Fortune telling with 6 coins online. Fortune telling from the Book of Changes: throw coins. Chinese virtual fortune telling with coins: the book of changes I-Ching

There are flowers that will grow well in any environment - be it in a greenhouse or in the cold. Understanding which group the flower belongs to, you will be able to reliably provide the required care. Critical growing methods consist of controlling atmospheric humidity, regularly injecting moisture into the soil, and ensuring the required temperature. Light is one of the main factors. All known flowering plants are divided into groups. Some can only be kept outside the home. Some plants can only be grown indoors without outdoors.

What are you crying about, Weeping Flower?

Plakun-Grass to all herbs Mati

Mother's tears and the sadness of the earth Like a weeping flower rose from the ground. Silent tears flow over the arable land Over the dashing misfortune over yesterday.

“The mother of all herbs is weeping grass. All herbs must be collected from this root, and any herb will receive its power,” says the ancient herbalist. Pluck each weed with the sentence: “Grass comes from the earth, but medicine comes from God.” Say it three times, staying pure. Second: “Heaven is father, earth is mother, and you are grass, let me tear you up.” In Rus', weeding grass has always been treated with respect. It is believed that weeping grass has enormous magical and healing powers. Healers used it in their conspiracies, and ordinary people they tried to have it in their home as a talisman against misfortunes and illnesses. It is also called wild cornflower, and oak, and coast, and blood willow, and willow-grass. If you collect medicinal herbs, always have plakun-grass with you. Place it among other plants when drying.

A verse in the Pigeon Book to the question: Which grass is the mother of all the herbs? The answer is: “...Plakun-Grass to all the mother’s herbs. Why is Plakun-Grass to all the mother’s herbs? Because Plakun-Grass to all the mother’s herbs, That Lada-Mother herself shed tears on her ,When I mourned the sorrows of the Russian Land.

This wonderful plant is known according to ancient legends. The “Dove Book” says that it grew from the tears of the Mother of God shed during the crucifixion of Jesus Christ:

“Mother, the Most Pure Mother of God, wept greatly for Jesus Christ, for her son, for her beloved; She shed most pure tears on Mother on the damp earth; From those tears from the most pure, the Weeping-Grass was born; Therefore, the Weeping-Grass was born to the Mother’s herbs.”

“The Mother of God cried, Theotokos, And the Weeping Grass wiped herself, Therefore the Weeping Grass is the Mother of all herbs...”

Plakun-Grass - “Mati to all herbs.” It allows you to command spirits and take possession of treasures. It humbles satanic forces, makes them obedient to the will of man, destroys the spells of sorcerers and witches, saves from devilish temptation and disease, a cross made from this grass, put on a demoniac, drives demons out of him.O. Platonov

The ancient slander contained detailed instructions on the collection and use of a magical remedy: “Collect weeping grass at dawn on Midsummer’s Day. As you dig, take off everything iron, otherwise the root will not be given in your hands and will not have the strength.” And when you start digging, say: “Weeping! Weeping! You cried long and a lot, but you cried little, don’t let your tears roll across the open field, don’t let your howl spread across the blue sea! Be afraid of the evil demons, half-demons, old witches of Kyiv! If they don’t give you rebuke, drown them in tears; but if they run away from your disgrace, lock them in the pits of hell, be my word strong and firm with you!

It was also ordered to keep the weeping grass clean, give it to livestock for restless behavior, and put it in the beds of children with insomnia. According to experienced herbalists, the flowers and roots of the Plakun herb contain its main power. The root of this “mother of all herbs” contains within itself the power that protects faint-hearted people from all temptation.

Some attribute the name "Plakun" to Ivan-tea (epilobium angustifolium), others - to meadow St. John's wort (hipericum ascyron), others - to wild cornflowers (lithrum salicaria), also called dubrovnik, coast willow, hardwood, blood willow and grass willow. Source :

“Plakun, Plakun! You cried long and a lot, but cried little. Don’t let your tears roll across the open field, don’t let your howl spread across the blue sea! Be afraid of evil demons, half-demons, old witches of Kiev! If they don’t give you subjugation, drown them in tears; and they will flee from your disgrace, lock them in the pits of hell. Be my word strong and firm with you.

According to experienced herbalists, the flowers and roots of Plakun herb contain its main power. The root of this “mother of all herbs” contains within itself the power that protects faint-hearted people from all temptation.

Some attribute the name "Plakun" to Ivan-tea (epilobium angustifolium), others - to meadow St. John's wort (hipericum ascyron), others - to wild cornflowers (lithrum salicaria), also called dubrovnik, coast willow, hardwood, blood willow and grass willow.

In the first case, "Plakun" is healing as a "breaking poultice." This plant, which blooms in June-July, is very often found on forest edges, along mountain slopes and in gardens in wooded areas.

In the second case, common folk healers attribute to it multi-healing powers, as well as “diluting and anthelmintic.” They also use it to treat consumption in rural areas. Village healers collect it from flooded meadows and forest lowlands, dry it and use it both in the form of powders and in the form of tinctures (wine or water) for a wide variety of diseases. If the outcome of treatment is favorable, they attribute the main force to their whispered slander, and if it is unfortunate, they refer to the fact that the patient followed medical instructions without faith in their power. In one ancient medical book, published at the beginning of the 19th century and compiled on folk remedies in connection with their scientific assessment, this or that advice was given, and in conclusion - with simple-minded frankness - it was said: “If it doesn’t help, bury with honor.” Our common folk healers could say the same thing if they were asked to explain the verbal science of healing adopted from their forefathers.

Wild cornflowers (“Plakun”), according to the assurance of not only healers, but also real doctors, help in the treatment of jaundice. Water infused with their flowers is one of the remedies against eye diseases in general, and lacrimation in particular.

In all cases, “herb to all herbs mother” (take it for this or that plant) is a good herb that gives people considerable help - it’s not without reason that popular rumor says that it arose for the first time in God’s white light from the pure tears of the Mother of God shed by the Ever-Virgin for Her beloved son, who brought the Light of salvation to the dark world.

What is the weeping grass yearning for?

Platon Platonovich Pro (714) 6 years ago

Mother's tears and earth's sadness

They rose up from the ground like a weeping flower.

Silently tears pour over the arable land

Over the dashing misfortune over yesterday.

There is a herb called plakun, it grows near rivers and lakes, it is tall like hemp, the color of crimson.

His flowers are like a torch, and in the morning he cries bright tears.

The weeping mother of all herbs, - they say about him the wild cornflower, and the oak tree, and the shore grass, and the blood grass, and the willow grass.

He opens access to the sworn treasure, overcomes evil spirits, and makes evil spirits cry.

Collect weeping grass at dawn on Midsummer's Day. As you dig, take off everything iron, otherwise the root will not be given to your hands and will not have strength. And when you start digging, say: “Weeping! Weeping! You cried long and a lot, but cried little, do not let your tears roll across the open field, do not carry your howl across the blue sea. Be afraid of the evil demons, half-demons, old witches of Kyiv. If they don’t give you rebuke, drown them in tears, but they will run away from your disgrace, lock them in the pits of hell. May my word be with you forever and ever!

Keep the weeping grass clean, give it to the cattle that are spinning, and put it in the heads of the guys who are not sleeping.

When you go to the swamp, take the weeping grass with you, it will drive away the unclean and prevent it from being pulled into the quagmire.

Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria L.) or “weeping grass.”

Sem. derbennikov. Rhizomatous perennial with lilac-pink flowers collected in long spike-shaped inflorescences, up to 2 m high. Blooms from July to September. Moisture-loving, tolerates partial shade. Has several garden forms. Propagated by seeds and dividing the bush. Used for planting in groups on lawns, banks of ponds, ridges and in mixborders.

It is decorative and can decorate the shore of a pond at your summer cottage.

Other answers

Weeping grass is the mother of all herbs.

DEFINITION: In different areas, weeping grass was identified with various plants. Sometimes it was believed that this was a meadow St. John's wort.

LEGEND: Verse in the Dove Book to the question:

Which herb answers all the mother herbs:

“...Plakun-Grass to all the herbs Mati.

Why Plakun-Grass to all the herbs Mati?

Because Plakun-Grass is Mother to all herbs,

That Mother Lada herself shed tears for her,

When I mourned the sorrows of the Russian Land.

SPECIAL PROPERTIES: The plant received this name because it has a special mechanism for getting rid of excess moisture, which flows down the leaves in the form of drops and looks like tears.

APPLICATION: Weeping grass is mentioned in conspiracies as a means of helping to command spirits and take possession of treasures. According to ancient beliefs, she makes demons cry. Amulets, including cross vests, were made from weeping grass. It needs to be collected at dawn on Midsummer's Day.. The root of this herb was used for amulets, including cross vests….

COLLECTION FEATURES: Collect weeping grass at dawn on Midsummer's Day. As you dig, take off everything iron, otherwise the root will not be given to your hands and will not have strength. And when you start digging, say: “Weeping! Plakun! You cried for a long time and a lot, but you cried a little, don’t let your tears roll across the open field, don’t let your howl spread across the blue sea. Be afraid of the evil demons, half-demons, old witches of Kyiv. If they don’t give you submission, drown them in tears, but if they run away from your disgrace, lock them in the pits of hell. May my word be strong and firm with you. Century by century! »

IN LITERATURE: And here is the weeping grass. This herb is the mother of all herbs. Weeping grass makes demons and sorcerers cry, it humbles the power of the enemy, destroys evil sorcery, drives away lessons and influx from a person... P.I. MELNIKOV-PECHERSKY “In the forests”

In ancient Slavic legends, many herbs were credited with miraculous properties. The most “important” ones were considered to be “plakun-grass”, “gap-grass” and of course the fern flower (Perunov or fire-flower).

Mother's tears and earth's sadness

They rose from the ground like a weeping flower.
Silently tears pour over the arable land
Over the dashing misfortune over yesterday.

There is a grass called weeping plant, it grows near rivers and lakes, it is tall like hemp, the color of crimson... Its flowers are like a torch, and in the morning it cries with bright tears.

Tall, slender, beautiful, with leaves similar to willow leaves. They have stomata that release excess water when high humidity. The grass is crying! This property of the plant became the reason for its deification. The weeper not only cries, but also makes evil spirits cry.

The weeping mother of all herbs, - they say about him the wild cornflower, and the oak tree, and the coast, and the blood-grass, and the willow-grass. He opens access to the sworn treasure, overcomes evil spirits, and makes evil spirits cry. Collect weeping grass at dawn on Midsummer's Day. And no metal! When you are going to dig, take off everything that is iron, otherwise the root will not be given to your hands and will not have the strength. They dug with a special bone stick.

And when you start digging, say: “Weeper! Plakun! You cried for a long time and a lot, but you cried a little, don’t let your tears roll across the open field, don’t let your howl spread across the blue sea. Be afraid of the evil demons, half-demons, old witches of Kyiv. If they don’t give you submission, drown them in tears, but if they run away from your disgrace, lock them in the pits of hell. May my word be strong and firm with you. Century by century!

Without a talisman made from the root of the weeping plant on the neck, not a single healer went into the field and forest to collect herbs. Not a single treasure hunter went out without it, for he might not return, because he had no protection from the evil spirits guarding the treasures.

The mother of all herbs, she saved the ancient Slavs not only from the bite of snakes and rabid animals, but also from the machinations of kikimoras, goblins and other evil spirits. The root was especially prized.

Loosestrife, weeping grass - perennial herbaceous plant with thick, woody roots. The stem is 50-150 cm in height, erect, like the opposite ones, or in whorls of 3, rarely 4, the upper ones are alternate; all leaves are sessile, almost heart-shaped at the base, and pointed at the apex. The flowers are crimson, on peduncles, collected by whorls at the top of the stem and lateral branches into long intermittent racemose-spike-shaped inflorescences. The fruit is an oval capsule, 1.5-2 times shorter than the calyx. It blooms in July - August.

The Old Russian “derba”, which gives the plant its name, means a damp deposit covered with moss. So it is: loosestrife prefers moist but bright places. Most often it can be found along the banks of reservoirs or in swampy meadows, among bushes, in damp forests and on their edges, in crops on drained peat bogs. It is found quite often, in some places it forms thickets.
Distributed in the European part, Siberia, Far East, in Central Asia.

Commonly, loosestrife is called weeping grass. And there is an explanation for this. The plant is characterized by unusual behavior: during periods of heavy dew or rain, large drops collect at the tips of the leaves, which then flow down like tears. So it seems like a flower is crying and can’t calm down.

Preparation and collection.

The above-ground part of the plant should be harvested before the plant blooms, and the roots - in the fall. But there is a special day when you are allowed to do both - on Ivan Kupala at dawn.

However, since the root is mainly collected, when planning large workpieces it is necessary to take measures to preserve natural thickets, as well as cultivate this plant. All parts of the merlin are used for medicinal purposes. The roots are carefully dug up, and the tops of the stems with flowers are cut off with scissors.
The raw materials are dried in the attic, spread out in a thin layer or hung in small bunches, crushed and stored in paper bags.

Useful properties loosestrife

Loosestrife contains flavonoids, polyphenol, glucosides, tannins (tannins), phenolcarboxylic acids, essential oil, vitamins. The roots contain tannins and saponins, the seeds contain an alkaloid, the glycoside lytrarin; in the grass - the glycoside salikarin, traces of essential oil, resin, tannins, but in smaller quantities than in the roots; in flowers - flavones and anthocyanins.

Derbennik has antiseptic, hemostatic, restorative, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and calming effects. If you fill your pillow with the leaves and flowers of the plant, your sleep will be deep and restful.

Use of loosestrife

The leaves, roots, seeds and flowers of the herb are used for medicinal purposes.
Used for colds, general weakness, diseases nervous system And gastrointestinal tract, for bleeding, ulcers, stomach upsets, noise in the head, epilepsy. For this, decoctions, infusions and tea are used. Dry inflorescences and leaves are added to herbal teas. Derbennik gives them a pleasant astringent (tea) taste.

Polyphenols contained in the plant help in the treatment of venous insufficiency, tannins weaken the effect of alkaloids and salts heavy metals, temporarily besieging and tying them up. To completely remove the resulting toxic sediment, further medical intervention is required.

A decoction of the roots helps well with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, cramps, headaches and toxicosis in pregnant women.
A water decoction is drunk for stomach pain, female diseases, uterine bleeding, as a diuretic, for diseases caused by lifting heavy objects; bathe emaciated children in the broth; drink a decoction or eat the root with bread, sour milk when bitten by rabid animals and snakes;

Infusions from the aerial part improve the patient's condition with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, prostatitis, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, epilepsy, and nervousness.
Infusions can also be used externally, using them for varicose ulcers and eczema, bruises and wounds. Tea made from the roots and flowers of loosestrife relieves headaches.

Decoction loosestrife: 1 tablespoon of chopped fresh herb needs to be poured with a glass of boiled water and placed in a “steam bath” for 10-15 minutes. The mixture should brew for 45 minutes and only after that the broth should be filtered. Take the decoction warm, 1/4 cup (50 mg) 3 times a day.
Another decoction recipe: 1 tbsp. l. fresh merlin grass, pour 200 ml of water, bring to a boil, leave for 15 minutes, strain, take 1/4 cup 3 times a day. Helps with uterine bleeding, fibroids.

Infusion: 2-3 tablespoons of dry crushed loosestrife herb are poured with a glass of boiling water, left for four hours and filtered. The resulting infusion is taken 50 mg (1/4 cup) 3 times a day. Helps with colds, prostatitis, and colitis.

The use of loosestrife in folk medicine.

Loosestrife acts as an astringent and anti-inflammatory for diarrhea, dysentery, and chronic catarrh of the stomach and intestines. In medical practice it is used as an astringent. The pulp from the fresh plant is used as a poultice for bleeding wounds.

In folk medicine, the root is also used; in its absence, the herb is used. a tincture of the roots in vodka is drunk for stomach pain, colds, and headaches; they make lotions for bruises, drink a decoction of the whole herb for noise in the head; epilepsy.

Like every remedy, loosestrife has its contraindications. It should not be used in patients with increased blood clotting; it is contraindicated in cases of atherosclerosis and a tendency to thrombus formation. With great caution and only after consultation with a doctor, the plant can be used by hypertensive patients, since the herb leads to vasoconstriction. As a result, the pressure may rise even more. (c)

This is what people call loosestrife, otherwise known as weeping grass. Surely many of you have seen this plant, but simply did not know that it was a loosestrife. On its tall stems there are long crimson clusters. And from the tips of the leaves, similar to willow leaves, droplets of moisture flow down, their dripping intensifies before the rain. They can fall quietly, like tears, even on sunny days.

According to , weeping grass relieves diseases, frightens evil spirits, making demons and witches cry. In the old days, there was a special prayer for digging up the root of the weeping grass. It had special power if dug up at the dawn of Midsummer. It was necessary to dig with a bone shovel, because any metal object would drive magical power there is no root. It was also believed that weeping grass helps to find treasures and drives away kikimora. And if you put the root of the house, it will drive out the unfriendly bannik and the brownie. If they suit the owners, then the root should not be put in the bathhouse and at home, but stored, for example, in a barn. They also believed that the grass of loosestrife, carried with oneself, conquers all spirits.

And according to biblical legend, weeping grass grew from tears Mother of God, when she sobbed, looking at her son on the cross: “When... Christ was crucified, his most pure blood was shed. Then Holy Mother of God for her son, tears dropped on mother's damp earth... And from those tears the Weeping Grass was born... From the Weeping Grass demons and sorcerers cry, it humbles the power of the enemy, destroys evil sorcery, drives away lessons and influx from a person.”

And according to another legend, the merlin grew from abandoned Cossack torches. These torches were in the hands of the free Volga and Don Cossacks who walked along the rivers on skiffs and plows. Sailing far out to sea, the Cossacks often returned to the shore at night. When the sky was clear and cloudless, the Cossacks navigated by the stars, but when the stars were not visible in the sky, they lit torches to attract the attention of the lighthouse on duty and avoid collisions with reefs. With these torches in their hands, the Cossacks went ashore and threw them right there on the ground. And the torches sprouted purple flowers. Flowers mourn parting with the Cossacks, therefore, during heavy dew, transparent tears drip from the flowers.

The scientific name for loosestrife is Lythrum, meaning “clotted blood.” Folk names: wild cornflowers, shag, loosestrife, willow-grass, water willow, hardwood, troychak, dubnik, coaster.

Loosestrife - Lythrum salicaria - is a perennial herbaceous plant from the loosestrife family. The loosestrife has a thick, woody root. The stem is straight, ribbed, 50-100 cm high, covered with stiff hairs. The leaves of the loosestrife are divided into lower ones, arranged in threes in a whorl, middle ones - oval, with a blunt apex, and apical leaves with an elongated apex. All leaves are covered, like the stem, with stiff hairs.

The deep lilac or purple petals consist of six petals and are collected in long inflorescences at the ends of stems and branches. Merlin blooms in July-August. Bees and butterflies always circle above it, since the weeping grass is an excellent honey plant. On fine summer days, the loosestrife produces abundant nectar from morning to evening; 100 flowers of the plant produce nectar containing 18 mg of sugar per day. Derbennikovy has a unique pleasant taste with a slight tartness, a delicate aroma and a dark amber or golden-green color. Some beekeepers specifically transport hives closer to places where loosestrife blooms en masse.

The fruits of the loosestrife are oblong-oval, are two-locular capsules 3-4 cm long, and ripen in August-September.

There are more than 15 species of loosestrife in Russia, but the most famous and most often seen is the loosestrife. It grows almost throughout Russia, including in Siberia, the Far East, the Caucasus along the banks of rivers, lakes, in ravines, in swampy meadows, on the edges of forests, among bushes in damp places, in alder thickets, in crops and on drained peatlands. It often grows in whole clumps and has a very beautiful view. In general, a loosestrife - ornamental plant, so summer residents began to quite often plant it on their plots in moist places.

Merlin is also a medicinal plant. IN medicinal purposes the grass used is loosestrife (stems, leaves, flowers), which is harvested during flowering, and roots, which are dug up in the fall. The roots of the derbennik contain: saponins and tannins. The aerial part of the plant contains: vitamin C, carotene, glucose, glycosides salikarin, litrin, tannins, essential oil, mucus, resin. The following were found in the seeds: alkaloids, glycoside litrerin.

Preparations from loosestrife have: anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic, wound-healing, diuretic, astringent properties.

In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions of loosestrife are used for dysentery, chronic catarrh of the stomach and intestines, fever, gastralgia, colic, gastroptosis, colds, headaches, general weakness, as an antidote for bites of rabid animals and snakes, and for venereal diseases. Derbennik is used in homeopathy. By the way, herbal tea is effective for bad mood, hysteria, depression. For nervous diseases, a decoction of the weeping herb is added to baths, and children are bathed in it for convulsions and various external bleedings. Fresh crushed leaves of the weed grass are applied to cuts and wounds.

For weakness and nervousness

Brew ½ teaspoon of crushed dry grass of loosestrife with 1 cup of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 3 hours, cool, strain, take ¼ cup 3 times a day before meals.

For diarrhea and stomach pain

1 tbsp. pour 1 cup of boiling water over a spoonful of dry crushed herbs, leave for 1 hour, strain, take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.

For headaches

1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of herbs into 2 cups of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 4 hours, strain. Take 2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day before meals.

You cannot use merlin preparations for hypertension, high blood clotting, a tendency to thrombosis, or for gastrointestinal diseases with atonic constipation.

In the old days, fishermen soaked their nets with a decoction of grass and weeping plant roots so that they would not rot for a long time and would serve reliably.

Animals do not eat loosestrife, but confectioners used juice from the weeping grass to color baked goods.

It is recommended to place grass at the head of the bed for capricious children who often cry and sleep poorly. Magicians recommend that adults carry weeping grass with them in the form of an amulet; it protects against accidents, slander, unkind people and negative energy. Merlin flowers on the plot and in a vase bring peace and trusting relationships between household members to the house.

Plakun-grass - in Russian spiritual verses, a fairy-tale grass that grew from the tears of the Mother of God shed during the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. According to the Dove Book, Plakun grass is “the mother of all herbs.” It is mentioned in conspiracies as a magical remedy that allows you to command spirits and take possession of treasures. The root of Plakun grass could serve as material for amulets, including cross-vests. In different areas, Plakun grass is identified with different plants.

Mother's tears and earth's sadness
They rose from the ground like a weeping flower.
Silently tears pour over the arable land
Over the dashing misfortune over yesterday.

“When... Christ was crucified, his most pure blood was shed. Then the Most Holy Theotokos dropped tears for her son on the damp earth... And from those tears the Weeping Grass was born...

Yu. Nikitin. Plakun - grass.

“The Mother of God cried, the Mother of God, and wiped herself with Weeping Grass, Therefore Weeping Grass is the mother of all herbs... Demons and sorcerers cry from Weeping Grass, it humbles the power of the enemy, destroys evil sorcery, drives away lessons and influx from a person.”

“There is a grass named Plakun, it grows near rivers and lakes, it is tall, like hemp, the color of crimson. That herb is very good: keep it clean with you and give it to cattle that are spinning, or that a child is not sleeping, and put it on the head, then he will sleep. And the person who wears the cross on himself will be honest in people, and will not be afraid of any dirty tricks, and will not die an evil death, and without that grass, do not pick any grass, because there will be no help from them.”

A. Klimenko.

His flowers are like a torch, and in the morning he cries bright tears. The weeping mother of all herbs, - they say about him the wild cornflower, and the oak tree, and the shore grass, and the blood grass, and the willow grass. He opens access to the sworn treasure, overcomes evil spirits, and makes evil spirits cry. Collect weeping grass at dawn on Midsummer's Day. As you dig, take off everything iron, otherwise the root will not be given to your hands and will not have strength.

V. Ivanov. Supreme Magus.

And when you start digging, say: “Weeping! Weeping! You cried long and a lot, but cried little, do not let your tears roll across the open field, do not carry your howl across the blue sea. Be afraid of the evil demons, half-demons, old witches of Kyiv. If they don’t give you submission, drown them in tears, but they will run away from your disgrace, lock them in the pits of hell. May my word be with you forever and ever!” Keep the weeping grass clean, give it to the cattle that are spinning, and the guys who are not sleeping, put it in their heads. When you go to the swamp, take the weeping grass with you, it will drive away the unclean and will not let you drag it into the quagmire. When you have this herb with you, all spirits will submit to you. Only one crybaby is able to drive out the brownie grandfathers, the kikimor.

The herbs plucked at Kupala, in the presence of Plakun-grass, intensified their magical properties: “And without that grass, don’t pick any grass, because they won’t help.”

“...From that rooting from Plakunov
In Rus' they carve wonderful crosses,
Otherwise, our people are saved,
All the monks and the elders and all the young men..."

Merlin is most often called Plakun-grass (although the same name in other areas is also called St. John's wort, fireweed and others), and there are two explanations for this: ordinary and mythological. In favor of coincidence in the popular consciousness mythical plant and loosestrife can be classified as:
- the bright color of its flowers, as if painted with bloody tears;
- that it begins to bloom towards Ivan Kupala;
- the fact that it was mainly the root that was used in the case of loosestrife (in other plants correlated with the fairy potion, grass was used).

The Old Russian and Russian dialect "derba", which gives the plant its name, means a damp fallow land covered with moss and hummocks.

Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria L.) or “weeping grass.” Sem. derbennikov. A rhizomatous perennial with lilac-pink flowers collected in long spike-shaped inflorescences, up to 2 m high. The generic Latin name of the plant comes from Greek language and means “shed coagulated blood”; the plant has hemostatic properties. The specific name is derived from the Latin salix ("willow") and is given for the similarity of the leaves of willow and loosestrife.

In the novel "Prince Silver" A.K. The miller advises Tolstoy to Afanasy Vyazemsky: “There is also Plakun-grass, if you cut a cross from the root and hang it around your neck, everyone will be afraid of you like fire.” Is it not with the same magical and defensive qualities attributed to loosestrife that the formerly common eating of loosestrife root with milk or bread for snake bites is connected? The Russian “village writer” B. Mozhaev has a story “Plakun-grass”.

You will rarely find it in the arsenal of even experienced herbalists; you will hardly find information in reference literature. In the old days, it was remembered more often, used for nervous and pulmonary diseases, bloody urine, chronic enterocolitis and dysentery. Externally, the decoction was used to treat varicose ulcers, and to bathe children with convulsions - spasmophilia. It was even used for sexually transmitted diseases.

Many have seen and continue to see it in damp places, along the banks of reservoirs. The stems are straight, up to a meter high, dressed in narrow long leaves, three in each whorl, and at the top of the stem there are dense intermittent clusters of medium-sized crimson flowers. Before the approach of rain, from the tips of the leaves, which are indeed very similar to willow leaves, rare drops quietly flow and fall down like tears, although at this time the sun may still be shining.

Herbal tea is effective for general weakness of the body and for painful feverish conditions.
DISORDERS OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. Pour a tablespoon of herb into two glasses of boiling water, leave for 4 hours, strain. Drink 1/3 glass 3-4 times a day before meals.

HAEMORRHOIDS. 1 teaspoon of crushed merlin roots per 1 glass of water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day before meals.

HEADACHE, DIARRHEA, GASTRALGIA (stomach pain). Pour 1 tablespoon of dried flowers into a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.

Use with great caution for gastrointestinal diseases with atonic, especially senile, constipation. Contraindications may include high blood clotting and a tendency to form blood clots. If you have hypertension, carefully monitor your blood pressure, as loosestrife promotes vasoconstriction. The plant is not toxic. The most famous representative of the loosestrife family is henna.

Fortune telling using the Book of Changes is an ancient Chinese fortune telling using coin tossing. After throwing coins 6 times, you will receive the Book's recommendation, and if you act according to it, you will come to the best solution your problem. And then subsequent events will develop in a favorable way for you!

Fortune telling consists of constructing a hexagram of 6 solid or broken lines. Depending on which hexagram was formed, the answer follows either one or me, according to the Book of Changes.

There are 64 in total various options hexagram. This is exactly how many of them are needed so that the Book of Changes can describe all the main life situations. By the way, in the DNA molecule, which is the carrier of the genetic code of any organism, there are also 64 possible combinations. Is it just a coincidence - ancient Chinese fortune-telling and modern science?

Book of Changes - how to guess?

Fortune telling consists of first mentally asking a question to which you want the Book to answer. Then you flip three coins six times. Drag them across the screen with your mouse and then release them. Toss coins slowly, relax and take your time. Each throw is one of the lines in the hexagram. If two or three virtual coins are placed with the “yang” side up, then a solid, “yang” line is drawn. If the coins are tails up, then this is a Yin, broken line. They are drawn from bottom to top, one above the other - the first line is at the very bottom, the last line is at the top. The fortune telling will be completed when you toss the coins 6 times.

What to ask?

Your question for the Book to answer must be specific, clear, and, of course, must be truly important to you. It should not concern a matter that is aimed at causing harm to others. You also cannot ask the Book of Changes about the same thing twice, even if you didn’t like the answer at all. If possible, the book should answer only one question during one session. If you have a lot of questions, don't ask them all at once. It’s better to come back a little later and do the fortune telling again.

Still, do not forget that virtual fortune telling is not the same as fortune telling “live”, but rather harmless entertainment. Therefore, if you didn’t like the answer from the Book of Changes, then don’t be upset and take it lightly!

Tell your friends! Let them try to tell fortunes too. Click on the social media buttons!

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