What are plastic utensils made of? Crafts from disposable tableware. The polymers from which disposable tableware is made are absolutely harmless: true

Plastic bottles, containers and utensils have become a part of our everyday life. But simultaneously with “plasticization,” reports are increasingly appearing about the danger that this material poses: under certain conditions, it releases toxic compounds that, when entering the human body, gradually undermine his health.

American scientists claim that up to 80% of “plastic” substances found in the human body get there from construction and finishing materials, in particular, from such popular plastic windows, furniture, but most of all - from dishes: from food-grade plastic, all kinds of compounds pass into food products. Domestic producers, in turn, assure that certified plastic dishes absolutely safe. However, there is a reservation: if you use it for its intended purpose.

The most common polymer materials (or plastics) are polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene, polyethylene, polystyrene and polycarbonate. Both technical and food plastics are produced from them. The polymers themselves are inert, non-toxic and do not “migrate” into food. But intermediate substances, technological additives, solvents, as well as chemical decomposition products can penetrate into food and have a toxic effect on humans.

This process can occur while food is being stored or when it is heated. In addition, polymer materials are subject to change (aging), as a result of which destruction products are released from them. Moreover various types plastics become toxic when different conditions- some cannot be heated, others cannot be washed, etc.

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Plastic bottles, containers and utensils have become a part of our everyday life. But not all housewives have complete information about the degree of harm of plastic to the human body.

The most common polymeric materials (plastics, plastics) are polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene, polyethylene, polystyrene and polycarbonate. Both technical and food plastics are produced from them.

Text: Elena Omelchenko.

Plastic plates spoiled by additives

The polymers themselves are inert, non-toxic and do not “migrate” into food. But intermediate substances, technological additives, solvents, as well as chemical decomposition products can penetrate into food and have a toxic effect on humans.

This can happen while food is being stored or when it is heated. In addition, polymer materials are subject to change (aging), which releases harmful substances. At the same time, different types of plastic become toxic under different conditions - some cannot be heated, others cannot be washed.

Polyvinyl chloride is a chlorine-based polymer. It is cheap and therefore ubiquitous throughout the world. PVC is used to make bottles for drinks, boxes for cosmetics, containers for household chemicals, and disposable tableware.

As PVC ages, it begins to release a harmful substance - vinyl chloride, which is carcinogenic. Naturally, it gets from the bottle into soda, from the plate into food, and from there directly into the human body.

A PVC bottle begins to release this dangerous substance about a week after the contents are poured into it. After a month, several milligrams of vinyl chloride accumulate in mineral water. From the point of view of oncologists, this is a lot.

Often plastic bottles are reused, tea or fruit drinks are poured into them, and even alcoholic drinks. Milk and butter are sold in plastic bottles in markets; At dachas, large five-liter bottles are often used to store water and other drinks.

However, experts are unanimous: water bottles should not be refilled with anything other than water. And even then not all of them. Only PET bottles can be reused. From PVC bottles (i.e. from bottles made with using PVC) toxic vinyl chloride is released. Such bottles must have a special sign on the bottom: three in a triangle.

A harmful container can also be recognized by the influx on the bottom. It comes in the form of a line or a spear with two ends. But the surest way is to press the bottle with your fingernail. If the container is dangerous, a whitish scar will form on it. The “correct” bottle remains smooth.

However, many experts are confident that any bottle plastic remains neutral only in the absence of oxygen, that is, as long as the water retains its original chemical composition. As soon as the bottle is opened, the water quickly changes its properties, after which the plastic inevitably changes its properties.

The first time it's dishes, the second time it's poison

With the advent of disposable plastic tableware, we have all become active users of it. In fact, how convenient it is not to carry a heavy bag with you on a picnic, but to stock up on a package or two of disposable cups, spoons, forks, and plates of different sizes.

Plastics themselves rarely have harmful effects on humans. But to make them more durable, special stabilizer substances are added to the plastic during production. This is where the main danger to the health of users lies.

It turns out that polystyrene, from which most disposable tableware is made, becomes toxic when heated due to the release of a toxic compound called “styrene.” Thus, once you pour a hot drink into a glass or put a hot dish in it, it can no longer be called safe. But polystyrene (PS) plates are often used in summer cafes for barbecue or even hot soup.

Plastic disposable cups, which are made from polypropylene (PP marking), are “indifferent” to hot liquids and harmful substances do not release when heated. But they have another property: when in contact with alcohol or carbonated drinks (in general, with any complex chemical compounds), such cups may release formaldehyde or phenol. That is, you can drink water from such a glass, but you shouldn’t drink vodka.

To ensure that plastic utensils are safe, they must be used strictly for their intended purpose. Food grade plastic different brands has different properties. One brand of this polymer raw material is intended for the production of water bottles, the other for carbonated drink bottles.

Yogurt cups are made from a grade of plastic that allows the molding process to produce a lightweight, cheap container that is still neutral to milk fat, while pudding cups must resist sugar.

Therefore, experts insist: in no case should plastic packaging be used as containers for storing food, and disposable tableware should not be used repeatedly.

How plastic will react to contact with ingredients for which it was not intended, no one has studied what compounds may form in this case. Particularly insidious are fats and acids, which can extract free toxic compounds from plastic.

There is one more important point. Before reuse, the plastic container must be washed. Disposable packaging was not intended for washing, so the result is unpredictable. The release of various compounds from plastic increases many times over when heated. Therefore, only special containers can be used in the microwave oven.

If you buy groceries periodically instant cooking, requiring only a few minutes of heating in the microwave or oven, do not be lazy - transfer the food to a ceramic or enamel dishes, and then heat it up. This will not change the taste properties, but the health hazard can be avoided: manufacturers often go to various lengths to reduce the cost of a particular product.

The exception is frozen ready-made meals in trays: the dishes in them can be heated in the microwave or oven, since they are made from crystallized polyethylene terephthalate. The properties of this compound remain unchanged in the range from -40° to +250 C.

True, some brands may lose the necessary heat resistance after being subjected to deep cooling. By the way, if the marking says that the dishes can be washed in dishwasher, which means it is resistant to heat.

Plastic code

At one time, to simplify the sorting of plastic, a special international marking was developed: triangles formed by arrows with a number inside. The number indicates the type of plastic. Instead of a number or under a triangle, at the same time as a number, you can find the letter code of the plastic:

PET: polyethylene phthalate: bottles for carbonated drinks, water, juices, dairy products, vegetable oils, cosmetic products, etc.

HDP: high-density polyethylene: packaging bags, garbage bags.

PVC: polyvinyl chloride: construction and finishing materials, furniture, shoes, medical products, water bottles, cling film

LDP: low density polyethylene: bottles for detergents, toys, pipes

PP: polypropylene: medical products, dishes for hot dishes, food packaging film

PS: polystyrene: disposable tableware, cups for dairy products, yogurt, electrical insulating film.

Glass and fork plus snowball

In accordance with the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, any manufacturer is obliged to label its products. Food-grade plastic has a generally accepted marking - the “glass and fork” icon. The product may be written that it is intended for cold, bulk or hot products, for use in a microwave oven or for freezing, sometimes the temperature range within which the item can be used is indicated.

“Snowflakes” indicate that the container is suitable for freezing food, “stove with waves” means that this container can be used to heat food in the microwave, and “shower plates” indicate that the containers can be washed in the dishwasher.

All types of plastic used for the production of products that come into contact with food must undergo examination for compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. But at the same time, compliance with the declared purpose is checked: that is, if the manufacturer indicates that the plastic product is intended for storage drinking water, then it is checked as a container for drinking water.

How to pack to store

Any packaging materials, even the most modern ones, have certain restrictions on their use in everyday life. For example, food coated with film cannot be heated in a microwave oven (except for cases specifically stated on the packaging).

Heating, as with disposable cups, can trigger the release of potentially hazardous chemicals from the polyethylene. For the same reason, you should not cover it with film too much. hot food, besides, moisture will actively concentrate under it, which can lead to loss taste qualities product.

Wax paper, a type of thin packaging paper coated with a thin layer of paraffin, should not be placed in the microwave or oven. As a rule, it is used to cover the surface of thick creams, puddings, and cottage cheese to prevent the formation of a dry crust.

Aluminum foil is a practically safe type of packaging material that protects products well from moisture loss. It does not matter which side of the foil touches the product - smooth or matte.

Food wrapped in foil cannot be heated in a microwave oven - not because of the potential harmfulness of heated foil, but because of the ban on placing metal or metal-containing objects in a microwave oven.

IN lately More and more often we store food in plastic containers: they are convenient to take prepared dishes with you to work or on a visit. The only limitation was stated above: avoid heating the plastic. To do this, before heating on the stove, transfer the food to ordinary dishes, and vice versa, do not transfer a still hot dish into the container.

Glass containers, unlike plastic ones, are absolutely safe to use as long as they are not broken. Glass is more practical and durable than plastic and is easier to clean. Before placing food in glass containers on long-term storage in the freezer, or by placing the dish in the oven, check whether the specified brand of glass tolerates high or low temperatures.

Ceramic containers preserve food for a long time and help neutralize the odors of strong-smelling foods (such as salt and pepper). It should not be used in an oven or used for cooking on the stovetop unless the cookware is labeled “heat resistant” or “microwave safe.”

I would like to say a few more words about cans - after all, this is also a unique type of food packaging. To prevent metal from coming into contact with food, inner surface cans are usually lined with plastic film containing biphenol.

As the product is stored, the polymer material from which the packaging is made also ages, releasing toxic biphenol, which can pass into the contents of the can. Therefore, it is very important to observe the shelf life of products: after all, it applies not only to the product itself, but also to its packaging.

It is better to generally reduce the consumption of canned food to a minimum, and when opening a can, immediately transfer the food to a glass or ceramic container. Indeed, under the influence of oxygen, corrosion of the surface of a tin can intensifies, and the content of toxic substances begins to increase.

American scientists claim that up to 80% of “plastic” substances found in the human body come from construction and finishing materials, in particular from the popular plastic windows, furniture, but most of all from dishes: from food plastic, all kinds of compounds pass into food nutrition.

Table 1: Recommended storage times for some foods in the refrigerator compartment


Boiled pasteurized milk

12-36 hours

Pre-cool, cover with a lid.


In foil or sealed container.


In a sealed container.

Melted butter

6-10 months

In a sealed container.

Opened condensed milk

IN tin can You can’t store it, you can’t overfill it!

Smoked sausage

Sausages, sausages

Boiled sausage

Smoked fish

In aluminum foil.

Canned fish

Transfer from an open jar.

Open marinades

Bogdana Zhuravskaya

The production of disposable tableware is a promising and profitable line of business for an entrepreneur who is not afraid of a high barrier to entry into the market. Along with significant capital investments, you must be prepared to overcome a number of risks. The main one is the lack large number highly qualified technologists and open information about the nuances production process. In addition, the environmental movement is becoming increasingly popular in our country. This means that it is necessary to build your activities taking into account the fact that sooner or later the enterprise will have to be reformatted to produce a biodegradable product.

In anticipation of the start

There are many types of disposable tableware. Conventionally, products can be divided into several large groups: plastic, paper, wood and so-called environmentally friendly. The latter category includes both utensils made from biodegradable plastic and latest developments, when cups and plates are made from a variety of raw materials like cereals (edible tableware), cane, corn starch, leaves, bamboo, etc.

Before launching a project, an entrepreneur must clearly indicate what type of product he will produce. There are no universal lines at the moment, and the launch of an enterprise with a large number of installations for products from different materials will require huge investments. Another difficulty is getting effective technology production of disposable tableware. Finding detailed information in the public domain is not easy, and qualified technologists are worth their weight in gold. Therefore, the easiest way to establish the process is to train personnel from the equipment manufacturer.

Next, agreements should be concluded with suppliers of raw materials. There are not many of them on the territory of the Russian Federation, so you can consider options for cooperation with foreign partners. In any case, it is not advisable to focus on only one manufacturer, because a supply failure can cause downtime for a new enterprise.

Having decided on the above questions, you can begin searching for equipment and developing project documentation. As already mentioned, the financial barrier to entry into the market is quite high. Thus, only the purchase of a minimum set of equipment for the production of disposable plastic tableware will require about 12 million rubles. Having a well-developed business plan in hand, it makes sense to start working using investors’ funds.

Basic risks

Potential clients are in no hurry to enter into preliminary agreements with a new manufacturer and are ready to consider proposals only if they have the required volume of finished products and a package of documents confirming the goods’ compliance with GOST and SanPiN requirements.

As for competition, you will have to deal with a pool of domestic and foreign companies, most of which have strong positions in the market, have certain experience and, importantly, customer trust. For example, Chinese manufacturers, thanks to huge volumes, are able to offer very attractive price offers.

Another conditional difficulty is the seasonal demand for products. Expanding the range will help maintain balance.

Main consumers of disposable tableware

Among the wholesale buyers that a manufacturer of disposable tableware needs to target:

  • , canteens, pizzerias and other establishments catering;
  • seasonal takeaway food stalls;
  • food delivery services;
  • markets of various formats, catering companies with their own culinary production;
  • agencies for organizing picnics and outdoor holidays;
  • enterprises engaged in the sale of vegetables and fruits.

As you can see, the list of opportunities for selling products is quite wide. An entrepreneur just needs to create a profitable offer and convey information about it to as many partners as possible.

Types of disposable tableware

To comprehensively satisfy consumer demand, the manufacturer’s assortment must include disposable tableware for drinks, soups, main courses, snacks, packaging various products, as well as salad bowls, cutlery, straws, plastic lids for take-out drinks and stir sticks.

Several types of raw materials can be used to manufacture products: plastic, including its degradable variety, special paper, wood. In addition, dishes made from natural materials.

Disposable plastic tableware

Plastic dishes have a whole series benefits. It is convenient, hygienic, practical, and very inexpensive. The versatility of the material allows us to produce a wide range of products - plates, cups, cutlery, straws, stir sticks different colors, shape and size. If necessary, you can apply a logo or a bright design.

Equipment for the production of plastic tableware

A standard disposable tableware production line contains:

  • thermoforming machine;
  • extruder;
  • mold;
  • compressor.

The minimum cost of a set of equipment is about 3 million rubles. costs for the first batch of raw materials - from 100 thousand rubles.

Manufacturing technology + Video

Two types of plastic are used to produce tableware:

  • foam propylene (durable, plastic, resistant to heat, utensils made from it can be used for hot dishes and drinks, designated PP with the number 5);
  • polystyrene (products cannot withstand heat, food cannot be stored in them, designated PS with the number 6).

The raw materials for the production of plastic tableware are granular polymers that look like balls of. The price per ton of granules ranges from 45-100 thousand rubles, which depends on the brand, diameter and other characteristics.

This raw material is used by full-cycle enterprises where granules are melted and film is made from which plastic tableware is produced. In an incomplete cycle, the manufacturer uses finished film costing 100-190 thousand rubles. per ton.

Full cycle The production of disposable tableware includes the following stages:

  • Melting granules. White or, if we are talking about the manufacture of colored dishes, multi-colored balls are placed in an extruder, where the raw material is heated to the melting point with constant stirring by a screw press.
  • Film making. Having reached the desired consistency, the mass is fed to a press, through which a plastic sheet 2 mm thick is obtained.
  • Shaping products. The film enters the thermoforming unit, is heated to a plastic state and drawn into molds.
  • Cutting out elements. The whole web with the formed dishes is moved to the trimmer, where the individual elements are separated from the whole web. Plastic pieces are sent for recycling.
  • Next, the dishes are sorted and fed to the conveyor, where they are modified - logos are applied, edges are folded, etc.
  • Package. The machine selects required quantity products and places them in film.

A similar method is used to produce tableware from biodegradable plastic.

Video how to do it:

Disposable tableware made of bioplastic

Disposable tableware made from biodegradable plastic is marketed as “green”, but the material, although to a lesser extent than its biostable counterpart, still pollutes the environment, since decomposition releases methane and carbon dioxide. However, supporters of an eco-friendly lifestyle welcome this decision on the principle of choosing the “lesser evil” and are happy to use the product.

Main competitors

Among the giants of the disposable tableware market we can note following companies: U2B, My Dishes, GORNOV GROUP, “Plastic Step”, “Mystery”, Papperskopp Rus, Huhtamaki, “Trial Market”, PapStar, The Paper Cup Company.

From this article you will learn:

  • When did the first plastic disposable plates appear?
  • How disposable plastic plates are made today
  • What types of disposable plastic plates are there?
  • Which disposable plates are best? Where are disposable plastic plates used?
  • What are the most common misconceptions about plastic plates?
  • What are the hygienic considerations for using disposable plastic plates?

Disposable tableware is a good help for organizing events. Catering establishments have begun to use plastic plates for their guests. The information that such dishes consist of polystyrene and polypropylene did not hinder the demand of this product. Disposable products have an advantage - their low price compared to paper counterparts. In our article you will learn about the history of disposable plastic plates, and also learn about the areas in which they are popular. We will debunk all the myths about disposable tableware.

The history of the creation of disposable plastic tableware

Disposable tableware appeared more than a century ago thanks to an American student named Hugh Moore. He rolled a piece of cardboard into a cone to create a mug.

The idea to make such an improvised paper vessel came to the student while visiting public catering places. Hugh Moore was dissatisfied with the dirty, carelessly washed dishes offered to him. He wrote an article where he expressed his attitude to what food is served in public catering, and also outlined his idea. His story and idea received a great response among the people of that time. Entrepreneur Lawrence Luellen became interested in Hugh Moore's invention and decided to make a better mug. Thus, Lawrence Luellen became the first to sell disposable tableware.

In 1907, Luellen decided to equip the soda fountains he invented with taped paper cups. He received a patent for this idea. By 1960, the American trade in paper cups reached $50 million a year.

In 1910, a patent was received for a “safe cup” - a sheet of cardboard rolled into a cone.

1947 was the year of the emergence of Tupperware. Earl Silas Tupper developed a method for producing rigid, defatted plastic from black polyethylene slag by refining it.

How disposable plastic plates are made

The process of manufacturing plastic utensils is based on the following stages:

  • the raw material is heated in the extruder and mixed to the desired consistency;
  • the hot mass is processed under pressure, resulting in plastic film;
  • the canvas is placed in a thermoforming machine, which gives shape to future products;
  • using a trimmer, blanks are cut from the film;
  • The finished plates are stacked and packaged.

Types of disposable plastic plates

Disposable plates are functionally different. They can be divided into the following groups:

  • according to the material of manufacture: made of paper and plastic; the surface of the paper tableware is laminated so that liquid food can be eaten from it;
  • by diameter from small to large;
  • by depth: for liquid food - deep, for solid food - flat;
  • by density: thin and dense, the latter allow the product not to lose its temperature. For the same purpose, you can use plates with double walls and a lid;
  • By color scheme: The colors of the plates are very diverse; it is possible to choose products with a pattern suitable for a particular event. Commercial companies Often they order disposable plates with a logo or inscriptions;
  • by configuration: round, triangular, rectangular, oval, etc.;
  • by design: with smooth or carved edges;
  • for special purposes: disposable foil dishes intended for baking in the oven, as well as dishes with separate sections so that food does not mix.

When choosing disposable tableware, you should take into account the properties of each of the above groups.

Which disposable plastic plates have better properties?

Round white disposable plates, which have a small thickness, are the cheapest, and therefore they are most often used in inexpensive catering establishments. These plates are easy to eat from. room temperature, but they are no longer suitable for hot and cold dishes.

The choice of color and shape of disposable plates depends on the individual preferences of the consumer. For example, to create a festive mood at a fun event, bright dishes of an interesting shape are suitable. To make it convenient to put different foods without mixing them (for example, meat, salad), there are disposable plates with partitions. These dishes are similar to lunch boxes. These plates are well suited for a buffet or an outdoor picnic when it is not possible to sit at the table.

What are disposable plastic plates used for?

The scope of application of disposable tableware can be symbolically divided into two groups.

Household is the retail sale of disposable plates (one piece at a time or in small packages) for ordinary people. Industrial consumption is the purchase of tableware in large volumes (wholesale and small wholesale) by organizations and enterprises. Accordingly, companies purchase plates at a lower cost per piece.

In everyday life, disposable plates are often used for:

  • Nature trips and picnics, where it is impossible to wash dishes because there is no clean water nearby.

Thus, in nature it is more convenient to throw away disposable dishes than to take dirty ones home. If you plan to light a fire in the forest, it is better to take paper dishes with you, which can later be burned without harming nature;

  • For family events with a large number invited people(most often this applies to events held outdoors) .

When plastic or paper plates are used, party organizers can rest assured that there will be enough dishes for all guests. Buying several packs of disposable tableware will help solve this issue;

  • For children's parties, at such events you can please children with colorful plates depicting their favorite cartoon characters and fairy tales; In this case, disposable tableware is also relevant because it is safe for children (it cannot be broken and injured on glass).

In the trade area, disposable plates are most needed in enterprises that organize catering, these are:

  • budget canteens and snack bars who save money in this way so as not to spend it on working as a dishwasher;
  • retail outlets , providing takeaway food;
  • large networks fast food , here disposable plates are used not only to save money, but also to show the solidity of the organization. For such companies, tableware is made to order with a logo and other corporate information.

Another mass consumer of disposable tableware are organizations that are not related to the operation of public catering establishments. Business buffets, tastings and other events that involve refreshments for participants are often not held in special banquet halls, so using disposable tableware will help save employees money and time.

Truths and myths about disposable plastic plates

Just 10 years ago, plastic utensils were used very little and were unusual. Over time, people began to wonder about its safety. We found the most known opinions about disposable tableware and tried to find out which of them is true and which is a myth.

The polymers from which disposable tableware is made are absolutely harmless: true

Yes, they are safe. Before launching polymers into mass production, hygienists carefully studied their properties in laboratories. The result of the study was that if you follow all the technological features of manufacturing products, as well as use disposable utensils correctly, they do not pose any harm to human health.

Based on a positive toxico-hygienic assessment by experts, the Ministry of Health allowed the mass production of disposable tableware.

Plastic products can be used several times: myth

If you purchased a drink from plastic bottle, then you should not use it in the future for storing fruit drinks, water, milk and other liquids. The tableware is called “disposable” precisely because it is not intended for repeated use: high temperature, prolonged contact with food, oxygen and UV rays contribute to the aging of polymers.

As a result, low-molecular substances are formed in them, which pass into food products stored in such containers. Liquid that has absorbed these components becomes unfit for drinking.

Polymers can cause cancer: true

In case of uncontrolled production and improper storage polymers begin to release up to 15 different toxic compounds into the environment with an unpleasant specific odor. Once in the human body along with food, they can cause a feeling of discomfort, fatigue, headaches, allergies, and attacks of bronchial asthma. Experiments on animals have shown that certain compounds can become the basis for congenital deformities and malignant tumors.

Domestic plastic is safer than imported: not always

The country of origin of plastic tableware is not as important as the company that makes it. On disposable plates good quality there must be a code, type of material of manufacture and scope of use (“for food products”, “for bulk products” “for cold water", etc.).

By purchasing plastic utensils from a dubious manufacturer, you can harm your health: low-quality materials produced by handicraft methods may include heavy metals, unnatural dyes and others hazardous substances.

Hygienic features of using disposable plastic plates

We often use disposable plastic tableware in everyday life. It has advantages over glassware - plastic does not break, it is light, durable and does not need to be washed.

The information that the material from which plastic utensils are made is not dangerous to humans is correct. Disposable tableware is made from polymers. Before launching a product into large-scale production, specialized laboratories study the effect of polymers on human health. Provided that plastic utensils were produced in accordance with all technological rules and were also used for their intended purpose, they will not cause any harm to human health.

Currently, hygienic assessment of materials and products in contact with food is carried out in accordance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union “On Packaging Safety” TR CU 005/2011.

In order to avoid the negative impact of polymer products, you should follow some rules. First, when purchasing a product, look at the manufacturer. If the company has established itself as law-abiding, following all production standards, then a code will be printed on the product, as well as the composition. Pay attention to the area of ​​application of the dishes (for liquids, solids, bulk ingredients, for hot and cold products).

To be on the safe side, it wouldn’t hurt to learn to understand the special symbols on the product (code). For example, if at the bottom of the vessel there is a sign in the form of a triangle of three arrows, then this indicates the possibility of further recycling of the material and a closed cycle of use (creation, use, disposal). Inside the triangle there are often numbers by which you can recognize the type of material (1–19 – plastic, 20–39 – paper, cardboard, 40–49 – metal, 50–59 – wood, 60–69 – fabrics and textiles, 70–79 - glass).

PS (PS) or number 6 indicates that the product contains polystyrene. It is necessary to store cold foods in such containers. When in contact with hot food or when heated in the microwave, these plates will release toxic styrene.

PP (PP) - polypropylene, these letters are sometimes replaced by a picture of a fork and a glass or the numbers 0.5 and 1. This type of cookware can withstand temperatures above 100 ⁰C, that is, it can be used for hot food and drink (tea), as well as it is used to heat food in a microwave oven.

Products made from polymers should only be used once. With repeated use of disposable tableware, its protective surface is violated, which leads to the release of toxic substances such as cadmium, lead, formaldehyde, phenol, which can subsequently affect negative impact on the human body.

High temperature of food or air, prolonged contact with food particles, UV rays, oxygen cause aging of polymer materials. As a result, toxic substances are released from them, which, in turn, pass into the food contained in disposable containers. By following all the rules for using plastic utensils, you will not cause yourself any harm, but will only make your life more comfortable. However, it is better to resort to this type of product not too often, but as needed, for example, on a camping trip, going out into nature, to a summer cottage.

Where to buy disposable plastic tableware wholesale

The Ecocenter company supplies coolers, pumps and related equipment to Russia for dispensing water from bottles of various sizes. All equipment is supplied under the “ECOCENTER” brand.

We provide the best price-quality ratio of equipment, and also offer our partners excellent service and flexible terms of cooperation.

You can see the attractiveness of collaboration by comparing our prices with similar equipment from other suppliers.

All our equipment meets the standards established in Russia and has quality certificates. We deliver dispensers to our customers, as well as all the necessary spare parts and components in the shortest possible time.

Glasses and mugs, plates of all possible depths, multi-colored knives, forks and spoons made of plastic are produced every year in the millions of tons. More than one party at work, a picnic, and sometimes even a coffee break at business meetings would not be complete without this simple table setting. Using such packaging is convenient and saves a lot of time - these are, perhaps, all the advantages of disposable tableware. There are many more disadvantages.

Disposable plastic packaging does not decompose, it cannot be burned, and when thrown into the street, it turns the city into a garbage dump. But that's not all. Plastic packaging can harm the body of its consumer. Manufacturers, of course, do not report anything about the existing danger, but this does not make the toxicity of the products any less.

What are plastic utensils made of?

The most common materials for plastic disposable tableware are polystyrene, polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride.


Dishes made from it white. Polystyrene is indicated by two large letters PS. This means that the packaging is intended only for cold food products. When hot tea or coffee is poured into such a container, the plastic heats up and begins to release styrene. The same thing happens when heating food in polystyrene packaging in the microwave. Of course, a one-time ingestion of styrene into the body will not cause harm, but if you constantly buy lunch in such packaging and heat it in the microwave, the dangerous substance accumulates in the body. Which can subsequently lead to disruption of the kidneys and liver.


Polypropylene produces brown disposable tableware, such as coffee cups. Unlike polystyrene, polypropylene dishes labeled PP do not change their properties even when heated to +150 C, but are easily susceptible to chemical influences, releasing formaldehyde and phenol, which are also hazardous to health. Therefore, you should not drink alcohol from such containers. Polypropylene containers are also not suitable for storing fatty substances, for example, butter or sunflower oil, since upon contact with fats, polypropylene is destroyed and formaldehyde and phenol are released.

Polyvinyl chloride

But the most dangerous are polyvinyl chloride plastic containers. It is marked with the letters PVC (PVC). Containers are usually made from this substance. It actively releases vinyl chloride, a carcinogenic substance that can cause cancer. Therefore, it is better to choose disposable tableware marked PS and PP.

Dishes made from melamine - a substance from which formaldehyde resin is obtained in the chemical industry. Externally, such dishes resemble porcelain, but are much lighter and stronger. Melamine containers hold a record for the amount of harmful substances they contain. Firstly, such packaging contains a lot of formaldehyde, and it has toxic properties, and its amount can be tens of times greater than any permissible norm. Secondly, in addition to melamine itself, which negatively affects the body, dishes may contain asbestos. Although its use in packaging is prohibited as it causes cancer. As soon as it gets into such a container hot food- toxic formaldehyde is released. In addition, to ensure the durability of the designs, lead may be added to the paint, which is also hazardous to health.

But what if these markings are simply not on the product?

How to distinguish polypropylene dishes from polystyrene or polyvinyl chloride?

When you press a hard object on a polyvinyl chloride product, a mark will form on its surface, while the surface of others will remain smooth. When deformed, polystyrene dishes produce a loud crunch and crack easily, and soften when heated. Polypropylene - does not break when deformed, but only bends, and does not deform when heated.

The right choice- paper dishes

It is made from natural raw materials and is quickly disposed of without harming the environment. In addition, paper containers retain heat longer and have lower thermal conductivity, which prevents you from burning your hands. When heated, no harmful substances are released.

Paper cups are made from thin cardboard. It can be laminated on one or both sides. Lamination of the outer layer prevents the glass from getting wet on a hot day, when condensation may form on it. Thanks to modern technologies, the edges of paper cups are glued together without glue. A strong connection occurs due to ultrasonic or heat treatment laminated layer.

Compared to plastic and polystyrene cups, paper - safe material For microwave ovens. It is made from natural wood with small additions of other safe substances.

Rules for using disposable tableware

Disposable tableware should be disposable. Never use disposable tableware more than once. After all, it is impossible to wash it until it is hygienically clean after use, and microscopic damage and cracks will further increase the release of harmful substances.

You cannot store food in plastic containers, much less heat it in the microwave. Plastic containers, such as ice cream containers, are not suitable for microwave use. Nothing happens to them in the freezer, but under the influence high temperatures they may become deformed. The plastic begins to decompose and release hazardous substances. In addition, the destruction of plastic occurs under the influence of oxygen, sunlight and room heat.

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