Why do tomato leaves curl? Reasons why tomato leaves curl at the top. High air temperature, pinning errors

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Why do tomato leaves curl?

​Tomato leaves can also curl due to strong pinching or pinching, as well as frequent watering. As a rule, plants experience such a situation when the second half of the growing season begins. The lower leaves are the first to react to this, after which the higher leaves begin to curl up to the very top. When curled, the leaves have the shape of a funnel, where the axis is the central vein, and the leaf itself, when curled, is directed towards the upper surface. These changes compact their plates, make them hard to the touch and brittle. If the flowers of such plants are excessively twisted, then, as a rule, this is followed by their falling off.

  1. ​plant tomatoes where there were no diseased fruits;​​increase ventilation and drafts, shade the plants with lutrasil;​
  2. ​potassium monophosphate 1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water.​​The first reason is quite banal: the plant is simply hot, it lacks water. As a rule, the lower leaves of such tomatoes do not curl, as they are shaded by the upper leaves.
  3. ​zinc - old leaves bend downwards, in which the underside of the leaf blade from the edges begins to acquire a purple color.​ ​when the stem is cut across, a brown ring is visible.​
  4. ​In this article, we’ll look at the main reasons why tomato leaves curl down and dry out, and we’ll also find out what should be done.​ ​The seedlings were improperly rooted​
  5. ​If you have just recently planted tomatoes, or tomatoes as they are also called, in a greenhouse, then some time after planting you may notice that the leaves of the tomato seedlings are curling up.​ ​, .​
  6. Along with this, curling of tomato leaves can be caused by adding large quantities organic fertilizers, herbal infusions, as well as nitrogen-containing fertilizers against the background of a sharp deficiency of phosphorus, potassium, copper and calcium. The situation can be corrected only by including the necessary microelements in the diet. To do this, fertilize with complex fertilizers, for example, mortar (a couple of tablespoons per bucket of water) or potassium monophosphate (a teaspoon per bucket of water).​ ​destroy plant residues;​

​treat tomato leaves with urea - 1.5 tbsp. spoons per 10 liters of water, and after 1-2 days with raspberry-colored potassium permanganate.​ ​Also, you should not fertilize tomatoes with manure or slurry: due to the release of ammonia, the leaves can get burned.​


Tomato leaves curl down

​The second reason is incorrect, excessive feeding. Excessive nitrogen content in the soil leads to the fact that the stem of the bush becomes thick and powerful, but at the same time the leaves of the tomatoes curl. This problem is fairly easy to fix. To do this, you need to water the soil generously several times: the water will wash away the excess fertilizer. The main thing is not to overdo it, since stagnation of water is extremely undesirable: it can cause rotting and fungal infection. If you are afraid of going overboard with " water procedures", simply balance the excess nitrogen with potassium. You can feed the plant with potassium sulfate, or you can fertilize the soil with ash, which also contains this substance.

​Damage to roots during transplantation.​

Why do the leaves of tomato seedlings curl downward?

​Lack of essential nutrients in the soil.​

​Gardeners are very sensitive to growing seedlings, so even a slight deviation from the norm in their condition causes them concern. Their fears are not always confirmed. For example: if the leaves of a tomato seedling curl downwards and at the same time resemble the shape of a chicken foot, then this is not a sign of a disease. This change occurs because the vein grows faster than the leaf plate itself, and therefore curls. Also, the curling of the leaf ends may be a species feature of the variety, which is more visible in young plants than in adults.​

What to do if tomato leaves curl down?

​tomato seedlings in open ground, their roots have been severely damaged, then the plant will not be able to immediately receive enough of the nutrients it needs from the soil, which, as described earlier, leads to the leaves curling down. In this case, this goes away over time without additional feeding.

​phosphorus - the leaf blade becomes gray-green, and the veins become purple-red;


Why tomato leaves curl: main reasons

​Peculiarity of the variety.​

​. Excessive use of fertilizers that contain nitrogen can cause drying of the leaves. A lack of potassium, phosphorus, copper and calcium can cause tomato leaves to curl. Manure is also contraindicated as a fertilizer, since it also damages the leaves as a result of the release of ammonia. In this case, complex fertilizers (for example, mortar, monopotassium phosphate) must be used to treat curling.

​Overheating of the plant

​We must not forget that when growing tomatoes, you will not encounter various troubles if, starting in spring, when it is time to prepare for sowing, you follow agricultural practices, apply complex fertilizers to the soil containing the necessary microelements, especially in the first half of summer, as well as implement preventive measures aimed at combating pests and diseases. Only by following these simple rules can you count on a rich harvest.​

​treat tomatoes with fungicidal preparations.​

​To avoid diseases, it is necessary to properly fertilize and water tomatoes and ensure the required temperature conditions. Proper treatment of seeds before sowing will also give positive results. If you collect seeds yourself, then choose only healthy plants.​

​use for watering rainwater– due to the presence of carbonic acid in it, it has a mild effect. The water should be warm – 24-26°C;​

​How to recognize the curly hair virus? By appearance tomato: upper leaves the bush becomes curled, the central shoot stops growing, young foliage turns sickly light green or yellow tint, the plant begins to rapidly lag behind its fellows in development.


Why do tomato leaves curl? | Questions and Answers – www.FAQL.ru

If there is a deficiency of any tomato nutrient, it is necessary to add them to the soil. If you cannot determine exactly what is missing, then you should take any complex fertilizer (for example: Polymicro or Sudarushka), or spray the plants with an immunomodulator (Zircon, Epin or Mortar). If there is an excess of microelements, it is worth watering the beds with tomatoes with clean water.​

How to properly feed tomatoes?

​boron - young leaves curl, and the middle ones become yellow with purple veins;

  • ​This leaf structure is observed in tall varieties. These include Fatima, Oxheart, Honeydrop and most varieties of cherry tomatoes.​
  • The presence of a viral disease in the plant

​. If your greenhouse is too hot and the thermometer readings exceed 35 degrees, then the leaves may not have enough moisture, which they need for natural cooling. At this temperature nutrients are absorbed worse and the leaves begin to experience hunger. As a result, you can observe curled leaves on tomatoes. And in especially severe cases, they can even dry out. To save tomatoes, it is enough to water the plant well once, and also additionally spray its leaves with urea (you need two tablespoons of liquid per bucket of water). After two days, instead of urea, use a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

How to water tomatoes correctly?

  • ​, .​
  • Late blight is the reason why tomato leaves dry out. Late blight occurs due to frequent watering or incorrect temperature in the greenhouse. In addition to the leaves, late blight also affects the fruit itself and can destroy the entire crop in the shortest possible time.
  • If the tomatoes are still sick, then buy fungicidal preparations in specialized stores. They will not only protect the plants, but will also nourish and feed them.​
  • ​in hot weather, postpone watering to the evening - this way the water will be better absorbed and absorbed by the roots;​
  • So, these are all the main reasons why tomato leaves can curl. Care for the plant carefully, follow all the rules of agricultural technology for this crop. Then this problem will bypass you.​

High temperature stress

If you have diagnosed that a tomato is infected with bacterial cancer, then you need to get rid of it. At the same time, you should check the bushes adjacent to it. For prevention, all other tomatoes should be sprayed with a solution of copper oxychloride (40 g per 1 liter of water).​

  • ​sulfur - only young leaves also bend, on which necrotic spots then appear;
  • ​Infection with bacterial cancer.​

​. To stop the leaves from curling, you can spray them with special chemicals.​

Bacterial infection

​Lack of fluid.​

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Why do tomato leaves wither?

To prevent this from happening, prevention must be carried out. It must be carried out in dry and calm weather. If the summer is full of rain, then treatment should be carried out chemicals as often as possible. But only when the tomatoes are still unripe, ripe fruits cannot be processed. Apply fertilizing that strengthens the plant's immunity, because the stronger it is, the more resistant the tomatoes will be to late blight. To combat late blight, you can use ash-based tincture and various products with the addition of copper.​

The reason why tomato leaves wither is Fusarium wilt. In open ground, the disease spreads to tomatoes in the southern regions, and in greenhouses - everywhere. The first signs, in addition to wilting, are also yellowing of the leaves. Then whole shoots wither, and then all the plants.​

​water the tomatoes at the roots - this watering allows you to moisten the soil, and the air humidity will not change;​

  • ​Tomatoes are one of the most capricious types of vegetables. And if you do anything wrong in growing tomatoes, they will immediately signal this. The most common whim is curled leaves. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to install why plants that's how they behave. But such behavior, in turn, can lead to the fact that the fruits of the plant become unfit for consumption. Therefore, today we will tell you why tomato leaves curl and what needs to be done to prevent this from happening.​
  • ​There is nothing tastier than your own tomatoes, grown with love. Such vegetables will not only be tasty, but also healthy. After all, if you grow vegetables for yourself, then, as a rule, you do not use harmful insecticides. And you handle fertilizers extremely carefully, because their excess can begin to accumulate in the fruits, changing the taste without better side. In general, home grown vegetables with my own hands, the best.​
  • ​copper - not only the ends of the leaves, but also the petioles go down, and subsequently necrosis and chlorosis begin on them.
  • ​This dangerous disease for plants can be identified by the following signs:​
  • ​In order to understand why the leaves of tomatoes curl, you should reconsider their care regimen and the conditions under which they are kept.​

Why do tomato leaves dry out?

In this case, the leaves may begin to curl into a boat. It will take the plant quite a long time to recover in such a situation – on average two weeks.

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Why do tomato leaves curl?


​By taking the necessary preventive measures, you will stop wondering why tomatoes are drying up. And your harvest will be tasty and healthy!​

​Fusarium spreads especially quickly when high humidity soil and excess nitrogen fertilizers. The disease itself is transmitted when transplanting seedlings, watering and loosening the soil. Fusarium is also the reason why tomatoes wilt.​

​use mulching of the soil - this will help maintain optimal moisture.​

​Due to the fact that many gardeners abuse infusions of herbs, nitrogen and organic fertilizers, there is a lack of potassium, phosphorus and zinc in the soil. This may be the reason why tomato leaves curl. To ensure balanced nutrition, it is necessary to fertilize the soil according to the following scheme:

​Cultivation begins with a process such as planting tomato seeds. The seedlings are then transplanted into a greenhouse or open ground (depending on climatic conditions). After some time, the bushes grow, flowers appear on them, and then small green tomatoes. It would seem that it will be possible to harvest the crop any moment now, but the problem is that the leaves of the tomatoes are curling. What to do in this case?​

​Excess of boron and zinc in the soil. Too many of these elements are accompanied by the following symptoms:​

The lower leaves begin to quickly wither, change color and dry out;


​It is necessary to maintain a certain level of soil moisture, avoiding drying out or excessive moisture. Adding complex fertilizers to the soil, which include microelements such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and copper, will promote the active growth of tomatoes and keep its leaves fresh and green. It is also necessary to carefully inspect the plant for the presence of pests such as spider mites, tobacco thrips, whitefly and Colorado beetle. If you find that the tops of the leaves of your tomatoes have curled, then do not be upset: adequate treatment will help restore them original appearance. If you initially strictly follow the agricultural technology of growing tomatoes, then you will never recognize such a problem as leaf curling.
​Lack of fresh air​
​: AgroBioStim. AgroBioStim һ 1-2 / 0.1%. http://www.agrobiostim.com/russian/pages_ru/bolesti_ru/illness_micro_ru.htm​
There are times when in the heat the leaves curl into a tube. A reasonable question arises - why do the leaves of tomatoes curl?

To avoid Fusarium wilt, you need to:
​Another reason why tomato leaves curl is incorrect temperature conditions. Heat– 35°C and above – will become a dangerous factor that can lead to curling of tomato leaves and death of the plant. To avoid this, in hot weather you need to:

Polina Shubina

​fertilizer mortar at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons per 10 liters of water;

​Let's try to understand the reasons why this phenomenon may occur. If you know why it happened, you can take some measures to prevent this process.​

​boring - the curved ends of the leaves become dry and brittle, curling starts from the bottom and reaches the top;​

Cracks and sores form on the stem and petioles;

If a plant is not happy with something in your care, it signals this with the help of its leaves. They may change color or curl up or down into a tube. Knowing what each of the symptoms means, you can very quickly and easily help the plant come to normal condition and grow further. If this is not done in time, it may die or later produce a poor harvest.​

​. If the greenhouse is not ventilated often enough, it can also become too stuffy, which is why the leaves on the top of the tomato may become curled.​
​: " () , () . , . , ".http://www.semena.org/agro/Tomat-3.htm#Sowing time​

​Similar articles​ ​and the leaf turns upward when overfed with nitrogen - and because of this it is hard - it ages quickly

Varietal feature

​late blight;​

High air temperature

Various insects, which attack plants, can also cause curling. Such pests include aphids, spider mites, and whiteflies. In this case, the leaves curl with their tips up.

Lack of moisture

​If there are not enough tomatoes:​

Excess moisture

If some time after planting the tomatoes in the greenhouse you notice that the leaves are curling into a tube, most likely the roots were damaged during the planting process. As a result, the plant stops receiving the necessary beneficial components from the soil, which leads to this unpleasant problem.​

Pests: aphids, whiteflies, red spider mites

​Let's try to understand the reasons why this phenomenon may occur. If you know why it happened, you can take some measures to prevent this process.​

​6. A lack of fertilizers is just as destructive as their excess. If tomato leaves curl upward, this is a sign of calcium deficiency. Growth slows down, leaves become deformed, and fruits are affected by blossom end rot. Top rot speaks for itself. Light watery spots first appear on the fruits, which gradually darken. When the fruit ripens, dead tissue forms under the spot.​

​Too little is bad, but too much is even worse. Excessive application of manure (especially fresh), watering with slurry undiluted to the required concentration or herbal infusions leads to the fact that the plant can no longer absorb as many nutrients and curls the leaf to reduce photosynthesis. And, in addition, evaporation and ammonia released from the fermentation of organic substances lead to burns, causing the leaves to curl and die.

Nutrient deficiencies

​The situation can be corrected with properly selected fertilizing. If you determine exactly which microelement is missing and why, then universal method– spray with a solution of immunomodulators: in hot weather – Zircon; in cool and rainy weather - Epin; between them - use Mortar (2 tablespoons per bucket of water) for general fertilizing.​

  • ​If it doesn’t help, one of the modern drugs, for example, Bankol, Akarin, Karbofos (Fufpnon), Aktellik. Systemic preparations such as Aktara, Tanrek, Biotlin cannot be used for plants where tomatoes have already started, since toxic substances can accumulate in the fruits for 2-4 weeks.​
  • ​Beloved by almost everyone, every summer resident and gardener tries to grow such a tasty and healthy vegetable as a tomato. And on balconies you can increasingly see a flowerpot or tub in which red, pink or yellow tomatoes are ripening. But you can’t do without problems with this plant - it is very delicate, susceptible to many diseases, and is often affected by pests.​
  • ​"There are many reasons why tomato leaves curl. First of all, this happens due to a violation of the temperature and humidity conditions. Sometimes the leaves curl into a tube at too high a temperature. Elevated temperatures, 35 ° C or more, which often occur under a film in a greenhouse, intensify respiration process, and a rapid breakdown of nutrients occurs, while the absorption and accumulation of these substances at this temperature drops sharply. The leaves begin to starve, and they begin to curl. This is especially dangerous when the roots are in the cold and the top is experiencing high temperature stress. In hot weather, it is necessary to intensively ventilate greenhouses, creating drafts, shading plants, and whitening glass with chalk.​
  • ​tobacco mosaic virus;​
  • ​How to get rid of pests? The seedlings should be treated with an insecticidal solution. A decoction of chamomile flowers or tobacco infusion will also help cope with insects.
  • ​phosphorus - leaf blades acquire a gray tint, and the veins become red-violet;

Fortunately, this reason resolves itself. After a week or two, when the plants acclimatize to new conditions and root system will be restored, everything will return to normal.​

Thin leaf virus

​The first reason is quite banal: the plant is simply hot, it lacks water. As a rule, the lower leaves of such tomatoes do not curl, as they are shaded by the upper leaves.

​7. Phosphorus starvation leads to the coloring of tomato leaves in a gray-green color, and also causes the leaves to curl.​

Bacteriosis of tomatoes

If the leaves of tomatoes that were recently healthy and strong suddenly curl up in your beds, this indicates that the plant is experiencing discomfort. The first step is to figure out what factors could lead to such a result.​

Incorrect stepsoning

Excess of organic fertilizers

​bacterial cancer.​


Tomato leaves curled. What to do?

​If you notice that the leaves of tomatoes are curling, pay attention to the temperature inside the structure. If it’s above 35 degrees, that’s the reason. And monitoring the plants throughout the day, when the temperature is high, and at night, when it drops, will finally help you to be convinced of this. If the leaves really curl due to the heat, then at night, feeling pleasantly cool, they will straighten.​

Potassium - its leaves, in addition to curling, become brown at the edges and the veins turn yellow;

A lack of nutrients in the soil can cause the leaves of seedlings to curl. But it turns out that an excessive amount of them can also lead to disastrous results. You can understand what is tormenting your tomatoes or lack of overfeeding after observing the seedlings.​

​The second reason is incorrect, excessive feeding. Excessive nitrogen content in the soil leads to the fact that the stem of the bush becomes thick and powerful, but at the same time the leaves of the tomatoes curl. This problem is fairly easy to fix. To do this, you need to water the soil generously several times: the water will wash away the excess fertilizer. The main thing is not to overdo it, since stagnation of water is extremely undesirable: it can cause rotting and fungal infection. If you are afraid to overdo it with “water procedures”, simply balance the excess nitrogen with potassium. You can feed the plant with potassium sulfate, or you can fertilize the soil with ash, which also contains this substance.

​8. If young leaves are the first to suffer (curl down), then this indicates a lack of copper, boron or sulfur.

​Possible causes and ways to eliminate them​

​If this does not help, then it is better to remove the plant from the garden and burn it so that the virus does not spread.​

With a lack of phosphorus, they become red-violet, especially on the lower side and veins, and the upper part seems to turn gray;

There are quite a lot of varieties of tomatoes, especially tall ones (indeterminate), with thin stems and leaves, heavily cut and hanging or slightly curling downwards. This is not a disease - you just need to know that such popular varieties as Fatima, Japanese crab, Oxheart, Honey Drop, and a good half of cherry tomatoes have this feature. When planting seedlings, pay attention to the condition of the leaves - if they are equally thin and slightly curled on all bushes - there is no need to worry about why the leaves are curling.​

Leaves also curl downward during phosphorus starvation. Top part the leaf becomes grey-green, the veins violet-red. Young leaves also bend downward when there is a lack of sulfur. Later, necrotic spots develop on them. Young leaves curl inward due to boron deficiency. The middle leaves turn yellow and the veins turn purple. The same picture is observed with an excess of boron, with the difference that the curved lobes of the leaves become dry, like paper. Although the top of the plants has an almost normal appearance, it then also curls. When there is an excess of zinc in the soil, old tomato leaves are strongly bent downwards, the underside of the leaf is colored purple, starting from the edges to the center of the plate.​

If a plant is affected by a disease such as bacterial canker, the main symptom is leaf curling. In bushes affected by these pests, the leaves turn upside down, quickly wither and dry out. And on the back side you can see small cracks.​

​Provide tomatoes Fresh air and protect them from the sun by covering the greenhouse non-woven material, and the problem will go away.​

​boron - yellowing of the middle leaves of the plant occurs;


Why tomato leaves curl: main reasons

As a rule, when transplanting tomatoes into a greenhouse, many summer residents try to feed it with various organic fertilizers. At the same time, in an effort to do better, they do not notice that they are over-saturated the soil.

The third reason that causes tomato leaves to curl is black aphids. It is difficult to detect her when she has just chosen a bush. As a rule, this pest prefers to settle in the axils of leaves, later moving onto the leaves and stem themselves. Black aphids suck all the juices out of the plant, in return injecting a substance that causes the tomato leaves to curl. Due to the fact that the pest settles precisely in the sinuses, it is quite difficult to destroy it with insecticides: you will have to carefully spray the entire bush, paying special attention to all folds.

​9. Aphids or whiteflies. If, upon closer examination of the curled leaves, you find these pests, then you should treat the tomatoes with a special solution as quickly as possible.​

​1. This is usually how tomatoes react to disturbance. temperature regime and humidity. High temperature (above 35 degrees) has a bad effect. With such heat, nutrients quickly decompose. The plant absorbs many times less nutrients and has difficulty assimilating them. Starvation of the leaves occurs, and, as a result, the plant dries out and loses leaves and flowers. Due to too frequent and abundant watering, the plant develops a weak root system, which also entails curling of the leaves.​

​Sick tomatoes grow poorly, they have shortened shoots, small and ugly flowers, and the leaves curl, as a rule, only adult plants. The young ones simply grow thin and heavily feathered. The disease is transmitted by seed, with diseased plants infecting the soil. It is almost impossible to cure such tomatoes - just remove and then disinfect the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate and then sow mustard as green manure - its phytoncides kill pathogens, and the green mass, after overheating, will become an excellent source of humus.​

​with a lack of zinc, the leaf bends down, the tops of the shoots also curl and become rough and brittle;

Curling of leaves in tomatoes is often observed in hot summer weather, especially when dry winds blow. In this way, the plant tries to reduce the area of ​​evaporation of such valuable moisture. Usually in the evening, at dusk, the leaf unfolds and becomes its normal shape in order to receive more dew at night and restore balance. There is only one way to help the plant - shade it. For this purpose, both in open beds and in a greenhouse, white spunbond or lutrasil, thrown over the plants at midday, is excellent. But we strongly advise against watering tomatoes by sprinkling. If you do this in the sun, the leaves get burned from drops of water acting like miniature lenses, and if you refresh them in the morning or evening, this is a direct path to late blight. We also recommend that you always mulch the soil in the beds and in the greenhouse. 8-10 cm of mown grass or forest litter will significantly cool the roots in the hottest weather and the plant will be much more comfortable.​

​Young tomato leaves curl in the form of a tube towards the midribs due to a lack of copper. The petioles are bent downwards. Later, chlorosis and necrosis usually develop on these leaves.

​If you notice similar signs on some tomato bushes, be sure to remove these plants from the greenhouse. Treat the sections with a solution of copper oxychloride (60 g of product per bucket of water), pour the root generously with the mixture. All plants located within an area of ​​10 meters from the affected bush also need to be treated with a solution of copper oxychloride, only in a different concentration (40 g of product per bucket of water).​


Why do tomato leaves curl in a greenhouse?

​Tip: treating the leaves with a urea solution will help remove heat-induced curling in tomatoes. Dissolve 1.5 tbsp. l. products in a bucket of water and apply in the evening. And after a couple of days, spray the seedlings with a weak solution of manganese.​

Root damage

​copper - young leaves curl first and appear on them yellow spots, which darken after a while.​

​Important information: do not use slurry or poorly rotted manure as soil fertilizer in the greenhouse. When combined with soil, they produce large amounts of ammonia, which can not only cause burns, but also lead to the death of fruits.​

Lack or excess of nutrients

​And finally, the most unpleasant reason is the curly hair virus. This disease can affect not only tomatoes, but also other plants located nearby. There is no way to cure the plant. A diseased bush must be immediately removed from the garden, as it serves as a source of spread of the virus.​

In any case, all kinds of fertilizers must be used in optimal proportions.

​2. Are the leaves of tomatoes growing in greenhouses curled? In such cases, you need to ventilate the room to create a uniform temperature. Since underground there is quite low temperature Compared to a surface heated by the sun, the plant begins to hurt.​

​If, after sprinkling, the tomato leaves are wrapped in a funnel, it means that you have overdone this manipulation.​

  • ​curling of young leaves and their lightening indicates a lack of boron;​
  • This is the most common reason why leaves curl in tomatoes. Many vegetable growers either do not pay attention to watering at all, hoping for rain, or do it incorrectly - water often, but in small portions. But it only gets wet this way top layer soil - 3-5 cm, and the roots are mainly located deeper, and the tomato suffers from a lack of moisture. Proper watering It is enough to do it once every 2-3 days on uncovered beds and once every 5-7 days on mulched ones, but at the same time you need to pour a bucket of water on the fruit-bearing bush. This should not be done at the same time, but divided into several portions so that the water does not spread to the sides, but all gets to the roots.

​Lack of calcium in the soil affects plants by deforming tomato leaves and curling them upward. At the same time, the leaves become smaller, the growing point dies, and later blossom end rot appears on the fruits. The edges of the leaves “curl” due to a lack of potassium. Necrosis subsequently develops on older leaves. The smallest veins turn pale, and the edges of the leaves turn brown. With an excess of manganese, which is often abused by gardeners due to its availability, young leaves become wrinkling rather than curling. They are more intense in color. "​

  • ​Tobacco mosaic virus causes leaves to curl in tomatoes. At the same time, you can see a peculiar mosaic pattern on them. Unusual bubbles that appear on the leaves are also a symptom of the disease.​
  • ​Improper care of tomatoes can also cause curling.​
  • ​Tomatoes are extremely demanding when watering. They cannot tolerate not only overdrying, but also excess moisture. Overwatering causes leaves to curl. In this case, the roots are not able to develop normally, and as a result, the plants do not receive all the necessary beneficial components.​
  • If you notice curled leaves on the seedlings, as well as thickening of the stem, most likely there is excess nitrogen in the soil. Sprinkling the soil with stove or wood ash will help remove it. Also spray the seedlings:

Improper watering

​How to recognize the curly hair virus? According to the appearance of the tomato: the upper leaves of the bush curl, the central shoot stops growing, the young foliage acquires a sickly light green or yellow tint, the plant begins to rapidly lag behind its fellows in development.

All of the above reasons allow us to give a detailed answer to the question of why the tomato leaves curled. Pay attention to the signals that the plant gives, try to decipher them correctly, then you can boast of the richest harvest.​

​3. Another reason why tomato leaves curl may be bacterial cancer. This disease can be distinguished by the appearance of ulcers and cracks on the stems. If the leaves of tomatoes turn yellow, wither and dry out, this may also be the result of a disease.​

Insects on plants

​First of all, we missed it optimal time, when the stepsons have reached 5-7 cm in length.​

​Chopping the shoots, wrapping the leaves in a tube is a sign of copper and sulfur deficiency;​


​An excess, like a deficiency, can cause the leaves of tomatoes to curl, but only their edges curl up. During heavy rains in clay soils the water slowly goes deeper, and the roots of the tomatoes literally suffocate from lack of air. This problem can be avoided even during the period of planting seedlings by filling the hole with loose soil. And during the growing season, make small grooves from the bushes to the side to drain water from the roots.​

​Excerpt from an article by Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Lebedeva.​

​Tomato leaves curl as a result of a fungal infection - fusarium. In this case, the older, lower leaves are affected first. Gradually the process moves higher and higher, eventually causing the upper shoots to wither. If you notice signs of fusarium on the seedlings, it should be removed and burned, and uninfected bushes should be treated with an antifungal agent. Do not ignore the disease and take preventive measures, otherwise all the plants in the greenhouse will die not only this year, but also next year.​

Improper care

Many summer residents immediately after planting seedlings in a greenhouse remove all its lower leaves. This is a common mistake. They need to be plucked, this improves ventilation for the plant and reduces humidity. However, this should be done no earlier than the plant has completely taken root in its new “home”. And for this it should take about a month.​

If you notice that the leaves are curled into a boat, you should know that the seedlings need to be watered more. Just don't flood the plants with water. First, loosen the soil well, and then provide abundant watering at the roots.​

ash solution (1 tbsp per bucket of water);

Tomato diseases

So, these are all the main reasons why tomato leaves can curl. Care for the plant carefully, follow all the rules of agricultural technology for this crop. Then this problem will bypass you.​

  • ​There is nothing tastier than your own tomatoes, grown with love. Such vegetables will not only be tasty, but also healthy. After all, if you grow vegetables for yourself, then, as a rule, you do not use harmful insecticides. And you handle fertilizers extremely carefully, because their excess can begin to accumulate in the fruits, changing the taste not for the better. In general, homemade vegetables grown with your own hands are the best.​
  • ​4. Too much zinc. Useful material in unlimited quantities can become destructive for such a plant. Signs of this problem include the bottom of the leaves turning purple and the edges curling.​
  • ​Secondly, too many vegetative parts were removed at the same time.​

​With a lack of calcium, the edges of the leaflets curl upward, and they become pale in color, the veins turn white, and necrosis begins;​

​These garden pests rarely, but still affects tomatoes, especially when the beds are large, as well as in a greenhouse. They settle on the underside of the leaves and actively suck out the juices, as a result of which the leaves curl inward, turn yellow, and necrotic spots and nodules appear. Having discovered pests, you need to urgently save the plant.

One of frequently asked questions, worrying summer residents: why do tomato leaves curl and how to treat tomatoes from leaf curl?

I can immediately say that there may be various reasons. The most common of them:

It should be noted that in order to find out the specific cause of such a disease, it is necessary to pay attention to the direction in which the twisting occurs - up or down.

Let's figure out how to prevent tomato disease - leaf curling.

I also want to tell you how to fight effectively if the disease has already overtaken your beds.

Tomato disease - leaf curl: temperature swings

This is when “boats” appear on the stem. This can be observed with poor adaptation to the weather, when the bushes are hot all day long. During the day, twisting is observed. By morning everything straightens out. It is important to shade the beds from the scorching sun and remove the cover in the evening. It often happens that the ground near the stem cracks. The cracks that appear break the roots. Careful loosening and mulching will help here.

Tomato leaves curl inward due to aphids

If aphids are hiding in the tubes, then the cause is infection of the stems by these insects. They suck out the juice, and if you find them, wash off the unwanted guests with water, and treat the stems with infusions of bitter herbs, ash or special anti-inflammatory drugs. The remedies are as follows:

  • prepare an infusion: place yarrow, wormwood, celandine or tobacco leaves in a saucepan, add water to cover, and boil for 5 minutes. Then dilute with water (1:10) and spray the insect clusters.
  • for 10 liters of water add 1 tbsp. ash, 30 g laundry soap. Spray the tomato leaves. Process several times.
  • I prefer the guaranteed effect of domestic drugs. – a three-component product with a long period of protective action. and – two-component products for

complete destruction

aphids on tomatoes. Dissolve 1.5-3.0 ml in 8-10 liters of water, depending on the chosen preparation, and spray the bushes per 2 acres. Use adhesive together with pest control products - 2 applications per season with an interval of at least 10-14 days are sufficient. The waiting period before harvesting is two weeks. If the cause of the curling was aphids, the new leaves will not curl. Tomato disease - leaf curl: merciless bacteriosis of tomatoes If all

If bacteriosis kills the young stems of a vegetable, they are destroyed and planted on the site. If the disease manifests itself during the ripening of the fruit, you can pinch off the growing points - the tops. This will give the plant the strength to grow a harvest.

How to treat tomatoes for leaf curl due to micronutrient deficiency

Your vegetables are starving if leaves curl up. The soil lacks some elements. If at the same time the young leaves become curly and colorless spots appear on the fruits, this means that the roots do not have enough potassium. Then feed them: dilute 2 tbsp. ash per 10-liter bucket of water or 1 tbsp. (20 g) potassium dilute in 10 liters of water and pour at the rate of 0.5 liters per 1 sq. m.

Another reason why the leaves on tomatoes curl up and the tops dry out is calcium deficiency to nourish the roots. Subsequently, due to such a deficiency, the fruits may develop. Calcium deficiency in plants occurs due to prolonged heat and drought. Therefore, I advise spraying the bushes with calcium nitrate: dissolve 3 tsp in a 10-liter bucket. granules But you can water or dig calcium nitrate into the ground only in the spring.

Tomato leaves curl due to drying out

A tomato bush may “drop its ears” due to drying out. Then you need to water it thoroughly with water heated during the day. In a couple of days, the elasticity of the leaves (turgor) will be restored and they will straighten. Also, treatment with a growth stimulant and anti-stress agent helps very effectively against heat stress. Pharmacies Sadivnyk.

But if the leaves also change color (dark green or bluish), then this is a sign that it is necessary to feed the tomatoes with phosphorus fertilizer. Dissolve 100 g of superphosphate in 10 liters of water and pour under the root at the rate of 5 square meters. m.

Don't get carried away with stepsoning!

More than once I have seen how some zealous gardeners literally “cut” tomato bushes, turning them into palm trees. If you get too carried away with pinching and removing the lower leaves, the plant can become stressed and not only curl the leaves, but also lose color.

This happens if the stepchildren have already outgrown them - it is better to remove them in several passes. To support the plant during a sudden loss of green mass, spray the beds with complex fertilizer. I also advise you to treat it with a growth stimulator: 10-15 ml of the drug per 3-5 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters. The product contains phytohormones that enhance the flow of nutrients to the roots and stems.

It is better not to neglect the signals that sick plants send us. Just as an experienced mother knows why a baby is crying - from colic or teething, so a caring gardener “reads” his tomatoes by the leaves. Therefore, spare no time and effort to properly prepare the soil and planting material!

Good afternoon

Sometimes the leaves of tomatoes begin to curl. Moreover, only the upper leaves, at the top, or the lower ones can curl. Leaves on the entire plant curl less often. It is difficult for an inexperienced gardener to figure out what the reason is. And the reasons are different. One good thing is that all problems in this case can be solved. In this article we will talk in detail

Why do tomato leaves curl? What to do?

Let's start by finding out the reasons for such a misfortune in the open ground.

Why do the leaves of tomatoes curl in open ground?

  1. Excess nitrogen
  2. Flaw minerals
  3. Lack of watering
  4. Excess watering
  5. Excessive stepsoning
  6. Viral diseases
  7. Pests

Various ways of fighting:

  1. If the tomato leaves are curled and the stem is very thick - the soil is oversaturated with nitrogen. To eliminate its excess, simply water the plants generously once. You just need to ensure that the water completely leaves the garden bed. Otherwise, nitrogen and excess moisture will completely damage the plantings.

It is better to add insufficient fertilizers to the soil where tomatoes grow than to oversaturate it with nutrients.

Do not fertilize plants with fresh manure!

The plant will grow greatly from this. But that's where it all ends. You are unlikely to get fruit from such tomatoes, but various diseases they will be more affected.

  1. The lack of minerals, especially phosphorus, is well compensated by fertilizing with ash. or ash infusion. Their deficiency can be determined by the leaves curled up. You can water it with any complex fertilizer (according to the instructions).
  2. If the tomato leaves are curled into a boat - they simply lack moisture.

It is necessary to establish a regular watering schedule. In this case, the plants will recover in about a week.

  1. In case of excess watering the leaves also curl, starting from the lower leaves and moving up to the top of the bush. At the same time, the fruits also suffer - they begin to crack. Watering should be regular and timely.

It is better to underwater tomatoes than to overwater them. Of course, during drought, you need to water well and loosen the soil under the plantings.

  1. Leaves may curl from excessive pinching. If you allow the stepsons to outgrow, and then pluck the bush very hard, the leaves will curl due to stress.
  2. If the tomato leaves are curled and the plant itself is drooping, which means it is sick viral disease . You can try to revive it - add fertilizer to the soil, water it regularly. But if the plant does not recover within a short time, it should be removed immediately. Otherwise, the infection will spread to other bushes.

At bacterial infection the leaves first curl and turn yellow, and then dry out completely. It is impossible to stop the disease, but at an early stage you can spray Avixil. If the disease progresses, it is better to get rid of these plants.

7. When attacked by pests that feed on the sap of leaves (aphids, whiteflies, spider mites), they curl inward and become curly. We fight pests with Fitosporin or (infusions and decoctions of herbs - there are many recipes in the highlighted article).

Tomato leaves curl in greenhouse

Leaves can also curl on tomatoes grown in a greenhouse. If in

In addition, plant growth has slowed down, it’s a matter of temperature. Should be debugged

temperature regime and set it to the optimal level, favorable for


They often overheat - this is also harmful for flowers; at temperatures above 35°C, flowers are not pollinated. Leaves can also suffer from air stagnation– ventilate the greenhouse more often.

To protect against elevated temperatures, plants are shaded and glass is whitened.

This problem also occurs in young tomatoes under film. The reason is trivial - the plants are “suffocating”. The absorption of nutrients is disrupted - starvation of the leaves occurs. This is dangerous if the roots are in the cold.

You should not keep tomatoes under film for 24 hours a day. On sunny days it is worth cleaning it. Then the seedlings will not only “cool down” a little, but will also more easily adapt to natural natural conditions. Becomes more resilient.

Tomato seedlings

The leaves may curl into a tube on seedlings that have just been planted in the ground.

  1. From stress after transplantation.
  2. If the root system is damaged.
  3. In hot weather.

It is better to plant seedlings with a clod of soil and water well. Shade, if possible, for the first time. To do this, cover with lutrasil in arcs.

In fact, for newly planted seedlings, curling of the leaves is not a problem - it quickly goes away with proper care.


Now you know what to do if the leaves begin to curl. To prevent this problem, you need to carefully care for your tomatoes: water them on time, fertilize them moderately, remove weeds, and control pests.

I wish everyone healthy, productive plants.

Often, owners of home gardens notice a problem when growing tomatoes: the upper leaves of the plants curl. Curled tops prevent full photosynthesis, and the plant begins to wither from nutrient deficiency. Why is this happening?

A possible reason why the leaves of tomato seedlings have begun to curl is damage to the roots during planting. After some time, the root system will recover and the tomatoes will take root. This is the most harmless option for curling tomato tops.

Such necessary procedures, like pinching and pinching, can also cause tomato leaves to curl if done incorrectly. The first pinching is carried out 20 days after planting the seedlings in the ground, then once a week. In this case, you can remove no more than 2 lower leaves in 1 procedure, otherwise the plant will weaken. Only shoots that have reached 10 cm in length can be planted. Excessive pinching is stress for a tomato bush, which can lead to curling of the leaf tips and falling off of the ovaries.

There are more serious options for why tomato leaves began to curl.

Humidity and high temperature

Excessive or, conversely, insufficient humidity can affect leaf curling. When a plant curls its leaves up in a boat shape, it means it lacks moisture. This is how tomatoes compensate for its deficiency: they reduce the area from which the liquid evaporates, “saving.” Abundant but infrequent watering will help to avoid drought (once a week is enough, in hot weather - 2 times). Excess water has a detrimental effect on the roots, leading to their rotting. In this case, the plant ceases to receive sufficient quantities of nutrients and oxygen, and as a result, curled tops. Tomatoes are whimsical vegetable crop. The soil should always be loose so that excess moisture does not accumulate at the roots of the tomatoes. Therefore, mulching is a mandatory procedure that will not only help cope with excess water, but will also prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture from the soil.

Tomatoes do not like extreme heat. If the temperature in the greenhouse or outside exceeds +34...+35°C, the leaves of the tomatoes curl into a tube. In the evening or at night, when the temperature is noticeably lower, the tops that have curled straighten out and return to their previous state. Helps save tomatoes from high temperatures thick layer mulch, sheltering bushes from direct impact sun rays lightproof material. If we are talking about a greenhouse, then in addition to these measures it must be frequently ventilated.

Lack and excess of microelements in the soil

Insufficient levels of micronutrients in the soil will lead to curling and discoloration of tomato leaves. Basically, the plant may be deficient in potassium, phosphorus and zinc. Insufficient potassium content in the soil leads to the crown of the leaves curling upward, their color changing to brown, and light spots appear on ripe tomatoes. Phosphorus deficiency can be identified by curled leaves and purple veins. Zinc deficiency is manifested by curling of large tomato leaves, and their reverse side becomes purple tint. Feeding with ash or mineral fertilizers(superphosphate, potassium nitrate).

Excessive feeding nitrogen fertilizers can also lead to curling: the leaves roll into a ring. The stem becomes thick, new, powerful shoots are formed. The tomato will delight with lush green leaves, but good harvest it won't. Nitrogen blocks the roots from accessing important microelements such as phosphorus, potassium and zinc. It is necessary to stop nitrogen feeding and replenish the missing microelements.

Tomato diseases (video)

Insect infestation and infectious diseases

Can cause leaves to curl upward and be damaged by pests: black aphids, spider mite and whitefly. Insects colonize reverse side leaves, sucking the juices from them. This causes the affected part of the plant to curl, turn yellow, then dry out and fall off. First, the pests hide in the leaf axils, where insects are difficult to immediately detect, and then they infect not only all the leaves, but also the stems of the tomato, which can lead to the death of the entire bush. Thorough treatment will help get rid of insects tomato bushes(each leaf, each stem) with insecticidal preparations.

Another threat to growing tomatoes is damage from microorganisms, bacteria and fungi. In a plant affected by bacteriosis, all the leaves and stems curl down, the tops and flowers become smaller, become pale and fall off. Carriers infectious diseases there may be some pests, or the seeds were initially damaged by microorganisms. Sick bushes must be carefully destroyed. The infection also affects the soil, so all neighboring plants and beds containing infected tomatoes must be disinfected with Pharma-iodine or another antimicrobial agent. In the future, it is advisable to plant cruciferous green manure, radish or mustard in this place in order to completely rid the soil of infection.

By finding out in a timely manner why tomato leaves curl and promptly eliminating the cause, you can achieve success in such a difficult agronomic task as growing tomatoes.

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