Reasons: why palm leaves turn yellow. Why do the leaves of a home palm tree dry out? What to do if the palm tree turns yellow?

Why does an indoor palm tree turn yellow?

Today, the palm tree is in the collection of almost every amateur gardener, and almost every beginner has a question: why does the palm tree turn yellow? There are a huge number of types of palm trees. There are reed palms, fan palms, pinnate palms, sago palms, etc. They vary in size, not all of them can grow in room conditions, but the vast majority of these plants are united by leaf shape. As a rule, these are long and narrow “feathers”. It is the tips of these “feathers” that cause flower growers a lot of trouble. They turn yellow, followed by the whole leaf turning yellow, and then the whole branch. We cut it off, but the troubles don’t end there, as the next leaf begins to turn yellow, followed by another... What are we doing wrong? Why, while seemingly saving the plant, do we only make it worse, and why does the palm tree turn yellow in the first place?

If the tips of the leaves begin to turn yellow, do not rush to take emergency measures; perhaps the reason is that you have chosen the wrong place for the palm tree. Leaves may turn yellow if the plant is uncomfortable, and uncomfortable conditions for a palm tree include placing it in a draft.

It is believed that the palm tree needs to provide high temperature in the room, but this is precisely what can cause yellowing of the leaves. Depending on the species, palm trees prefer cool to moderate temperatures, but not hot. Most often, palm trees die in winter, that is, when the central heating. Dry air can be detrimental to some palm trees, so don’t forget to spray your pet regularly.

It is not recommended to replant palm trees frequently. It is better not to touch adult plants at all, but only add fresh soil to replace the removed top layer; however, the leaves of a young palm tree may turn yellow if the roots become too crowded in the pot. Like many other plants, the palm tree does not tolerate waterlogged soil. Excessive watering is especially dangerous if the room is cold. When all the conditions are created, but the palm tree is sick, the answer to the question of why the palm tree turns yellow may be that pests have settled on it: mites or scale insects. To combat them, either insecticides or folk remedies, for example, tobacco infusion.

Yellowed ends spoil appearance palm trees and, even if you found the cause of such trouble, they will no longer become green. What to do with them? They should be trimmed, but so as not to affect the “living” tissue. You need to wait until the tips become brown and dry, and only then begin to bring the palm tree back to normal.

The palm tree, despite its exotic nature, can hardly be called a capricious plant. It is very responsive to care and requires very little: spraying, watering, fertilizing and the right location.

Without a doubt, the palm tree is the most popular exotic plant in our homes. Moreover, this culture is incredibly popular in office premises. The palm tree is truly considered a wonderful solution that can easily bring comfort, greenery and a pleasant change to almost any room. general atmosphere. But there is one problem - even with seemingly careful care, many palm trees inevitably begin to turn yellow. Today we’ll talk about solving this problem.

Palm tree is a sign of prosperity

Just a couple of decades ago, a palm tree was perceived as a sign of prosperity and wealth. IN Soviet era palm trees could only be found in the houses of very wealthy people. Now this culture is perceived as the standard for many institutions. For some reason, the plant was considered ideal for business premises - tree care is minimal, and the crop brings some exotic, overseas tranquility and variety to the busy and routine work.

There are a huge number of types of palm trees. There are reed, fan, pinnate, and sago palms. They vary in size, not all of them can grow indoors, but the vast majority of these plants have one thing in common: leaf shape. As a rule, these are long and narrow “feathers”. It is the tips of these “feathers” that cause flower growers a lot of trouble. They turn yellow, followed by the whole leaf turning yellow, and then the whole branch. After this, if nothing is done in time, the rest of the plant, all the leaves, will begin to turn yellow.

What can cause a palm tree to turn yellow? There are a lot of reasons, but they have one thing in common - the plant is uncomfortable. It is possible that the air in the room is too dry, it may be that the palm tree is placed in the sun all day, or the crop is in a draft. In any case, most often the cause of yellowing of the leaves, which spoils the entire appearance of the plant, is not poor watering or lack of fertilizing, but the conditions surrounding the tree. If you change them, then all the health of the crop can return to its place quite quickly.

Saving palm trees from yellowing

First, adjust the room temperature as much as possible. It is believed that palm trees grow best when high temperature air. This is true, but if you raise it artificially, the air will become too dry. It is best if the room temperature is slightly above average. Still, to create acceptable conditions, do not forget to increase the air humidity from time to time. Spray the leaves of the plant, water it more often, you can place a bowl or jug ​​of water nearby, from which the moisture will evaporate.

Also determine a more suitable location for the palm tree. It is possible that the tree is standing too much in the shade. Less often - the crop, on the contrary, spends more time in direct sunlight. Remember that best place for plants - near the northern windows. And in warm time years, do not be lazy to take your overseas guest out onto the balcony. Let him get some fresh air. Water the palm tree occasionally with rainwater. They say that such water is the purest and healthiest for plants. It's not at all difficult to assemble. During a heavy rainfall, this can be done directly with a large vessel, which you place on the balcony, under running water. If there is little precipitation, then you can use oilcloth to make a device that concentrates precipitation from large area straight into a bowl or jar. All that remains is to use the resulting natural moisture sparingly.

Yellowed tips spoil the appearance of the palm tree and, even if you find the cause of this problem, they will no longer turn green. What to do with them? They should be trimmed, but so as not to affect the “living” tissue. You need to wait until the tips become brown and dry, and only then begin to bring the palm tree back to normal. The palm tree, despite its exoticism, can hardly be called a capricious plant. It is very responsive to care and requires very little: spraying, watering, fertilizing and the right location.

V. Kostenko

Domestic palm trees have long come to our homes from southern latitudes, from hot countries. Today, these southern beauties are used with great success for landscaping the most various rooms. But sometimes you can see that the tips of the palm leaves turn yellow, or even the entire leaf dries out and falls off. Why this happens and whether it is possible to avoid such troubles when growing palm trees at home is a question that concerns many lovers of this beautiful exotic plant.

The main cause of leaf drying home palm is not proper care and incorrect content. There are several possible reasons for this.

Proper watering

The most important condition for the formation of beautiful green leaves on a domestic palm tree is proper watering In addition, plants need regular spraying. It is imperative to carefully ensure that when watering the earthen ball is sufficiently evenly saturated with moisture. This nuance is revealed by simply tapping the pot. If the sound is ringing, it means the ground is dry. A dull sound—wet. In addition, it is necessary to pour out excess water from the tray after watering the plant. Water for watering a palm tree should be used that has settled, and water the plant only after the soil has dried, checking by tapping the pot.

Room temperature

It is necessary to monitor the air temperature in the room where the palm tree grows. It would be a mistake to assume that palm trees need heat in winter. Palm trees, which are native to the tropics, experience moderate winters. warm conditions, but subtropical beauties need cooler conditions in winter.

For most plants, the optimal temperature in winter is 16 -20 degrees. And you should not place the plant in a draft, especially in winter. Plants do not tolerate drafts, especially in winter; they are too sensitive to cold. To root system the palm tree is not damaged, you should not place the plant on a cold marble floor or window sill in winter. By placing the plant in safe place, it is still necessary to ensure that the palm tree receives fresh air, otherwise its growth and development will slow down.


Air humidification during heating seasonprerequisite maintaining a domestic palm tree. Dry air can greatly harm the plant. The leaves begin to dry out, the tips quickly turn yellow, and then gradually die off. Therefore, during the heating season, plants certainly need to be sprayed and humidified the air in the apartment. Giving your palm tree a gentle shower every morning will give you wonderful results and will also improve the humidity in your home. (It is better to take boiled, settled water for this purpose and pour it into plastic bottles for storage).

You can purchase a special air humidifier; today there are a great many of them on sale, with a variety of functions. They are capable of spraying water in a room, spraying it with the help of a fan. It is very convenient to use a hygrometer to determine the humidity in a room. There are even digital versions of hygrometers - thermohygrometers - with additional indication of air temperature and time. Although there are folk method determination of humidity. You just need to put a pine cone in the room. If the room is dry, the scales on it open, and if it is damp, they close tightly.

Feeding and replanting

Today there are special ones for palm trees liquid fertilizers. IN summer period It is necessary to feed the plant twice a month, and in winter once is enough. If the root system has grown, it is necessary to promptly replant the plant into a pot of suitable size. But if this is done incorrectly, the palm leaves may begin to turn yellow. A young flower should not be replanted into a new pot more than once a year. An old palm tree can be replanted every three years. A new pot for a plant is chosen not only by color. It needs to be a little taller and wider than the old one. Also, when trimming the yellowed tips of yellowing leaves, you need to be careful not to cut off or damage the green part of the leaf. This will only cause the sheet to dry out faster and soon fall off.

Diseases and pests

Sometimes the cause of leaf drying on a palm tree is insect pests. Most often these are scale insects - small brown round-shaped insects, and females have small scutes. These insects, having attached themselves to the young shoots, suck the juices out of them. As a result, the palm leaves turn yellow and the plant may die. There are many ways to kill insects folk ways, as well as insecticides that are quite effective.

Care and proper care will give you the opportunity to admire the beauty at any time of the year. ornamental plant at your home.

Yellow leaves may be a sign of disease

Main Factors

Palm tree is a tropical plant. To keep it in an apartment, the owner needs to make an effort and create conditions in which it will be comfortable. Otherwise, the foliage turns yellow, turns brown or dries out, and the plant itself may even die.

Palm leaves may fall off due to natural reasons. In the process of natural falling, plants usually shed their lower part. foliage cover. However, the leaves turn yellow due to other reasons that gardeners should know.

Dry air

Many people who have indoor plants, may be perplexed why the leaves of a palm tree turn yellow. Intensive heating in apartments in winter causes dry air. They feel uncomfortable in such conditions. Optimal temperature during cold weather it should not exceed 15-20 °C.

To optimize living conditions, the air is humidified. Flower growers also spray their plants with a spray bottle and moisten top layer earthen coma in which a palm tree is planted. It is worth remembering that frequent watering is not required.


The statement that at home a palm tree should be kept in the south is incorrect.

Direct sun rays do not bring him any benefit, they have a detrimental effect. The best solution will place the container with the plant at a short distance from the window opening.

Drafts are a phenomenon that is contraindicated for palm trees. Winter drafts are especially harmful. Cold air causes damage, due to which the leaves change their color (turn yellow, turn brown or turn black) or even fall off, and the plant itself withers and dries.

It is worth remembering what to do with the plant while the room is being ventilated. Experienced flower growers It is recommended to cover the palm tree with a cloth or take it out of the room. Do not block the flow of fresh air, otherwise the growth process will slow down.

Frequent and incorrect transplantation

Another common reason why palm leaves turn yellow is improper replanting. Many gardeners may make the mistake of replacing the pot in which an indoor palm tree grows too often.

Moving from one pot to another is necessary when the root system grows so much that the old container becomes small. For young plants, this frequency is no more than once a year. Older trees are usually replanted once every three years.

Sometimes replacing the top layer of the earthen coma will be a sufficient measure to prevent problems and save the plant from withering and death. It is also worth remembering that the new pot in which the indoor palm tree will be planted must be taller and wider than the previous one.

Malicious organisms

The reason why palm leaves turn yellow does not always lie in the conditions under which the plant is kept. The answer to a question that worries many gardeners may be somewhat unexpected, but natural.


Scale insects are the most common insects, due to which the palm tree dries out and the foliage changes its color or falls off altogether. Scale insects are homoptera brown insects with a rounded body. Females have a so-called scute. Pests attach themselves to the young shoots of the plant, sucking out the juices.

Among the many options for combating scale insects, a grower can choose the one he considers most effective. If the choice falls on insecticides, it is recommended to use Actellik. This drug has proven to be the most effective.

Spider mites

These insects are difficult to see and notice. The peculiarity of their activity is not only that the leaves on the palm tree turn yellow, but also that they begin to become covered with cobwebs.


The insect known as mealybug, are the most dangerous for trees; their appearance can also be the reason why a palm tree turns yellow. It's a louse white And large size. When attacked by this pest, the foliage turns yellow, the plant becomes as if sprinkled with flour, and all parts of the tree are covered with mucus.

Olive oil helps in the fight against mealybugs

Blackening of foliage

The tips of the leaves may turn black. The causes of this problem most often lie in the conditions in which the indoor palm tree is kept.

Today, the following factors are known to cause blackening of foliage in palm plants:

  1. Dry air predominates in the room.
  2. The palm tree is not watered properly.
  3. The influence of cold air currents.
  4. A compacted earthen lump.

To help the plant, you don’t need to do anything special, just eliminate the cause of the problem. Flower growers recommend fertilizing with fertilizers.

If you had to think about the question of why the leaves of a palm tree dry out, or other unhealthy metamorphoses are observed, then you should think about whether the basic recommendations for the maintenance of the plant have been violated. Knowing how to properly care for a palm tree, you can avoid the need to save it from problems with leaves and from possible death.

In order not to rack your brains over why the palm tree is drying out, you should not lose sight of the following points:

  1. Support optimal humidity air.
  2. Ventilate the room in which the palm tree is kept.
  3. Ensure the natural process of moisture evaporation.

Not forgetting that palm leaves turn yellow mostly due to violations optimal conditions, you can avoid many problems. By adhering to basic rules, a florist can for a long time rejoice that a healthy and beautiful palm tree grows in his house.


The answer to the question of why a palm tree dries out lies in how the grower cares for his plant.

By reviewing the conditions under which the tree is kept and taking fairly simple measures, you can eliminate all existing problems and prevent their occurrence for a long time.

Many people grow small indoor palm trees at home, because this exotic plant can bring city ​​apartment A little summer mood throughout the year. But what to do if your pet starts to get sick? You can often see how the foliage of a palm tree begins to dry out. In this article we will talk about why the tips of palm leaves dry out and how to deal with this scourge.

Causes of palm leaves drying out

  1. The main reason for drying palm leaves is most often a lack of moisture or too dry air. Indeed, in nature this plant lives in regions with high humidity air, so a certain amount of liquid is vital for the palm tree.
  2. However, there is another possible reason why the leaves of a palm tree dry out. For example, too frequent and abundant watering will also not have a good effect on the health of the palm tree. The roots may rot and the plant will die.
  3. In addition, do not forget about pests and diseases, which can also cause problems for the plant.

What to do if the leaves of a palm tree dry out?

Here's what to do if the tips of the leaves of a palm tree dry out:

  1. First of all, dried leaves should be carefully removed. If the entire leaf has dried, then it must be removed entirely, but if only the tip has begun to dry out, then only the dried part should be carefully cut off.
  2. Then, if the leaves of the palm tree turn yellow and dry out, you need to replenish the missing water as soon as possible. To do this, the plant must be regularly sprayed and watered properly. It is important that the earthen ball is moistened evenly. This can be checked by knocking on the pot in which the palm tree is growing.
  3. You should also periodically fertilize the palm tree with special liquid fertilizers.

If the leaves on your home palm tree are drying out, you may not be maintaining the proper conditions. Tropical palms need to be kept warm in winter, while subtropical palms tolerate winter better in cooler conditions.

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