Business plan for laying hens small business. Caring for birds and feeding them. Sales of products from the poultry farm

Breeding chickens for the production and sale of eggs is considered one of the most profitable areas of business. There are breeds of laying hens from which you can collect eggs all year round. The birds themselves grow quickly and begin to lay eggs at the age of five months. If you also organize the sale of carcasses to renew the livestock, you can constantly receive a stable income.

List of initial costs

In order to foresee all possible risks and options for business development in advance, you need to draw up a business plan for a poultry farm for the production of eggs. A well-drafted business plan will give you an understanding of where to start a business, what capital is needed, how trade will be established, and when the business will generate income.

Of course, the easiest way to organize chicken breeding is in rural areas, where there are vast areas for them to walk. But to equip a chicken coop it is not necessary to look for large areas, so chicken farms can be located in the city.

If you are planning to seriously start a business, it is better to register officially as a farm. Then it will be easier for you to obtain the necessary certificates for eggs and carcasses. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is contact the tax office and register an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

While the documents are being drawn up, we need to make a decision. What method will be used to breed chickens? There are two main ways:

  • Floor-mounted chickens have the opportunity to move actively, breathe fresh air, and eat root vegetables. This has a positive effect on the quality of not only eggs, but also chicken meat.
  • The cage method is used less frequently, since in this case the chickens are fed only with mixed feed and move little. In addition, the arrangement of cells and their maintenance are expensive for the entrepreneur.

Depending on the method and equipment, the priority costs for setting up the farm are calculated. Please note that it will help reduce the cost of breeding laying hens independent arrangement drinking bowls and feeders.

Also, the business plan must include the costs of paying employees and veterinary services.

How to organize a chicken coop

Two main rules on which a successful “chicken” business rests:

  1. Proper, complete nutrition for chicken.
  2. Warm, well-equipped poultry house.

There are several options for organizing a farm. You can build a chicken coop yourself, rent or buy. For example, any barn or garage can be insulated and equipped for keeping chickens. You can build it yourself from gas silicate blocks, slate and boards.

The construction of a poultry house is carried out in the following stages:

  • Four logs are dug into the corners of the future building, taking into account that the height of the chicken coop should be at least two meters.
  • The perimeter of the logs is covered with boards on the inside and outside. Mounted pitched roof(so that in winter it doesn’t fall under the thick snow).
  • Between two layers of boards, insulation is poured (dry leaves, pine needles, sawdust mixed with lime 1:25). Its thickness must be at least 15 cm.
  • The earthen floor is insulated with the onset of cold weather. Every day 0.5 cm of fresh insulation is poured onto it. In spring its thickness should be about half a meter.

Breeding laying hens requires that the poultry house have windows on the south side and artificial lighting. In this case, a hole for chickens is arranged on the eastern wall. Required condition– availability vent, covered with a rodent mesh.

The back side of the chicken coop is equipped with a perch at a distance of about a meter from the floor. For laying hens set wooden boxes, covered with hay or straw so that they can lay eggs there.

Purchase of young chickens

You need to start breeding chickens by purchasing young animals. For the first batch, it will be enough to buy several dozen chickens at the rate of 20 chickens per 10 square meters. m. subject to floor maintenance. For every ten hens, one rooster is needed. There should be no more than 7 birds per cage.

It is also important to resolve the issue of the breed of laying hens. There are breeds from which eggs can be collected in large quantities. For example, the Loman Brown breed produces about 300 eggs per bird at maturity. And Leghorns begin to lay eggs as early as 4 months of life. There are those that lay less eggs, but have good meat for sale. It all depends on the orientation of your business.

The most popular breeds are:

  • Kuchinskaya Yubileinaya
  • Loman Brown
  • Hisex
  • Leghorn
  • Brahma

It is cheapest to purchase two-week-old chicks, but there is a big risk of purchasing too many cockerels, since obvious differences appear only at 2-3 months. You can buy more expensive laying hens, but at the age of 5 months. In any case, you should study the supplier well before purchasing. Birds must be vaccinated and raised under good care, otherwise you risk having big losses on your farm.

Feeding and caring for birds

Special attention should be paid to feeding birds. So, chickens are fed only with specially selected mixed feed, adding, if possible, nettles, goat cheese, and carrots. From the second month of the chickens' life, root vegetables and food waste can be gradually introduced. Be sure to include additives such as chalk and egg shells in your diet. Birds that walk around the aviary in summer can eat grass and insects.

In general, we need to focus on ensuring that every day the birds receive:

  • young nettle;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • grass;
  • food waste;
  • wheat;
  • various root vegetables;
  • millet;
  • bone meal;
  • corn;
  • sand, fine gravel, shells.

Technology of egg production and laying hen breeding

The success of the farm largely depends on successfully selected laying hens and roosters. Egg production technology requires that the rooster must be strong and active. The chicken is selected by its comb. A bird capable of laying many eggs has a large and rich comb. If you need a good hen for your farm, it is important that she has a calm character and a big belly. Then she will rarely leave the nest and will be able to warm more chicks.

For hatching, clean and even eggs that have correct form. When chicks hatch, it is important to monitor the process, helping the chicks shed their shells. They are left near the hen for about 40 days.

To raise and care for a bird, you don't need to be near the chicken coop all day. It is enough to allocate 40 minutes in the morning for feeding and renewing water in the poultry house, and in the afternoon, in addition, the same amount for cleaning the chicken coop. In total, birds will require no more than three hours of attention per day.

What you need to know about chicken diseases

In addition to the typical hypothermia and lack of vitamins, chickens can get specific diseases. In order to detect them in time, it is necessary to constantly examine each individual and timely isolate sick chickens from healthy chickens. A healthy chicken is active, steady on its feet, has a good appetite and smooth, shiny feathers.

When examining the bird, they carefully examine:

  • skin;
  • breath;
  • legs, neck, wings, including movement;
  • digestion.

Having discovered a sick individual, it must be immediately taken to a veterinarian to determine the nature of the disease. Contagious diseases can cost an entire herd.

Contagious diseases are of the following types:

  • infectious;
  • fungal;
  • helminthic;
  • diseases caused by insects.

In any case, every household should have its own chicken first aid kit. It will allow you to support the bird until the veterinarian arrives and makes an accurate diagnosis. It should include:

But if it is not possible to quickly call a doctor, then in order not to lose your birds, you need to have at least a minimal first aid kit that can help you at first. It includes:

  • water-soluble vitamins;
  • furazolidone (for stomach upset);
  • anthelmintic drugs (for worms);
  • tetracycline eye ointment (for eye inflammation)
  • disinfectant;
  • percutan or brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, iodine;
  • activated carbon;
  • potassium permanganate (for water).

These products should also be used to prevent diseases in the herd.

Calculation of profitability and estimated income

Having figured out where to start a business, you can calculate the payback of the farm. If your farm has about fifty chickens, then the calculation will look like this:

  • A two-week chicken costs 100 rubles, so for 50 pieces you will need 5 thousand rubles.
  • One individual eats 36 kg of grain or feed per year. The entire farm will cost 1800 kg. A kilogram of feed costs an average of 10 rubles, so you will have to shell out 18 thousand a year, plus supplements and vitamins. Total - about 20 thousand rubles.

It turns out that purchasing and maintaining chickens for a year will require about 25 thousand rubles. This amount does not include the cost of building a chicken coop. With good care, each chicken can lay eggs approximately 250 times in a year. That is, from the population in question you can collect 1.25 dozen eggs per year. In retail sales, eggs cost at least 60 rubles. ten. If the egg trade is stable, 50 birds can generate income of up to 125 thousand rubles. per year. Moreover, when proper organization breeding can be a completely waste-free business. You can sell not only eggs and meat. They willingly purchase chicken manure, as organic fertilizer. Feathers are purchased for production in light industry, and buyers literally go on a hunt for chicken down.

From the calculations it is clear that the profitability of the business is at least 200%. Given the increased demand for environmentally friendly products, raising chickens and selling eggs can become a highly profitable business for the whole family.

Download detailed business plan Laying hens can be bred by

Many people believe that a chicken business is a fairly profitable and uncomplicated business. Chicken meat is a dietary type and is inexpensive, so consumer demand does not fall. Another waste product of these birds, eggs, are an indispensable part of tasty and satisfying breakfasts. Let's figure out whether it is profitable to keep laying hens as a business, and what you need to know in order for entrepreneurship in this industry to bring good profits.

Chicken breeding as a business: profitability and income

Before starting the construction of a chicken coop and purchasing young animals, it is necessary to decide whether chickens are a business: is it profitable or not? Breeding chickens as a business is a profitable business, but here are the facts confirming this:

  • no large investments are required at the start (you can start with 50-100 heads);
  • to care and breed these birds you do not need to have special knowledge;
  • at the right approach quick payback;
  • you can make a profit from eggs, meat, litter;
  • The cost of keeping chickens is low.

Initial costs depend on the method of raising chickens (cages or floor system), number of heads, feed used and other factors. Breeding laying hens for eggs as a business will bring the first profit from the age of 5 months. If you purchase young animals at the age of 2-3 months, after just a couple of months you will be able to make your first profit and return part of the money invested.

One chicken per year will require about 36 kg of feed. Considering that the cost of 1 kg of feed costs about 10 rubles. Maintaining one bird per year will require about 500-600 rubles (feed + vitamin complexes + medicines for young animals). The construction of the chicken coop must be taken into account, but you can use an existing barn or build one from boards and logs (cheap option).

This information will encourage you to raise laying hens as a business. “What profit is shining?” - you ask. It’s easy to calculate: one chicken a year will lay from 200 to 250 eggs, depending on the breed and content. Let's multiply the number of eggs by the price of 4-5 rubles, and it turns out that one chicken can bring you an income of 500-700 rubles per year from eggs alone. But you can still sell meat and raise chickens ( minimum expenses), sell the litter. As a result, this figure will increase several times.

To the question “Is raising chickens profitable or not as a business?” I will answer: “Yes, it’s profitable!” But do not forget that you need to look after the bird, create comfortable living conditions for it, create a complete diet, and protect it from diseases.

How to start a chicken business? Step by step instructions

If you decide to start a business with laying hens, a logical question arises: “Where to start?” You need to find a site where your poultry farming enterprise will be located. If you plan to start breeding chickens with a small number of livestock, a plot of up to 5 acres will be quite enough.

Construction of a chicken coop

If you decide to start raising chickens for eggs as a business, prepare the premises in which the birds will live. If you don't have a suitable shed, build a new chicken coop. For construction you can use the following materials: gas silicate block, brick, wood.

A budget option for building a shed would be to use wood. The base will consist of wooden poles. Walls made of boards must be insulated. To do this, you can use free insulation - dry leaves or grass, wood shavings, pine needles. But mix the natural insulation material with lime, otherwise rodents will infest it. Be sure to insulate the earthen floor for winter.

To raise laying hens as a business, create comfortable conditions for them. Take care of ventilation, sufficient lighting (there should be windows and light bulbs), boxes in which the birds will lay eggs.

A floor-mounted chicken coop system with outdoor range is preferable for small farms. If you are planning a chicken business on a large scale, then it is better to give preference to breeding birds in cages. You can save space, set up an automatic feed and water supply system, but be prepared that the starting capital will increase.

Purchase of young animals

After preparing the premises, purchase chickens for a business project, but first decide what your company will specialize in: selling eggs or meat. For example, for a grilled chicken business you need to purchase broilers or other meat breeds, but for selling eggs you need to choose egg breeds. I think egg-meat breeds are profitable. They bring a lot of eggs (up to 250 per year) and meat (2-3 kg), but it’s up to you to decide.

The question will arise of how many laying hens need to be purchased for the business. When breeding birds outdoors, 10 square meters fits 20 chickens. One cage can accommodate up to 50 birds, depending on the size of the cage.

If you want to start a business raising chickens, on relevant forums on the Internet you will find useful tips. Experienced farmers recommend buying young animals 2-3 months old. When purchasing small chicks, the risk of mortality increases and it is impossible to determine the sex. For 10 hens you need 1 rooster, so you can get your own offspring in the future and not spend money on purchasing young animals. Chickens can be obtained in two ways:

  • Brood hens will hatch the eggs.
  • Using an incubator (you can also make money by selling chickens).

Bird care and feeding

Raising laying hens as a business has its own characteristics. This view poultry It is resistant to diseases and is not picky about living conditions, but you should know the following:

Chickens for eggs as a business will bring you good income if you take care of a balanced diet. The diet of birds must include:

  • compound feed;
  • vegetables and root vegetables;
  • grass;
  • cereals and corn.

When running a chicken business, you can feed the birds food waste. In order for chickens to lay eggs well, they need minerals, so don’t forget to buy chalk and shell rock. IN warm time years when walking on fresh air birds look for their own food (grass, worms, insects), but this does not mean that they do not need to be fed.

Chicken business: how to write a business plan correctly

A business plan for breeding laying hens consists of items of expenses, income, payback periods, indicates the amount of starting capital and other important information. When drawing up a business plan for raising chickens, take into account the specifics of the activity (eggs or meat), the sales market and factors influencing success. If you want to sell your own grilled chickens, the business plan must contain a corresponding clause.

When drawing up a business plan for raising chickens, write down the cost item in detail:

  • building a chicken coop;
  • acquisition necessary equipment(drinkers, feeders, automatic systems and so on);
  • purchase of young animals;
  • purchase of feed, minerals and vitamin complexes;
  • payment of bills for electricity and other energy resources;
  • payment of taxes;
  • employee's salary.

In your laying hen business plan, make calculations of profit and income. Indicate how many eggs and meat you plan to sell, and whether you will sell chickens. Write down each option for making a profit in a separate paragraph.

After all calculations, indicate the payback period. I know that on average it takes 8 to 14 months to become profitable. By drawing up a correct business plan, laying hens can bring you good profits.

Review of the chicken business

You decide for yourself whether to sell grilled chickens (the business is more popular in cities) or raise chickens at home as a business. I believe this profitable view agricultural entrepreneurial activity. If you want to start a business with laying hens, reviews from farmers will help you avoid mistakes and plan your actions correctly. The main advantage of the chicken business (sale of eggs and meat) is the demand for these products. You can sell the goods and make a profit in any economic conditions in the country.

In conclusion, watch an interesting video review about making money from chickens from a first-person perspective.

Good afternoon We are glad to see you among the welcome guests and regular readers of the site “about hens and cockerels.” It’s no secret that chickens are the most favorite part of the farmyard for both amateur farmers and agricultural professionals. Today we will present to your attention chicken farming business plan and chickens.
Raising laying hens is perhaps the most profitable part of farming and is quite inexpensive. The implementation of a business plan is easily feasible not only for rural residents. But also city residents. By analyzing a business project for breeding birds, you can avoid various difficulties in advance and correctly calculate finances and opportunities.

As with any business you decide to start, it is important to be responsible at each stage of business development in order to get a good result. A business plan for breeding chickens includes compliance with the technical rules for keeping chickens, a constant change of livestock and well-organized markets for the sale of products will be the key to obtaining the first and steadily growing profit.

First of all, you need to purchase chickens and young laying hens and you should not skimp on this, as this is perhaps the most important part of your success. In order to purchase the first batch of chickens, you need to decide on the breed. You can rely on your knowledge and experience when choosing, but you should not neglect the recommendations of professionals in this matter.

For breeding on farms and poultry farms, types of chickens are used depending on their purpose:

  • decorative
  • meat
  • egg
  • meat and eggs

Following logic, we understand that egg hens are suitable for building a business selling chicken eggs, and meat and egg products will bring profit from both the sale of eggs and poultry meat. To reduce costs for initial stage To build a business, you can buy grown-up laying hens at the age of about two weeks.

The chicks grow quickly and at five months they already produce their first eggs. There are breeds that lay eggs all year round, subject to the rules of maintenance and regulation of lighting and temperature.

Methods of keeping chickens

Based on the characteristics of chicken breeds, there are methods of keeping chickens or, as they are also called, a poultry house for laying hens.

  • floor method of maintenance (on permanent bedding and on mesh floors).
  • cellular method of maintenance (does not require bedding, easier observation, automation of the process).
  • aviary method of keeping (better for southern areas, chickens in the fresh air).
  • combined

What to look for when implementing a business plan for raising chickens
The correct approach when analyzing a business plan would be a detailed study of all possible risks and a calculation of the profitability of the enterprise. The production and sale of eggs, protein-dietary poultry meat and other parts of poultry is the fastest-paying area.

Also, the number of heads in your yard and the conditions in which they are kept will affect the financial investment, the amount of necessary feed, vitamins and the percentage of death or sick individuals. This also needs to be taken into account when drawing up a business plan for raising chickens.

For the purchase of livestock, young animals 4-5 months from the moment of hatching are suitable, since they will produce the first eggs faster than newborns. Be sure to purchase poultry from trusted and reliable sellers, this will allow you to avoid problems with the quality and health of birds in the future.

Breeding chickens for beginners. Where to start?

Data for meat production:

  • one chicken cycle (chicken is a carcass ready for slaughter) is approximately 120 days. We count how many cycles there are in a year.
  • receiving meat after half a year = 1.3kg, and after a year and a half = 1.7kg.
  • The time from the purchase of chickens to the carcass ready for slaughter is from six months to 16 months.
  • the percentage of poultry death and unsuitability for production is about 5-6%

Data for egg production:

Having decided to breed chickens and roosters, one of the questions that will arise sooner or later is whether to buy an incubator or not. Of course, you can buy young crusts as needed and start the cycle again. However, is it worth doing this if you can hatch chickens yourself, using an incubator, which you can either buy or rent? The decision here is yours.

If you decide to start raising chickens seriously and on a large scale, it is worth investing in the purchase of an industrial incubator, which, if necessary, can be powered from a generator (acquired over time). The advantages of such an incubator will be the ability to regulate the humidity and temperature inside and the automated movement of trays with eggs.

Organizational aspects in the implementation of a business plan for raising chickens

What points do you need to consider when developing a business plan? Below is what 100% needs to be taken into account. The only thing we won’t do is give specific figures for certain costs, since in different regions and in different times prices for everything you need will vary. Therefore, build your calculations based on specific data obtained in the process of searching for the necessary information.

Things to consider:

  • costs of renting the required space;
  • feed costs (per month, per year);
  • electricity payments;
  • purchase of chickens (young hens) and assistance from a veterinarian;
  • expenses for transportation, accounting, etc.

Preliminary calculations for the business plan “Chicken Breeding”

Before you run to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you need to contact professional farmers and a consulting agency to calculate possible risks and costs. This will give a complete picture of building a profitable and profitable business.

Farmers who have been breeding chickens for a long time are advised to start with no less than one hundred young birds, otherwise, ill-considered investments may not pay off.
Based on the experience of an average farm raising chickens, minimum costs vary from 100,000 rubles. 100,000 is the minimum bet with a high payback ratio for the business, with a competent approach.

Sales of products from the poultry farm

Despite the fact that above we described the main points of building a chicken business, selling products from a chicken farm is the final and decisive moment for making a profit.
If the sales market is not streamlined, then even a highly organized farmstead will not be a source of income.

Markets for chicken products:

  • your retail outlets
  • food market
  • shops
  • restaurants
  • canteens
  • sales intermediaries

Let's sum it up

Undoubtedly, a chicken farm, even a small one, is good source earnings with proper organization and investments. This niche is suitable for those who have a small start-up capital and a desire to make money from their business. Raising chickens and cockerels, although labor-intensive, is not difficult and anyone can do it, both in the city and in the countryside.

We sincerely believe that the information presented will help you get started and get a good result by starting to breed hens and chicks.

Good luck in your endeavors!

Among the many suggestions, ideas and tips for starting a profitable business, the most accessible is raising egg-laying chickens. This does not require special knowledge or expensive equipment. It is enough to have a desire and a small investment to implement the idea.

Chicken business does not require large investments

Business plan

Starting your own business is not easy. To conduct business, you should first study special literature. You can get acquainted with all the intricacies of this matter and discuss your ideas on the Internet and on forums.

There are two options: the first is to raise meat poultry (broilers), and the second is to raise egg-laying poultry. Calculate everything possible options so that growing this bird brings more profit than loss.

First, a business plan is drawn up, which includes the main provisions, ideas and tasks. Compose it yourself or seek help from specialists. The plan includes the following points:

  • Determination of profitability. The concept of profitability includes the ratio of expenses for organizing a business to the profit received. This makes it possible to understand whether it makes sense to breed egg-laying chickens or whether it is worth abandoning this idea.
  • Searching for investments that will allow you to implement your business plan.
  • Business registration.
  • The plan provides for a number of solutions economic issues. All nuances are studied in detail and thoroughly calculated.
  • Solving practical problems in arranging premises for keeping and breeding chickens. The business plan must include the arrangement of a chicken coop.
  • The plan includes the issue of sales markets finished products. It is important to consider how long it will take to pay off the costs. During the implementation of the business plan, unforeseen risks may appear. They should be taken into account and corrective measures taken.

The business plan must contain all stages of chicken life support

The benefits of raising chickens

Chickens are quite unpretentious, so it is profitable to raise them at home. Compete with the big ones farms unrealistic. But the quality of eggs from domestic chickens allows you to make a good profit. Over time, a small business can expand.

If there are doubts about the success of the idea, then first it is better to start raising egg-laying chickens or broilers at home without registering a business.

If the profitability is high enough, then you can sell your products on the markets.

To avoid problems with taxes, business registration is required in the future. This will allow you to start selling goods in all retail outlets: shops, restaurants and supermarkets.

If the idea of ​​selling chicken eggs turns out to be economically unprofitable, then you can try to start breeding broilers. This idea is also not bad. After all, broilers quickly gain weight and after 2 months you can supply meat products to markets.

Chicken is an unpretentious animal that can bring great profit from the sale of meat and eggs.

Selection of laying hens

Chicken eggs are a very valuable product. The digestibility of the protein contained in domestic eggs is about 97%. Each person should consume approximately 292 eggs throughout the year. This is the only type of product that people receive in natural packaging; moreover, they are sterile and free of germs, which cannot be said about store or market products.

For your business to be profitable, you need to choose the right laying hens. There are a lot of breeds. The Leghorn and Pushkinskaya breeds are distinguished by high egg production. Chickens Loman Brown and Kuchinskaya Jubilee have proven themselves to be excellent.

If you have an idea to raise meat chickens at the same time, then preference should be given to purchasing broilers. You should immediately decide what exactly you want, and then make a decision.

The cost of feeding laying hens is incomparable with the cost of broiler feed. In a business plan, they do not represent large financial costs. This adds another plus to the idea of ​​raising laying hens as a business.

Broilers are the most profitable meat breed


Beginning poultry farmers need to know what to look for when choosing layers.

Chickens of egg-laying breeds differ little from each other. There may be changes in the shape of the crest, plumage or color of the metatarsus. However, there are a number of features:

  • You should look at the head. It is oval and small, the eyes are bulging and shiny.
  • Their earlobes are small.
  • The beak of good laying hens is slightly bent downward. The young hen has bright red earrings. As egg production decreases, brightness and size are lost.
  • The length of the neck is of medium size with developed feathers. Laying hens are characterized by a wide chest shape.
  • It is recommended to take those chickens that have wings large sizes, tightly adjacent to the body. The tail feathers are long.

Natural data is not always decisive. The egg production of chickens largely depends on the conditions in which the birds are kept and cared for.

A red comb and a beak curved downwards are an indicator of good egg production

Several methods are used to breed and keep chickens at home. Sometimes birds are raised in cages. To do this:

To make a profit, it is preferable to keep chickens in spacious pens.

For normal egg production, laying hens need a walk in the fresh air

Chicken coop

  • The chicken coop is equipped with a perch and nests. This is done so that each bird can fit comfortably in the nest and perch. On average 7 nests for 15 hens.
  • Small windows are made in the chicken coop, which are necessary for regular ventilation of the room in the summer.
  • The poultry house must have lighting, which is lacking in winter time. Chickens will lay eggs better as daylight increases. Its duration is at least 17 hours.
  • A prerequisite for preserving the poultry population is compliance with temperature regime. Best option this is from -2⁰С to 28⁰С. If it is very cold in winter, then the chicken coop should be well insulated.

The area of ​​the chicken coop should be taken into account. For 20 chickens, approximately 10 m² of space is enough. For broilers this area should be twice as large.

You should know that one rooster is enough for 10-15 chickens. The number of roosters does not affect the egg production of chickens.

The chicken coop is made at the rate of 10 square meters. m. for 20 chickens

Chicken diet

The chickens' diet must contain all the necessary components and vitamins. The use of grains should make up 50% of the main feed. IN winter period the birds are fed with mixed feed and mash with mineral supplements, herbs and food waste.

To obtain high-quality eggs, add sand to boxes with eggshells, chalk and crushed shells, which are happily eaten by chickens.

Such a business will not bring millions in profit, but it will provide a stable income. If breeding and raising poultry brings not only trouble, but also joy, then what more could you want in our difficult times.

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