Self-installation of rolled roofing using the hot method. Covering the roof with a soft roof How to properly lay soft tiles

If as roofing material Flexible tiles have been chosen; do-it-yourself installation can be done by a home craftsman without assistants. Flexible roofing should not be confused with soft roofing, which is presented in the form used for flat roofs.

Installation flexible tiles on one's own

Due to the extremely simple design that flexible tiles have, do-it-yourself installation is not difficult, even for a non-professional. This roofing material is available in the form of shingles:

  • rectangular sheet of fiberglass impregnated with bitumen;
  • the lower part is treated with SBS compound or natural bitumen for gluing to a continuous sheathing, the self-adhesive layer is protected during storage and transportation by a polymer film;
  • On top, the fiberglass is covered with a similar material, sprinkled with slate, granite, basalt chips or quartz sand to increase wear resistance.

Shingles from different manufacturers do not have the same dimensions (average format 1 x 0.35 m), thickness 3 mm. There are several types of tile patterns:


To lay the roofing material in question, it is enough hand tools, present in the arsenal of a home master:

  • knife – for cutting bitumen materials;
  • scissors – for cutting metal strips;
  • hammer - for fastening with nails;
  • brush - for coating with mastics.

Helpful information! In the off-season, in winter, a burner may be required to heat the bitumen layer. Strength decreases and labor intensity increases, so warm weather without precipitation is recommended for self-installation.

Laying theory

To make it easier to work at height, the shingles have a small format. They are laid from the overhang to the ridge with a ledge so that each upper row overlaps the lower one. Valleys, chimney passages and ventilation pipes are processed first. Then the cornice and pediment strips are fixed, and the drainage brackets are attached. After that, all that remains is to fill the surfaces of the slopes with shingles, cutting them to width and length as necessary.

Installation technology

If you are laying flexible tiles with your own hands without assistants, it is enough to follow the technology below to avoid mistakes, reduce cutting waste, and achieve the maximum possible service life.

The roofing pie must be prepared accordingly:

  • vapor barrier film - mounted on the rafters from the inside/attic to prevent moisture from penetrating into wooden structures, however, 100% protection is not possible; some of it still penetrates;
  • thermal insulation - extruded polystyrene foam or basalt wool, placed between the rafters, partially supported by a vapor barrier film from falling inside;
  • waterproofing (wind protection) – stretched from above, allowing moisture to escape and condense on the surface;
  • counter-batten - is packed along the rafters, providing a ventilation gap that allows condensed moisture to be removed from the surface of the waterproofing by air flows;
  • sheathing - solid OSB boards, multi-layer or tongue and groove boards.

Important! Not allowed continuous lathing from unedged boards, since there is no flatness of the surface of the slopes. All defects will be emphasized by flexible tiles after installation.


The lining carpet with a slope slope of 12 - 18 degrees is created continuous. To do this, the valley is covered with a hydraulic barrier OS GC vertically (obliquely), and the overhangs at the eaves are covered with the same material horizontally. The roll material of the lining carpet is glued to the sheathing with mastic in horizontal stripes from bottom to top.

The launch width of the hydraulic barrier for each slope in the valley is 0.5 m. The sheets of the lining carpet have an overlap of 15 cm in adjacent rows and 10 cm when increasing the length in the vertical direction. The frequency of fixation with nails is 25 cm; additional coating with mastic is carried out in the overlap.

Helpful information! When the slope of the slopes is more than 18 degrees, it is enough to treat the valleys, overhangs at the eaves, the junction of the hip slopes, and attic roofs in the specified way. In this case, the middle part of the slopes is not treated with lining carpet.

Installation of planks and drainage

Eaves, gable steel strips are necessary to strengthen these roof elements. In these areas, one edge of the shingles does not overlap, so the likelihood of scuffing and loosening during wind loads and heavy rainfall increases. Metal strips increase the spatial rigidity of the sheathing; they are mounted with nails (15 cm pitch + checkerboard pattern) with an overlap of 3 - 5 cm.

Depending on the design and layout of the gutters at the eaves overhang, at the same stage, brackets on which the gutters will be hung can be attached to the sheathing or eaves strips.

Facing slopes

In order for flexible tiles to have maximum service life, laying shingles with your own hands begins with markings:

  • parallel to the eaves overhang or ridge, lines are marked along the entire length of the slope every 0.8 m for every 5 horizontal rows;
  • lines are drawn perpendicular to the previous marking every 1 m for each vertical row.

The resulting grid allows you to control the placement of the sides of each shingle in a row and adjust as necessary. The markings are especially relevant for roofs with dormer roofs, skylights, chimneys, ventilation pipes.

Helpful information! There is no need to nail shingles along this grid; it is created as a guide and makes the craftsman’s work easier.

The technology for installing shingles will include several stages:

  • cornice row - cut out from ordinary shingles (models Accord, Sonata, Tango, Trio manufacturer Shiglas) or ridge-cornice strips (modifications Jazz, Accord, Sonata), mounted on top of the steel cornice strip 2 cm from the bend;

  • first row - with a significant length of the slope, work begins from the middle, the indentation of the cornice row is 1 - 2 cm for different modifications coatings;

  • subsequent rows - also from the center, the petals of the pattern are shifted by half or in accordance with the complex patterns of the front part, the lower edge of the shingle should be flush with the upper edge of the cutout of the lower shingle.

Helpful information! Starting from the third row, you should maintain the direction in which the shingle blades are shifted. Otherwise, after just a few rows the overall pattern of the coating will no longer match.

The nails should be placed perpendicular to the slope of the slope so that the head presses the material parallel to it, without distortions. There is no need to recess the hardware heads. The punching pattern is present on the manufacturer's box, as it differs depending on the model of flexible tiles and the roof slope.

In the absence of a factory self-adhesive layer, the shingles are coated on the back with mastic along a width of 10 cm from the top edge. For normal water drainage from gable strips, shingles are cut 2 cm from their edge.

Junction nodes

Depending on the configuration of the roof, it may contain ridges (ribs formed by adjacent hip slopes similar to a ridge), fractures (the junction of slopes on one side of the house in an attic roof), valleys (internal corners in the junctions of an L-shaped roof, a dormer window ).

There are two options for designing valleys:

  • open - shingles are launched from both sides onto the valley carpet, nails are nailed 30 cm from the mating axis, two lines are struck with a coated cord parallel to the axis on each slope, the roofing material is cut along these lines, placing a board, glued with mastic, and fixed with nails in the usual manner;
  • closed - shingles from one slope (usually with a smaller slope) are launched onto the adjacent one, nails are punched 25 cm from the axis of the valley, 7 cm from the axis on an unsheathed slope, a line is struck parallel to the axis of the valley, the shingles are cut, they are finally attached, then to The shingles of the second slope adjoin this line in the usual manner.

Connections (to walls, parapets, and other structures) are made using triangular slats (“glazing beads”) nailed at the corners of the joints. To do this, 50 x 50 mm timber is laid out, the surface of the wall to which the roof adjoins is pre-leveled with plaster or putty. Then, on top of the shingles, a piece of valley carpet 50 cm wide is glued onto the mastic, extending 30 cm onto the wall.

Helpful information! From above, this piece of valley carpet is covered with a metal apron strip, the upper side of which is embedded in the seams of the masonry or groove in the concrete.

It is better to decorate chimneys and ventilation pipes with special ceramic and steel additional elements. The shingles are adjacent to them or overlapped from above.


Soft roofing is no less popular than solid and solid structures. But it is represented by a large number of types, each of which has features during installation and operation. Only after understanding all these subtleties can you accept correct solution when choosing a material.


Device soft roof quite simple - these are tiles and glass fabric impregnated with modified bitumen. To give the coating strength, it is supplemented with stone chips. The product has a curved edge; it must be laid overlapping onto the roof slope. Modern manufacturers have mastered the production of soft roofs of various geometric configurations - these are ovals, semicircles, and pentagons. More familiar rectangular blocks can also be found easily.

Under a soft roof laid on a relatively flat (up to 18 degrees) slope surface, a layer of waterproofing should be created only in places least protected from water.

These include:

  • areas near pipes;

If the overall slope is less than 5 degrees, liquid waterproofing materials can be used.

If it is greater, only hard coverings. Except for atypical constructive solutions Laying of waterproofing should be carried out in the spaces between the rafters and the sheathing. Laying is carried out from the eaves to the ridge. Sagging within 2 cm is acceptable because this improves ventilation inside.

Vapor barrier for soft roofing is almost mandatory, because only this measure can prevent the destruction of the sheathing and the accumulation of condensation. In the case of an insulated room, the vapor barrier material is attached from the inside of the attic directly to rafter legs. Then an attic surface (from plywood, boards or drywall) is created on top of the membrane. On the outside, a material is placed above the vapor barrier to provide insulation. In old or reconstructed houses you can sometimes still find a single-layer insulation layer, but such a scheme is considered outdated and not effective enough.

When choosing a modern two-layer option, a material with the highest thermal stability is placed below, the thickness of its layer varies from 70 to 170 mm.

The advantage of such a device is that the thermal protection has insignificant mass. But if the building was initially equipped with single-layer thermal insulation, then during repair or reconstruction it is better to adhere to this particular scheme again. Otherwise, you will need to radically rework the entire scheme roofing pie, including redoing the substrate.

Lightning protection of soft roofs also has its own specifics. In most cases, such roofs are equipped with passive protection measures. But general rule does not always work, and only a trained specialist can properly assess its applicability. Consulting with him will allow you to avoid many mistakes and significant material losses, and sometimes victims. The rods of active receivers are supposed to be raised at least 2 m above the roof, and when thinking about the roof structure, you need to think about how the spiers will be secured.

The mesh can only be installed above the covering, because internal layout increases the risk of fire. Typical mesh cross-section is 6 mm. Autonomous structures are installed on gable roofs; each of them has separate grounding. The discharge must be distributed along two paths; they try to make the distance of current movement along each of them minimal. Down conductors must not be brought close to the openings of windows and doors.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any building and finishing material has a number of positive and negative aspects; This fully applies to soft roofing. It lasts for a very long time. No other coating can last more than 70 years; its tightness is much higher than that of corrugated roofs. Eliminating operational defects is relatively simple: you only need to remove single damaged tiles.

In addition, soft roofing:

    resistant to bad weather conditions;

    immune to the action of microflora;

    throughout the entire operational period it looks very good and remains durable;

    can be mounted even without outside help;

    significantly suppresses noise generated by heavy rain and even hail.

As for the shortcomings, flexible roofing It has one weak point - it catches fire easily. And for this reason, the material is not suitable for buildings where the risk of fire is very high. If there is no such danger, the payment for a soft roof and its installation is fully justified by its characteristics. During operation, the amount of waste is relatively small, and geometrically complex configurations can be built without excessive effort.

Ultraviolet rays are not harmful to the coating being created, but it does not retain heat well, and the base must be mounted as a continuous sheet.

Laying stages

The first step in installation is preparation necessary materials and tools. In accordance with the requirements of the technology, you need to have a very strong base that will not sag under load. At the next stage, ventilation must be arranged to cope with high humidity and reduce ice accumulation in winter period. Having completed the preparation of ventilation, specialists begin to create a cushioning layer, which should be located around the entire perimeter. The material should be protected from precipitation; for this purpose, cornice strips(sometimes called droppers).

The ends of the structure are equipped with pediment strips, they are installed with an overlap of 20 mm. Nails should be driven in increments of 100 mm. It is marked where the chimney pipe will be brought out. When the installation of the planks is completed, a valley carpet is laid out to enhance protection from moisture; this carpet has the same color as the roof itself. Cornice tiles can be replaced with ordinary ones, this will help to reduce installation costs somewhat.

Ordinary tiles are laid moving from the middle of the roof overhang in both directions. You can remove the protective shell from the shingles only before installation, since only it allows you to stack the material in bundles. The tiles are supposed to be fastened with nails (4 pieces are used per shingle), but if the roof slope is more than 45 degrees, 6 pieces are needed.

The first row is removed from the ends of the eaves overhang by 10-15 mm, the second row is placed in exactly the same way, only covering the cutouts of the first tier with petals.

The edges are cut along the edge line and glued, leaving a layer of 100 mm. The cut should be made along the underlying plywood, then the lower layer will not be damaged. The ridge tiles are installed starting with the scaffolding, then the blocks are overlapped by 50mm or so. The eaves tiles need to be cut along the perforation lines - this is how the ridge covering is obtained. Minor exits through the roof are arranged using rubber insulation, but heated pipes are routed differently.

The perimeter of the intersection of the pipe and the roof is covered with a triangular strip. Then a cushioning carpet is installed, pre-lubricated with glue. The pipe is supposed to be insulated (covering 0.35 m of itself and 0.25 m of the slope). Once this is done, you just need to attach the adjacent strips around the perimeter of the pipes, install a steel apron and seal the joints with a silicone-based mixture.

On a flat roof, mostly rolls of European-style roofing felt are placed. It is sometimes used on pitched roofs with a slight slope. Having rolled out the roll, you need to align the folds and stretch the material. One of its sides is heated, waiting for the special indicator to melt. Immediately after this, you need to glue the side to the backing and roll out the roll to the next attachment point.

The roofing material must be fused with an overlap of 50 mm; an orienting strip helps control this.

But overheating the material can deprive it of its ability to stick to the surface. High-quality work is expressed in the fact that the surface has no voids, dark areas, and so on. Only by strictly observing all the requirements can you guarantee the long service life of the roofing covering. Minimum angle The slope of the roof, on which any type of soft tile can be mounted, is 12 degrees.

Subtleties of winter installation

There are no fundamental reasons why a soft roof should be installed in the cold season.

Attaching a soft roof is possible in two main ways. The most commonly used is self-adhesive bitumen layer occupies the underside of the tile. When removed protective film, the bitumen becomes soft and sticks to the substrate. But such material can only be used at temperatures not lower than +5 degrees and low air humidity. If these conditions are not met, increased heating will be required. special installations, because the cost of work will immediately increase.

An alternative is to use roofing nails with an outer zinc layer and wide heads. This technique allows you not to think about weather conditions - as long as they allow you to safely carry out work on the roof. But installation errors can lead to structural failure and leaks. SNiP prescribes installing soft roofing on nails only on slopes of less than 20 degrees, and the slopes are inclined at angles from 15 to 25 degrees. The higher this value, the more actively water flows away, therefore reducing the risk of leakage.

To cover the roof with roofing felt in winter, you will have to use special heating pads.

Even under this condition, the roofing material is supposed to withstand several hours in a warm room. On the inside, all shingles are equipped with a self-adhesive layer of bitumen, which holds the parts of the structure together. If you only hammer in nails, but do not heat the material properly, it will simply disintegrate into its component parts. There is no need to talk about beautiful appearance and reliability in such a situation.

The roofing carpet is applied to the eaves overhang and any end 40 cm wide. The connection is made using large roofing nails; they are driven in 0.2 m from each other. Covering the eaves overhangs is also provided with steel strips. The ends have their own type of planks - pediment design. The surface to be treated must be very clean and dry; when laying bitumen material, you need to use blocks from different packages to avoid uneven distribution shades.

The ridge is fixed with long roofing nails.

If it is long, you can put several elements end-to-end. A special ridge tile is placed on top, from which the protective films are removed. The area to be treated is secured with pairs of nails (left and right). The soft roof must be laid on the ridge in the opposite direction relative to the prevailing winds; the overlap of the fragments is 30-50 mm.

On a pitched roof, the material is fused and glued first at the lowest points, then raised up the slopes. The maximum permissible installation slope is 25 degrees. If it exceeds 15 degrees, you need to lay a soft roof along the direction of precipitation flow (at right angles to the legs of the rafters). But such arrangement is quite complicated, and therefore only a few enthusiasts resort to it. A monolithic sheathing is pre-created.

To obtain it you need to use:

    oriented slabs;

    plywood sheets with increased moisture protection;

    boards with a maximum humidity of 20%.


Soft roofing is not something single, it is a whole selection of roofing materials, united only by elasticity. The differences between them are due to the chemical composition, presentation and installation method. The rolled variety is various varieties roofing felt, roofing felt; it also includes newest types membrane products. The roll can be laid relatively quickly, but its appearance can hardly be called attractive to people. Consumption per 1 sq. m of roll roof (together with lining) is at least 500 rubles; They should only be used at an inclination angle of 12 degrees.

Ruberoid is very cheap because it is made from thick cardboard, but such a coating is relatively poorly resistant to temperature changes.

Fiberglass fabric survives them more easily; the price for it is justified by its increased quality and long period of use.

Bituminous shingles, called shingles (or otherwise piece shingles), have their advantages. These are tiles, the length of which is 1 m, and the width varies from 0.3 to 0.45 m, laying is carried out overlapping. It will take more time to work than when using membrane solutions, but the self-adhesive layer helps avoid intense heating. The cost of the structure is noticeably higher, especially taking into account the funds spent on processing the base. It can only be a monolithic sheathing made of moisture-protected chipboard.

The installation of flexible tiles in accordance with SNiP standards includes:


    special modification of bitumen;

    strengthening bedding.

Fiberglass - strong and randomly distributed threads inside. Thanks to them, protection against high temperatures is enhanced and cracking is eliminated. If you buy a premium, expensive coating, it will be reinforced with polyester, which further enhances the practical qualities of the material. Bitumen with the inclusion of polyester resins and synthetic rubber. Such impregnation allows the soft roof not to get wet and suppresses the occurrence of mold fungi.

The reinforcing material (mineral granules of various tones) makes the surface rough. In most cases, marble, granite or basalt chips are used. Mastic (self-leveling) roofing is built from expensive materials, but in general the installation work is relatively cheap. Roofing work will be partially mechanized. Elimination of seams reduces the vulnerability of the structure to leaks. As for the difficulties, it is extremely difficult to form homogeneous and uniform layers, and it is also unacceptable to carry out work with the slightest probability of precipitation.

Finnish roofing Katepal has excellent practical characteristics; with its help you can implement quite a lot of design ideas.

This product has a specific type of adhesive, it is very durable and retains heat well. Thanks to its flexibility, it will be easy to finish a curved surface and complex shaped roof elements. A well-thought-out design allows the blocks to be perfectly joined together, guaranteeing the tightness of the coating.

As a basis you can use:

    moisture-resistant plywood sheet;

    tongue and groove board;

    edged board.

To obtain a lining layer at the ends, valleys, ridges and cornices, it is recommended to use a special proprietary design. The formation of overhangs is made from steel sheets laid with an offset. They begin to work, moving from the middle of the overhang. Before gluing, all elements must be cleaned of the protective film. The fastening can be strengthened using nails. The installation of ridges is started last, using special ridge tiles.

The colors and textures of soft roofing are quite varied., the differences between them also appear in the texture. There are options that imitate the appearance of natural tiles and even a specially aged design, as if the surface was overgrown with mosses or lichens. If mastic-based solutions are used, various pigments are added to it. Due to this, you can get the desired effect. Important: the valley carpet or galvanized metal must have the same color as the soft roof itself. If this is not the case, design dissonance will prevent an attractive appearance.

Bitumen and bitumen-polymer varieties of rolls are applied in four different ways. Connection with hot mastic consisting of bitumen (by itself or mixed with rubber) has been time-tested. The disadvantage is the need to mechanize the entire process and involve a whole team of repairmen. You can also glue a soft roof using cold mastics, such as “Vishera”; but this approach is only suitable for materials whose thickness does not exceed 0.28 cm. In this case, mastics serve to lubricate not the substrate, but the attached coating.

The cold fusion option involves dissolving the bitumen from the underside of the material.

The lower surfaces of the sheets are treated with kerosene or white spirit, the same substance is applied to the base finished with primer. The strips are attached with a lateral overlap of 100-120 mm; at the ends they are attached with an overlap of 150 mm. You can do the job alone, but you will have to work very quickly to do this. It is necessary to fuse rolled material by adhesion of molten or heated back layers of materials treated with bitumen mastics; this can also be done using gas burners.

The disadvantages of this approach are obvious:

    partial burnout of the roof;

    weakening of the wear resistance of the coating;

    high risk of fire.

It is much better and safer to work using infrared heating systems; this work is performed by at least two people. One performer unwinds the roll and melts the surface of the sheet, and the other, using a silicone roller, presses it to the surface. Self-adhesive materials can be attached without additional effort only when working with thin insulation. Its thickness does not exceed 0.12 cm, decorative properties of such coverage are equal to zero. And the durability of the material is too short, it wears out quickly.


The quality of a soft roof is determined both by the technology of preparing the base and the quality of fixing the blocks. Manufacturers have made every effort to improve technical specifications coatings, and continue to improve their products. Once upon a time, roll materials could only protect the roof from getting wet, but now they are attractive in design terms. The flexible shell of house roofs is now supplied in convenient packaging, and its small width makes it possible to unwind the roll in any direction. Engineers were able to increase the tensile strength, and modern rolls can be laid out with little equipment and accessories.

The latest generation of roofing material allows you to cover 100% of the base of any configuration, even with very complex geometry.

There is no need to leave the house because the operating noise is very low and there is no health hazard. The roofing pie over a warm attic cannot be limited to a combination of a hard lining and a soft outer layer.

In addition to them you will need:

    waterproofing membrane (laid over the rafters);

    thermal insulation using basalt or mineral wool;

    vapor barrier;

    carefully thought out sheathing.

The soft roof, thanks to its rough layer, eliminates the need to install snow guards. A lining must be made at the bottom if the roof is steeper than 20 degrees. The lining is mounted only on the most vulnerable points. It must be above valleys and gutters, at the joints between slopes and walls. The rough shell of a number of materials retains not only snow, but also dirt. Therefore, if you plan to use the roof for leisure and generally be on it often, it is better to use smooth coatings.

Preparatory work

Soft tiles are installed differently than metal tiles; timber sheathing is not suitable for them, since the material does not have a clear fixation. If a board is placed below, it is recommended to purchase it in winter and use it in the warm season. Then the humidity level will be completely optimal. The most best options boards - with a width of approximately 100 mm, and all elements should be approximately the same size. The under-roof carpet next to the ridges should have a length of 250 mm, and on the sides of the valley this distance is 0.5 m.

According to the diagram, it is required to equip a ventilation system; if it does not work efficiently, the rafters will quickly be destroyed by condensation, ice and rot. It is imperative to install vents and air outlets under the eaves. The gap from the tiles to the base of the roof also plays a role in the ventilation of the internal parts of the roof. This technique also solves the problem of water vapor escaping. Rolled materials are fixed using cold and hot mastics.

A cold mixture is needed for the internal segments of the roof; outside work is done exclusively with the help of hot substances.

If bitumen is used, it must be supplemented with dust-like fillers (lime, gypsum or ash) or fibrous structure. The best mastics among professionals are those that contain polymers. Preparing cold mixtures from available ingredients is not difficult. Take two working containers, one of which is filled with bitumen, and the other with diesel fuel and filler (in a ratio of 2:2:1).

The tanks are heated to 180 degrees; After drying the bitumen, you need to mix the prepared substances. Obtaining hot mastic is achieved somewhat differently: bitumen is heated to 200 degrees and gradually, with caution, filler is added to it. During mixing, substances should not cool to more than 160 degrees. To evaluate the quality of the resulting composition, you should cool it to 60 degrees and then apply it to the slope at an angle of 45 degrees. A decent mastic should not flow off the surface on its own, and when it hardens, a smooth surface is formed without a single crack.

The base of the structure is made of wood, which is impregnated with a mixture of diesel fuel and bitumen. Then the surface is smeared with mastic, and only after that can glassine and roofing felt be laid. The pitch of the sheathing under an ondulin roof, the slope of which exceeds 12 degrees, should be small; its exact value is determined for each specific underlying material. The vapor-waterproofing film under the soft roof is made of polyethylene and polypropylene, it is reinforced with mesh or fabric. Microscopic perforation allows you to protect the coating from moisture, and if it is not there, the film will allow steam to pass through.

Ventilation system equipment

Installing ventilation under a polymer roof is quite a complex matter - you will need aerators, weather vanes and vents. After all, covering with vapor-impermeable membranes does not allow water to escape from the under-roof space. Aerators need to be installed even when a completely new roof is being created, covered liquid rubber. Small weather vanes are placed every 60 square meters. m, and large ones - for every 100 sq. m of under-roof space. The gap between close aerators should not exceed 12 m.

The ventilation unit is most often installed where the insulation boards are joined. But when using polyurethane foam for insulation, there are simply no limits, so it is better to consult with experienced engineers. During renovation old roof the best solution It turns out that ventilation points are installed where large bubbles and swellings are found - they indicate where the vapors are escaping. Attaching aerators to roofs and canopies made of soft roofing should be done using self-tapping screws placed in five or six places along the entire perimeter of the structure.

The necessary points, as indicated by technical regulations, must have an internal reinforcing layer.

Operating rules and repairs

Dismantling a bitumen roof is not too difficult, but it requires a certain amount of care and attention. If you need to do work during a major renovation or in a densely built-up area, it is better to turn to professionals. Do-it-yourself manipulations cannot be safe or effective enough. But if you decide to do just that, you will need special tools - a wall chaser, a roofing ax. It is necessary to work only in dry weather and at a temperature of a maximum of 20 degrees, because with significant heating, the bitumen melts and complicates the disassembly of the structure.

Of course, before dismantling everything decorative elements, electrical and antenna equipment, lightning rods must be removed. Problems often arise with chimneys and ventilation, so if you have such structures, you should not try to repair the roof yourself. The connection of soft roof structures to the wall is achieved through various technical solutions. Insufficiently level or partially destroyed brick walls are covered with plaster for closer proximity. It is possible to ensure waterproofing of joints only after the mastic has completely dried.

Flat roof should be attached to a reinforced concrete wall only if it is smooth and does not have cracks or chips. Having noticed such defects, they are eliminated using any suitable sealant. The slightest protrusion beyond the contour is immediately removed. Primer treatment is required. Nails for soft roofing must be special; they are used if the base is made of wood or plywood sheets.

Experienced roofers are sure to have a supply of nails of varying lengths and thicknesses ready to handle a variety of problems.

The approach to repairing the coating depends on its immediate appearance. For minor (up to 40% of the area) deformations, it is permissible to limit oneself to replacing single affected areas. In more serious cases, it is impossible to do without removing the entire coating and replacing it with a new layer. The areas where the patches will be laid must be cleaned of dust and degreased.

The area of ​​each applied patch must be 30% or more larger than the detected defect itself. If the total roof area is small, sometimes it is possible to simply lay a new layer without removing the old one. But you need to think carefully about whether safety will be ensured, because it is almost impossible to control the condition of the internal layers. During a major overhaul, it is advisable to inspect all drainpipes, parapets, cornices and gables, and other elements, and if necessary, change them immediately. To extend the service life of a soft roof and reduce the need for its repair, you need to properly operate the coating.

Regular inspection is very important: it is done in spring and autumn, when the air temperature is +5 degrees. Large pieces of debris must be collected by hand, and small dirt must be removed with soft brooms. Be sure to clean drains and gutters, remove mosses and lichens, and disinfect problem areas. If a layer of snow or ice forms in winter, it is carefully removed with rubber or plastic scrapers, trying not to touch the coating itself. Of course, safety precautions when working at height are strictly observed.

The reliability and durability of soft roofing directly depends on compliance with the technology of its installation. In this article you can get acquainted with the common types of soft roofing and, in more detail, with the features of bitumen shingles. This review contains information about the structure of the roofing pie and some of its important components, including lathing and ventilation.

A popular option for country house construction is bituminous shingles.

On the origin and specificity of soft roofing coverings

Just a few decades ago, the most common roofing materials included expensive ceramic tiles and more affordable slate and galvanized steel. Installation of the roof covering was a labor-intensive task, taking a lot of time and performed by several workers. The development of technology has provided an alternative to classic materials - soft roofing coverings that simplify the process of constructing a roof.

These modern developments trace their origins to roofing felt, roll material with waterproofing properties. The production of roofing felt was simple: the roofing cardboard was impregnated and then covered with bitumen and an additional layer of sand (sometimes with asbestos coating) that protected it from sticking. The first soft material did not cope well with low and high temperatures and other vagaries of Mother Nature; its low wear resistance forced the development of a new generation of coatings.

Good old roofing felt

The concept of soft roofing combines several classes of flexible roofing materials, modified derivatives of roofing felt, produced in the form of rolls, plastic and piece coatings. All of them have improved consumer qualities. Like their progenitor, they are flexible, light in weight, and excellently protect housing from the vagaries of the weather; many can effectively transform a roof. Thanks to the improved composition (with the addition of polymer components), a period of flawless operation modern roof from a soft roof has increased several times.

5 main types of soft roofing

Manufacturers offer the following classes of soft roofing materials, aimed at: various ways styling:

    Roll coatings based on bitumen. Their predominant field of application is industrial buildings and residential structures with flat and low-pitched roofs (when the slope angle does not exceed 3º). Rolled materials are successfully used for waterproofing roofs; they are laid in strips, and adhesion is ensured by fusing.

Installation of soft fused roofing

    Polymer membranes. They are also supplied in roll format, but contain an additive - a polymer modifier applied on top of the reinforcing base. The new component improves resistance to high temperatures and allows you to maintain plasticity at low temperatures. Bitumen-polymer membrane materials have good adhesion (adhesion to the surface), high mechanical strength and the ability to recover in places of minor damage. If the roofing carpet is chosen correctly, a bitumen-polymer roof will last at least 20 years.

Laying the polymer membrane

    Roofing mastics and emulsions. They have a limited area for full use, since they are a polymer or bitumen-polymer mixture and fit correctly only on a horizontal surface. More recently, such materials were used only as a waterproofing or bonding layer in roofing carpets. Today, mastic is increasingly used as a full-fledged independent coating. Depending on the type, it is applied by pouring, spraying or using a spatula (distributing it over the surface). For reinforcement, layers of fiberglass are used.

Roof under bitumen mastic

    Baseless materials. Refers to roll roofing coverings; a well-known representative of this class is polyethylene film (regular or reinforced). Baseless materials are known for their ductility, durability and bio-stability, making them an important part of the roofing pie (as the inner layer) of both flat and pitched roofs.

Blind vapor barrier - polyethylene film

    Bituminous shingles. Basically, these are piece products of modified roofing felt. The material has the form of flexible sheets with a figured outer edge. If roll and mastic materials are suitable for use on the roofs of residential buildings in the avant-garde or high-tech style, then for buildings in the most common, classic style Asphalt shingles are usually chosen. It can elegantly imitate natural ceramics, slate tiles and wood shingles.

Features of bitumen shingles

Although piece material less elastic than roll coverings, other properties make it a popular option for private construction. The soft roof structure looks like a three-layer structure:

    The basis. The basis is fiberglass, which, although it cannot boast of high tensile strength, weighs little and is quite elastic.

    Coating. Coating material - bitumen, natural or modified. The latter includes polymer additive, increasing the elasticity and frost resistance of products. On the back of each product there is adhesive strip for attaching to the base (it is protected with film during storage and transportation).

The structure of bitumen shingles

    Outer layer. To increase service life, the outside of the tiles is covered with painted basalt or slate chips. The use of granules increases the strength and durability of the material; a layer of powder protects the bitumen base from the sun, precipitation and mechanical damage. One of the reasons for the prevalence of soft tiled roofing is the rich color palette and various cutting shapes, which open up wide design possibilities.

Builders note the following advantages of bitumen shingles:

    Light weight, thanks to which the soft roof is transported and unloaded without significant costs. An additional bonus is reducing the load on roofing system roofs and the entire building.

    Versatility of soft roof installation. Flexible tiles can be successfully laid on roofs of any shape.

    Economy. On any surface, the percentage of waste will be minimal (not exceeding 5-7%).

The advantages of bitumen shingles during operation are their following properties:

    Strength. Flexible tiles are impervious to ultraviolet radiation, corrosion, precipitation and temperature changes.

Wide design possibilities

    Durability. It depends on the number of layers of bitumen shingles. Standard single-layer material is designed for 20 years of excellent service. The most durable, three-layer coating is guaranteed to withstand 50 years of operation (which does not exclude preventive inspections and routine repairs).

    Tightness. The material is characterized by almost complete waterproofness.

    Soundproofing. Soft tile roofing perfectly absorbs the sound of rain and hail.

    Zero electrical conductivity.

    Justth care.

The disadvantages of soft roofing are its high price (when compared with traditional materials) and a number of rules that must be followed when installing.

Video description

About the advantages of flexible tiles in the following video:

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer roof repair services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Rules for using soft tiles

When choosing a roof covering with a soft roof, you should have an idea about the features of flexible tiles. If conditions change (failure to comply with installation rules), these features can turn into disadvantages, and the same material will last for different times under different conditions. The main differences between soft tiles and other roofing materials include the following facts:

    Soft tiles not suitable for use, If roof slope does not reach 12°(on flat surface increases the risk of water retention and seepage).

    Impossible objectively determine quality by eye bitumen shingle coatings and bases. The material should be purchased from a trusted manufacturer, studying the certificate, markings and guarantees when purchasing. Soft tiles offered at a suspiciously low (below the market average) price are always suspicious.

    Laying soft roofing is carried out only on a solid moisture-resistant base. To do this, you will have to purchase plywood sheets, tongue-and-groove or edged board, or OSB sheets, which will increase the final cost of the roofing carpet.

Laying flexible tiles

    Installation looks simple, the main thing is in the installation process prevent deformation of soft tiles(which, in the absence of experience, is not so difficult to do).

    Installation in cold weather is difficult, since in such conditions the adhesive layer does not provide proper adhesion. In order for the roof to still be airtight, the packages with the material are first kept in a warm room (at least 24 hours), and during installation, 5-6 packages are taken out into the air.

    Soft roof repair it may turn out to be much more difficult to install . After laying the shingles, under the influence sun rays, stick together to form a single cover. If over time one of the tiles becomes damaged, due to the material sticking together, a section of the roof will need to be replaced, and this cannot be done without the involvement of a specialist.

Video description

About the installation of the roofing pie in the following video:

Features of laying the roofing pie

Bitumen shingles occupy a leading position in use in private construction, leaving other soft roofing materials far behind. This success is explained a successful combination its qualities: insulating capabilities of roll coverings, solidity self-leveling roofing and the aesthetics of classic materials (ceramics and wood shingles). If the attic of a residential building is supposed to be warm, a solid moisture-resistant base and flexible tiles will not be enough. In this case, additional layers will be required, and the roofing pie will have a more complex structure, including the following layers:

    Vapor barrier. Protects the rafter system and insulation layer from wet steam penetrating from the room.

    Thermal insulation layer(optional). Helps maintain a stable temperature inside the living space.

    Thermal insulation. Its role is successfully performed by a layer of basalt or mineral wool.

    Waterproofing membrane . Protects rafters and insulation from precipitation.

    Lathing and counter-lattice. A rigid solid base under the bitumen roof is fixed on them.

Standard roofing pie

    Roof base. Solid OSB, plywood or plank flooring is laid on the sheathing. Since the back side of the soft roof is covered with an adhesive layer, there is no need to apply mastic or glue to the base. If the angle of inclination of the roof structure exceeds 18°, it is laid on the base additional layer of waterproofing. If the slope is flatter, waterproofing is used to strengthen structurally weak areas that are subject to intense load: areas around chimneys, cornices, overhangs, ridges, valleys.

    Underlay carpet . Protects soft tiles from mechanical damage; serves as an additional barrier to wind and moisture.

    Gives the house a finished look. The elements are glued individually; for better fixation, glue, nails or screws are additionally used. When installing pitched surfaces, ordinary (shaped) tiles are used; for ridges and cornices, choose a universal ridge-cornice system. The energy of the sun's rays heats the bitumen, the tiles are sintered, turning into a single sealed roofing shell.

Video description

About errors in installing bitumen shingles in the following video:

Some nuances of arranging a soft roof

The composition of the roofing pie is important for the long-term trouble-free operation of the roof. If you use unsuitable materials or change (reduce) the number of layers of the roofing cake, the consequences will not be long in coming. The roof structure will become unusable; you will get leaks, condensation, damp insulation and rotten elements of the roofing system that require replacement.

In order for the roof to serve its intended life flawlessly, during installation it is necessary to use additional recommendations, which include the following tips:

  • urgently needs ventilation. The waterproofing of the roofing pie not only reliably protects the structure from raindrops, but also prevents steam from escaping outside. Failure to ventilate will result in condensation accumulating inside the cake and causing its seal to be compromised.

Ventilation arrangement (ridge vent)

    Types of ventilation. The roof ventilation system can be passive, when ventilation gaps (open channels) are formed between the layers. When installing a forced version, the roof structure is equipped with a factory-made ventilation system. Such a system is capable of not only effectively ventilating the under-roof space, but also forced circulation air in the attic and attic.

    Important technological subtlety- soft roofing, all types of which serve as a high-quality replacement for traditional tiles, unlike the latter, should not be adjacent to the chimney. During installation, the chimney is carefully insulated around its entire perimeter; the conditions for ensuring the fire safety of the roofing pie are regulated by SNiP standards.

    Mixing shingles. During installation, it is recommended to mix bitumen elements from several packages. Shades from different packs (even in the same batch) may vary slightly. Mixing will allow you to evenly distribute the tones over the surface of the roof, avoiding sharp transitions from tone to tone (which always catches your eye). This will also be useful in the future if you need to select material for repairs.

Arrangement of connection to the pipe

    A roof made of flexible tiles is superior to many roofing coverings in strength (it easily withstands hail), resistance (to wind gusts) and solidity. So that these wonderful properties preserved for as long as possible, it is necessary take good care of the roof during operation. To clear the roof of snow choose wooden shovel(it will not damage the protective basalt coating on the shingles). It is convenient to remove summer dust and dirt with a stream of water from a hose.


In many countries, bitumen shingles are considered the best option for roofing country house, practical and aesthetic. Buildings with soft roofs have a stylish appearance and are characterized by excellent performance characteristics. If you want to get a high-quality, durable and effective coating for your home, the installation of the roofing pie should be entrusted to specialized specialists construction organization, familiar with all the intricacies of the work.

It is a guide material, surrounded on both sides by a modified material and intended for coating.

Synthetic rot-resistant or fiberglass fabrics (polyester, fiberglass, fiberglass) can be used as guide material.

Preparation for installation of soft roll roofing

Soft guide covering for roofing is used as an independent covering mainly for surfaces with a slope of no more than 25 degrees.

  • Wooden base.
    Such a base should be two-layer: the bottom layer is made of boards laid parallel to the roofing, the top layer is at an angle of 30 degrees to the first. The base must be thoroughly puttied and covered with a special mastic. The roofing material is attached to such a base with roofing felt nails, without the use of hot work.
  • Concrete base.
    The concrete base must be prepared by leveling. To do this, you should make a cement-sand or asphalt concrete screed. All parts of the roof protruding above the main surface must be plastered at least 20-30 cm from the base. The screed must also be primed with mastic.

Preparing roll roofing

The estimated amount of rolled roofing must be prepared accordingly: all rolls must be rolled out on a flat surface, cleaned of possible contamination and left in this condition for at least one day. Otherwise high-quality installation will be impossible.

Preparing the necessary materials

To glue the roofing material, use a special mastic, which can be prepared independently or purchased at finished form at a hardware store.

Standard bitumen mastic can be prepared as follows:

  • Cold mastic
    It is made from bitumen grade BN 90/10 - the cheapest, most reliable and widespread waterproofing material. Asbestos or wood flour is used as a filler, which must be sifted well through a sieve before use. Bitumen must be melted with the addition of gasoline or kerosene and its melting must be maintained until the formation of foam stops. In this case, it is generally accepted that unnecessary impurities have been removed. The consistency of the mastic should not be too liquid, but retain its astringent qualities. After cooling, the mastic is ready for use.
  • Hot mastic
    Its production is more difficult, and its use is more dangerous for workers than the use of cold mastic. The bitumen is heated with gasoline or kerosene in a special vessel, preferably in a boiler (but not in a bucket!), after the foam stops appearing, it must be removed from the heat, the selected filler must be added (for example, highly crushed limestone), mixed thoroughly and immediately used for work. The finished hot mastic should emit gray smoke.

Covering the roof with soft guide roll materials can be done both vertically from bottom to top towards the ridge (if the roof has a slight slope), and along the direction of the slope if the slope angle is from 15 to 25 degrees. The number of layers of rolled roofing depends on the purpose of its use and the expected characteristics of the coating.

The first layers of the roof should be made from rolled material having a lining purpose, and the external ones (or one external one) are made from roofing. The roof layers are laid strictly with an overlap of 5 to 15 centimeters. Modern roof guides have a special edge for overlap.

Roof installation is carried out in the following order:

  • Applying the prepared mastic to the surface to be coated.
  • Alignment of the edge of the rolled web and the starting point from which it will be rolled out.
  • Roll rolling with parallel use gas burner.

Installation work should be carried out in teams of at least two people, one of which will roll out the roll, observing personal safety measures, the second will work with a gas burner.

The properties of the coating depend on the professionalism of the worker performing hot work, since if the burner is used incorrectly and the material overheats, it may become thinner. Therefore, working with a gas burner without sufficient skills is extremely problematic and should be entrusted to trained specialists.

After laying each layer of roofing, you need to check the quality of the seams and in places where there are overlaps, go over them with a special pressure roller, which will increase the reliability of the connection.

After completing all the work schematically the roof will look like this:

1 layer- primed base.

2 layer- bottom covering with roofing material.

3 layer- top coating with rolled working material on the surface to be used.

In cases if installation of this type of roof is carried out on steep slopes , as a substrate for other roofing materials (slate, tiles), then the rolls are rolled out horizontally, starting from the bottom of the roof and gradually approaching its ridge. The overlap of the sides of the waterproofing layers in this case should reach 15 centimeters.

Coating wooden roof carried out in the same manner, but instead of a gas burner, tar paper nails are used.

Most importantly, when working on laying roofing material, workers must follow personal safety rules: use personal protective equipment, including safety shoes and overalls, and also follow the rules for performing hot work.

If you decide that you will have a soft roof made of plastic bitumen shingles or other material, then choose the appropriate shape and color. Good soft roofing is Shinglas, Tegola, Katepal.

The right technology is important everywhere. Using the tools, proceed with installation. Everything will work out. And the cost of the material will be per square meter and count the quantity.

Fiberglass is the basis of soft bitumen shingles. This material is waterproof and will not be affected by corrosion. That is why roofing material is so popular.

The top is sprinkled with basalt chips, which protects it from sunlight. Such material can be used to lay a roof of any shape and even a dome. Technology is important.

Soft roofing deck or Tegola will not get wet during rains and when it is sealed, it is difficult to physically damage it. Bitumen is responsible for waterproofing, and fiberglass is for strength. Many people are interested in how to cover a roof with such material on their own, and how much does a soft roof cost? Let's figure it out, and the cost will be per square meter.

In this article


What is a soft roof? For example, bitumen shingles as a roofing material have their own advantages:

  • It is easy to load and unload and transport to different distances. It is relatively light;
  • When installed on any shaped surface, there will be little waste of this material;
  • Due to its softness, the material is able to dampen the sounds of falling rain, sleet, and hail (which is rare);
  • The canvases are resistant to both heat and frost;
  • The result is a flexible roof and quite plastic. With it, you can create different shapes on the roof;
  • Such tiles will serve you for a long time;
  • This material is non-conductive;
  • You will be using the roof with it for a long time.

Excellent material: Deca or Tegola. And in the factory, such tiles are cut into different shapes and you can choose the color you like. The buyer selects the material he needs and purchases a batch for his roofing or other buildings.

Another very quality material- Finnish soft roofing. Correct installation technology is important.

It is better to install soft tile roofing when it is warm. If the street is +5C or higher, then you can begin installing a roof made of bitumen shingles. If less, then postpone the work and start it in suitable weather. A sheet or shingle in other words consists of 3-4 soft tiles. Later, a wind strip for the soft roof will be made, and a cornice strip will be installed.

It happens that the manufacturer applies a self-adhesive layer to it, but you can also nail the material, as is convenient for you. When the sun thoroughly warms the material, it is tightly welded to the base of the roof and to each other. This will ensure complete tightness of the roof and the material at the seams. Metal tiles or soft roofing are very high quality materials.

When it is cold, there will be no such adhesion effect and therefore the waterproofing cannot be called 100% high quality. The right technology is important. Do not forget that the material must be overlapped on each other. Do not forget to make sure that the soft roof is adjacent to the wall.

When it is frosty or not warm enough, the material becomes more brittle. Therefore, install the canvases at above-zero temperatures - do not violate the technology. It is especially important to overlap on the ridge.

If you urgently need to cover the roof, and the temperature is below +5 C, then keep the material in the apartment for some time, and during installation, so that the parts are properly soldered together. You can take a hot air burner and heat the sheets. Give preference to Katepal soft roofing - it is an excellent material.

Especially try to do this at overlapping joints. The roof is laid following the technology in several stages.
Study the technology and get to work.

Let's prepare the foundation

Plywood (it is moisture resistant) or edged boards are best suited as a base for the material. You can use OSB board or other material that has a flat surface. During installation, it should have a humidity of no more than 20%. Yes, technology requires.

When knocking, the boards need to be attached to the supports. At least 2 runs, located from one to another, are required to overlap.

A 2mm gap is required between the seams at the bottom of the sheathing for plywood. When the sheathing is plank, the gaps are 5 mm.

Their annual rings should be laid on the boards so that they look upward in circles.

We arrange ventilation

The roof, thanks to its design, will be perfectly ventilated. This will prevent condensation from occurring. And then rot and mold at the bottom of the base.

Stick to technology and don’t forget to organize ventilation. Otherwise, the wooden rafters will begin to rot in the warm season. In winter, ice with icicles will appear on a roof without ventilation. The connection strip protects the material from bad weather.

Roof ventilation consists of:

  • Ventilation outlets;
  • Air vents are provided in the eaves overhangs;
  • There should be air from the base to the waterproofing and let it be at least 5 mm.

Advice. Do you want the attic all year round was it well ventilated? Install vents at the ridge and under the eaves overhangs. You will be able to install the roof with vents yourself.

Apply a cushioning layer

When installing a soft roof, a lining is required. It is installed on the eaves overhangs, along the ends ( end strip) and on valleys. Installation starts from the top and moves down.

If the roof slope is more than 18%, then the lining can be done only in those places where precipitation can accumulate due to which it can sag under their weight. Skates with valleys are reinforced by 250 mm for the first and 500 mm for the second.
Near the valley, lining must be done on 2 sides. Following the eaves overhangs, soft roofing materials are laid at the ends at 400 mm, no less. When installing, adhere to this technology.

It happens that the slope of the roof is more than 12%, but less than 18%, then the lining in the form of a carpet must be placed, moving from bottom to top. Focus on the overhang of the cornice and walk parallel to it.

An overlap of 150 mm is made when the material is laid longitudinally. 100 mm is needed for transverse installation. The gasket is nailed to the base. Use galvanized nails. The step from one to the other is 200 mm.

Advice. If you want there to be no leaks in the overlap areas even before the tiles are reliably fused, you need to lubricate the edges with bitumen mastic.

Installation of cornice strips

Produce metal strips and attached to the lining in places where the cornice is located. Right on its overhangs. Mounting nails are used and the spacing between them should not exceed 100 mm. At the joints of the planks, an overlap of 20 mm is required, or more is possible.

Installing gable strips

These strips are metal. They need to be attached to the lining at the ends of the roof. They will protect the sheathing around the edges. Installation is the same as for planks on cornices.

Valley carpet

It additionally protects the roof from rain or snow. The material must be matched to the color of the tiles. It is laid with an overlap and the edges need to be thoroughly coated with bitumen shingles. And they arrive with roofing nails.

How to make a soft roof?

We lay the tiles along the eaves. There is a film at the bottom of the tiles. It protects the adhesive layer. When you remove it, you can glue the material to the roof. If you do the installation yourself, do not forget that you need to remove this film.

The tiles for the eaves are laid one after another, leaving gaps of 1 or 2 mm. They do this joint to joint. They start from the eaves edge and move along the entire overhang. Nails for soft roofs are large and preferably galvanized.

Installation of ordinary tiles

This main part roofs. And the installation of materials here is carried out starting from the middle of your overhang and moving towards the ends. Most often, 4 large nails are used for fastening. But if the house is located in an area where there are high-speed winds, then experts recommend attaching each sheet with at least 6 nails, and preferably more. If you ever need repairs, you will dismantle the soft roof yourself.

It is important to lay 1 row correctly. Let its edge be no further than 1 cm from the top of the tile eaves. The material is laid overlapping, like “petals”. Will you soon learn in detail how to cover a roof with a soft roof with your own hands?

When you lay the 2nd row and the 3rd, make sure that where the cutouts of the row located above coincide with the “petal” ends.

Advice. Before laying, it is best to draw horizontal lines on the slopes with chalk. Then the rows of sheets will be laid evenly. But if the slope is uneven, or there is something else there, for example, dormer windows or pipes, then the markings will be very useful. You will be able to place the sheets as evenly as possible yourself. And when buying material, look where it will be cheaper.

We install ridge tiles

Where there is perforation, cut the tiles for the eaves into 3 parts. This way you will receive the material with which you need to cover the ridge. You need to lay it moving parallel to the ridge and with short sides. The service life of a soft roof without repair is at least 20-30 years.

Nail 2 nails on each side, and secure 1 piece with 4 nails in total. When covering the nails, make an overlap of no less than 5 cm with tiles and lay the layer in this way. So, you make a soft roof with your own hands. Its price is affordable.

We looked in detail at how to lay soft tiles with your own hands. All you have to do is buy the material and start installation. You can do it on your own, but you can take a partner.

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