Growing, caring for and propagating aloe at home. Transplanting and caring for aloe - useful tips How to transplant a large aloe

Aloe is very useful plant, which can be grown directly on the windowsill. This flower is very often used in recipes. traditional medicine and that is why its leaves can be used up very quickly. And so that supplies never run out, you need to learn how to propagate Aloe. Let's talk in more detail about ways to propagate this medicinal plant at home.

There are many methods for propagating aloe. They differ from each other in the complexity of the work carried out and the time of germination, but in any case, each grower will be able to choose the method that will be convenient for him.

Using a sheet

This method is very often used to rejuvenate and give new life old plant. Also, this method is quite interesting and unusual, because few plants can be propagated using the green part.

The algorithm for propagating aloe using a leaf is as follows:

  • neatly at the base of the stem, sharp knife cut off a healthy, fleshy leaf;
  • then it is laid out on gauze, bandage or cotton wool and placed in a dark place. This is necessary in order to increase the germination of the future seedling;
  • after the cut area has dried, it processed with crushed charcoal;
  • then it is necessary prepare a wet substrate, consisting of a mixture of sand, garden soil and vermiculite;
  • leaves are planted in the substrate to a depth of approximately 3 centimeters;
  • The basic rule for caring for a rooted leaf is abundant and daily watering, because without it the seedling may dry out.

Once developed roots appear on the leaf, it can be planted in a separate container for permanent residence.

Cutting method

Cuttings are one of the most common methods for propagating many garden crops and plants. In most cases, propagation by cuttings ends in success. The main thing is to correctly fulfill all the requirements and not overlook a single detail.

For propagation by cuttings, lateral branches of the plant are used, which are located along the stem. Before starting work, they are carefully cut off and placed for about a week in a tight closet, bedside table or any other dark place with a humidity of approximately 50%. This procedure is necessary to ensure that the cut area dries out.

When working with aloe cuttings, use only sharp and convenient tools which have previously been disinfected.

A mixture of:

  • peat;
  • sand;
  • perlite;
  • brick chips;
  • wood ash.

After the cutting is ready for rooting, the following steps are carried out::

  1. The base of the cut planting material processed with crushed coals;
  2. The soil is placed in low containers or cassettes and water thoroughly;
  3. Between individual specimens a distance equal to 5-7 centimeters;
  4. During landing the cutting is slightly deepened into the ground, only 1-2 centimeters;
  5. Constant soil moisture is the key to successful reproduction. Besides, experienced gardeners recommend increase the number of waterings with the appearance of the first roots.

Aloe Vera develops very quickly, and so that the cutting does not stop growing needs to be transplanted into a container with more large sizes . Required condition there will be drainage holes with a diameter of at least 1 centimeter.

Considering that young cuttings are not yet strong enough, they may become the target of attacks various diseases and pests. To protect the plant as much as possible, the planting container must be disinfected.

To properly disinfect a container, you need to consider what material it is made from.:

  • ceramics are placed in a hot oven for 10-15 minutes;
  • clay is processed superphosphate solution;
  • plastic containers can be wash under hot water using laundry soap.


Having cut off the top of Aloe with 5-7 leaves, it is placed in a container with water until it gives roots

Propagation of aloe by tops is the most quick way, which is also very simple for beginners, because rooting occurs in water and you can always easily see how this process proceeds. Work is carried out adhering to the following rules:

  1. The top of the flower is cut off in such a way that at least 7 healthy sheets remain on it;
  2. Then the lower part of the planting material for half an hour soaked using phytohormone growth;
  3. Prepared top placed in a container with warm water;
  4. As soon as the first roots appear, the seedling is planted in a prepared pot. As a soil, you can use a mixture of clean sand and leaf soil, which must be thoroughly moistened.


This method has several names - children, dormant buds, appendages or root shoots. This method of reproduction is the simplest, it occurs naturally, and all that remains for a person to do is to separate the seedling from the mother plant. The main disadvantage will be the long waiting period for the formation of new appendages.

The reproduction process is as follows:

  1. To begin with a flower is taken out of a pot and carefully examine, determining the degree of maturity of the roots of the “babies”;

To make it easier to remove the plant from the pot, the soil must be thoroughly moistened.

  1. Appendages and main plant are separated using a sharp garden spatula, but in no case should you damage root system;
  2. Then separating the plant planted in separate containers with a sandy substrate and watered daily.


This work is the most difficult and time-consuming; to obtain aloe from seeds you need to spend a lot of time and effort. The algorithm for such actions is as follows:

  1. First prepare the substrate. You can buy it in the store ( soil mixture for indoor plants) or prepare it yourself from grain sand, leaf and turf soil;
  2. Soil is poured into the prepared container and deepen the seeds by 2-3 centimeters;
  3. Then cover the container with film or glass;

In the room where the seedlings are kept, the temperature should not fall below +22 degrees.

  1. As soon as the first shoots appear the cover can be gradually removed;
  2. Grown seedlings are moved to a new, separate container, while the composition of the soil should remain the same.

In a year, a small but already strong plant should form, which needs to be replanted again, using the largest container size.

Optimal time

Since aloe is indoor plant, can reproduce at any time of the year, the main condition will be maintaining a stable temperature regime.

But experienced flower growers claim that it is best to carry out such work in early spring. It is during this period that natural processes are activated, and rooting occurs much faster.

Aloe, or agave, is a well-known medicinal plant, which is found in almost every home. It is unpretentious, but from time to time it is necessary to replant the plant. This will provide adequate conditions for growth and development, since over time the soil in the pot is depleted and a large amount of carbon dioxide is formed in it. To transplant aloe vera correctly, you must follow a number of simple rules.

The transplantation process is always traumatic for the plant. Therefore, before you start, you need to make sure that the flower needs it. It is necessary to remember the cases in which a transplant is performed:

You should not carry out a transplant if it is not necessary. This is a lot of stress for the plant, after which it takes a long time to take root, gets sick and may even die. The soil or container should be changed only if necessary.

Soil preparation

Before replanting aloe, you need to take care of the choice soil mixture. Although aloe is undemanding to the soil, For better growth and development it is worth following several rules:

  • the soil should be fertile but light;
  • it must allow air to pass through well;
  • acidity is preferably weak (pH 5.0−6.0) or neutral (pH 6.0−7.0).

When buying a ready-made substrate, you need to choose one designed specifically for succulents. Everything in its composition is optimally balanced.

Options for preparing soil mixture for replanting aloe:

  • clay-turf soil, sand, forest leaf soil(1:1:1) plus 1/5 slightly acidic peat;
  • turf soil, leafy soil, coarse sand with a handful of peat (in a ratio of 2:1:1);
  • forest soil (leaf), coarse sand (3:2) plus charcoal.

A prerequisite for transplanting aloe is the presence of a drainage layer. Small river pebbles or expanded clay are suitable for this. Their quantity should be enough to cover the bottom with a layer of 1-2 cm.

Choosing the right pot

Once the flower has taken root, it can be placed in a brighter place, and also watered or sprayed with water. On average, this happens after 7-10 days.

Changing the soil of a purchased plant

Do not delay the moment of transplantation, the plant may get sick or die, since the soil in which it was brought from the store is not suitable for permanent place habitat.

Replanting is an excellent reason to propagate a plant. Basically, apical and lateral shoots are used for this, as well as shoots coming from rhizomes (they are also called “babies”). Less commonly used are leaves or seeds.

Aloe, or agave, is unpretentious plant, which is grown for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Its juice helps with runny noses, heals wounds, and is included in masks and shampoos. It grows and multiplies quickly and does not require special attention or care.

There are several basic ways to replant aloe at home.

What kind of plant is this and why replant it?

Aloe belongs to the genus of succulents. These are plants that accumulate moisture in their leaves along with other useful substances. In nature it grows on sandy soils in dry climates. At home, it needs to be replanted periodically when the pot becomes too crowded. You can also propagate agave in several ways to get even more healthy juice.

The best time to replant a plant is spring and summer. During the cold season, life processes slow down, and the flower may not take root. However, propagation by cuttings can continue practically all year round.

Choosing a pot and soil

Agave will grow well in big pot. Once a year it is recommended to transplant it into a new container, which will be 1/5 larger than the previous one. When aloe reaches the age of 4 years, it is enough to replant it once every 2 years, after a few years - every 3 years.

For aloe universal will do soil or the one sold under the name “for succulents”. It can also be prepared at home:

  • 1 part sand;
  • 1 part each of humus and leaf soil;
  • 2 parts turf soil.

The flower is unpretentious to the composition of the soil. It will grow in any conditions, even with insufficient watering. The only condition is that he prefers well-lit areas. There are no special fertilizers for succulents. Because they grow in dry climates, they will do well even in regular store-bought all-purpose soil. If desired, you can add some organic fertilizers to the substrate:

Young flowers that have just taken root and are beginning to grow may need feeding. For an adult aloe, it is enough to feed the soil with fertilizers during transplantation. A fully formed bush is transplanted into a new container every few years, and it is fertilized at the same frequency.

Rules for transplanting aloe

You need to know how to properly transplant aloe so that the plant feels comfortable. To do this, take into account the size of the plant, its age and other nuances.

How to transplant an adult plant into another pot?

A novice owner should familiarize himself with the rules on how to transplant aloe into another pot so that it quickly takes root. To begin, select a suitable pot and prepare the substrate. If the rhizome grows to the sides, you will need a wider container, if downward, a deeper one. Next you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • pour a small earthen pillow into the new pot;
  • carefully remove the plant from the old container, being careful not to damage the roots;
  • place it in a new pot and add soil to the sides.

You may need to add some soil after a few days as it compacts. In a new container, the plant is left in the shade for a week, watered only after 5 days. Then it is transferred to a well-lit windowsill or balcony.

How to separate and plant a shoot?

The most common way of propagating aloe is by shoots, or babies. They appear every year under the mother bush and already have their own roots. You need to know a few nuances on how to transplant an aloe shoot so as not to harm the adult plant:

  • a small bush is carefully dug out of the ground so as not to damage the roots;
  • immediately transplant it into a separate pot;
  • Water the plant moderately every few days.

This is the easiest way to transplant aloe. In this way, the plant can reproduce all year round, but it is better to wait until the warm season. This plant can produce a large number of children per season. Many owners complain that their flowers multiply too intensively, and their pots take up all the free surfaces.

Transplantation by cuttings

Aloe can propagate by cuttings. They are shoots that extend from the main stem. The procedure is simple and can be carried out at any time of the year:

  • the process is cut with a knife as close to its base as possible;
  • the cut needs to be dried before planting, so the sprout is left in the shade for 5 days;
  • without waiting for roots to appear, the cuttings must be planted in the ground to a depth of several centimeters;
  • The plant is watered immediately after planting, and then after it has taken root.

You can plant several cuttings at the same time in one large container. In this case, the distance between flowers should be at least 5 cm.

Transplantation without roots

If the flower grows too tall, you can separate the top and form a separate plant. The lower leaves are immediately used to obtain juice or gel, which are then added to cosmetics and medicines. The transplant procedure is very simple:

  • the top with 6-7 leaves is cut off with a knife;
  • the shoot is placed in a jar of water and waited until it takes root;
  • the plant is planted in a pot with a suitable substrate.

The method of replanting aloe without roots is suitable for large adult plants. The leaves become suitable for medicinal purposes at 3-4 years of age, then they are cut off. As a result, the flower turns out to be tall, and the leaves are located only at its top.

Care after transplant

Caring for aloe is easy. Under natural conditions, it feels comfortable in sandy soils with rare precipitation. In the places where it grows, it receives a large amount of direct sunlight all year round.

Watering procedure

The main rule in caring for agave is that it tolerates drought better than too much watering. It is able to accumulate moisture in the leaves, so for a long time without precipitation. If it grows in a wetland, its green mass will begin to rot. Young plants are watered once a week, then the frequency is gradually reduced. An adult flower needs water no more than once a week in summer, and in winter - once every 30-40 days.


Agave, like other succulents, thrive in intense light. They are recommended to be placed on window sills on the south side. If the plant does not receive enough sunlight, the leaves will grow uneven and bend. Lamps are not required. If the flower has been in the shade for a long time for any reason, it should not be suddenly placed in the sun.


The flower grows quickly when room temperature and can withstand a range from 12 to 30 degrees. In summer, pots can be placed outside or open balcony. In winter they must be moved indoors. The frequency of watering also depends on the air temperature. The warmer the room is, the more water required by the plant and vice versa.

Aloe propagation methods

Agave in nature reproduces by children - daughter bushes that already have their own formed roots. This method is often used among plant owners, but there are other methods to be aware of.

Reproduction by apex

At proper care aloe quickly grows upward and forms new leaves. In the meantime, the old ones can be cut off, otherwise they will fall off on their own. If you cut top part main stem, it can be turned into a separate young bush. To do this, place it in a container of water, where roots will grow at the top. Then the plant is transplanted into a pot. This method of propagation is suitable for adult aloe plants, which find it difficult to grow with their own weight. It will also rejuvenate the plant, since only young leaves will remain on the new flower.

Reproduction by children and cuttings

Babies are young bushes that appear in large numbers every year. They grow next to the main trunk, but by the time of transplantation they have their own root system. If you do not separate them from the adult bush, they will quickly become cramped in one pot. Nutrients there will not be enough soil for all the flowers, so they may get sick and wither. There are no special requirements for transplanting children. These flowers are already full-fledged plants, so all that remains is to carefully separate them so as not to damage the roots, and place them in a neighboring pot.

Leaf propagation

From separate sheet you can grow a whole bush. Medium-length leaves are suitable for this. They need to be cut off at the base and placed in the prepared substrate. The roots will grow already in the ground, while the aloe is periodically watered. Such aloe will grow no worse than those grown from cuttings. The only drawback of the method is that the leaf may not take root.

Aloe is not only a flower in a pot, but also a home medicine cabinet. It is easy to care for at any time of the year. It can be left on long term without watering, and the plant will be in excellent condition. Within a few years, a full-fledged tall bush is formed, from which you can obtain medicinal juice or gel. Even young bushes that have reached 10-15 cm in height can be propagated.

Author of the article:

Certified general practitioner, certificate No. 5293/15. IN given time Nadezhda Aleksandrovna works as a kinesio-therapist and at the same time is training as a physical therapy doctor. Mother of many children and just good man. Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, conducts free and paid consultations by phone, helps people find the cause of the disease and possible ways recovery.

Aloe, known for a long time as agave, was grown by our grandmothers for many years. In any village house, in old enamel saucepans you could see this on the windowsill unpretentious medicinal plant.

Aloe juice helps with a runny nose, is used for cosmetic purposes, and heals wounds. Let's find out how to properly transplant this plant.

What is a plant?

Aloe is a succulent. This is the name given to plants with thick, fleshy leaves that can accumulate moisture.

Agave belongs to the Asphodel family, which means “bitter.” There are thorns on the edges of the aloe leaf blade; if the plant is feeling well, its leaves are painted in a rich, even color, and high spikes.

There are more than 300 species of aloe in the world; they grow on sandy, dry soils, are hardy and unpretentious. IN room conditions About 20 species are grown, the most common of which is aloe tree. The most decorative plants are those with closely spaced leaves and even stems.

How to replant aloe with roots?

Aloe is replanted if the plant outwardly looks pale, unhealthy, or depressed. If, nevertheless, its structure is attractive, transplantation is desirable into a new pot completely, listen to this advice.

The optimal time for transplantation is spring, the period when young growth points appear on the tops. For young plants, transplantation can be done annually, for mature people - once every 2-3 years, or less often.

To prepare such a plant for transplanting, you do not need to water it until the earthen ball dries out. After this, you should carefully remove it from the old pot, free it from excess old soil, examine the roots.

If the soil does not crumble and is “hardened”, the roots should be placed in water and allowed to soften. The soil in which the plant was located is usually depleted and oversaturated with salts, there is no need to reuse it.

Damaged and rotten roots are removed, the sections are lightly sprinkled with charcoal and allowed to dry. The pot can be selected according to the volume of the roots; when spread, they should not reach the walls and bottom by a couple of centimeters.

Another method: the volume of the “crown” should be approximately twice the volume of the pot. When choosing a pot material, you should take into account: in plastic, the roots develop more evenly, but they may rot; in ceramic, on the walls deposits build up, but the roots do not overheat and do not rot.

The dishes need to be prepared for planting, washed with soap and water from the inside, and clay pots also calcinate or treat with a superphosphate solution. Expanded clay is poured to the bottom 1-2 centimeters, you can use shards too, to prevent crusting, take small expanded clay.

Soil suitable for planting and replanting aloe can be bought in a store - labeled “for succulent plants” or cook it yourself from the mixture.

    What will you need for this?:
  • sand (one part);
  • humus (one part);
  • leaf soil (one part);
  • turf land (two parts).

You need to replant carefully: place the plant on a small earthen cushion and evenly add fresh soil almost to the edge of the pot. Then the aloe should be placed in the shade for about a week; watering can only be done after five days.

If the plant wobbles in the pot, repeat the transplant.

How to replant aloe without roots?

It is quite possible to plant aloe without roots, using cuttings. To do this you will need harmonious developed shoot, pot, soil and a little time.

As soil, you can use the composition described above, or mix universal soil and vermiculite in equal proportions.

You can sprinkle the prepared aloe sprig on the cut activated carbon so as not to rot, and leave to dry for a day or three.

After this, plant the plant in slightly moist soil, deepening it a couple of centimeters, and until it gives roots, spray it with warm water every other day or moisten it with moderate watering. along the edge of the pot. The main thing is not to flood the plant. If you put him in plastic cup with a drainage hole, after a month or two you can see the roots through its walls.

If, nevertheless, you decide to root the shoot in water, you need to add activated carbon to the water, change it more often, and after the first rudiments of roots appear (1-2 millimeters each) plant in soil.

Proper plant care

So that the plant pleases its owners, special care not needed, just remember a few simple rules and comply with them.

Succulentslight-loving plants. In the shade, their stems stretch out in search of the sun, bend, the distance between the leaves increases, and the exhausted plant no longer looks neat. It is better to place aloe on a south window. Lamps will come in handy in winter.

Air temperature. Aloe has a very wide range in which the plant feels normal - from 12 to 30 degrees. Effective in relation to him general rule: lower temperature - less light - less watering and higher temperature - more sun.

Watering. Agave is an African plant. It will tolerate drought more easily than excess moisture. The agave should be watered at the root or in a tray; water should not be allowed to stagnate in the axils of the leaves; it should not be watered until the soil has dried; if half an hour after watering there is water left in the tray, it must be drained.

Drafts. Aloe does not like drafts. That is why he will not like the place under the window or opposite the door.

But if it is possible to place the plant in the summer open ground It will be very good to use it by dropping it off in a place protected from rain.

Air humidity has no effect on the growth of aloe, remember this.

Bloom. The plant is called an agave precisely because it blooms “once every hundred years,” that is, very rarely. Needed for flowering low temperature and a lot of light. This combination in our living conditions - very rare.

Feeding. There is no need to feed the plant unless necessary. Only at the beginning of summer, during the period of rapid growth, do they introduce mineral fertilizers. If the depleted soil is replaced regularly, this will be enough.

Reproduction. The plant can be propagated by root shoots, rooting shoots and seeds. Care for aloe properly, and this plant will help you stay beautiful and healthy for a hundred years.

Having become popular thanks to amazing healing properties, the aloe vera plant decorates the windowsills of almost every home. Those who are just planning to get themselves this home healer or propagate an existing individual should learn how to transplant aloe correctly.


Before transplanting this plant, it will be useful to know that the southwest of the Arabian Peninsula is considered its homeland. Despite this, it is widely cultivated throughout the world and has taken root well in North Africa(Morocco, Mauritania, Egypt), as well as in Sudan and neighboring countries, the Canary Islands, Cape Verde and Madeira. This species was introduced to China and southern Europe in the 17th century. It has spread widely in Australia, South America, Mexico, and the southeastern states of the United States.

With all its unpretentiousness and vitality, this succulent presents its “rider” for living in your home, and the main question on this stellar list will be: what kind of soil is needed for aloe?

This is what Aloe Vera looks like

In what soil does it grow in nature?

The wide geography of distribution of this xerophyte in wildlife united by the similarity of the conditions in which it grows. The type of soil needed for aloe to be replanted is determined by the soil characteristics in desert tropical areas, where it grows successfully in warm and dry climates with minimal rainfall. Sandy ones predominate there rocky lands, which cannot be called fertile, where moisture does not linger for a long time. This should be taken into account when you decide to transplant aloe.

This species is relatively resistant to most insect pests, although mites, flour beetles and some varieties of aphids can cause damage to the plant.

What kind of land is needed?

As a migrant from African countries, South America and Madagascar, the plant is adapted to survive in dry climates, so the soil for aloe should not retain much moisture. The most obvious option, especially for novice gardeners, is to purchase ready-made soil in a specialized store before replanting. Since the plant belongs to the cactus family, it is worth considering a succulent mix. By the way, some packages with the mixture describe in detail how to plant aloe at home.

More experienced plant growers, in order to replant aloe, can prepare soil for aloe on their own, in which it will be comfortable for a long time.

To plant aloe at home you will need:

  • sheet soil - 2 parts;
  • sand – 1 part;
  • humus - 1 part.

Instead of sand, you can use perlite to replant aloe. This mineral is lighter and more porous and improves the drainage properties of the substrate. In addition, it has impressive hygroscopicity, absorbs excess moisture, leaving the soil for aloe breathable.

How to properly plant aloe vera from a leaf?

There are several options for planting aloe at home. This can be done by cuttings, separating young shoots from a mature mother plant, leaves and even seeds.

Let’s make a reservation right away: the likelihood of a favorable outcome if you decide to transplant aloe sheet method, is small. It is much easier to plant root shoots. But the difficult is not the impossible, and if everything works out, another entry will appear in the book of personal achievements! , and in cosmetology.


Before planting leaf aloe, select a good organ from a strong, healthy plant. Its length must be at least 8 cm.

  1. Using a sharp, clean knife, cut the leaf at right angles to the stem. Sterility in this process plays a decisive role, since this method of transplantation is quite painful, and a small infection is enough for the work to become in vain.
  2. Place the leaf in a warm place for several days to allow the cut to heal. protective film, make sure that it (the cut) does not come into contact with other surfaces. The film will prevent infection after you plant aloe in the ground.
  3. Choose a suitable pot, always with a drainage hole at the bottom to prevent excess moisture.
  4. According to the above description, prepare the soil before replanting the aloe. Place a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot, followed by slightly moistened soil. It should not be too acidic, otherwise you should add a little slaked lime.

If it is not possible to find out the PH of the soil using a special device before planting aloe, try diluting a little soil in water to make a paste and adding ordinary soda to it. If the soil is too acidic, the soda will hiss; if not, you can replant the aloe without fear.

Planting a shoot

In order for the prepared leaf to take root with a greater degree of probability, before transplanting aloe vera, you can resort to the help of root formation stimulants. They can be phytohormones (sold in garden stores) or natural means at hand, such as flower honey, yeast and even ground cinnamon: treat the aloe with them before planting the shoot.

  1. Deepen the sheet into the ground approximately 1/3.
  2. Place the pot with the plant in a room with good lighting. The soil should be moist during the first month.
  3. When your leaf has taken root well, you can water it as the soil dries.

If a leaf is slightly wilted, this does not mean that it is dying. It’s just that all the energy goes into forming the root system.

How to replant at home?

The plant will not cause much trouble with replanting. Nevertheless, this must be done regularly: for the first three years of life – once a year, and then – every 2 years, preferably in spring. There are two ways to replant aloe to renew the soil and make it comfortable in your home:

  • transfer;
  • transshipment.

Before replanting, remove the aloe vera from the pot and place the roots in a bowl of water. Rub it with your hands, removing the old soil. Then they are planted in new prepared soil. No need to water for 3-4 days.

When transshipping, the old earthen lump is not removed, but is immediately placed in another pot on a layer of drainage and new soil is added, lightly tamping. Then water generously.

What is needed for a transplant?

Prepare everything you need. To transplant aloe, you will need:

  1. Pot. It is better to take ceramic, since it has a porous structure.
  2. Drainage. They can serve as coarse sand, gravel, expanded clay, perlite.
  3. Earth. The type of soil needed was described in detail above.

In addition, to replant aloe, you will need a convenient scoop, rubber gloves and oilcloth (cover your work surface with it)

Step by step instructions

When everything is ready, you can move on to the main stage. We'll tell you how to transplant aloe at home step by step.

  1. Before removing the plant from the pot for replanting, it should be watered abundantly the day before, this will simplify the task. If you run a knife along the walls of the pot and then turn it over, you can easily remove it along with the earthen lump.
  2. Remove any excess roots that are too long and shake off the soil. Don't worry, getting rid of excess roots will not harm your plant.
  3. For disinfection, clay pots into which you plan to transplant aloe can be pre-heated in the oven.
  4. Place a 4-6 cm layer of drainage material on the bottom of the container.
  5. Place an earthen cushion on top; its height will depend on the size of the pot.
  6. To replant, fix the plant in the pot, cover it with soil right up to the leaves so that the plant sits tightly in the ground, and tamp it down. Water thoroughly and place in the shade for about one week.

Leaves after transplanting aloe should not come into contact with the ground, otherwise they will rot.

How to plant at home?

When the roots of a plant become crowded in a pot, side shoots begin to form, which can and should be replanted. Anyone who has encountered this and knows how to plant aloe at home will say that the process does not take much time and will not be difficult.

  1. Daughter shoots (rosettes) have their own root system and are easily separated from the mother plant.
  2. After separation, the “babies” should be transplanted into separate pots, leaving a couple of centimeters between the roots and the walls of the vessel.
  3. After planting, aloe can be watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate in order to prevent the spread of harmful microflora.

Useful video

Aloe vera is the most popular indoor shrub. They grow it on the windowsill not only for its unusual appearance, but also for medicinal properties. The plant is quite unpretentious and does not require special care. But still, growing it at home requires knowledge of some features:


  1. Succulents are considered unassuming plants.
  2. Replanting aloe is not difficult.
  3. It is easy to care for, but it still has some preferences: the plant loves light, the soil should not retain moisture.

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Victims of Nazism: the tragedy of burned villages - Zamoshye
Background. In the 20th of September 1941, on the western borders of the Chekhov district of the Moscow region, a defense line began to form, which a little later would be called the “Stremilovsky line”. Spas-temnya-Dubrovka-Karmashovka-Mukovnino-Begichevo-Stremil
Curd shortbread cookies: recipe with photo
Hello dear friends! Today I wanted to write to you about how to make very tasty and tender cottage cheese cookies. The same as we ate as children. And it will always be appropriate for tea, not only on holidays, but also on ordinary days. I generally love homemade