Bedbug spray: what is it? Sprays and aerosols for bedbugs: which product is better? How to use bed bug sprays correctly

Fighting bedbugs is not an easy task, but it is possible to achieve a positive result. To do this, you need to be patient and process the room several times with short breaks. To get results, it is important to use effective drugs.

It is important to choose the most suitable spray for bedbugs, based on the composition, degree of toxicity, effect on people and other living organisms

Benefits of bed bug sprays

Among the diversity chemicals against bedbugs, sprays and aerosols occupy a leading position among buyers. This is because they have a number of advantages:

For good results and safety, it is necessary to use the purchased drug correctly.

Using anti-bed bug sprays

It is important to understand that aerosol particles, when released into the air, long time are there. Therefore, you must follow the instructions to prevent possible poisoning. Avoid contact of the product with mucous membranes and the digestive tract.

Before using any aerosol, you need to do the following:

  1. Wear special clothing, glasses, a respirator;
  2. Remove clothing and food from the contaminated room;
  3. Shake the can;
  4. When spraying, the can is placed at a distance of at least 20 cm from the object being treated;
  5. 30 minutes after treatment, the room is ventilated.

When using the spray, you must follow basic safety rules

Below are the most effective aerosols for fighting bedbugs.


This spray contains tetramethrin, cypermethrin, piperonyl butoxide. These powerful components, complementary to each other, paralyze bedbugs, which leads to their death. Thanks to the raptor, bed bugs, fleas infect each other. But the aerosol does not pose a danger to animals and children.

Aerosol Clean Home

This aerosol is similar to Raptor and contains cypermethrin, which paralyzes bedbugs and fleas. But its concentration percentage is greater than in Raptor. There is also tetramethrin, which blocks the transmission of nerve impulses and, together with cypermethrin, has a powerful effect. After treatment, the active compounds of Clean House remain on the surface of the object. When bed bugs enter the body, they cause their death. If you follow safety precautions, the described spray will not be dangerous to people and animals. One can of aerosol is enough to treat a small apartment. There are many positive feedback about the effectiveness of the drug.


Aerosol Combat is available in two versions:

  1. Combat Superspray.
  2. Combat Multispray.

The active substances of the drug enter the body of bedbugs and fleas through contact with the treated surface or through the digestive tract. Insects become paralyzed and die. D for killing bedbugs would be better suited Combat Superspray.


Before processing, heavy and bad smell drug. Oily stains may remain on the surface.


Carbozol is a fairly effective remedy for killing bed bugs and fleas. The drug works similarly to the aerosols described above. But it does not have a sharp and persistent odor. It is important to observe safety precautions during processing.


The effect of Perfos-P lasts for two weeks, but re-treatment is often required. To kill bedbugs, you need to spray the product generously and treat it thoroughly. hard to reach places. Perfos-P is a fairly economical drug.

You can fight bedbugs yourself, but to do this you at least need to arm yourself. Some modern aerosols for bedbugs also fall into the category of drugs that have a real effect against “bloodsuckers.” We will describe below which of them can really help in the fight against domestic insects.

In aerosol cans, the active chemical component forms a mixture with liquefied gas. As a result, inside the container it is created high blood pressure, even if there is very little active substance left. Anti-bed bug aerosol used in everyday life usually has a pleasant smell. For safety reasons, the insecticide used in the preparation is not the strongest.

And this requires not one, but several treatments to achieve the desired result. Sprayed compounds are used to treat kindergartens, hospitals, schools and housing. Up to 5-6 cylinders may be needed for processing.


  • Convenient use. The compositions are ready for use and do not require dissolution or dilution to the desired concentration. The only thing you need to do is open the lid and start spraying the composition.
  • The process of spraying an insecticide is accompanied by its subsequent presence in the air. Therefore, we should not forget about the means personal protection and safety rules when working with such compounds to prevent poisoning of the body through the mucous membranes or digestive organs.

    Aerosol and spray - is there a difference?

    Many consumers consider bedbug spray and aerosol to be synonymous, but it turns out that there are a lot of nuances that the user should be aware of.

    Sprays are concentrates and therefore, before use, they should be diluted according to the instructions and then sprayed with atomizers at home or with aerosol installations or cold fog systems for professional disinfestation.

    Aerosols are already ready for use. Professional exterminators often use sprays, since they are more economical and effective, contain the most effective chemical agents without adjusting for ease of use and lack of toxicity.

    TOP 4 best aerosols for bedbugs

    Aerosol RAPTOR

    It contains 3 nerve agents:

    • Piperonyl butoxide (0.5%);
    • Cypermethrin (0.2%);
    • Tetramethrin (0.2%).

    The compounds block the conduction of nerve impulses, which leads to paralysis and death of the insect. The first component of the drug enhances the effect of the other two. Chemical agents penetrate chitin. Contact with an infected bedbug also puts other individuals under attack.

    Using Raptor aerosol is quite easy. After shaking, you can start spraying. The product is effective at low insect population densities. A volume of 225 ml costs 240-250 rubles.


    These substances are harmless to people, but, nevertheless, it is better to protect yourself with goggles, gloves, a respirator, and closed clothing. Treatment should be carried out according to the instructions on the drug packaging. It costs about 240-250 rubles.

    Place No. 3 - AEROSOL “RAID”»

    Effective composition against household bedbugs. The drug is effective for a week. Consumers do not like the smell of the composition and traces in the form of oily stains on treated surfaces.

    PLACE No. 4 - “ANTICLOP”

    TO effective compositions also includes anti-bed bug aerosol “Antiklop” .

    It is characterized by the following advantages:

    • Can be used both in professional pest control and at home;
    • No toxicity;
    • Ready to use;
    • Has a directional effect;
    • 100% result after the first treatment;
    • Action for two months;
    • Effective against populations resistant to other insecticides;
    • Combination of three active components.

    Here are just some reviews of bed bug aerosols.

    Review: “When they came to arm themselves for the war against bedbugs, they chose aerosols. They are convenient, ready to work: buy - spray - win. But there were also many types of aerosols themselves. Attracted "Antiklop". First with its name. Then we read the instructions and gained more confidence. And the “i” was finally dotted after processing. 15 minutes passed, we started airing. No smell, no stains. Everything is clean and fresh. Everything was good except for the bedbugs. They clearly didn't like something. They crawled out of their shelters and defiantly died before our eyes. Serves you right!” Review : « We will remember this vacation for a long time. The decision to go to St. Petersburg was made in 5 minutes. We stayed in Sestroretsk in a private house. Baltic Sea, sand dunes, white nights. Everything was fine until the morning, when the bites were discovered. The money has been paid. The hostess drove off. And we were left alone with the bedbugs. So that this night would be the last in the life of insects, they went for poison. We bought an aerosol Clean house" The seller gave a lot of praise, and there was nothing else in the store. Everything was done according to the instructions. The next morning they celebrated the victory. Repeated treatment was not necessary, since the rest ended after a week. We left the owner the remains of the “Clean House” and a note with a wish - not to spoil people’s holiday.”

    Aerosol and spray against bedbugs are not fundamentally different from each other: both are means liquid solution an insecticidal substance that, when sprayed indoors, enters the respiratory tract of bedbugs or onto surfaces with which the insects will come into contact.

    Sprays and aerosols against bedbugs differ from each other in the form of release and the degree of readiness for use:

    • Sprays - in a ready-to-use form are usually not sold, but are concentrates packaged in small bottles of 50-100 ml (for household use) and canisters (for industrial use). To treat a room, such a concentrate must be diluted with water and sprayed using special devices. In everyday life, simple spray bottles from household chemicals, and in professional services - cold fog generators and aerosol installations.
    • Aerosols for bedbugs are solutions of insecticides already diluted to the required concentration, poured under high pressure into spray bottles with a valve. These products work on the “buy and play” principle and do not require any preliminary preparation.

    Many bedbug sprays are professional pest control products. They are used at SES, in insect control services, in agriculture. They are generally more effective and cost-effective than aerosols because they use the most potent insecticides without compromising safety or ease of use.

    Aerosols against bedbugs are almost always products for household use, which are made taking into account ease of use and maximum safety when used by a non-professional. These products are optimally suited for removing bedbugs from houses and apartments by the residents themselves.

    However, today there are many sprays intended for use by home owners themselves, as well as aerosols for professionals. From all this diversity, for each specific situation you need to be able to choose the most suitable remedy, which let’s talk about in more detail.

    “We only had bedbugs once rented apartment. It’s better, of course, not to meet with this again. When I saw them once, I couldn’t sleep for several nights. We probably made all the mistakes that we could. They started poisoning me with Mashenka and some kind of powder, thinking that I would get away with little blood. All these pencils and powders do not work against bedbugs; at best, they provide a respite for a couple of days. The only way to reliably remove them is good aerosol. We managed to remove all the bedbugs using Raptor from crawling insects, but at the same time it took us 3 cylinders for the living room and 2 for the children’s room. The strangest thing is that during treatment the bedbugs crawled out from generally unpredictable places. For example, they were on my son’s computer and on the bookshelf, so really everything in the apartment needs to be processed.”

    Tatyana, Voronezh

    Products for professional and household use: features and characteristics

    Both among sprays and among aerosols there are preparations that are aimed at users with different levels preparation.

    For those who have never poisoned bedbugs on their own before, from sprays you can pay attention, for example, to concentrates Get, Executioner, Dobrokhim Micro, Delta-Zone and some others, and from aerosols - to Raptor, Kombat, Dichlorvos-Neo, Clean House ... All these funds are intended for home use, and when operated in accordance with the instructions are quite safe.

    “We had to poison the bugs with Get, because there were too many of them and there was a risk that an ordinary Combat would not be able to cope. We bought a bottle in an online store, fortunately it reached us in two days. One such bottle is enough for the whole apartment, if diluted correctly. We didn't have a sprayer, so we had to buy a new one at the garden store. It’s interesting how bedbugs sense this substance. I just started processing the baseboard on one side, and they were already starting to come out on the other, and there were so many of them that I was surprised that we didn’t suffer so much from them. We specifically decided to go to the dacha for two days so that the apartment could stand for this time and the effect would be more pronounced. But when we returned, there was real trash in the rooms. Dead bedbugs were everywhere, even in the kitchen and bathroom. Twice we had to empty the bag out of the vacuum cleaner until they were all removed, and then it took another couple of hours to clean the apartment and wash all the clothes. In general, Get from bedbugs works great, but you need to spend time and effort on such a fight.”

    Arkady, Kaluga

    See also our experiments on bedbugs:

    We catch bedbugs and test different products against them - see the results...

    Professional products require increased safety measures during operation, but are extremely effective. Such drugs include, for example, Tetrix, Sinusan, Klopoveron. Using them without preparation is quite risky, but in most cases they guarantee the removal of bedbugs in one go.

    Bedbug sprays: range of products, rules of use and effectiveness

    Some of the sprays are not commercially available, and only special pest control services use them. An example is Klopoveron - it comes in powder form, which must be diluted in water for use.

    Of the same drugs that can be bought in stores or online, users most often buy:

    • Executioner is a German spray concentrate, sold in small bottles for 70 rubles per bottle. The main active ingredient is the insecticide fenthion. For processing studio apartment you will need to buy 15-20 bottles, the contents of each of which are diluted with half a liter of water and, using a household spray bottle, sprayed onto surfaces on which bedbugs can move.
    • Tetrix is ​​one of the most powerful sprays, intended, generally speaking, for professional treatment of premises. One 250 ml bottle is enough to kill bedbugs in two 2-room apartments. The drug has a very strong and unpleasant odor; the apartment should be thoroughly ventilated after using it. In general, it is not recommended for non-professionals to use this drug.
    • Cucaracha is an analogue of Tetrix, adapted for domestic use. However, the drug retained the strong unpleasant odor of the original.
    • Get is a microencapsulated product based on chlorpyrifos that preserves high efficiency for several weeks after application to the surface. It has a contact effect and destroys even those bedbugs that simply run over the already dried preparation. It is odorless and very easy to use.
    • Sinuzan is another drug more oriented for use by professional pest control services. It smells disgusting and is comparable in effectiveness to Tetrix.
    • Karbofos is one of the oldest and most famous preparations for dilution with water. It is sold both in liquid form and in powder form for dissolution. It has a contact effect and destroys both adult bedbugs and their eggs. Karbofos is a very inexpensive and accessible drug. After surface treatment for a long time retain an unpleasant odor.

    Before use, concentrates for sprays must be diluted with water in the ratio indicated in the instructions. Then the resulting solution is poured into a spray bottle, for example, from a regular window cleaner, and sprayed in places where bedbugs may live and move.


    Professional exterminators pour the prepared solution into the installation to create a cold fog and simply fill all the air in the room with the preparation. After this, the product will in any case settle on all surfaces and penetrate where the bedbugs are hiding.

    When using any insecticidal sprays at home, you must use a respirator (in extreme cases, a gauze bandage), as well as rubber gloves and a special hair cap. You can only process a room from which all people and animals have been removed. Before treating bedbugs with sprays indoors, it is advisable to move furniture away from the walls and remove carpets from the walls.

    After treatment, you need to pause for several hours to allow the spray to work, and then ventilate the room and spend time in it wet cleaning.

    Oleg, St. Petersburg

    Aerosols and their effectiveness

    In aerosol cans, the insecticide solution is mixed with liquefied gas, which ensures constant pressure inside the can, regardless of the amount of product used. Deodorant cans work on the same principle - the tube from the valve in them always reaches the bottom of the can, which ensures that only the insecticide solution is captured when the valve itself is pressed.

    Typically, the following aerosols are used against bedbugs:

    Treating the room with aerosols is carried out in the same way as when using sprays. When working with these products, it is also better to remove people and animals from the apartment.

    Since bedbug aerosols are initially created with an emphasis on minimal toxicity to humans, they are recommended for use in residential premises, schools, hospitals and kindergartens.

    You should always remember that one can of aerosol in the fight against bedbugs is usually very little. As a rule, to effectively treat a one-room apartment, you will need at least 5-6 cylinders, and most likely, such treatment will have to be repeated more than once.

    Spray or aerosol: what and how to choose?

    When choosing a product, you should always remember the safety of each use and pay attention to various nuances. With Tetrix, for example, you can’t poison bedbugs without special means personal protection, and Sinuzan will leave behind such an odor that the hotel room cannot be used for receiving tourists for several days after its use.

    As a rule, if you need to treat cabins, cottages, chicken coops, seasonal housing or temporary shelters, sprays are used so that by the time the premises are used, the smell has already disappeared. However, it is always possible to use preparations with a minimal level of odor, for example, the same Get or Dobrokhim Micro.

    In any case, when choosing a remedy for bedbugs, preference should be given to household sprays - Get, Delta-Zone, Xulatu, then aerosols such as Dichlorvos-Neo or Raptor, and only then - professional products.

    Microencapsulated drugs and their features

    Of the microencapsulated products, the most famous are Get, Xulat, Delta-Zone, Lambda-Zone and some others. All of them are on average more expensive than simple insecticidal sprays.

    Safety: what is important to remember when purchasing and using sprays and aerosols

    When purchasing a spray or aerosol against bedbugs, you should always carefully read the instructions on the product packaging. It usually indicates all the precautions that must be observed when using a particular product.

    There are several universal safety rules when using insecticidal sprays and aerosols:

    • Do not allow the product to come into contact with the skin, mucous membranes or respiratory tract. Even with relatively safe aerosols, this rule must be followed.
    • All animals and people must be removed from the area being treated. Cats are especially sensitive to insecticides; permethrin is extremely toxic to them.
    • All treated textiles must be washed thoroughly, and the room itself must be wet cleaned after bedbug poisoning.
    • If any symptoms of poisoning appear when using sprays and aerosols against bedbugs, you should immediately see a doctor.

    In addition, if there is an aquarium in the room being treated, during treatment it must be covered with a cover glass and the compressor in it must be turned off - fish are very sensitive to insect poisons.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is it possible to use sprays and aerosols on clothes in closets?

    Yes, it is possible and even necessary - bedbugs often settle among stacks of old things. It is important only after treatment to wash all clothes and wash the closet thoroughly.

    I saw some kind of Chinese yellow spray can for bedbugs on sale, I was very praised for it, but everything on it is in Chinese and there are no reviews about such a product anywhere. Can it be used against bedbugs?

    You can, but only at your own risk. It is not known what insecticides are contained in the can and how toxic the product is to people. As practice shows, Chinese remedies in some cases use very powerful substances, sometimes prohibited in our country. The use of such a drug may, although good effect from bedbugs, but can be hazardous to health. Read the description carefully to see if the product contains DDT - if this abbreviation is present, the drug is definitely not worth buying.

    Is it possible to replace aerosols and sprays against bedbugs with powders? They really help against cockroaches...

    No, powders against bedbugs in most cases will not save you - these products are designed so that insects (the same cockroaches or ants) eat them or run on them. Bedbugs cannot eat anything other than blood, and usually hide right near the feeding area - under mattresses and in beds, where it is difficult to scatter powders. Therefore, such remedies for bedbugs will be useless.

    Useful video about choosing a product to combat bedbugs

    An example of preparing a spray solution by diluting the Get concentrate

    Fighting bedbugs on your own is quite possible, but only if you use a truly effective product. IN lately All kinds of aerosols and sprays are becoming popular. Which ones are the most effective?

    Why aerosols and sprays?

    First, let's list the main advantages of using aerosols and sprays:

    • Ease of use. Indeed, no special preparation is required; the preparations are completely ready for use. You just need to open the lid and start spraying.
    • Small expense. Usually one bottle of product is enough for treatment small room with an area of ​​40-70 square meters.
    • Affordable price. Most sprays and aerosols are inexpensive, which attracts many. The price of one cylinder ranges from 250-400 rubles.
    • Efficiency. Uniform application allows you to achieve maximum effect. A thin film forms on surfaces, invisible to humans, but dangerous for pests.
    • Safety. Almost all aerosols, such as “Clean House” or “Raptor” are intended for use in residential areas.


    Remember that aerosol components enter the air and remain in it for quite a long time, so ensure protection and follow all rules of use to avoid poisoning. In addition, do not allow the product to come into contact with mucous membranes and the digestive system.

    Effective means

    Clean House”, “Raid”, “Raptor”... There are a lot of aerosols. We offer an overview of the most popular and effective ones.


    Aerosol "Raptor" against bedbugs contains three active components: tetramethrin 0.2%, cypermethrin 0.2% and piperonyl butoxide 0.5%. The first two components have a neuroparalytic effect on bedbugs, that is, they disrupt the conduction of nerve impulses between cells, resulting in paralysis and, as a consequence, the death of the insect. Piperonyl butoxide enhances the activity of the first two insecticides. Substances penetrate into the pest’s body through the chitinous shell, landing on the paws. At the same time, other individuals can become infected from contact with treated surfaces. But Raptor is safe for animals and children.

    Using Raptor is easy. First you need to put on safety glasses and a respirator, and also remove dishes, clothes, linen and food from the room. The container must be shaken before use. You need to spray the drug on all surfaces and hard-to-reach places, holding the bottle at a distance of 20 centimeters from objects. Half an hour after treatment, the room should be well ventilated.

    Aerosol "Raptor" is quite effective, but, as reviews show, only with a low degree of infection of the room and with a small number of pests, as well as under the condition of abundant spraying.

    The cost of the “Raptor” product is about 240-250 rubles per 225 ml bottle.

    "Clean House"

    Aerosol "Clean House"


    “Clean House”, like “Raptor”, contains the insecticide cypermethrin, which has a neuroparalytic effect on insects. But the concentration of this substance is higher and amounts to 13%. The second component is tetramethrin. It also blocks the transmission of nerve impulses and acts especially pronounced in combination with cypermethrin. Active substances settle on surfaces and enter the body of pests, causing irreversible reactions. Subject to safety precautions for people and animals, the Clean House product is safe, but it can still enter the digestive system and mucous membranes, so the room must be emptied, and the handler must wear a respirator and safety glasses.

    Spraying should be done at a distance of 15-20 centimeters from the surface for 2-3 seconds. After treatment with the “Clean House” preparation, the room should be well ventilated.

    The effectiveness has been confirmed, many were satisfied with the “Clean House” drug and were able to get rid of bedbugs. The cost of a 600 ml cylinder is 240-250 rubles. This volume is enough to process a small apartment.


    Anti-bed spray "Combat" is available in two versions. "Combat Superspray" is intended to kill crawling insects and contains cyphenothrin and imiprotrin. "Combat Multispray" is a universal remedy that will help destroy both crawling and flying insects. It contains tetramethrin, which is part of the drug “Clean House” and some others, as well as permethrin. All these active components enter the body through contact or food (that is, through the digestive organs or through the membrane) and cause paralysis.

    Combat Superspray is more suitable for baiting bedbugs. This drug has a rather pleasant and not too pronounced odor and is harmless to people and insects. Still, you should take precautions and leave the house during treatment.

    Spraying is carried out at a distance of 20-30 centimeters from objects. One cylinder with a volume of 500 ml is enough to treat 50-70 m2. The cost of the bottle is about 280 rubles.


    "Raid" is a universal remedy designed to combat many flying and crawling insects, including bedbugs. A more pronounced effect is observed against cockroaches, ants and other similar pests, but the drug also has a detrimental effect on bedbugs, but only with a low degree of infestation of the room. In addition, when baiting bedbugs, the consumption should be increased. But, according to the manufacturers, the effect lasts for a week.

    As reviews show, in some cases the drug is effective, especially with several treatments. But many people note an unpleasant heavy odor, as well as oil stains left on surfaces.


    This aerosol is probably familiar to almost everyone, since literally ten years ago it was very popular and practically the only one among the available insecticides. But over the years, the drug has been changed, and manufacturers have released several modified products: “Dichlorvos Neo” without odor, “Dichlorvos Eco” and “Dichlorvos Super” with a special “killer” composition. In these preparations you can find such active substances as aliphatic carbohydrates, permethrin, cypermethrin, alcohol and piperonyl butoxide. They have a neuroparalytic effect on pests, that is, they cause paralysis and death.

    When using, precautions should be taken and all surfaces should be treated thoroughly.

    The cost of one bottle is about 50-90 rubles.


    “Carbozol”, like “Clean House”, “Combat” and other similar products, is quite effective. The action is almost the same as that of other aerosols. The active components enter the body of pests through food contact and have a neuroparalytic effect. The smell of the drug is not strong or persistent. Precautions should be taken during processing. The effectiveness has been proven by many, but the results are not always noticeable. The cost of a 300 ml cylinder is about 200 rubles.


    This is a relatively new drug, similar to many others. The composition includes insecticides that have a neuroparalytic effect on bedbugs.

    The treatment should be carried out in an empty room and always wearing protective equipment (goggles, respirator, gloves). The smell is quite pungent, so after spraying you should ventilate the room well. The effect of this drug lasts for an average of two weeks, but repeated treatment may be required. To get rid of bedbugs forever, spray the mixture generously and pay attention to hard-to-reach places.

    The price of the drug is low, the consumption is very economical.


    "Prima-U" is a follower of the previously known and popular drug "Prima-71". The toxicity of this product is low compared to its predecessor, but the effectiveness is not so high. There is no residual effect, so several applications may be required. And since the smell is quite pungent, all residents must leave the premises. In addition, with multiple treatments, the risk of intoxication increases. The advantages of this product include its low cost.

    "Bona Forte"

    This is a unique product based on natural ingredients. Active substance– purified concentrate of pyrethrum flowers, which have long been used to kill insects and have a neuroparalytic effect when they enter the insect’s body through contact. The convenient aerosol form allows for easier processing. The drug has virtually no odor; in addition, it is low-toxic, so after ventilation (this is carried out several hours after spraying), residents can return to the room. The cost of one cylinder is about 250 rubles.

    Use only proven, safe and effective aerosols and sprays!

    Bedbug spray is one of the the best means for carrying out disinfestation yourself at home. In second place are aerosols for bedbugs. Bribe buyers convenient use, affordable price. In everyday life, two terms are used - spray, aerosol for one product, but this is incorrect. There are significant differences between them in action and effectiveness.

    Aerosol features

    Available in bottles finished form. Before use, shake the container well. The active component is released by compressing the air in the can. It is sprayed into small droplets that slowly settle to the surface.

    It contains several active components and synergists that enhance their effect and penetrating ability. They enter the body through contact. A greater effect is observed when bedbugs are directly sprayed with an aerosol.

    The maximum effect lasts 2 hours. According to the manufacturers, the residual effect lasts for another 14 days. According to user reviews, the effect lasts for several days. After a week it disappears completely. Effective aerosols for spraying nests. But they don't work on .

    Instructions for use are identical to those for sprays and aerosols. With one difference - when working with a concentrated spray, it is necessary to protect the respiratory tract with a respirator; when using an aerosol, a gauze mask is sufficient.

    Before starting disinfestation:

    • clean the house, wash the floors, vacuum;
    • remove pets;
    • close windows, doors;
    • move furniture away from the walls.

    The best aerosols for bedbugs cost around 300 rubles. Sold everywhere, can be ordered online.

    • . A professional aerosol product containing several active components at once - alphacypermethrin, which hangs in the air for a long time, penetrates through the respiratory tract, neopinamine forte, which has a contact effect. Synergists enhance the penetrating ability of the product. The effect of application is immediate - the insect dies within 15 minutes. Characterized by a similar action.
    • Dichlorvos Varan Forte Antiklop. There was no trace left of the old stinking drug. The aerosol is either odorless or smells pleasant of lavender, mint, and lemon. Contains insecticides cypermethrin, tetramethrin. They penetrate the body through contact and block the functioning of nerve endings. One can is enough to disinfect a room of 30 square meters. m.
    • Spray KRA against bedbugs. An effective remedy from many crawling and flying insects. Active ingredients: cypermethrin, permethrin. The action begins within the first 30 minutes and lasts up to 72 hours. Kills adult bedbugs, nymphs of different ages. Over time, it finishes off when emerging from the egg.
    • Unscented anti-bedbug spray Get. Enjoys special demand due to its fast action, lack of strong aroma, long residual effect. Price

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