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What I did in my apartment, according to the Bagua zone determination system, regarding the location of the front door and cardinal directions. There is another way - a professional calculation based on your Bagua number (you can determine it), then this is for specialists. I recently received a consultation from Ingi, on her website a lot of useful information, and it turned out that almost everything was lined up correctly.

So, the essence, briefly.

1. Feng Shui translated as “wind and water”, the Chinese art of harmonizing space. "The flow of energy is dissipated by the wind and stops at the boundary of the waters."
Feng Shui pioneer - Confucius.

2. Everything that is negative is “sha”. Positivity is "qi".

3. Clearing debris is the most effective means of attracting life-giving qi energy. Chaos in the house - projection internal problems its inhabitants, a reflection of the disorder that reigns in their relationships and thoughts. Clean out your closets with clothes, give away things you don't wear Last year. Repair or throw away anything that doesn't work. (When throwing away, it’s good to say the affirmation “I deserve (in) all the best in my life.” Get rid of subscriptions to old magazines and newspapers. Items that you haven’t used for a long time, and “your soul doesn’t lie.” According to Feng Shui, every thing should find your owner or calm down at the landfill. The principle is simple: if you don’t need it within a year, give it away, sell it, donate it. You just need to MAKE PLACE. Cleanliness is the best feng shui. according to the wise Chinese.

4. All changes must be made in accordance with your own intuition. If you think that a thing is comfortable for you in this place, and this is contrary to the law of Feng Shui, it will be right for you the way you feel.

5. First of all, you need to start with internal Feng Shui. What is this? If you say: “life has no meaning, everything is bad.” Everything will be bad, and no feng shui will help you. Feng Shui is just a piece of the puzzle that makes up the whole picture.

6. An ancient Chinese proverb says, “If you want to change your life, move 27 objects in your home.”

7. According to Feng Shui, in every room - from a small room to own home– 8 main zones of bagua zones can be distinguished. To determine them, you need to pick up a compass and combine the direction of the parts of the world with a bagua map. (There is also a division based on the location of the front door. If you look at your bedroom, standing at the entrance to it with your back to the door, the far corner to your right will be the “zone of love and marriage”).

8. We do zoning (conditional), and record the correspondence of the items located there.

In more detail what should be in each zone and what the rules are.

9. About the bedroom.
Do not place the bed in the middle of the room, against the wall bordering the toilet, at the window (the window should not be behind you), under the ceiling beam (if you cannot move the bed, do it suspended ceilings). The bed must be adjacent to the wall. It’s good if there are approaches to it from two sides. You cannot have your feet pointing towards the door. Sleeping on the floor is bad from a feng shui point of view.
Sleeping people should not be reflected in mirrors.
It’s bad when the space under the bed is littered with old stuff.
You should not keep photographs of relatives, paintings of water or carpets on the walls next to your bed.
Bed linen should not be blue or blue (cool passion). It is also better not to use black.
You cannot use a bed on which, instead of one wide mattress, there are two narrow ones. This creates a disconnect between people sleeping on the bed and can cause problems with sex.

10. About the kitchen.
The sink should not be located opposite the stove or next to the refrigerator or Dishwasher must be removed from the stove.
All shelves must have closed doors.
Do not use cookware with cracks.

11. Toilets and bathrooms are places where negative chi energy is generated. Good luck symbols should not be placed there. These rooms should be small and neat. It is imperative to keep the toilet lid closed, as well as the doors to these rooms, and prevent leaking taps - your money flows out of the house along with the drops. You cannot use mirror tiles - they break your reflection and, therefore, your life into fragments.
Negative Impact depending on the location area and solution:
if the toilet is in the south - a negative impact on your reputation - you need to put a bowl of still water.
in the north - it interferes with your career - putting up a houseplant.
in the east - it has a detrimental effect on health and inhibits personal growth - hang a lamp with a red lampshade.
in the west - affects the success of children - hang a lamp with a red lampshade or place a bowl of still water.
in the southwest - has a detrimental effect on marriage and the possibility of concluding it - a houseplant or an air bell with five tubes.
in the northeast - a houseplant holds back academic success.
in the southeast - negative impact on the well-being of the family, deterioration financial situation- you need to hang a small curved knife or lamp.
in the northwest - loss of protection for the head of the family - bright lighting and a bowl of water.

12. Hallway.
There must be a mirror in the hallway where you can see yourself full height. It should not be located immediately in front of the front door - otherwise all the incoming qi energy will immediately leave.

13. It is necessary to cleanse the space once a week. Wet cleaning of the entire house with water detergents and salt. Ventilate the premises by opening both doors and windows. Throw away obsolete items, clear away rubble.

14. Plants in the house should not have needles (a cactus can be placed in front of the front door of an apartment as a protector) or have sharp leaves. All plants are allowed with round leaves, Crassula ( Money Tree) - attractive for the flow of money into the house and favorable according to Feng Shui. Flowers are considered carriers of energy, but in the bedroom they spoil a woman’s love happiness and lead to quarrels and infidelity between spouses.

15.To attract money (and work with the wealth zone).
move all trash cans away from health and wealth areas.
Place a turtle in the northern corner of the apartment.
in the southwest there is a lamp with a red lampshade.
hang a bell at the front door, and on its handle outside - three chinese coins on a red ribbon.
get pictures of a waterfall gurgling indoor fountain, aquarium. Water represents energy and wealth.
Place a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth under the table, with its back to the entrance, diagonally.

16. To solve problems in your personal life (family and marriage area).
All items in the house must be paired. No images of lonely beauties or muscular men. A couple of cups, a couple of swans, mandarin ducks. Two candlesticks.
hang pictures of peonies – paintings, photos.
Increase lighting, windows and mirrors in the house should be perfectly clean.
in the love zone, place a photo of your loved one, or better yet, a photo of you together, where you are happy.

17. If you have problems with your career (career area and office space):
Keep an aquarium with eight gold and one black fish.
You should sit at your desk with a wall behind you, this will ensure the support of influential people. To enhance the effect, you can hang a picture of a mountain on the wall.
always maintain order and cleanliness in the workplace. At the end of each working day, clear your desk of unnecessary papers that will block qi.
You can’t sit with your back to the door (doom yourself to a “dagger strike”) and the window - you will lack support in your work.
It is better not to work in an office located opposite elevators, escalators or regular stairs. The office at the end of the corridor also brings bad luck. And rope curtains and potted plants soften the chi in the long hallway.
place a small crystal globe on your desktop.
Keep your phone and computer on your desktop to the right.
18. You can hang your diplomas and photographs in the glory zone significant personalities– ideals, literacy of children.
19. In the zone of teachers and assistants there are objects related to people whom you consider your teachers, their photographs. Items that are very valuable to you.
20. In the children’s sector - if you want to have them - toys and symbols of a successful birth. If you have them, their drawings and objects made by their hands.
21. In the knowledge zone – bookshelves, a table at which a child does his homework. Computer. It is good to meditate and engage in spiritual practices here. Place a rock crystal here.
These tips are just the tip of the iceberg; there is no combination of elements, calculations based on favorable years, symbols, or variations in colors by element. I think if you take action and see the results, a lot will become available, and information will “come at the right time.”
Good luck!

The practice of Feng Shui is aimed at harmonizing the energies within which a person lives. With proper development of space, you can achieve positive results in all areas of life.

Feng Shui of an apartment requires a serious approach. Based on Eastern practice, it is necessary to clearly delimit zones and place symbolic attributes in them that will concentrate the flow of positive Qi energy in the right place.

IN Lately many became interested in various practices for the harmonious arrangement of their homes. Using the tenets of the teaching, it is necessary to clearly delimit the zones of residential premises and correctly arrange the symbols in order to activate positive processes. At the same time, negative flows are weakened or completely neutralized.

Feng Shui is used to activate positive processes

Feng Shui of an apartment reveals opportunities for its residents, helps to establish family relationships, make a good profit, promote career growth and improve health. All this happens without much effort on the part of humans. The main condition is knowledge of the fundamental laws of Taoist practice.

Interior arrangement according to Feng Shui

When arranging Feng Shui for an apartment, you need to pay attention not only to global issues, but also to smaller ones. There are several basic rules that, if followed, will help you control your life.

  • Maintaining cleanliness. The presence of trash leads to the closure of favorable flows and stagnant energy – Sha – accumulates in these places.

It is very important to carry out regular cleaning Houses

  • Getting rid of unnecessary items of clothing. Only an empty place can attract the appearance of a new one. There is no need to regret that it is no longer useful. If you feel bad about throwing away your clothes, you can give them to those in need.

Get rid of unnecessary clothes

  • Repair of all non-functioning devices. Not everyone has the opportunity to throw away broken expensive equipment, as you can do with clothes. However, the presence of inoperative appliances in the house also leads to stagnation. It is necessary to do minor and global repairs of what can be repaired, and everything else must be disposed of.

Throw out the one that doesn't work household appliances

  • There should be no broken dishes in the house. This tradition is voiced not only in the teachings of Feng Shui. Broken dishes were traditionally considered a bad omen and were discarded.

Don't keep broken dishes at home

  • In order for all areas in the apartment to work for the benefit of the owners, it is necessary to achieve good lighting any time of the day. During the day they should be illuminated by the sun's rays, and in the evening by lamps, sconces and lamps. In the dark, stagnant energy is formed that can spoil life in all its manifestations.

All areas of the apartment should be well lit

  • Cleanliness should not only be in furniture and things. Feng Shui requires frequent renovations. Ceilings and walls should not be dusty, and cracks have a detrimental effect on all processes occurring in the apartment.

Carry out repairs in your apartment regularly

  • Energy should circulate throughout the apartment unhindered. That is why there should be no heavy bulky furniture in rooms and corridors. A crowded space will not allow the wind of change into your home.

Don't crowd your apartment with bulky furniture

  • One of the rules for decorating an apartment according to Feng Shui is the correct placement of doors. In rooms they should open inward, with the exception of the toilet and bathroom.

Interior doors must open inward

  • Nothing should hang from the ceiling in the bed area. All other places should be avoided sharp objects at the top of the room.
  • There should be no neglected, uninhabited places in the apartment. Rooms filled with old junk have a negative impact on the entire space. You can't set up warehouses dirty dishes and linen. Only purity can open the way for energy.
  • The abundance of plants and the presence of animals have a beneficial effect on the aura of the room. Many areas of the apartment according to Feng Shui suggest the presence indoor flowers in pots.

Houseplants have a beneficial effect on the aura of the room

  • The main rule of housing registration within the framework of eastern practices remains the desire of a person to return home. If all household members feel cozy and comfortable in the apartment, then everything has been done correctly, and the all-encompassing energy of Qi has begun its work.

To release positive energy into your home, you need to keep it clean. Dirt and neglected places create negativity and hinder development. External cleanliness is not an indicator of complete well-being. All problems are hidden in hard-to-reach places, so cleaning the premises must be comprehensive and global.

To clean out your living space, you need to sort out your closets and chests of drawers. Everything that is no longer wearable must be mercilessly thrown away. Storing junk prevents new things from coming into life. While the closet is full of unnecessary clothes, new clothes will not appear in it.

Get rid of unnecessary junk without regret

The same can be said about non-working equipment, watches and broken dishes. If they are subject to repair, then this must be done without delay. Even one non-working clock can slow down time and prevent positive energy from entering your home. Broken dishes you must throw it away immediately, guided by the truth that a broken cup cannot be mended. Light and heat will not appear unless you throw away all non-working lighting and light bulbs.

In order for the Feng Shui of an apartment to be complete, it is necessary to decorate the home with plants. They symbolize flourishing and growth in all areas of human life. Animals are also welcome guests in the house. There cannot be bad energy where they live.

Animals maintain good energy in the home

When arranging your apartment, you need to remember that this is a gradual process and you don’t have to do everything at once. Dramatic changes may not be beneficial.

Creating an interior in each room

If the house is large, then it is difficult to furnish it, but it is even more difficult to work with a small apartment. You need to find everything right place to open each energy zone.

Feng Shui for the bedroom

Particular attention should be paid to the resting place. There should be nothing superfluous in the bedroom. All unnecessary things must be taken out immediately. At the moment of rest, a person is relaxed and defenseless, so he can be overtaken by negative energy. To avoid this, you need to remove items related to sports and work from the room, and fill the bedroom with peace and tranquility.

The room should not contain a large amount of furniture; it will clutter the space. No need to place them on bedroom walls. heavy items, they inspire fear on a subconscious level and deprive you of peace. The door in the room should open inward.

Bedroom organization according to Feng Shui

The bed should be in the center of the room or diagonally. The door does not have to be opposite, but it must be visible. The fireplace cannot be located in the back. The best place the bed will become a Love zone.

On open places There shouldn't be things, that's what closets are for. Everything that lies outside clutters the space. There should be no electrical appliances in the bedroom; in extreme cases, they should be turned off while sleeping. In order for love to reign in the recreation room, it should not be crowded with small objects on the shelves. All this distracts people from the true purpose of the bedroom.

There should be no household appliances in the bedroom

Feng Shui for the living room

The central element of the living room can be a large crystal chandelier. It helps attract positive energy. The chandelier will provide sufficient illumination to activate all zones.

Crystal chandelier will attract positive energy

The living room doesn't like sharp corners and objects. When choosing furniture, we must not forget about this. Round tables, soft chairs, a slide with oval shapes will give the room a residential look. Even plants should not have sharp leaves.

When arranging your living room, try to avoid sharp corners in furniture

Electrical appliances have a great influence on the activation of energy in the apartment. They need to be placed in the zones of wealth, love, children and career. These sectors most often need increased stimulation. The Family area in the living room should be equipped with a cozy sofa and decorated with flowers. This will allow you to achieve harmony in your relationship.

Living room arrangement according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui for the kitchen

The kitchen is the place where the family hearth is located. He must also be given due attention. If the kitchen is located correctly, then the decoration will not take much time. It is enough to arrange the objects as needed.

Arranging furniture in the kitchen according to Feng Shui

  • The hearth or stove is installed in the south.
  • The southeast is reserved for the refrigerator.
  • A wooden element must be placed between the ice and the flame.
  • The cleanliness of the two main elements of the kitchen must be maintained at all times.

The rules apply not only to large, but also to small objects and utensils. stabbing, cutting tools and spoons must be hidden in cabinets. Electrical devices have the property of stimulating energy, so they must be placed in zones of stagnation. You cannot cook food with your back to the door. This affects the quality of the dishes. The light in the room should be placed in such a way that there are no dark corners. There is fire and water in the kitchen, so you need to dilute them with wood. This element in the interior brings energy to balance.

All corners of the kitchen should be well lit

Feng Shui for the bathroom

Very powerful force has water. Her energy can make a person rich or completely ruin him. Bathroom and toilet doors should always be tightly closed. It is preferable if they are painted in White color or shades of blue.

One of the main conditions for installing a bathroom and toilet is that all plumbing fixtures are in full working order. Water flowing from a tap can take with it money, fame, health and all other benefits. The doors of these rooms must open outward.

The bathroom door should open outwards

There are no unimportant or insignificant corners in the apartment. Each of them contains powerful flows of energy that must be activated correctly.

The power of mirrors according to Feng Shui

In many beliefs, mirrors have magical powers, and Eastern practices have not ignored them. Feng Shui of an apartment involves their correct placement to achieve a positive result and advancement in life. The main point in this is given to what the mirror reflects. According to the canons eastern practice it should not be located in the following places:

  • Opposite the exit holes. The energy of strength, wealth and happiness leaves through windows and doors.
  • To preserve love, you need to remove mirrors from the bedroom. If they are needed there, then the reflection should not represent the bed.
  • To prevent the housewife from feeling tired, the mirror should not be located in the kitchen, opposite the stove.

Mirror placement according to Feng Shui

In order for the Feng Shui of the apartment to be observed, you need to know where the mirror surfaces should be placed.

  • If visible in reflection kitchen table where the whole family gathers, this allows you to attract wealth and prosperity.
  • Mirrored hallway will allow you to expand the boundaries of space and, as a result, your own horizons.

A mirrored hallway will expand your horizons

In order not to lose a part of your soul, you should not look into a cracked or broken mirror. It must be thrown away immediately, after washing it first. Practitioners claim that in this way information about the owner is deleted.

Feng Shui loves cleanliness. Mirrors that are placed correctly but are dirty and dusty will only cause harm. Washing them will get rid of negative energy. When buying rare copies, you need to be careful. The mirror contains a memory that can bring trouble to the new owner.

Keep your mirrors clean

Zones in an apartment according to Feng Shui

For a happy and fulfilling life, as stated by Taoist practice, it is necessary to observe the zones in the apartment according to Feng Shui. Each one is different color palette and must contain a special character. This helps to reveal the flow of positive energies and change the lives of the inhabitants of the home in the right direction. Several main zones can be distinguished:

  • Wealth;
  • Love and marriage;
  • Health;
  • Careers;
  • Wisdom and knowledge;
  • Assistants and travel;
  • Families;
  • Children and creativity;
  • Glory.

Division into zones according to Feng Shui

Each zone requires attention. If you follow all the advice of practice, you can find yourself in the epicenter of positive energies.

How to distribute Feng Shui zones in an apartment

Anyone who has decided to distribute zones in an apartment according to Feng Shui needs to get acquainted with the Bagua grid, which reflects eight aspects of human life. According to Eastern teachings, they are the most important and constitute the circle of interests of everyone.

There is about this ancient legend. About two thousand years ago a turtle appeared on the sea coast. On her shell were depicted trigrams corresponding to the nine life aspects. Fu Xi, the great sage, managed to unravel the divine message. This is how people came up with the Bagua grid. Now, in order to influence your life, you need to purposefully direct your forces to the desired part of the room.

Bagua Grid

In order to correctly find the zones in an apartment according to Feng Shui, you need to find a house plan, a compass and a Bagua grid. A large-scale image will help you quickly navigate the area. What should I do?

  • It is easier to start the delimitation process from the north. To find it accurately, you need to use a compass.
  • The apartment plan must be divided into nine equal parts.
  • If you superimpose the compass readings on the plan, then the quarry zone will be located exactly to the north. This guide and the Bagua grid will help distribute all the other squares.

Finding zones in an apartment according to Feng Shui is not so difficult as activating their work. This will require many symbolic crystals and even more practical knowledge.

Overlaying a Bagua grid on an apartment plan

Career Zone

The Feng Shui Career zone is located in the north. It refers to water element, therefore prefers colors such as blue and black. The symbolic sign of the sector is a turtle.

To activate this area of ​​your life, you need to place wind music in the zone, the sign of your zodiac constellation, and also fill it with bright light. For career growth A small fountain helps, and a picture depicting calm water contributes to the acquisition of stability. The Feng Shui Career zone will receive powerful support from the turtle figurine.

The turtle will provide powerful support to the Career zone

People seeking greater achievements at work or wanting to start their own business may benefit from additional stimulation of positive energy. You need to put office equipment in this part of the apartment and add photos of your work colleagues. According to Feng Shui, the Career Zone will certainly begin to work if you equip it with a crystal for the appropriate purpose.

Place the crystal in the quarry area

Zone of Wisdom and Knowledge

In the northeast is the Feng Shui Knowledge Zone. Her element is the hard surface - the earth, so she has the corresponding colors, beige and yellow. In this place, talents are revealed faster, and mental activity becomes more active. The Feng Shui Knowledge Zone is perfect for a study or library.

The activation of this room is directly related to its purpose. In this area you can put educational or religious books, put a globe or hang a map. To quickly master foreign language, you can put dictionaries in the wisdom sector.

Place a small shelf with books in the Knowledge zone

The Feng Shui Knowledge Zone does not tolerate cutting or piercing objects, disposable reading material or symbols of cruelty. On the contrary, a transparent shell with a pearl will cause positive energy to activate.

Transparent shell with pearl activates positive energy

Helpers and Travel Zone

In the northwest is the zone of Feng Shui Helpers. Its element is considered to be large metal, which corresponds to the following colors: white, gold and silver. As a sector activator, you can use a figurine of the Patron Ganesha and photographs of spiritual mentors.

Place a figurine of Ganesha in the assistants sector

The Feng Shui Helpers zone gives a person patrons and helps in difficult situations. life situations and at turning points of fate. Knowing the astrological number and date of birth of the desired patron, you can attract his energy. It is enough for the Feng Shui Helpers area to be equipped with his zodiac sign.

In order to go on a journey, you need to activate this aspect of energy. In the sector you need to place photos or collages with places you want to visit, various kinds transport and travelers. The Feng Shui Helpers zone does not tolerate broken things, firearms and all sorts of explicit paintings. But the beneficial effects of bright lighting will be noticeable immediately.

In the travel area, hang a collage with photos of countries

Family and Health Zone

In the east is the territory of small metal - the Family zone according to Feng Shui. Its color scheme includes green and all its shades. Growing bamboo can become a symbol and activator of this sector.

Growing bamboo – activator of the Family sector

According to Feng Shui, the Family Zone should be bright and cannot contain unnecessary things. It’s good to put photos of your loved ones and wooden crafts in it. A good option will be if they are made by hand. You can decorate the family sector with flowers in pots.

Place wood crafts in the Family sector

To ensure that well-being does not leave the house, it is necessary to ensure that the Family zone according to Feng Shui is not framed in metal. It should not contain dried flowers, herbariums, photographs of the deceased, sharp objects or thorny plants. Also, there is no need to immortalize pets in this zone. In order to prevent intrigue and gossip, weaving flowers must be removed from the family sector.

Children and Creativity Zone

In the west there is a zone of Children and Creativity according to Feng Shui. The color range of the small metal corresponds to white, gold and silver. Activation of the sector depends on the goals, and in connection with them there are several effective ways.

Helps solve problems with raising children correct device zones. It is necessary to place the zodiac symbols of your beloved children in it and provide bright lighting. The Zone of Children and Creativity according to Feng Shui has its own patron. This is Netsuke Baby with a fish.

Netsuke Baby with a fish for the children's sector

To achieve complete family harmony, it is necessary to decorate the sector with bronze figurines of defenders, children's crafts, drawings and photographs. Everything should be easy and uncomplicated. According to Feng Shui, the Children and Creativity Zone should not contain dried flowers, thorns or sharp objects. They will have a detrimental effect on relationships with younger family members. On the contrary, fresh bouquets and potted flowers help activate the zone.

Flowers in pots are favorable for the children's sector

Wealth Zone

In the southeast is the Wealth Zone according to Feng Shui. Her element is small tree, and a color scheme consisting of shades of green and purple. The financial component of life, which occupies one of the leading places, depends on this sector.

Bright lighting will help attract Qi energy. This will help boost cash flow. Mandatory attributes of the zone will be products from precious metals or their symbolism, a silver vase with water, aquarium fish or figurines with their images, preferably red. For the rapid growth of prosperity, the Wealth zone according to Feng Shui can be equipped with a small indoor fountain.

A small indoor fountain for increasing well-being

It is favorably influenced by the abundance of vegetation, among which there should be a money tree. It will not be superfluous to place symbols of your zodiac constellation in the Wealth zone. This will attract money to a specific person. You can complete the design with a figurine of Hotei holding a gold bar in his hands. According to Feng Shui, the Wealth Zone should be filled with light and living energy from plants.

Home is not only a place where a significant part of every person’s life takes place, but also a space where people take vital energy and restore lost strength. In order for the fate of the people living in the house to be happy, it must be filled with positive energy.

Feng Shui at home will help you harmonize your living space.

This ancient Chinese teaching says that our entire apartment is divided by an invisible grid into 9 Bagua zones, each of which is responsible for a certain area of ​​human life.

By activating zones using required color, plants, amulets, furniture or proper lighting, you can fill the entire house with the beneficial energy of Qi, on which the harmony of life directly depends.

Bagua zones in a residential area

You can determine the location of Bagua zones using a regular compass and a house plan drawn with your own hand. The first thing you need to do is find out where the center of the apartment is and mark it on the plan.

Around the Health Zone there are 8 sectors of the Bagua grid. In order to find their location in the house, you need to stand with a compass in the central zone with your back to. By determining the cardinal directions and making the appropriate notes on the plan of your home, you can easily find out the location of all sectors.

The place located in the northern part of the house is the Career Zone. You can activate the Chi energy in this sector using blue and black colors and water elements in the design of the room. The mascot of the sector is the turtle, which symbolizes heavenly support, longevity and wisdom. The interior of the Career Zone can be supplemented with a variety of decorative fountains, waterfalls, an aquarium or a painting depicting water.

The northeast of the apartment is the Zone of spirituality, knowledge and intelligence. She is patronized by all shades of yellow and brown colors and the element Earth. To activate the Chi energy, the room located in this Bagua sector should be decorated with crystals, ceramics, a globe or a snake figurine, symbolizing constant movement forward, deep knowledge and wisdom.

The northwestern direction of the apartment is considered to be the Support and Travel Zone. Designs in white, silver and gold colors are appropriate here. Sector element - Metal. According to the rules of Feng Shui, this zone should be supplemented with figurines of angels, icons and images of people who provide significant support to the owner of the house. Anyone who loves long journeys or needs life helpers and mentors needs to activate the sector.

East of the living area - Family Zone. Its symbols are green color and a tree. The zone's mascots are a green dragon, a symbol of wisdom, kindness, power, and family photographs depicting a husband and wife in the happiest moments of their life together. If this sector of the apartment is arranged by listening to the advice of specialists, then the relationship married couple will become more harmonious.

The western part of the house according to the Bagua grid belongs to the Creative and Children's Zone. The element of the sector is considered to be Metal, and the shades are white, gold and silver. The zone needs to be activated not only by people who have children, but also by those who plan to have them in the future.

The West also patronizes all those who engage in creative activities or seek self-expression. To attract Qi energy, this sector is decorated with figurines of babies and air bells, which in Feng Shui are usually called wind chimes.

In the southeast of the house is the Wealth Zone. In order to attract an endless flow of money into your own life, this sector needs to be activated with the help of wood and decorative elements of purple and green colors. Living plants placed in this sector will help awaken the energy of abundance.

The southwestern side of the apartment represents the Zone of relationships, love and marriage. As in the Health Zone, here should prevail terracotta color and the element Earth. If a loving or married couple has an upset relationship, you can improve it by decorating this sector with paired items (figurines of dolphins, swans, doves, heart-shaped pillows, candlesticks, paintings depicting 2 people). The rules of Feng Shui teachings include adding wind music with heart pendants to this area.

The south of any house is crowned by the Glory Zone. The success of people in housing depends on the state of this sector. The sector is protected by the element Fire and the color red. In order to achieve fame and recognition, a person should decorate this area with a talisman symbolizing an open fire - candles, a fireplace, an aroma lamp.

In order to stimulate Qi energy, the fire talisman must be lit periodically. The glory area should always be permeated with bright light, so care should be taken to install a sufficient number of lamps in it.

Doors and windows of the house

However, in order to live in harmony with the outside world, adjusting your apartment in accordance with the Bagua zones is not enough. It still needs to be constantly maintained in order, monitoring the condition of doors, windows and all rooms.

One of the rules of Feng Shui states that the state of a person’s soul directly depends on the condition of the housing in which he lives. The more carefully the owners take care of their home, the better they will feel in it.

It is very important to ensure that the main entrance to the house is always clean. You cannot put unnecessary and old objects near it - they will attract destructive energy.

When entering a living space, you cannot keep mops, rags, brooms or dirty shoes - this is considered bad sign. In order for the house to be reliably protected not only from burglars, but also from evil forces, he needs to provide a strong and massive door. It is important to ensure that it is in neat condition at all times.

Windows are considered the eyes of the house. They should be large enough to allow entry into rooms. sunlight. Don't forget that windows need to be cleaned regularly. Dirty stains and dust on the surface of the glass will contribute to the accumulation of negative energy.

Grilles, blinds, heavy curtains on windows are taboo in Feng Shui. These details will prevent Qi energy from entering the house. Planting a lot of plants and flowers on windowsills, as some housewives like to do, is also not in the rules of ancient Chinese teaching. No more than a couple of healthy and well-groomed plants are welcome on one windowsill, but not cacti - they cannot be placed near windows.

Free space in the house

In order for Qi energy to circulate freely throughout all rooms of the house, you need to provide it with free space. To do this, it is very important not to clutter the house with unnecessary things.

Feng Shui experts always recommend their clients to repair all broken household appliances and furniture, and throw away items that household members have not used for a long time. It is worth listening to their advice, since all old and broken things have the ability to collect destructive energy around themselves and thereby create a bad environment in the house.

When clearing your home of everything unnecessary, do not forget about cabinets, chests of drawers, shelves and desk drawers. A lot of trash always collects here, which should be thrown away without regret. The same goes for empty cans, which have been gathering dust for years with no use and expired products.

It doesn’t hurt to check your cosmetic bag and home medicine cabinet: lipsticks, nail polishes and medications also have their own shelf life. You need to boldly get rid of outdated household items, because among Feng Shui fans there is a belief: if you throw old thing, something new will appear in its place in the near future.

In order for the Qi energy not to stagnate in the house, it is necessary to periodically rearrange it. To this day, the Chinese are confident that a person’s life will change for the better if he rearranges 27 things in his home. It is not necessary to move the furniture; you can simply swap your favorite figurine with a vase or move a chair to the opposite corner.

Lovers of reading should know that books, especially those bought in second-hand bookstores, can accumulate negative energy around them. It needs to be periodically dispersed by moving book publications from shelf to shelf and wiping them with a piece of damp cloth soaked in saline solution. Salt should also be added to water for wet cleaning at home, as it has the ability to eliminate mental garbage.

Condition of the bathrooms and lighting of the apartment

When talking about Feng Shui rules for the home, one cannot fail to mention the bathroom and toilet. One of the main conditions for favorable energy in a residential area is perfect cleanliness bathroom and serviceability of all plumbing.

Leaking faucet or toilet cistern - Bad sign, indicating an outflow of luck and money, so they need to be repaired as soon as a breakdown occurs. In order to always have money in the house, it is advisable to keep the toilet lid and the door to the toilet closed.

When organizing your home according to the rules of Feng Shui, you need to take care of sufficient lighting. Bright light attracts Qi energy like a magnet. Particular attention should be paid to the Health Zone - it should always be light. Burnt-out light bulbs in chandeliers or lamps should not be allowed to remain unchanged for a long time or there should be poorly lit areas in the apartment - this creates unfavorable Feng Shui throughout the living space.

It is always worth remembering that good energy is attracted by cleanliness, so the apartment needs to be cleaned regularly. It is necessary to take care of daily ventilation of all rooms, since the room should be easy to breathe. However, when ventilating, it is important to avoid drafts that can disperse Qi energy.

To enhance positive energy, it is recommended to light scented candles or aroma lamps in the rooms from time to time. By following the rules of Feng Shui, you can create a favorable atmosphere in your home that will promote good luck and prosperity for all people living in it.

Unfortunately, we do not always feel comfortable in our home. This happens when the positive energy flows in the room cannot actively work. For this reason, we sometimes cannot relax while lying in our bed. Or we suddenly start to get sick. The worst thing is when this happens in the house all the time. Positive energy is at rest. It needs to be activated for it to work for the benefit of your health and mental well-being. In order to improve the atmosphere in your home, you just need to use the golden rules of Feng Shui.

Rule one. Rid your apartment of old junk. Everything that has long since lost its old look needs to be taken out of the house. You also need to get rid of those things that are broken and no longer function. Get rid of things you haven't used for a long time. This way you can make room for new energy that will bring you prosperity.

Second rule. In order to protect yourself from negative energy people who come to your home, you need to hang a mirror above the front door, preferably a round or octagonal one. The mirror will reflect the negative energy of the person who enters, thereby returning it to the owner. Also this great way protection from damage and curses.

Third rule. Apartment feng shui says that financial success will bring the entrance door, which will be located in the southeast. This part of the house symbolizes wealth and prosperity. The door must be wooden. If it is metal, then it should be covered with decorative wood or glass panels.

Fourth rule. Entrance door must be well lit. And not only inside the house, but also outside. This will attract positive energy and will also help neutralize negativity.

Fifth rule. The living room and hallway must be light and free. There should be nothing superfluous in these feng shui zones. Clothes and shoes for which the season has long passed must be put away in closets and only what you wear in the hallway should be kept. given time. Particular attention should be paid to the cleanliness and order of the hallway and living room.

Sixth rule. There must be a wall or partition behind the head of any furniture (bed, sofa, armchairs), especially the one on which you sleep. There should be no empty space. This can rob you of your support and confidence in difficult situations.

Seventh rule. If the door in the room is opposite the window, then energy flies out of your home. It is extremely difficult to live in such premises. But this situation can be corrected with the help of plants. According to Feng Shui at home, it is necessary to place on the windowsill tall plants, mainly with thick and round leaves, for example, ficus or crassula. They will retain positive energy at home and prevent it from flying out the window.

Eighth rule. For financial well-being hang large mirror opposite yours dining table. The mirror tends to double the energy. All food that lies on the table will be reflected, thereby doubling it. This will attract money to the house.

Ninth Rule. Corners and clear sharp lines should be avoided in the interior. Angles and sharp lines - . Under no circumstances should they be directed at your resting place, for example, on a sofa or bed, otherwise you will not be able to regain your strength and relax properly.

Tenth Rule. In the most big room The oldest residents of the house or those who are the main breadwinner in the family should live. This gives a balance of energy between those living in the house.

If you follow all these simple rules, then the atmosphere in your home will soon improve. When you come home, you will feel a surge of strength and vital energy. Your home will become a place where you can relax and unwind. If you want to know more about Feng Shui, then write to us in the comments. And don't forget to click and

22.08.2013 15:20

The door is an important part of your home. Through it, energy, both positive and negative, enters the house. ...

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