The essence and structure of organizational culture. Organizational culture

Let's consider what belongs to the elements of organizational culture, compare two approaches to classifying elements and show with examples how they work.

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Elements of organizational culture: classical approach

What is an element of organizational culture? The element is important component. The composition and number of elements of an organization's organizational culture depends on the researcher's approach.

There is a classical approach, according to which the elements of organizational culture are:

  1. Worldview- general views of employees and management on customers, competitors and other employees. For example, respect for the customer is part of the general worldview of all store employees. Experts from the HR Director magazine will tell you what to do if
  2. Cultural values. For example, attitude to business, to the team. Own corporate symbols and mythology. Read in the magazine “HR Director” -
  3. Communication V in a broad sense, not only oral, written, but also symbolic - rituals, ceremonies.
  4. Norms accepted in the organization. For example, an employee, getting accustomed to a new workplace, must master the written and unwritten “rules of the game” accepted in this team.
  5. Psychological climate. The concept is difficult to define, but felt by everyone. In some companies the environment is tense and closed, in others it is open and friendly. In the first, no one smiles or jokes, and in the second, laughter is often heard.

Psychologist Anatoly Lutoshkin highlighted 14 reasons why a tense atmosphere occurs. Check this with a simple test.

  1. Symbols. This refers to the official symbols of the company - brand, logo, corporate colors and slogans.
  2. Organizational mythology. For example, creating a halo of a hero around the founder of the company, as happened in the Disney, Ford and Apple corporations.

None of these components, taken in isolation, provides insight into a company's organizational culture. But their complete list contains comprehensive information about the nature of organizational culture.

Supplement your knowledge about what elements does corporate culture consist of? , the experts at Sistema Personnel will help.

Elements of Organizational Culture: The Harris-Moran Approach

In the day-to-day work of HR, it will be useful to classify elements around key concepts related to the work situation itself. This is what F. Harris and R. Moran did in their book “Cultural Differences in Management.” They highlighted 10 elements of organizational culture. Let's talk about some of them.

No. 1. Awareness of yourself and your place in the organization

In some organizational cultures, it is common to not show emotions at work. There is a special time and place for this. In other cultures, hiding emotions will cause wariness.

Not all Russian companies, especially state-owned ones, will welcome an ever-smiling employee. Most likely, they will make a remark. IN American companies- this is the standard.

Dmitry Efimov, a laughter yoga trainer, tells on the pages of the HR Director magazine how to make employees happier. Use in your company.

No. 2. Communication system and language of communication

Appearance mobile internet, social networks and instant messengers have greatly diversified the possibilities for employees to communicate with each other and with management. Sometimes during one meeting there can be several dialogues in parallel: spoken out loud and written on smartphones. Use it!

Use the power of smartphones to communicate messages to younger employees. Explain the advantages of this method to your manager:

  1. Modern young people understand written language better than spoken language.
  2. The message will be saved.
  3. You can provide a link to additional materials or attach them to the message.

No. 3. Appearance, clothing and self-presentation at work

Let's look at this element using an example. Typical situation: the employee does not comply dress code . It is obvious that he associates the dress code with a formal suit. Explain that suits, white shirts and ties are not a dress code. The dress code is respect for colleagues. Respect is shown in neatness in clothing. Remind that all successful IT specialists looked stylish and neat, while being informal. For example, Mark Zuckerberg comes to work every day in jeans and a gray T-shirt. But they are always fresh and clean.

No. 4. What and how people eat, their habits and traditions in this area

This important element of organizational culture is often either forgotten or not considered necessary to discuss. Meanwhile, the question: “Where do you have lunch?” asked by every new employee.

What kind of high organizational culture can we talk about if the office smells like cutlets, and employees who don’t heat anything have lunch stretched out to two hours - they need to get to a cafe with reasonable prices? Experts from the HR Director magazine suggested solving the problem.

No. 5. Awareness of time, attitude towards it and its use

Accuracy and punctuality are an important element of organizational culture.

For example, McDonald's internal rules define, “ how many seconds can elapse from the moment the buzzer goes silent until the moment when the last potato wedge must be removed from the oil?».

However, wise use of time is not only about this. Interesting fact is given in the article “ :

« It has been noticed that young people often perform several different tasks at the same time: study project documentation, correspond with colleagues on social networks, respond to a friend’s SMS, search for necessary information on the Internet, monitor the operation of equipment, make a presentation».

Advise the manager to use this feature of young people in the interests of the business - to entrust these employees with several different tasks at the same time. The following elements of organizational culture identified by Harris and Moran substantially coincide with the elements identified by the classical approach. This:

  • relationships between people;
  • values;
  • belief in something and attitude or disposition towards something;
  • employee development process and training;
  • work ethic and motivation.

Thus, organizational culture is a set important elements, without which the existence of the company is impossible. The cultural patterns adopted in the company influence all relationships from top to bottom: from the boss to the ordinary employee. In addition, the culture of the organization is also manifested in relations with the outside world: clients, partners and authorities.

The classical approach identifies 7 elements of organizational culture. And Harris and Moran proposed a classification of 10 elements . Understanding the interaction of elements of organizational culture helps HR accurately determine the causes of problems in personnel management and find quick and competent solutions.


1. Concept, structure and content of organizational culture…….4

1.1 Organizational culture…………………………………………..4

1.2 Structure of organizational culture……………………………...5

1.3 Indicators and components of organizational culture…………..6

2. Objectives, functions and types of organizational culture……………….9

2.1 Objectives of organizational culture………………………………….9

2.2 Functions of organizational culture…………………………….. .10

2.3. Types of organizational cultures…………………………………..12

3. Formation and maintenance of organizational culture……….16


List of references…………………………………...19


Any organization faces the need to form its own type - defining its own goals and values, strategies for the properties of products produced and services provided, civilized rules of behavior and moral principles for employees, maintaining a high reputation of the company in the business world. All this, called organizational culture, is a task without which it is impossible to achieve efficient work companies

This essay is devoted to a topic that is relevant for modern organizations - organizational culture. The issue of organizational culture in companies is relevant today and its relevance will grow as Russian companies advance in the global market.

An organization works and develops like a complex organism. Constantly being influenced by the external environment and adapting to changes, a modern organization must have the ability to form and accumulate potential that can provide not only a timely and adequate response to the actions of the external environment, but will also make it possible to actively change the surrounding reality, effectively manage the functioning and development of countless parts and subsystems of the organization. This “vital” potential of the organization’s activities is provided by organizational culture: that for which people became members of the organization; how things are structured between them, what principles and methods of performing work are used in the activities of the organization. In any organization there is a dialogue between people who are carriers of organizational culture, on the one hand, and culture that influences human behavior, on the other.

1. Concept, structure and content of organizational culture

1.1 Organizational culture

Despite the fact that in our country the term “organizational culture” began to be actively used relatively recently (in 1970–1980), in recent decades the attention of many researchers and practitioners has been drawn to its study.

Organizational culture, like public culture, performs two important social functions: 1) accumulation, storage and transmission of samples human relations, behavior and experience; 2) bringing people together. No team whose number exceeds several dozen people, much less a group of thousands of people, can unite and function sustainably only on the basis of mutual sympathies of its members.

Currently, research offers various definitions of organizational and corporate cultures. Moreover, in some cases these concepts are presented as synonyms, and in others they are opposed.

Organizational culture - this is a set of collective basic ideas, group norms and values ​​that determine the characteristics of the behavior and interaction of organization employees in various types activities, as well as the management system operating in it.

If we can say that an organization has a soul, then this “soul” is organizational culture. It is organizational culture that largely answers the question “How do we behave?” It regulates behavior towards clients, colleagues, managers, partners and other people or phenomena. At the same time, organizational culture is an important management resource of management, namely: In the absence of direct instructions, it is the organizational culture that determines the behavior and interaction of people, significantly influencing the progress of work.

1.2 Structure of organizational culture.

There are three main levels in the structure of organizational culture: 1) external (superficial); 2) internal (subsurface); 3) deep.

1. External (superficial) level - visible artifacts of organizational culture. This is the visible part of organizational culture, including such specific observable artifacts as symbolism, architecture of buildings, layout and decoration of premises, actions of people (rituals, ceremonies, relationships, etc.

2. Internal (subsurface) level - common values, beliefs and norms of behavior proclaimed in the organization and accepted by employees. All externally observable manifestations of organizational culture are a reflection and manifestation of norms, beliefs, values ​​and beliefs generally accepted in the organization.

3. Deep level - fundamental cultural ideas. These include traditional, national, cultural-historical and religious foundations and prerequisites of organizational culture, which include basic fundamental ideas about the nature of the surrounding world, human nature, human relationships and other manifestations of mentality. These largely unconscious ideas (often taken for granted) have a significant impact on general character organizational culture. A person may not be aware of the norms and traditions of the national culture in which he lives, although he adheres to them. But he immediately notices their change if he finds himself in a different national culture.

All components of organizational culture can be divided into two main categories: 1) external indicators (artifacts); 2) internal components. This division is quite arbitrary, since many internal substantive components of organizational culture also manifest themselves at the external level.

External indicators of organizational culture. External indicators of organizational culture are something that is open, that is, manifested externally and does not require the use of special means, such as psychodiagnostics, for observation. External indicators represent a reflection of the essence of organizational culture and at the same time support it. These include:

Symbols of the organization. Symbols include logos, badges, letterheads, monuments, banners, etc.

Appearance and clothing of employees. This includes a variety of clothing styles, uniforms, etc.

Structuring space and decorating premises. Organizational culture is reflected in the configuration, design and decoration of premises.

Features of time structuring. Time can be perceived as an organization's most important resource or be secondary to performance results. Each organization has its own structure. In some organizations, the working day is standardized by time, for example, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., while in others, it is irregular, for example, until the last visitor or while there is work.

Language and communication of employees. Language and communication reflect style features exchange of oral and written information and interaction of employees both with each other and with partners, clients and competitors.

Traditions and rituals. Traditions are a certain order of behavior and interaction in an organization that developed during the process of its formation and corresponds, in the opinion of members of the organization, to its heritage

Rituals mean repeated actions, procedures that have symbolic meaning. The practical meaning of the ritual is that it has a certain emotional impact on employees at the conscious and unconscious levels, creating a sense of unity in them

Internal components of organizational culture. Unlike external indicators, which are visible to the outside observer and can be noticed simply by wandering the halls of an organization and listening to conversations, the internal components of organizational culture are located at deeper levels and require deliberate cognitive effort to identify them. These include:

The mission of the organization includes employees’ ideas about the purpose of the organization, the main goals of existence and related philosophical positions, ideas and credos that determine the general corporate psychological mood (spirit) of employees.

Depending on the content and purpose, the missions of organizations are divided into a number of groups:

Mission as a universal human purpose (to make people’s lives better, to unite people, to bring people health, etc.);

Mission as a national idea (for every family separate apartment, a personal computer in every home, create a people's car, etc.);

Mission as the main strategic idea of ​​the organization (to have the best results, to become the best in professional field, always be one step ahead of competitors, etc.).

Organizational values - This is a set of values ​​common to members of an organization or its individual groups and influencing the organizational behavior of personnel and the effectiveness of its activities. Based on an analysis of the organizational cultures of various successful companies, researchers have described a number of values, the adherence to which ensured the effectiveness of these companies. At the same time, the success of a company is determined not by the number of positive values ​​it maintains, but by the depth of their acceptance.

Rules and regulations. From a formal point of view, rules are standards of behavior and actions enshrined in an organization (written or oral) that its employees adhere to in the process of activity and interaction.

Management structure and culture - includes the structural relationship of elements and levels of management, features of management interaction between managers different levels in the organization, as well as preferred leadership styles.

The system of official communication includes specific features of the use of business communication for a given organization.

System of rewards and sanctions in the organization. The system of rewards and sanctions in an organization largely sets the internal criteria for assessing the effectiveness and motivation of its employees, as well as the general work ethic.

Studying the system of rewards and punishments allows us to determine criteria for assessing the effectiveness of people in an organization. It also matters whether these criteria are the same for everyone or different at different levels of the hierarchy.

2. Objectives, functions and types of organizational culture

There are two basic tasks, the solution of which reveals the main purpose of organizational culture:

1) ensuring internal unity and integration of employees;

2) adaptation of the organization to the conditions of the external socio-economic environment.

Task ensuring internal unity and integration of employees regulates intra-organizational processes and relations between members and divisions of the organization responsible for the effectiveness of its activities.

The solution to this problem is carried out in the process:

o establishing a communication system for information exchange and professional interaction;

o formation of norms of interpersonal communication and interaction, definitions permissible level openness at work;

o forming formal and informal groups, defining their boundaries, establishing entry and membership criteria;

o establishing patterns of desirable and undesirable behavior;

o distribution of statuses in the organization, establishment of rules for acquiring, maintaining and losing power.

Task adaptation of the organization to the conditions of the external socio-economic environment regulates the functioning of the organization in conditions of external competition, existing socio-economic and political circumstances. The process of external adaptation is associated with the organization finding “its niche” in the market, achieving organizational goals in a constantly changing external conditions interaction with the government, partners, competitors and consumers.

The classic algorithm for solving this problem is as follows:

o determining the mission of the organization, choosing a strategy for fulfilling this mission;

o establishing specific goals and objectives of the organization, achieving their acceptance by employees;

o identification and formation of means and resources used to achieve set goals, development of an adequate organizational structure for functioning and management, optimization of the incentive system;

o development of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of activities, individual and group results, creation of information infrastructure;

o correction of activities using a system of rewards and punishments in accordance with the effectiveness of completing assigned tasks.

In accordance with the focus of the tasks being solved, the functions of organizational culture are divided into two groups:

1) internal integration functions, ensuring its integrity and internal unity of the organization’s members;

2) functions of external orientation, ensuring the organization’s adaptation to the conditions of the external environment and survival in it.

Go to functions internal integration include:








Quality management;

- recreational .

Integrating function allows you to unite members of the organization by creating a sense of belonging to common values ​​and achievements, their involvement in the affairs of the organization and commitment to the traditions existing in it.

Regulatory function ensures self-government of the organization and regulates internal norms of behavior.

Management function organizational culture is a development of the previous one and is expressed in the fact that it complements and sometimes replaces some personnel management functions.

Adaptive function solves two important problems: a) adaptation of newly hired employees to the conditions of professional activity and the formation of their commitment to the values ​​and norms of the existing culture; b) neutralization of behavior patterns among newcomers that are incompatible with the organizational culture of the enterprise.

Security function is a development of the previous one and consists in creating a certain barrier to the penetration of undesirable trends in the external environment into the organization.

Motivating function. A developed organizational culture increases the level of work motivation of employees. A person who identifies with the organization works with higher productivity.

Communication function. A developed organizational culture makes it possible to simplify communication processes and reduce the time for various approvals.

Quality management function. Organizational culture ensures a more attentive and serious attitude towards work, which inevitably affects the final result.

Recreational function lies in the fact that a developed organizational culture is inextricably linked with the formation of a favorable psychological climate in the organization’s teams.

Go to functions external orientation include:

Formation of the organization's image;

Adaptation of the organization to external socio-psychological conditions;

Regulation of partnerships;

Regulation of relations with consumers.

Image formation function. Image is the image of an organization that exists in people’s minds, emphasizing its individuality and values ​​and somehow distinguishing it from others. total number others similar.

The function of adapting an organization to external socio-psychological conditions ensures the integration of the organization into external social structures.

Function of regulating partnership relations is that organizational values ​​guide the organization’s employees to take into account in their activities the goals, needs, requests and interests of business partners and even competitors.

Function of regulating relations with consumers. This function regulates the relationship between the organization’s employees and clients, setting them up for mutual consideration of interests.

2.3. Types of Organizational Cultures

In the last three decades, many attempts have been made to typologize various organizational cultures in order to classify phenomena occurring in organizations and offer recommendations to managers and subordinates.

American sociologist Charles Handy proposed a classification of types of organizational culture based on an analysis of the system of distribution of power, authority and responsibility. He identified four leading forces influencing the organization: 1) the power of official position; 2) the power of resource management; 3) the power of possessing knowledge; 4) strength of personality. Depending on which forces have a predominant influence in the organization, a certain organizational culture is formed and developed.

1. “Culture of power” (“culture of Zeus”) characterized by a high degree of authoritarianism of the leader and personalized management. In an organization with a power culture, there is only one clear decision-making center - the leader. The main control is carried out from this center and is selective in nature, carried out according to individual criteria, which are determined subjectively by the manager, at his own discretion. Typically, such a culture is formed when the director is not just a leader, but also an owner (owner).

2. “Role culture” (“Apollo culture ») characterized by a strict functional distribution of roles and good elaboration of regulatory and administrative documentation. This type of organization operates on the basis of a system of rules, performance standards and regulatory documents, compliance with which should guarantee its effectiveness.

3. “Culture of the task” (“culture of Athena ») characterized by a high degree of professionalization (specialization) general activities. Such a culture is based on the possession of professional knowledge by employees and is usually recorded in creative organizations, as well as organizations focused on solving specific professional problems.

4. “Culture of personality” (“culture of Dionysus ») characterized by a union of individuals and professionals, each of whom is independent, possesses own strength personality and influence. Typically, in organizations with such an organizational culture, individuals have their own interests and pursue their own goals.

According to C. Handy, all types of cultures can be traced in one organization in the process of its evolution. Thus, at the inception stage, the culture of power predominates, at the stage of growth - the culture of role, at the development stage a task culture or a personality culture can be formed. During the decay stage, any of the four types of crops can be used.

Modern Dutch social psychologist, professor of social anthropology and international management at the University of Limburg (Holland), Geert Hofstede, proposed his own version of a multifactor typology of organizational culture. It is based on four key factor models of values: 1) individualism-collectivism; 2) power distance (large/small); 3) uncertainty avoidance (strong/weak); 4) masculinity-femininity.

"Individualism - collectivism" reflects the features of the integration of individuals into groups, the degree of interdependence of team members and the degree of responsibility of the organization for its employees.

At high level individualism employees defend their own interests independently; operation is organized with the expectation of individual initiative of employees; employee responsibility is personalized; the results of the work done are recognized as more important than relationships in the team; Open competition and confrontation in the team are allowed.

At high level collectivism the interests of employees are protected by the organization; operation is organized with the expectation of a sense of duty and loyalty of employees; group responsibility for performance results and decisions taken is accepted; relationships in teams are recognized more important than results the work they have done; Only conflict-free competition between teams is allowed.

"Power distance" characterizes the features of management style on the basis of democracy-authoritarianism, the degree of participation of employees in the decision-making process, and employees’ tolerance for unequal distribution of power.

Small power distance characterized by the following features: management is organized on the basis of approvals

Long power distance characterized by the following features: management is built exclusively on the basis of orders;

"Striving for Uncertainty Avoidance" reflects general preferences, namely to have strictly established work standards and clearly established rules of behavior or to have freedom in choosing ways to solve professional problems and interact with other members of the organization.

Weak uncertainty avoidance characterized by the following features: changes in the organization are perceived as a normal phenomenon;

Strong uncertainty avoidance characterized by the following features: the organization's leading orientation towards traditions and stability, innovations and changes are rejected;

"Masculinity-femininity" characterizes the motivational orientation of personnel either towards independence and economic effect (masculine attribute), or towards interdependence and social balance (feminine attribute).

With pronounced "masculinity": the leading attitude of employees in the organization towards achievements; Employees’ determination and willingness to take risks are welcomed; the main motto is “Live to work”;

The formation of a certain culture in an organization is largely related to the specifics of the professional activities of its employees, the industry in which the organization operates, social, political and economic conditions its existence, as well as a number of other internal and external factors.

There are three main sources that have a direct impact on the formation and change of organizational culture:

1) beliefs, ideas and values ​​of the founders of the organization;

2) collective experience gained by members of the organization in the process of its development;

3) new beliefs, ideas and values ​​brought from outside by new members of the organization, including new managers and informal leaders.

Leaders play a special role in shaping and changing organizational culture. It is the leader who acts as a translator of norms and values, a model of behavior, a coordinator of interaction and a controller of results. And to be more precise, then It is the one who has influence on the organizational culture and the formation of values ​​in the group, who is a model of behavior for other people, who is recognized by the group as a leader.

Organizational growth is associated with attracting new members who bring with them elements of other organizational cultures. An organization's immunity from such “infections” depends on the strength of its organizational culture. Therefore, it is more resistant to such influences. However, a strong culture not only creates advantages for the organization, but can also act as a serious obstacle to organizational change if such a need arises.

As m methods of maintaining organizational culture the following are noted:

- Declaration of slogans by management including the mission, goals, rules and principles of the organization that determine its relationship to its members and society.

- Maintaining external symbols (indicators) includes requirements for the appearance of employees, the design of premises, the organization of a system of rewards and punishments, openness and transparency of the criteria underlying personnel decisions.

- Role modeling, expressed in the daily behavior of managers, their attitude and communication with subordinates.

- Retranslation of legends and myths, maintenance of rites and rituals. M Many of the beliefs and values ​​that underlie an organization's culture are expressed both through legends and myths that become part of organizational folklore, and through various rituals, rites, traditions and ceremonies. As already noted, rituals n represent a system of organized and planned actions that have important “cultural” significance. Their compliance affects the self-determination and loyalty of employees to their organization. TO rituals include standard and recurring team activities.

- Participation of management in organizational events. What a leader pays attention to and what he comments on is very important in shaping organizational culture.

- Top management behavior in crisis situations. It is in crisis situations that management and their subordinates reveal organizational culture to a degree they never imagined.

- Personnel policy organizations. Personnel policy, including hiring, promotion and dismissal of employees, is one of the main ways to maintain culture in an organization.


An organization is a living, breathing organism. And like any living creature, it has a face, an image, a philosophy, a history, and, we must not forget, that it has a culture.

The success of an enterprise arises from the interaction of all employees pursuing common goals that must be realistic, understood by each employee and reflect the basic character of the enterprise.

Organizational culture is defined as a set of important assumptions accepted by the members of a company. Although the bearers of organizational culture are people, it is a kind of independent entity, and its parameters do not coincide with the individual culture of individual members of the company. Organizational culture is subject to change. Usually, it changes constantly, throughout the life of the organization, under the influence of both the external and internal environment.

The development of new concepts for the long-term development of enterprises is of great practical importance for the ongoing transformations in the country. Of course, the real formation of an effective organizational culture at Russian enterprises is a matter of the future. But the unprecedented dynamism of the modern era requires companies to choose new guidelines for strategic development.

Any Russian enterprise, striving to keep up with the times, cannot but have as one of such guidelines the formation of an effective organizational culture, which gives each employee the opportunity to assert themselves and realize the significance of their personality.

List of used literature

1.Milner B.Z. Theory of organization. - M.: Infra - M, 2006. - P. 4.

2. Korotkov E. M. Organizational behavior. - M.: Tyumen, 2002. - P. 7

3. Bazarov T.Yu. Personnel management. Workshop. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2009. - 239 p. Text changed

4. Ivanov M. A., Shusterman D. M. Organization as your tool. Russian mentality and business practice. - M.: Alpina Business Books, 2006 - 392 p.

5.Organizational culture / Under. ed. N.I. Shatalova. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2006. - 652 p.

6. Simrnov E.A. “Fundamentals of Organization Theory”, M., 2000

7. Meskon M.Kh., Albert M., Khedouri F. Fundamentals of management: Trans. from English –M.: Delo, 2000

Zeus (ancient Greek) is the god of the sky, thunder and lightning, in charge of the whole world.

Apollo (ancient Greek) - god of sciences, order and rules.

Athena (ancient Greek) - goddess organized war and wisdom, knowledge, arts and crafts.

Dionysus (ancient Greek) - the god of winemaking, the productive forces of nature and inspiration.

G. Hofstede’s typology also uses an additional factor “future orientation” (short-term/long-term), which is not discussed in this chapter.

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Organizational culture is a new field of knowledge included in the series of management sciences. It also emerged from the relatively new field of organizational behavior, which studies general approaches, principles, laws and patterns in the organization.

Organizational culture is a set of socially progressive norms, rules and standards adopted and supported in the field of organizational relations. Let us recall that organizational relations are the interaction, opposition or neutral attitude of elements of the organization inside or outside it.

The phenomenon of organizational culture has already won the recognition of scientists and practitioners around the world. It not only distinguishes one organization from another, but also determines the success of the company in the long term.

In the field of Russian industrial relations, the concept of organizational culture appeared relatively recently and, for various reasons, has not been sufficiently studied, unlike Western business (I. Ansoff, M. Albert and F. Khedouri, G. Dessler, F. Lutens, M.H. Meskhon, E. Shane, etc.). At the same time, in lately There is a growing interest in the processes of forming organizational culture in Russian companies and institutions, and in the study of the system of organizational relations, which are considered, first of all, as important components of achieving success in the production and management spheres.

The purpose of this methodological development is to familiarize the organization's employees with the concept, functions and structure of organizational culture, as well as the influence of organizational culture on the development of the organization.

  1. History of the study of organizational culture.

Research in the field of organizational culture has a rather long history.

The appearance of the term “organizational culture” and its careful detailed study can be dated back to the 70s. XX century This is due to the emergence of new business conditions, growing uncertainty in the external environment, scientific and technological progress, increased education of personnel, and changes in employee motivation.

We can distinguish three schools of study of organizational culture, which differ in their understanding of its essence and direction of research.

"Behavioral" -representatives of this school inthe study of organizational culture started from the search and analysis of patterns of creation of common values, concepts, rules and norms of behavior by personnel in the process of their activities in the organization (for example, R. M. Cyert and J. G. March; D. Hampton)

“School of Efficiency” –emphasizedon the influence of organizational culture on the effectiveness of organizations (T. Deal and A. Kennedy; Thomas J. Peters and Robert Waterman, etc.).

“School of Modeling” –organizational culture is perceived as an independent object of research, models of its formation are developed, assessment methods are proposed, a classification of types of cultures is carried out, etc. (A. Shane, C. Handy, K. Cameron and R. Quinn et al.)

Special studies devoted specifically to organizational culture began to be conducted in the United States back in the 60s of the twentieth century. The reason for the growing interest in organizational culture is considered to be the confrontation between Western and Japanese models of organizational management. The success of Japanese companies against the background of the recession in the American economy in the 70s and early 80s. was explained by the peculiarities of the Japanese mentality, national culture and traditions, which largely determine the organizational culture of companies (the cohesion of employees, their loyalty to the organization, the priority of the company’s interests over personal interests, etc.).

By the end of the 80s. the problem of organizational culture has become one of the main issues in the management of organizations in the USA and Western Europe. This is due, first of all, to the emergence on the international market of a fairly strong competitor in the field of high-tech products: telecommunications, information technology, electronics, automotive, etc. - Japanese companies.

Management practitioners and theorists in the United States and Western Europe were among the first to pay attention to organizational culture as an intangible factor in successful competition due to their economic well-being, which required manufacturers to find new ways to attract consumers. Such a high interest in organizational culture in the USA and Western Europe was caused by the thoughtful promotion of the very idea of ​​​​increasing the efficiency of organizations through the creation of ethical values, a management ideology that unites the team.

In the USSR, the existing uniformity in management, unification, control, bureaucracy, low standard of living, and state monopolies in industry did not make it necessary to think about the image, reputation, and culture of organizations. The factor that united people was political party and its goals. This showed the similarity of Soviet organizations with Japanese ones: the priority of the goals and interests of the organization over personal ones, the success of the organization was equated with the success of the country as a whole. There was no personality in this chain, initiative and individuality were suppressed, so now in Russia there is another extreme - a clear priority for individual, personal well-being, an increased value of money.

However, it can be said that Soviet organizations also paid attention to organizational culture in their own way. The most striking examples are socialist competition, the struggle for possession of the challenge banner, the desire to exceed the plan - the annual, five-year plan; timing any changes and achievements in organizations to commemorate national anniversaries; honor boards, joint celebration of various holidays, etc. All this united the team, created a special internal atmosphere and psychological climate, formed a specific image and reputation of the organization in society. And this is organizational culture.

Japan, due to its national traditions, has a developed culture, a market economy, and a developed system of social guarantees. The clan way of life of the Japanese also determined the style of managing organizations - collectivism, lifelong employment, the authority of the leader, the transfer of family relationships to the practice of managing organizations. However, the collective spirit of the Japanese is combined with a high degree of attention and respect for the individual as an individual.

It should be noted that Japan is currently undergoing a revision of management ideology. Thus, some Japanese companies refuse to hire new employees for life; workers retire as early as possible. Opinions are emerging that collective decision-making reduces initiative and the desire to search for non-standard solutions; and the agreement of the majority forces us to recognize this position as the only correct one and does not allow us to accept another point of view. Among the disadvantages of Japanese organizational culture, the difficult transition of workers from one company to another is also mentioned, since, firstly, many workers still receive the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary specifically for this organization, and secondly, this is prevented existing system reset length of service when moving to a new place of work. Another drawback is the reward system, which is based not on qualifications, but on the seniority of the position. Hence, such a feature of the organizational culture of Japanese companies as the loyalty of employees to their organization is called into question.

In general, today there is a tendency in the world to weaken extreme individualism and a desire to unite workers.

This is largely due to an extremely unstable external environment, high mobility of workers, changes in industrial relations and working conditions and characteristics: the so-called “home office”, the availability of the Internet, etc. provide the opportunity to work without leaving home. And this deprives the company of such an important factor in ensuring the stability of its existence as a cohesive permanent team. At the same time, extreme collectivism also loses its significance. As a result of globalization, the spread of information technology, etc., the integration of two opposite ones - Western and Eastern organizational cultures - occurs. Western (American, Western European) organizations adopt those elements of the organizational culture of Eastern (in particular, Japanese) ones that can increase their efficiency, and vice versa.

However, in Russia such priorities as individualism, personal success and upward mobility are still very strong. Around the 90s. There was a gap in the movement of Russia and the rest of the world in the field of organizational culture. However, recently, the state doctrine in the field of formation and development of society as a single social system could not but affect the organizational culture. Today, more and more companies are thinking about the problem of self-organization, team cohesion, and the search for non-traditional non-material methods of stimulating staff; In many ways, the traditions of the USSR are being revived (boards of honor, collective responsibility for results, priority of the general interests of the organization over personal ones, etc.). The integration of organizations into the global community and their unification require the formation of a management ideology that would correspond to global trends.

The culture of an organization is formed under the influence of national culture, the culture of the individual and those values, goals, etc., characteristic of a given organization.

Organizational culture, like the culture of humanity, is formed in the process of joint activities of people in an organization. However, the main difference between organizational culture and culture in the general sense is that culture is formed spontaneously in the course of development, life and activity of mankind, and organizational culture, due to the fact that organizations are designed and created by people, must also be created through conscious design with subsequent management of its development.

It should be noted that in the most developed countries, firms today are placed in conditions where they cannot ignore the demands of society, and, therefore, cannot manage their own organizational culture. This forces organizations to monitor their reputation in society, and also demonstrates the high level of civic responsibility of the population of industrialized countries. For Russia, the determining factor in the process of activity, both of organizations and workers, is maximum profit, and the ethical side of the matter and its possible consequences, as a rule, are of secondary importance.

At the level of the world community, global trends in the development of organizational culture are formed, which set the direction of movement for the state level. At this level, global trends are adjusted taking into account the characteristics of national culture and religion, the specifics and identity of each state. Naturally, this also has an impact on the organizational cultures of individual enterprises, companies, organizations: at this micro level, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the type of activity of the organization (the organizational cultures of banks and industrial enterprises will be different), the characteristics of the industry of operation, the organization itself - its size, number of personnel , stage life cycle etc.

  1. Organizational culture: concepts, functions, structure.
  1. The concept of organizational culture.

In modern literature, there are quite a few definitions of the concept of organizational culture, and there is no universal definition. Only a variety of functional descriptions cultural area, which are always formulated depending on the specific goals of the study, but there is no holistic – essential – definition of organizational culture that has become generally accepted.

Here are some sets of definitions of the term “organizational culture”:

A set of attitudes, values, and ideas supported by all members of an organization that guide the behavior of members of a given organization;

The philosophy, ideology, values, norms shared by members of the organization that bind the organization into a single whole;

A basic set of ideas, views and internal rules, which continually guide behavior in the workplace;

A system of values ​​and beliefs shared by all employees of the company, which predetermines their behavior and the nature of the organization’s life;

A sample of the basic assumptions of this group, discovered or developed in the learning process to solve problems of external adaptation and internal integration;

A historically established system of common traditions, values, symbols, beliefs, formal and informal rules of conduct for members of the organization that have stood the test of time;

The set of values, beliefs, attitudes prevailing in a given team, as well as the general moral climate, helping employees understand the purpose of the organization as a whole (the meaning of their activities, in the name of what they work for), the mechanism of its functioning and thereby create norms of activity and behavior, rules for following them .

Organizational culture- these are beliefs, norms of behavior, attitudes and values, which are those unwritten rules that determine how people in a given organization should work and behave.

Edgar Schein, whose name is most closely associated with foreign research in the field of organizational culture, defines it as a set of basic beliefs - independently formed, internalized or developed by a certain group as it learns to solve problems of adaptation to the external environment and internal integration - which proved to be effective enough to be considered valuable and therefore passed on to new members as the correct way of perceiving, thinking and relating to specific problems.

And here is how the dictionary defines the term “organizational culture” Social theories organizations":

organizational culture - a set of basic ideas shared by the majority of members of the organization or its active core (see below), which serve as a means of internal regulation and programming of organizational behavior of individuals or groups at the symbolic level.

Organizational core– a stable and authoritative part of the organization’s personnel, acting as a bearer of professionalism and organizational culture.

Organizational behavior– this is the behavior of a person in an organization, as a result of which certain organizational connections are established, ensured or executed.

It can be noted that all definitions and interpretations have an area of ​​intersection: organizational culture is a set of ideas, attitudes, values, and beliefs shared by members of an organization that predetermine the organizational behavior of members of the organization.

In everyday life, two very common ones are often confused, but, if you think about it, still different concepts: “organizational culture” (enterprise culture) and “organizational culture”. Underorganization culture(enterprises) in general should be understood as a set of common values ​​and norms of behavior recognized by the employees of a given enterprise. Accordingly, underorganizational cultureenterprises need to understand the set of values ​​and norms of organizational behavior adopted at this enterprise.

The culture of an organization is most often oriented towards the external environment. This is a culture of behavior in the market; culture of maintaining external relations with suppliers and customers; culture of customer service (consumers of services and products); dynamism, commitment and stability of relationships.

Organizational culture is focused on the internal environment and is manifested primarily and mainly in the organizational behavior of employees.

Organizational culture is very often confused with corporate culture. Corporate culture is some made-up rules that employees must follow at work: how to dress, how to come to work on time, etc.

Organizational culture is a culture that expresses itself in the system of relations that has developed in a given organization, through standard decisions that people make. Over time, the situation changes, the environment may change, but these decisions remain as some kind of rituals: “This is how it is done here...”.

Organizational culture should also not be confused with business culture. Business culture can be defined as a culture of generating and distributing profits. In turn, business culture can be divided into organizational culture, or the culture of a given specific company, a given specific community of people who are organized into some kind of institution.

Properties of organizational culture:

Community. This means that not only all knowledge, values, attitudes, customs, but also much more is used by the group to satisfy the deep needs of its members.

Objectivity. The basic elements of an organization's culture do not require proof; they are self-evident.

Hierarchy and priority. Any culture involves ranking values. Absolute values ​​are often put at the forefront, the priority of which is unconditional.

Systematicity. Organizational culture is complex system, combining individual elements into a single whole.

Meaning organizational culture for the development of any organization is determined by a number of circumstances. Firstly, it gives employees an organizational identity, determines the intragroup perception of the company, and is an important source of stability and continuity in the organization. This creates in employees a feeling of reliability of the organization itself and their position in it, and contributes to the formation of a sense of social security. Secondly, knowing the basics of the organizational culture of your company helps new employees correctly interpret events taking place in the organization, identifying everything that is most important and significant in them. Thirdly, the intra-organizational culture stimulates self-awareness and high responsibility of the employee performing the tasks assigned to him.

Organizational culture is so important that it can be either a breeding ground for the implementation of the most daring plans, or a “swamp” in which the best idea will get stuck.

Organizational culture influences the strengthening of mutual integration of employees, improving their mutual understanding and forcing them to comply even with rules that are not written down anywhere; it allows us to anticipate organizational behavior and not resort to regulating everything through regulations. In addition, external control is successfully replaced by self-control.

Organizational culture cannot be designed and implemented. It cannot even be borrowed. Transplanting an image of organizational behavior from one soil to another, as a rule, is unsuccessful. Each team is unique. Great value has a history of the formation of the enterprise, the formation of the team itself and established traditions.

  1. Functions of organizational culture.

Organizational culture has two main functions:
- internal integration: carries out internal integration of members of the organization in such a way that they know how they should interact with each other;
- external adaptation: helps the organization adapt to the external environment.

Among the areas of internal integration the following can be noted:
- common language and conceptual categories (choosing communication methods; determining the meaning of the language and concepts used);
- boundaries of the organization and criteria for entry and exit from it (establishing criteria for membership in the organization and its groups);
- power and status (establishing rules for acquiring, maintaining and losing power; defining and distributing statuses in the organization);
- personal relationships (establishing formal and informal rules about the nature of organizational relationships between employees, taking into account their age, gender, education, experience, etc., determining the acceptable level of openness at work);
- rewards and punishments (definition of basic criteria for desirable and undesirable behavior and the corresponding consequences);
- ideology and religion (defining the meaning and role of these phenomena in organizational life).
The external environment influences the organization, which naturally affects its culture. However, in practice, two organizations operating in the same environment may have very different cultures. This is because, through their shared experiences, organizational members approach two important issues differently. The first is external adaptation: what must be done by the organization in order to survive in the face of fierce external competition. The second is internal integration: how internal organizational processes and relationships contribute to its external adaptation.
The process of external adaptation and survival is associated with the organization’s search and finding of its niche in the market and its adaptation to the constantly changing external environment. This is the process of an organization achieving its goals and interacting with representatives of the external environment.
Problems of external adaptation and survival include the following:
- mission and strategy (defining the organization’s mission and its main objectives; choosing a strategy for fulfilling this mission);
- goals (establishment of specific goals and internal acceptance by employees);
- means (resources used to achieve goals; combining efforts to achieve the chosen goal; adapting the organizational structure; optimizing incentive and reporting systems);
- control (establishment of individual and group criteria for effective performance; creation of information infrastructure);
- correction of behavior (creation of a system of rewards and punishments linked to the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of assigned tasks).
The next group of questions relates to setting goals and choosing means to achieve them. In some organizations, employees participate in setting goals and therefore take responsibility for achieving them. In others, employees participate only in the choice of methods and means of achieving goals, and in others, there may be neither one nor the other or there may be both.
In any organization, employees must participate in the following processes:
- identify from the external environment what is important and unimportant for the organization;
- develop ways and means of measuring achieved results;
- find explanations for success and failure in achieving goals.
The process of external adaptation is inextricably linked with internal integration, i.e. establishing and maintaining effective work relationships between members of the organization. This is the process of finding the most effective ways collaboration in the organization.

  1. Structure of organizational culture.

There are several attempts to define the structure of organizational culture. The most successful is the proposal of F. Harris and R. Moran to consider organizational culture based on 10 characteristics. These characteristics are as follows:
1. Awareness of yourself and your place in the organization(some cultures value the employee's concealment of his inner moods, others encourage their outward manifestation; in some cases, independence and creativity are manifested through cooperation, and in others through individualism).
Communication system and language of communication(the use of oral, written, non-verbal communication, "telephone rights" and openness of communication varies from group to group, from organization to organization; jargon, abbreviations, gestures vary depending on the industry, functional and territorial affiliation of organizations).
Appearance, clothing and self-presentation at work(variety of uniforms, business styles, neatness, cosmetics, hairstyle, etc.).
What and how people eat, their habits and traditions in this area(organization of employee meals, including the presence or absence of special places for meals in the enterprise; people bring food with them or visit a cafeteria inside or outside the organization; subsidies for food; frequency and duration of meals; whether employees of different levels eat together or separately).
Awareness of time, attitude towards it and its use(the degree of accuracy and relativity of the concept of “time” among employees; adherence to time schedules, encouragement for this).
Relationships between people(by age and gender, status and power, wisdom and intelligence, experience and knowledge, rank and protocol, religion and citizenship; the degree of formalization of relationships, support received, ways of resolving conflicts).
Values (as a set of guidelines about what is good and what is bad) and norms (as a set of assumptions and expectations about a certain type of behavior - what people value in their organizational life: their position, titles or the job itself and how these values ​​are maintained) .
Belief in something and attitude or disposition towards something(belief in leadership, success, one’s own strengths, in mutual assistance, in ethical behavior, in justice; attitude towards colleagues, towards clients and competitors, towards evil and violence, aggression, etc.; the influence of religion and morality).
Employee development process and training(mindless or conscious performance of work; workers rely on intelligence or strength; procedures for informing workers; approaches to explaining reasons).
Work Ethic and Motivation(attitude to work and responsibility in work; division and replacement of work; cleanliness of the workplace; quality of work; work habits; work evaluation and reward; man-machine relationships; individual or group work; promotion at work).

Let us give another structural interpretation of the concept “organizational culture”. It consists of several links. The first link of organizational culture ismyths or legends. They establish the criteria that determine the way the organization operates. All legends, as a rule, trace the experience of interaction between a manager and a subordinate or employees in the process of work or outside of it.
The second link of organizational culture is
rituals . IN everyday life rituals play important role. They strengthen the structure of the company. Rituals (rites) and ceremonies are, in a sense, the true embodiment of the most significant moments that symbolize the corporate spirit and unity of all personnel, the rapprochement of all members of the work community, show them new and yet unknown pages of the history and present of the company, introduce all participants in the ritual to the main its values ​​and traditions. On the other hand, ritual represents non-rational behavior, because ritual is never purposeful.

Considering in the most general terms the rituals used in the work environment, they can be divided into the following main types:
- rituals when entering a job;
- organizational rituals;
- integrating rituals;
- rituals associated with rest and recovery.

The first ones have the goal of introducing the newcomer to the core values ​​of the enterprise, the second ones additionally emphasize the importance of a particular event in the life of the organization, the third and fourth ones are aimed at achieving greater team cohesion and creating a favorable psychological atmosphere in the team.

The next integral links of organizational culture arelanguage and ethics of business relations. Business ethics is a set of principles that separate right behavior from wrong, formed in the process of interaction between employees in the work process.

Edgar Schein proposes to consider the level structure of organizational culture, which has three levels. Understanding the culture of an organization begins with the first, “superficial” or “symbolic” level , including such visible external facts as the technology and architecture used, the use of space and time, observable behavior, language, slogans, or everything that can be felt and perceived through the known 5 human senses (see, hear, taste and smell, touch ). At this level, things and phenomena are easy to detect, but cannot always be deciphered and interpreted in terms of the culture of the organization.

Those who try to understand the culture of an organization more deeply touch the second, “subsurface” level. At this level, the values ​​and beliefs shared by members of the organization are examined in accordance with the extent to which these values ​​are reflected in symbols and language. The perception of values ​​and beliefs is conscious and depends on the desires of people. These are the main elements of culture, they represent a set of guidelines for what is good and what is bad. This set involves dividing according to the importance, correctness and significance of the goals, preferences and priorities of the organization. Values ​​are the central element of organizational culture, determining the specifics of all other aspects of the “human aspect” of the organization: individual and group interests, interpersonal and group relationships, motivation, etc. Based on the value system, organizational norms are formed, which act as regulators of official behavior. They involve authorization of behavior on the basis of a number of evaluative criteria developed and legitimized in the process of functioning of the organization. In an organizational culture, norms are usually enshrined in the form of a kind of code of conduct and desired behavior, quality and service standards, and a system of rituals and ceremonies. Researchers are often limited to this level, because At the next level, insurmountable difficulties arise.

Third, "deep" level, includes basic assumptions that are difficult for even the members of the organization to understand without special focus on this issue. These implicit and taken-for-granted assumptions guide people's behavior by helping them perceive the attributes that characterize organizational culture.
Some domestic experts in the field of organizational culture understand the third level to be ideas based on traditions in the field of national business culture.

In Russian philosophy and labor science, the concepts of “production culture” and “labor culture” prevailed. Work culture was understood as the culture of the people, determined by the cultural behavior of the employee, his professionalism, education, competence, compliance with discipline, work norms and rules, and forms of communication with other people.

Work culture as a phenomenon related to the personality of the employee.

The uniqueness of organizational culture has its own criteria. Let us list them in the form of cultural features of a progressive organization.
1. Culture must be valuable; this will enable the firm to conduct business in a manner that adds value to the firm in the form of high sales, low costs, etc. Excellent financial position is an economic concept; Accordingly, culture, if it is intended to lead to a good financial position, must have positive economic consequences.
2. Culture must be rare; it must have attributes and characteristics that are not shared with the cultures of most other firms.
3. Culture must be inimitable; If Company A, for example, is amazingly successful, Company B cannot hope to achieve comparable success by attempting to copy Company A's culture. Company B will always remain in the background making such efforts.

Thus, it can be summarized that organizational culture has a number of important characteristics. Listed below are those that do not cause disagreement among researchers:
1. Observable regular forms of behavior. Members of the organization, interacting with each other, resort to a common language, terminology, and rituals to show respect for each other or demonstrate acceptable behavior of one of their colleagues.
2. Norms. Existing standards of behavior determine attitudes towards work; in many organizations they boil down to the formula: “Don't work too hard and don't work too little.”
3. Dominant values. The core values ​​that an organization stands for are expected to be shared by its members. Typical examples can serve high quality products, low absenteeism, and high productivity.
4. Philosophy. The organization has developed policies that reflect its beliefs about how the company's employees and/or customers should be treated.
5. Rules. Organizations have strict rules of conduct. Newly hired employees must learn them in order to become full members of the organization.
6. Organizational climate. This is the general feeling that is created by the physical organization of the space, the style of communication between employees and the form of behavior of employees in relation to clients and strangers.

  1. The influence of organizational culture on the life of an organization.

The influence of organizational culture can be assessed by the degree of manifestation of certain phenomena and processes, such as the level of staff turnover, the degree of team control, the level of conflict, etc. Let's consider some of them.

The degree of controllability of the organization.

Any organization is controlled by someone at any time. It should be distinguished that by control we mean the impact on the control object, by controllability we mean the response of the control object to such an impact. In each specific case of impact, the degree of response to such impact may be different. The degree of controllability of an organization refers to how and with what speed the organization reacts to management decisions. In other words, when managing an organization, a manager is interested in whether the organization responds to every decision he makes about the organization in the form he expects and as quickly as he would like. Interest in the problem of an organization's controllability arises only if it turns out that the organization is poorly controllable. The degree of controllability of an organization can be high, medium, normal and low.

In all likelihood, a high degree of controllability is also not a desirable characteristic of the management process. The degree of controllability of the organization must be normal, that is, corresponding to the norm, the order that has become entrenched in the mind of the manager as satisfying him. If the organization as a whole or its divisions react to the decisions made by the manager and if such a reaction occurs quickly enough, then the organization can be called manageable. Conversely, if the organization as a whole or its individual components do not respond to decisions made, then the organization is classified as unmanageable. If the response is very sluggish, and not in the form in which the leader expected it, then the organization is poorly manageable.

For effective management A low degree of controllability is unacceptable; the best degree of controllability that is normal for a given management team will be. The normal degree of controllability of an organization means the presence of such an internal situation, organizational culture, when anyone accepted management decision corresponds to a reaction of the organization itself and its team that is suitable in content and speed.

Unmanaged or poorly managed organization, main characteristics.

An unmanaged or poorly managed organization is characterized by the separate existence of the management apparatus and the rest of the organization. The management apparatus lives its own life, it can act very actively, but all its activity has almost no impact on the basis of the organization, its main part. In this case, its activity comes down to hardware games, to intrigue, to the struggle for places (posts). Even in such a situation, the apparatus has some influence on the rest (main) part of the organization, since it has the levers of power available only to it. For example, the apparatus may make an investment decision, that is, a decision to direct financial resources to implement a specific project, and the rest of the organization will not be able to counteract such a decision of the management apparatus; it, this main part of the organization, is forced in this situation to adapt to such decisions taken by the apparatus solutions.

However, the organization itself, that is, its main part, lives and functions on the basis of an established or emerging order, which is called organizational culture. In this situation, organizational culture is a mechanism for finding compromise options for resolving the multidirectional individual and group egoistic interests of all members of the organization, each of whom aims to survive within the organization if he decides to remain in it. Production itself is carried out only because everyone realizes that his individual survival is possible only through the production of what acts as the profile of the organization. No one thinks about the goal, about the fate, about the future of the organization: the apparatus needs to maintain its position, everyone else needs to survive, survive, wait for better times.

In such a situation, informal leaders cannot help but appear in the organization, who over time begin to interact with the management apparatus, searching for compromises that satisfy (at least to the slightest extent) both parties.

Normally managed organization, main characteristics:

In organizations where management and staff act as a single whole, where there is a unifying force - organizational culture, and as a result there is a normal degree of controllability. There may be some problems and inconsistencies, but the unity of goals and actions remains. Decisions made by the management apparatus are controlled. The organization responds to such decisions in the expected manner and at the expected speed. The attention of the organization's members is concentrated on the task, the productive process. It is not possible to realize one’s selfish interest except through the realization of organizational interest: over time, the organization will still push out those who do not take into account the general interest.

Ineffective management or incompetence in such an organization becomes obvious almost immediately, and the organization's response to such inefficiency or competence begins to appear.

Staff turnover rate– the content of this indicator has objective limits – the lower limit is due to the need for natural personnel changes (for example, retirement) and is 3–5%, and the upper limit is due to the organization’s ability to self-preserve. An excess of this indicator over the industry average characterizes the organizational culture as ineffective if the value of the indicator

below the industry average, this indicates an effective organizational culture. The dynamics of this indicator shows both the attitude of staff to changes and changes in the state of organizational culture (changes in the information system, increased sanctions for non-compliance with norms of behavior, improvement or deterioration of the socio-psychological climate are reflected in the level of staff turnover).

Of course, other factors also influence staff turnover, however

organizational culture, in my opinion, is one of the most important, and, moreover, can be formed and managed (with awareness of the importance of this phenomenon, the correct development of a personnel management strategy, and the systematic implementation of necessary measures in management practice).

Conflict level– this indicator can be used either separately or in combination with others, for example, with the level of staff turnover or the number of innovations and inventions. When combined high level conflict, a large number of innovations and inventions and a low level of staff turnover, we can say that conflicts in this organization are constructive, aimed at solving organizational goals; the culture has an attitude towards conflict as a necessity, as a criterion for testing an idea for viability (i.e. . innovative organizational culture is diagnosed). Conversely, a high level of conflict and a high level of staff turnover indicate an ineffective organizational culture, a clear confrontation between management and staff. If the level of conflict is low and staff turnover is high, then we can assume the presence of hidden resistance on the part of the staff, the reasons for which still need to be clarified.

The level of conflict is determined by testing the frequency, strength, scale, causes of conflicts and assessing their consequences (positive, negative, developmental or inhibitory). An assessment by respondents of the desired, tolerable and unbearable levels of conflict in an organization will allow us to set the limits of the level of conflict for a given organization. Changes in the parameters of organizational culture may initially provoke an increase in the level of conflict. Consequently, it is necessary to track the direction of conflicts and the effect that results: if the activity of workers, creativity, and disputes aimed at improving activities increases, then the development of culture must continue in the same direction. However, conflicts may arise as a result of increased tension associated with changes in the parameters of organizational culture. The consequences can be twofold: some of the workers who do not like the changes may leave, but both the worst part of the workers and the best may leave, especially if the changes will worsen their situation. But in any case, changes in organizational culture will be accompanied by changes in the level of conflict.


Organizational culture can be defined as a set of thoughts that determines the internal life of an enterprise - it is a way of thinking, acting and being. The organizational culture of an enterprise consists of a set of values ​​shared by employees and a system of norms and rules adopted by them. From the point of view of this factor, it is important how integrated the enterprise’s employees are into the corresponding value system (to what extent they unconditionally accept it as “their own”) and how sensitive, flexible and ready they are to changes in the value sphere in connection with changes in living conditions and activities. It is also important whether the enterprise as a whole lives by the same rules and principles of decision-making, or whether the enterprise different groups live according to different rules and profess different principles.

Organizational culture determines the mission and strategy of the enterprise, keeps management practices within certain normative frameworks in the implementation of such a strategy.

The modern level of management assumes that the object of management activity is organizational culture various types, not processes, people, activities, etc. Therefore, mastering the latest scientific technologies is impossible without mastering the fundamentals of the organizational-cultural approach, which provides an understanding of the processes of development and functioning of various organizations, taking into account the deep mechanisms of people’s behavior in multifunctional, dynamically changing contexts.

In order to create a certain organizational culture, it is necessary to “Select – Inform – Stimulate – Manage”, that is: select employees for work in the company with such motivation, values, attitudes, norms of behavior that would be close to the organizational culture that is desired in the company ; Effectively communicate to employees what is valuable to the company through orientation and onboarding programs for new employees, through training, formal training and mentoring, through personal example of leadership behavior, through all available “media”, presentations, meetings, conferences, etc. .; stimulate what is valuable, thank and celebrate behavior that should be normal for employees, reward heroes who should be role models, celebrate what is outstanding and should be valued; constantly manage the culture, i.e. keep your finger on the pulse and adjust what is needed.

At the same time, such an approach to improving the efficiency of the enterprise management system will allow more attention to be paid to the most pressing strategic problems, on which, in turn, the culture and efficiency of enterprises depends.

It is necessary to theoretically substantiate new approaches to the assessment and formation of a system of methods and technologies for working with personnel, to determine the role of the factor of personnel loyalty in building strategies for working with the organization’s personnel. Features of the perception of elements of organizational culture and the loyal attitude of staff to the organization depend on the type of organization and the characteristics of interpersonal relationships.

Improving organizational culture is a complex task, the solution of which is influenced by environmental factors: political, organizational, technical, economic, cultural. It needs to be systematically solved not only by the organization’s employees on their own, but also by a large number of organizations. different levels management, using appropriate financial, material, technical, energy, labor and other resources.

Organizational culture exists in any enterprise. Moreover, it is constantly and dynamically changing. If organizational culture is not actively managed, it will soon cease to meet the needs of the company. Developed entrepreneurship is possible only with a high degree of ethics and culture, on which the degree of its influence on the economy depends.

List of sources used.

  1. Solomanidina T.O. Organizational culture of the company. – M.: “Infa-M” 2009.- 463 p.
  2. Bazarov T.Yu. Personnel management. Workshop. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2009.- 239 p.
  3. Podoprigora M.G. Educational and methodological manual for the course “Organizational Behavior” for senior and master’s students. – Taganrog: Publishing house TTIYUFU, 2008.- 261 p.
  4. Stein E. Organizational culture and leadership. – St. Petersburg: “Peter”, 2007.- 336 p.
  5. Steklova O.E. Organizational culture: Textbook. – Ulyanovsk: Ulyanovsk State Technical University, 2007.- 127 p.
  6. Gromova L.A. Management ethics: Educational and methodological manual. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen, 2007.- 183 p.
  7. Asul A.N. Organizational culture: problems of formation and management / A. N. Asul, M. A. Asul, P. Yu. Erofeev, M. P. Erofeev - St. Petersburg: Humanistics, 2006.- 246 p.
  8. Corporate culture: Educational and methodological manual/Auth.-comp. T. A. Lapina. – Omsk: Omsk State University Publishing House, 2005.- 96 p.
  9. Organizational behavior: Textbook. Dorofeev V.D., Shmeleva A.N., Chastukhina Yu.Yu. - Penza: University Publishing House, 2004.- 142 p.

Personnel management of a modern organization Stanislav Vladimirovich Shekshnya

1.3. Organizational structure and organizational culture

Achieving organizational goals involves the joint work of people who are employees of the organization. Every organization, be it a limited liability partnership with five employees, or a university with tens of thousands of employees, needs to coordinate this interaction and establish a certain internal order. This order manifests itself in the form of organizational structure and organizational culture.

ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE determines the relationship (mutual subordination) between the functions performed by employees of the organization. It manifests itself through the division of labor, the creation of specialized units, the hierarchy of positions, intra-organizational procedures and is necessary element effective organization, because it gives it internal stability and allows you to achieve a certain order in the use of resources.

Traditionally, organizational structure is understood primarily as the principle underlying the division of labor. Many organizations are built on the principle of division of responsibilities between functional units responsible for one of the areas of activity - production, finance, procurement, personnel. Such an organization is called FUNCTIONAL (see Fig. 3).

Another type of organizational structure is called PRODUCT, since the division of labor is based on the products produced or services provided - a department for the production of refrigerators, a department for the production of washing machines, etc. (see Fig. 4).

In the post-war years, especially in connection with the development of multinational corporations, the so-called DIVISIONAL type of organizational structure (see Fig. 5) became widespread. The basis of such an organization are divisions organized according to geographical or product principles and representing largely autonomous profit centers within the company. Corporate management makes decisions about the overall development strategy of the organization, distributes capital investments and controls their use with the help of a staff of functional specialists. Divisions develop their own business strategy for using the resources allocated to them and carry out activities to implement it. A classic example of a divisional structure created in the pre-war years is the American General Motors, which includes Oldsmobile and Pontiac.

The MATRIX organizational structure, which is designed to overcome the disadvantages characteristic of traditional organizational forms, is their “hybrid” (see Fig. 6). A matrix organization integrates the work of functional specialists with the existence of product divisions - experts from functional departments are assigned to one or more product divisions and provide support to their employees.

In the figure shown. 6 of the organization, the compensation specialist simultaneously performs the functions of a personnel management specialist (“generalist”) for divisions and departments.

IN recent years In connection with the acceleration of scientific and technological progress and increased competition and the need for companies to quickly respond to changes in the competitive environment, many experts have started talking about a design organization. In such an organization, there is no rigid division of labor between departments based on functional or product principles; employees are united in temporary groups working on the implementation of a specific project.

Groups exist only as long as the project lives. Employees can simultaneously be members of several teams working on different projects. Design organization does not exist in its pure form, but this method of organization is widely used by modern consulting, information and other companies operating in dynamic markets.

From the point of view of the functions performed, the organization's employees have traditionally been divided into three main categories - managers, specialists and performers. LEADERS manage the organization's resources and make decisions about their use. Managers are the general director of the plant, the head of the department, and the foreman. specialists do not have administrative power, but are experts in specific area and assist managers in the decision-making process. The specialists are the chief designer, consultant physician, and research fellow at the educational department. EXECUTORS implement the decisions of managers and directly implement the plans of the organization. These include a restaurant waiter, a turner at a factory, an attending physician, a university professor. The division into the three categories above is arbitrary, since it is very rare to find a “pure” manager, specialist or performer; most employees combine all three roles (albeit to varying degrees), but it makes sense to characterize the various functions performed by employees of the organization.

One more important characteristic organizational structure is hierarchy or the distance between the highest and lowest levels of the organization. The greater the distance (number of levels) between the manager and an ordinary performer, the higher the degree of hierarchy in the organization (see Fig. 7).

Hierarchical organizations are effective in terms of control over the distribution and use of resources and ensure a high degree of concentration in certain areas of activity. At the same time, in such structures the communication process is ineffective (especially from bottom to top), the independence of employees is limited, and inertia is high. Organizations with fewer hierarchical levels are more dynamic and adapt to change more easily, but require a higher level of responsibility and preparedness from their employees.

The structure is created to achieve organizational goals, therefore, as these goals or conditions change, their implementation (the state of the external environment) can and must undergo changes, otherwise the effectiveness of the organization may significantly decrease. At one time, the American automobile corporation General Motors was forced to reduce the number of hierarchical levels (from director to assembler) at its assembly plants from 22 to 6 in order to increase the degree of production flexibility, share responsibility for product quality with workers, and use their intellectual potential for increasing the company's competitiveness in a market focused on high quality, diversity, and technology.

An organizational structure is a formal means of organizing the employees of any institution. In addition, each organization has a special organizational culture, that is, values ​​and behavioral norms shared by its employees. There are several levels of organizational culture (see Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Organizational culture

What we encounter in everyday life are the white shirts and blue suits of IBM employees and the jeans of their main competitors, Apple Computers; performance of the company anthem before the start of each working day by Toyota employees; McDonald's staff nameplates on their chests are top layer organizational culture, which is based on behavioral norms arising from the basic values ​​of the organization. Some companies outline their core values ​​as a credo. (cm. insert: Johnson & Johnson Company Credo values ​​are something intangible, perceived by employees through the entire complex of their interaction with the organization: work, communication with managers, colleagues and subordinates, reading internal publications, etc. However, the influence of organizational culture on results is very great - in case of inconsistency of organizational goals or its structure, the values ​​and behavioral norms of employees arises internal conflict which could develop into a deep crisis.

The credo of Johnson & Johnson.

Our first responsibility is to doctors, nurses and patients, to mothers and fathers and to everyone who uses our products. Everything we do to meet their needs and demands must be done with excellent quality. We constantly strive to reduce the cost of our products, which allows us to keep prices at an acceptable level. Customer orders must be fulfilled quickly and accurately. Our suppliers and distribution agents must be able to earn their fair earnings.

We have a responsibility to our employees, the men and women who work for us around the world. Each of them must be considered as an individual. We must respect their dignity and celebrate their achievements. You should make sure that they feel confident in their work. Remuneration for work must be fair and proportionate, and working conditions must ensure cleanliness, order and safety. We must do everything possible to ensure that our employees' work responsibilities do not conflict with their family obligations. Employees should not hesitate to make suggestions and complaints. Everyone should be on an equal footing in terms of getting a job, improving their qualifications and promoting those who deserve it. We have a responsibility to ensure that our leaders are competent and that their decisions are fair and ethical.

We are responsible to the people of the country in which we live, as well as to the people of the whole world. We are obliged to be exemplary citizens - to contribute to good causes, engage in charity, and honestly pay due taxes. Our duty is to encourage public initiative and strive to improve the health care and education systems. We must maintain our property in exemplary order, taking care of the protection environment and natural resources.

Finally, we have a responsibility to our shareholders. The business must generate adequate profits. We must strive to introduce new ideas. Research work should be developed in every possible way, advanced technology should be used, and mistakes should be corrected. It is necessary to purchase the latest equipment, build new buildings, and produce new products. In case of unfavorable circumstances, reserves should be created in advance. If we act this way, our shareholders will receive tangible returns on their capital.

The organizational culture that has developed over many years is the most cementing element of the organization. However, it is also undergoing changes. First, organizational culture evolves naturally under the influence of changes occurring in the external environment. After fifty years of active resistance, Oxford University opened a business department, and American flight schools began to accept women as cadets. Second, organizational culture can be deliberately changed by management or another influential group of employees. This process is extremely complex and labor-intensive, requiring extraordinary leadership skills, perseverance, patience, and strategic thinking of the people managing it. Most attempts to change organizational culture have failed, but many organizational leaders are trying again because culture is not performance-neutral. There are cultures that contribute to the achievement of organizational goals in certain conditions and, conversely, that hinder this. Transforming organizational cultures takes many years and even decades.

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7.3. Practical exercise “Organizational culture” Purpose: To develop skills in analyzing the essence of organizational culture. Task: Determine which of the following statements are true and which are not. Stages of work. 1. Complete the suggested task

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10. Organizational culture, its elements and types Organizational (corporate) culture is a set of main assumptions, values, traditions, norms and patterns of behavior that are shared by members of the organization and direct their behavior to achieve

From the book Management: lecture notes author Dorofeeva L I

3. Organizational culture, its elements and types The internal environment is permeated by organizational culture, which is its integrated characteristic. Organizational (corporate) culture is a set of main assumptions, values, traditions,

From the book Management Theory: Cheat Sheet author Author unknown

43. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Structure and organizational culture are important factors activation of human resources. One of the main tasks of any leader is to create organizational structures that allow not only to adapt to events

From the book Human Resource Management for Managers: training manual author Spivak Vladimir Alexandrovich

44. ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE OF THE ENTERPRISE Organizational culture is a system of formal and informal norms and rules of activity, values, expectations, behavioral rituals and behavioral characteristics that exist in the enterprise. The process of activating human

From the book Human Resource Management author Doskova Lyudmila

Organizational culture It is difficult to find modern domestic or foreign work in the field of management, where issues of organizational culture are not raised. Organizational culture is a phenomenon that deserves self-study, form of existence

From the book Management: training course author Makhovikova Galina Afanasyevna

49. The concept of “organizational culture” Consideration of organizations as a cultural phenomenon has a relatively long history and goes back to the traditions of M. Weber, F. Selznick, K. Lewin, T. Parsons and especially C. Barnard and G. Simon (who anticipated in the concept

From the book Job description leader, or “Managerial Eight” author Kuvshinov Dmitry

3.7. Organizational culture and its management Organizational culture is understood as a system of historically established common traditions, values, symbols, beliefs, formal and informal rules of conduct for administration and staff, and their interaction with each other.

From the book Values ​​Based Management. Corporate guide to survival, successful life and the ability to make money in the 21st century author Garcia Salvador

2. Organizational structure If the organizational structure changes, then this is restructuring. Usually this big word is used to describe a change in structure across the entire enterprise. At the line manager level, most often it is only necessary to introduce or reduce some

From the book Faster, Better, Cheaper [Nine Methods of Business Process Reengineering] by Hammer Michael

From the book Practice of Human Resource Management by the author

Structure and content of organizational culture

Organizational culture has a certain structure, being a set of assumptions, values, beliefs and symbols, the adherence to which helps people in an organization cope with their problems. There is no uniform idea of ​​its structure in the scientific literature. Let's consider the approach to determining the structure of organizational culture proposed by E. Schein. In accordance with this approach, three levels of organizational culture are primarily distinguished (see Figure 4.2): superficial, internal and deep.

Understanding organizational culture starts with superficial level, including such external organizational characteristics, such as products or services, technology used, architecture production premises and offices, observed behavior of workers, language, communication, clothing style, mottos, logo, etc., ᴛ.ᴇ. everything that can be felt and perceived through the well-known five human senses (see, hear, taste and smell, touch). At this level, things and phenomena are easy to detect, but they cannot always be deciphered and interpreted in terms of organizational culture.

Those who try to understand organizational culture more deeply touch upon it second, internal level. At this level, the values ​​and beliefs shared by members of the organization are examined in accordance with the extent to which these values ​​are reflected in symbols and language. Studying this level makes it possible to understand why

Figure 4.2 – Structure of organizational culture according to E. Schein

in an organization there are such conditions for work, rest of staff and customer service, why people in this organization demonstrate exactly such patterns of behavior. Supported values- ϶ᴛᴏ standards of behavior declared and professed by the organization’s personnel. These include philosophy and principles of work, organizational values, organizational goals, strategies for achieving goals, ethical standards. Supported values ​​are not always consistent with basic assumptions. For example, introducing the principles of teamwork in an organization may encounter the basic assumption of employees that in order to achieve success and career growth͵ What matters first is the results of individual work.

The perception of values ​​and beliefs is conscious and depends on the desires of people.

Third, deep level includes basic assumptions, which are difficult for even the members of the organization to understand without special focus on this issue. These are hidden and taken-for-granted assumptions (eg, attitudes toward nature, attitudes toward people, attitudes toward work) that guide people's behavior by helping them perceive the attributes that characterize organizational culture.

Basic Assumptions are strengthened by individuals and groups in the process of education and cognition and are greatly influenced by cultural and national characteristics, family. They are very difficult to change, since they affect the basics of personality and are formed taking into account accumulated life experience.

According to which of these levels are studied, E. Shane also distinguishes objective And subjective organizational culture (see Figure 4.2).

Objective organizational culture associated with the physical environment of the organization: buildings, their appearance, location, equipment and furniture, interior colors, canteens, toilets, parking lots, uniforms, information stands etc.

Subjective organizational culture includes values, beliefs, ethical standards, spiritual symbols shared by employees (heroes of the organization, stories about leaders and the organization itself, rituals, language and communication style of employees). Subjective organizational culture creates the basis for the formation of management culture, that is, leadership styles, decision-making procedures, etc.

Although both components of organizational culture are important, subjective organizational culture creates more opportunities for finding both commonality and differences between people and between organizations.

The structure of organizational culture - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Organizational Culture Structure" 2017, 2018.

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    Lectures 9-10. Organizational culture Sources of assessment Performance appraisal Training effectiveness Training methods Formal Planned in advance, structured format Informal Unstructured,... .

  • - Structure of organizational culture

    Structure and content of organizational culture Organizational culture has a certain structure, being a set of assumptions, values, beliefs and symbols, adherence to which helps people in an organization cope with their problems. Single presentation... .

  • - Structure of organizational culture (E. Shane)

    Lectures 9-10. Organizational culture Sources of assessment Performance appraisal Training effectiveness Training methods Formal Planned in advance, structured format Informal Unstructured,...

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