How to choose a reliable and inexpensive walk-behind tractor for your dacha: from functional characteristics to a review of brands. How to choose a walk-behind tractor for household work in a country house or garden What you need to know when buying a walk-behind tractor

The question of how to choose a walk-behind tractor for cultivating a summer cottage is quite complex and responsible. Properly selected equipment will allow you to perform a large amount of work on the ground without significant expenditure of effort and money. In addition, quality machining soil significantly exceeds the result obtained when digging with a shovel. Modern market agricultural equipment is filled with walk-behind tractors and walk-behind cultivators, which differ in different brands, characteristics and capabilities. To know how to choose the right walk-behind tractor for landscaping your garden, yard and vegetable garden, you need to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of these products and the specifics of the tasks they perform.

Let's look at the similarities and differences between a motor-cultivator and a walk-behind tractor. Products of the first category are characterized by their small size, weight and limited functionality. With their help you can loosen top layer soil, provided there are no plant roots in it. Choosing a walk-behind tractor for your dacha allows you to perform a wide range of work that is not limited to loosening or digging.

Having bought a walk-behind tractor for your dacha, you can use it for the following actions:

  1. Plowing a summer cottage for planting flowers, berries or vegetables. Processing is carried out mounted plow. Heavy equipment is capable of lifting virgin soil, processing heavy clay and rocky soil. An inexpensive and reliable unit makes trenches up to 40 cm deep for laying various communications, building fences, laying curbs, creating a foundation pit.
  2. Treatment of plowed soil. To improve access to moisture and oxygen for garden crops, harrowing, cultivation and hilling of beds are carried out. At the same time, weeds and large debris are removed.
  3. Cultivation and cleaning of the territory. With the help of special attachments, snow removal, lawn mowing, collection of mown grass and subsequent loosening of the top layer of soil are carried out.
  4. Planting and harvesting vegetable crops. Special attachments make it possible to plant and dig up potatoes, onions, garlic and grain crops. The trailed bunker is convenient to use for uniform application of fertilizers into the ground.
  5. Transportation of various property. To do this, you need to choose a walk-behind tractor that has the ability to attach front and rear adapters, a cart or winter sleigh. To transport a heavy trailer (up to 500 kg), the unit must have sufficient power and weight.

It is necessary to consider all these aspects before deciding which walk-behind tractor to purchase for the garden. Let's look at the nuances that you need to pay attention to in order to choose the most suitable model unit, what indicators are necessary to perform various works on the site.

How to decide on power and weight

Power is the determining factor in machine performance. The higher it is, the heavier the soil can be lifted and the larger area can be processed. The weight of the equipment directly determines the degree of its adhesion to the ground.

We select a unit from 3 categories available for sale today:

  1. Lungs. Such machines weigh between 55-75 kg, the engine has a power of 3-5 hp. Select devices of this class for processing an area of ​​up to 10 acres. The functionality of light equipment is low; it is used for loosening the soil, mowing and collecting grass. If you have well-groomed vegetable gardens, light machines are used for hilling and harrowing rows.
  2. Average. The middle class of walk-behind tractors has a wider scope of application. They have a power of 5-8 hp. and weigh 80-125 kg. Almost all types of auxiliary equipment can be suspended on such machines. They can easily lift heavy soil, make trenches up to 20 cm deep, hill up beds, collect snow and mown grass.
  3. Heavy. This equipment is close in its capabilities to a light wheeled tractor. The heavy walk-behind tractor is durable and reliable. Weight without equipment is 150-300 kg, power - 8-12 hp. Equipment of this class can perform the entire range of agricultural work, including raising virgin soil, planning the territory and transporting loads of up to 500 kg on trailers and sleighs. With the help of adapters, a two-axle machine turns into a full-fledged tractor with headlights and rear-view mirrors. In one pass, the heavy unit is capable of processing an area of ​​up to 3 hectares.

Before choosing a walk-behind tractor for your garden, you need to weigh your financial capabilities regarding fuel costs. If light machines consume 2-2.5 liters per hour of operation, then for heavy machines this figure can reach 8-10 liters.

At first glance, it may seem that this issue is not fundamental. But this is not entirely true; the functionality of diesel and gasoline engines differs greatly, as evidenced by user reviews.

Let's look at the pros and cons in order. various types power plants.

  1. Gasoline engines. They differ in simple and reliable design, to which most motorists are accustomed. They have a compact size, sufficient power, and are easy to maintain. Operate over a wide temperature range. An undoubted advantage is the affordable cost even of foreign models. Disadvantages include low performance, high fuel consumption and limited service life.
  2. Diesel engines. They are distinguished by high reliability, durability and efficiency. As a rule, they are installed on medium and heavy class cars, as they are heavy. The disadvantages of the diesel power plant include its high cost and high maintenance costs. In addition, to operate at sub-zero temperatures, it is necessary to use special arctic fuel, which is not always commercially available.

For processing small plots It is advisable to purchase light and medium gasoline models. Heavy diesel units are indispensable for working in difficult conditions and over large areas.

Selecting a launch system

To some, this nuance may seem minor and not worthy of special attention. However, user reviews indicate that the ability to use the unit for its intended purpose depends on the correct choice of starter type.

Let's consider the features of walk-behind tractor engine starting systems:

  1. Manual. It is a flywheel on which a cord with a handle is wound. The cord can be removable or attached to the starter. The advantage of such a system is autonomy and independence from external sources nutrition. The disadvantage is that it takes a lot of effort to start the engine, especially in winter.
  2. Electric. The electric starter makes starting the power plant an easy and quick process. The downside is the need for a charged battery. If the unit has been left idle for a long time, the energy source is discharged, and it may take several hours to bring it back into working condition.
  3. Combined. This system is installed on modern models walk-behind tractors. To prevent battery discharge, generators are installed on them, providing lighting in dark time days. This type of equipment is quite expensive.

Do right choice Assessing your physical abilities and the state of your wallet will help.

Equipment and additional functions

When choosing a walk-behind tractor, it is advisable to inquire about the availability additional options, which expand its functionality, increase the level of security and simplify management.

These options include:

  • sockets for attaching adapters - allow you to turn the unit into a full-fledged mini-tractor with a seat for the operator;
  • adjustment of steering rods - makes it possible to install them in a convenient position for the worker’s build;
  • suspension under the steering - reduces vibration from the engine and the load on the operator;
  • system emergency stop— blocks and turns off the engine when overheating, critical fuel and oil levels;
  • availability protective covers- stopping those flying from under working area stones, branches and other hard objects.

When buying a walk-behind tractor, you should immediately purchase auxiliary equipment. This decision is justified both from a practical and financial point of view.

To work on garden plot may be required:

  • replaceable steel wheels with blades;
  • blade for territory planning and snow removal;
  • rotary snow blower for cleaning paths;
  • lawn mower for landscaping the recreation area;
  • potato digger for harvesting root crops.

For transporting goods over short distances an indispensable device there will be a wheeled cart and a sleigh.

Domestic or imported units

It is believed that foreign-made equipment is better than domestic units in all respects. In many ways, this opinion is justified, since experience in operating foreign products speaks in their favor. However, today Russian manufacturers produce equipment that is practically not inferior in all respects to imported analogues. This applies not only to performance characteristics, but also to external design. At the same time, the prices of domestically manufactured products are several times lower than imported units.

Some models are equipped with power plants from world-famous manufacturers (Mitsubishi, Honda, Robin-Subaru, Briggs&Stratton, Lombardini, Minsel).

As for imported models, you should pay attention to:

  • Chinese Zirka, KDT, Forester, Aurora, Bison, Centaur;
  • Italian Meccanica Benassi, Oleo-Mac, Goldoni, Grillo, Bertolini;
  • German Solo, Gardena, MTD, Huter;
  • Swedish Stiga, Husqvarna.

It is advisable to buy this product as a promising investment. Despite the high cost, units of these brands last for decades without breakdowns or repairs.

Reviews from walk-behind tractor users

Vyacheslav, 37 years old, Voronezh.

As soon as purchased summer cottage plot 30 acres, I immediately decided to buy a walk-behind tractor. I chose the Neva with a Japanese 6 hp engine. I assembled a full set of attachments, including a trailer. The equipment is excellent, it digs, mows, plants and harvests. Fuel consumption is also good: a 20 liter canister is enough to treat the area in spring and autumn. There was a problem associated with slipping when processing heavy and wet soil. I solved it simply: I installed iron wheels and pressed down the unit with a weighting agent.

Egor, 44 years old, Raichikhinsk.

After several years of digging with a shovel and swinging a scythe, I decided to mechanize work at the dacha. Supported domestic manufacturer and bought a Forza 150 with a 9 hp engine. The car met all expectations - powerful, heavy and productive. In addition to the earth-moving unit, it is used as vehicle for transporting goods over short distances. Disadvantages common to all Russian technology are poor fit of parts, severe vibration and leaks.

Andrey, 51 years old, Volgograd.

I studied the issue for a long time and came to the conclusion that it is better to buy a domestic-made walk-behind tractor. The basis for this decision was the arguments in favor of affordable cost and the availability of cheap spare parts. Acquired a heavy unit Rusich with complete set mounted and trailed equipment. Overall, I’m happy with the purchase, despite the fact that the unit is angular, makes a lot of noise and vibrates. However, the unit is reliable and performs any task in the most difficult weather conditions. All maintenance consists of periodically changing the oil and tightening bolted joints.

Which is better to buy a walk-behind tractor?

Summer residents who are seriously involved in gardening cannot do without certain equipment, because you cannot cultivate the land efficiently with your hands, and your health will suffer as a result. The first and main assistant can be a walk-behind tractor. This is an expensive piece of equipment, but the number of functions it can perform more than justifies the purchase within a year. It remains to figure out how to choose a walk-behind tractor, and what qualities to pay attention to first.

In some stores, all equipment for working with land is presented as walk-behind tractors different power and weight. Therefore, motor cultivators often come across this category, which are called ultra-light walk-behind tractors. In fact, these are two different units, and when choosing equipment for your own garden, you should decide which is more profitable for you.

A motor cultivator is a mechanized tool that has a milling cutter on its drive axis that can only cultivate the top layer of soil. We discussed this technique in more detail in a separate article “”. The function of the cultivator is limited only to cultivating the top layer of soil, while the walk-behind tractor can replace most of garden equipment.

Thus, a walk-behind tractor is a type of mini-tractor. Its attachments work due to wheel traction, and the person only controls the equipment by walking behind it. Both in terms of power and capabilities, walk-behind tractors are much stronger than cultivators and are equipped with a large number attachments. It is these units that we will examine in more detail.

What a walk-behind tractor can do: the capabilities of a mini-tractor

When dreaming of a walk-behind tractor, summer residents mainly expect to use it to cultivate the land. But this technology has much more features.

Ground work

Naturally, the main functions of the walk-behind tractor are earthworks, and more specifically - plowing, harrowing, hilling, cutting rows, etc.:

  • Plowing. They plow the land using a plow that is mounted on a unit, and powerful models are capable of lifting virgin soil. This function is especially useful for novice gardeners and gardeners who first need to bring the soil to normal condition so that you can plant something on it later. A walk-behind tractor, unlike a walk-behind cultivator, lifts the deep layers of the soil, shoveling and mixing the soil, and thereby saturates the soil with oxygen and makes it more airy. In such soil, both the level of humidity and air circulation are much better than in soil dug up with a shovel.
  • Harrowing. Harrowing is carried out with a separate attachment with teeth. The purpose of this work is to destroy the crust on the soil surface that forms as a result of the top part of the soil drying out under the sun. Because of the crust, oxygen access to the root system of garden crops is disrupted, and moisture is not retained in the soil. In addition, harrowing effectively removes weeds.
  • Hilling. For owners who plant potatoes in their dachas (4-5 acres), the walk-behind tractor will be useful as a... Special nozzle will help raise the furrows to give the tubers better ventilation and relieve them of excess moisture. Hilling is also useful for strawberries, especially if they are grown in lowlands, where increased moisture causes gray rot to damage the berries.
  • Digging and planting garden crops. With the help of attachments such as a potato planter and a potato digger, the walk-behind tractor will make it easier for you to plant and harvest your “second bread”. The volume of the bunker includes approximately three buckets of planting potatoes, which can be filled either by the plowman himself or his assistant. A seeder is used to plant seeds, garlic cloves and onions.

Harrowing is carried out while the potatoes have barely appeared on the surface of the ground to help them break through the dried topsoil

Potato planters contain different quantities planting material, but the most common option is to fill about 3 buckets

A seeder is convenient for planting grain crops in the fall, which are usually used to fertilize the soil and rid it of weeds. Green sprouts are plowed in in spring

Lawn and flower bed care

Except earthworks, the walk-behind tractor is capable of lawn care. For this purpose it comes with rotary mower, which cuts the grass no worse than a trimmer, capturing about a meter of lawn at once. And if you also buy an aerator attachment, your lawn will receive additional oxygen supply and will grow thicker.

Using the lawn rake attachment, you can collect grass clippings and at the same time stir the soil to give more oxygen to the roots

A useful addition can be called a shredder, which will grind all the garden waste for composting.

The shredder can be used to create green compost from plant waste, as well as grind cut tree and shrub branches

To water the garden and flower beds, a motor pump is connected to the walk-behind tractor.

Winter chores

In winter, the walk-behind tractor will not be idle either. It turns into, thanks to special devices:

  • brushes that clean paths from soft, newly fallen snow;
  • a snow shovel with knives that cuts and removes compacted snow;
  • a snow blower, which scrapes snow with blades to a depth of about 20 cm and throws it outside the path.

Cargo transportation

To be completely happy, the owner of a walk-behind tractor also needs to buy a trailer. Then you can proudly sit on your own equipment and drive around the garden, collecting garbage, cut branches or delivering manure, fertilizers, bags of potatoes, etc. Using a trailer, you can even bring bags of cement from the nearest hardware store or collect stones from roadside fields to build a fence. This way you will reduce the load on your own back and arms by entrusting the transportation of goods to the equipment.

The trailer turns a walk-behind tractor into a full-fledged mini-tractor, on which you can sit and transport various heavy loads around the site

All of the above attachments, except for the cultivator and wheels, do not come with the walk-behind tractor. They are purchased separately, taking into account the power of the equipment. And the more “horsepower” there is in the unit, the more functions it can perform.

What criteria are used to select the power of a walk-behind tractor?

When deciding which walk-behind tractor to choose, three aspects are taken into account:

  • how much land he will have to cultivate;
  • soil type on the site;
  • the amount of work that equipment must perform.

Unit performance calculation

The power of walk-behind tractors starts from 3.5 hp and ends at 10 hp. Stronger aggregates are rare. When selecting power, you should focus on the volume of land that will have to be processed.

  • If the plot is up to 15 acres, then 3.5-4 “strong” is enough. In this case, the working width is about 60 cm.
  • To process plots of 20-30 acres, use equipment with a power of 4.5-5 hp. and a working width of 80 cm.
  • For a plot of land of half a hectare, it is worth purchasing a model with 6-7 hp. and a working width of 90 cm.
  • For a hectare or more - up to 10 hp. and working width – meter.
  • From four hectares it is better to cultivate the land with a tractor, since such a volume is too heavy for both the walk-behind tractor and its owner.

Please note that fuel consumption will increase in proportion to performance.

Dependence of walk-behind tractor weight on soil type

The soil on the site plays a significant role in the selection of equipment. For heavy clay soils and development of virgin soil, low-power units are not suitable. Firstly, their power is not enough to shovel such soil, and the engine will work with high overloads. Accordingly, it will fly out quickly. Secondly, low-power equipment weighs less, which means it will not provide deep soil grip and will slip when plowing.

Oriented as follows:

  • if the soil is light and worked out, then you can buy a model weighing up to 70 kg. Such walk-behind tractors come with 3.5 – 6 hp;
  • units weighing 95 kg or more work effectively on clay soils;
  • to develop virgin soil you will need a mini-tractor weighing 120-150 kg. Moreover, it should come included metal wheels, which are called lugs.

Diesel walk-behind tractors are famous for their faster rotation speed and thus crush the soil more efficiently, but repairing gasoline engines is easier, and even at sub-zero temperatures you can’t run on diesel fuel.

Material on how to make a walk-behind tractor with your own hands using the example of a design from Valentin Arkhipov will also be useful:

The lugs, or metal wheels, due to the blades, bite tightly into the soil and prevent the walk-behind tractor from slipping when plowing virgin and heavy lands

What elements does the functionality of a walk-behind tractor depend on?

Before choosing a walk-behind tractor for your garden, you need to study its design to make sure that you can attach all the desired equipment to this model.

  • So, if you use a walk-behind tractor to transport goods, then the equipment must have large pneumatic wheels (from 450 mm).
  • Power attachments (water pump, snow blower, mower) require a power take-off shaft. There are models in which there is simply nowhere to attach such attachments.
  • For winter use, it must be a gasoline engine, and from a well-known company, so that it starts the first time.
  • A useful element is the electric starter, which makes the walk-behind tractor easier to start.

Desirable elements:

  • handle adjustment;
  • differential unlock;
  • emergency handle for emergency stop.

If there is a choice between domestic and foreign equipment, then “native” units will cost less. In addition, they are not so sensitive to fuel quality. But due to poor quality assembly, components often require repair. Foreign manufacturers rarely encounter such problems.

Walk-behind tractor- simply a record holder in work at personal plot. He is capable of digging, hilling, loosening, weeding, planting and even harvesting. If you work on the ground, you are probably well aware of the advantages of a motorized unit.

This miniature tractor With manual control breaks all records of popularity among farmers. But it’s one thing to want to buy, and quite another to know how to choose a walk-behind tractor that’s right for your job.

Just like or, deciding on the brand of walk-behind tractor is not so easy. Because their range today is large, and it continues to expand. And here it is important to keep abreast of new products in order to make the right choice.

Can't navigate exclusively for the brand. Some equipment owners believe that American walk-behind tractors are more reliable than others, others prefer domestic equipment for its combination of price and quality. We stand for a combination, first of all, of functionality and reliability. It is on them that you need to rely so as not to make a mistake when buying a walk-behind tractor.

Where to start choosing a walk-behind tractor

A rational choice must be based on specific parameters. As for choosing a walk-behind tractor, there are several such parameters:

  • walk-behind tractor power;
  • weight/size of walk-behind tractor;
  • engine (fuel) type;
  • walk-behind tractor functionality;
  • manufacturing company.

In this list parameters are located in descending order of importance. As you can see, trademark ended up in last place. It is in this sequence that we will consider each criterion and analyze the features of the choice.

Power, size and motor of the walk-behind tractor

Let's start with power, as a parameter that determines the rest. Engines of motorized units vary in power from 3.5-4 hp. up to 10-12 hp There are also intermediate options with a power of 5-6 hp. So which option is right for you? To answer this question, focus on the dimensions land plot to be processed.

Low-power walk-behind tractors
will cope with a plot of up to 50-60 acres. The medium-power motor is suitable for plots up to 1 hectare. If your land plot covers up to 4 hectares inclusive, you need powerful walk-behind tractor. By the way, on a larger area (from 4 hectares and larger) the use of a walk-behind tractor is undesirable.

And one more piece of advice. When choosing equipment, choose a model with a little extra power. This reserve will not interfere with work, but you will definitely not doubt the capabilities of the motor, and it will last longer.

Engine power determines two other parameters: working width and weight of the walk-behind tractor:

  • low power - capture up to 60 cm;
  • average power - grip up to 90 cm;
  • high power - capture up to 100 cm.

This averaged parameters For different models, but they need to be taken into account depending on the size of the plot, the plants grown, etc. They also affect the weight of the equipment. The relationship between them is direct:

Lightweight walk-behind tractors weigh no more than 70 kg and have a power of 3.5-5 hp. As a rule, they run on gasoline. Advantages: ease of operation, compactness (fits in the trunk), affordable price walk-behind tractor. Disadvantages: low weight weakens adhesion to the soil, so you will not be able to plow deeply, cultivate virgin soil, or use a light walk-behind tractor for planting and digging potatoes. For these purposes, a larger unit is needed.

Medium walk-behind tractors reach a weight of 130 kg and a power of 7-9 hp. The engines in them are predominantly gasoline. The main advantage over lightweight models: versatility, that is, the ability to use a larger range of attachments (ploughs, hillers, seeders, cultivators, mowers, sprayers, attachments for snow removal and planting potatoes). The depth of immersion in the soil is up to 30 cm, area coverage is up to 1 hectare. A small trailer can be attached.

Heavy walk-behind tractors are in the weight category up to 300 kg with a power of 10-12 hp. Equipped with air or water cooled diesel engines. The most versatile of walk-behind tractors: they have a high traction force, several speeds, a maximum range of passive and active attachments, an electric starter, a rototiller, large wheels, and a single-furrow plow. Heavy walk-behind tractors are designed for cultivating areas up to 3 hectares.

If you need to treat a large area, we advise you to buy a motor tractor weighing 280 kg and with a power of more than 14 hp.

Your tasks and functionality of the walk-behind tractor

A walk-behind tractor is bought in most cases for work in the garden or in the country. When planning a purchase, you must understand:

  • what is the area of ​​land under cultivation;
  • what kind of soil is to be processed;
  • how often will you use the walk-behind tractor;
  • what operations will you perform?

Respectively, the larger and more complex the tasks- the more powerful the unit you need. And it is better to slightly exceed the power than to save on equipment with insufficient power. Otherwise, the walk-behind tractor will fail due to overload.

Soil type fundamentally influences the choice of walk-behind tractor. If you are the owner of light black soil, then you can get by with a lightweight walk-behind tractor. But clay soil Suitable only for medium-heavy units. Not to mention virgin lands, which can only be cultivated with the help of heavy (from 120 kg) walk-behind tractors.

Regarding the configuration, then there is simply no point in spending money on an expensive model with a wide range of capabilities if you know in advance that in practice you will only use a small part of them. But some parameters are really important in any case. Here they are:

Power take-off shaft, or abbreviated as PTO. It is this mechanism that allows the use of active attachments and starts them.

Possibility of differential unlocking, that is, blocking one wheel. Needed to turn the walk-behind tractor on the spot and change the direction of movement. Relevant in small areas where you have to turn often.
Having a headlight, battery, and starter is convenient, but you can do without them if you need to save money. But protective shields and/or casings will come in handy, because you can’t skimp on safety.

Choosing a walk-behind tractor among popular models

So we come to key point: how to choose a walk-behind tractor from the range of models that are presented on the market. Most buyers want to be told one model that is “best of all.” But, unfortunately, the only one best model the walk-behind tractor does not exist. We explained in detail above why. What should I do? Choose according to your needs and capabilities from the available options:

  • Walk-behind tractors Russian production: Salute, Neva.
  • Belarusian walk-behind tractors: MTZ Belarus, Zubr.
  • Ukrainian walk-behind tractors: Centaur, Zirka.
  • European walk-behind tractors: Cayman (France).

Outside the domestic market, Chinese and American walk-behind tractors are widespread in the world. In addition, you can often find “mixed” origin: when a walk-behind tractor is assembled in one country, and its engine is manufactured in another. An example is the Neva walk-behind tractor with an American Briqqs&Stra engine.

Country of origin is not as important as whether the walk-behind tractor meets your expectations. And finally, a piece of advice: when choosing a walk-behind tractor, consider the availability of parts, the cost of subsequent maintenance and availability service centers. Good luck in your choice and work!

And for the most curious, we suggest you watch the video about the walk-behind tractor

A walk-behind tractor is a multifunctional unit that can significantly facilitate and speed up the execution of many works on the site. Such a device on the farm will become an indispensable assistant. And in order for a walk-behind tractor to perform its functions effectively and efficiently, you need to choose it. Dozens of manufacturers offer a large number of models, and choosing a worthy unit among them is sometimes very difficult, especially for the average buyer.

How do you treat the soil?


The ru website has prepared a rating for you, which includes the best walk-behind tractors sold in Russia. Each model was evaluated in terms of reliability, quality, and durability. Also analyzed real reviews users, on the basis of which this rating was created, thanks to which you can make the right choice and purchase a truly high-quality unit.

10. Cascade MB61-22-02-01

The tenth place in our top walk-behind tractor is occupied by a Russian-made model - a middle-class unit with a four-stroke gasoline engine. The walk-behind tractor allows the use of additional equipment, which significantly expands its capabilities. The gearbox has a reinforced design, and the powerful Honda GX200 engine allows you to handle large plots.

The wheels of the walk-behind tractor have a wide tread for better maneuverability and traction on any type of soil. The handles are made of material that prevents your hands from slipping. The gearbox has 4 speeds - 2 forward and 2 reverse.

  • Efficient system cooling for long-term use;
  • Reinforced gearbox design;
  • Two reverse speeds;
  • Reliable, powerful engine.
  • Not very high quality build;
  • Control cables wear out quite quickly.

The walk-behind tractor is equipped with a four-stroke resource-intensive Robin Subaru engine with an inclined cylinder and an overhead valve drive. Comfortable handles ensure confident control of the unit. The walk-behind tractor can work with a trailer, plow, potato planter, mower and others attachments. Equipped with a gearbox with four speeds (two forward and two reverse).

Large wheels and a special tread pattern increase the cross-country ability of the walk-behind tractor and the quality of the work performed. Today OKA MB-1D1M14 is considered one of the best Russian-made walk-behind tractors.

  • Economical engine with increased service life;
  • Simple design;
  • Low noise and exhaust emissions;
  • Efficient air cooling of the motor.
  • Can be used with any attachment.
  • Tight grip;
  • The steering wheel does not have adjustment for turning to the sides.

The top 10 walk-behind tractors continue with a Russian-made unit, which took eighth place. The device is equipped with a Lifan 168F-2 four-stroke engine, which is characterized by efficiency, reliability, low harmful substances in exhaust gases. The walk-behind tractor is suitable for working with various attachments, such as a trailer or a snow blower.

The steering wheel of the walk-behind tractor can be adjusted to suit you for more comfortable work. Protection from flying soil and dirt is provided by a special casing. Another feature of this model is large wheels with an aggressive tread, providing high maneuverability.

  • Can be used with almost any attachment;
  • Economical and reliable motor;
  • Simple design;
  • The cylinder liner is made of cast iron;
  • The coulter allows you to adjust the plowing depth.
  • Not found...

KADVI Avangard AMB-1 – great option for the dacha. This walk-behind tractor can become an indispensable assistant when performing heavy work. Excellent combination of price and quality, as well as reliable engine ensured great popularity of this unit.

In seventh place in our ranking of the 10 best walk-behind tractors is the model produced in Russia - Tselina MB-600. The unit is equipped with a rotary steering wheel, two forward and two reverse gears, wheels large diameter with deep treads for better maneuverability.

In general, the model is quite simple, has a simple design, and is optimally suited for both cultivating land and working with attachments. Thanks to high-quality assembly and reliable components, it takes sixth place.

  • Well assembled and reliable;
  • The processing width can be adjusted;
  • Reinforced gearbox;
  • Possibility of use with a wide range of attachments;
  • Unpretentious in maintenance.

Model produced under the German brand. The unit is perfect for almost any work on the site due to the possibility of using attachments. It is worth noting the plowing width – it is 105 cm, which significantly speeds up the work on cultivating the land.

The walk-behind tractor is equipped with a gearbox with 1 reverse speed and 2 forward speeds. A spacious fuel tank increases the work cycle without interruption for refueling.

  • Additional bracket at the front;
  • The engine runs stably and starts easily;
  • Use of a wide range of attachments;
  • Adjustable plowing depth;
  • Simple and reliable design.
  • Only 2 forward speeds;
  • Insufficient clearance;

This model is suitable for working both in small areas and in large areas. Wheels with aggressive mud tread provide excellent traction. It is possible to work with various attachments.

The walk-behind tractor is distinguished by high-quality assembly and pleasant little details, for example a large neck fuel tank for quick and accurate refueling, protective wings, horn. The seams are welded reliably, the paintwork is resistant to damage and exposure to aggressive environments.

The gearbox has 6 speeds: 2 reverse and 4 forward. The powerful four-stroke DDE 208 engine is quite economical and has a long service life.

  • Reliable assembly, robust design;
  • Height-adjustable handle;
  • Possibility of adjusting the plowing depth;
  • Wide range of attachments;
  • Economical and powerful engine;
  • Stable when plowing.
  • When the clutch is abruptly released, the cable may fly out;

DDE V 950 II Hulk-1 TG-95Nev – great solution in terms of price and quality. Ideal for performing a variety of jobs on a personal plot.

The fourth place is occupied by a walk-behind tractor produced in China, Tsunami TG 105A. Ideal for processing large areas and performing small tasks. Powerful four-stroke engine with air cooled and a large resource, allows you to work without interruptions for a long time.

The handles with special linings that prevent slipping contain control elements that ensure comfortable operation of the walk-behind tractor.

Thanks to the presence of a coulter, you can adjust the plowing depth. For faster and more convenient movement there is a third wheel at the front. Large diameter wheels with a special tread increase the maneuverability of the unit. Protective fenders prevent dirt and soil from getting into the engine as well as the operator.

  • The processing width is 105 cm and allows you to process large areas in a short time;
  • Adjustment of plowing depth from 15 to 30 cm;
  • The walk-behind tractor is easy to transport thanks to the folding handle;
  • Reliable and durable design;
  • Additional wheel;
  • The muffler significantly reduces the noise level from the engine.
  • Not found...

This model is optimally suited for processing medium and large areas, including plowing virgin soil. Thanks to the ability to install attachments, this unit can perform a wide range of different jobs.

The walk-behind tractor is equipped with an economical and powerful Champion D300-1HK diesel engine, which can easily cope with the most complex tasks. The plowing depth can be adjusted from 15 to 30 cm, as well as the width - 80-100 cm. The unit has wide mudguards that reliably protect against dirt and soil flying out from under the wheels.

Almost all owner reviews are positive. Particularly noteworthy is the ease of use and powerful engine, thanks to which the walk-behind tractor can easily handle large areas land. The unit moves easily and copes even with virgin soil.

  • Very economical and powerful diesel engine;
  • The speed in second gear reaches 10 km/h;
  • There is a stop for parking;
  • Manual and electric starter;
  • Almost any attachment can be used;
  • Low fuel consumption.
  • Quite a difficult initial assembly.

Equipped with powerful wide wheels, therefore it has increased maneuverability. The special frame design reliably protects the engine and makes it easier to carry and transport the walk-behind tractor. You can connect a wide variety of attachments to the unit and thereby significantly expand the capabilities of the walk-behind tractor.

All controls are located for the most comfortable operation of the walk-behind tractor. The mudguards above the wheels are located at a sufficient height and reliably protect against flying soil and dirt. PATRIOT URAL 440107580 is ideal for use with a trailer.

Three decades ago, the question posed in the title of this article simply did not exist. The industry did not mass-produce walk-behind tractors in those years.

Collective farms did not need funds small mechanization and cultivated the land with powerful wheeled and tracked equipment.

Few craftsmen adapted tractor starter engines onto homemade chassis, which aroused surprise and envy among non-mechanized summer residents.

Today has come the “golden age” of walk-behind tractors. These universal machines are actively used on peasant farmsteads and small farms, replacing two or three types of conventional equipment.

Anyone who has seen a walk-behind tractor in operation probably highly appreciated its capabilities and would not be averse to purchasing such a “humpbacked horse” for his site.

Before purchasing such a mechanism, you need to understand, which will give you the use of a walk-behind tractor, since it is often confused with a motor-cultivator. Compared to it, a walk-behind tractor can perform many more work operations.

In addition to cultivation and hilling, it can be used to plow the ground, use it for transporting goods, clearing snow and mowing grass. Harvesting potatoes and watering the garden are two more popular functions of this mechanism, which are available upon purchase. additional equipment.

Structurally, a walk-behind tractor differs from a cultivator in that that the traction force is created by the wheels. The motorized cultivator is “pulled” along the ground by a cutter mounted on the drive shaft. In addition, the walk-behind tractor differs from the cultivator in its more powerful engine (from 4 hp), and its solid weight (from 70 kg).

Some models of walk-behind tractors have a hitch for towing a trailer and a power take-off shaft, which allows them to be mounted with attachments.

Types of walk-behind tractors

Classifying features that influence the choice of walk-behind tractor are their weight and motor power.

There are three types of these units– light, medium and heavy. The first two categories are designed for domestic use. The weight of such machines ranges from 50 to 100 kilograms, and the engine power does not exceed 8 hp. Many of them are equipped with a gearbox with two forward and one reverse speeds.

Heavy walk-behind tractors are designed for farm. They weigh more than 100 kilograms, have a gearbox and an engine with a power of more than 8 hp. Such machines can be retrofitted with attachments that significantly expand their capabilities.

Let us consider in more detail the process of selecting a walk-behind tractor, based on its operating conditions: soil type, cultivation area and number of functions.

Soil type

When answering the question of how to choose a walk-behind tractor, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the density of the soil that you have to cultivate. The heavier the earth, the more powerful and heavy the mechanism will be required. A walk-behind tractor weighing up to 70 kg will pull a hiller or plow only on light ground without slipping. For virgin lands and heavy soils, its weight should start at 95 kg.

Speaking about the power plant of the walk-behind tractor, it should be noted that a diesel engine is better than a gasoline engine for cultivating heavy soil. It has a higher traction force, longer service life and low fuel consumption. The disadvantage of such a motor is that it is difficult to start at air temperatures below +2C.

Walk-behind tractors weighing less than 150 kg when working with a hiller, plow or potato digger must be equipped with lugs - metal wheels.

Processing area

This indicator affects the power of the selected mechanism and the width of its cultivation of the soil in one pass. If the area of ​​the plot does not exceed 15 acres, it is enough to buy a medium walk-behind tractor with an engine of 3.5 to 4 hp. and processing width up to 800 mm.

If the arable plot is from 15 to 40 acres, you will need a walk-behind tractor with an engine of at least 7 hp. and a tillage width of 900 mm.

For work on site large area(from 40 acres to 1 hectare) you will need a unit with a power of 9 hp. and working width up to 1000 mm.

Processing depth

In accordance with the requirements of agricultural technology, the optimal depth of soil cultivation with a walk-behind tractor should be in the range from 20 to 30 cm.

Additional features

The list of additional equipment for equipping walk-behind tractors is quite wide, but you need to choose only those devices that you will most often need.

Without a power take-off shaft, the functions of the walk-behind tractor are reduced only to cultivating the soil and plowing the site. A rotary lawn mower, snow thrower, motor pump, potato digger and other attachments can be connected to the power take-off shaft.

If there is a need to use a walk-behind tractor to transport goods, you need to choose a model equipped with a towbar and large pneumatic wheels (diameter of at least 45 cm).

It is better to clear the area of ​​snow buy a unit with a brand-name carburetor engine, since it starts better and operates stably at low temperatures. Not only a power take-off shaft, but also a regular pulley is equally suitable for driving a snow thrower.

The ability to adjust the height of the handles is a useful option that increases convenience when working. To transport cargo prerequisite is the ability to rotate the walk-behind tractor handles 180 degrees.

Engine, gearbox and clutch

The engine is the most expensive and critical component of a walk-behind tractor. Therefore, saving on it means doing repairs every season instead of productive work.

The highest quality and most economical motors for these units are produced by GreenField, Subaru, Honda, Forza and BRIGGS & STRATTON. Chinese Lifan power units, produced under license from Honda, have proven themselves well.

Almost all manufacturers of walk-behind tractors today equip their machines with engines from the listed companies. Therefore, there is no point in buying a “pure” Honda, which will cost several times more than the unit on which the Honda engine is installed.

Regarding the number of engine cycles, we can confidently say that four-stroke engines are preferable to two-stroke engines, both in terms of efficiency and reliability.

Walk-behind tractor clutch It can have a multi-disc or single-disc design, and is also implemented in the form of a belt drive. The first two types of clutch are more reliable, therefore they are used for installation on heavy machines.

Walk-behind tractor gearbox is of great importance for its trouble-free operation, so you must definitely pay attention to it when choosing. Cheap units are equipped with non-removable gearboxes, which in case of breakdown have to be completely replaced.

A dismountable, serviceable gearbox is more profitable in this regard, especially if it is made of cast iron rather than aluminum.

The best constructive options gearboxes are gear and gear-chain. Worm gearbox gets very hot when running at full load. This leads to the need to stop the walk-behind tractor every 20-30 minutes.

Manufacturers and estimated prices

Having gained an idea of technical parameters and the capabilities of these units, it is much easier to answer the question of which walk-behind tractor is better to buy. In this case, we can only compare prices in the selected class of these cars.

Among light walk-behind tractors, the Russian brand Salyut is in demand today..Users of this technology write in their reviews that the most best walk-behind tractor of this company is the one with a 4-stroke Japanese gasoline engine with a power of 5 hp, a gear reducer and a V-belt clutch. Its price starts from 31 thousand rubles.

Its competitor is the Neva MB 3S walk-behind tractor.(weight 70 kg) is equipped with a 5.7 hp Subaru engine. At a cost of 34 thousand rubles. This unit is optimal for working on personal plots and farm plots.

The cost of medium-sized walk-behind tractors of the French brand Caiman starts from 46 thousand rubles. This is the amount you will have to pay for a 6-horsepower unit with a Robin-Subaru engine. It is equipped with 2 forward and one reverse gears. Its maximum tillage depth is 32 cm with a working width of up to 90 cm.

Domestic medium-sized walk-behind tractors Neva, Cascade with the same performance characteristics and reliable American Briqqs & Stratton engines will cost a more modest amount - from 34 to 39 thousand rubles. The price tag for a Chinese gasoline Centaur (7 hp), capable of plowing the soil to a depth of 30 cm with a passage width of 100 cm, does not exceed 26 thousand rubles.

In the category of heavy diesel walk-behind tractors In terms of price-quality ratio, the Scout equipment is a confident mid-ranger. Walk-behind tractors with a rototiller from this manufacturer with a capacity of 8 liters. With. (such as 81 D) can be purchased from 59 thousand rubles, more powerful models (101 DE, 15 DE) will cost about 80-85 thousand rubles.

Scout 15 DE

You can get acquainted with the Scout brand line in Russia in more detail at official dealer- in the Gardenshop company.

You should also pay attention to the MTZ Belarus brand and the Chinese Zubr. These machines are equipped with Honda and Briqqs&Stratton diesel engines with a power of 9-10 hp, have a disc clutch and a gear reducer.

Four forward and two reverse speeds allow you not only to efficiently plow heavy soil, but also to transport loads on a trailed trolley. The price of such walk-behind tractors starts at 70 thousand rubles.

In reviews of heavy Zubr walk-behind tractors, one can find complaints about low quality workmanship, the need to tighten connections before use, and noise during operation. This unit is inferior to the MTZ brand, but at the same time is much cheaper than its Belarusian counterpart (the price of a 12 hp unit is in the range of 42-46 thousand rubles)

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