What can you grow in a pot? What greens to sow on the windowsill in winter: tips for beginners. Joint planting of herbs

We all love fresh greens, because they can not only enrich our food with vitamins, but also give it a very special taste and aroma.

But few people think that it is not necessary to buy fresh herbs and even some vegetables anew every time. Because you can easily grow them at home without much work and hassle!

1. Garlic
As a rule, garlic bulbs are used in cooking. But green shoots (arrows) are also suitable for gastronomy: they are suitable for making marinades and sauces.
When garlic begins to sprout shoots, it loses its pungency. This head of garlic belongs in a bowl of water, where in a couple of weeks it will produce new shoots that will be an excellent addition to salads and potatoes.

Garlic varieties are divided into two groups: winter and spring. The latter usually do not produce arrows, therefore they are not suitable for growing in at home.

For those who have ever grown onions on a windowsill, dealing with garlic will not be difficult. You need to take winter garlic cloves, preferably with sprouted sprouts.

Garlic germinates well and can continue to grow in a glass of water. Garlic sprouts have a very delicate taste and can be easily added to salads and sauces.

If you prefer to grow in the ground, then you can use any soil mixture. Each clove is planted at a depth of 2-3 cm and at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other. After planting, you must water it.

The container with garlic should be kept on the brightest window in the house.

2. Romaine lettuce, lettuce and watercress
Super-fast greens grow from lettuce cuttings that we usually cut and throw away. After cutting off the leaves, place the cutting in water - greenery will appear the next day. Cut off the leaves, and the cuttings will continue to produce greenery.

Romaine lettuce will come back to life if you keep it in water for several days so that the water covers half the plant. After this, new leaves will immediately appear, and the plant can be planted in the ground again.

Lettuce in water grows from the center of the head, so it needs the lower part to grow. About 3 days after planting, new shoots will be visible, and after 2 weeks it will be possible to harvest.

Watercress is one of the best crops for home gardens.

  • Firstly, it - like onions - is extremely unpretentious. Those who do not have the opportunity or desire to spend time on labor-intensive care for the “beds” on the windowsill will certainly appreciate this, I think.
  • Secondly, it is very early ripening: already 2-3 weeks after the emergence of shoots (and they won’t keep you waiting either) you will be pleased with young vitamin greens.
  • Thirdly, nature has endowed watercress with many useful properties: Regular consumption of this crop helps normalize blood pressure, improve digestion and sleep. It was used as a remedy for scurvy, and the juice was used to treat anemia and vitamin deficiencies.

Watercress grows successfully on windowsills in winter - it is very cold-resistant (the ideal temperature for it is considered to be from +15 to +18 degrees) and is not demanding of light. The only thing it needs is regular moistening of the soil and air, since this plant does not like drought. In order to always have greens on the table, it is recommended to sow another portion of watercress every 7-10 days.

3. Bok choy - Chinese cabbage
Chinese kale considered a unique source of vitamins C and A.
You can regularly replenish their supply if you place the lower part of the stem in water and do not forget to change it periodically.

In a well-lit room, place the plant root in water. Keep it there for 1-2 weeks, after which you can transplant the cabbage into a pot. There it will grow into a full cabbage.

A windowsill and a container of water can give a second life to Chinese cabbage. It grows from the center, so to grow it you will need the lower part of the head of cabbage.

4. Coriander (cilantro)
Coriander grows well in water. Try to plant it, and the fragrant sprout will immediately delight you with a riot of greenery.

5. Green onions
According to the unanimous opinion of everyone who has ever tried to grow greens on a windowsill, the safest option is onions, especially in winter, when there is little light. It adapts equally easily to any container - jars of water or any plastic container with soil.

This plant also feels quite comfortable without soil.
Green onions will grow back if you leave them in a small glass with the roots in water. The room where it will grow should be well lit.

As planting material, you can use both onion sets (large fraction - selections) and ordinary onion. I've tried both options; Of course, the harvest from sets (or small turnips) is smaller - the bulb is depleted faster. But the feather - for my taste - is softer and more delicate.
In addition, a small onion takes less space upon landing. A large bulb produces more greenery, its feathers are usually larger, and it takes longer to harvest from it.

The onion needs to be peeled, the top and bottom cut off (very carefully to preserve the growing points) and inserted into the hole of a jar of water with the bottom down.

Jars, glasses and cups are not convenient only because the bulbs in them often rot. This is easy to avoid. Insert the onion into a clean, but no longer the right sock, fill the jar a third with water and dip the sock in the water. The water will rise up the sock and moisten the bulb and then its roots.

If there is no free glassware in the house, you can use any containers for forcing onions, for example, plastic boxes in which salads are laid out in supermarkets. According to the size of each box, you need to take a sheet of thick cardboard and cut holes in it according to the diameter of the onion. Then pour water into the container, cover with cardboard, and insert the onions into the holes so that they barely touch the water.

In addition, you can grow green onions and in a regular plate. Pour a small amount of settled water at room temperature into a plate and place the bulbs tightly next to each other, trying to keep them vertical. The water should cover the bulbs by no more than a quarter.

Also remember a few simple rules growing onions for greens in water:

  • It is better to pre-disinfect the container for forcing green onions, be it a jar or a plate, with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  • The water should just lightly touch the bottom of the bulb.
  • Do not immerse the bulbs entirely in water; it will rot.
  • Until the roots grow, keep the container with the bulbs in a cool place.
  • Until the roots appear, the water in the containers must be changed twice a day - morning and evening. When the greens begin to grow, change the water every 24 hours. If you feed onions by dissolving fertilizers in water, change the liquid once a week.
  • From time to time, rinse the roots of the bulbs and dishes under running water.
  • To prevent the bulbs from rotting, periodically remove them from containers with water and leave them “in the wild” for three to four hours.
  • Place each batch of onions for forcing two weeks after the previous one, and then fresh greens will be on your table continuously.

So, you can plant onions for forcing in small containers with water/ nutrient solution or into the ground. I personally like the second option better: bulbs in water often begin to rot, emitting a specific aroma; I’ve never had this kind of incident happen to me with unpaved ones.

Growing onions for greens in the soil:

It is recommended to add a hydrogel soaked in Gumi solution to the soil for planting (this biological product strengthens the plants, additionally nourishes them, and increases resistance to disease). In room conditions, the soil substrate dries out quickly, and the hydrogel prevents the bulbs from suffering from moisture deficiency.

To always have a harvest, it is best to plant onions regularly - every 10-14 days. Then, by the time the harvest from the first “bed” is fully harvested, the greens on the next one will ripen - and so on until spring.

I use small plastic boxes for planting. I pour expanded clay on the bottom (there are no holes for draining excess moisture in the boxes, so drainage is necessary), and on top - soil with hydrogel up to about half of the box. Having slightly compacted the mixture, I plant the bulbs in it close to each other, without burying them in the soil. I water it generously and that’s it :))

Since I usually plant already sprouted bulbs, I don’t have to wait long for the harvest.

6. Leeks
The green part of this plant is undeservedly given less attention. Meanwhile, it can be used in soups, pies and a number of other dishes, which is what many famous chefs do.

You won't be short of fresh shoots if you immerse the lower, white part of the stem in water.

7. Carrots
The root crop of this plant cannot be grown in a vase of water, but greens are a completely doable task. Simply place the cut top of the carrot in a bowl of water. Greens can be used in salads, baked goods, pesto and other dishes.

Carrot tops grow back within a week from cut carrot butts. Just put them in water and place them on a bright windowsill. Change the water every 3-4 days, it should not rot.
If you have sand, place your butts on wet sand, it will be ideal. Make sure the sand is always damp.

Carrot tops are tasty and healthy. It contains no less carotene and potassium than the root, and it is also pure fiber. It can be added to salads and borscht; when fresh it can be a little bitter, but no more so than arugula.

8. Beet tops from scraps
Beet tops can be grown in the same way as carrot tops - by placing them in water or on damp sand. Cutting the stems as they grow, leaving cuttings, they will grow again and again.

Beet tops, to my taste, are much tastier than any green salad. It also contains a lot of iodine, a whole range of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Eat it in salads, sandwiches, cook botvinya and borscht. I recommend!

9. Basil
Basil is one of the most fragrant and favorite herbs among housewives. At the same time, it is quite unpretentious and grows well on a windowsill.
Basil takes root very easily - place freshly cut small basil shoots 3-4 cm long in a glass of water in direct sunlight, after five days the roots will appear and you can plant.

Basil loves sun, so place it in a south-facing window. When five or six leaves appear, cut off the top of the basil to encourage it to grow wider and bushier.
When the sprouts double in size, you can plant the plant in the soil. The basil will be lush and healthy again.

As soil will do any soil from the store, buy nitrogen fertilizer for it. If the basil has buds, they must be cut off, otherwise it will produce flowers rather than leaves.

10. Celery

We don’t need the whole bunch of celery to force greens at home. Only its lowest root part is needed, which is usually thrown away after breaking off the edible juicy petioles.

So, cut off the base of the celery bunch, stepping back about 5 cm from the bottom of the bunch. - we get a kind of “rosette”.
You just need to put it in a glass or any other low container and pour in a little water so that it covers no more than half of the “socket”. It is advisable to place the container with the plant on a bright windowsill.

Now all that remains is to wait and add water to the glass from time to time. In a couple of days, the first green leaves will begin to emerge from the center of the celery “rosette,” and after a week, whole sprigs of fresh greenery will appear.
It can be used both fresh and dry, making it an aromatic seasoning for dishes. The water should be changed every 2-3 days.
Roots will begin to grow from the base of the bunch, so if you have a free flower pot and soil, you can transplant the celery from water to soil. But not necessarily.

A celery head (root) planted in the ground will also begin to grow green in a couple of weeks, without requiring any special care.

11. Fennel
Fennel is grown in the same way as celery.

It is necessary to leave about 5 cm at the bottom of the bulb and place it in a container filled with water.

12. Spinach
Spinach grows quite quickly, but loves cool weather, so the optimal temperature for growing it is no higher than +18 degrees. Boxes or pots with a height of 15 cm and southern windows are suitable for it - spinach needs a lot of light. If there is little light, then the temperature should be lower, up to +16 degrees.

You can use ready-made soil mixtures, intended for decorative house plants.
Before sowing, soak the seeds for two days, then place them in the furrows to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The distance between the seeds is 4 cm, between the furrows - 6 cm. Spinach should be watered generously, you can even spray it. It is better not to feed the soil - it is believed that spinach easily accumulates nitrates.

13. Ginger
To grow ginger at home, you will need a piece of fresh and smooth ginger root with a couple of live buds. If the root is too dry, you can keep it in warm water for a while.

Ginger should be planted in a pot or box with soil with the buds facing up. The ideal conditions for this plant are a warm, humid, bright place, but without direct sunlight. In addition to the fact that ginger is tasty and healthy, it is also beautiful (somewhat reminiscent of reeds), so it can even be grown for decorative purposes

14. Lemongrass
This lemon grass is quite unpretentious and can even grow in a glass of water.

Cut 4 cm of plants from the bottom and put them in water - now you will always have one of the essential ingredients of tom yum soup on hand.

Before the weather warms up, you can grow whatever you want at home. But don’t expect the greenery on the windowsill to reach the same size as in the garden: this won’t happen at home. In the end, the process itself is important to us! And the harvest will not take long to arrive.
Based on materials from econet.ru, steaklovers.menu

I wish you success and great harvests!

Nowadays it’s not uncommon to find on the windowsill, in addition to the usual indoor plants some types of greens. This is especially true in winter, when there is snow outside, and fresh aromatic dill, parsley, onions, lettuce, basil or other types of herbs grow in the apartment.

But if in the summer, when planting in beds, plants do not require special attention, then in the apartment it is recommended to follow certain rules of care and adhere to the conditions of maintenance. Therefore, the proposed recommendations for beginning gardeners on growing greenery on the windowsill will help you create a garden bed at home with your own hands.

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    General landing rules

    There are no special varieties of greens for growing at home, but it is better to give preference to early and mid-early determinate species, since they are less demanding in terms of living conditions, and the first harvest can be cut much earlier compared to late ones.

    Regardless of the crop chosen, there are certain general rules landings that you should pay attention to.

    Growing containers

    To grow greenery on a windowsill, you need to select fairly spacious containers or pots with a depth of at least 18–20 cm. This is necessary so that the plants have the opportunity to grow strong. root system, which guarantees the full development of the aboveground part in the future.

    Planting containers should have drainage holes to remove excess moisture, which will help reduce the risk of developing root rot if not proper care for plants.

    If you use containers in which other crops were previously grown, they must be thoroughly washed and disinfected in a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

    Substrate for planting

    In order for plants to fully grow and develop, it is necessary to prepare a nutritious soil mixture. It should consist of the following components in the following proportion:

    • 30% - turf soil;
    • 20% - peat or leaf soil;
    • 20% - river sand;
    • 20% - coconut fiber;
    • 10% - perlite.

    But if it is not possible to prepare the soil or not all the components are available, then you can purchase the necessary substrate in the store, choosing a universal one or for seedlings.

    3 days before planting, the soil should be watered with Previkur (10 ml per 6 liters of water) or Maxim (2 ml per 1 liter of water), which will protect the seedlings from pathogens of fungal diseases.

    Preparation of planting material

    Before sowing, it is recommended to prepare the seeds. It can be done to stimulate growth processes and to disinfect planting material. This procedure will help activate biological forces and improve the germination rate.

    Often, gardeners use potassium permanganate for disinfection, but many beginners ignore the consumption rate of the product and the rules of application, which causes more harm to the seeds than good. The procedure should be carried out in the following sequence:

    • dissolve potassium permanganate crystals in water at the rate of 1 mg per 1 liter of water, that is, the solution should have a bright pink tint;
    • wrap the seeds in several layers of gauze and lower them into the resulting mixture;
    • leave them for 15 minutes;
    • rinse under cold water and dry until fluffy.

    Another disinfection option involves the use of the drug "Fitosporin". To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve 1.5 g of the product in 1 liter of water 2 hours before the procedure, which is necessary for activation active substance. Soak the seed for 2 hours, then dry.

    To increase germination and stimulate growth, it is recommended to use the following drugs:

    • "Zircon" - dilute 0.025 mg of the product in 100 ml of water, which is enough to treat 100 g of seeds, soak for 2-4 hours.
    • "Epin" - dissolve 3 drops of the drug in 1 liter of water, leave for 3 hours.
    • Succinic acid - dissolve 1.5 g in 1.5 liters of water, soak for 12–24 hours.

    After treatment, the seed must be immediately planted in the soil, since growth processes have already activated in it.

    Landing algorithm

    To create a green bed on a windowsill, you need to properly plant, which includes several main steps:

    1. 1. Pour a 1.5–2 cm layer of drainage into the container, preferably a coarse fraction.
    2. 2. Fill the remaining volume with the prepared substrate, leaving a gap of 2 cm to the top.
    3. 3. Level the soil surface and compact it slightly.
    4. 4. Moisten generously and allow to be completely absorbed.
    5. 5. Place the seeds at a distance of 1.5–3 cm from each other and press them to the surface.
    6. 6. Sprinkle with earth in a layer of 0.5–1 cm and compact.
    7. 7. Moisten the top with water, spraying it from a spray bottle.
    8. 8. Cover the containers with the crops with glass or a transparent lid, since successful germination requires high humidity.
    9. 9. Move the containers to the windowsill and provide a temperature of +25 degrees until friendly shoots appear.
    10. 10. Check the crops regularly, remove condensation from the lid with a paper napkin and spray the soil if the top layer dries out.

    As soon as friendly shoots appear, it is necessary to reduce the temperature to 18–20 degrees, which will prevent excessive elongation of the sprouts. When the plants grow and become stronger, it is necessary to adapt them to the external environment. Therefore, initially they should be opened and ventilated, but every day this period should be increased by another 30 minutes. A week after the start of adaptation, the plants can be fully opened.

    In the case of continuous sowing, the seedlings should be thinned out so that the plants are located at a distance of 1.5–3 cm, leaving the strongest and most promising shoots. If you ignore this procedure, the stems will stretch over time and take on an unsightly appearance.

    Rules for further care

    From how it will be carried out correctly further care for greens, it depends on how quickly it will grow and how often it can be harvested. It is recommended to place containers on an east or west window, but slightly shade the plants from direct sunlight, otherwise this will lead to burns on the leaves.

    For full growth and development of plants, it is necessary that daylight hours be at least 10 hours all year round. Therefore, in autumn and winter it is necessary to turn on the lighting in the evening, placing the lamps 50–60 cm above the seedlings. Lack of light leads to stretching and deformation of the stems.

    Many types of greenery can easily tolerate a gradual decrease in temperature, but their growth slows down. For full development, a temperature in the range of 18–20 degrees is required, which guarantees the uniform formation of the above-ground part and root system, but if this level increases, it is necessary to lengthen the daylight hours. IN summer period containers with herbs can be displayed on glass balcony or a loggia, but the night temperature should not fall below 10 degrees.

    Watering plants must be carried out regularly when the top layer of soil dries out, without allowing the roots to dry out. Humidity should be high, so it is recommended to additionally spray the foliage every 2-3 days. During particularly hot periods, it is necessary to place containers of water nearby, which will increase evaporation. With a lack of moisture, the lower leaves will begin to turn yellow and dry out, and the crops will have an unsightly weak appearance. Water for irrigation should be at room temperature.

    Once a week, the soil in the pot should be loosened to a depth of 0.5–1 cm, which will improve air access to the root system. This procedure helps to normalize metabolic processes in plant tissues and reduce the likelihood of developing fungal diseases.

    Green beds should be fertilized regularly. To do this, you can use organic matter (rotted mullein 1:10) or mineral fertilizers (Kemira Lux) once every 2 weeks.

    Features of growing different crops

    Some plants have a number of characteristics that should be taken into account when growing them. Therefore, before you start planting, you should first familiarize yourself with them.

    Sometimes basic conditions are not enough when growing certain crops, while others can be grown simply in water, without resorting to planting in the ground.

    Green onions

    This type of greenery is easiest to grow on a windowsill. As planting material, it is necessary to use not seeds, but sets. The larger the bulbs, the more crop you can harvest. You can plant onions either in a container with water or with a nutrient substrate.

    In the first case, the greens will germinate earlier without soil, but the bulb will deplete much faster. In the second case, the harvest will have to wait longer, but it can be cut 3-4 times.


    To grow dill on a windowsill, it is recommended to give preference to:

    • early varieties - Grenadier, Gribovsky, but with a lack of light the plants will stretch and become deformed;
    • late varieties - Kibray, Richelieu, harvest occurs 10 days later than previous types, but at the same time dense compact bushes, capable of perfectly withstanding all home conditions.

    The seeds of this crop are characterized by a high oil content, which slows down the germination process. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out pre-sowing preparation according to the following principle:

    • prepare a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate;
    • soak the seeds for 20 hours;
    • every 6 hours the solution should be replaced with a new one;
    • After the time has passed, drain the seeds that have floated to the surface;
    • Dry the specimens that have sunk to the bottom and plant them in the ground.

    Friendly shoots of dill appear within 10–14 days after planting. And the first harvest can be obtained 1.5 months after this, but the greenery must be cut at a height of 3 cm above the soil surface. With each subsequent harvest, the dill foliage will become tougher, so it is recommended to carry out additional sowing into the container, gradually removing old bushes.


    This type of greenery can be grown both from seeds and from root vegetables, which can be purchased in the store. Specimens of medium length and weighing 30–60 g without obvious signs damage. The top of the root crop should also not be cut off. When planting, the material should be deepened by 2/3, without covering the growing point.

    Parsley seeds have a long germination period, so they especially require pre-sowing treatment with the help of Zircon and Epin preparations. This will help speed up the process significantly. Plant varieties most suitable for growing on a windowsill:

    • Fragrant alley;
    • Russian feast;
    • Beads;
    • Morning freshness.


    When growing lettuce at home, it is best to opt for the leafy types, since the cabbage varieties are more demanding to grow and therefore require some specific skills. The best varieties are Lollo Rossa and Lollo Bionda, which are more tolerant of lack of light, slightly inferior to them - New Year's, Emerald Lace, Vitamin.

    The lettuce does not tolerate drought and lack of light, as a result it produces flower stalks, and the leaves become coarser and acquire a characteristic bitterness. Therefore, it is necessary to water it regularly and ensure that the substrate is always slightly moist, and spraying is carried out daily.

    It is important to thin out lettuce seedlings. At the initial stage, the distance between plants should be 2–3 cm, and in the phase of 2–3 true leaves - at least 5 cm. The crop can be cut once, after which sowing should be repeated.


    This crop can be grown on a windowsill by cuttings or seeds. In the first case, you will need a mother plant from which you can take apical shoots for planting. Rooting takes place in water and does not require any professional skills. To do this, it is enough to cut the cutting with two internodes. The shoot should be lowered to the bottom pair of leaves in water and wait until the roots appear, then planted in the ground. The greenery quickly adapts and grows, but with this method it will be possible to cut the crop no more than 2-3 times, after which the procedure should be repeated.

    In the second case, you need to tinker a little, but you can cut the crop from a green bed within 1 year. To grow basil at home, you need to choose small-leaved green varieties, since purple varieties are more demanding of care. In winter, basil may not sprout at all, so it is recommended to sow in spring or summer.

    The optimal temperature for the growth and development of spinach is +15 degrees, but at +4 the seeds already begin to germinate. The harvest can already be obtained 40 days after emergence, and the plants should have a height of 7–10 cm and 5–7 true leaves in a rosette. You can use a green bed of spinach for 2-3 months, after which sowing should be repeated. Spinach does not tolerate drought and therefore needs regular watering and foliage spraying. The best varieties for growing on a windowsill are: Gigantic, Melody and Stoic.


    Growing this type of greenery will not be difficult even for a person who has never done this before. But adequate lighting and high humidity of the substrate and air should be provided. With their deficiency, the sprouts become very elongated. The first harvest can be obtained 30 days after the sprouts appear.

    The cut must be made no lower than 3 centimeters above the soil surface. In this case, you can count on fresh herbs up to 2-3 times. Then re-seeding will be required.

    By following simple planting and growing rules, you can create your own green bed on the windowsill.

Growing food in cities is popular all over the world. So, Britta Riley lives in a tiny apartment in New York. She came up with a hydroponic vertical garden. It takes up little space and brings a good harvest. About her innovation Britta.

In the West, if a product is labeled eco, bio or organic, it means two things. Firstly, these products are grown, harvested and processed in accordance with environmental standards, that is, without pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, growth stimulants and other “nasties”. They were certified, and serious organizations guaranteed their quality. Secondly, organic products are an order of magnitude more expensive than conventional ones.

In Russia, the “clean food” market is just emerging. Biocertification and control systems. And the difference in prices between bioproducts and conventional vegetables and fruits sometimes reaches 1,000%! Therefore, for us, the most eco, bio and organic are products grown with our own hands.

But not everyone has dachas or relatives in the village. What should urban children do, accustomed to seeing potatoes washed and in nets, and greens in vacuum packages? Grow vegetables and fruits directly on the balcony or windowsill.

6 reasons to start a mini-garden at home

  1. You can pamper yourself with fresh vegetables and herbs full of vitamins all year round.
  2. Saving. Vegetables and fruits are expensive, especially in winter. With a home garden, you no longer have to adapt to the season (we only eat enough tomatoes in July, and apples in September).
  3. You yourself can grow a plant from a tiny seed with your own hands, and you can collect the fruits. This is a creative activity that charges with positive energy.
  4. You can improve your knowledge of biology, gain useful skills and acquire an exciting hobby.
  5. Your children will see how tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables grow, and will understand that they do not miraculously materialize in the refrigerator; growing them is serious work.
  6. You can surprise your friends and acquaintances. Imagine showing off your harvest by showing off your window beds. ;)

What you need to grow vegetables and herbs at home

  • Place. Usually this is a windowsill or balcony. It is better if they face the sunny side. If not, lamps will be required for additional lighting. If necessary, the window sill can be expanded or shelves can be built for “beds” (the minimum distance between shelves is 50 cm).
  • Capacities. The beds for the home garden can be clay or plastic pots, wooden boxes. The main thing is that there are holes in the bottom for draining water. It is recommended to place containers on pallets.
  • Priming. There are many soil mixtures for indoor gardening. As a rule, several layers are made: peat, compost, turf. You can prepare the soil yourself, or you can buy it at a specialized store.
  • Seeds. Some varieties of tomatoes or cucumbers grow well at home, while others do not even sprout. Therefore, before you start indoor gardening, you need to sit on forums, read articles on the Internet and find out what seeds to buy.

In addition, you may need fertilizers, fertilizing, a thermometer and a vessel for settling water (houseplants are watered with water at room temperature, separated from chlorine).

Shelf for plants on the windowsill" data-img-id="363908">

Mobile rack for "beds" data-img-id="363907">

Hanging rack for growing herbs" data-img-id="363910">

A solution for those who do not have a window sill" data-img-id="363913">

Vessels for moisture-loving plants" data-img-id="363914">

We have the inventory, now we need to decide what to plant. Lifehacker has already written about some vegetables that grow beautifully on a windowsill.

Today we will tell you about ten more such plants.



Variety : "Amsterdamian".
Temperature : from 15 to 25 ºС.
Harvest : in ≈70 days.

To grow at home, you need to take miniature varieties of carrots. You can plant in boxes, pots or simply cut plastic bottles with holes in the bottom. The soil should be drained.

The seeds are placed in the ground to a depth of about 7 cm. When the carrots sprout and sprout a few centimeters, they need to be thinned out, leaving the strongest sprouts at a distance of about 2 cm from each other. It is not recommended to keep the beds in direct sunlight.

You need to water carrots at home often, but you need to make sure that there is not too much moisture, otherwise the root crop will rot. From time to time you can feed with fertilizers with a low nitrogen content (if there is a lot of it, all the growth will go into the tops). It is also very useful to loosen the soil from time to time.


Pepper grown on the balcony

Varieties : “treasure island”, “dwarf”, “watercolor”, “swallow” and others.
Temperature : from 25 to 27 ºС.
Harvest : after 100–130 days.

The seeds are first planted in small pots that are covered cling film and put in a warm place. When the first shoots appear (in one to two weeks), several small punctures need to be made in the film. After some time, the pepper will get stronger, then it can be transplanted into large pots or buckets. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the spine. Root the plant by a third, after which it is watered with warm (30 ºС) water.

In the future, the pepper can be watered every day. This plant loves light, so in addition to natural light, lamps with a white spectrum are recommended. It is necessary to protect home-grown peppers from drafts and direct sunlight.

You can fertilize nitrogen fertilizers, but potassium salt and potassium chloride will destroy the roots of the plant. With proper care, peppers on the windowsill can produce fruit for up to two years.

Cherry tomatoes


Varieties : “pygmy”, “bonsai”, “bead” and others.
Temperature : from 23 to 25 ºС.
Harvest : after 90–100 days (depending on the variety).

Soil, as in the case of pepper, is more convenient to buy ready-made. It is recommended to take a cylindrical container: it is better filled with the root system.

First, the seeds are germinated in small pots: buried to a depth of 1.5 cm, covered with cling film and left in a warm place until the first sprouts. When the tomatoes have risen, they are dived into a larger and deeper bowl.

It is important that the plant receives even lighting. To do this, you can hang fluorescent lamps over the “beds” or regularly turn the containers towards the window.

Water carefully: it’s easy to overwater cherry tomatoes. When the plant grows, it is recommended to loosen the soil from time to time and feed it with mineral fertilizers. If necessary, the tomato trunk can be tied to a support (wooden skewer or pencil). It is also important to ensure that pests do not appear on the tomatoes.

By the way, not only cherry tomatoes grow well in home gardens, but also ordinary tomatoes.


Cucumbers grown on the window

Varieties : “Rytov’s room”, “miracle on the window”, “ant” and others.
Temperature : from 21 to 24 ºС.
Harvest : in 35–45 days.

For cucumbers you need quite large containers, at least 6 liters in volume. The soil should be loose, with peat or compost.

Self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers grow well at home. First you need to prepare the seeds: they are poured into a weak saline solution, those that float are thrown away. Then suitable seeds are soaked for 20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate, after which they are washed on damp gauze and planted in the ground (under a film). When the seedlings sprout and grow, they can be planted in large containers.

Water homemade cucumbers with warm water every day, but with caution. The leaves can also be sprayed with a spray bottle. Potassium nitrate is recommended as a top dressing.

When the vines of cucumbers form and grow, supports should be built for them so that the plant can weave.


Homegrown radish

Varieties : “Carmen”, “White Fang”, “Celeste F1” and others.
Temperature : from 18 to 20 ºС.
Harvest : in ≈40 days.

It is recommended to plant radishes in wooden or clay containers, but ordinary plastic cups can also be used. You need loose, well-drained soil. Before planting, seeds can be tested for germination, like cucumbers. After which they need to be buried to a depth of 1–3 cm.

After planting, the soil must be watered and covered with film. When the shoots appear, the “greenhouse” is removed. Radishes, as a rule, are not picked. But sometimes they place him in a lower place for two or three days. temperature regime- about 15 °C. This hardens the plant and promotes a better harvest.

Five days after the appearance of the first shoots, organic feeding is carried out, and two weeks later - mineral feeding. Water the radishes generously as they dry. It is also important that the air in the room where it grows is not dry.


Homemade spinach

Varieties : “virofle”, “godri”, “gigantic” and others.
Temperature : 15 ºС.
Harvest : in ≈40 days.

Spinach is a green vegetable and is considered very healthy. To grow it at home, you need containers 15–20 cm high. You can use ready-made soil mixtures. The main thing is that they contain peat.

It is recommended to soak the seeds in water for a day before planting. Sowing is carried out to a depth of 1–2 cm. To speed up germination, you can cover the containers with film. Spinach sprouts about a week after planting, then it can be picked.

In winter, when the heating is on in the apartment and when there is short daylight, it is recommended to illuminate the plant with lamps and spray it with a spray bottle (in addition to watering).

The harvest can be harvested when the spinach reaches 7–10 cm in height.



Varieties : “marquis”, “lemon”, “Baku” and others.
Temperature : from 22 to 24 °C.
Harvest : in 50–55 days.

Basil is one of the most aromatic and favorite seasonings for housewives. At the same time, it is quite unpretentious and grows well on a windowsill.

Plant basil immediately in large containers (at least 1.5 liters in volume). First you need to prepare the soil for planting: water it twice with mineral fertilizers at an interval of five days. The seeds are deepened by 1–1.5 cm. Until the plant sprouts, it must be watered every two days. Further watering is carried out daily, preferably in the morning.

Green garlic


Varieties : “Kharkov”, “anniversary” and others.
Temperature : from 18 to 25 °C.
Harvest : in 15–20 days.

As a rule, garlic bulbs are used in cooking. But green shoots (arrows) are also suitable for gastronomy: they are suitable for making marinades and sauces.

Garlic varieties are divided into two groups: winter and spring. The latter usually do not produce arrows, so they are not suitable for growing at home.

For those who have ever grown onions on a windowsill, dealing with garlic will not be difficult. You need to take winter garlic cloves, preferably with sprouted sprouts. You can use any soil mixture. Each clove is planted at a depth of 2–3 cm and at a distance of 1–2 cm from each other. After planting, you must water it.

The container with garlic should be kept on the brightest window in the house. Water as the soil dries. From time to time you can feed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers.



Temperature : from 20 to 25 °C.
Harvest : in ≈60 days.

Mint has a fairly branched root system, so to plant it you should take a deep and wide container. It is recommended to use peat soil, any variety.

There are two ways to plant mint: seeds and cuttings. The latter is shown in the video below.

To grow mint from seeds, you need to plant them in the ground to a depth of about 5 mm and water them. To create a greenhouse effect, you can use film. Before the emergence of seedlings (after about two weeks), the soil should be sprinkled with water every day. After germination, mint must be planted.

Mint is unpretentious. In summer it should be protected from direct sunlight, and in winter from lack of light and overwatering. From time to time, the plant can be fed with organic mixtures.

Mature plants can reach a meter in height. As a rule, they have a lot of leaves - there will almost always be mint for tea or homemade mojito.



Varieties : “autumn fun”, “homemade delicacy”, “garland” and others.
Temperature : from 18 to 20 °C.
Harvest : in ≈30 days.

For the home garden, ampelous remontant varieties of strawberries are suitable. They bear fruit all year round and are not too demanding of light. You can plant strawberries in any soil mixture. But first, drainage (expanded clay, small pebbles) should be poured onto the bottom to protect the strawberries from stagnation of water.

Strawberries can be grown from seedlings or seeds. Both are sold in gardening stores.

Seeds are planted in small containers (for example, plastic glasses), water generously and cover with cling film. After the first shoots appear, the film is removed and the seedlings are placed in a well-lit place. When three or four leaves are formed, the strawberries are dived into larger containers.

This plant loves light. When days are shorter than nights, you should use artificial lighting. Watering and spraying are carried out as the soil dries. Strawberries are easy to pour.

Solutions with a significant iron content are used as fertilizing. During active growth, the strawberry grows tendrils; they need to be tied to supports.

As you can see, growing vegetables, herbs and even berries in a city apartment is not difficult and even fun.

If you have experience with home gardening, please tell us about it. Write in the comments, what and how did you happen to grow on your windowsill?.

). This vitamin harvest will be especially relevant in winter, when each of us 100% wants to have more healthy vitamins, macro- and microelements, as well as amino acids, proteins, and carbohydrates on our table. To ensure that there is no trace of disease all year round, plant a lot of cultivated green plants in your apartment and on the window! They will not only reward you for your care with good health, but will also help you get back on your feet after an illness at home.

What greens can be grown at home on the windowsill: suitable varieties of juicy greens and herbs for growing at home

In an apartment, namely on a window, you can grow the following types greens and herbs (suitable varieties are indicated in brackets):

  • basil (Clove, Yerevan, Dwarf, Lemon, Marquis, Purple);

Pay attention! You can read in detail about how to grow basil at home,

  • witloof or salad endive (Danish, Cone, Rocket, Extrella, Express);
  • leaf or Sarepta mustard (Vesnushka, Volnushka, Mustang, Prima);
  • green onions or, as they also say, onions (Bessonovsky, Chernigovsky, Rostovsky, Soyuz, Spassky, Timiryazevsky);
  • cilantro;
  • coriander;
  • watercress (Spring, Vest, Vitamin, Dansky, Dukat, Prestige);
  • chard or chard (Scarlet, White Salver, Emerald, Beauty);
  • mint;
  • parsley (Astra, Beads, Breeze, Sandwich, Sorceress, Gloria, Emerald lace, Curly, Common leaf, Prima, Russian feast, Morning freshness);
  • vegetable purslane (Golden, Kuzminsky Semko, Paradox);
  • leaf lettuce or lettuce (Grand Rapids, Oakleaf, Lollo Rossa, Lolla Biond, Odessa curly);
  • celery (Cheerfulness, Zakhar, Kartuli, Tender, Samurai);
  • arugula (Emerald, Corsica, Coltivata, Solitaire, Poker, Rococo, Rocket, Sicily, Euphoria);
  • rosemary;

Specific tips How to grow rosemary at home given

  • dill (Grenadier, Gribovsky, Kibray, Richelieu);

Detailed information about growing dill available on the windowsill

  • chives (Bohemia, Velta, Honey plant, Moscow early ripening, Khibiny, Chemal).
  • spinach (Bordeaux, Victoria, Virofle, Zhirnolistny, Krepysh, Stoik);

Detailed information about growing spinach on the window you can get it by reading

  • sorrel.

Pay attention! When choosing planting material, it is worth considering that the varieties of greens for growing at home should be:

  • early ripening (with a short ripening period);
  • resistant to low light;
  • short.

Features of growing certain types of greens on the windowsill

Important! If you want to practice, then first you should try to grow the most easy-to-care (under the necessary conditions) fast-growing crops, which means you’re best off focusing on the following: green onions (on a feather), watercress, lettuce, parsley, chives - onion, arugula and basil.

But grow dill(you need a low temperature - 16-17 degrees and 14 hours of daylight) and cilantro a little more complicated and laborious, especially witloof.

How to sow or plant greens on a windowsill: general rules for creating a garden bed (vegetable garden) in an apartment

When sowing greens at home, as well as when planting indoor plants, you should take pre-planting measures seriously, such as choosing planting containers (pots) and soil, as well as creating a drainage layer and preparing seeds for sowing.

Planting containers

In principle, you can sow green seeds in any container, it all depends on how much crop you plan to grow. If you just want to try it, then it would be logical to take small pots (greens will look especially beautiful in flower pots). If you are going to sow a lot of seeds, then you need wider and more spacious containers (for example, you can take containers).

Important! Almost any greenery tends to grow quickly, so you should not use pots that are too small. The minimum height of the container is 10-15 centimeters. In addition, the diameter must be sufficient. For example, to grow chard, you will need a pot with a diameter of 30 cm. For other, simpler greens such as dill, parsley, spinach - much less (10-20 cm is enough).

Homemade greens will look especially attractive in hanging flowerpots.


As always, you have 2 choices: dig up garden soil or buy ready soil in the store. At the same time, you should not think that the first option is more budget-friendly and profitable, because such land will be required without fail disinfect(For example, heating/steaming in the oven or microwave, or spilling a pink solution of potassium permanganate or), and also apply fertilizer to improve its fertility. Let's say it's possible add ash. Among other things, ash is a good deoxidizer, because the soil for greenery should not be acidic.

To grow green crops, you will need air- and moisture-intensive soil (light and loose), supplied with all the necessary micro- and macroelements. Therefore, if you buy a regular universal substrate, it is advisable to add a little river sand and perlite (vermiculite) to it. You should also add humus to the garden soil.


First of all, a layer of drainage should be laid out at the bottom of the planting hole (this can be shards from ceramic products, expanded clay, pebbles, gravel, crushed stone, brick chips or broken brick, coarse river sand), at least 2-3 centimeters thick.

Repetition! Drainage is needed to ensure that water does not stagnate in the ground. Thanks to the drainage layer, air exchange significantly improves, root rot, soil acidification, and mold formation are prevented.

Seed preparation

For example, to speed up the germination of dill seeds in the ground, they should first be kept in warm water for 1-2 days (on a wet napkin). It is better to germinate parsley seeds (this will take about 2-3 days).

By the way! For better germination and rooting in water you can add honey(1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).

But as a rule, there is no special need to prepare the seeds of lettuce, basil, cilantro and spinach, chives, and arugula for sowing. However, if desired, it is possible, and even necessary, to prepare them.

Important! Preparing seeds for planting is a recommended activity, but if you are used to sowing without soaking (in water or special preparations) or germination, then you don’t have to do this. However, carrying out these procedures significantly increases the likelihood of a successful outcome, namely the speed of germination (obviously, dry seeds take longer to germinate) and further active development of plants.

Video: how to grow greens on a window - pre-sowing preparation and sowing seeds

Direct sowing

Step by step instructions sowing greens for growing on a windowsill at home:

  • Choose a suitable container.
  • Lay out a drainage layer (at least 2-3 cm).
  • Fill landing capacity prepared soil.

Important! You cannot fill the pot completely with soil (i.e., to the very edges); you must leave 2-4 cm so that the water does not spill out when watering.

  • Moisten the soil by lightly sprinkling it with warm (room temperature) water.
  • Sow seeds (superficially, in holes or furrows).

Pay attention to the features for different greens! Seeds parsley, dill, lettuce, basil, arugula, chives can you just sow evenly over the soil surface, randomly scattering at a close distance (thicker is better, since germination is by no means 100%). Or you can sow in very shallow (up to 1 cm) grooves (stitches). And here are the seeds spinach and cilantro better to sow into separate holes (1-1.5 cm deep), at some distance from each other (at least 5 cm). Seeds chard - to a depth of 3-4 cm.

  • Lightly sprinkle with soil (i.e., cover literally a couple of millimeters).
  • Sprinkle with water again.

Advice! In order not to wash out or overly bury the seeds, it is better to wet the surface of the soil from spray bottle. In this case, it is advisable to use warm water.

  • Close crops plastic film or a bag (you can also use a shoe cover) to achieve a greenhouse effect.
  • Place in a warm (the warmer, the faster the shoots will appear) and not necessarily a bright place.

Video: how to sow greens and grow them at home

Caring for greenery on the windowsill: the main secrets of getting a good harvest in your home garden

To grow a rich harvest of greenery on the window, you should create all the necessary conditions for comfortable growth and development at home.

Important! Your little greenhouse is needed Open for ventilation almost every day to prevent too much condensation from collecting inside (which can cause mold to form). But You can remove it completely only after the shoots appear., and it is better to do this gradually, allowing the greenery to get used to (adapt) to the changed conditions (light, moisture).

It's time to take the film off!

Place in the apartment: lighting, temperature and more

Sufficient daylight is one of the main, if not the main, conditions for successfully growing any greenery at home. So, if you sowed greens in winter, That can’t do without additional lighting.

Important! For normal growth and development of greenery at home it is required 12-14 hour daylight hours (minimum 10 hours).

Grow greens at home all year round they will let you special lamps (phytolamps) or the most common LED or fluorescent lamps (incandescent lamps are not suitable, because generate too much heat). They must be turned on every morning and evening, as well as on very cloudy autumn-winter-spring days.

Pay attention! Artificial light on plants should fall from above, and not from the side.

It's another matter if you decide to grow greens on the windowsill in late spring, summer or early autumn, when the length of daylight hours is quite sufficient. In this case, the optimal place would be southern (or southwestern, western) window sill or balcony (loggia).

Important! Direct sunlight is very undesirable, otherwise your greens will simply burn. Therefore, plantings (especially in summer) are recommended to be shaded (with curtains) or set aside/rearranged.

In order for the plant to develop harmoniously (from all sides), do not forget to periodically twist the containers, turning different sides towards the light(if you have a long pot, then at least 2 sides).

By the way! Green onions are the only plant that practically does not need additional lighting.

It is also very important that the greens did not suffer from drafts(windows must be sealed), and excessively dry air(no need to place pots close to heating devices, and it’s better to cover them with something).

Worth knowing! Not good suitable conditions for growing greens, they are stacked on the windowsill: there is a cold draft coming from the window, and the radiators from below are “frying” with might and main.

It is optimal to place your home garden on a table specially designated for this purpose., of course, under the lamps. In principle, it is very convenient to set aside for a home garden place on the balcony or loggia(there will definitely not be problems with dry air due to batteries). However, unfortunately, it can be too cold there.

As for the optimal temperature, remember under what conditions greens grow in open ground or greenhouse. In addition, we must not forget that plants need fresh air. But periodic temperature changes (hypothermia or too much high temperatures) will definitely not benefit them.

At all, ideal conditions for greenery- this is a temperature around 15-20 degrees and good 12-14 hour lighting, as well as moderate soil moisture (more on that later).


The rules for watering greens grown in a window are practically no different from those growing in a garden. Watering should be carried out regularly, avoiding both drying out and waterlogging of the soil.(need exactly moderate humidity). The very frequency of watering, naturally, will also depend on the structure of the soil and on the type of greenery itself.

Advice! For irrigation, use only settled water at room temperature. It is strictly forbidden to water with cold water.

So, for example, loves moisture very much and it should be watered every day (and preferably in the morning).

When, after the first shoots appear, you remove the shelter, then during the first 2 weeks, seedlings should be sprayed with a spray bottle, and not water from a watering can, even the smallest one. In the future For watering it is better to use a sprayer, because in this way you can also saturate the green leaves with moisture.

Important! If your air is very dry (due to central heating), then regular spraying is necessary.

The optimal level is considered air humidity 60-75%.


To improve access of oxygen and moisture to the root system of the plant, the soil in pots should be loosened at least occasionally. This will also protect the roots from rotting.

Picking or thinning

Obviously, when you plant with a reserve, in other words, thickened, you get thickened seedlings that will not be able to develop normally in the future, because they will not only lack space, but also light. The fact is that they will simply shade each other, which means that they should subsequently be thinned out, leaving the strongest ones.

Pay attention! It is highly recommended to thin out the following green crops: lettuce, chard, arugula. So, chard is thinned out for the first time immediately after germination, and the second time after the appearance of 3-4 leaves, leaving 15-20 cm between shoots. Arugula should be thinned approximately 8-10 days after germination. But dill and parsley do not need to be thinned, they can grow quite densely, especially watercress (it should grow as densely as possible).

Top dressing

You can feed homemade greens with any complex mineral fertilizers with a high (predominant) nitrogen content, because it is responsible for the plant’s green mass. For example, such popular fertilizers as Kemira Universal or Gumi are suitable.

Fertilizing must be carried out only in liquid form.

When and how to harvest greens at home

You can tell when greens are ready for cutting by looking at them. appearance or simply by pinching off a leaf for testing.

The main guidelines for the readiness of greenery for harvesting (days after germination and/or reaching a certain size):

Important! Spinach leaves can be cut until flower stalks appear (after which they become bitter and less healthy).

  • arugula - after 21-28 days;
  • vegetable purslane - after 3-4 weeks (21-28 days);
  • chard - after 45-60 days;

Some tips for harvesting homemade greens:

  • You should not cut (or rather carefully tear off) more than 1/2 of the green mass of the plant at a time.
  • Every time you cut (tear off) greens, be sure to do a little fertilizing so that the plant is able to grow new green mass.

As you understand, having your own mini-garden on the windowsill (including in winter), consisting of fragrant and juicy greens, is not so difficult. Another thing you need to find suitable place, as well as follow the basic rules for growing and maintaining necessary conditions for the successful growth of green crops.

Video: growing greens in an apartment in winter

Planning to master growing herbs on a windowsill in winter, autumn and spring, amateurs indoor beds Three undisputed leaders are considered: dill, parsley and green onions.

These plants are suitable as seasonings for many dishes. They gained their popularity due to their ease of care, versatility and taste. How to grow popular and not so hackneyed ones herbs in the kitchen with your own hands, what should you pay attention to so that the harvest pleases the eye and taste?

You can grow almost any greenery on the windowsill in your apartment. The main thing is to choose the right variety and comply with the plant’s requirements for soil composition, air humidity, watering, and temperature conditions.


  • Choose unpretentious varieties, and better hybrids, specially bred for indoor conditions. This will simplify care and increase the chances of a harvest. If you are not confident in your abilities and want to get quick results, buy not seeds, but ready-made seedlings in pots.
  • Practical pots for herbs on the windowsill should have rectangular shape. Take wide and shallow dishes. Quite suitable plastic containers, they are light and easy to care for. Ideal for reusable use. Read more about choosing containers.
  • Buy light, well-drained soil for your greens. You can prepare a mixture of vermicompost and coconut fiber. The proportion should be 1:2. Be sure to add a layer of small stones, expanded clay, crushed polystyrene foam, or other drainage to the bottom of the pot.
  • If the window is cool or drafty, use plastic covers to create mini-greenhouses. You can buy ready-made ones or make them from a bag yourself.
  • The optimal daylight hours for green pets are 10-13 hours. In winter there is not enough light, especially on the north side. To illuminate the greenery on the windowsill, install lamps; it is better to buy fluorescent or special phytolamps. Ordinary lamps will not work.

  • Do not neglect fertilizing; select mineral fertilizer complexes for watering once every 2-3 weeks. But make the solution less concentrated than for open ground.
  • Every other day or more often, spray green pets with a fine spray, especially if the air in the apartment is dry.
  • Do not be lazy to turn the pots on different sides towards the light so that the plant develops evenly.
  • To grow greenery, it is better to allocate a window sill in the kitchen to the apartment. Not the best in the bedroom best place for frequent watering, spraying and application of fertilizers. In the bathroom, herbs will look ridiculous; for its landscaping, they are more appropriate.

If you don't want to limit yourself to just greens, then check out our organization and design tips and find out what else you can grow in your city apartment all year round. However, for beginners it is best start with herbs And . Plants that are difficult to cultivate can disappoint with the results and discourage the process.

Requirements of different greens

Before you go to the store for seeds or seedlings, learn how to grow different types of greens on a windowsill, and choose the simplest and most affordable option for you.

How to grow parsley on a window

To grow parsley in pots, you need a mixture of one part peat, the same amount of humus and twice the volume of garden soil, disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate. But it’s easier to buy ready-made universal primer.

When choosing seeds, give preference to early, quickly ripening varieties. This information is indicated on the packaging. Low-grade species and curly parsley look beautiful. It is important that the selected variety can easily tolerate frequent pruning, because you will constantly be picking leaves to decorate dishes.

Optimal varieties for indoor conditions:

  • Appetizing;
  • Vorozheya;
  • Aster;
  • Gloria;
  • Nastenka;
  • Station wagon;
  • Russian feast.

To increase the germination of parsley, experienced gardeners advise keeping the seeds warm in a damp cloth for two or three days. Then you need to squeeze excess water, place the cloth with the seeds in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for several days.

Basic rules for growing parsley on a windowsill:

  1. Choose containers for planting with a height of at least 15 cm.
  2. When planting, be sure to maintain a distance between holes of at least 5 cm.
  3. Bury the seeds to a depth of 0.7-1.4 mm.
  4. Immediately after sowing, cover the pot with film or a special plastic greenhouse and place it on a lighted windowsill.
  5. Provide a temperature of 17-21 degrees.
  6. Moisten the crops, but not too much, otherwise mold will form. Remove the film every day, allowing air access.
  7. With proper care, parsley shoots will appear in one and a half to two weeks. The film can be removed.
  8. Water your greens two to three times a week. Provide additional food once a month.
  9. The optimal temperature for indoor parsley is 15-18 °C during the day and 10-12 °C at night.
  10. Make sure that the greens are not attacked by pests. Spider mites often spread from other plants to parsley.

When harvesting, try not to tear off the tops, but thin out the rows. This will improve the conditions for further growth.

Features of growing dill in an apartment

When choosing what greens you can grow on the windowsill in winter, pay attention to dill - the second most popular spice in the kitchen.

To enjoy the summer aroma within a month, buy varieties with rapid ripening: Gribovsky, Karusel, Early Miracle, Aurora, Grenadier. You can plant varieties with different periods ripening, in order to first consume the early ones, and then switch to the later ones, which will just have time to grow.

  1. For selection good seeds, soak them in warm water for two days, changing the water to fresh water every 12 hours. Throw away everything that floats mercilessly, and use the rest of the material for planting.
  2. Moisten the soil in the pots and make holes 1-1.5 cm deep, leaving gaps of about 4 cm.
  3. Fill the top with soil, sprinkle with water and cover with plastic, as described above for parsley.
  4. Place in a warm place (from 18 to 20 degrees) and protected from sunlight for a week.
  5. When the shoots appear, remove the film and place the pot of herbs on the windowsill. If there seem to be a lot of sprouts, thin out, leaving about 3 cm of space around each sprout.
  6. Water as the soil dries out. It is better to use a spray bottle as an assistant so as not to damage the young shoots.
  7. Turn the pot with different sides to the sun so that the dill grows evenly.
  8. Fertilize once every 30-45 days.

Fragrant basil on the window

Basil is another popular choice for growing fresh herbs on a windowsill in a city apartment. There are many varieties of basil in nature, but only a few dozen are suitable for human consumption. The leaves of the plant are used in cooking; they are ideal for salads and for meat dishes, and for marinades.

The best varieties for the room are:

  • Marquis – distinguished by its compactness and beautiful ball shape;
  • Dwarf is a low bush, there are species with greenery with a purple tint;
  • Clove – attracts with its pleasant aroma and high decorative value.
  • Lemony – delicate lemon aroma and crown with beautiful light green leaves.
  • Violet – bright with large leaves bush.

Basil seeds are different long germination. To speed up the process, keep the seed in a warm place for 10-14 days, then soak in warm water for a day. Discard any floating specimens.

  1. Make holes in the soil and plant the seeds about 3 cm apart. There is no need to make large gaps, since not all crops will sprout.
  2. To speed up germination, make a polyethylene greenhouse. The plant loves light and warmth - provide a temperature of 25 ° C.
  3. Moisten the mini-bed as it dries.
  4. Once the basil has sprouted, thin out the excess so that there is 5cm of space around each plant.
  5. Place on a well-lit windowsill and regularly care for the plantings - water, turn, fertilize, loosen the soil. Heat water for irrigation to 30 °C.
  6. Basil loves light, so be sure to install a lamp on the windowsill for illumination and provide at least 15 hours of daylight.

For culinary purposes pick leaves from the tops of the bush. This will prevent flowering, which makes the grass unedible.

The ideal lettuce variety to grow at home

When planning to plant greens on the windowsill for the first time, pay attention to watercress. This is one of the most unpretentious and fastest-germinating plants. Watercress seeds do not require long soaking, and the seedlings are resistant to temperature fluctuations and light. The best varieties: Pepper, Ordinary, Broad-leaved, Curly.

  1. To get a bountiful harvest, soak watercress seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for a couple of hours.
  2. Create good drainage at the bottom of the pot and fill it with flower soil from a bag or a mixture of two parts coconut fiber and one part vermicompost.
  3. Prepare holes 5-10 mm deep, sow basil and fill the holes with soil. Moisten and cover with film.
  4. The first micro-greens on the windowsill will appear in a week. Keep the pot at a temperature of 17-20 degrees.
  5. The higher the temperature, the more abundant the watering should be.

Watercress is one of the most unpretentious plants, it can be grown without any soil at all. Some people do it right in the water, while others do it on foam rubber. But greenery looks more attractive in a pot on the kitchen windowsill.

How to quickly get onion greens in winter

To grow onion greens at home on a windowsill, you can use two options - in soil in a pot and in water. The second method is fast and familiar to everyone since childhood. You just need to fill the glasses with water and place the bulbs in them. It is better to take those that have already begun to germinate.

The nuances of growing l uka in the water:

  1. The water should be warm - about 40 degrees.
  2. If the bulb has not yet begun to sprout, it is recommended to cut off the top by 1.5 cm.
  3. Only the roots should be in the water; the bulb should not be immersed more than one-third.

By the way, you can grow it at home in the same way and get a beautiful tree.

Instead of jars, it is convenient to use egg cartons or special pots for growing onions at home. This is a container with holes for the bulbs. It looks neat and beautiful on the windowsill.

Growing green onions in the ground takes longer and is more difficult. Use bulbs for planting, as you may not get a harvest from the seeds at all.

Watch the video for the process of planting bulbs on greens in a bottle.

Fragrant mint in the home kitchen

An excellent choice for the home is mint with a wonderful aroma. Mint – perennial plant, which is easy to grow on a windowsill using root cuttings or seeds. The second method will take more time, but will bring more pleasure.

Peat or loose humus soil with an acidity of no more than 5-6 pH is suitable for growing mint. Feel free to buy universal primer in the store and don’t worry. The ideal temperature is 18-25 degrees. To the plant good lighting required.

  1. You need to divide the bush in the fall after the growing season has ended. Carefully divide the rhizomes so that each portion contains shoots with dormant buds.
  2. Fill the pots two-thirds full with nutrient soil.
  3. Carefully distribute the seedlings and sprinkle them with soil.
  4. Pour warm water over it.

The first leaves should appear in about two weeks.

If you bought a bunch of fresh mint, then try to obtain planting material using the method cuttings. Just place a few branches in water, dipping them in a root stimulator (root formation). The roots will appear in 8-14 days. All that remains is to plant the seedlings in pots.

  1. It is better to sow mint seeds for growing on a windowsill in mid-spring.
  2. Fill the pot with soil, prepare holes 0.5 cm deep and moisten the soil.
  3. Sow the seeds and sprinkle a small amount of the same soil on top.
  4. Cover with a film greenhouse.
  5. At a temperature of 19-25 degrees, seedlings will appear a couple of weeks after sowing.
  6. Control the moisture of the soil, do not allow drying out and excessive humidity. Water by spraying to avoid washing away the crops.

When growing mint in winter, do not overwater. Let the soil dry out slightly. Avoid drafts. In summer, water more deeply, but protect fresh greens from excess direct sunlight. If conditions permit, use mint to create a fragrant atmosphere in your home.

What else can you grow on a windowsill in an apartment?

When planning to grow herbs on a windowsill in winter, you can choose almost any type of fast-growing spicy herb. herbaceous plants. Oregano and sage perform well in apartments; they are not demanding of light and can withstand partial shade.

The unpretentious one causes little trouble fragrant lemon balm. Melissa seeds just need to be sown in the soil to a depth of 0.5 cm without pre-soaking, watered and moistened regularly. The greens will hatch within a few days. Melissa loves light, its lack reduces production essential oils, giving aroma to the leaves.

It will require care, but it looks very original on the window celery. The easiest way to get celery greens is in water. Simply trim the root part from the stem and leave it in a container of water in a sunny place. In a few days, new shoots and roots will appear. You can transplant the plant into soil or leave it in water. Trim green leaves as needed and care for your pet if replanted.

Green seeds cost pennies. Try and experiment with different types and planting options. Create your own spicy mini-vegetable garden to the delight of yourself and the envy of passers-by looking in the windows. And for greater effect decorate pots with your own hands, using . This way you can save a lot on purchasing containers.

By making it your hobby to grow herbs on your windowsill at home, you will have fun, decorate your kitchen, and always have herbs on hand for salads and soups. This hobby is ideal for spending time together with children and husband. Have a good harvest to you all year round!

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