly and easily rearrange the plant;
  • in addition to light, the flower will receive a lot of air.

The main disadvantage of glass vases, pots, etc. is the inability to make additional holes at the bottom for drainage purposes. Accordingly, excessive amounts of moisture may appear. If the container is too narrow and tall, the plant will receive enough light but not enough air., which will negatively affect its growth.

Types of containers: vases, pots, flasks

Currently, there are a huge number of various options for such items, but the most common and widely used can be identified:

  • vases of various shapes and heights, including square and spherical;
  • pots;
  • glass flasks;
  • models in the form of small glasses, bowls and goblets.

Such glass containers look very stylish and impressive. They will easily complement any interior and become the highlight of the room.

Features of container selection

  • For tall plants, it is important to choose a vase according to the height of the orchid, making sure that its leaves feel more or less free, and that the bottom of the vessel is fairly, but not excessively wide. Be sure to arrange ventilation to avoid air stagnation.
  • Pots for orchids should be medium in size.
  • As in the case of a vase, the flasks should be selected according to the growth of the plant, and due to the rather narrow shape, plants with weak roots can be planted in it. Ventilation is also necessary.
  • For miniature, small orchids, various types of “glasses” and “glasses” are suitable.

The type of plant is also important. So, the most suitable for planting in glass are phalaenopsis and vanda. It is best to replant after flowering.

The choice of container volume depends on the size of the roots, and the height depends on the growth of the plant. It is possible to plant several orchids in one container if the volume and size of the container is sufficient.

It is best to choose a container so that the roots of the plant are inside, not too loose, and the leaves and flowers are outside. This will make it more convenient for both the flower itself and the person to care for it.

Step by step instructions


We present step-by-step instructions on how to plant an orchid in a glass vase, pot or other container. Before the planting procedure, it is necessary to treat the container by pouring boiling water over it. and thus disinfected.

  1. Place a thick layer of gravel on the bottom: expanded clay, small tile fragments, pebbles, crushed stone, and so on - to choose from. This will be drainage. You can add a layer of sphagnum moss on top.
  2. Then add a good substrate, filling the entire space with it.
  3. Set aside the water, heat it slightly until warm and pour it into the contents of the vase, pot or flask.
  4. After half an hour, pour out the water and plant in the ground. Cover the surface of the bark with a thin layer of damp moss, making sure that the root collar is not filled with it.

We invite you to watch a video about planting an orchid in glass:


The main rule of care in this case will be proper watering, in which the roots should be immersed in pre-settled warm water for half an hour. Protect the flower itself and leaves from such water procedures.

The orchid can be sprayed. This is the best option for watering it. The frequency of spraying depends on the humidity in the room. So, for example, in the winter season, when the air is dry, this procedure can be carried out once a day.

No less it is important to nourish and feed the plant as it grows by adding mineral fertilizers to water for irrigation.

If the roots have dried out for some reason, and this problem is often found in purchased orchids in glass pots, they should be kept in settled warm water for 10-15 minutes once a day, repeating the procedure daily until the dryness is eliminated.

The water level is clearly visible in glass containers, so it’s not difficult to monitor the level of humidity, but it is important to remember that the soil dries out much faster on top than inside, especially when it comes to glass containers.

We invite you to watch a video on how to properly water orchids in glass:

Possible growing difficulties

The main difficulty in this matter is related to watering: overwatering will promote rotting, and underwatering will cause dry roots. But it’s still much easier to deal with dried roots, so It is recommended not to overwater the orchid under any circumstances..

The second frequently encountered problem is inherent in many plants grown both indoors and outdoors - the appearance of any bugs, spiders and other living creatures. This is not uncommon in glass flowerpots, but removing pests will not be difficult.

Well, the third feature is that often a small coating appears on the walls of beautiful glassware, so The container must be thoroughly rinsed from time to time.

Where to buy suitable cookware

A huge assortment of glass vases, pots, flasks and cups for planting and growing flowers can be found on the Ikea network in all cities where this company is represented. Price from 90 rubles for a small pot.

Glass flower vessels of a slightly higher price category can also be found in Zara Home stores. Here the minimum price is about 2000 rubles for a medium-sized vase.

Specialty stores also have a variety of beautiful glassware for flowers. and plants. Prices start from 150 rubles.

In addition, there is always the opportunity to purchase your favorite item online in flower shops. The cost starts from 200-300 rubles for a small glass glass and from 700-800 rubles for a tall vase.

An exotic orchid flower, enclosed in an elegant glass vase or pot, will become a real home decoration, and although this plant requires constant care and some experience in growing flowers, it is not at all difficult to provide it with all the conditions for favorable growth and flowering.

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There are a lot of ideas on how you can grow flowers at home, but glass ones are one of the popular options. The method is new, but if you do not carefully study its features, you can make mistakes that will lead to the death of the plant.

An orchid without a substrate or in the ground should be only partially immersed in a flowerpot, which will allow it to remain outdoors. The sockets at the base should be placed flush with the edge of the container. Support is required, for which you can use wire.

Proper cultivation of orchids in glass vases will allow you to enjoy the beauty of the flower all year round. Among the advantages of the method are the presence of:

  • humid microclimate inside a transparent pot;
  • high level of decorativeness;
  • neat looking.

There are also disadvantages to a glass orchid pot:

  1. The glass sheet has low thermal conductivity, which leads to rapid cooling of the root system.
  2. Glass is fragile and impractical.

If you replace glass vases with plastic ones, this will eliminate the described disadvantages.

Planting an orchid in a glass pot is already a method of growing a plant, but there are several options for how exactly to place the resident in the container.

  1. Inside.
  2. Half.

The correct location, in which there is no substrate, is considered to be planting:

  • roots in a pot;
  • top left above its surface.

Pay attention!

Orchids in glass are kept without a substrate, since this method uses varieties of epiphytic monopodial species, for example, Vanda.

In extreme cases, you can use hydrogel to leave for a short time.

Capacity requirements

To grow flowers, you need to choose glass pots for orchids. This procedure is important, since an incorrectly selected pot will negatively affect the growth and development of the pet. Caring for phalaenopsis at home is no different from placing it in regular soil, but you need to take into account important nuances.

  1. Type of flowerpot.
  2. The material from which it is made.
  3. Form.
  4. Location in the house.

The form can be of various types:

  1. Classic, elongated upward - looks beautiful.
  2. Cylindrical, resembling a glass with a flat bottom.

The last type is not the most ideal choice, because:

  • it is large in size;
  • The containers do not look very attractive;
  • it is not practical due to its inappropriate decorativeness.

It is better to choose a glass vase in the shape of a cognac glass, which:

  • large;
  • spherical;
  • flattened in height;
  • can accommodate the entire root system so that it does not stick out;
  • compact;
  • decorative.

In such flowerpots, the flowers do not feel stuffy, and the roots are provided with an ideal humid microclimate.

Orchids in glass containers grow well, since the material transmits light well, but the main advantage is considered to be decorative. Maintenance requires maintenance, which is complicated by the lack of drainage in the bottom of the flask. This can lead to an excess of moisture, and this has a detrimental effect on the condition of the root system, which can lead to the death of the flower.

If the container is chosen incorrectly, the grower will be faced with the formation of a large amount of algae on the walls of the vessel. Accordingly, if you want to grow orchids without soil, then you need to strictly follow the rules for forming drainage.

You can place a pot with a plant planted in soil in a glass container, adding decorative stones to the space inside the vessel.


  1. Attractive view.
  2. Large selection of decorative elements.
  3. The roots of the plant will receive a sufficient amount of nutrients and air.
  4. If necessary, you can remove the outer glass container.
  1. It is difficult to choose the shape of the outer pot.
  2. Air circulation may be disrupted, which will negatively affect its growth and development of stems.
  3. There may be excess moisture.

Requirements and fit

Often, even experienced gardeners are interested in whether it is possible to plant an orchid in a glass pot, but the answer will be positive if:

  • an orchid without soil will be an initially healthy plant;
  • drainage will be properly formed;
  • the substrate will be carefully selected;
  • ensure strict control over watering.

Glass vases for orchids are not considered the best way, since if the container is narrow and cylindrical, then the foliage, gradually growing, will begin to bend and break on the edges.

A flask that is too high can cause a slow outflow of moisture and insufficient air, which will soon lead to fungus and rotting. Therefore, a vase for an orchid should have a leg, a wide bottom and not too narrow a top, and such a height that the roots are inside the vessel, but the leaves are outside.

An orchid must also be planted in compliance with the rules presented by experts in the field of botany:

  1. A glass pot for orchids must be disinfected with boiling water or sterilized by steam.
  2. Cover the bottom of the container with a layer of expanded clay chips, also pre-treated with disinfectant compounds.
  3. Glass pots should contain sphagnum moss.
  4. The rest of the space will be filled with phalaenopsis in a glass vase and a substrate that you can prepare yourself or purchase in stores. However, first, the contents of the pot with soil, but without the flower, need to be filled with warm water and left for half an hour to saturate with moisture.
  5. Next, drain the water.
  6. Plant the plant in a layer of bark, and cover its surface with moss, previously soaked in water. Use it to lay out the area near the root collar.

Features of care

An orchid in glass needs thorough care. Watering should be carried out under the same conditions as when kept in a regular pot:

  1. Fill the orchid pot with water until the roots are completely hidden. They must be thoroughly soaked.
  2. Use soft, settled water, and it should contain a minimum of salts. The root system of this plant is very delicate and can be easily damaged. With improper care, plaque may form that is noticeable to the naked eye and significantly spoils the appearance.

It is necessary to water with melt or rain water, but only if the collection is carried out in a region with a clean atmosphere and normal environmental conditions. Similarly, cultivation in water should be carried out using clean, settled liquid without harmful impurities.

Pay attention!

After watering, leave the vase with orchids for half an hour, then drain the water. It is important to be careful not to drop the container, as wet glass has a slippery surface.

You need to make sure that there is not even the slightest amount of water left in the container. Orchids should be kept in water 2-3 times a week, provided that the weather is warm, and once in cool and cloudy weather.

The florist must carefully monitor the condition of the plant to take into account its needs, change the microclimate, watering, air temperature around the flower, etc. For example, an orchid in a glass vase needs regular feeding, which occurs naturally in nature, since humus substances are washed off from the tree bark by rain, which is extremely beneficial for the root system.

At home, a selection of microelements, their dosage and timely application are required. Fertilize after flowering, for which use a not too concentrated solution, which can be added more often than a strong concentrate.

During the period when active vegetation occurs and green mass increases, you need to introduce liquid fertilizer 1-2 times a week. Before the procedure, wet the roots of the flower in water to prevent them from being burned by the solution. Especially on leaves that alternate with root leaves, and treatment against pests should be done using a fine sprayer capable of creating a misty stream.

To make the plant feel comfortable, you need to periodically remove it from the container for a short period of time. This way, the orchid in a glass flask will actively grow and develop, and air baths can be done while bathing or if there is a need to wash the flowerpot from dirt.

The most important thing is not to pull the flower out of the container, as the roots can stick to its walls, and therefore care is important to prevent damage to them.

Possible problems and difficulties

Growing orchids in water and regular soil is not always successful. In rare cases, problems may arise:

  1. The edges begin to wrinkle. The reason is high air temperature. During the day and night, the difference in changing temperature should not exceed 8C.
  2. Dryness and rotting of the root system. The reason is excessive watering, too narrow a pot that squeezes the roots, heavy watering after a long absence of water.
  3. No flowering. Treatment is heat stress. The difference between the temperature at night and during the day should be 12-14C.

Constantly keeping orchids in water is accompanied by the formation of a disease, the cause of which is pathogenic microorganisms, for example:

  • fungi;
  • bacteria.

Pay attention!

To prevent problems, you need to properly care for your beauties. The ideal microclimate for fungus is a damp and secluded place, for example, a glass flowerpot in which there is no ventilation.

Preventive measures include periodic ventilation of the container. Epiphytes absolutely need air, as it can prevent:

  • moisture stagnation;
  • mold formation with bacteria.

Phalaenopsis in water needs:

  • sufficient lighting;
  • maintaining the desired temperature;

Transplanting into hydroponics

An orchid without soil can be actively growing in a vessel with hydroponics, a solution that has the necessary nutrients added in precise proportions. This placement allows you to go on vacation for a short time and not worry about the fact that your pet will die from a lack of moisture and water.

Advantages of the method:

  1. Lack or excess of fertilizers is excluded.
  2. The formation of pests, rot and similar problems is absolutely impossible.
  3. Such orchids in a vase do not need to be replanted.

Growing an orchid in water is quite simple, but many people prefer to plant it in a substrate consisting of the following components:

  1. Expanded clay designed specifically for plants and its size should be 8-14 mm. Before use, rinse the material thoroughly and rinse with running water.
  2. Perlite fraction 3-6 mm, which has capillary properties.
  3. Large, medium and fine diatomaceous earth that can absorb 150% of liquid, which is more than its own weight. Before use, soak it in water for 1 hour.
  4. Greenmix. Composition: mineral moisture-absorbing and water-repellent wool in combination with perlite.

To grow an orchid and care for it at home, you should purchase a plant from a specialized store, where they can offer healthy and uninfected sprouts. Some people prefer to order online. But, you need to be sure that the supplier is trusted and sells flowers that meet the stated technical characteristics.

An orchid in a glass vase without soil is an unusual method, but it can be used to make a collection of plants more original. Those who already use such containers confirm the fact that they are more elegant and can be used as the central part of the entire composition. They are capable of attracting glances and arousing rave reviews, especially if Wanda blooms luxuriantly. Accordingly, before growing an orchid, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Often in flower shops you can find huge vandas, with a lush beard of roots and bright, large flowers behind the glass of a tall vase.

plants in this form have their own subtleties, advantages and disadvantages, which you need to know and take into account.

Otherwise, out of ignorance, an inexperienced gardener may make a number of mistakes, the consequences of which will contribute to the gradual depletion of the plant and its death. Next we will tell you how to grow in transparent vases.

Although it looks very elegant in this form, such content is very conditionally suitable for him. The reason is that only the roots of the plant should be in the flask behind the transparent glass, while the beard should be free to be in space.

Tall vases are not suitable for these purposes.– the plant should not be completely contained in a container, otherwise it suffers from stuffiness, and there is also an increased risk of rotting.

When grown in this way, the orchid suffers from a lack of air.


As already mentioned, tall ones made of glass are not suitable for a vanda, but wide ones, in the shape of glasses, are suitable. The size should be sufficient for the roots to fit freely inside. The plant itself should be on the surface from the base of the rosette, flush with the edges of the vase, and not buried inside. You can secure it in this position with wire.

Attention! You can grow vanda in a plastic container. A large bottle with the top cut off will do. The use of plastic eliminates the disadvantages of glass - fragility and low thermal conductivity.

Features of the development and growth of plants without soil

– this is monopodial, less often a lithophyte, and she feels great with bare roots without soil. Usually it has a powerful system of aerial, velamen-covered, gray-green roots. In nature, it clings to them, holding onto a support.

It should be understood that vandas are tropical plants and they live in a very humid climate, extracting moisture and nutrition from all parts of their body from precipitation and air.

In indoor conditions, the plant should recreate similar conditions. And if the flask takes care of the humid microclimate necessary for aerial roots, then the gardener Vanda will have to grow a little more often than other orchids.

Basic principles of care

Finding an orchid will not bring any trouble even to a novice gardener. It is enough to follow simple rules.


An orchid that grows in a vase is very simple. Carefully, along the wall, like beer in a glass, pour water into the flask Thus, so that all the roots are immersed. After 30-45 minutes the same carefully drain the water.

Advice! Make sure that no water remains in the vase.

So Vanda approximately 2 times a week in warm weather. If it is cloudy and cool - once a week. On especially hot summer days, watering can be done every other day or daily. The water should be warm, such a temperature that it is pleasant for the hands - approximately 30-36 ° C.

Watering an orchid in a flowerpot (photo of the immersion method).

Use soft water, either boiled or settled. Plants also respond well to showering. need it in the morning so that the plant can dry out by evening.

Be careful with glassware. A wet surface may slip and the glass orchid pot may fall out of your hands, breaking.


Vandas are one of those orchids that are most demanding. During the period when the plant gains green mass and active vegetation feed the vanda once a week with liquid mineral fertilizers for orchids in half or quarter the concentration indicated on the packaging or instructions.

Before dipping the vanda roots into the nutrient solution, they must be moistened with plain water. This should be done so as not to burn the tender roots. Root feeding can be alternated with leaf feeding from a spray bottle.

Important! When the plant is at rest, fertilizing it is strictly not recommended.

Prevention of possible diseases

The best prevention is maintaining plant hygiene and maintaining it in acceptable conditions. Vandas are very light-loving orchids and insufficient light in winter without a dormant period greatly depletes the plant. The result is fungal infections.

As a result of improper watering Vandas often have . If the rot has spread to the trunk of the plant, it will no longer be possible to save it. Fungicides and antibiotics will help fight rot. Use insecticides against insects. Sometimes vanda roots stick to the walls of the vase, so Be careful when removing the plant from the container.

Improper care can lead to rotting of the leaves and the entire plant.

The influence of temperature on the frequency of watering plants

As already noted above, You need to water the vanda carefully to prevent rotting:

  • at temperatures below 16-18 °C, Vanda slows down life processes, so you need to water it about once a week;
  • if the temperature is higher - up to 25-26 °C, water twice a week;
  • if the thermometer shows more than 26-28 °C, in hot weather you need to water every other day, or in small portions every day.

It would be useful for a vanda to be placed on a balcony in the summer, when the night temperature is guaranteed not to drop below 15 °C.

What to do if the root system is very weak?

You can help the plant grow a lush root system by using the instructions root or its analogues.

Ventilation, airing the plant

Although Vanda comes from the tropics, she prefers the air to be fresh. That's why It is necessary to periodically ventilate the plant.

It must be placed in the flask so that air can circulate freely and get inside.

The size of the container containing vanda must be sufficient to the roots were freely placed inside.

Disinfection of containers

Unfortunately, over time, the inside of a glass vase becomes covered with a layer of algae or a coating of salts. That's why the flask will have to be washed constantly. You can disinfect it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The plant, of course, should be removed from the vase during this procedure.

Useful videos

Watch a video about caring for orchids in glass vases:

The following video demonstrates how to water orchids in glass:

The video below will tell you about planting an orchid in a glass pot:

Video tips for caring for vanda in glass:


There are actually a lot of ways to cultivate orchids, and growing in glass is just one way, not the only one applicable. The plant will do well with its roots completely exposed. Here the choice is up to the orchidist. Care for your orchids properly and enjoy them.

Beautiful orchids are welcome guests in the house. Their exquisite beauty, graceful flowers and richly colored leaves will add a touch of elegance to the interior. An orchid in a vase without soil, in a glass flask, looks especially sophisticated. The drainage structure and massive roots are visible through it. In addition to aesthetics, choosing a transparent vessel for an orchid has practical benefits - the roots of this plant participate in photosynthesis, which means they need sunlight. Is it possible to plant a delicate orchid in a glass pot, and how to choose it - you should take into account all the nuances.

A whimsical flower will not please its owner with abundant flowering and good health if it is planted in an unsuitable container. It is very important to consider the shape of the vessel, the material from which it is made, and the filling.

Flowerpot shape

You need to choose a transparent flowerpot for a capricious orchid based on some nuances. You should immediately abandon narrow rectangular flasks and cylinders. The roots are crowded there, and the growth of the orchid will slow down. You should also not buy a tall glass in which the plant will “drown” along with the leaves. The ground unit must remain free in the airspace.

Common and popular forms of container for orchids:

  • laconic geometry: simple cube, low wide cylinder;
  • roundness: perfect ball, hemisphere;
  • glass shape: narrow at the top, wide at the bottom;
  • two vessels in one: the inner one has drainage holes, but is smaller in size than the outer one and is suspended in it. The containers are connected by their upper edges.

For an orchid, a vessel in the shape of a cognac glass is perfect - a wide and convex main part, a narrow neck in which the top of the rosette will be fixed from wobbling.


I want to frame a beautiful orchid in a beautiful flowerpot, and when choosing a material, glass immediately comes to mind - transparent, ringing, and reflective. However, glass flowerpots do not always have drainage holes, and without them the plant will die from excess moisture and lack of ventilation. You can, of course, try to drill holes yourself, but doing this is quite difficult without the necessary skills and tools.

However, a glass vase for an orchid cannot be completely ruled out. The main thing is that it is not narrow and cramped. You can take a wide square or round one, put a thick layer of drainage on the bottom, and plant a flower on top. Arrange the lower leaves so that they rest on the edges. This will give the plant stability. But vases that are too wide are not entirely suitable for orchids - aesthetics are at the expense of practicality. Don't forget about the long peduncle. For it you will need a rod fixed in a flowerpot.


Not all orchids have roots that participate in photosynthesis. Varieties Vanda and Phalaenopsis can grow safely in a glass flask.

Transparent plastic will replace glass. Its advantages:

  • such vessels always have numerous ventilation holes. If there are not enough of them, it is easy to drill additional ones in soft material;
  • the massive roots of the plant do not stick or grow to the plastic, but glide freely over it;
  • the material accumulates heat well and transmits sunlight well;
  • There is a wide selection of multi-colored plastic vessels on sale; you can create a beautiful composition from a flower and a flask.


Transparent plastic orchid containers come in different shapes, sizes and colors. When choosing, it is advisable to strive for complete harmony between the orchid variety, flower color, and plant size. White flowers will be set off by a bright flowerpot in rich colors. For colored ones, it is better to take a solid color that echoes the main color of the flowers, or simply transparent.

Many small flowers will balance a large pot, and one or two large inflorescences will balance a small flask.

Planting and growing orchids in water

The plant should be placed in a pot so that it feels as comfortable as possible. It is important to follow 3 basic rules:

  1. The roots are laid out freely inside.
  2. The aerial part is above the upper edge.
  3. The rosette is flush with the edge.

Glass containers have advantages over ceramics. They create a natural moist microclimate necessary for the roots. This is a natural environment for these tropical plants, as wild orchids grow clinging to the tree trunk, without soil. They get their food from sunlight and precipitation.

However, if you place the glass flask in a cool place or where there are temperature changes, the flower may suffer. The glass cools down quickly and the root system becomes supercooled. It is very important to keep the container in a place with a constant temperature, in natural light.


Orchids can be grown in transparent vases without a substrate, since the root system obtains food through photosynthesis.

Pros and cons of keeping orchids in water

You can grow a healthy orchid at home without a substrate, in liquid. But this should not be water straight from the tap, but a nutrient mixture containing a full range of microelements.

This method of growing orchids is called hydroponics.

There are also inconveniences of growing an orchid without soil, but they are small and consist only in the regularity of manipulations:

  • you will have to make sure that the water does not heat up, but always remains at the same temperature, slightly cool;
  • Monitor the fluid level and top up as necessary. It should be level with the beginning of the root system, but below the rosette;
  • Feed the plant more often, enriching the water.

Not all varieties of orchids are suitable for growing in an aquatic environment. Phalaenopsis and some other types of domesticated crops are most favorable to water. They do not feel the need to dry the roots, the so-called dormant period, and calmly tolerate constant exposure to water.

Substrate and nutrient liquid for orchids

In the absence of soil, the root system of the flower still needs to anchor itself in something, so good drainage is necessary. Expanded clay, glass beads, polystyrene foam, perlite, diatomaceous earth, green mix are suitable, that is, those materials that do not rot in water.

The last two types must be used carefully: add water to the flask with the plant in time. Diatomite and greenmix, if there is a lack of water in the container, will draw moisture from the roots.

Expanded clay is ideal as a substrate, the so-called semi-hydroculture, - a porous material capable of absorbing and releasing moisture. Place a layer of expanded clay at the bottom of the orchid pot so that it covers the holes. Plant the orchid vertically, arrange the roots roundly so that they lie naturally, without creases or tangles.

Next, pour a thin layer of perlite, approximately 5-6 mm. Then - diatomite, first soaked in water for an hour. There is a layer of green mix on top. The ratios of the components are approximately equal. It is allowed to use one type of substrate; most gardeners choose expanded clay.

A glass filled with substrate with a flower installed in it is filled with water. It should not touch the top of the rosette, but should be about 1 cm below it. You should take only filtered or settled water, and preferably rain or, if possible, melt water. These fastidious plants can only be fed with special nutritional mixtures specifically for orchids, based on the life cycle of the flowers. Mix food with prepared water.

How to transfer an orchid from soil to water

If you decide that the orchids will be better off in water, the transfer to a “new place of residence” must be done gradually, otherwise the plant will experience stress and may die from a sudden change in “climate”. Step by step guide:

  1. Take the flower out of the pot, very carefully free the root system and beard from the remnants of bark, moss, and granules. Remove spoiled, very old, rotten roots.
  2. Immerse until the beginning of the rosette (not higher!) in cool water and leave in it for 2 days.
  3. Gradually drain the water over the course of a day to allow the roots to dry out slowly. The water level in the container at the end should be approximately 1 cm.
  4. Keep the plant in this state for a week. Then gradually add water again. Set a schedule for keeping it in water - 5 days, when drying - 1 day.
  5. After this, the final water level is added. The plant must get used to being in it all the time. Once a week the water is enriched with nutrition.

You can visually determine when it is time to moisten the roots. If they turn from green to silver, it means they lack moisture.

Caring for an orchid at home in water

In fact, caring for a flower living in an aquatic environment is easy. Care consists of periodically changing water and adding nutrients. Change the solution every 2-3 days to a fresh one, adding nutrition to the water. During manipulation, you should remove the plant from the vase, dry the roots a little, and inspect them to see if they are healthy. If necessary, cut off rotten ones with sharp scissors. The container needs to be inspected to see if the ventilation holes are clogged. Every month you should pour the substrate out of the flask and rinse it under running water.

After 5 minutes of drying, you can put the flower back in the flask and pour in a fresh solution. In winter, a low water level is acceptable, but in summer it is better to increase it, so the moisture evaporates quickly under the hot rays of the sun.

Hydroponics is a relatively new, alternative method of growing orchids. Nutrients quickly enter the root system, ensuring rapid growth and vigorous flowering. Orchids in glass look incredibly impressive. Phalaenopsis is most suitable for such cultivation - in a transparent glass vase it feels great and delights with magnificent flowering.

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