A fun business: a children's creativity studio. Let's create together! How to organize a children's art club

When opening a children's creativity center, you need to understand that the project should be based on love and the desire to work with children, and not the desire to make money. Often this idea arises from those who have already had experience working with children and are well versed in this - educators, teachers, leaders of clubs, teachers.

The success of the project is assessed as high, since there are very few institutions specializing in providing this type of service, and in some cities there are none at all.

First steps

When thinking about how to open a children's creativity center, you need to determine the program or direction in which you will work with children. Currently, there are a large number of developmental methods, for example, Nikitin or Montessori. You can develop your own training program that will combine elements of various educational areas. Professional teachers can bring their own developments and “zest”.

Legal registration

Like any other business, a center for children requires an organizational and legal form. Simply put, you must register with your local tax office as individual entrepreneur(IP) or as a limited liability company (LLC).

Experts recommend choosing the first option (IP), since in this case the process of accounting and financial reporting will be significantly simplified. In addition, this form of doing business will allow you to save on taxes due to a lower tax rate.

In addition to registration, a license from the Ministry of Education for the right to develop and raise children will be required. To obtain it, you need to have a pedagogical education, a registered place of work and learning programs. You should remember that if during the first year of operation your center receives complaints, your license may be lost.


Before opening a children's creativity center, think about where it is best to place it. Very often developmental schools are opened in residential areas. The rent here is low, and there are more children. You can rent premises in a shopping center, in kindergarten, At school.

On initial stage Many entrepreneurs rent spacious apartments where they place mini-centers for children's leisure. When choosing a location, make sure that there is enough space near the building or on the floor for bicycles and strollers.

Groups in developmental schools are not very large (usually about 5-7 people), but the rooms in the premises should be spacious - approximately 30 square meters. m. If you are also going to open a “Creative Supplies” store, then it is better to give preference to shopping centers. There is a higher traffic flow of people there.

Now it has become popular to organize development schools in large supermarkets. Parents place their children under the supervision of a consultant for an hour or two, while they calmly go shopping, without worrying about the child being left alone. The teacher works with the child in modeling, drawing or other developmental activities. Parents can also buy creative supplies here.

Rental price

The price for renting a premises with a total area of ​​about 120-150 sq. m. m in a residential area will be about 600-700 USD. That is, in a shopping center with high traffic it is an order of magnitude higher – 1000-1500 USD. e. Add here utility bills, which will cost 120-150 USD. e.


Opening children's center creativity is not a difficult matter. Besides suitable place location, you need to think about the interior of the room. The center will need furniture, carpets, office equipment, educational toys, books, art supplies (paints, pencils, plasticine, etc.).

Pay special attention to quality flooring and furniture. Since children love to spend time on the floor, it needs to be additionally insulated. A good quality coating can do this.

Children's furniture should not only be beautiful, but also reliable and safe. You should not skimp on this item and buy cheap products. You need to choose a quality product from natural materials, designed specifically for schools and kindergartens. Moreover, for each age of children there should be a different size of furniture.

Even if the rented premises are heated, you should consider purchasing safe heating devices. This is especially true in the off-season, when the room becomes cold, and central heating haven't turned it on yet.

Before opening a children's creativity center, decide what the children will do there. If dance lessons are planned, then you should establish large mirrors. In addition, you will need a piano, computer, record player, tape recorder and TV. Don't forget about the toilet and changing room.

Toys are something that attracts children of all ages. Take care of their diversity. Various pyramids, cubes, mosaics, construction sets should not only be colorful and interesting, but also safe. Choose high-quality and reliable accessories, because the toys will be intended for a large number of children. On the issue of textbooks, notebooks and cards, it makes sense to consult with teachers.

All premises of the children's center must be well lit and ventilated. Make sure that there are no dangerous or traumatic objects in the rooms.


In the question of how to open a children's creativity studio, competent selection of personnel is important. The main requirements when choosing employees should be not only the availability of pedagogical education and work experience, but also a love for children. Pay attention to the teacher’s attitude towards teaching new directions and programs.

This is necessary so that he can easily adapt to new working conditions, which may differ from the previous ones. The sooner an employee completes this task, the better. If you like the teacher and you hire him, you need to attend his classes 1-2 times to make sure of his competence and ability to deal with children.

The question of how to organize children's leisure time worries many parents. Clubs, studios, sections are in great demand. In many settlements there is a chronic shortage of them, and besides, the range of activities is very limited. Parents who know how to do something interesting and useful that is not taught in existing creative schools or studios can teach their children this themselves by organizing a circle.

You will need

  • - methodological developments according to the chosen type of activity;
  • - standard or original program;
  • - approximate cost estimate;
  • - list of materials and equipment.


Find out what clubs are available in nearby schools, cultural institutions and additional education. Decide what you would like to teach your children. The organizational form depends on what kind of circle it will be and what contingent it is intended for.

If you want to teach your daughter’s classmates how to sew or knit, a club can be organized right in the classroom. Talk with class teacher. Such a circle can be described as a family club. With the permission of the director, you will be given the opportunity to take a class a couple of times a week. To attract students, you will simply need to post a notice in the school. Of course, with this form of organization, classes should be free and also safe. This could be a drawing, origami, paper arts, handicrafts, etc. group, that is, something that does not require large expenses and does not pose any danger to the health of children. A hiking or mountaineering club can hardly exist in this form, since the teacher there requires special training.

The documentation requirements for a circle at a family club are not particularly high. All you need to do is define his goals and draw up a rough lesson plan. Indicate the topics in the plan, summary and the number of hours for each. Also note which exhibitions or concerts you are going to participate in and when. This may be included in the plan extracurricular activities the school itself.

It is most convenient to create a circle for a wider range of students at any cultural or additional education institution. Contact your manager. Explain what you want and under what conditions your circle will work. In an additional education institution, it can become part of the overall structure. In cultural institutions, circles are most often created on a self-sufficiency basis.

For a circle at an additional education institution, you will need to complete a package of documents common to similar institutions. Each children's art house has its own nuances, but what you definitely need is a program. You can take a standard program; they are available for many types of circles. Develop your working one based on it. Consider the age of the children and the number of hours allotted to you. Don’t forget to record your participation in competitions and exhibitions; these hours are also included in the total class time. The rest is the responsibility of the head of the institution.

The fate of the circle at a cultural institution is decided by the director of the cultural center. There are less stringent requirements for documentation. You will need a work plan and attendance log. Make an estimate. Usually a fixed rental payment is required, and the rest is up to you. Please note necessary costs for materials, etc.

You can create a children's circle even in your apartment. To do this you need to register with tax office as an individual entrepreneur and indicate in the permitted types of activities " educational services". The pedagogical activities of individuals are not regulated by Russian legislation. So you can teach children an interesting and useful activity completely freely, if there is no need to issue them certificates of completion. By the way, as an individual entrepreneur, you can organize a children's club in absolutely any institution that agrees provide you with premises for rent.

Children's clubs at home or in rented premises are becoming an increasingly attractive alternative to kindergartens. Creating your own circle is quite simple, if, of course, you feel strong enough to take care of more than just your child.

Organization of a circle

First, take care of searching for future regular customers. The best place to look for them is among friendly families who know you well and want to attend your classes. After receiving two or three “clients”, determine the time for your circle. Usually such events are for children before school age take place between ten in the morning and six in the evening. Arrange for regular meetings on a certain day of the week, keep in mind that if at the very beginning of the circle’s activities the meetings are suddenly cancelled, it will be very difficult to gather people again.

After solving basic organizational issues, think about the theme of the circle. If you don’t have a lot of clients, you can arrange a meeting with them and discuss the proposed topics. You need to prepare very carefully for such meetings so as not to look stupid by coming with empty handed. Choose global, large topics that will require several lessons to develop. For example, if you are going to create a children's club with an emphasis on drawing, offer the study color combinations, proportions, perspective. Such global topics are enough for six months to a year of study. The main thing is to present them in a correct and accessible way. game form, if your circle is designed for preschoolers.

Make classes interesting

Be sure to search the Internet or buy specialized manuals in which you can find valuable information about teaching children, interesting exercises and assignments. Be prepared to devote a lot of time to this. Similar helpful information will make your circles more interesting for participants.

You can expand the circle with the help of advertisements that can be placed in nearby kindergartens, libraries and schools. You can place an ad on the Internet on specialized resources.

To keep the circle together, to interest children and their parents, you can find some external goal - preparation for an exhibition, participation in a concert, competition or charity event. Think in advance about what could become such a unifying factor. The first “outings” help all participants unite and increase their interest in the activities of the circle.

Over time, if your event is a success, you might want to think about renting a dedicated space for it. A studio, a gym, a dance class - all this can be found quite easily in almost any area of ​​the city. In this case, it is important to discuss all financial issues with the parents of your students.


If your circle becomes part of the structure of an institution, the management of the institution bears responsibility for the life and health of children. In an independent circle, you take responsibility.

Helpful advice

It may also turn out that the director of the children's creativity center does not have the opportunity to include your circle in the structure of the institution. In any case, this will take some time, because the issue must be agreed upon with the education committee. You can create a circle on self-sufficiency terms. You only need to agree with the director to rent an office for a few hours a week. In this case, you are essentially creating a new institution of additional education. It will be subject to all requirements of Russian legislation. You need to write the charter, choose founders, form of ownership, etc. If you are going to issue state-issued documents to graduates, you will also need licensing. This is a fairly lengthy procedure, which makes sense if you are creating The educational center With big amount circles.

The question of how to organize children's leisure time worries many parents. Circles, studios, and segments are in great demand. In many settlements there is a chronic shortage of them, and besides, the range of activities is extremely limited. Parents who know how to do something exciting and useful that is not taught in existing creative schools or studios can teach their children this themselves by organizing a circle.

You will need

  • – methodological developments for the chosen type of activity;
  • – standard or custom program;
  • – approximate cost estimate;
  • – list of materials and equipment.


1. Find out what clubs are available in nearby schools, cultural and additional education institutions. Decide what you would like to teach your children. The organizational form depends on what kind of circle it will be and what contingent it is intended for.

2. If you want to teach your daughter’s classmates to sew or knit, you can organize a circle right in the classroom. You will talk with an amazing boss. Such a circle can be described as a family club. With the permission of the director, you will be given the opportunity to take a class a couple of times a week. In order to attract students, you will need to simply put up a notice in the school. Of course, with this form of organization, classes must be free and, moreover, non-hazardous. This could be a drawing, origami, paper arts, crafts, etc. group, that is, something that does not require large expenses and does not pose any threat to the health of children. A tourist or mountaineering club can hardly exist in this form, since the teacher there requires special training.

3. The documentation requirements for a family club circle are not exceptionally high. All you have to do is define his goals and draw up a rough lesson plan. In the plan, indicate the topics, a short table of contents and the number of hours for each. Also note which exhibitions or concerts you are going to participate in and when. This may also be included in the extracurricular activities plan of the school itself.

4. It is more convenient for everyone to create a circle for a wider range of students at some cultural institution or additional education. Contact your boss. Explain what you want and under what conditions your circle will work. In an institution of additional education, it can become part of the overall structure. In cultural institutions, circles are most often created on self-sufficiency terms.

5. For a circle at an additional education institution, you will need to complete a package of documents that is universal for similar institutions. Every children's art house has its own nuances, but what you really need is a program. You can take a standard program; they exist for many types of circles. Develop your working one based on it. Consider the age of the children and the number of hours allotted to you. Don’t forget to record your participation in competitions and exhibitions; these hours are also included in the general class time. The rest is the responsibility of the head of the institution.

6. The fate of the circle at a cultural institution is decided by the director of the cultural center. There are less stringent requirements for documentation. You will need a work plan and attendance log. Make an estimate. Usually a fixed rental payment is required, and the rest is up to you. Consider the required costs for materials, etc.

7. You can create a children's circle even in your apartment. To do this, you need to register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur and indicate “educational services” in the permitted activities. The pedagogical activities of individuals are not regulated by Russian law. So you can teach your children an exciting and useful job in an ideal way, if there is no need to issue them certificates of completion. By the way, as a personal entrepreneur, you can certainly organize a children’s club in any institution that agrees to rent premises to you.

Children's clubs at home or in rented premises are increasingly becoming an attractive alternative to kindergartens. Making your own circle is quite primitive, if you finally feel strong enough to take care of more than just your child.

Organization of a circle

First, take care of searching for future continuous customers. The best place to look for them is among friendly families who know you well and want to come to your classes. After acquiring 2-3 “customers”, determine the time for your circle. Traditionally, similar events for preschool children take place between ten in the morning and six in the evening. Arrange for regular meetings on a certain day of the week; keep in mind that if at the very beginning of the circle’s activities, meetings are suddenly canceled, it will be very difficult to gather people again. After solving basic organizational issues, think about the theme of the circle. If you don’t have many customers, you can arrange a meeting with them and discuss relevant topics. It is necessary to prepare very scrupulously for such meetings, so as not to look ridiculous by coming empty-handed. Choose general, large topics that will take several lessons to develop. Let's say, if you are going to create a children's club with an emphasis on drawing, offer comprehension of color combinations, proportions, and perspective. Similar global topics will be enough for six months to a year of comprehension. The main thing is to present them in a positive and accessible playful form if your circle is designed for preschoolers.

Make classes interesting

Be sure to find on the Internet or purchase specialized manuals in which you can find expensive information about teaching children, exciting exercises and tasks. Be prepared to devote a lot of time to this. Such useful information will make your circles more interesting for participants. You can expand the circle with the help of advertisements that can be placed in nearby kindergartens, libraries and schools. It is allowed to place an ad on the Internet on specialized sources. In order to keep the circle together, to interest children and their parents, it is possible to find some external goal - preparation for an exhibition, participation in a concert, competition or philanthropic event. Think in advance about what could become such a unifying factor. The first “outings” help all participants unite and increase their interest in the activities of the circle. Over time, if your event is a triumph, you should think about renting a special room for it. A studio, a gym, a dance class - all this can be easily found in virtually any area of ​​the city. In this case, the main thing is to discuss all financial issues with the parents of your students.

Once upon a time in the Soviet Union there was the whole system children's clubs. There were interest clubs in the Palaces of Pioneers and in schools. There were also neighborhood children's clubs, where children from nearby houses came, engaged in various exciting activities, and organized concerts and performances. Now such clubs are beginning to revive. They are needed primarily for children from relatively wealthy families, when parents cannot pay large sums for additional classes. In such a club, a child can not only spend his free time from studying, but also learn the basics of his future profession.


1. Think about what kind of club you would like to organize. Unlike a circle, a club can have several areas of activity. For a club of interests, choose several similar areas. Let's say it could be tourism, orienteering and local history. It is also possible to open a technical club, with in various directions technical creativity. In a club at your place of residence, there may be more directions. With the help of the club, it is possible to organize sports competitions at the nearest site, organize yard festivals, create an art studio and workshops.

2. It will be better for everyone if you find like-minded adults. It is difficult to do without help in such a matter, even if the children with whom you are going to study are ready to help you with everything. Your neighbors can help you create a yard club. For help in organizing a technical club, you can try contacting the head of some huge enterprise or design bureau, and if you want to create a tourist club, adult travelers and orienteers will most likely be happy to help you.

3. Try to enlist the help of the local administration. To do this, write a club program in which you talk about what types of activities you are going to do with children and what problems to solve. The administration's assistance will help deal with a number of problems - for example, with renting premises. Depending on the direction of future activities, contact the departments of education, culture, and youth policy. Let the experts in these departments realize that nonprofit children's organizations benefit everyone.

4. For a club at your place of residence, try to find a room prepared for working with the population. Many cities have such premises. Find out if there are empty non-technological basements in nearby houses. An attic might also work. Find out if your city has a targeted program whose task is to make the school the center of life in every neighborhood. The presence of such a program greatly simplifies your task. In this case, you can easily contact the nearest school. Explain to the director why creating such a club benefits him. Let's say, if you create a tourist club, you can organize trips not only for club members, but also for other students. You can make, say, a climbing wall in the gym, where everyone will also train.

5. Cooperation with local government authorities can make your task easier with the renovation of the premises. All premises for activities with children must comply with certain safety standards. If you manage to get premises in a school, an institution of further education or at an enterprise, the heads of these institutions are responsible for these standards. In addition, the repair problem is solved mechanically. If you simply received a basement or attic, renovated it and started working, it is possible that after a while they will try to take this room away from you.

6. Place the equipment. If you have been provided with premises in some institution and you share it with some other circle, get closets in which you can put your equipment. In this case, you will only have to take it out during class.

7. Find out if your city has grants for working with children and youth. The acquisition of such a grant will make it possible to rent premises, purchase necessary equipment and so on. In order to receive such a grant, you need to write a justification. The form is usually developed by whoever gives these grants. But in any case, you need to formulate the objectives of your club, talk about the main activities and expected participants.

Helpful advice
Establish connections with existing similar clubs. Sharing skill and documentation may be useful.

If you are an artist or musician and make money from your craft, but are fairly tired of working in a professional environment, start working with children. You can organize your own creative studio. Working with children will bring you a lot of positive emotions, and over time, perhaps, it will develop into a profitable business.

You will need

  • - Internet;
  • - start-up capital;
  • – a set of teachers;
  • – a huge number of legal consultations;


1. Contact any existing children's club or development center for help. Such clubs can exist at Children's Creativity Palaces or youth clubs. Offer yours educational program. Often such institutions require additional education teachers. Many of them will be happy to hire you. The advantages of such work are obvious - you will be given a room and everything you need for classes. In addition, you will be officially employed, and the work schedule will be a maximum of 20 hours per week. But this option is suitable for those who look at themselves only as a teacher.

2. Rent a room suitable for teaching children if your goal is not simply to become a teacher, but to organize a studio as a business. Make sure the premises meet the requirements fire safety. You will have to obtain the appropriate completions from the fire inspectorate and sanitary and epidemiological station.

3. Register as a personal entrepreneur, or obtain a license for educational activities. Later, you can select teachers to work with children. At the first stage, do not try to get too many referrals. Take one or two items. At the same time, you yourself need to understand these subjects. Let's say, organize a drawing course or a guitar studio. Choose activities that you won’t need to make any special expenses to start. And you can easily recruit students for such famous areas.

4. Add to the list of circles little by little. Invite someone you know to teach the course foreign language. Courses taught by native speakers are now extremely famous. Recruit teachers slowly. If you ask for a few trial classes, please attend them. Analyze whether it is suitable this person to work in your studio?

5. Make sure that the room in your studio is clean and comfortable. Invite artists to decorate the walls with paintings. Choose beautiful furniture, soft carpets. All this requires certain expenses, but is very main part affairs. Since many parents, when choosing leisure activities for their children, focus specifically on the room in which the studio is located.

Always consult with lawyers in matters in which you yourself do not have a good understanding. This will help you save time, money and stress when opening your first studio. It will be better if you start a business together with a person who already has a similar skill.

Helpful advice
Pay attention to advertising. Spread the word about your studio online, print out advertisements and post them in the area where the studio is located.

Many parents want to choose additional activities for their child in which he will achieve success. First of all, the choice should be based on the individual characteristics of the child (including character, physique), his gifts and abilities.

Basketball and volleyball are actually invariably suitable for very tall children; skillful, swift and energetic - football; for huge children – hockey, swimming, judo; neat and patient - gymnastics, figure skating; for dreamy children with a great imagination - applied arts and journalism clubs.

You should strictly ask what the child thinks; tea, even if he has abilities, but no interest in the activity, he is unlikely to achieve heights in it. Occasionally, parents enroll their child in a club without his judgment, based on their childhood dreams. At best, without interest, he will simply give up this activity after a while, at worst, he will ruin his relationship with his parents, who force him to do something he doesn’t like.

When choosing additional activities or clubs, you should carefully examine the child’s character: sports segments contribute to the child’s excitement, and peaceful activities (knitting, drawing, modeling), on the contrary, pacify and relax the child. At the same time, you should not put too much additional burden on his shoulders, especially in the first grades. This can lead to fatigue and poor performance in all daily activities.

If your circle becomes part of the structure of some institution, the management of the institution bears responsibility for the life and health of the children. In an independent circle, you take responsibility.

Helpful advice
It may also turn out that the director of the children's art center is not likely to include your circle in the design of the institution. In any case, this will take some time; the issue needs to be agreed upon with the education committee. You can create a circle on self-sufficiency terms. You only need to agree with the director to rent an office for a few hours a week. In this case, you are creating a truly new institution of continuing education. All requirements of Russian law will apply to him. You need to write the charter, prefer founders, form of ownership, etc. If you are going to issue government documents to graduates, you will also need licensing. This is a rather long procedure, which makes sense if you are creating a training center with a huge number of circles.

*Calculations use average data for Russia

Nowadays, there is no shortage of various developmental children's centers, educational courses, dance and drawing studios. But with traditional children's leisure centers, which are aimed primarily at children of primary school age and adolescence, the situation is not so rosy. Previously, children's leisure centers were exclusively municipal (however, during the USSR there were no private centers at all). And until now, in every district of the city there are Children's Art Houses or their branches. However, there is not enough money from the budget to ensure their full functioning. As a result, the list of programs offered by such centers is very limited; some of the clubs are actually paid (the payment is simply disguised as “voluntary” financial assistance), there are not enough teachers. And in the summer, creative houses, as a rule, do not work, but the need for their services especially increases when children are on vacation and do not know what to do with themselves.

Thus, a children's leisure center can be a very good idea for own business. However, its implementation will require a lot of effort, time and, of course, money.

Registration of a leisure center

So, if you decide to open a leisure center, first of all, you need to decide on the form of its registration. Perhaps this is one of the most difficult but important questions. There are several options - individual entrepreneurship, limited liability company or private educational institution (formerly non-state educational institution).

To decide on the most suitable form of registration, you need to understand what such an organization will do. Let’s assume that our leisure center will host various classes for children and youth, lectures, and interest clubs. It is also possible to conduct educational events, courses and provide tutoring services in the future (for example, to prepare for the Unified State Exam).

Most of the described activities fall under the definition of leisure consulting activities (OKVED 92.51. Activities of libraries, archives, club-type institutions). OKVED code 92.51. refers to the section “On the provision of other utility, social and personal services”:

92. Activities for organizing recreation and entertainment, culture and sports

92.5. Other cultural activities

92.51. Activities of libraries, archives, club-type institutions

This grouping includes the activities of libraries of all types, including leading scientific activity, reading rooms, listening rooms, screening rooms, lecture halls, planetariums, state archives providing services to the general public or certain categories of users (students, scientists, employees of certain institutions, etc.); selection of specialized or non-specialized documents - compilation of catalogues, issuance and storage of books, maps, periodicals, films, records, magnetic tapes, works of art, etc.; search for required information, etc.; activities of club-type institutions: clubs, palaces and cultural centers, houses folk art etc. Actually, it is the last point that interests us primarily.

Ready ideas for your business

The legislation does not impose any special requirements for this type of activity. It is not subject to licensing and can be carried out both within the framework of individual entrepreneurship with the involvement of hired workers, if necessary (of course, not teachers), and in organizations of any legal form.

An individual entrepreneur, like other organizational and legal forms, has the right to carry out independent business activities in any area not prohibited by current legislation. An entrepreneur has the right to carry out any commercial transactions aimed at making a profit and to act as one of the parties to the contract. As part of the business, an individual entrepreneur has the right to act as an employer (however, there are pitfalls here). In addition, the legislation provides for the opportunity for individual entrepreneurs to open current accounts in banks to make payments to clients and suppliers. All these rights, in turn, impose certain obligations on the individual entrepreneur, which are also determined by the specifics of his legal status. Let us note one more important point: registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur does not deprive him of general civil rights guaranteed to every citizen of the Russian Federation. For example, implementation entrepreneurial activity included in the general seniority citizen, which allows him to receive a labor pension in the future. The individual entrepreneur is also subject to other rights that are granted to him by virtue of individual provisions legislation. For example, to receive a disability pension or labor pension upon reaching retirement age.

Registering an individual entrepreneur is the easiest way. The whole procedure will take about a week. It consists of several stages, the nature of which depends on the form in which the citizen will go through it - in person, through an online service or through a representative. So, having decided to register and work as an entrepreneur, you should decide whether the future businessman will use the financial assistance provided by the employment center. If yes, then the first step will be to register with the employment center. There you will need to register as unemployed even before registering a business, otherwise you will receive cash assistance you will no longer be able to apply. Another important step in the procedure for acquiring status is choosing the type of activity. Particular attention should be paid to the type of activity that will be indicated first in the application, since it will be the main one.

For the type in question economic activity Be prepared, upon request from the tax authorities, to provide a certificate confirming that you have no criminal record. This requirement arises if you are going to engage in educational, educational activities or work with children. By the way, the same certificate will be required if your business is related to sports and tourism. Having decided on the tax system, you can fill out an application for registration of individual entrepreneur 2015 using form P21001. The form can be obtained from the tax office at your place of residence (you must also register an individual entrepreneur there, regardless of the city in which you intend to carry out business activities) or downloaded from official websites on the Internet. You can fill out the forms manually or type the text on a computer: the main thing is that there are no errors or corrections. It is prohibited to make changes to the printed text; If you suddenly make a mistake, you will have to rewrite the application again.

Ready ideas for your business

The procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur has been greatly simplified due to the opening of an online registration resource. An absolute plus is that there is no need to go to a notary, fill out a paper form, pay a state fee, or stand in queues. To register, you need to go through a simple procedure on the tax service website. In addition to personal data, you will also need to indicate the OKVED code. For those wishing to pay the fee for registering an entrepreneur through the bank, a receipt for payment is generated. You can also pay with your own bank card, without leaving home. After payment, you should wait for confirmation that the payment has reached the address and the application has been accepted. Along with it should come to the address Email notification of when you need to come to the Federal Tax Service to complete the registration procedure. When going to the tax office, do not forget to take with you your passport and the original payment receipt (if the payment was made through a bank). Another method of registration (quite popular among our compatriots) is through an authorized representative. This can be a lawyer, any specialist in the field of law, as well as any person with experience in registering an individual entrepreneur. You can also carry out the entire procedure yourself. The application can be submitted directly to the tax office or via mail, but then the application must be notarized (or rather, not the application itself, but the signature on it of the person who wants to become an entrepreneur); A copy of the passport must also be notarized. So, the main stages of registration: collection and preparation of documents; the actual writing and execution of the application for registration in the approved form; payment of state duty (at any bank branch using the specified details); sending documents or submitting them personally by the applicant to the tax service; If the application is considered positively, you should once again visit the Federal Tax Service to obtain documents on registration of individual entrepreneurs. After registration, you will need to open a bank account, notify the tax office about the start of your business activity, select a tax form, order a stamp, etc.

With the registration of a limited liability company, the situation is somewhat more complicated. You will have to pay 4,000 rubles to register an LLC. But a company can be registered for two or more participants at the legal address of the head office. The LLC can be sold or re-registered. The company maintains accounting records, which involves additional costs for an accountant, but for other partner companies the LLC looks more solid. Although in our case this solidity is not so necessary. The director, receiving the proceeds, must pay tax on dividends in the amount of 9%. The founders bear administrative responsibility for the debts and obligations of their company within the framework of authorized capital. The maximum fine for an LLC is 1,000,000 rubles. After the LLC is liquidated, its obligations also cease. Types of reporting for LLCs - tax reporting to extra-budgetary funds. You can withdraw funds from the LLC current account only for certain purposes or for the payment of dividends with a tax of 9% withheld, so this is not as profitable as in the case of an individual entrepreneur. For a limited liability company there are no restrictions on the types of activities.

As for private educational institutions, then things are even more complicated here. Came into force on September 1, 2013 the federal law“On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ, regulating educational activities. Changes in the law affected the organizational and legal form of organizations that have the right to conduct training. So, if previously such a right was only available to non-profit organizations(PHO (formerly NOU) and ANO), now LLCs, CJSCs and OJSCs can also carry out educational activities on the basis of a license.

Unfortunately, the procedure for obtaining a license to operate educational activities quite complex, time-consuming and expensive. If you turn to the services of intermediaries (and if you go through the registration procedure yourself, without having the relevant experience, it will not be as simple as registering an individual entrepreneur), establishing a private enterprise will cost from 16 thousand rubles. For comparison: the cost of registering an individual entrepreneur includes paying a state fee (800 rubles), making a seal (500 rubles), opening a current account (1000 rubles). At the same time, a seal and a current account are optional for the entrepreneur.

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Keep in mind that carrying out educational activities without a license is fraught with serious consequences, including criminal liability. However, there is quite legal grounds avoid the need to obtain a license. It is not required for conducting one-time lectures, seminars, trainings, organizing exhibitions, providing consultations, etc., but only if, at the end of these events, a final certification is not carried out and students are not issued documents on the education received or qualifications assigned. Such documents include diplomas, certificates, certificates, certificates, etc. In addition, individual labor teaching activities, including in the field of vocational training, are not licensed.

So, you should give preference to an individual entrepreneur if you are not sure that your business will succeed (it is easier and much cheaper to close an individual entrepreneur), if you work independently, without partners, if your clients are mainly individuals, if you do not have a large start-up capital and if at first you are not going to provide services in the field of education (and in the future, if necessary, you can always register as a private enterprise). In the case of a leisure center, the LLC or private enterprise form is not the most optimal (under the conditions specified above), so we will not consider them in more detail within the framework of this article.

Finding premises and organizing work

The favorable location of the leisure center premises is close to busy roads in residential areas of the city, preferably closer to schools. The city center is not the best the best option, since the rental cost there will be very high, and the number of clients living nearby is not so large. According to various studies Most of the “clients” of leisure centers are residents of nearby houses.

An apartment on the first floor of a residential building is ideal for a leisure center (however, it will need to be transferred from residential to non-residential, and this requires additional costs, and quite considerable ones). Compared to a kindergarten, there are no strict requirements for premises for a leisure center. It simply must comply with general sanitary standards and regulations fire safety. However, be prepared to explain this to various inspection authorities. The fact is that the activities of private leisure centers (as well as various family clubs and development centers for children) are not regulated by law. Accordingly, officials often confuse them with kindergartens, demanding (unfoundedly) compliance with SANPINs prescribed for educational institutions.

Most likely without cosmetic repairs Rented or purchased premises are indispensable. Designer refinements are, of course, needed. It is enough to be light, clean and comfortable. The best option is to rent space on the territory of a school or creative center. In this case, you can save on repairs, purchase necessary furniture, equipment, and also partly on advertising (after all, your center will be located in the place where your potential clients “live”).

If you are not lucky enough to find a turnkey premises, then in addition to repairs you will also have to spend money on purchasing furniture. The exact list of necessary furniture depends on what you plan to do in your center. The standard set includes chairs, tables (if, for example, you are going to teach a chess or modeling class, preparatory courses for entering a school or university), as well as racks and shelves for consumables, teaching aids, books, cabinets or hangers for outerwear, boards, etc. Also consider spending on “props” musical instruments(if, of course, you need them for work), demo materials, etc.

The issue of personnel selection deserves special attention. If your institution does not proudly bear the title of “educational”, then it is not necessary for your employees to have a pedagogical education. However, it is still very desirable, because they will work with children. Even if you are not going to teach, but see your leisure center more like a club of interests, when choosing employees you should pay attention to whether they have special education(pedagogical or psychological) and/or relevant work experience. Finding such enthusiasts will not be easy, because, most likely, you are unlikely to be able to offer them much wages, at least in the first months of the center's existence. And it doesn’t make sense to hire employees. At the very beginning, you can get by on your own, and then look for like-minded people among creative people, school teachers and university professors. In addition to people who will teach certain classes at your center, you can invite specialists in various fields to conduct master classes (primarily on handicrafts). You will also need an accountant and possibly a security guard.

So, you have registered as an individual entrepreneur, you have all the documents in order, there is a program of classes that you plan to conduct, employees have already been found and purchased Consumables. Now it's time to think about how you will attract customers to your center. You can't do it without investing in advertising. It is best to use several channels at once - make your own website, print business cards, advertise in print media and on thematic websites on the Internet, prepare advertising brochures. The most budget and at the same time effective method searching for clients - advertising on the Internet. It is advisable that you have your own website. This could be a very simple version of a one-page business card website with a list of services and contacts of your leisure center. You may not invest in its promotion (and it’s unlikely that many users will search for you using the query “leisure center,” and promotion for other, higher-frequency queries can cost a pretty penny), but if they want, your potential clients will always be able to find you. In addition, you will be able to provide a link to your website by placing your advertisement on various thematic resources on the Internet. The banner “works great” or ( best option) a commercial topic on a regional forum where mothers of children aged 0 years and older spend most of their time. Don't forget about the communities in in social networks– many clients of such centers come from there.

Expenses and income of the leisure center

The biggest expenses when opening your own leisure center for school-age children are renting premises and repairs. Experts estimate the minimum starting capital for organizing this type of business at 250 thousand rubles. Moreover, the equipment of the premises alone will cost at least 50 thousand rubles. At the same time, you can save on everything that does not affect the quality of customer service. That is, if you definitely cannot do without a competent and polite administrator or an experienced teacher, then you can save on office equipment or stationery without compromising the quality of your work.

Such a business is considered seasonal. The season lasts from September to May with a noticeable decline in January and February. However, unlike other similar institutions, the leisure center can operate quite successfully in the summer. Moreover, at the expense of new clients, because it is in the summer months that many parents, who previously for various reasons could not take their children to additional classes, are looking for an alternative for them to walks in the yard or computer games. IN warm time During the year, you can organize outdoor activities in the format of excursions, hikes or summer camps.

Is it worth opening such a center during a crisis? Entrepreneurs and analysts believe that precisely in difficult economic times, the services of such clubs will be especially in demand. Many people have given up going to the sea this summer, but children need something to do in the summer. Interesting programs and thematic classes will all attract the attention of potential clients. Please note that summer programs must be advertised in advance - starting in mid-April. Proactively advertise your summer camp using the internet and flyers. Address your advertising, first of all, to parents of school-age children (you can reach an agreement with schools and start posting information about your center on school grounds in your area in the spring). Unlike regular programs, summer programs are recommended to be short - lasting up to two weeks and no more.

The payback period for such a business with an investment of about 250 thousand rubles is from one year. You can recoup expenses earlier, but to do this you will have to raise prices for your services. Meanwhile, the format of the leisure center initially implies the availability of its services for people with any level of income. Payment is usually made monthly. The cost of classes ranges from 500 rubles per month and above (it all depends on the topic, frequency of classes, duration of the course, etc.). It is also necessary to provide for the possibility of paying for individual classes.

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According to some experts, the profitability of a dance studio reaches 50 percent, but this is too average, because a lot depends on various factors, but...

Okay, then let’s be honest: I’m deeply “violet” whether you will get promoted or not. Can you organize it or not?
I answered you as a mother-consumer.
My experience as a mother: two children. The son has music, dancing and preparation for school, the daughter has a sports school. In addition to kindergarten, both have a kindergarten program and additional classes.
So, specifically for “private” lessons or kindergartens, extended day groups...
1. I don’t care where to come and where to change my child’s clothes.
2. I don’t care where to expect my child, especially important during the cold season.
3. As a mother, I want to see what my child is being taught, especially if it is not professional sports (the same dance ensembles or sports school, where mothers are distracted from the result, and children go to a diploma from the same dance school or categories).
4. I care how my child’s safety is ensured in relationships with other children.
5. conditions – cleanliness, comfort, comfort (reasonable), safety (sharp and breakable objects), lighting.
6. how many children are in the group. More than 10 – no need, excuse me, “kindergarten”. Or then this is a kindergarten.
7. provision drinking water, food. What is provided. If food is included, then under what conditions (but it’s better for you not to get involved in this). But the availability of drinking water for my child will not be the last point, since I may simply not have time to buy it, take it with me, or the child will drink it, especially in the heat.
8. At home - having a medical book from the teacher is mandatory. In institutions, this issue has been brought up to speed.
9. Permission from the sanitary station to work in this premises with children.
10. Educational material. The presence both in the group and the need to buy something with you. If I were to buy it, then the availability of available material (the same clay for modeling is not always available for sale, especially “blue.” And even the “German” plasticine putty is not suitable for everyone in terms of fat content, viscosity, etc. Sometimes it’s easier for a child give the usual “Soviet” one, albeit fatty, but easy for modeling).
11. Study time, break time.
Sorry, but at school the preparation time for 5-6 year olds is given no more than 30 minutes per lesson. And yes, 3 hours is 4-5 lessons with breaks. And yes, I don’t care whether my child will constantly sit, switching his attention, or whether there will be “jumping ropes”. 12. A sports complex, a playground and a studio for modeling and drawing - these are exactly three different rooms for its intended purpose. Drawing and sculpting means getting dirty, throwing leaves and boards all over the table. Play is a place to run, play, make noise.
Swedish wall
14. Your statement that my 6-year-old, and even more so 3-4-year-old child is hyperactive and it is not normal for him to be like that at his age would be your last statement to me personally. After that, I would try to create anti-advertising for you in our neighborhood and would also incite not only the sanitation station to see if you have all the permits. Since this is rudeness to the mother towards the child. At 6 years old this is normal. You are not a doctor to hand out diagnoses in absentia (even when you see a child for the first time), and in general, not every calm child will sit through 3 hours with the same type of task. If my child has certain deficiencies, then I, as a mother, know this. And your remark will be, at best, an unforgivable tactlessness. It’s one thing to listen about my “mind”, but another thing about my child.
Therefore, my advice to you is to watch your attitude towards children and what you say to mothers, even if their child is “not like that” and even more so if the child is different from the others.

In general, a bunch of things that “at first glance” decide a lot right away.
Moreover, please note, I did not at all tie your circle to any definition of this activity.

And so, then from the tax office you receive a code for the type of activity (here you can get advice on how exactly to designate the type of activity - they have a list of diverse groups), choose a tax reporting method, and receive permission from the relevant authorities. When working with children, have a special conversation with firefighters and especially with the SANISTER STATION. Next, the equipment of the premises and advertising. And then, strictly speaking, the work itself.
And the fact that you like to tinker with children;)... In general, good luck. Just remember that when working with other people’s children, mothers look not only at how you communicate and what you teach their offspring, but also at many other factors. Including to yours appearance, Your manner of speaking, what you say to your parents and especially about their children...

In general, I advise you to work as a nanny in a kindergarten for at least a month;). Then you will immediately decide whether you can work morally with children of approximately the same age and in numbers of more than two or three;).

In general, good luck to you ;).

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