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The statue of David, created by the outstanding Italian sculptor Michelangelo Buonarroti, has amazed Italians and guests of Florence with its grandeur for more than five hundred years.

This statue made a name for its creator, who earned a handsome payment for its months-long creation. In a short time, the whole world was filled with its duplicates, which broke the record for the number of copies released. Today, the original structure, carved from white marble by the hands of Buonarroti, can be seen in the museums of the Academy of Fine Arts of Italy.

The statue became a symbol of freedom and strength for the Italian people, divided in the 15th century internal conflicts and external wars.

Creation stories

The Renaissance, which gave the world new look on the role of man in science and religion, combines the ancient vision, where the main character of the artistic line is man, as the crown of nature. Therefore, the statue of David, having absorbed all these qualities, becomes its main ideal. It was created during the heyday of the Renaissance, changed artists and location, suffered from nature and human ignorance, saw outstanding personalities of the past who remotely participated in its fate.

It all started in the mines of Carrara, where a marble block of enormous size was obtained. This event coincides with the desire of the wool merchants' guild to install stone characters from the Old Testament around the central temple. They were entrusted with the improvement and decoration of Santa Maria del Fiore, and they decided that the number of biblical statues should be twelve, symbolizing the special attitude of the Florentine people to religion. According to the plan, all figures should amaze with their scope, creating large sizes. The six-meter-long material obtained, of amazing dimensions, was from the first days intended for the second king of Israel.

David is an outstanding biblical character who, from an ordinary shepherd, overcame a difficult path to the throne. Having defeated the first warrior of the main enemy of the Israeli people, Goliath from Gath, in a difficult battle, he still carries the victorious spirit in his name. The guy is often depicted on historical monuments, and repeatedly becomes a central figure in the Renaissance. The young man was able to prove his involvement in the royal family with endurance and unwavering courage and is an important religious hero for many people from different faiths.

The statue of David, created in Florence by the hands of Michelangelo, has interesting story. Her way on central place The state square was thorny and tortuous. The main difficulty was resolving the issue of finding a master ready to create a masterpiece of this size. On the territory of the cathedral there were already two works commissioned by the guild, which were created by Donatello and his assistant Agostino di Duccio, so they became the first sculptors to evaluate the material and mentally create the future image. After the death of the master, his apprentice became the only candidate for the role of creator, but in 1466 he also retired. The raw material falls into the hands of Simone of Fiesole, whose small achievements in hewing legs greatly complicated Michelangelo's work. With his inept movements, he left irreparable marks on the man’s ideal muscular body and forever determined the pose occupied by the hero. The sculptor managed to make a hole through the king’s legs and cut the marble with tools so that in some places the marks are still visible.

For several decades until the beginning of the 16th century, the abandoned giant block stood, collapsing under the natural elements on open area. Many talented individuals were offered to complete what they started, including the already recognized Leonardo da Vinci. In his old age, he, like the others, did not consider it necessary to fix other people’s shortcomings and saw the material, which had been left unprotected by nature for forty years, as spoiled.

Many consider the statue of David to be the most beautiful and impressive work of the “Renaissance era”. Now the original statue is installed in Florence at the Academy of Fine Arts. The last restoration of this creation by Michelangelo Buonarroti was carried out in 2003 and now you can see it by visiting the academy building.

In this article we will talk about the statue itself, how to get to the Academy of Fine Arts and why the biblical David has become one of the symbols of Florence.

In 1504, when the work was completed, the statue turned out to be so beautiful that there was controversy about where to install it. Initially they planned to install it next to the Florence Cathedral, but many realized that it would be more reasonable to place it in the central square. The statue had not only religious, but also political significance.

David, who defeated the giant warrior Goliath with just one sling shot, was very close to the people of Florence. The city-republic of Florence was a small but proud country that was constantly under threat of invasion by much stronger rivals. France threatened from the north, and the Papal States from the south. Now you understand why the image of David was so popular in the works of art of Florentine authors.

There were many adventures with the statue; it went through several restorations, which we will talk about at the end of this article.

How to get to the Academy of Fine Arts, where the statue of David is located.

Unfortunately, there is no metro in Florence, and the main transport in the city is the bus. The Academy is located in the very center of the city, right at the intersection of main routes. It is very likely that one of the buses going to the academy stops near your hotel.

Look for buses with numbers 6, 14, 19, 23 and 31, they need to get to the stop “Ss. Annunziata - Istituto Degli Innocent.” Or take buses 1, 11, 17, 19, 52, 54, 82, C1 or G to the stop "Ricasoli - Gran Caffe" San Marco".

A ticket at the box office costs (at the time of writing) 6.5 euros, which for Italy can be considered a very “democratic” price.

What to look for when viewing the Statue of David.

The first strong impression you will get even without our advice will come from the size of the statue. Of course, everyone’s impressions of viewing works of art are different; we understand that all this is very subjective. The statue has a height of 5.16 meters and the stand also raises it by 20 centimeters. The biblical hero looks majestic.

Agree, not all items large size make a strong impression on people, there is a difference between something that is simply big and something that seems grandiose. The statue of David by Michelangelo Buonarroti good example in the second case, it does not have gigantic dimensions, but it looks impressive.

The second thing to notice is David's view. He is tense as he prepares to fight the mighty Goliath.

According to legend, Goliath was not just big, but simply a huge warrior. His height was 2.7 meters. Most likely this is an error in the translation of ancient measures of length or simply a deliberate embellishment of the victory that ancient world did not disdain.

Let us recall that David emerged victorious from this battle, hitting Goliath with a single shot from his sling. On the statue he is depicted with this weapon. This sculpture is different from many others depicting this subject. Usually, David is depicted after the victory, and Michelangelo showed the hero before the fight.

And don’t forget that the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence contains many more interesting things besides the famous creation of Michelangelo.

“Adventures” and restoration of the statue of David.

The first “adventure” happened with the statue while it was being transported to the Palazzo Vecchio. A group of supporters of the overthrown Medici dynasty tried to damage the sculpture, but nothing good came of it. The second danger threatened the statue already in 1512 when lightning struck the base; fortunately, there was no damage to the statue itself.

In 1527, during the uprising, the statue was badly damaged, as supporters of the republic took refuge in the Palazzo Vecchio and threw stones and even furniture at the enemy. The sculpture was damaged left hand and a sling. After the riots subsided, the statue was restored.

In 1843, it was decided to restore the statue, since it had been on display for 350 years. outdoors very spoiled appearance. The methods of 19th century restorers were simply terrible. Acid was used and cutting tools, top layer the marble was simply removed.

A comprehensive restoration was carried out in 2003, and now in Florence you can see David at its best.

Have a good time visiting Florence and read our materials about Italy on the website ( links can be found below).

David is the most recognizable silhouette

Everyone knows that Florence is the pearl of Italy, and millions of tourists come here to enjoy the unforgettable mood created by the outstanding Florentines. And contribution David to the state treasury - 8 million euros per year. It is not surprising that Florentines want to receive their interest from this amount, since the government has significantly reduced budget transfers for local authorities.

How was this handsome David created, which became the cause of disagreement between Rome and Florence and one of the most copied sculptures in the world?

Maestro Michelangelo captured the image King David, focused on the upcoming battle with Goliath. The young king ruled Judah for 7 years, and then ruled the united kingdom of Israel and Judah for another 33 years. He is considered an ideal ruler, which is why the sculptor created the ideal body of David. Although, anatomists still saw the missing muscle under the right shoulder blade on the back of David.

The public was stunned by the perfect execution of the image of the king, from whose family, according to the New Testament, the Messiah came. Giorgio Vasari wrote that the giant statue of David, made by a twenty-six-year-old, “took away the glory of all statues, modern and ancient, Greek and Roman. This David, this majestic and beautiful young man, full of boundless courage and strength, calm, but at the same time ready to deploy this courage to defeat the threat, confident in his victory and in his rightness.”

Copy of David, made by Michelangelo himself, Piazza della Signoria, Florence

According to biblical legend, still very young David(then he was a simple shepherd, and later proved himself to be a wise ruler) killed Philistine warrior Goliath, defeating him in a duel with a sling, and then cuts off the giant's head. And so, according to the Florentine bibliographer Vasari, Michelangelo created a statue of the winner for his native Florence, because David "just protector and ruler of his people". Thus, the great sculptor, with his creation, wanted to define the ideal in which he saw the salvation of the offended fatherland.

Such a sample Michelangelo I didn’t even try to look around. While Raphael and painted portraits, and according to the notes of the same Giorgio Vasari, sculptor and artist Michelangelo “I was horrified by the idea of ​​sketching a person if he did not have ideal beauty”.

To make his cherished dream, the master took a piece of marble, which many sculptors had already abandoned, and they doubted whether Michelangelo would come up with anything sensible.

One day, the Florentines decided to donate a copy of David to full height, 5 meters 17 centimeters, on September 25, 1995, on the anniversary of the city of Jerusalem, it turned 3000 years old. The Florentines believed this was very symbolic: Jewish king David For Israel. But city authorities Jerusalem, having examined David, refused, citing the fact that the sculpture is naked, and therefore it is clearly visible that the king of the Jews is not circumcised. Jerusalem officials apparently assumed what exactly the Israelis could do with the statue of the uncircumcised king...

Svetlana Konobella, from Italy with love!

About konobella

Svetlana Konobella, writer, publicist and sommelier of the Italian Association (Associazione Italiana Sommelier). Cultivist and implementer of various ideas. What inspires: 1. Everything that goes beyond generally accepted ideas, but honoring traditions is not alien to me. 2. A moment of unity with the object of attention, for example, with the roar of a waterfall, a sunrise in the mountains, a glass of unique wine on the shore of a mountain lake, a fire burning in the forest, a starry sky. Who inspires: Those who create their world, complete bright colors, emotions and impressions. I live in Italy and love its rules, style, traditions, as well as know-how, but the Motherland and compatriots are forever in my heart. Editor of the portal www..

Wonders of Florence: the sculpture of David.

Michelangelo is an Italian architect, painter, poet and sculptor, known throughout the world for his unique creations. The most striking and recognizable work of the master was the statue of David in Florence. About the history and description of this masterpiece, as well as interesting facts and other impressive works of the master, you will read in this article.

History of Michelangelo's statue

In the 15th century in Florence there were construction work for the construction of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. During the years of completion of construction, the question of decoration arose interior interiors buildings. This business was carried out by a successful and enterprising guild of wool merchants. They were both the customer and the sponsor of the construction of the temple, as well as its interior design. Members of the society agreed that to give the building special beauty and sophistication, it was necessary to decorate it with 12 statues of prophets from the Old Testament.

In 1464, the sculptor Donatello and his student Agostino di Duccio created 2 statues. The guild liked the work of the masters, and they ordered another statue from them - David. For this purpose, he was brought to Florence big piece marble quarried in Carrara. After Donatello's death in 1466, his apprentice refused to fulfill the contract. The creation of David passed into the hands of Antonio Rossellino, however, he was unable to fulfill the order given to him.

The block under open air, nicknamed "The Giant" by locals. Due to changes in weather and temperature, the marble decreased in size, cracks and chips appeared on it. At the beginning of the 16th century, the cathedral ministers consulted with Leonardo da Vinci, who recognized the stone as suitable for creating sculpture.

The next master who was entrusted with the execution of the statue of David was 26-year-old Michelangelo Buonarroti. In August 1501, he signed the contract, and a month later began processing the shapeless marble into a masterpiece of the ideal human body. The sculptor worked alone for days on end. The block stood in the open air, so in the process of creating his creation, Michelangelo bravely endured heavy rains, winter cold, and summer heat.

In January 1504, a “display” of the finished statue of David was planned. Such Florentine masters as Andrea della Robbia, Botticelli, Giuliano and Antonio Sangallo, Perugino, Andrea Sovino and others came to the cathedral. They had to evaluate the creation of the young and ambitious Italian. After removing the fence protecting the sculpture from prying eyes, Michelangelo's ideal David appeared to the gaze of the assembled critics. All the visiting masters admired his creation, and the Signoria who was present suggested making the sculpture a symbol of the new Republican Florence.

David was placed in the Piazza della Signoria in May 1504, on the site of Donatello's statue of Judith. In 1527, the rule of Florence was again in the hands of the Medici family. As a result of the defense of one of the city's buildings, David's hand was smashed to pieces. The sculptor Vasari collected the fragments, and 16 years later (1543) he restored the masterpiece at the behest of Cosimo I de' Medici.

David stood in the open air for several centuries. Due to the variability of the weather, the material became unusable. In the 19th century, the sculpture underwent 2 restorations, but they were carried out extremely unsuccessfully. In 1873, David was moved to the Academy Gallery, where he occupied a specially designated place for him - a large podium. The place in Piazza della Signoria was also not left desolate. In 1910, an excellent copy of the Old Testament character was installed here.

In 2003-2004, Michelangelo's statue was cleaned of accumulated layers of dust and dirt. The work was carried out by professional restorers. Unfortunately, some guests of the Florence museum damage the majestic sculpture. In 1991, one of the visitors managed to break off several pieces of marble from the toes of David’s left foot.

Description of the statue of David

Michelangelo's sculpture of David is considered the finest work of art of the Italian Renaissance. The marble youth from the tales of the Old Testament is recognized as a perfect creation and the ideal of male beauty.

The original statue of David has a height of 5 m 17 cm. It depicts a naked young man who is preparing for the upcoming battle with Goliath. Michelangelo's statue is a kind of innovation, because... the master's predecessors created sculptures of a hero triumphing over a fallen giant. You can notice concentration and calm in David’s pose. The expression on his face suggests that the young man is not afraid of Goliath. David's muscles are tense: his left hand holds a sling thrown over his shoulder. The weapon is picked up from below right hand, in which the hero holds a stone. The figure of David suggests that he is ready to fight a strong enemy and has prepared a deadly blow for him.

Today the original statue of David is in the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence.

  1. David is a character in the Bible. According to the biblical legend, the young man defeated Goliath with a stone and a sling, although the hero’s naked body contradicts the foundations of the religious book.
  2. David in Florence is almost 3 times the height of a man.
  3. The young man's right hand is asymmetrical and does not fit the proportions of the rest of the body. Many experts believe that this “oversight” was made specifically to emphasize David’s nickname – a strong hand.
  4. Due to the fact that the sling is in David's left hand, the hero is considered left-handed. However, the position of the sculpture's body suggests otherwise.
  5. Initially, the statue of Michelangelo was planned to be placed on the dome of the cathedral. Having seen the masterpiece created by the master, they decided to place it in a more prominent place - Piazza della Signoria.
  6. Before creating the famous David, Michelangelo managed to establish himself as a talented sculptor. The work “Roman Pieta” brought fame to the master. Later, the Italian created the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel, and was recognized as an outstanding painter of the time.
  7. The pose of David has clear similarities with sculptures of Hercules.
  8. David has many copies. The most famous of them are located in Piazza della Signoria and Michelangelo in Florence, in the Albert and Victoria Museum in London, and in the Pushkin Museum in Moscow.
  9. In 1857, Queen Victoria of England was given a copy of David. The queen did not like the hero's nudity, and she ordered his genitals to be covered with a fig leaf made of plaster.
  10. In the 20th century, the authorities of Florence wanted to donate a cast of a sculpture of an Old Testament character to Jerusalem. The authorities of the Israeli city refused the gift, citing the fact that David was depicted as an Italian and not a Jew. According to the country's religion, Jewish men must have their foreskin circumcised.

Other works by Michelangelo

During his life, Michelangelo created many valuable works of art. In addition to David, the Roman Pieta and the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel, the master created the following masterpieces:

Sculptures and bas-reliefs:

  • Madonna at the Staircase;
  • Battle of the Centaurs;
  • Crucifixion;
  • Saint Proclus;
  • Saint Peter;
  • Angel;
  • St. Paul;
  • Bacchus (Michelangelo's first creation);
  • Saint Pius I;
  • St. George I;
  • Venus and Cupid;
  • Saint Matthew;
  • Moses et al.


  • Entombment;
  • Madonna Donnie;
  • Madonna and Child;
  • Last Judgment;
  • Tityus;
  • Cleopatra;
  • Crucifixion of St. Peter;
  • Epiphany, etc.


  • tombstone of Giuliano Medici;
  • lobby, staircase and reading room of the Laurentian Library;
  • Palace of the Conservatives in Rome;
  • tomb of Julius II;
  • Palazzo Farnese in Rome;
  • Porta Pius in Rome;
  • Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri in Rome, etc.

Some of the works of the Italian master were lost over time. In addition, several creations have no evidence of Michelangelo's authorship.

The famous David, whose statue is located in Florence, is recognized as an outstanding masterpiece not only by Michelangelo Buonarroti, but also by the entire Italian Renaissance. If you are in this region of Italy, be sure to visit the Academy of Fine Arts and look at the famous 5-meter sculpture with your own eyes.

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