Lunar landing for March. Calendar for March. The best day to plant a crop

Our life is an unchanging cyclical process that affects all areas, including plants. With the arrival of the first warm weather, gardeners and gardeners rush to get to work in order to collect the fruits of their efforts and get the desired benefit from it. However, it is not enough to select good seeds, prepare the land and plant the crop on time, you also need to choose the planting day wisely. The thing is that the phases of the moon have direct influence per plant. So, for example, if you plant gifts of nature on a full moon, you risk being left without a harvest, but if on a waxing moon, the result will meet your expectations.

New Moon and Full Moon

Please note that on the fifth of 2018 the Moon will be in the first quarter. This is the ideal time to start work. It is believed that all plants planted on this day will delight you with a generous harvest. As for the full moon, this month it awaits us on the twelfth; fears, worries and depression will intensify. The Moon will enter its last quarter on the twentieth, but on March 28 there will be a new moon.

Choosing favorable days

If you don't know when to start working, use our tips. So:

  • 3rd number. Great time to plant plants. The Moon will be in Taurus.
  • 4th number. The moon is waxing, in Gemini. Feel free to plan any job.
  • 5th number. This perfect time for planting plants, regardless of their type. By devoting this day to working in the garden, you will undoubtedly reap a rich harvest.
  • 19th. Nice day for earthworks. Pay attention not only to vegetable gardens, but also to indoor plants.

The best day to plant a crop

When choosing a planting day, you also need to take into account the type of crop you want to plant. So, for example, planting squash, eggplant and zucchini is best done from March 13 to 15, and for rutabaga and turnips, the 20-23rd, 25-26th are excellent. It is not recommended to plant beans, beans and peas in March. For planting strawberries and wild strawberries, March 13-15 is suitable, but for cabbage - 3-10.

Many gardeners are interested in the question of when to plant potatoes, because everyone wants to harvest bountiful harvest, which is enough for the whole winter. However, here we need to take into account climatic conditions your region. As for auspicious days- this is March 20-25. But keep in mind that when planting it, you must be sure that it will not freeze, otherwise your efforts will be in vain. We also stock up on onions for the winter. It is best to plant this crop on the 6th-9th or 21st-26th. For carrots, select the day from the 20th to the 23rd. It is not recommended to plant cucumbers, melon, watermelon and corn in March. Planting must begin in April. You can also plant in a greenhouse in March sweet pepper. However, it is best to do this from the 13th to the 15th. But for radishes and parsley, choose a date from the 20th to the 25th. Sow tomatoes for seedlings in special containers from March 13 to 15.

Have a generous harvest!

Today's gardeners are happy to use the lunar sowing calendar in tables and get a significant harvest. But it didn’t even occur to many that for the first time such information was prepared long before what was known and understandable to us modern world. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors discovered the direct influence on the entire living world of not only the daylight - the Sun, but also the night - the Moon. Using primitive cropping patterns and primitive charts of lunar phases and zodiac signs, they provided a plant-based diet for an entire generation, successfully growing the first popular crops. Hundreds of years have passed, but useful knowledge has only deepened and expanded. As in past centuries, today a rare gardener will determine favorable and unfavorable days for sowing and planting without using the sowing calendar for March 2017.

Gardener's lunar sowing calendar for March 2017: features of use

As you know, the Moon accurately controls the ebb and flow of the sea elements, the level of groundwater, and the juices that fill the plant. And there is no mysticism in this, only long-established laws of nature and the universe. In certain lunar phases, plant growth subsides, and then accelerates with renewed vigor. Experienced gardeners will never start planting on the waning moon, despite all the hints from the sowing calendar for March 2017. After all, during the new moon and during the waning phase, the groundwater level drops, and the planted plant freezes, waiting for the full norm of life-giving moisture. And after a couple of days, the night star begins to increase. During this period groundwater rise - and the sprouts resume active life. This principle is quite simple and primitive.

In many ways, agriculture depends not only on the phases of the Moon, but also on the sign of the Zodiac in which it resides on a particular day. For example, female signs are more fertile (Pisces, Virgo, etc.), and during the period of male signs it is better to refrain from replanting and planting in open ground. All of the above factors are the basis for the accurate construction of the lunar sowing calendar for March 2017, which dictates tips for caring for crops and seedlings in the garden, in greenhouses and even on home windowsills.

The importance of sowing calendars for gardeners and gardeners for March 2017

But is the sowing calendar for March 2017 so significant for gardeners and gardeners? After all, you can grow crops for your own pleasure without any lunar schedule. Nature will be able to make sure that the seeds germinate and the plants bear fruit. And the farmer has the right to engage in planting and other work on any suitable day with good weather. But, alas, in such a time any guarantee of rapid development of crops and abundant fruiting disappears.

Coordinating important processes with planting calendar schedules is another matter. This way, the stages of plant growth and development will take place more harmoniously and measuredly, and the harvests will delight you with quality and mass. In fact, tables for sowing, planting and caring for certain crops help save precious time, materials and nerves spent in agonizing anticipation and hopes for a miracle. With all this, there is no need to strictly follow the instructions of the popular “cheat sheet”. It is enough to adhere to the basic rules and avoid any unfavorable days.

Lunar sowing calendar for March 2017 - sowing seedlings and caring for crops

Thanks to useful tips lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners, any farmer can plan his sowing schedule in advance, choosing more or less suitable days. So, in March 2017 you can sow the following crops:

  • Cucumbers – March 9
  • Tomatoes – March 20, 25, 31
  • Bell pepper – March 4, 14, 31
  • Greens – 2-3, March 9
  • Eggplants – March 4, 14, 16, 30-31
  • Radish, daikon – March 15-16, 19, 22
  • Squash, zucchini – March 4, 8
  • Onions– March 17, 26
  • White cabbage and cauliflower– March 20, 25, 31
  • Annual flowers – March 3-4, 10, 12, 20, 25, 30
  • Perennials from seeds - March 4, 5, 10, 12, 27-28

Favorable and unfavorable days in the lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners in March 2017

In order to be able to navigate favorable and unfavorable periods for carrying out certain processes in the garden, you need to learn more about the influence of the phases of the Moon on living organisms.

Thus, at the time of the new moon, the development and growth of plants stops, and all vital juices are concentrated in the root system. This means that there is no point in replanting plants or sowing seeds.

During the period of the waxing Moon, life-giving juices rise from the roots to the tops, and active growth begins. It's time to plant crops with edible aerial parts, transplant seedlings, spray and process.

The new moon is a moment of crisis for the plant. In summer and autumn, at the time of the new moon, it is better to harvest above-ground crops. And in March, in this phase of the moon, it is better not to touch seeds and seedlings at all.

In the waning Moon, vital juices begin to move in the opposite direction - from the tops to the root system. It's time to plant root crops and trim shrubs and trees.

Favorable days of the lunar calendar for March 2017 for carrying out basic gardening work

It just so happens that with the arrival of March, the snow begins to actively melt, and all gardeners rush to inspect their lands, prepare tools and planting material, remove natural debris that has collected on the site after winter. But then comes a period of active action on sowing, planting, processing, care, watering, etc. And all processes associated with living plants have favorable and unfavorable periods, dictated by analytical data in the lunar sowing calendar gardener for March 2017. For example, below are the optimal days for intensive watering, pruning, adding compost, etc.

  • Intensive watering – 3-11, 13-15, 19-23, March 31
  • Application mineral fertilizers– 8-15, 17-8 March
  • Application of organic fertilizers – 3-5, 21-28, 31 March
  • Vaccination – 8-11, 21-23 March
  • Planting, sowing, transplanting - March 1-3, 8-10, 13-23, 26-29
  • Loosening, plowing, hilling - March 3, 8-15, 17-22, 31 March
  • Pest treatment – ​​March 1-4, 21-26
  • Composting – March 1-3, 20, 26-31
  • Pruning of trees and shrubs – March 1-2, 22-30

The time for the florist's lunar calendar is Moscow.
The beginning of the lunar day is the time of moonrise.

Attention: B winter months the majority indoor plants a period of rest or a significant slowdown in growth. Minimal care is watering, pest control and re-handling if necessary: ​​if the plant was flooded, pests appeared. Loosening the soil and sanitary pruning are also carried out as necessary: ​​if the soil in the pot does not dry out for a long time, the branches have dried out from a draft, etc. Other care methods: fertilizing, grafting, formative and rejuvenating pruning, replanting, dividing, etc. It’s worth postponing until the end of March until truly bright days arrive. The exception is plants that are illuminated with lamps and that continue to grow, bloom or bear fruit.

Date Lunar day Moon in a sign Moonrise Moonset Moon phase Moon without course Recommended Not recommended
March 1 4th Aries 1st quarter, waxing moon

Watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

Grafting and cuttings.

Drastic crown pruning.

Planting and replanting plants.

March 2 5th Taurus from 10:18 1st quarter, waxing moon

from 5:18 to 10:42

Until 10:42 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

After 10:42

Drastic crown pruning.

March 3 6th Taurus 1st quarter, waxing moon from 18:20

Soaking, sowing and planting indoor plants, garden flowers, vegetables, fruit and berry trees and bushes.
good time for sowing cacti and succulents.
Watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

You can replant (with caution), transfer plants and graft.

From 18:20 the Moon is off course, do not work with plants.

Drastic crown pruning.

Weeding. Pruning roots, dividing rhizomes and shoots.

March 4 7th Gemini from 12:27 1st quarter, waxing moon until 13:05

Until 13:05 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

March 5 8th Twins 2nd quarter, waxing moon

Planting, transplanting and forming only climbing, hanging, climbing plants. Including wild strawberries, strawberries, honeysuckle.
Sowing seeds of garden and indoor crops. Weeding, soil loosening, land preparation.

Treatment against diseases and pests.
Preparations and home canning.
Stepsynching, air layering.

It is possible to dig up bulbous plants for storage.

Transplanting and pruning roots, dividing rhizomes and suckers.

Watering and fertilizing with fertilizers.

March 6 9th Cancer from 15:02 2nd quarter, waxing moon from 11:22 to 15:54

from 11:22 to 15:54 Moon without course, do not work with plants.

After 15:54

March 7 10th Cancer 2nd quarter, waxing moon

Soaking, sowing and planting vegetables that bear fruit in the above-ground part (tomatoes, cucumbers, melons), as well as fruit trees and bushes.
Watering and mineral fertilizing.

Sowing and planting non-frost-resistant plants.
Planting and sowing climbing and ampelous plants, as well as tall plants, as well as delicate herbaceous plants and greens.

March 8 11th Leo from 18:57 2nd quarter, waxing moon from 17:59 to 19:45

Soaking, sowing and planting vegetables that bear fruit in the aboveground part (tomatoes, cucumbers, melons), as well as fruit trees and shrubs.
Watering and mineral fertilizing.

from 17:59 to 19:45 Moon without course, do not work with plants.

Sowing and planting non-frost-resistant plants.
Planting and sowing climbing and ampelous plants, as well as tall plants, as well as delicate herbaceous plants and greens.
March 9 12th Lion 2nd quarter, waxing moon

Sowing seeds and transplanting herbaceous and fruit-bearing plants.

March 10 13th Lion 2nd quarter, waxing moon from 20:05

Planting cacti, succulents and any drought-tolerant plants.

Loosening, weeding, mulching, hilling.
It is possible to transplant plants with strong roots (ficus, non-fruit trees and shrubs).

From 20:05 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

Undesirable: watering, spraying, fertilizing.
Sowing seeds and transplanting herbaceous and fruit-bearing plants.
March 11 14th Virgo from 01:05 2nd quarter, waxing moon until 1:07

Watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

You can plant only the most unpretentious ones, like tradescantia or coleus.

No serious work with plants or planting.
March 12 15th Virgo Full Moon 17:53
March 13 16th Libra from 08:42 3rd quarter waning moon from 5:36 to 8:28

Until 8:28 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

After 08:42

Soaking and sowing seeds.

March 14 17th Scales 3rd quarter waning moon

Feeding plants with organic or humic fertilizers and watering.

Loosening, weeding, mulching.

Planting and sowing of tuberous plants and caudex plants (adeniums, jatropha, etc.) and flowering plants.
Rooting of cuttings, pruning (rejuvenating, shaping, sanitary).

Vaccinations, spraying, pinching.
It is better not to soak the seeds.

March 15 18th Scorpio from 17:10 3rd quarter waning moon from 13:05 to 18:11

Until 13:05 see calendar for 14th Mary

From 13:05 to 18:11 Moon without course, do not work with plants.

After 18:11

March 16 19th Scorpion 3rd quarter waning moon

Soaking seeds.
Sowing - planting perennial crops, as well as cacti and all plants with thorns, hanging plants. It is possible to plant greenery.

March 17 20th Scorpion 23:59 3rd quarter waning moon

Soaking seeds.
Sowing - planting perennial crops, as well as cacti and all plants with thorns, hanging plants. It is possible to plant greenery.

Pruning and pinching to control crown growth.
Possible loosening and weeding (carefully), if necessary, transshipment indoor flowers, soil preparation and compost laying.

Watering, fertilizing organic fertilizers.
Spraying against pests and diseases.

Transplantation, any damage to roots, division of tubers, rhizomes and bulbs.
Sowing, planting, picking tuber and root crops.

March 18 20th Sagittarius from 05:59 09:10 3rd quarter waning moon from 0:56 to 6:00

Digging, loosening, weeding and sanitary pruning.

Spraying against pests and diseases.

March 19 21st Sagittarius 3rd quarter waning moon

Sowing and planting hanging plants.
Digging, loosening, weeding and sanitary pruning.

Spraying against pests and diseases.

Watering and regular spraying, fertilizing, pruning, pinching.
March 20 22nd Capricorn from 18:31 4th quarter waning moon from 13:37 to 18:31

From 13:37 to 18:31 Moon without course, do not work with plants.

After 18:31

March 21 23rd Capricorn 4th quarter waning moon

Planting and sowing root crops and bulbs.
Weeding, removing weeds, digging and preparing the soil, adding compost. Cleaning up fallen leaves.
Watering, fertilizing with organic fertilizers.

Sanitary pruning dried and diseased branches, extra shoots.

Alarm root system, cut off the roots and loosen the soil deeply.
March 22 24th Capricorn 4th quarter waning moon from 16:20

Planting and sowing root crops and bulbs.
Weeding, removing weeds, digging and preparing the soil, adding compost. Cleaning up fallen leaves.
Watering, fertilizing with organic fertilizers.

Sanitary pruning of dried and diseased branches, excess shoots.

After 16:20 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

Disturb the root system, cut off the roots and loosen the soil deeply.

March 23 25th Aquarius from 05:01 4th quarter waning moon to 5:28
March 24 26th Aquarius 4th quarter waning moon

Treatment against diseases and pests (spraying, watering with pesticides carefully).
Land preparation, weeding, loosening.

Sanitary treatment of plants, removal of old and dried shoots. Cleaning up fallen leaves.

Sowing, picking and planting fruit trees and shrubs. Refrain from watering, transplanting and fertilizing.

March 25 27th Pisces from 14:24 4th quarter waning moon from 8:56 to 13:06

From 8:56 to 13:06 Moon without course, do not work with plants.

After 14:24 Moon in the sign of Pisces

March 26 28th Fish 4th quarter waning moon

Sowing and planting vegetables and root crops not intended for long-term storage, and for canning, drying or for seeds.

Sowing and planting indoor plants, especially decorative flowering ones, cacti and succulents.
Water and fertilize with organic fertilizers, but carefully.

Sanitary and formative pruning.
Foliar spraying against pests.

Plant greens and tender herbaceous plants, intolerant drying (for example, azaleas), as well as fruit trees and non-frost-resistant plants.

Prepare the ground, dig, loosen, plant and replant. It is undesirable to injure the root system (dividing rhizomes or planting suckers).

March 27 29th Aries from 18:34 4th quarter waning moon from 13:19 to 17:11

Water and fertilize with organic fertilizers, but carefully.

from 13:19 to 17:11 Moon without course, do not work with plants. In the remaining time until the new moon, we rest.

March 28 1st and 2nd Aries New Moon 05:58 We relax, read useful literature on gardening and floriculture.
March 29 3rd Taurus from 20:07 1st quarter waxing moon from 15:07 to 18:48

We relax, read useful literature on gardening and floriculture.

From 15:07 to 18:48 Moon without course, do not work with plants.

After 20:07 you can soak the seeds and water the seedlings and flowers.

Don't plan any serious things for this day.
March 30 4th Taurus 1st quarter waxing moon

Soaking, sowing and planting indoor plants, garden flowers, vegetables, fruit and berry trees and shrubs.

A good time to sow cacti and succulents.
Watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

You can replant (with caution), transfer plants and graft.

Drastic crown pruning.

Weeding. Pruning roots, dividing rhizomes and shoots.

March 31 5th Gemini from 20:48 1st quarter waxing moon from 2:12 to 19:40

Until 19:40 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

If you need to water the plants, it is better to do it between 19:40 and 20:48 hours.

Favorable days in March 2017

  • from March 1 to March 3, 2017 (waxing Moon)
  • March 7, 9, 2017 (waxing Moon)
  • from March 14 to 19, 2017 (waning moon)
  • March 21, 24, 26, 30, 2017 (waning moon)

Unfavorable days in March 2017

  • March 5, 2017 - First quarter
  • March 12, 2017 - Full Moon
  • March 20, 2017 - Last quarter
  • March 28, 2017 – New Moon

Note: should not be taken lunar calendar florist literally, as a guide to action. If in October or January you see recommendations that “you can sow and plant some indoor plants” or “water and feed with organic fertilizers,” then know that only experienced gardeners can follow them and this only applies to plants in certain conditions. For example, fruit bearing indoor trees It is permissible to feed monthly even in winter. Plants that are in autumn and winter warm conditions long daylight hours (with additional lighting by lamps), you can also feed and even replant. Experienced flower growers and in winter they can successfully take cuttings and re-root plants, as well as sow seeds or carry out artificial pollination. In the general rules of plant growing, with the onset of autumn, cooling, reduction of daylight hours and lighting intensity, i.e. When plants enter a stage of dormancy or slowdown in development, fertilizing, replanting, grafting, pruning and other procedures are strongly not recommended.

ATTENTION! This is an archived page, current now:

Lunar calendar for the gardener 2017 - Seedlings. Sowing for seedlings

The table of the lunar calendar given on this page is a thematic selection from a universal one made for the convenience of planning work related to work in the beds. Garden strawberries is present in this section, since it is more convenient for us to view works related to it in the “garden” section of the calendar.

March - awakening of the earth.

March is the first month of spring. The touching first sprouts of seedlings delight, filling the soul with warmth and hope... Sowing vegetable seeds for seedlings (peppers, tomatoes, etc.) continues. Towards the end of the month, warm beds (using biofuel) begin to be prepared in the garden for sowing cold-resistant vegetable crops and planting seedlings.

In March 2017, the lunar phases were distributed so that the most favorable days for sowing seedlings of all flower crops(flowers), as well as such vegetable crops as tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers and cabbage occur only in the second ten days of the month (from March 10), and ends on the full moon (March 22).

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference between Moscow and local time *)

Lunar calendar

Garden work, care for vegetables and other plants

from March 01, 2017 00:00 (Wed)
to 02 March 2017 10:42 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in Aries

Favorable period for sowing seeds parthenocarpic cucumbers grown in a window. Possible sowing tomatoes, peppers, eggplants(the next sign - Taurus is more favorable to this). Sprouting grain crops to obtain vitamin-rich sprouts. Loosening the soil and, if necessary, thinning out the seedlings.
(We still have a blog: , login only from the lunar calendar)
from 02 March 2017 10:42 (Thu)
to 04 March 2017 13:05 (Sat)
Watering plants and applying mineral fertilizers. Favorable time for soaking and sowing for seedlings of determinate seeds tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, physalis, cabbage(early ripening cauliflower and cabbage, broccoli, Beijing), spicy, aromatic and medicinal crops. Sowing parthenocarpic cucumbers for growing in a window. Transplanting seedlings of indeterminate tomatoes into large containers and tall varieties pepper It is possible to lay out potatoes for germination. Spring garlic and onion sets are placed in a warm room to warm up. Sowing lettuce on greens.
March 03, 2017 It is planned to sow tomatoes for seedlings.
from 04 March 2017 13:05 (Sat)
to 06 March 2017 15:54 (Mon)
Do not water the plants these days. Possible only " dry watering"indoor plants - loosening the surface crust of the soil, destroying the capillaries that draw moisture from the depths. Picking seedlings is possible.
from 06 March 2017 15:54 (Mon)
to 08 March 2017 19:45 (Wed)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Cancer

Pruning and pinching plants is strictly prohibited. Watering and application of mineral fertilizers. Favorable period for sowing determinant tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, physalis. Favorable time for soaking and planting seeds cabbage(early and mid-ripening cabbage and cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi and Beijing) for seedlings, aromatic and medicinal crops, bush beans, parthenocarpic cucumbers for growing on the window. It is favorable to sow watercress and spring onions in heated greenhouses; sowing seedlings of stalked celery, leeks, and onions.
from 08 March 2017 19:45 (Wed)
to March 11, 2017 01:07 (Sat)

Waxing Moon in Leo

Unfavorable time for sowing seeds and transplanting. Covering greenhouses and greenhouses with film to quickly melt snow and warm the soil. Convenient time for loosening seedlings and working with soil indoors.

March 9 (21.02 old style) - Midsummer Day (Obretenye)
“If snow (falls) on Obretenye, then trample it until April (spring will drag on)”

from March 11, 2017 01:07 (Sat)
to 11 March 2017 17:02 (Sat)

waxing Moon in Virgo
It's better not to sow anything. Transplanting seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, physalis into large containers.
There comes a rather long period without favorable days for sowing seedlings of plants, the purpose of growing which is “tops” - above-ground fruits. If you can’t wait, then this blog post will help you find alternative days:
from March 11, 2017 17:02 (Sat)
to March 13, 2017 19:28 (Mon)


It is not recommended to sow, plant, replant, or prune anything. Preparation soil soils and containers for seedlings. It is possible to thin out seedlings, loosen the soil in landing tanks. Snow removal from greenhouses and film greenhouses. Purchase of fertilizers, stimulants, plant protection products from pests and diseases, seeds.

March 12, 2017 17:53 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid-lunar month, until March 13, 2017 8:28 Moon in the sign of Virgo, then in the sign of Libra).

March 13 (28.02 senior style) - Vasily Teply (Kapelnik)
“By the thawed patches around the trees they determine: Steep edges mean spring is friendly. If it rains on Vasily, there will be a wet summer.”

from March 13, 2017 19:28 (Mon)
to March 15, 2017 18:10 (Wed)

waning moon in the sign of Libra

Favorable time for sowing chives and leeks for seedlings. Sowing potatoes from seeds. Laying out potatoes for germination. Picking seedlings tomatoes and peppers.

March 14 (01.03 old style) - Evdokia (Avdotya) Vesnyanka
“Like Avdotya, so is the summer. Rain on Evdokia means a wet summer.”

from March 15, 2017 18:10 (Wed)
to March 18, 2017 06:00 (Sat)

waning moon in the sign of Scorpio

Watering and foliar feeding of seedlings with organic fertilizers. Spraying plants with growth stimulants. A favorable time for sowing seedlings of nigella and radish in heated greenhouses. Laying out potatoes for germination.

March 15 (02.03 old style) - Fedot Vetronos
"Fedot is evil - not to be with the grass. (If there is bad weather, wind, then spring will be delayed)"

from March 18, 2017 06:00 (Sat)
to March 20, 2017 18:31 (Mon)

waning moon in the sign of Sagittarius

Loosening the soil, thinning out the seedlings. Possible transplant, picking and feeding seedlings.
In those regions where the snow is already melting, clearing greenhouses and film greenhouses from snow residues and covering them with film. Covering with film ridges of carrots, perennial onions and second-year parsley, sorrel, rhubarb and other perennial vegetable crops.

March 18 (05.03 old style) - Konon Ogorodnik
“From this day on, we began to prepare the garden for future plantings. It was believed that seeds could be soaked for seedlings only after Konon Ogorodnik”

from March 20, 2017 18:31 (Mon)
to March 23, 2017 05:28 (Thu)

waning moon in the sign of Capricorn

Favorable time for sowing chives and leeks for seedlings. Laying out potatoes for germination. Sowing root celery for seedlings. Picking seedlings into large containers. Spraying seedlings with growth stimulants. Transfer low-growing varieties tomatoes. Fertilizing with organic fertilizers.

March 22 (09.03 art. style) - Soroki (Sorok Sorokov)
“On this day they bake larks with “secrets””

from March 23, 2017 05:28 (Thu)
to 25 March 2017 13:06 (Sat)

waning moon in the sign of Aquarius

A very unfavorable time for planting and sowing seedlings. Preparing greenhouses and greenhouses for the season. Sprinkling the ridges with ash, covering them with a dark film in order to speed up the melting of the snow, and subsequently warming up the soil on them. Thinning seedlings, spraying against pests and diseases, applying organic fertilizers.
from March 25, 2017 13:06 (Sat)
to March 27, 2017 06:15 (Mon)

waning moon in the sign of Pisces

It is not recommended to prune trees and shrubs. Watering and fertilizing seedlings with organic fertilizers, replanting plants. It is possible to sow early radishes in heated greenhouses. Favorable time for picks seedlings tomatoes, peppers, eggplant.

March 28, 2017 05:56 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month - until March 27, 2017 17:10 Moon in the sign of Pisces, then in the sign of Aries.

from March 29, 2017 07:03 (Wed)
to March 29, 2017 18:48 (Wed)

Waxing Moon in Aries

A favorable period for soaking and sowing seeds of parthenocarpic cucumbers for heated greenhouses. Picking tomatoes, peppers, eggplants in large containers. Sowing and planting plants with a short growing season (cress), as well as climbing plants.
from March 29, 2017 18:48 (Wed)
to March 31, 2017 19:40 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in Taurus

A favorable time for watering plants and applying mineral fertilizers. Sowing seedlings of determinate and super-determinate varieties of tomato; early ripening varieties pepper, physalis. Favorable time for sowing melons (zucchini, squash, pumpkins, cucumbers etc.) for seedlings, as well as picking tomatoes and peppers planted earlier.
from March 31, 2017 19:40 (Fri)
to March 31, 2017 23:59 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Gemini

This is an unfavorable time for watering seedlings and plants grown for greens. Loosening the soil (“dry watering”), thinning out the seedlings. Picking seedlings is possible.

Work on the gardener's lunar calendar table for March 2017 was completed on 02/09/2017

The gardener's lunar calendar was made in this form at the suggestion of one of the active visitors to our site on the forum.
We try to take your comments into account. Please contact us with suggestions at To determine the local time of the lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

First calendar month spring where winters are harsh is by no means the start of garden spring. Of course, the first persistent primroses appear in the gardens this month, but the winter cold continues to reign in the areas. However, the work calendar is changing, the hassle associated with the garden and preparing for active activities is increasing. spring planting. In March, sowing for seedlings and greenhouses reaches its peak, the first sowings are carried out in the soil with shelter, and caring for young plants takes a lot of effort. Fortunately, the lunar calendar offers a successful alternation of moon phases and zodiac signs, offering to find a balance between different concerns.

Snowdrop (Galanthus)
Brief lunar work calendar for March 2017

Days of the month
Zodiac sign
Moon phase
Type of work

March 2
Aries/Taurus (from 10:42)
sowing, planting, care, pruning, germination and picking

March 4
Taurus/Gemini (from 15:54)
sowing, planting, transplanting, forcing, care, reproduction, cleaning

March 6
Gemini/Cancer (15:54)
sowing, planting, transplanting, propagation, inspections, cleaning, care, preparation

March 20
Sagittarius/Capricorn (from 18:31)
fourth quarter
sowing, protection, harvesting, preparation

Detailed lunar calendar of a gardener for March 2017

On the first day of the month, you can continue to sow greens for the table, but it is worth remembering the need to restore order in the greenhouses and important preparatory procedures.

  • sowing fast-growing plants and salads for the table;
  • sowing for seedlings and for indoor culture of hot peppers;
  • preparing the substrate and beds in the greenhouse for sowing;
  • mulching and weeding in greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • pest control in greenhouses;
  • Preparation of cuttings and grafting.
  • sowing and planting vegetables and other plants in open ground with protection or in greenhouses (except for salads);
  • pruning any plants;
  • plant diving;
  • watering in any form;
  • pinching, pinching, thinning of seedlings;
  • fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers.

In the first half of the day, you can continue work started on the previous day. But when the reign of Taurus comes, it is better to devote yourself to planting in greenhouses, greenhouses, under film and seedlings, devoting time to actively caring for the plants.

Gardening work that is beneficial to do in the early morning:

  • sowing herbs, salads and fast-growing vegetables;
  • sowing decorative and hot peppers;
  • planting planning;
  • collection of greenery and herbs in a potted garden and greenhouse.

Gardening work that is best done starting at noon:

  • preparation of cuttings;
  • sowing flowering and vegetable plants(the day is especially favorable for cabbage, tomatoes, salads, herbaceous perennials);
  • application of mineral fertilizers (especially at the roots);
  • pre-planting treatment and soaking of seeds;
  • picking seedlings, especially vegetable plants (tomatoes, celery, eggplant, peppers);
  • pruning ornamental shrubs and woody ones.

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • pre-planting seed treatment;
  • diving or working with shoots and seedlings (in the first half of the day);
  • replanting shrubs and trees;
  • pruning of berry and fruit species.

The dominion of a sign favorable for working with plants allows you to carry out active work both in the garden and with seedlings. Planting and sowing - so far only in containers and under cover - is carried out for ornamental and vegetable crops. It is worth remembering both pruning and grafting.

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • watering and increasing air humidity;
  • preparation of cuttings;
  • grafting, budding and vegetative propagation;
  • sowing perennial flowering and vegetable plants (salads, herbs, tomatoes, all types of cabbage, herbs, ornamental plants);
  • planting any crops except root crops (the day is good for both berry bushes and flowering bulbs);
  • pre-planting seed treatment;
  • picking vegetable seedlings;
  • pruning of ornamental shrubs and trees in the garden;
  • replanting perennials and ornamental shrubs.

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • planting or sowing seeds of woody plants;
  • picking seedlings of ornamental plants;
  • replanting indoor and garden plants;
  • loosening the soil and contact with roots.

This is a very good day for actively sowing seedlings, germinating seeds and caring for young crops. In the evening, if you have any energy left, you can do preventive measures and putting things in order.

  • pre-planting seed treatment;
  • watering and increasing air humidity;
  • preparation of cuttings;
  • grafting, budding and vegetative propagation;
  • planting any crops except root crops (including asparagus, cabbage);
  • application of mineral fertilizers;
  • picking seedlings;
  • checking stored crops, bulbs and corms;
  • planting summer and autumn bulbs for forcing or in greenhouses.
  • sowing annual vines;
  • crown thinning and formative pruning;
  • mulching the soil;
  • cleaning in the utility room and crop storage areas;
  • spraying and fumigation for pest prevention;
  • replenishment of organic fertilizers.

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • cleaning up plant debris on the site;
  • construction work and garden clearing;
  • pruning of dry clumps of perennials and sanitary cleaning;
  • pruning and shaping of any plants;
  • picking seedlings in the evening;
  • digging and cultivation;
  • organic feeding;
  • preparation of cuttings and grafting after lunch;
  • watering after lunch.

It's time to remember the need for constant monitoring and putting things in order in the greenhouse and on the site. However, if you have the strength, you can also start sowing some plants or preparing for future crops

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • sowing and planting climbing crops;
  • sowing and planting strawberries and wild strawberries;
  • preparing the soil for crops;
  • crown thinning;
  • mulching of plantings in greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • planting to accelerate the flowering of bulbous and corm plants (dahlia, gladioli, zantedes);
  • inspection of stored bulbs and corms;
  • garden monitoring and renovation planning;
  • removal of plant debris, clearing and tidying up the garden.

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • planting and sowing seeds of perennials, shrubs and trees;
  • cuttings, re-rooting or transplanting plants.

Despite the fact that two zodiac signs are combined on this day, you can spend almost the entire day sowing and planting. True, the favorable time for planting different crops is still divided.

Gardening work that is best done before lunch:

  • sowing and planting climbing crops;
  • sowing and planting strawberries and wild strawberries;
  • sowing annual vines;
  • inspection of stored bulbs and planting for forcing;
  • cleaning the garden.

Gardening work that is beneficial to do in the evening:

  • watering and increasing air humidity;
  • preparation of cuttings;
  • grafting, budding and vegetative propagation;
  • sowing flowering plants (annual and perennial);
  • planting any crops except root crops (especially melons, pumpkins, onions, chard, salads, spinach, parsley for greens, radishes for the table, early cabbage, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers);
  • application of mineral fertilizers;
  • pre-planting seed treatment;
  • seedling thinning, diving early seedlings vegetables;
  • replanting and planting indoor plants;
  • soil cultivation of any complexity, including hilling.

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • pruning of berry bushes and fruit trees (even sanitary);
  • application chemicals pest and disease control.

This is not better days for pruning and working with pesticides. But the rest of the work is definitely enough for a full load. After all, in addition to new crops, you need to take care of seedlings and take care of deferred planning.

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • watering and increasing air humidity;
  • preparation of cuttings;
  • grafting, budding and vegetative propagation;
  • sowing flowering and vegetable plants (the period is especially favorable for radishes, parsley for greens, spinach, chard, asparagus, early cabbage, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, onions for feathers, tomatoes, melons and pumpkins) in greenhouses and under film;
  • planting any crops except root crops;
  • application of mineral fertilizers;
  • removing protective covers from plants or starting to unwrap;
  • planning of planting and construction work.

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • pruning of fruit and ornamental trees;
  • cleaning dry above-ground parts of plants after winter;
  • application of insecticides and fungicides.

In two days under the rule of Leo, you can find time for purely organizational and tedious practical tasks, and for working with plants both on the windowsills and in the garden.

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • sowing sunflowers (including decorative varieties);
  • sowing asparagus and cabbage (cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and early cabbage);
  • sowing herbs on greens (especially parsley), as well as chard, spinach and salads;
  • planting and replanting citrus fruits;
  • preparing the soil for planting;
  • pruning of ornamental tree crops (both garden and indoor);
  • mulching the soil and plantings;
  • pest control in the orchard;
  • emergency transplants of indoor plants, division and work with roots;
  • cuttings, rooting of cuttings, grafting;
  • marking out the garden and planning plantings;
  • cleaning the area.

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • pre-planting seed treatment;
  • sowing and planting vegetable, spicy, berry plants;
  • pruning of fruit trees;
  • pinching the tips of shoots of seedlings;
  • cleaning dry clumps and leaves on garden plants;
  • watering and fertilizing.

The only day in March so favorable for sowing and planting ornamental plants. You should also not forget about mandatory care, but still pay the main attention to your favorite flowers.

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • sowing and planting ornamental crops(annuals and perennials; it is especially good to sow asters on this day, plant irises, crocuses, gladioli and dahlias for forcing or in the ground);
  • replanting perennial plants;
  • mulching tree trunk circles in shrubs and trees;
  • loosening and aeration of the soil;
  • soil cultivation;
  • hilling and adding soil to bare rhizomes;
  • preventive spraying against diseases in ornamental plants;
  • picking seedlings of flowering crops;
  • the beginning of marking decorative objects, the first steps in changing the garden;
  • planning and ordering planting material;
  • collecting salads and herbs on the windowsill and in greenhouses.

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • pre-planting treatment and seed germination;
  • sowing and planting vegetable, berry and fruit crops;
  • pruning, pinching, shaping, grafting plants;
  • picking vegetable seedlings.

The full moon is considered an unfavorable day, but in fact you won’t have to sit without work. It is better to carry out sowing only as a last resort, but nothing prevents work with the soil and watering.

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • watering and increasing air humidity;
  • collecting seeds from winter-flowering indoor plants;
  • weeding;
  • soil aeration and mulching;
  • hilling of plants, including adding soil to the bare rhizomes of herbaceous perennials;
  • sowing and planting fast-growing annual ornamental plants, especially flowering crops (if possible, it is better to sow a day earlier);
  • checking feeders, drinking bowls and birdhouses, measures to attract beneficial birds to the garden.

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • pre-planting seed treatment;
  • sowing, transplanting and planting any plants from which a harvest is expected;
  • picking seedlings;
  • any vegetative propagation of plants, including grafting;
  • pruning and shaping on indoor and garden plants.

On these two days you can plant and sow, both in order to obtain good harvest, and to accelerate the flowering of the best tuberous and bulbous flowers. Pay attention to your grape collection and don’t forget to pick up the seedlings on time.

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • loosening, digging and other soil treatment;
  • soil improvement;
  • sowing and planting all root and bulbous crops (including potatoes under cover for an early harvest);
  • sowing and planting early and stem cabbage, leguminous and root vegetables, peppers, zucchini, pumpkins and eggplants;
  • planting sunflowers and corn;
  • sowing annuals;
  • planting and uprooting grapes;
  • grape pruning;
  • pre-planting seed treatment;
  • picking seedlings;
  • control of pests living in the soil;
  • germination and forcing of tuberous, bulbous and bulbous plants(especially begonias and zantedes).

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • sowing seeds of ornamental crops for seedlings;
  • trimming and pinching;
  • cuttings and grafting;
  • weed control.

The combination of two zodiac signs allows you to sow almost all plants for seedlings or under cover on this day and begin the first plantings early vegetables to greenhouses or greenhouses and don’t forget about decorative pets. But in the hassle associated with preparing for sowing and planting, do not forget about regular care and preparation for active spring work

  • sowing and planting early cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, zucchini, pumpkins and eggplants;
  • planting corn;
  • sowing strawberries and rhubarb;
  • sowing sunflowers and summer crops;
  • planting grapes and working with grapes;
  • pre-planting seed treatment;
  • picking seedlings and thinning seedlings;
  • germination and forcing of bulbous and tuber crops;
  • transplanting and planting trees, especially ornamental species.

Gardening work that is beneficial to do in the evening:

  • planting and sowing of all root and bulbous vegetables (carrots, rutabaga, onions, peanuts, beets);
  • sowing melons;
  • germination and other pre-planting seed treatment;
  • aeration of garden soil;
  • control of soil nematodes;
  • propagation of indoor crops, especially division;
  • replanting indoor plants;
  • pruning and grafting for shrubs and trees.

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • watering for garden plants;
  • loosening the soil of seedlings, indoor and potted plants.

It's time to remember all the hot stars of our table - from simple but fiery arugula to hot peppers. These days are favorable for annual flowers, for standard care procedures, and for pruning garden giants.

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • sowing seedlings of sweet and hot peppers, tomatoes, eggplants and cucumbers;
  • sowing melons in greenhouses or under film;
  • sowing spicy salads (mustard greens, arugula, watercress);
  • sowing summer crops;
  • watering for indoor and garden plants (but not too much);
  • planting and sowing of all root crops and bulbous crops;
  • pre-planting seed treatment;
  • shaping and trimming to berry bushes and on all types of wood with mandatory processing of cuts;
  • grafting, cuttings, and other methods of vegetative propagation of garden and indoor plants;
  • thinning seedlings and pinching shoots.

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • planting shrubs and trees;
  • transplantation, root propagation methods.

These days are best for planting your favorite cereals. And you need to devote a lot of time to other chores. After all, these days are favorable both for putting things in order and for the first work with garden plants.

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • sowing hay grasses;
  • tillage and loosening with mulching;
  • pest control for indoor plants;
  • preparation of soil for seedlings and transplants;
  • fruit tree pruning and grafting;
  • thinning of seedlings;
  • cleaning of plant debris and dry clumps;
  • uprooting stumps;
  • root feeding for trees and shrubs;
  • withdrawal or partial withdrawal shelters from plants.

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • pre-planting seed treatment;
  • working with sharp instruments;
  • work with roots (transplantation with soil removal, root propagation methods, division of clumps);
  • abundant watering;
  • picking seedlings;
  • pinching and other shaping methods.

Dedicate the first part of the day to harvesting and sowing cereals. But in the evening you can start planting under film or in greenhouses, and preparing for the new season.

Gardening work that is best done before evening:

  • sowing hay grasses;
  • sowing green manure, especially cereals;
  • sowing and planting ornamental cereals;
  • sowing vines and other tall plants;
  • pre-planting seed treatment;
  • preparation of soil mixtures for seedlings and indoor plants;
  • indoor pest control;
  • cleaning the area.
  • planting and sowing of all root crops and bulbous vegetables (planting of root crops intended for long-term storage - carrots, root parsley, parsnips, turnips and rutabaga is especially favorable);
  • organic feeding;
  • picking seedlings;
  • soil cultivation;
  • soaking and germination of seeds, pre-planting treatment of seeds and root crops.

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • pre-planting seed treatment and diving in the morning;
  • pruning and shaping for any plants;
  • pinching shoots of seedlings.

During these two days, you should forget about indoor plants and devote yourself to gardening matters. Planting vegetables under film and in greenhouses, sowing, germinating seeds and working with seedlings will take a lot of time. But if a few hours still remain, do not forget about the cleaning that the garden needs in anticipation of active work

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • planting and sowing of all root vegetables and bulbous flowers (rutabaga, turnip onions, garlic, carrots, beets, parsnips, root parsley, turnips, peanuts, potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke);
  • fertilizing with organic fertilizers;
  • pre-planting seed treatment;
  • picking seedlings;
  • thinning of seedlings;
  • grafting and pruning;
  • processing and germination of potatoes for planting;
  • cleaning and cleaning the terrace and recreation areas, preparing for spring;
  • cleaning the greenhouse;
  • hardening of seedlings.

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • replanting indoor plants and seedlings;
  • abundant watering.

There are not many days this month when you cannot sow seedlings. And these two days of rest should be used for long-delayed tasks and responsibilities.

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • weed control;
  • prevention and treatment of pests and diseases, including indoor plants;
  • sanitary pruning of shrubs and trees;
  • measures to retain snow in the garden;
  • preparing the garden and grounds for spring;
  • preventive and sanitary treatment of greenhouses;
  • combating diseases in indoor plants;
  • hardening of seedlings.

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • transplanting, planting and sowing for any plants;
  • replanting indoor and tub garden plants;
  • pruning and other contact with plants (except for garden trees that need urgent sanitary cleaning);
  • pre-planting seed treatment;
  • watering (except for light watering - for seedlings, which cannot be abandoned);
  • thinning seedlings, picking and pinching seedlings;
  • any contact with plant roots, including propagation and replanting.

Continue to tidy up the area to meet the first really warm days fully armed and not be distracted by trifles. If you have time, plant in protected soil.

Gardening work that is beneficial to do in the morning:

  • weed control;
  • prevention and treatment of pests and diseases in garden and indoor plants;
  • retention of snow on the site;
  • planting and sowing all root crops (especially Jerusalem artichoke, turnips, beets and rutabaga), garlic and bulbous flowers;
  • whitewashing of trees;
  • garden and playground cleaning;
  • hardening of seedlings.

Gardening work that is best done during lunch and evening:

  • sowing and planting salads and juicy vegetables for the table (especially stem celery, onions for greens, radishes, kale);
  • application of organic fertilizers;
  • watering for indoor and garden plants;
  • pre-planting seed treatment;
  • grafting and pruning in the orchard;
  • soil cultivation;
  • picking early seedlings;
  • control of weeds, pests and diseases.

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • pre-planting seed treatment (in the morning);
  • transplanting, planting and sowing for any plants in the first half of the day and not early maturing plants, perennials, shrubs and trees intended for a long growing season (and harvest) - throughout the day;
  • pruning and other contact with plants;
  • pinching seedlings.

A great day for sowing and planting, caring for seedlings and preparing for new crops.

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • planting and sowing of all root and bulbous crops, including bulbous flowers, Jerusalem artichoke, peanuts, potatoes, beets, rutabaga and turnips;
  • sowing vegetables and herbs not intended for storage (especially radishes and kale);
  • fertilizing with organic fertilizers;
  • watering for indoor plants;
  • pre-planting seed treatment;
  • pruning bushes and trees;
  • grafting and budding, rooting of cuttings and layering;
  • tillage and soil preparation, with the exception of digging;
  • picking seedlings of early vegetables and January crops.

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • uprooting and complete cutting of trees and bushes;
  • cutting cuttings or branches for forcing and for decoration;
  • watering for garden plants.

On this day, you can only sow for greens for the table, but there is enough work in the garden and with seedlings. After all, young plants need diving, and many garden plants need timely cleaning.

Gardening work that is best done before evening:

  • weed control;
  • prevention and treatment of pests and diseases;
  • sowing vegetables and herbs not intended for storage;
  • fertilizing with organic fertilizers;
  • pre-planting seed treatment;
  • picking seedlings of early vegetables;
  • pruning in decorative compositions;
  • layout of beds and planning activities.

Gardening work that is beneficial to do in the evening:

  • soil preparation for sowing and planting, including soil cultivation in greenhouses;
  • control of unwanted vegetation;
  • mulching plantings;
  • pest control in ornamental gardens;
  • sanitary pruning of shrubs and trees.

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • transplanting, planting and sowing for any plants (vegetables and herbs not intended for storage can be sown after lunch);
  • pruning and other contact with plants, with the exception of sanitary procedures;
  • pre-planting seed treatment in the morning and afternoon;
  • grafting on fruit trees;
  • root methods of plant propagation.

Take this day to plan and study new trends and technologies in gardening, gardening and landscaping.

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • weeding and weed control;
  • control of diseases and pests of garden and indoor plants;
  • drawing up a sowing and planting plan, monitoring crop rotation, planning mixed beds;
  • planning decorative compositions;
  • studying varieties and species, working with catalogs and literature.

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • planting and replanting in any form;
  • working with soil;
  • watering in any form;
  • pre-planting seed treatment;
  • grafting and vegetative propagation of plants;
  • trimming and shaping.

Cold-hardy vegetables and herbs can be sown in the soil if the weather in your area has already melted the top layers of the soil. But even if the garden is still shackled by the breath of winter, you can sow a lot of delicious herbs and salads in greenhouses and greenhouses on this day.

Gardening work that is best done before evening:

  • sowing salads, herbs, vegetables and summer crops with a shortened growing season;
  • sowing hot peppers, especially rare varieties of Mexican chili and jalapeño, indoor decorative peppers;
  • cutting cuttings.

Gardening work that is best done in the late evening:

  • watering and increasing air humidity;
  • preparation of cuttings;
  • grafting, budding and vegetative propagation;
  • sowing flowering and vegetable plants;
  • planting any crops except root crops;
  • application of mineral fertilizers;
  • pre-planting seed treatment;
  • picking seedlings.

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • pre-planting seed treatment (until evening);
  • sowing and planting, with the exception of salads and other greens for the table (except late evening);
  • evening transfer.

Without forgetting about active care, still devote the last calendar days of March to active sowing and planting. Increasing daylight hours allows you to expand the range of ornamental and vegetable plants in the seedling collection.

Gardening work that is favorable to do these days:

  • watering and increasing air humidity;
  • preparation of cuttings;
  • grafting, budding and vegetative propagation;
  • sowing flowering and vegetable plants (the time is especially favorable for middle and mid-late, red, cauliflower, savoy cabbage, kohlrabi and salads);
  • planting any crops, except root crops, fruit and berry trees and shrubs;
  • fertilizing with mineral fertilizers;
  • pre-planting seed treatment;
  • picking seedlings;
  • pruning ornamental trees and bushes.

Jobs that are best avoided:

  • planting and pruning in the orchard;
  • plant transplantation;
  • root propagation.

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