Open Library - an open library of educational information. Stages of development of the ancient Russian state

The main stages of the formation of statehood. Formation of the Old Russian state.

Socio-political changes in Russian lands in the X111th-XVth centuries.

Baptism of Rus'.

The main stages of the formation of statehood. Formation of the Old Russian state.

From early feudal monarchy to fragmentation

Purpose: to consider the formation of the Old Russian state and the genesis ancient Russian statehood.


3. The evolution of East Slavic statehood in the 9th – early 12th centuries.

5. The main centers of medieval Rus'.

6. Golden Horde and Rus': the problem of mutual influence.

State- form of social structure.

The Old Russian state arose as a result of the complex interaction of a whole complex of both internal and external factors(prerequisites).

Socio-economic prerequisites. On the farm Eastern Slavs in the 7th–9th centuries Important changes were taking place that led to economic recovery. In the Middle Dnieper region it was caused by the development of arable farming based on the use of iron tools; in the north - the development of crafts and foreign trade. Economic growth led to the emergence of a surplus product. This, in turn, created the conditions for the separation of the princely-druzhina group from the community, as a result of which there was a separation of military-administrative labor from productive labor.

The evolution of the community dates back to the same time: a territorial community arose in place of the tribal one. This created some conditions for property differentiation, which is also a condition for the formation of a state.

TO political factors The formation of the state among the Eastern Slavs included an increase in the role of the prince in the tribe. If previously the prince was only one of three equivalent elements of tribal governance, along with the council of elders and the veche, now the importance of the last two elements decreases. With the increase in tribal clashes, the need for a prince and squad, both defending the tribe from external enemies and acting as judges in various kinds disputes

Druzhina- 1. In the pre-state period - an armed detachment under a tribal leader, prince. 2. In the Old Russian state - a detachment under the prince, participating in military campaigns, managing the principality, as well as the prince’s personal household. The squad was divided into “senior” (the most noble, rich and influential persons - “boyars”, “princely men”) and “younger” (“gridi”, “youths”). At the end of the 12th century. The squad was replaced by the Sovereign's court.

As a result, the power of the prince, which he sought to turn into hereditary, strengthened and became less and less dependent on the will of the veche meetings. The figure of the prince became sacred.

Foreign policy background. An important factor contributing to the formation of a state and its strengthening is external danger. For the Eastern Slavs, external danger came from two sides: nomadic peoples from the southeast and Varangian tribes from the northwest.

In its development, the Old Russian state went through a number of stages.

On the first stage of the formation of the Old Russian state (VIII - mid-IX centuries) intertribal unions and their centers are formed. There are two centers of statehood: Kyiv (the territory of the middle Dnieper region) and Novgorod (north of the Russian Plain).

By the 9th century. ascends appearance polyudya, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ in that era was voluntary and was perceived as compensation for military and administrative services.

Polyudye- tribute collection system; a tour by the prince and his squad of subject lands to collect tribute. Polyudye usually occurred in winter or autumn, after the harvest.

Second stage (second half of the 9th – mid-10th centuries). Researchers have at their disposal a chronicle story about the formation of the Old Russian state. This source(like any other) cannot be trusted absolutely, but to analyze the second stage of state formation it is extremely important to turn to it.

"Tale temporary years" - an all-Russian chronicle compiled in Kyiv in the second decade of the 12th century. Authors and editors: Nestor, Sylvester and others.
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The text includes chronicles from the 11th century. and other sources. The history of Rus' in The Tale of Bygone Years is connected with world history and the history of the Slavs. "The Tale..." is the basis for most of the surviving chronicles.

The chronicler indicates that in the middle of the 9th century. (when translated into chronology from the birth of Christ) in the northwestern lands (the area of ​​Lake Ilmen, Novgorod) a powerful tribal union was formed led by the Ilmen Slovenes. At the same time, clashes began between the tribes of this region. Then it was decided to invite the prince from outside.

According to the chronicle, the leader of a mercenary Varangian squad arrived in the Slavic lands Rurik and his two brothers - Sineus and Truvor.
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Rurik, however, soon exceeded the original powers of the judge. The Novgorodians tried to overthrow him, but he suppressed the uprising and became a prince. After the death of the brothers, Rurik united all the northern and northwestern lands.

The choice fell on the Varangian princes. The chronicle refers invitation to the Varangian squad to 862 ᴦ.

At 879 ᴦ. The Varangian prince Rurik died, and Rurik’s relative Ole took power in Novgorod. At 882 ᴦ. Oleg undertook a successful campaign against Kyiv, thereby uniting the two centers of Russian statehood. 882 ᴦ. is considered the conditional year of formation of the state of Kievan Rus.

The given chronicle story requires comments.

Historians still argue about who the Varangians are. More details.

Two main versions.

1. These are Norman (Scandinavian) warriors who were hired to serve the Byzantine emperors.

2. This is a Slavic tribe living on south coast Varangian (Baltic) Sea.

Theoretically, the fact of inviting the Varangians does not seem impossible, since there was no other organized armed force next to the Ilmen Slovenes, and besides, the Varangians were close to the Slovenes in language and culture.

Most modern scientists recognize the historicity of Rurik. It is believed that Rorik of Jutland, a representative of one of the branches of Northern European dynasties, was known in Rus' under this name. The existence of his brothers - Sineus and Truvor - is today reasonably disputed. Probably, a linguistic error was made in the chronicle, and ʼʼSineusʼʼ and ʼʼTruvorʼʼ - ϶ᴛᴏ proper names, and the phrases (ʼʼsini husʼʼ and ʼʼthruwaringʼʼ), which from the Old Swedish language can be translated as ʼʼone's kindʼʼ and ʼʼfaithful squadʼʼ.

Based on the above chronicle story in the 18th century. was born Norman theory formation of the Old Russian state. The reaction to Normanism was extreme anti-Normanism. There are various arguments to support and refute the Norman theory.

Norman theory. Its creators are considered to be German historians Gottlieb Siegfried Bayer (1694-1738), Gerard Friedrich Miller (1705-1783), August Ludwig Schlozer (1735-1809). Based on the legendary story about the calling of the Varangians as princes, a conclusion was drawn about the inability of the Slavs to independently create their own statehood.

Anti-Normanism- a trend in historiography, the essence of which is the refutation of the Norman theory, the desire to prove that the Varangians either did not exist in Rus' at all, or they did not play any significant role in the formation of the Old Russian state (M.V. Lomonosov).

Discussion about the origin of the name "Rus". The first mentions of the name Rus date back to the V-VII centuries. Byzantine and Arab authors used this name to designate the tribes living between the Dnieper and Dniester. By the 9th century. this name becomes a collective name for all East Slavic tribes. According to Byzantine sources in 860 ᴦ. Rus' attacked Constantinople. According to all data, this Rus' was located in the middle Dnieper region (ᴛ.ᴇ. in the south). For this reason, some historians believe that Rus was the name of one of the tribes that lived in the territory of the glades (r.
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Ros is a tributary of the Dnieper). These are the explanations of the anti-Normanists.

Supporters Norman theory lean towards the “northern” justification of the word. IN "Tales of Bygone Years" it is indicated that “the Varangians were called Rus.” However, the arriving Varangians and local Slavic tribes began to be called Russia. Another version: Rus' is a group of people that included the Varangians and tribal Slavic nobility (the druzhina stratum).

Thus, supporters and opponents of the Norman theory explain differently origin of the name ʼʼRusʼʼ .

Normanists draw attention to the fact that the first Russian princes had names of Scandinavian origin (Oleg - Helgiy, Igor - Ingvard, Olga - Helga).

The main argument of the anti-Normanists is the thesis that the state cannot be “taught”, “brought with you”; they point to the objective processes that took place within the East Slavic world, on the basis of which a state would arise; In addition, archaeological data indicate that the Varangians were at the same stage of development as the Slavs.

Established in modern science moderate Normanism: Most scientists recognize the fact of the Varangian vocation, but do not attach decisive importance to this fact in the issue of the formation of the state in Rus'.

Oleg (882–912)

Oleg launched a campaign against the Drevlyans, Northerners and Radimichi and imposed tribute on them. During Oleg's reign, power over the territory from Ladoga to the lower reaches of the Dnieper was concentrated in his hands. A kind of federation of tribal principalities emerged, headed by the Grand Duke of Kyiv.

It should be noted that in terms of scale, Rus' was not inferior to European empires, but inferior in level of development. Many territories were sparsely populated. Rus' was not very strong, since it was immediately created as a multinational state.

Igor (912–945)

After Oleg's death, Igor began to reign in Kyiv. He conquers the Ulichs, the Tiverts and again subjugates the Drevlyans, who separated after the death of Oleg. Russian settlers begin to move towards the mouth of the Dnieper and appeared on the Taman Peninsula.

In 945 ᴦ., having collected tribute, Igor sent the main part of the squad and the convoy to Kyiv, and he himself decided to once again walk through the land of the Drevlyans. At the same time, they rebelled and killed the squad. Igor was killed.

The third stage (mid-10th – early 11th centuries) of the formation of the state begins with the reforms of the princess Olga.

Olga (945 – 964)

If her two predecessors were busy subjugating the tribes of the Russian Plain by force of arms, then the first system-forming reforms are associated with Olga’s name.

Olga organized the collection of tribute. The size of the tribute becomes fixed. Along with camps (places where I stayed princely squad during the collection of tribute), graveyards appear - fortified courtyards of princely rulers, where tribute was brought, the amount of which was now fixed (lessons). Started organized collection taxes. This reform had not only fiscal, but also administrative significance, since churchyards became strongholds of princely power.

Svyatoslav (964–972)

Her son's politics Svyatoslav was more aimed at the military sphere. He became famous for his victory over Khazars, made trips to the Danube that ended in failure. Svyatoslav Igorevich (died in 972 ᴦ.), Grand Duke Kyiv Son of Prince Igor. Made hikes from 964 ᴦ. from Kyiv to the Oka, to the Volga region, to the North. Caucasus and Balkans; liberated the Vyatichi from the power of the Khazars, fought with the Volga Bulgaria, defeated (965 ᴦ.) the Khazar Kaganate, in 967 ᴦ. fought with Bulgaria for the Danube region. In alliance with the Hungarians, Bulgarians, etc.
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led Russian-Byzantine war 970-971 Strengthened the foreign policy position of the Kyiv state. Killed by the Pechenegs at the Dnieper rapids

Khazar Khaganate- state in the mid-7th - late 10th centuries. led by the Kagan. The capital is Semender, from the beginning of the 8th century. - Itil. At the beginning of the 8th century. The Kaganate occupied the territory of the North Caucasus, the Azov region, most of the Crimea, steppe and forest-steppe territories to the Dnieper. The Khazar Khaganate carried out trade with the peoples Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Transcaucasia, etc.
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Among the believers of the Kaganate were Jews, Muslims, and Christians. The Khazar Kaganate was 964-965. defeated by the Kyiv prince Svyatoslav Igorevich.

The complete liquidation of tribal principalities occurs during the reign of Vladimir the Holy (980–1015). At 981 ᴦ. it annexes the southwestern (Galicia, Volyn) and western (Polotsk, Turov) lands to the Kyiv state.

Vladimir is launching a “spiritual revolution” from above – he introduces it in 988 ᴦ. Christianity. This monotheistic religion made it possible to displace local pagan cults and laid the spiritual foundation for the emerging unified Russian nation.

The next decisive step, completing the creation of the state, is Vladimir replacing the tribal princes with his sons, called upon to defend the new faith and strengthen the power of the Kyiv prince locally. Thus, he turned the Russian land into the possession of the Rurik family. The consolidation of power gave him the opportunity to organize the population of the entire country to create powerful defensive lines on the southern borders and resettle here some of the Slovenes, Krivichi, Chud and Vyatichi. The Grand Duke himself, if we recall the epics, begins to be perceived by the popular consciousness not as a warrior-defender, but as the head of state, organizing the protection of its borders.

By the end of the 10th century. The main features of the Old Russian state developed:

- dynastic (tribal) princely power;

- the simplest state apparatus represented by the squad and the prince’s governors;

- tributary system; the territorial principle of settlement, displacing the tribal one;

A monotheistic religion that strengthened princely power.

The main stages of the formation of statehood. Formation of the Old Russian state. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Main stages in the formation of statehood. Formation of the Old Russian state." 2017, 2018.

At the first stage education ancient Russian state(VIII - mid-IX centuries) the maturation of prerequisites takes place, the formation of inter-tribal alliances and their centers - principalities, which are mentioned by eastern authors. By the 9th century the emergence of the polyudya system is ascending, i.e. collection of tribute from community members in favor of the prince, which in that era, most likely, was still of a voluntary nature and was perceived as compensation for military and administrative services.

At the second stage(2nd half of the 9th century - mid-10th century) the process of the formation of the state accelerates largely due to the active intervention of external forces - Khazars And Normans(Varyags). The Tale of Bygone Years speaks of the raids of the warlike inhabitants of Northern Europe, which forced the Ilmen Slovenes, Krivichi and Finno-Ugric tribes Chud and Vesi to pay tribute. In the South, the Khazars collected tribute from the glades, northerners, Radimichi and Vyatichi.

The chronicler notes (under 862) that the Slavs managed to drive the Varangians overseas. But soon a discord broke out between them, “and generation after generation went and fought each other.” (Most likely, the chronicle reflected the rivalry between the tribal unions of the North and their nobility, between whom there was a so-called “struggle of prestige”). Under these conditions, not wanting to give primacy to any of their own, the Slavs and Finno-Ugrians said: “Our land is great and abundant, but there is no order (order) in it.

“Yes, you will come to reign and rule over us,” they decided to turn to their Varangian neighbors, who were called Russia, and their prince - Rurik, with brothers Sineus and Truvor. The invitation was accepted, Rurik sat in Novgorod (according to other sources - in Staraya Ladoga), Sineus - in Beloozero, Truvor - in Izborsk. Two years after the death of the brothers, Rurik began to rule alone. In 882, his successor, Prince Oleg, captured Kyiv by cunning, killing those who ruled there Askold and Dir- the Normans who had previously left Rurik. After this, he freed the Slavic tribes from the Khazar tribute and brought them under his rule.

These chronicle data formed the basis of the so-called. " Norman theory", developed in the 18th century. German scientists in Russian service. Its supporters attributed the creation of the state to the Varangians, who gave it their name - “Rus”. Extreme Normanists concluded that the Slavs were eternally backward, allegedly incapable of independent historical creativity.

Some pre-revolutionary and most Soviet historians, however, from different methodological positions, disputed this theory.

Thus, Academician B.A. Rybakov argued that the Varangians appeared in Eastern Europe when the Kievan state (which supposedly arose in the 6th century) had already taken shape and was used only as a hired military force. He considered the chronicle information about the peaceful “calling of the Varangians” to be a late insertion, invented under the influence of the political situation that developed in Kyiv during the reign of Vladimir Monomakh. “Rus”, in his opinion, is a derivative of the Ros River (the right tributary of the Dnieper south of Kyiv).

Modern researchers, overcoming the extremes of Normanism and anti-Normanism, have come to the following conclusions: the process of forming the state began before the Varangians, the very fact of their invitation to reign indicates that this form of power was already known to the Slavs; Rurik, a real historical figure, being invited to Novgorod to play the role of arbiter and, perhaps, defender from the “overseas Varangians” (Svei), seizes power. His appearance in Novgorod (peaceful or violent) has nothing to do with the birth of the state; the Norman squad, not burdened by local traditions, more actively uses the element of violence to collect tribute and unite Slavic tribal unions, which, to a certain extent, accelerates the process of the formation of the state.

At the same time, there is a consolidation of the local princely squad, its integration with the Varangian squads and the Slavicization of the Varangians themselves; Oleg, having united the Novgorod and Kyiv lands and bringing together the path “from the Varangians to the Greeks,” provided an economic basis for the emerging state; ethnonym "Rus" of northern origin. And although the chronicle refers her to one of the Norman tribes, most likely this is a collective name (from the Finnish ruotsi - oarsmen) under which was hidden not an ethnic, but an ethnosocial group, consisting of representatives of various peoples engaged in sea robbery and trade. Then, on the one hand, it becomes clear the spread of this term, no longer associated with any ethnic group, among the Eastern Slavs, and on the other, the rapid assimilation of the Varangians themselves, who also adopted local pagan cults and did not cling to their gods.

During the reign of Oleg (879-912), power over the territory from Ladoga to the lower reaches of the Dnieper was concentrated in his hands. A kind of federation of tribal principalities emerged, headed by the Grand Duke of Kyiv. His power was manifested in the right to collect tribute from all members of this association of tribes. Oleg, relying on the power of the Slavic-Norman squads and “voys” (armed free community members), made a successful hike to Byzantium. As a result, an agreement beneficial for Rus' was signed, providing it with the right to duty-free trade. New concessions were made in the agreement of 911.

Igor(912 -945) sought to preserve the unity of the intertribal federation, and also defended its borders from the formidable nomads that appeared - the Pechenegs. In the 40s, he made two campaigns against Byzantium, which violated its agreements with Russia. As a result, having failed, he concluded a less favorable agreement in 944, and in 945, during the polyud in the Drevlyan land, he was killed for demanding tribute beyond the usual.

The third, final stage of the formation of the state begins with the reforms of Princess Olga. Having taken revenge on the Drevlyans for the death of her husband, she established a fixed rate of tribute, and to collect it she set up “graveyards”, which became the support of princely power in the localities. Her son's politics Svyatoslav(964-972), famous for his victory over Khazaria and campaigns on the Danube, which ended in failure, required the mobilization of significant forces for external conquests. This somewhat delayed the internal structure of the Russian land.

The complete elimination of tribal kingdoms occurs during the reign of Vladimir Saint(980-1015). His first steps did not promise any qualitative changes. Thus, in 981, continuing the policy of expanding the territory of the intertribal federation, he annexed the southwestern (Galicia, Volyn) and western (Polotsk, Turov) lands.

He is trying to strengthen the pagan faith, and, consequently, his power. For this purpose, a pantheon of five main gods was created, led by Perun, who was especially revered among the princely warriors. But this measure changed little, and then Vladimir launched a kind of “spiritual revolution” from above - he introduced in 988. Christianity. This inherently monotheistic religion made it possible to displace local pagan cults and laid the spiritual foundation for the emerging unified Russian nation and ancient Russian state.

The next decisive step, completing the creation of the state, is Vladimir replacing the tribal princes with his sons, called upon to defend the new faith and strengthen the power of the Kyiv prince locally. Thus, he turned the Russian land into the possession of the Rurik family. The consolidation of power gave him the opportunity to organize the population of the entire country to create powerful defensive lines on the southern borders and resettle here some of the Slovenes, Krivichi, Chud and Vyatichi. The Grand Duke himself, if we recall the epics, begins to be perceived by the popular consciousness not as a warrior-defender, but as the head of state, organizing the protection of its borders.

By the end of the 10th century, the main features of the Old Russian state had developed:

Dynastic (tribal) princely power;

The simplest state apparatus represented by the squad and the prince’s governors;

Tribute system;

The territorial principle of settlement, displacing the tribal one;

Monotheistic religion, enhancing the process of sacralization of princely power.

Severity climatic conditions Eastern Europe, isolation from the centers ancient civilization delayed and slowed down the process of state formation among the Eastern Slavs. It was formed as a result of a complex interaction of internal and external factors, which allowed it to appear based on only one communal basis. The Germanic tribes, having adopted the achievements of Roman civilization, approached state forms of organization earlier and faster. public life.

One of the features of the ancient Russian state was that from its very beginning it was multi-ethnic in composition. In the future, this will contribute to the fact that the main forces ensuring internal unity will be the state and the Orthodox religion.

The formation of the state had important historical significance for the Eastern Slavs. It created favorable conditions for the development of agriculture, crafts, foreign trade, also influenced the formation social structure. For example, the exercise of power in a later period contributed to the transformation of princes and boyars into landowners.

Thanks to the formation of the state, ancient Russian culture is formed, and a unified ideological system of society is formed. Within the framework of the Old Russian state, the formation of a single Old Russian nationality took place - the basis of three East Slavic peoples: Great Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian.

Thus, Old Russian state for centuries after its emergence, it fought off the “waves” of nomads, took the blow upon itself, thereby providing favorable conditions for development European civilization. On the other hand, Rus' became a kind of bridge through which cultural and trade exchanges took place between the West and the East. However, the intercivilizational position of Rus' will largely influence its own path of development, causing internal contradictions and deepening the sociocultural split.

And ancient Russian lands in the 9th – 14th centuries.

Topics of abstracts and reports


  1. Make structural and logical diagrams

  1. The representative of the ethnogenetic approach in the study of history was

1) V.S. Soloviev

2) L.N.Gumilyov

3) N.A.Berdyaev

  1. Identify a number of researchers who are representatives of the concept of closed civilizations

1) K. Marx, F. Engels, V. Lenin

2) C. Montesquieu, T. Malthus, E. N. Trubetskoy

3) N.Ya.Danilevsky, O.Spengler, A.Toynbee

  1. Reveals typical properties and patterns of development of the historical process

1) comparative historical method

2) retrospective method

3) structural-system method

  1. Creator of the anti-Norman theory of the origin of the ancient Russian state

1) V.N. Tatishchev

2) N.M. Karamzin

3) M.V. Lomonosov

  1. Russian historian of the 19th century, who considered autocracy best shape board for Russia

1) N.M. Karamzin

2) S.M. Soloviev

3) V.O.Klyuchevsky

1. “Karamzin is our last chronicler...”

2. Scientific activity of S.M. Solovyov.

3. Scientific activity of V.O. Klyuchevsky.

4. Soviet historiography.

Section 2. Old Russian state Kievan Rus

  1. The problem of ethnogenesis of the Eastern Slavs.
  2. The main stages of the formation of ancient Russian statehood.
  1. Ancient heritage in the era of the Great Migration of Peoples.

Peoples and states exist in historical time and geographical localization. Οʜᴎ are formed in a certain territory in a particular chronological period. At the same time, over time, the distribution areas of peoples and the boundaries of states change. Both ethnic groups and states are not eternal: they are born and die, evolve and transform into new social communities.

Formation of peoples (process ethnogenesis) and the formation of states have an economic base that is closely related to the environment where people live and determines their way of life, which in turn affects the cultural and everyday characteristics of the ethnic group.

There are no two peoples with a completely identical culture, but the same living conditions, born of the interaction of people with surrounding nature, at a certain level of development of productive forces can make their culture, despite the difference in origin and languages, largely similar.

The most ancient population of the Northern Black Sea region were the Cimmerians. According to Herodotus, the Cimmerians, fleeing the Scythians, fled along the eastern shore of the Black Sea to Asia Minor.

In the IX–VIII centuries. BC The northern Black Sea region is inhabited by Scythians; the steppes of the Volga region, the Urals and the southern part of Siberia are occupied by the Sarmatians; Sakis roam in Central Asia. Related in culture and origin, they belong to Iranian-speaking tribes.

The Scythians reach the highest level of development, among whom Herodotus identifies the Scythian plowmen, localizing them in the forest-steppe zone of modern Ukraine, between the Dnieper and the Dniester. Even the Scythian state arose with its center in the Lower Dnieper region, then this center moved to the Crimea, where the Scythian kingdom existed until the 3rd century. n. e. The rest of the Northern Black Sea region goes to the Sarmatians, who advanced to these lands from the east and occupied the steppes from Tobol to the Danube. The former Scythia was already called Sarmatia by ancient authors.

During the so-called era of the Great Migration of Peoples (IV–VII centuries), the ethnic map of Europe changes significantly. The Northern Black Sea region is turning into a main route for the movement of ethnic groups from East to West. Political hegemony in the Black Sea steppes passed from the Sarmatians first to the Goths who moved from the Baltic Sea coast (3rd century AD), then to the Huns (mid-4th–5th centuries), after them in the 6th century. - to the Avars.

Among all these migrations, the Hunnic invasion occupies a special place. The Xiongnu tribes, or Huns, were known to the Chinese even before new era. Their warlike nomadic alliance formed on the northern borders of China in the 5th–3rd centuries. BC At that time, the population of what is now Western Mongolia and Northwestern China spoke mainly Indo-European languages(Iranian, Tocharian, etc.). Indo-Europeans lived in the west within what is now Kazakhstan. To the north of them lived the Ugric peoples, from whom only the Hungarians and small West Siberian ethnic groups - the Khanty and Mansi - have survived today.

Huns for a long time fought a war with the Chinese with varying degrees of success. In the II century. BC The Huns, under the pressure of the Chinese, rushed to the west, fighting and defeating neighboring peoples. During the struggle, the Huns reached the Volga, as evidenced by some ancient authors. On the big way from Mongolia to the Volga, the Huns carried with them a mass of tribes, primarily Ugric and Iranian, so that the nomads who came to the threshold of Europe were no longer a homogeneous ethnic mass.

On the banks of the Volga, the Huns were forced to linger for almost two centuries, because they encountered powerful resistance from the Alans, who then lived between the Volga and Don. The Alan tribal union was a strong political union. In the 70s. IV century the outcome of the two-century rivalry was decided in favor of the Huns: they defeated the Alans and, crossing the Volga and then the Don, rushed to the settlement of the “Chernyakhovites.” Archaeological data show pictures of the terrible defeat of the country of the Chernyakhovites. A promising early civilization was destroyed. The Huns moved further west, making Pannonia (present-day Hungary) the central region of their “empire.”

The situation began to change in the 6th century, when from the east, again from the borders of present-day Mongolia, a powerful stream of proto-Turkic tribes rushed to the west, forming the Turkic Kaganate. After the collapse of the Turkic Khaganate, the Bulgar Union began to play the main role in the North Caucasus, and the region inhabited by the Bulgars received the name Great Bulgaria. It occupied the territory of what is now the Krasnodar Territory (north of the Kuban River).

First half of the 7th century took place in the struggle between the Bulgars and Khazars. Until the beginning of the 7th century. There is almost no information about the Khazars. And only in connection with the great Iranian-Byzantine war (601–629) did the Khazars enter the historical arena. It is they who act as an ally of Byzantium at this time in Transcaucasia. Khazars during the 8th–10th centuries. were forced to settle, forming military garrisons in the most important, often peripheral points of the state (in the Crimea, Taman, Don, etc.). In native Khazaria, their number was steadily declining. In the 10th century Khazaria has weakened. Its main enemy was now Rus', which defeated the Khazar Kaganate.

  1. The problem of ethnogenesis of the Eastern Slavs

Most likely in the 6th century. AD The Slavs occupied the territory approximately from the upper reaches of the Oder to the middle reaches of the Dnieper. The settlement of the Slavs took place in the VI-VIII centuries. in three main areas:

To the south - to the Balkan Peninsula;

To the west - to the Middle Danube and between the Oder and Elbe rivers;

To the east and north - along the East European Plain.

During the resettlement of the Slavs, the tribal system decomposed. As a result of the fragmentation and mixing of tribes, new Slavic communities emerged, which were no longer consanguineous, but territorial and political in nature. The creation of territorial and political communities was an important prerequisite for the formation of statehood. In the territory that later became part of Kievan Rus, such unions of Slavic tribes are known as polyans , Drevlyans , Volynians , Croats, Tiverts , street, radimichi , Vyatichi, Dregovichi , Krivichi. The northernmost Slavic community, located in the area of ​​Lake Ilmen and the Volkhov River up to the Gulf of Finland, was called Slovene , coinciding with the common Slavic self-name.

The economic unit was a small family. The lowest level of social organization, uniting the households of individual families, was the neighboring (territorial) community - rope . Vervi members jointly owned hayfields and forest lands, and arable lands were divided between peasant farms. The transition from the consanguineous community and patriarchal clan to the neighboring community and small family occurred among the Slavs during the resettlement (VI-VIII centuries).

When talking about the Polyans, Drevlyans, Vyatichi and other tribes, you need to keep in mind that we are talking not just about tribes, but about political and military alliances that included up to a hundred or more small tribes and were called by the name of one of them, the strongest and numerous. Each such union had its own prince-leaders from the tribal nobility. Historians believe that the East Slavic tribal unions were an embryonic form of the state, sometimes they are even called proto-states. The separation of squads was an essential stage in the stratification of the Slavic community and the transformation of the prince’s power from tribal to state.

  1. The main stages of the formation of ancient Russian statehood.

The author of the chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years,” the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nestor (late 11th – early 12th centuries), left one of the first descriptions of the initial phases of the development of Rus'. He depicts the formation of Kievan Rus as an formation in the 6th century. a powerful union of Slavic tribes in the Middle Dnieper region, which took the name of one of the tribes “Ros” or “Rus”. In the VIII-IX centuries. There was a unification of several dozen separate small forest-steppe Slavic tribes with a center in Kyiv. Nestor says that the warring tribes of the Ilmen Slovenes, Krivichi and Chuds invited the Varangian prince to restore order. Prince Rurik (862-879) arrived with his brothers Sineus and Truvor. He himself ruled in Novgorod, and his brothers ruled in Beloozero and Izborsk, respectively. At 882 ᴦ. After the death of Rurik, his guardian Prince Oleg (879–912) was with his young son Igor and carried out a campaign against Kyiv, united the Novgorod and Kyiv lands, and moved the capital of the Old Russian state to Kyiv. A single state emerged - Kievan Rus.

The impetus for the Slavic unification in both the north and south was an external danger, the economic basis was the trade route “from the Varangians to the Greeks.” The initiators of the unification were the two most important East Slavic centers - Novgorod and Kyiv, and Prince Ole fulfilled the historical mission of the unification.

There has long been controversy surrounding this chronicle historical legend. The news of the chronicler became the basis for the emergence in the 18th century. "Norman theory"(authors G.-F. Miller and G.-Z. Bayer), according to which the state of the Slavs was created by the Normans - Scandinavian Vikings, who were called Varangians in Rus'. The Norman theory had special political significance for that time. It justified the then existing dominance of Germans in the Russian state apparatus. Patriotic-minded domestic scientists (primarily M.V. Lomonosov), in contrast to the Normanists, sometimes tried to completely deny both the very presence of the Varangians in Rus' and their participation in the creation of ancient Russian statehood ( "anti-Norman theory").

The Slavs and Scandinavians were in the 8th-9th centuries. approximately at the same level social development. Under these conditions, the Vikings could not bring the Slavs either a higher culture or statehood. Statehood is the result of a long-term independent development of society. The invitation of the Varangians to reign indicates that the form of power was already known. The Varangians, judging by the chronicles, settled in already existing cities, which can be considered as an indicator of the high development of East Slavic society. At the same time, downplaying the role of the Varangians in political processes, as extreme anti-Normanists do, proving the absolute originality of Slavic statehood, contradicts known facts. The mixing of clans and tribes, overcoming former isolation, the establishment of regular connections with close and distant neighbors, and finally, the ethnic unification of northern and southern Russian tribes - all these are characteristic features of the progress of Slavic society towards the formation of a state.

There are three stages in the history of Kievan Rus: formation, strengthening and flourishing, and decomposition.

First period, the chronological framework of which is determined by the 9th - late 10th centuries, is associated with the activities of the Kyiv princes Oleg, Igor (912-945), Olga (945-957), Svyatoslav (957-972). At this time, the process of unification of the basic East Slavic lands was almost completed. The Kyiv princes solved the problem of defense and at the same time conquest and protection of trade routes: they were fighting the Varangian squads, Byzantium and Khazaria, and began a centuries-long struggle with the nomadic steppe people, whose hordes were pouring into the southern Russian steppes in a continuous stream. During this period of the existence of the Russian state, a transition began from the collection of tribute - in-kind or monetary extortion from the population through periodic tours of the dependent lands by the prince and his retinue ( polyudye) to the creation of administrative and financial centers for collecting tribute.

Second period- strengthening and flourishing of Kievan Rus (late 10th - first half of the 11th centuries) - associated with the reign of Vladimir the Holy (980-1015) and Yaroslav the Wise (1019-1054). During this period, the unification of the East Slavic lands within a single state was completed; the problem of defense of the southern and south-eastern borders of the country is being solved; The territory of the state is expanding. Social order in Kievan Rus, as in others medieval states Europe, was formed as a feudal system, based on the combination of large land ownership with dependent small peasant farming. The legal code of Kievan Rus became “Russian Truth”. In the first half of the 11th century. During the reign of Yaroslav the Wise, two legislative codes were drawn up - the Most Ancient Truth (or “The Truth of Yaroslav”) and “The Truth of Yaroslavichs”, which together gave the so-called short edition “ Russian truth" (This code of laws later came into force in all Russian lands.) The ancient Russian written law primarily concerned issues of public order, the protection of the lives and property of princely warriors, servants, free rural community members and townspeople. He regulated rights. But in the ancient legal code the features of a developing social inequality. Thus, serfs (a feudal-dependent population in the 10th-18th centuries, similar in status to slaves) were completely powerless. In Russkaya Pravda, a person’s property was valued much more than the person himself, his personal safety and dignity. The majority of the population were personally free peasants - community members. Their dependence on the princes was limited to the payment of polyudye. At the beginning of the 12th century. On the initiative of Vladimir Monomakh, a lengthy edition of Russkaya Pravda was created. In addition to the norms dating back to the era of Yaroslav the Wise, it included the “Charter” of Vladimir Monomakh, which established new forms of social relations.

  1. Features of the socio-economic system of Ancient Rus'.

In those days, land was the main wealth, the main means of production. A common form of production organization has become feudal estate, or fatherland, ᴛ.ᴇ. paternal possession, passed from father to son by inheritance. The owner of the estate was a prince or boyar. In Kievan Rus, along with princely and boyar estates, there were a significant number community peasants, not yet subject to private feudal lords. Such peasant communities, independent of the boyars, paid tribute in favor of the state to the Grand Duke.

The entire free population of Kievan Rus was called “ People" Hence the term meaning collection of tribute - “polyudye”.

The bulk of the rural population, dependent on the prince, was called stinkers. They could live both in peasant communities, which bore duties in favor of the state, and in estates. Those smerdas who lived in estates were in a more severe form of dependence and lost personal freedom. One of the ways to enslave the free population was procurement. Ruined or united peasants borrowed “kupa” from the feudal lords - part of the harvest, livestock, money. Hence the name of this category of the population – “ procurement" The purchase had to work for his creditor and obey him until he repaid the debt.

In addition to smerds and purchases, in the princely and boyar estates there were slaves called slaves or servants, who were replenished both from among the captives and from among the ruined fellow tribesmen. The slave system, as well as the remnants of the primitive system, were quite widespread in Kievan Rus. At the same time, the dominant system of industrial relations was feudalism.

The process of economic life of Kievan Rus is poorly reflected in historical sources. The differences between the feudal system of Rus' and the “classical” Western European models are obvious. Οʜᴎ lies in the enormous role of the public sector in the country's economy - the presence of a significant number of free peasant communities that were feudally dependent on the grand ducal power.

In the economy of Ancient Rus', the feudal structure existed along with slavery and primitive patriarchal relations. A number of historians call the state of Rus' a country with a multi-structure, transitional economy. They emphasize the early class character of the Kyiv state, close to the barbarian states of Europe.

  1. Paganism of the Slavs. Acceptance of Christianity. Byzantine-Old Russian connections.

The Slavs, like all peoples who were at the stage of disintegration of the primitive communal system, were pagans. They deified many natural phenomena: water, fire, earth, plants, animals. The formation and development of the Old Russian state, the formation of a unified Russian nationality led to the fact that paganism with many deities in each tribe, traditions of the tribal system and blood feud, human sacrifices ceased to meet the new conditions of social life. The attempts made by the Kyiv prince Vladimir at the beginning of his reign to somewhat streamline rituals, raise the authority of paganism, and turn it into a state religion were unsuccessful. Paganism has lost its former naturalness and attractiveness in the perception of a person who has overcome tribal narrowness and limitations. The Kiev prince Vladimir, having been baptized in Chersonesos, began to energetically assert Byzantine Christianity (Orthodoxy) on a national scale. By his order, the population of Kyiv was baptized at 988 ᴦ. in Dnieper.

The adoption of Christianity meant for the people of Ancient Rus' the assimilation of the vast historical and socio-cultural experience of the late Roman and then Byzantine world. For this reason, the circumstances of the adoption of Christianity, the forms and methods, and the pace of this complex and multifaceted process depended on many internal and foreign policy factors. An important place among these factors was the nature and duration of ties between Ancient Rus' and Byzantium. Geographical location Rus' on the great waterways connecting the Baltic and Black Sea, largely determined its relationship with Byzantium. It was an important market for Rus', where the prince and warriors sold furs and slaves and from where expensive fabrics and other luxury items were brought for them.

The historical experience of Russia indicates that at turning points in its existence, the question of relations with the spiritual population of Byzantium every time arose.

Some researchers believed that Byzantinism influenced Russia only in the church-religious and spiritual-moral spheres. Others believe that Byzantine influence is also found in the political field, in relations between state and church, state and society, state and individual.

Byzantium saw itself as the heir to the “eternal city” - Rome, which gave the empire, from the point of view of the Byzantines themselves, the right to a world state.

Rus' was outside the sphere of direct military influence of the empire. For this reason, the idea of ​​direct allegiance to the Byzantine emperor was never taken seriously here.

Russian princes tried to strengthen themselves in the Black Sea region and Crimea. Byzantium sought to limit the sphere of influence of Rus' in the Black Sea region. For these purposes, she used warlike nomads and the Christian church. This circumstance complicated relations between Russia and Byzantium; their frequent clashes brought alternating success to one side or the other.

According to historians I.A. Zaichkin and I.N. Pochkaev, Byzantium, for its part, pursued an ambivalent policy towards the East Slavic state. She tried to drag Kievan Rus into her political system, seeking, firstly, to weaken the danger that threatened the empire from the warlike Eastern Slavs, and secondly, to use the Rus to protect their own interests. Because of this, relations between Kiev and Constantinople (Constantinople) alternated between periods of peaceful cooperation and military clashes. Thus, the chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years” reports that in the summer of 907 . Oleg went “to the Greeks,” taking with him many soldiers and ships. “And the Russians did a lot of evil to the Greeks,” and the Greeks were forced to begin negotiations with the Russians. The first international treaty in Russian history was concluded between Byzantium and Russia, confirmed for the second time in 911. According to the agreement 907 ᴦ. Russian traders received a privileged position in Byzantium, and the treaty of 911 ᴦ. regulated Russian-Byzantine relations on a wide range of political and legal issues. At 941 ᴦ. Igor's campaign against Constantinople ended unsuccessfully. At 944 ᴦ. An agreement was concluded according to which the reception of all those sent by the Grand Duke (the head of the Grand Duchy in Rus' in the 10th-15th centuries) to Constantinople was regulated. Princess Olga visited Constantinople several times, and even the first of the representatives of the grand ducal family converted to Christianity.

A new stage in Rus'’s relationship with Byzantium and other neighboring cities occurred during the reign of Svyatoslav, who pursued an active foreign policy. He came into conflict with the powerful Khazar Khaganate, which was defeated in 965 ᴦ. led to the formation of the Tmutarakan principality from Russian settlements on the Taman Peninsula.

The fall of the Khazar Khaganate and the advance of Rus' in the Black Sea region caused concern in Byzantium. In an effort to weaken Rus' and Danube Bulgaria, the Byzantine emperor Nikephoros II Phocas invited Svyatoslav to make a campaign in the Balkans. The hopes of the Byzantines were not justified. Svyatoslav won a victory in Bulgaria. Since this outcome was undesirable for the Byzantines, they started a war with Russia. Although the Russian squads fought bravely, the Byzantine forces far outnumbered them. At 971 ᴦ. A peace treaty was concluded: Svyatoslav’s squad was given the opportunity to return to Rus' with all their weapons, and Byzantium was satisfied only with Rus'’s promise not to carry out attacks. The events did not end there. To weaken Russian influence in Bulgaria, Byzantium uses the Pechenegs. On the Dnieper rapids the Pechenegs attacked Russian army, Svyatoslav died in battle.

Next stage Russian-Byzantine relations falls during the reign of Vladimir and is associated with the adoption of Christianity by Russia. At the request of the Byzantine Emperor Vasily II, Vladimir's squad helped suppress the uprising of the pretender to the imperial throne. At the same time, the Byzantine emperor was in no hurry to fulfill his promise to marry his sister Anna to Vladimir. Meanwhile, this marriage had important political significance for Rus'. To achieve the fulfillment of the agreement, Vladimir began military operations against Byzantium.

Having defeated Byzantium, he achieved not only the fulfillment of the treaty, but also the independence of his foreign policy activities from the Byzantine emperor. Rus' has become on a par with the largest Christian powers medieval Europe. This position of Rus' was reflected in the dynastic ties of Russian princes with the German Empire and other European states.

The emergence of Christianity in Rus' was fraught with certain difficulties, especially in the northern part of the country. For many decades and even centuries, in rural areas there was double faith– a peculiar combination of previous ideas about the world with elements of the Christian worldview and worldview. The adoption of Christianity had great value For further development The Old Russian state: it ideologically consolidated the unity of the country, conditions were created for full cooperation of the Slavs of the East European Plain with other Christian tribes and nationalities. The new Christian religion met the interests of the strengthening class of feudal landowners. The Baptism of Rus' created new forms of inner life and interaction with the outside world. Along with Christianity, a stream of new ideas began to penetrate into Rus'. political concepts and relationships. During this period in the history of Kievan Rus, not only a single state religion - Orthodoxy - was adopted and approved, but the first written laws appeared in the country.

Kievan Rus from a relatively small union of Slavic tribes turned into the largest power of medieval Europe. In a region where mutual influences intertwined - Byzantine, Western European, Eastern, Scandinavian - the East Slavic medieval civilization was formed. The perception, interweaving and mutual influence of these diverse social, political and cultural elements largely determined the identity of ancient Russian civilization.

Questions for self-control

1. What tribes and peoples lived on the territory of our country during the Great Migration?

2. Where was the historical ancestral home of the Slavs?

3. Name the largest military-political alliances of the Slavic tribes in the VI – VIII centuries.

4. Compare the “Norman” and “anti-Norman” theories of the emergence of the ancient Russian state.

5. Describe the main stages of the history of Kievan Rus.

6. List the features of the socio-economic system of the ancient Russian state.

7. What are the features of paganism as a form of religious consciousness?

8. Reveal the historical significance of the adoption of Christianity.

9. What were the characteristics of Byzantine-Old Russian connections?

In the domestic historiographical tradition, the Old Russian state with its center in Kyiv in the 9th - early 12th centuries. received the name Kievan Rus. According to the chronicle, the concept of “Rus” comes from the name of the Varangian tribe from which Rurik came. The Varangians then meant the Normans, and this is where the most popular Norman theory of the origin of Rus' arose. The followers of this theory were in the 18th century. German historians, M.P. Pogodin and others.

Other scientists believe that “Rus” was the name given to a broad union of Slavic tribes that formed in the middle of the 1st millennium AD. e. in the area of ​​the Ros River, which was one of the tributaries of the Dnieper south of Kyiv. This is how the opposite of the Norman, Slavic version of the origin of Rus' arose. Its supporters in the 18th century. were the great Russian encyclopedist M.V. Lomonosov and others. In the 19th century This theory was adhered to by the famous historian I.E. Zabelin et al. V recent years many historians and publicists tend to develop this particular theory, considering it the most reliable and objective.

If we talk about the formation of the statehood of Kievan Rus and the role of the Varangian princes in it, and, accordingly, about the place they occupied in ancient Russian history, it is worth noting that the historical role of the Varangians in Rus' was significantly less than the role of the Pecheneg or Polovtsian tribes, which had a significant influence on the processes of socio-political development of Rus' over four centuries. The terms “Rus”, “Russian land” were originally used in the 9th century. related only to Kyiv and its neighboring southern Russian lands. And only three centuries later, in the 12th century, this concept became widespread throughout the entire territory occupied by the Eastern Slavs. At the same time, among absolutely all Slavic peoples, including the Eastern Slavs, a distinctive feature of social organization was a high degree of territorial and political autonomy of each tribe from each other. Therefore, according to one of the chronicles: “The Glades and the Drevlyans and the Severo and the Radimichi and the Vyatichi and Croatia ... the name has its own customs and its father’s laws and traditions, each with its own norms.”

The reason that forced Oleg to leave Novgorod with his squad was also the fact that the Novgorodians were staunch adherents of the veche form public administration. Kyiv, thus, turned out to be the only East Slavic city whose residents accepted the priority of princely power over the ancient veche foundations. Therefore, this city became the residence of the new Varangian dynasty, which seized power over the Polyan tribe after the murder of Kiya’s heirs. But, despite this, the agreement with the residents of Novgorod still retained its legal force.

Thus, the territory of the Slovene Nilmen, on very original autonomous terms, was still formally in the sphere of influence of Rurik’s heirs, while the treaty obliged them without violating the principles of “old times”, i.e. veche administration, protect Novgorod from external enemies. From this we can conclude that from the moment of the legendary establishment of the Russian state, two forms of government were combined on its territory: republican-veche and autocratic-monarchical, which were able to hold out until the formation of the centralized Moscow state under Ivan the Terrible.

A characteristic feature of the economy of Kievan Rus was its diversity. The economic basis of the Old Russian state was, first of all, feudal ownership of land. This was the main difference between the Old Russian state and Western European and a number of other countries, in which the formation of statehood was inextricably linked with the dominance of slave labor. Feudal ownership of land existed in Rus' in two forms: as patrimony - the land property of a large feudal lord, later a boyar, which could be inherited. It included a feudal estate and adjacent peasant households; as well as estates - lands that the prince could grant to his warriors as conditional possession as a reward for faithful service. At the same time, the warrior had the right to own the estate only during the period of service.

At the same time, in Old Russian State IX-X centuries there was an active development of crafts. About 150 different craft specialties were common in Kievan Rus. The development of crafts, along with other reasons, in turn became the reason for the rapid growth and expansion of cities. Taking chronicles as sources, historians have calculated that in the 9th-10th centuries. There were 24 cities in Rus'; in the 11th century. -- 64. The most major cities, which became the socio-political centers of ancient Rus', were Kyiv, Novgorod, Smolensk, Chernigov. In Scandinavia, Rus' in those days was nicknamed Gradarika - the country of cities.

Further strengthening of the social division of labor, increasing agricultural productivity, and the rapid development of various crafts contributed to the increase and expansion of the area of ​​trade exchange both between city and countryside, as well as trade turnover between the various autonomous principalities of Kievan Rus and, most importantly, itself with many countries: Persia, Arabia, France, Scandinavia. The main trading partner of Rus' became Byzantium, with which the Russian state was soon united by a common religion - after Russia adopted Orthodoxy in 988. It should be noted that the introduction of Rus' to the Christian world radically changed its position in the political arena of medieval Europe - trade relations expanded significantly, military-political alliances began to take shape and dynastic marriages began between Slavic princely families and European royal houses.

The establishment of a feudal form of ownership of land holdings resulted in the creation of a clearly formed social structure of society by this time and laid the foundations for the formation of serfdom among peasants.

At the top of the social ladder stood the Grand Duke of Kiev. He was the largest owner of land, regularly collected tribute from the tribal princes subordinate to him and other land owners, and granted estates for military service. The next descending level was occupied by large owners of land holdings - boyars and local princes. They paid tribute to the great to the prince of Kyiv and had the right to collect tribute from their vassals living and working on the lands they owned. The higher clergy subsequently occupied approximately the same position.

Geographically, Rus' occupied a unique position, finding itself at the junction of Northern and Southern Europe, its western and eastern parts. In the X-XI centuries. she gained access to four seas at once. In the north to Bely, in the west to Baltic, and in the south to Black and Azov. No other country in the world had such a convenient location at that time. As a result, the East Slavic lands ceased to be the periphery of world civilization and took an important place in the geopolitical balance of power. This was also facilitated by the fact that the largest rivers in Europe flowed through the territory of Rus'. It included the entire basin of the Dnieper, the Upper Volga and the Don, connecting Europe with the Caucasus region, Central Asia, Persia and the Middle East. Having strengthened itself in the lower reaches of the Danube, Rus' brought under its control an important transport artery connecting Western Europe with the countries of Asia. The position of Rus' on the Black Sea turned out to be so strong that it began to bear the name Russian.

From 21 to 23 there are different strange things going on there!

The state of the Eastern Slavs developed as a result of socio-economic, political and cultural factors.

The development of arable farming led to the emergence of a surplus product, which created conditions for the separation of the princely-squad elite from the community (there was a separation of military-administrative labor from productive labor). Thanks to the fact that a separate big family could already ensure its existence, the clan community began to transform into an agricultural (neighborhood) community. This created conditions for property and social stratification.

Intertribal struggle led to the formation of tribal alliances led by the most powerful tribe and its leader. Over time, the power of the prince became hereditary and depended less and less on the will of veche meetings.

The Khazars and Normans sought to take control of the trade routes connecting the West with the East and South, this accelerated the formation of princely warrior groups drawn into foreign trade. They collected handicraft products from their fellow tribesmen and, exchanging them for products of prestigious consumption and silver from foreign merchants, selling them captured foreigners, the local nobility increasingly subjugated the tribal structures, enriched themselves and isolated themselves from ordinary community members.

At the first stage of the formation of the Old Russian state (7th-mid-9th centuries), the formation of intertribal unions and their centers took place. In the 9th century. appears polyudye – a tour of the prince with a squad of subordinate territories to collect tribute.

At the second stage (2nd half of the 9th - middle of the 10th century), the process of the formation of the state accelerated, largely due to the active intervention of external forces - the Khazars and Normans (Varyags). A kind of federation of tribal principalities emerged, headed by the Grand Duke of Kyiv.

The third stage of the formation of the state begins with Princess Olga's reforms. She established it in the middle of the 10th century. a fixed rate of tribute, and to collect it he sets up “cemeteries”.

The third stage (911-1054) is the flourishing of the early feudal monarchy, due to the rise of productive forces, the successful fight against the Pechenegs, Byzantium, the Varangians and the development of feudal relations.

The fourth stage (1054-1093) - the reign of Vladimir Monomakh, his son Mstislav the Great - marked the beginning of the collapse of the state. At the same time, there is an increase in productive forces. The boyars were then a progressive element of the ruling class

The fifth stage (1093-1132) is characterized by a new strengthening of the feudal monarchy, because The princes, in connection with the onslaught of the Polovtsians, sought to unite Kievan Rus, which they ultimately succeeded in, however, after the victory over the Polovtsians, the need for a single state disappeared.

Thus, the state of the Eastern Slavs was formed as a result of a complex interaction of internal and external factors. One of the features of the Old Russian state was that from the very beginning it was multinational in composition. The formation of the state had important historical significance for the Eastern Slavs. It created favorable conditions for the development of agriculture, crafts, foreign trade, and influenced the formation of the social structure. Thanks to the formation of the state, ancient Russian culture is formed, and a unified ideological system of society is formed. .

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