Siemens breaks contracts: what will happen to Russia without German turbines? Why Russia never learned how to build its own turbines

Illustration copyright Peter Kovalev/TASS Image caption Siemens is the largest supplier of powerful turbines for power plants

The German concern Siemens stops supplying equipment for power plants to Russia under government orders due to the fact that four turbines it made ended up in annexed Crimea. In fact, this means that the largest supplier of high-power turbines is leaving the market.

But everything is not so scary: most power plants have already been built in Russia, and Siemens in the market, according to experts, can be replaced by other foreign companies.

Siemens confirmed on Friday that four turbines were found in Sevastopol, which were produced at a joint venture between Siemens and Power Machines in Leningrad region. This, according to the company, violates the terms of contracts with Russian partners.

In response, the German company decided to stop supplying equipment for power plants to Russia under government orders. In addition, the company is revoking the licenses it issued to Russian partners for the supply of mixed-cycle equipment - this is exactly what is used in modern power plants.

Siemens is also giving up its stake in the Russian company Interavtomatika, but has not yet withdrawn from the joint venture with Power Machines, although such plans were previously reported in the media.

Most power plants in Russia that were built or modernized in recent years, there are turbines manufactured by Siemens.

The BBC Russian service looked into how the Russian market for powerful turbines works, what role Siemens plays in it, and what will happen after the company leaves.

Crimea instead of Taman

The scandal surrounding the supply of turbines to Crimea in early July. Then Reuters reported that gas turbines manufactured by Siemens were located in Crimea.

This contradicts the sanctions regime in the EU: after the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014, supplies to the peninsula gas equipment forbidden. The agency published photographs of turbines in the port of Sevastopol.

Siemens, which faces sanctions in Europe for such supplies, said it did not supply turbines to Crimea. The company said its partners in Russia assured them that the turbines would not end up on the sanctioned peninsula.

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In its statements, the German company also refers to the terms of the contract, according to which its turbines could not end up in Crimea. The turbines were intended for the Taman facility in the Krasnodar region.

The German company began its own investigation into the events. At first she confirmed that at least two of the four turbines were located in Crimea, and on Friday it became known that all four were there.

As a result, the company filed claims with the Moscow Arbitration Court against three companies - Technopromexport OJSC, Technopromexport LLC and Siemens Gas Turbine Technologies LLC. With this lawsuit, the company is trying to ensure the return of the turbines to Taman.

On July 21, Siemens announced that it would terminate the license agreement with Russian companies for the supply of equipment for power plants and will develop new control measures. The company also suspended deliveries under government orders to Russia.

Who produces powerful gas turbines in Russia and what are they for?

Scandal with the Crimean supplies of SGT5-2000E produced by Siemens with a capacity of 187 MW.

In addition to Siemens, major players in the Russian market for such equipment are also Alstom, General Electric (these two companies merged), Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems and some Chinese suppliers, said Alexander Kornilov, senior analyst at Aton for the oil and gas sector.

According to Maxim Muratshin, CEO of the engineering company Powerz, Russia is almost 100% dependent on the import of turbines high power. “Most power plants were built by Siemens,” the expert added.

Russia is developing domestic high-power turbines, but there is no talk of serial production yet. The first such turbine - GTD-110 - was manufactured in the late 90s. They were even installed at the Ryazan State District Power Plant and the Ivanovskaya State District Power Plant, but mass production was not started because the machines often broke down. A modernized version of the turbine is currently being developed - GTD-110M.

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According to Muratshin, this turbine will appear on the market in a few years, while it is still very “raw”. When it appears, it will be a completely Russian product, the expert emphasized.

Foreigners are gradually localizing the production of powerful gas turbines in Russia. An example of this is just joint venture Siemens and Power Machines, which was at the center of the scandal - Siemens Gas Turbine Technologies LLC. Siemens owns 65% of the enterprise, and another 35% belongs to the Power Machines concern of Alexey Mordashov.

Another example is the joint plant of GE, the Inter RAO UES group and the Russian Technologies Corporation in the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region.

Will Russia manage without Siemens turbines?

Siemens is leaving the Russian market at a time when demand for turbines is falling. “The need for new turbines is no longer as high as it was in 2007-2016,” Kornilov believes.

In recent years, new gas power plants and power units have been built in the country under CSAs (capacity supply agreements) - this is actually a program of state support for the construction of new power plants and capacities.

“Now we have a surplus in generation - about 30-40 GW, according to various estimates. New power is not in demand,” agrees managing partner of the Energy Analysis Agency Alexey Presnov. According to him, the demand for turbines today is almost zero.

Presnov recalls that there are currently debates about the modernization of existing power plants from 2020. But no decisions have been made yet.

In such conditions, according to experts, Siemens will be easily replaced by other foreign companies. “If they don’t supply new pipes, then General Electric will,” Muratshin believes.

“It seems to me that the effect on Russia will be limited, since other suppliers will be able to fill the gap,” said Jonathan Robinson, a consultant at the analytical company Frost & Sullivan. Among those who could replace Siemens, Robinson names the Italian Ansaldo and its investor Shanghai Electric, as well as the Japanese Misubishi Hitachi Power Systems.

Siemens has not yet announced that it will not service already installed turbines. However, if such a statement does follow, this, according to Muratshin, will be a serious blow. Turbines are a complex technical device, the expert explains.

Why is the production of powerful turbines not developed in Russia?

The power plants currently operating in Russia were built in the 60-80s of the last century in the USSR. Then they created mainly thermal stations that fired coal or gas.

Classic thermal power plants operate in the steam power cycle: they heat the large boilers with water, and steam from the boilers is supplied under pressure to the turbine blades, which rotates the electric generator.

Because coal and gas were cheap, few people in the USSR cared about energy efficiency. The efficiency of steam power cycle stations is about 30%.

In Europe, the situation with energy resources was different, which encouraged increasing the efficiency of energy production. Also European countries in the 80s we were faced with the need to replace outdated heating stations.

As a result, engineering companies began to develop more modern gas turbines. Compared to steam engines, they are more maneuverable, meaning they can be stopped and started relatively quickly.

Also, the steam-power cycle was replaced by a steam-gas cycle, in which a gas turbine operates together with a steam turbine. The latter is rotated by steam from the boiler, which is heated by exhaust gases from a gas turbine.

It turns out that the gases from the gas turbine are not released into the air, but are used to generate energy. The efficiency of such installations reaches 60%.

“We slept through this whole topic of gas turbines and the combined cycle gas cycle in the USSR in the 80s,” says Presnov. In the 80s, the country had cheap gas and coal, but in the 90s Russia “didn’t have time for that,” says He.

So far, Russia has only successfully mastered the production of turbines low power- up to 32 MW, agrees Maxim Muratshin.

The development of new types of gas turbines, the growing rate of demand for gas compared to other types of fuel, and large-scale plans of industrial consumers to create their own capacities are driving growing interest in gas turbine construction.

R The small-scale generation market has great development prospects. Experts predict an increase in demand for distributed energy from 8% (to current moment) up to 20% (by 2020). This trend is explained by the relatively low tariff for electricity (2-3 times lower than the tariff for electricity from a centralized network). In addition, according to Maxim Zagornov, member of the general council of Business Russia, president of the Association of Small Energy of the Urals, director of the MKS group of companies, small-scale generation is more reliable than network generation: in the event of an accident on the external network, the supply of electricity does not stop. An additional advantage of decentralized energy is the speed of commissioning: 8-10 months, as opposed to 2-3 years for creating and connecting network lines.

Denis Cherepanov, co-chairman of the Business Russia committee on energy, claims that the future lies with our own generation. According to the first deputy chairman of the committee State Duma According to Sergei Yesyakov on energy, in the case of distributed energy in the “energy-consumer” chain, the decisive link is the consumer, and not the energy sector. When generating electricity on its own, the consumer declares required capacities, configurations and even the type of fuel, while saving on the price of a kilowatt of energy received. Among other things, experts believe that additional savings can be obtained if the power plant operates in cogeneration mode: recycled thermal energy will go for heating. Then the payback period of the generating power plant will be significantly reduced.

The most actively developing area of ​​distributed energy is the construction of low-power gas turbine power plants. Gas turbine power plants are designed for operation in any climatic conditions as the main or backup source of electricity and heat for industrial and domestic facilities. The use of such power plants in remote areas allows for significant cost savings by eliminating the costs of constructing and operating long power lines, and central regions- increase the reliability of electrical and heat supplies for both individual enterprises and organizations, and territories as a whole. Let's look at some gas turbines and gas turbine units that are offered by well-known manufacturers for the construction of gas turbine power plants on the Russian market.

General Electric

GE's aeroderivative turbine solutions are highly reliable and suitable for use in a range of industries, from oil and gas to utilities. In particular, in small-scale generation, GE gas turbine units of the LM2500 family with a capacity of 21 to 33 MW and an efficiency of up to 39% are actively used. LM2500 is used as mechanical drive and electric generator drive, they work in simple cycle, combined cycle, cogeneration power plants, offshore platforms and pipelines.

Over the past 40 years, GE turbines of this series have been the best-selling in their class. In total, more than 2,000 turbines of this model are installed in the world with a total operating time of more than 75 million hours.

Main characteristics of LM2500 turbines: lightweight and compact design for quick installation and ease of maintenance; exit to full power from the moment of launch in 10 minutes; high efficiency indicators (in simple loop), reliability and availability in its class; possibility of using dual-fuel combustion chambers for distillate and natural gas; possibility of using kerosene, propane, coke oven gas, ethanol and LNG as fuel; low NOx emissions using DLE or SAC combustion chambers; reliability coefficient - more than 99%; availability rate - more than 98%; NOx emissions - 15 ppm (DLE modification).

To provide customers with reliable support throughout life cycle generating equipment, GE opened a specialized Center for Energy Technologies in Kaluga. He offers customers modern solutions for maintenance, inspection and repair of gas turbines. The company has implemented a quality management system in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard.

Kawasaki Heavy Industries

Japanese company Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. (KHI) is a diversified engineering company. An important place in her production program occupied by gas turbines.

In 1943, Kawasaki created Japan's first gas turbine engine and is currently one of the recognized world leaders in the production of small and medium power gas turbine engines, having accumulated references for more than 11,000 installations.

With environmental friendliness and efficiency as a priority, the company has made great strides in the development of gas turbine technologies and is actively pursuing promising developments, including in the field of new energy sources as an alternative to fossil fuels.

Having good experience in cryogenic technologies, production, storage and transportation technologies liquefied gases, Kawasaki is conducting active research and development in the field of hydrogen as a fuel.

In particular, the company already has prototypes of turbines that use hydrogen as an additive to methane fuel. In the future, turbines are expected for which hydrogen, which is much more energy-rich and absolutely environmentally friendly, will replace hydrocarbons.

Gas turbine Kawasaki series GPB designed for base load operation, including both parallel and isolated network interaction schemes, with the power range based on machines from 1.7 to 30 MW.

IN model range there are turbines that use steam injection to suppress harmful emissions and use DLE technology, modified by the company’s engineers.

Electrical efficiency, depending on the generation cycle and power, respectively, from 26.9% for GPB17 and GPB17D (turbines M1A-17 and M1A-17D) to 40.1% for GPB300D (turbine L30A). Electric power - from 1700 to 30 120 kW; thermal power - from 13,400 to 8970 kJ/kWh; exhaust gas temperature - from 521 to 470°C; exhaust gas consumption - from 29.1 to 319.4 thousand m3/h; NOx (at 15% O2) - 9/15 ppm for gas turbines M1A-17D, M7A-03D, 25 ppm for turbine M7A-02D and 15 ppm for turbines L20A and L30A.

In terms of efficiency, Kawasaki gas turbines, each in its class, are either the world leader or one of the leaders. The overall thermal efficiency of power units in cogeneration configurations reaches 86-87%. The company produces a number of gas turbine units in dual-fuel ( natural gas and liquid fuel) version with automatic switching. Currently, three gas turbine models are most in demand among Russian consumers - GPB17D, GPB80D and GPB180D.

Kawasaki gas turbines are distinguished by: high reliability and long service life; compact design, which is especially attractive when replacing equipment of existing generating facilities; ease of maintenance due to the split design of the housing, removable burners, optimally located inspection holes, etc., which simplifies inspection and maintenance, including by the user’s personnel;

Environmentally friendly and economical. The combustion chambers of Kawasaki turbines are designed using the most advanced methods, which allows optimizing the combustion process and achieving better turbine efficiency, as well as reducing the content of NOx and other harmful substances in the exhaust. Environmental performance is also improved through the use of improved dry emission suppression (DLE) technology;

Possibility of using a wide range of fuels. Natural gas, kerosene, diesel fuel, light fuel oils type “A”, as well as associated petroleum gas;

Reliable after-sales service. High level of service, including a free online monitoring system (TechnoNet) with reports and forecasts, technical support by highly qualified personnel, as well as trade-in replacement of a gas turbine engine during overhaul(a simple gas turbine unit is reduced to 2-3 weeks), etc.

In September 2011, Kawasaki introduced a new combustion chamber system that lowered NOx emissions to less than 10 ppm for the M7A-03 gas turbine engine, even lower than current regulations. One of the company's approaches to design is to create new technology, meeting not only modern, but also future, more stringent requirements for environmental performance.

The highly efficient GPB50D 5 MW class gas turbine unit with Kawasaki M5A-01D turbine uses the latest proven technologies. The high efficiency of the unit makes it optimal for electricity and cogeneration. Also, the compact design of the GPB50D is particularly advantageous when upgrading existing enterprises. The rated electrical efficiency of 31.9% is the best in the world among 5 MW class installations.

The M1A-17D turbine, due to the use of a combustion chamber of an original design with dry emission suppression (DLE), has excellent environmental performance indicators for its class (NOx< 15 ppm) и эффективности.

Ultra-low turbine mass (1470 kg), the minimum in its class, is due to its widespread use composite materials and ceramics from which, for example, impeller blades are made. Ceramics are more resistant to operation at elevated temperatures and less prone to contamination than metals. The gas turbine unit has an electrical efficiency close to 27%.

In Russia, currently Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. in collaboration with Russian companies, has implemented a number of successful projects:

Mini-thermal power plant "Central" in Vladivostok

By order of JSC Far Eastern Energy management company» (JSC DVEUK) 5 gas turbine units GPB70D (M7A-02D) were supplied to TPP “Tsentralnaya”. The station provides electricity and heat to consumers in the central part of the Russky Island development and the Far Eastern campus federal university. TPP "Tsentralnaya" is the first power facility in Russia with Kawasaki turbines.

Mini-thermal power plant "Oceanarium" in Vladivostok

This project was also implemented by JSC DVEUK to supply energy to the Primorsky Oceanarium scientific and educational complex located on the island. Two GPB70D gas turbine units were delivered.

GTU manufactured by Kawasaki at PJSC Gazprom

Kawasaki's Russian partner, MPP Energotekhnika LLC, based on the M1A-17D gas turbine, produces a Corvette 1.7K container power plant for installation on open areas with a range of ambient temperatures from -60 to + 40 °C.

As part of the cooperation agreement, five EGTE CORVET-1.7K were developed and assembled at the production facilities of MPP Energotekhnika. The companies' responsibilities in this project were distributed as follows: Kawasaki supplied the M1A-17D gas turbine engine and turbine control systems, Siemens AG supplied the high-voltage generator. MPP Energotekhnika LLC produces a block container, an exhaust and air intake device, a power unit control system (including the SHUVGm excitation system), electrical equipment - main and auxiliary, completes all systems, assembles and supplies complete power plants, as well as sales Process control system.

EGTES Corvette-1.7K has passed interdepartmental tests and is recommended for use at the facilities of PJSC Gazprom. The gas turbine power unit was developed by MPP Energotekhnika LLC according to technical specifications PJSC Gazprom within the framework of the Scientific and Technical Cooperation Program of PJSC Gazprom and the Agency natural resources and energy industry of Japan.

Turbine for 10 MW CCGT at NRU MPEI

Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. manufactured and supplied a complete gas turbine unit GPB80D with a nominal power of 7.8 MW for the National Research University "MPEI", located in Moscow. The MPEI CHPP is educational and practical and, generating electricity and heat on an industrial scale, provides them to the Moscow Energy Institute itself and supplies them to the utility networks of Moscow.

Expanding the geography of projects

The Kawasaki company, drawing attention to the advantages of developing local energy in the direction of distributed generation, proposed to begin implementing projects using gas turbine units of minimal power.

Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems

The model range of N-25 turbines is presented in the power range of 28-41 MW. The full range of turbine production, including R&D and a remote monitoring center, is carried out at the plant in Hitachi, Japan, by MHPS (Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Ltd.). Its formation took place in February 2014 thanks to the merger of the generating sectors of the recognized leaders in mechanical engineering Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. and Hitachi Ltd.

H-25 models are widely used around the world for simple cycle operation thanks to high efficiency(34-37%), and in the combined cycle in the 1×1 and 2×1 configuration with an efficiency of 51-53%. Having high temperature exhaust gases, the gas turbine unit has also successfully proven itself to operate in cogeneration mode with a total station efficiency of more than 80%.

Long-term competencies in the production of gas turbines of a wide range of capacities and the thoughtful design of a single-shaft industrial turbine distinguish the N-25 with high reliability with an equipment availability rate of more than 99%. The total operating time of the model exceeded 6.3 million hours in the second half of 2016. The modern gas turbine unit is made with a horizontal axial connector, which ensures ease of maintenance, as well as the ability to replace parts of the hot path at the site of operation.

The counterflow tubular-ring combustion chamber ensures stable combustion on various types of fuel, such as natural gas, diesel fuel, liquefied petroleum gas, flue gases, coke oven gas, etc. The chamber can be made in a version with a diffusion combustion mode, as well as a dry low-emission combustion chamber pre-mix gas-air mixture(DLN). The H-25 gas turbine engine is a 17-stage axial-flow compressor coupled to a three-stage active turbine.

An example of reliable operation of the N-25 gas turbine unit at small-scale generation facilities in Russia is operation as part of a cogeneration unit for the own needs of the Ammoniy JSC plant in Mendeleevsk, Republic of Tatarstan. The cogeneration unit provides the production site with 24 MW of electricity and 50 t/h of steam (390°C / 43 kg/cm3). In November 2017, the first inspection of the turbine combustion system was successfully carried out at the site, confirming the reliable operation of the machine’s components and assemblies at high temperatures.

In the oil and gas sector, the N-25 gas turbine units were used to operate the Sakhalin II onshore processing complex (OPF) site of the Sakhalin Energy Investment Company, Ltd. The OPF is located 600 km north of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk in the offshore gas pipeline landfall area and is one of the company's most important facilities, responsible for the preparation of gas and condensate for subsequent transmission through the pipeline to the oil export terminal and LNG production plant. The technological complex includes four N-25 gas turbines, which have been in commercial operation since 2008. The cogeneration unit based on the N-25 gas turbine is maximally integrated into the integrated OPF energy system; in particular, the heat from the turbine exhaust gases is used to heat crude oil for oil refining needs .

Industrial gas turbine generator sets from Siemens (hereinafter referred to as GTUs) will help cope with the difficulties of the dynamically developing distributed generation market. Gas turbines with unit rated power from 4 to 66 MW fully meet the high requirements in the field of industrial combined power generation, in terms of plant efficiency (up to 90%), operational reliability, maintenance flexibility and environmental safety, providing low lifecycle costs and a high return on investment. The Siemens company's experience in the construction of industrial gas turbine plants and the construction of thermal power plants based on them goes back more than 100 years.

Siemens gas turbine units with a capacity of 4 to 66 MW are used by small energy companies, independent power producers (for example, industrial enterprises), as well as in the oil and gas industry. The use of distributed electricity generation technologies with combined thermal energy production makes it possible to avoid investing in multi-kilometer power transmission lines, minimizing the distance between the energy source and the object consuming it, and achieve serious cost savings by covering the heating of industrial enterprises and infrastructure facilities through heat recovery. A standard mini-thermal power plant based on a Siemens gas turbine unit can be built in any place where there is access to a fuel source or its prompt supply.

SGT-300 - industrial gas turbine unit with nominal electrical power 7.9 MW (see Table 1), combines a simple, reliable design and the latest technology.

Table 1. SGT-300 Characteristics for Mechanical Drive and Power Generation

Energy production

Mechanical drive

7.9 MW

8 MW

9 MW

Power in ISO

Natural gas/liquid fuel/dual fuel and other fuels on request;

Automatic fuel change from main to reserve, at any load

Ud. heat consumption

11.773 kJ/kWh

10.265 kJ/kWh

10.104 kJ/kWh

Power turbine speed

5,750 - 12,075 rpm

5,750 - 12,075 rpm

Compression ratio

Exhaust gas flow

Exhaust gas temperature

542 °C (1.008 °F)

491 °C (916 °F)

512 °C (954 °F)

NO X emissions

Gas fuel with DLE system

1) Electric 2) Shaft-mounted

Rice. 1. Design of the gas generator SGT-300

For industrial energy generation, a single-shaft version of the SGT-300 gas turbine unit is used (see Fig. 1). It is ideal for combined heat and power (CHP) production. The SGT-300 gas turbine unit is an industrial gas turbine unit, originally designed for generation and has the following operational advantages for operating organizations:

Electrical efficiency - 31%, which is on average 2-3% higher than the efficiency of gas turbine units of lower power; thanks to the higher efficiency value, an economic effect is achieved in saving fuel gas;

The gas generator is equipped with a low-emission dry combustion chamber using DLE technology, which allows achieving NOx and CO emissions levels that are more than 2.5 times lower than those established by regulatory documents;

The gas turbine unit has good dynamic characteristics due to its single-shaft design and ensures stable operation of the generator when the load of the external connected network fluctuates;

The industrial design of the gas turbine ensures a long service life between overhauls and is optimal from the point of view of organizing service work that is carried out at the operation site;

A significant reduction in the building footprint, as well as investment costs, including the purchase of general station mechanical and electrical equipment, its installation and commissioning, when using a solution based on SGT-300 (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Weight and size characteristics of the SGT-300 block

The total operating time of the installed SGT-300 fleet is more than 6 million hours, with the leading gas turbine operating time being 151 thousand hours. The availability/availability factor is 97.3%, the reliability factor is 98.2%.

OPRA (Netherlands) is a leading supplier of energy systems based on gas turbines. OPRA develops, produces and markets modern gas turbine engines with a power output of approximately 2 MW. The company's key activity is the production of electricity for the oil and gas industry.

The reliable OPRA OP16 engine delivers higher performance at lower cost and longer service life than any other turbine in its class. The engine runs on several types of liquid and gaseous fuel. There is a modification of the combustion chamber with a reduced content of pollutants in the exhaust. The OPRA OP16 1.5-2.0 MW power plant will be a reliable assistant in harsh operating conditions.

OPRA gas turbines are the perfect equipment for generating electricity in autonomous electric and small-scale cogeneration systems. The development of the turbine design took more than ten years. The result was a simple, reliable and efficient gas turbine engine, including a low emission model.

A distinctive feature of the technology for converting chemical energy into electrical energy in the OP16 is the patented control system for the preparation and supply of the COFAR fuel mixture, which provides combustion modes with minimal formation of nitrogen and carbon oxides, as well as a minimum of unburned fuel residues. Also original is the patented geometry of the radial turbine and the overall cantilever design of the replaceable cartridge, which includes a shaft, bearings, a centrifugal compressor and a turbine.

Specialists from the companies "OPRA" and "MES Engineering" have developed a concept for creating a unique, unified technical complex waste recycling. Of the 55-60 million tons of all solid waste generated in Russia per year, a fifth - 11.7 million tons - falls on the capital region (3.8 million tons - Moscow region, 7.9 million tons - Moscow). At the same time, 6.6 million tons of household waste are exported from Moscow beyond the Moscow Ring Road. Thus, more than 10 million tons of garbage settle in the Moscow region. Since 2013, 22 out of 39 waste landfills in the Moscow region have been closed. They should be replaced by 13 waste sorting complexes, which will be commissioned in 2018-2019, as well as four waste incineration plants. The same situation occurs in most other regions. However, the construction of large waste processing plants is not always profitable, so the problem of waste recycling is very relevant.

The developed concept of a single technical complex combines completely radial OPRA installations, which have high reliability and efficiency, with the gasification/pyrolysis system of the MES company, which allows for efficient conversion various types waste (including solid waste, oil sludge, contaminated soil, biological and medical waste, wood waste, sleepers, etc.) into excellent fuel for generating heat and electricity. As a result of long-term cooperation, a standardized waste processing complex with a capacity of 48 tons/day has been designed and is now in the implementation stage. (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. General layout of a standard waste processing complex with a capacity of 48 tons/day.

The complex includes an MES gasification installation with a waste storage area, two gas turbines OPRA with a total electrical power of 3.7 MW and a thermal power of 9 MW, as well as various auxiliary and protective systems.

The implementation of such a complex makes it possible, on an area of ​​2 hectares, to obtain the opportunity for autonomous energy and heat supply to various industrial and municipal facilities, while solving the issue of recycling various types of household waste.

The differences between the developed complex and existing technologies stem from the unique combination of the proposed technologies. Small (2 t/h) volumes of consumed waste, along with the small required area of ​​the site, make it possible to place this complex directly near small settlements, industrial enterprises, etc., significantly saving money on the constant transportation of waste to places of disposal. The complete autonomy of the complex allows it to be deployed almost anywhere. Using the developed standard project, modular designs And maximum degree Factory readiness of equipment makes it possible to minimize construction time to 1-1.5 years. The use of new technologies ensures the highest environmental friendliness of the complex. The MES gasification unit simultaneously produces gas and liquid fuel fractions, and due to the dual-fuel nature of the OPRA gas turbine, they are used simultaneously, which increases fuel flexibility and reliability of power supply. The low demands of the OPRA gas turbine unit on fuel quality increases the reliability of the entire system. The MES installation allows the use of waste with a moisture content of up to 85%, therefore, waste drying is not required, which increases the efficiency of the entire complex. High temperature exhaust gases from gas turbine OPRA allows for reliable heat supply hot water or steam (up to 11 tons of steam per hour at 12 bar). The project is standard and scalable, which allows for the disposal of any amount of waste.

Calculations show that the cost of electricity generation will be from 0.01 to 0.03 euros per 1 kWh, which shows the high economic efficiency of the project. Thus, the OPRA company has once again confirmed its focus on expanding the range of fuels used and increasing fuel flexibility, as well as its focus on the maximum use of “green” technologies in its development.

Basic information about the Siemens SGT-200 turbine

The SGT-200 (formerly known as Tornado) is a Siemens 6.8/7.7 MW industrial gas turbine that runs on various fuels. The turbine has excellent reliability and an excellent weight-to-power ratio.

The SGT-200 turbine is a unique combination of proven reliability and new technologies. In December 1983, for the Tornado turbine, the manufacturing company Ruston (now part of Siemens) was awarded the prestigious British MacRobert Prize, which is awarded for the most promising innovations.

The SGT-200 has fully justified the high level of trust placed in it with millions of hours of efficient operation. To date, more than 430 SGT-200 turbines have been sold. The total operating time of the supplied turbines is about 30 million equivalent hours.


  • High stability
  • Economical
  • Low-emission combustion chamber for gas with a dry system for reducing the concentration of harmful substances in the exhaust gases Dry Low Emissions (DLE)
  • Unified lubrication system
  • Ease of transportation and maintenance

Design and technical characteristics

The Siemens SGT-200 gas turbine is available in single-shaft (6.8 MW) and twin-shaft (7.7 MW) versions.

Single-shaft turbine SGT-200-1S

Twin-shaft turbine SGT-200-2S

The single-shaft version consists of a compressor, combustion chamber and turbine, as well as high-strength casings. Such simple design allows full maintenance of the turbine at the installation site. Excellent response to load changes ensures stability in all applications.

The twin-shaft version includes both a turbine high pressure(HPT) and a free turbine. The two-shaft design is characterized by flexibility in regulating the main operating parameters of the turbine.

The Siemens SGT-200 turbine can operate on both liquid and gaseous (including hydrogen) fuel; a dual-fuel combustion chamber operation mode is also available.

15-stage transonic axial compressor. The stator and rotor blades are made of 17-PH steel. The compressor is equipped with a rotating diffuser. The compressor housings are divided both vertically and horizontally.

Combustion chamber
The combustion chamber consists of 8 counter-flow tubular chambers with cross-ignition. The cameras are accessed by dividing the housing. The chamber can be removed by removing the burner. Thus, dismantling is carried out without disturbing any pipe connections.

The nozzle and working blades of the first stage have air cooling, which provides the required operating time of 40,000 hours.

Power turbine
The design of the power turbine is similar to the design of the high-pressure engine and consists of two stages of nozzles and working blades.

Operating principle

The air enters the filter and passes through the cochlea.

Through the guide vane, the air flow enters a 15-stage axial compressor, where the air is compressed with a ratio of 12.3:1.

The air-fuel mixture formed by mixing with fuel is continuously burned, driving the turbine.

Hot gases are discharged through the exhaust system and can be used in the recovery boiler.

Equipment and scope of application

The single-shaft version of the turbine is used for power generation and cogeneration in simple and combined cycle plants; offshore and onshore facilities in the oil and gas industry.

The twin-shaft version of the SGT-200 turbine is designed to drive pumps and compressors, that is, operate as a mechanical drive.

General information about the Siemens SGT-300 turbine

The Siemens SGT-300 gas turbine (previously called Tempest, translated as Storm) was introduced to the market in 1995. It entered commercial operation in 1998. The single-shaft gas turbine has gained a reputation as a reliable machine for combined heat and power production. More recently, the SGT-300 has proven its ability to operate efficiently on low Wobbe number fuels while meeting stringent emission requirements.

Single shaft turbine SGT-300

Twin-shaft turbine SGT-300

Building on the success of the single-shaft turbine, Siemens specialists began developing a twin-shaft version, the SGT-300. In general, the design approach can be characterized as conservative. It results in moderate turbine inlet temperatures (close to those of the single-shaft version) and the use of proven designs and technologies used in other Siemens gas turbines. All this allowed us to develop a reliable gas turbine capable of providing high efficiency both when operating as a mechanical drive and for generating electricity at oil and gas sector facilities. This turbine is also available for industrial power generation (simple cycle and cogeneration).

Design and technical characteristics

The SGT-300 turbine consists of a double bearing rotor, which is housed in a high strength housing. So simple and reliable design greatly simplifies maintenance and allows you to perform it directly at the installation site.

The figure below shows cross section internal contour of the SGT-300 turbine engine indicating the main elements.

  1. – DLE-type combustion chamber
  2. – exhaust system

SGT-300 consists of almost 100% ferrous and non-ferrous metals, predominantly unalloyed steel.

Fuel system

The SGT-300 turbine was designed to burn a variety of fuels, including gaseous liquefied petroleum gas and liquefied natural gas, as well as gaseous fuels with a lower Wobbe number (from 32 MJ/m 3).

  • Filter valve
  • Profiled flow control valve
  • Reliable drive
  • Excellent performance and feedback
  • Possibility of high-precision regulation

DLE combustion system

The SGT-300 turbine is equipped with a dry low emissions (DLE) system. The Siemens DLE combustion system has demonstrated very high level reliability. The same system is used on the SGT-100, SGT-200 and SGT-400 turbines.

The system ensures consistently low emissions. There are no moving parts and no on-site setup required. All control is carried out using software in the control system. Nitrogen oxide emissions are about 8ppm on gas fuels and 25ppm on liquid fuels.

The DLE system has more than 3 million operating hours over a wide range of fuels and ambient temperatures. The system has no impact on the overall performance of the gas turbine and reduces its reliability.

Below is a photo of a DLE-type combustion chamber and its assembled model.

Siemens offers power plants based on SGT-300. The station includes a gas turbine, generator, gearbox and auxiliary modules (see figure below).

  1. Lubrication module
  2. Feed module liquid fuel
  3. Liquid fuel purification module
  4. DLE gaseous fuel module
  5. Automatic drain module with electronic control unit

Operating principle

The air enters the filter and passes through the cochlea.

Russia has found a way to circumvent Western sanctions for the sake of the most important state task - the construction of Crimean power plants. The turbines produced by the German company Siemens, necessary for the operation of the stations, were delivered to the peninsula. However, how did it happen that our country was unable to develop such equipment itself?

Russia has supplied two of four gas turbines to Crimea for use at the Sevastopol power plant, Reuters reported yesterday, citing sources. According to them, turbines of the SGT5-2000E model from the German concern Siemens were delivered to the port of Sevastopol.

Russia is building two power plants with a capacity of 940 megawatts in Crimea, and earlier deliveries Siemens turbines they were frozen due to Western sanctions. However, apparently, a solution was found: these turbines were supplied by some third-party companies, and not by Siemens itself.

Russian companies mass-produce only turbines for low-power power plants. For example, the power of the GTE-25P gas turbine is 25 MW. But modern power plants reach a capacity of 400–450 MW (as in Crimea), and they need more powerful turbines – 160–290 MW. The turbine delivered to Sevastopol has just the required power of 168 MW. Russia is forced to find ways to circumvent Western sanctions in order to implement a program to ensure the energy security of the Crimean Peninsula.

How did it happen that in Russia there are no technologies and sites for the production of high-power gas turbines?

After the collapse of the USSR in the 90s and early 2000s, the Russian power engineering industry found itself on the brink of survival. But then a massive program for the construction of power plants began, that is, there was a demand for the products of Russian machine-building plants. But instead of creating their own product in Russia, a different path was chosen - and, at first glance, a very logical one. Why reinvent the wheel, spend a lot of time and money on development, research and production, if you can buy something that is already modern and ready-made abroad.

“In the 2000s, we built gas turbine power plants with GE and Siemens turbines. Thus, they hooked our already poor energy sector on the needle of Western companies. Now huge amounts of money are paid for servicing foreign turbines. An hour of work for a Siemens service engineer costs the same as the monthly salary of a mechanic at this power plant. In the 2000s, it was necessary not to build gas turbine power plants, but to modernize our main generating capacities,” says Maxim Muratshin, CEO of the engineering company Powerz.

“I am involved in production, and I was always offended when senior management used to say that we would buy everything abroad because ours couldn’t do anything. Now everyone has woken up, but time is lost. There is no longer enough demand to create a new turbine to replace the Siemens one. But at that time it was possible to create your own high-power turbine and sell it to 30 gas turbine power plants. That's what the Germans would have done. And the Russians simply bought these 30 turbines from foreigners,” the source adds.

Now the main problem in power engineering is the wear and tear of machinery and equipment in the absence of high demand. More precisely, there is demand from power plants, where outdated equipment urgently needs to be replaced. However, they don't have the money for this.

“Power plants do not have enough money to carry out large-scale modernization in the conditions of a strict tariff policy regulated by the state. Power plants cannot sell electricity at a price at which they could earn money for rapid modernization. We have very cheap electricity compared to Western countries“says Muratshin.

Therefore, the situation in the energy industry cannot be called rosy. For example, at one time the largest boiler plant in the Soviet Union, Krasny Kotelshchik (part of Power Machines), at its peak produced 40 high-power boilers per year, and now only one or two per year. “There is no demand, and the capacity that was in the Soviet Union has been lost. But we still have the basic technologies, so within two to three years our factories can again produce 40-50 boilers per year. It's a matter of time and money. But here they drag it out until the last minute, and then they want to do everything quickly in two days,” Muratshin worries.

Demand for gas turbines is even more difficult because generating electricity requires gas boilers- an expensive pleasure. No one in the world builds their energy sector solely on this type of generation; as a rule, there is the main generating capacity, and gas turbine power plants supplement it. The advantage of gas turbine stations is that they quickly connect and supply energy to the network, which is important during peak periods of consumption (morning and evening). Whereas, for example, steam or coal boilers require several hours of cooking. “In addition, there is no coal in Crimea, but it has its own gas, plus a gas pipeline is being pulled from the Russian mainland,” Muratshin explains the logic according to which a gas-fired power plant was chosen for Crimea.

But there is another reason why Russia bought German, and not domestic, turbines for the power plants being built in Crimea. The development of domestic analogues is already underway. It's about gas turbine GTD-110M, which is being modernized and modified by the United Engine Corporation together with Inter RAO and Rusnano. This turbine was developed in the 90s and 2000s, it was even used at the Ivanovo State District Power Plant and the Ryazan State District Power Plant in the late 2000s. However, the product turned out to have many “childhood diseases”. In fact, now NPO Saturn is engaged in their treatment.

And since the project of the Crimean power plants is extremely important from many points of view, apparently, for the sake of reliability, it was decided not to use a crude domestic turbine for it. UEC explained that they would not have time to finalize their turbine before the construction of stations in Crimea began. By the end of this year, only a pilot industrial prototype of the modernized GTD-110M will be created. While the launch of the first units of two thermal power plants in Simferopol and Sevastopol is promised by the beginning of 2018.

However, if not for sanctions, there would be no serious problems with turbines for Crimea. Moreover, even Siemens turbines are not a purely imported product. Alexey Kalachev from Finam Investment Company notes that turbines for the Crimean thermal power plants could be produced in Russia, at the St. Petersburg plant of Siemens Gas Turbine Technologies.

“Of course, this is a subsidiary of Siemens, and probably some of the components are supplied for assembly from European factories. But still, this is a joint venture, and production is localized on Russian territory and to meet Russian needs,” says Kalachev. That is, Russia not only buys foreign turbines, but also forced foreigners to invest in production on Russian territory. According to Kalachev, it is precisely the creation of a joint venture in Russia with foreign partners that makes it possible to overcome the technological gap most quickly and effectively.

“Without the participation of foreign partners, the creation of independent and completely independent technologies and technological platforms is theoretically possible, but will require significant time and money,” explains the expert. Moreover, money is needed not only for the modernization of production, but also for personnel training, R&D, engineering schools, etc. By the way, it took Siemens 10 years to create the SGT5-8000H turbine.

The real origin of the turbines supplied to Crimea turned out to be quite understandable. As stated by the Technopromexport company, four sets of turbines for power facilities in Crimea were purchased on the secondary market. And, as you know, he is not subject to sanctions.

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