China perennial or lathyrus - growing and care. China_Perennial Flower China latifolia

China (lat. Láthyrus) is a genus of herbs, family-owned Legumes (lat. Fabaceae). Latin name has Greek roots: “la” means “very”, “thuros” - “attractive”. Plants are common in areas with temperate climate, grow in the Mediterranean, mountainous areas South America, Africa, in the east of the Russian Federation and in China. In the meadows and forest clearings in the open spaces former USSR You can meet representatives of more than 50 types of ranks.

Interesting information: china is a food, industrial and fodder crop. Green mass, seeds and hay are used as animal feed; Casein is obtained from the seeds for the production of plywood, fabrics and plastics. The sowing plant (lat. L. sativus) is grown for grain. Meadow chin (lat. L. pratensis) - for green fodder. Some species are also used in medicine.

Bright and fragrant chyna


Ranks – herbaceous plants height from 15-20 to 150 cm. There are perennial and annual species. The stems are four- or three-sided, climbing, lodging or climbing, rarely erect. The leaves are compound, pinnate, lanceolate, ending in a point, spine or branched tendril.

The flowers are moth-type, large. The corolla is colored blue, white, purple, pink, yellow, burgundy, orange or red. The inflorescence consists of 1-2 flowers, sometimes 3-7. The fruit is a two-winged bean. The seeds are slightly angular, different in color (light, white, dark) and size (large, medium or small).

Like many members of the Legume family, chin grows in symbiosis with nodule bacteria that absorb nitrogen from the atmosphere. The result of this “cohabitation” is that the plants do not need feeding, since they “feed” themselves.

Ch. Japanese (L. japonicus): inflorescence and beans


The Chin genus is quite numerous, there are more than a hundred species, many of which are highly valued in ornamental gardening for their bright and fragrant flowers.

Ch. fragrant(lat. L. odoratus) is the most common species, often found in parks, gardens and private areas around the world. We know the plants under the name sweet pea. It is a climbing annual, reaching a height of 1-2 m, with large and bright flowers which have a unique aroma. The root system is taprooted, highly branched. The roots penetrate 1-1.4 m into the soil. 4-9 seeds ripen in each bean, their germination lasts 6-8 years. Flowering is abundant and starts in July. If faded inflorescences are promptly cut off, preventing fruits from forming, flowering can be extended until September-October.

Mix Ch. fragrant (L. odoratus)

There are about 1000 varieties of sweet peas known in the world collection:

  • "Matucana" - plants have two-color burgundy- purple flowers. This variety is similar to “Kupani”, highly valued in landscape design.
  • “Promise” – beautiful variety with delicate pink and white flowers.
  • 'Winston Churchill' has bright red velvety flowers.

Bright mixborder from a mixture of Ch. fragrant

Ch. latifolia(lat. L. latifolius) is a perennial introduced into cultivation in the 16th century. The vines grow 2-3 m long and are attached to supports with tendrils. The flowers are pink or bright red, sometimes white, grouped in loose inflorescences of 3-9 pieces, devoid of aroma. They begin to bloom in June and remain decorative for 3 months. The species is winter-hardy, plants tolerate frosts down to – 30 °C. An interesting variety “White pearl” has large white flowers.

Ch. broadleaf (L. latifolius)

Ch. Gmelina(lat. L. ochraceus) – a species living in coniferous forests. Perennial plants with short rhizomes grow up to 50-150 cm, the stems are erect. The leaves are large, dissected into 3-5 pairs of elliptical leaflets. Fragrant flowers grouped into inflorescences. The petals at the beginning of flowering are colored yellow, at the end – in orange. Flowering occurs in June, dark brown fruits ripen in August (low-yielding seeds). Plants grow slowly and bloom only in 4-5 years.

Ch. forest(lat. L. sylvestris) – perennial, found throughout the European part of the Russian Federation and the Caucasus. It grows in height up to 1-2 m, has a creeping branched rhizome. The flowers are large, the petals are painted in a bright crimson color, collected in inflorescences. Ch. forest is considered a good honey plant; it begins to bloom in June.

Ch. spring “Rainbow” (L. vernus ‘Rainbow’)

Ch. Tangier(lat. L. tingitanus) is an annual plant from Southern Europe and North Africa with large beautiful flowers pink color. The leaves are small, narrowly lanceolate.

Ch. spring(lat. L. vernus) found throughout central Russia, shade-tolerant, not demanding on soil composition, perennial. It often develops in the form of a shrub 25-35 cm high. Inflorescences are formed from 3-8 flowers of bright two-color color (red, blue, purple, violet). Flowering starts in May.

Photo gallery of species


Location. The plants are shade-tolerant, but grow and bloom better in well-lit areas protected from the winds. With sudden changes in temperature at night, the buds may drop.

Soils. The ranks are not picky about the composition of the land. It is better to choose fertile soils that are neutral in acidity. There is no need to fertilize plants when planting, especially with nitrogen-containing compounds. Once a season (in the spring during the period of shoot growth) you can feed with a liquid mineral composition.

Arch design

Care. Watering in hot and dry weather should be plentiful; The plant tolerates short-term droughts well. Perennial species are frost-resistant. The shoots of such plants die off during the winter (they are cut off at the root late autumn), in the spring, young ones from renewal buds quickly develop. If the rhizome is exposed, it is covered with earth. Plants are unpretentious in cultivation.

Planting china near a fence used as a support


Chin seeds are relatively large, covered with a hard shell. If the cover is not disturbed, they retain their germination capacity for up to 10 years. To germinate seeds, scarification is necessary. The seeds are soaked in very warm water overnight, after destroying sharp object shell. Swollen and hatched seeds can be sown immediately in a flower bed (in early April), or grown in peat pots. Why are they planted in a soil mixture consisting of soil (2 parts), peat (1 part) and sand (0.5 part). 2-3 pieces are sown in each pot. Germination is good, the first shoots appear after 5-8 days. Seedlings are pinched at the stage of 2-3 true leaves so that lateral shoots are formed (for abundant flowering). China sprouts are unpretentious and grow quickly. They are planted in a flowerbed in early May; the distance between specimens is maintained at 25-30 cm.

Advice: the place for planting annual species of china needs to be changed; they should not be grown in the same flower bed for two years in a row.

Sweet pea shoots in peat pots

Vegetative propagation dividing the rhizome (for perennial species) is also possible, but since root system lies deep and is extremely sensitive to transplantation; the method is difficult to implement and ineffective.

Decorative use

China is a great plant for vertical gardening. If supports are provided (for tall species), it can be planted in group flower beds or arranged as flowering hedges. China also looks beautiful in the design of arches and mesh fences. Often used to disguise unsightly walls outbuildings.

Sweet pea - chic design fence

By creating vertical screens from sweet peas, you can join him in the company tall plants having flowers in one color scheme with it, for example, mallow is perfect for this. Plants with multi-flowered inflorescences look good in bouquets.

Chine (Lathyrus) is not often found in our gardens. A magnificent ornamental vine belongs to the legume family (Papilionaceae) and its appearance very much reminds everyone of the well-known woman to whom she is a relative.

The plant reaches 2-3 meters in height and has oval-lanceolate green leaves. The main decoration of the china are beautiful large white, pink, red and even purple flowers, collected in not very large inflorescences on the tops of thin, hard stems, but unlike sweet peas, they have practically no aroma. The liana blooms from June to September. After flowering, fruits develop - green pods with seeds.

Lathyrus likes a warm sunny location or some partial shade. The soil for planting should be nutritious, light, high in humus and calcium, and not too wet. The liana has a deep branched root system, so it is enough for a long time can do without watering. It tolerates severe frosts well and is practically not affected by pests. The stems of the tree reliably cling to the supports with their tendrils, so they do not require special support. In autumn, the above-ground part dies off, and in the new season it begins to develop again from the root.

Lathyrus reproduces using seeds, which must first be subjected to stratification when low temperatures. The seeds have a dense shell and therefore little germination. To make the process easier, you can rub the seed on sandpaper or soak it in warm water and wait until sprouts appear. Seeds are sown in May open ground.

Transplanted and divided only small plants, since an adult vine has a very long root and does not tolerate the procedure well.
China perennial is an ideal plant for decorating sunny terraces, fences, pergolas and gazebos. Looks great surrounded by roses, thunbergia,

Sweet pea (china) is a perennial plant that grows in almost any climatic conditions, easy to care for. During flowering, peas exude a wonderful, delicate scent and amaze with their variety of shades. The plant blooms for a long time and pleases with its beauty until late autumn (from June to November).

Sweet peas: planting and care

Sweet peas are used to decorate arches, fences, and gazebos, to which the plant gives unique beauty and comfort. Moreover, the flower does not require any special conditions for planting and growing.

Sweet pea - cold-resistant plant, capable of withstanding frosts down to -5° Celsius.

Although breeders have proposed many varieties of annuals in addition to perennial peas, gardeners still prefer the former. This is explained by the following reasons:

  • no annual planting and cultivation of seeds is required;
  • the flower will please the eye for several years without needing replanting.

The main thing here is to produce correct landing plants in the first year.

Types of sweet pea flowers

There are many varieties and types of china, the thickets of which adorn the fields of Eurasia, the Mediterranean coast, the mountains of Africa and South America. The most popular are the following varieties of sweet peas:

Growing sweet peas from seeds

Material for growing sweet peas from seeds must be prepared early spring(March-April). Before sowing, seeds should be soaked in aqueous solution the drug "Bud" (1-2g/1l.), while the water must have a temperature of +50°C.

Floating seeds should be removed as they are unsuitable for planting. The rest should be placed in a moist environment for germination. To do this, use a piece of cloth and damp sand, which must be constantly kept moist.

To grow sweet pea seedlings, it is better to purchase store-bought flower soil"Saintpaulia" or "Rose". But you can also use the universal soil mixture. ​ To disinfect the soil, it must be pre-treated with a manganese solution.

Plant the sprouted seeds in a container or other container. You can use pots, paper or plastic cups etc.

Specialty stores now offer a wide range of pots, containers and flowerpots various shapes and colors, so you can easily select a container for a plant depending on its type and color.

Planting depth - 2-3 cm. The plant must be watered regularly and provided with sufficient heat and light.

After 10-14 days, active germination of sweet peas will begin. When the first three true leaves appear, the top should be pinched. This will ensure active growth of side shoots. To ensure rapid germination of seeds at low air temperatures, it is necessary to cover the container with a piece of glass or film. Watering is carried out once every 7 days.

Important! Seedlings are planted in the ground when they reach a height of 5-10 cm. In order for sweet peas to take root well, it is recommended to replant the plant together with the existing one earthen lump. Do not allow the soil to oxidize, as this can lead to rotting of the root system.

Perennial sweet peas, provided you follow the rules of caring for them, will delight you with flowering in the first year after sowing snow-white, orange and bright crimson inflorescences up to half a meter long.

Watering the plant in dry weather is carried out once every 7 days, but quite intensively. 1 m2 of planting will require 30-35 liters of water.

During the entire period of tree growth in open ground, it is recommended to carry out the following 3 feedings:

  • At the beginning of seedling growth. Dilute urea and nitrophoska (1 tablespoon each) in water (10 liters).
  • During the flowering period. The drug "Agricola" and potassium sulfate (1 tablespoon each) per 10 liters of water.
  • During the flowering period. “Agricola for flowering plants” and “Rossa” (1 tbsp each) per 10 liters of water. Consumption - 3-4 l of solution/1 m2 of area.

During the adaptation period the plant requires regular watering.

Sweet peas, although able to withstand cold, still need warmth and sunlight. If you enrich the soil before planting seedlings mineral fertilizers- you will get a friendly appearance of flowers.

While the stems are not too long, they must be carefully tied.

Should climbing sweet peas need to be pruned?

Since the nature of the plant itself is such that it climbs on its own, while being braided with garters, pruning is not required at all. You just need to monitor the appearance of the peas and periodically remove dry inflorescences. Thanks to this procedure, new flowers become lush, bright and large. In addition, timely removal of old inflorescences contributes to more long flowering(about 6 months).

If the flowers you grow do not correspond to those depicted on the package, do not rush to scold the manufacturer: it is quite possible that they the soil just isn't suitable and on next year they need to be transplanted.

At the end of the warm period, the branches of the plant need to be cut off at the root and the roots should be covered with sawdust. If the trunk of sweet peas is too thin, you can add potassium or phosphorus fertilizers to the soil. This will help strengthen it for next season.

Sweet peas - growing from seeds

Every gardener have their own growing secrets certain plants, including sweet peas.

Here are some of them:

  • seeds should be soaked and germinated in the spring (April-May);
  • It is better to grow seedlings in a greenhouse, since room conditions due to lack of lighting, seedlings stretch and may break during planting in the ground;
  • Peas should be planted in peat pots. This will save the seedlings from damage to the green mass and root system in the future;
  • Before planting, china seeds should be soaked, as their dense shell prevents germination.

Pre-preparation of peas required for varieties with brown and brown inflorescences.

Chin seeds, which have a cream or light color, are sown in the ground without soaking or preliminary preparation.

  • As soon as 2-5 true leaves are formed on the seedlings, they need to arrange a lattice, support or garter, on which the direction of growth is formed. If this is not done in time, the stems will intertwine and it will be very difficult to separate them;
  • sweet peas bloom beautifully and abundantly in the sunny side;
  • The soil for planting china must be neutral, well-drained. Fertilizers must be applied 2 times a month;
  • the formation of dense greenery and new flowers depends on the regularity of watering.

Important. Sudden changes in temperature (day/night), as well as lack and, conversely, excess moisture can cause loss of flowers and buds.

  • The soil should not be fertilized with fresh manure before planting;
  • peas do not grow on fatty soils;
  • It is better to take planting material from plants grown in seedlings.

Growing sweet peas, although it requires some care, is worth it. After all, how nice it is to sit in the gazebo in the evening, inhaling the delicate floral aroma or admire the green hedge with fragrant bright inflorescences. . .

Perennial sweet pea

Sweet pea, or sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) - beautiful, abundant flowering plant. In many countries it is one of the most popular annuals. It's probably hard to find another climbing plant, superior in decorative qualities sweet pea. Without exaggeration, we can say that he is the king among pilots. It is used mainly for vertical gardening: decorating walls, fences, hedges, trellises, gazebos, wire pyramids, pergolas, building facades, balconies... Large-flowered varieties are especially good for decoration.

Sweet peas have become widespread in floriculture thanks to the efforts of English breeders. The first varieties were bred in Great Britain in late XIX century. Currently, there are hundreds, if not thousands of varieties of sweet peas, grouped into 15 garden groups, differing in shoot height, color and flower size. About 200 varieties are more or less widely used in floriculture.

Sweet pea - light-loving plant. Grows well in open, sunny places, protected from strong winds. Tolerates light shade.

5 reasons why sweet peas are so popular

  • This rapidly growing summer plant is capable of growing a large green mass in a short growing season. At good care can produce up to 300 flower stems per square meter.
  • It blooms profusely and for a long time (from June to frost).
  • Valued as a cut plant. Sweet peas produce beautiful bouquets, which stand in water for a long time without losing their decorative effect. Tall, large-flowered varieties are better suited for cutting. It is better to cut the inflorescences when the buds are just beginning to bloom.
  • The flowers of this lovely plant exude a rich, sweetish aroma, for which the British call it sweet pea.
  • Sweet pea is not a particularly demanding crop.

Description of the plant - sweet pea

Sweet pea is an annual vine with a height of 20 cm to 3 m, depending on the variety. The plant clings to the support with its tendrils. Flowers of irregular shape, collected in inflorescences - single or multi-flowered racemes, consist of 5 petals. The shape of the flower is similar to a sailboat. The upper petal forms a sail, the two lateral petals form oars, and the two lower petals form a fused boat.

According to the size of flowers, varieties are divided into small-flowered with a diameter of up to 3 cm, large-flowered - 3-4 cm and very large-flowered - more than 4 cm in diameter. The diameter of the flower is determined by the width of the sail. According to the shape of the sail, the flowers are divided into 3 groups.

  • The first includes flowers whose sail is shaped like a hood. This form is inherent in wild forms and is more common in older varieties.
  • The second group includes flowers that have a wide sail with edges slightly bent back.
  • The third has a wide sail with wavy or corrugated edges. These flowers are very large.

The color of the flowers is very different - from white to dark purple, almost black. There are two-color varieties. After flowering, fruits are formed - oblong pods with 10-12 seeds of various sizes and colors. Not all varieties produce fruit. Seed germination lasts from 3 to 8 years.[k]

Caring for sweet peas

Peas require regular watering. If there is a lack of moisture, few flowers appear, they are small and quickly fall off. Strong differences between day and night temperatures can also lead to the falling of buds and flowers.

This flyer requires special attention during hot and dry weather. Since peas have a deep root system, water them abundantly and thoroughly at this time. To preserve moisture in the soil, it is better to mulch it with a small (3-5 cm) layer of humus or peat.

This summer plant grows quickly and blooms profusely, removing large quantities from the soil. nutrients. It achieves its greatest decorative effect with abundant nutrition. Grows well on any clay and sandy soils fertile soils, but still better - on deeply processed, well-fertilized, light or medium in physical composition and neutral or slightly alkaline in acidity, loamy. Since peas have a tap root system that penetrates deep into the ground, the soil should be tilled to a depth of 30, or even better, 40 cm before planting.

Heavy clay soil Sweet peas do not like it - it retains moisture well, but quickly compacts and does not provide sufficient aeration. Its breathability can be improved by adding sand and a large amount of organic matter.

Sandy soils are not entirely suitable for this plant. They quickly absorb moisture, but do not retain it well. Fertilizers also leach out of such soils more quickly. To improve their properties, you can add clay to them and thoroughly fertilize them with compost or humus.

To get large inflorescences, it is better to leave several of the strongest stems on the plant and cut out the rest.

By regularly pruning some of the side shoots, flowering is stimulated. Another way to prolong abundant flowering is to remove faded inflorescences.

Adding compost or well-rotted manure will increase fertility sandy soils. Fresh manure cannot be used. This can lead to the death of plants from fungal diseases.

If you regularly cut off the inflorescences from the beginning of flowering, this will not harm the peas at all. Moreover, cutting good way extend the flowering period. It stimulates the appearance of new flowers that are in no way inferior to cut ones. Seeds should not be allowed to form; they absorb a significant amount of nutrients. Abundant flowering fertilizing is facilitated - at least twice a season with liquid organic or mineral complex fertilizers. When the first buds appear, fertilizing with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers is useful.

You can decorate your balcony with sweet peas. It grows well in spacious balcony boxes; you just need to take care of the supporting support in advance. It can be frames with cords stretched vertically, coarse mesh, gratings of various shapes.

Growing sweet peas from seeds

Sweet peas are propagated by seeds - sowing in open ground on permanent place at the beginning of May.

Since round, rather large seeds have a hard shell and do not germinate for a long time, it is advisable additional help in the form of scarification - damage to the shell mechanically. This can be done with a simple sewing needle. Scarification accelerates the penetration of moisture to the embryo and the seeds germinate faster. Sow 2-5 grains per nest. The distance between nests is 30-50 cm. Seeds take a relatively long time to germinate. Seedlings - depending on the variety, weather and soil temperature - appear in 10-30 days.

Caring for sweet peas comes down to maintaining optimal humidity soil, regular fertilizing and pruning.

Seedlings grow slowly. After 3-4 pairs of leaves are formed, the tops of the shoots are pinched to form a large number of side shoots. Hardened seedlings can withstand light frosts (up to -5 degrees).

As they grow, the shoots are guided along the support and tied up.

Sweet peas bloom 2-3 months after germination. For more early flowering in the conditions of Belarus and middle zone In Russia it is grown through seedlings.

Sowing seeds

Seeds are sown at the end of March - the first half of April. To make them germinate faster, they are soaked overnight in hot (up to 80 degrees) water. If after soaking for a week the temperature is reduced to 3 degrees, flowering will occur earlier. The hatched seeds are sown 2-3 in peat pots filled with a soil mixture consisting of purchased nutrient soil (or soil taken from the place where the plants are supposed to be planted) and coarse sand. Planting depth is approximately two seed diameters. Shoots appear in 4-7 days. Seedlings do not tolerate picking well, since the root system is very sensitive to damage. When carefully planted in open ground in peat pots, the roots of the seedlings are not injured.

Hardened, pre-well-watered young plants are planted in a permanent place in mid-May. Optimal distance between them 20-25 cm.

IN lately Low-growing bushy or creeping, up to 20-30 cm tall, but very abundantly flowering varieties of sweet peas are becoming increasingly popular. They can be grown in pots, containers and balcony boxes. Some dwarf varieties They have no whiskers at all and do not need support. Varieties with drooping shoots look great in hanging planters. Since the feeding area in containers is limited, it is advisable to feed the plants with a solution of complete fertilizers 2 times a month.

Types and varieties of sweet peas

The genus Lathyrus is part of the legume family (Fabaceae). About 100 species of peas are known, growing in temperate and subtropical zones globe. Scientific name kind comes from the Greek words la - very and thuros - attractive.

Other types of china have not yet become as widespread as sweet peas. Less known are the annual relatives of the sweet pea, such as the Tangier pea (L. tingitanus) and the chloranthus pea (L. chloranthus). These species are very unpretentious. They are undemanding to soils and cold-resistant. They grow quickly. They are used for vertical gardening and the design of gazebos.

Perennial sweet pea

So far, perennial tree species that do not require special care and bloom profusely are also rare. The flowers, however, are not large. The broadleaf chin (L. latifolius) is very easy to grow, the climbing stems of which reach 2 m in length. The flowers are large, pink-carmine or white. It blooms from June for approximately three months. Overwinters without shelter. Propagated by seeds (they do not set well) and by dividing the bush.

Growing perennial sweet peas from seeds

Seeds of perennial species can be sown both in spring and autumn.

Shoots appear in approximately two weeks. With timely picking and proper care, well-developed bushes will form by autumn, which can be planted in a permanent place. Seedlings bloom in the second year.

Of the perennial peas, one of the most decorative is the tuberous pea (L. tuberosus) with shoots up to 2 m high and small - up to 3-4 cm long and 1.5 cm thick - oblong tubers. Its flowers are fragrant, dark pink in color. Blooms from late June to mid-August. Easily propagated by seeds and division of rhizomes, it grows quickly, producing shoots around the mother plant. Since tuberous peas behave aggressively, displacing other plants, it is better to plant them separately from others flower crops. Stems reaching a height of 150-200 cm need support.

China latifolia is an ornamental herbaceous perennial. The climbing stems branch well and reach a length of 4 m; they are attached to the support by tendrils. The leaves are pinnately light green with a grayish tint. Each leaf ends with a branched tendril that clings to a support. Peduncles are up to 18 cm long. Lilac-pink or white flowers are large, collected in racemes. Starting in June, the chin blooms for almost 3 months.

The plant is frost-resistant. In the first year, the plant may not bloom; in the second year, when 3–5 stems are formed, the plant may already bloom. By systematically pruning faded inflorescences, flowering can be extended until the end of September. Looks impressive on trellises and in columns. For the winter, the vines are cut off just above the ground. Grows on any soil, prefers non-acidic soil. 1-2 fertilizing with complex fertilizer is necessary.

Propagated by seeds, it should be sown before winter. Within a month it is necessary to stratify the seeds; germination is not high. It is easier to propagate vegetatively: in the spring by dividing the rhizomes and by cuttings in the summer.

Watering is required in dry, hot weather.

Materials on China latifolia

In this section you will find posts on the care, cultivation, watering, and propagation of Chinna latifolia. Community users share tips and secrets with each other. A huge number of photos.

The goal of our project is to exchange experience so that each project participant can learn how to care for a plant at home. .

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