Is it possible to move the gas pipe in the kitchen and what is the best way to do it? Moving a gas pipe: rules and requirements Who moved the gas pipe in the apartment

To move a gas pipe in an apartment/house, you need to invite specialists - this process requires specific knowledge. But if a person is familiar with the construction business, understands the principle of gas flow into a living space and knows how to work with his hands, then transfer gas pipe can be done on your own. True, for this you will need to familiarize yourself with the rules for performing the work in question.

How to move a gas pipe while following the rules?

The reasons why a gas pipe needs to be moved can be very different - rearranging the stove and furniture in the kitchen, technical malfunctions of the gas pipeline, inconvenient placement of pipes, and so on. Regardless of what specifically prompted the process in question, you need to read the instructions for its implementation and strictly adhere to the recommendations of specialists.

Step-by-step instructions for moving a gas pipe:

  1. Turn off the tap that supplies gas to the apartment/house.
  2. Blow out the pipe to remove any remaining gas from it.
  3. The part of the pipe that is not needed is cut off. The resulting hole is carefully welded.
  4. In the place where it is intended to be located new pipe, using a drill, a hole is made.
  5. A pipe of the required length is welded to the resulting hole.
  6. The faucet is mounted using a special tape or ordinary tow and paint - this will provide the necessary seal.
  7. An outlet is installed to the stove and other household appliances, but with the help of threaded connectionswelding work are over.
  8. The gas pipe (both the old section and the newly welded one) must be securely fastened to the wall.

Please note:
Having released gas into an already transferred pipe, you need to make sure that there is no leakage. This is done with an ordinary soap solution - it is applied with a brush to all connections on the gas pipe, and if a bubble appears in at least one place, then it is necessary to immediately stop the flow of gas into the pipe and do all the work again according to the step-by-step instructions written above.

If a specialist is invited for the type of work in question, then do not forget to check that he has special permission to carry out the transfer of a gas pipe.

Many people try to transfer a gas pipe with a flexible bellows hose - this is prohibited. This type of hose can only be used to connect gas household appliances and its length should not exceed 2 meters.

How to formalize and approve the transfer of a gas pipe

This work involves a risk to life and therefore the transfer of the gas pipe must be documented. What you need to do for this:

  1. Find a gas service organization at your place of residence - you need to submit an application to relocate the gas pipe. Based on this application, a master comes to the house, who inspects the place, determines the possibility of the transfer, makes calculations and draws up an estimate.
  2. After the work is paid for, a day is set for moving the gas pipe. Just remember to check in advance whether the organization has certificates/permits to carry out such work.
  3. Specialists who arrive on the appointed day must present their documents, and the customer must check the dates of their last recertification.
  4. After completion of the work, all changes must be made to the gas passport.

How should the gas system be positioned correctly?

The gas pipeline in the apartment/house must be located so that there is easy access to it - the system must be periodically inspected and repaired. There should be no sewer or water supply lines around the gas pipeline in the apartment/house. In addition, the distances that are permissible between the gas pipeline and telecommunication lines must be fully observed.

To attach gas pipes to the wall, you can use brackets, hooks, hangers and clamps. And according to the standards, all gas pipes are painted, for which only waterproof paints are used.

Any work related to the gas pipeline, including pipe relocation, should be carried out only as a last resort when it is really necessary - there is no point in “disturbing” the gas pipeline system again. But even if such a need arises, it is advisable to invite a qualified specialist to carry out the work - the risk of accidents during work and during subsequent operation will be reduced to zero.

Natural gas is available in almost every home. With its help, stoves used for cooking work, and heating can be carried out. Sometimes during renovation there is a need for modernization gas pipeline system. There are many prohibitions and restrictions on this matter that you need to know in order to avoid an emergency.

Moving a pipe through which gas passes is a very important task, which should involve specialists. Only a professional approach to this matter will ensure safety, which is very important.

The transfer of gas pipelines is most often carried out during overhaul in a private house or even in an apartment. Sometimes such manipulations are carried out solely from an aesthetic point of view when remodeling premises, which is impractical.

Sometimes replacement of pipelines is necessary for safety reasons. If any malfunctions are detected in the gas supply system, such defects must be promptly eliminated. According to modern standards and regulations, it must undergo major repairs every 20 years of operation.

Basic requirements for the installation of a gas pipeline

Typically, gas pipes in an apartment are installed in the kitchen. If during its operation there is a need to transfer some elements of the system, during this work it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. In this case, safety will be ensured.

Sanitary standards for installing a gas supply system at home

Effective operation of gas pipes after all repair work is carried out is possible subject to the following rules established by SNiP No. 2.04.12-86:

  • when placing pipelines, it is necessary to ensure free access to them for monitoring and repairs;
  • the pipes through which gas is supplied should not come into contact with other structures and appliances in the room;
  • the gas pipeline should not pass through ventilation, door or window openings;
  • if both a gas pipe and communications equipment pass through one wall, a sufficient distance must be provided between them;
  • the gas pipeline must run along the wall at a minimum distance from the floor of 2.2 m (from the bottom edge, taking into account the insulation);
  • when laying gas pipes, brackets, clamps, hooks, hangers, etc. should be used to secure them to the wall;
  • To fix the gas pipeline on columns and ceilings, the same fasteners are used.

What is prohibited?

When carrying out a major overhaul of the gas supply system, it is necessary to take into account numerous rules that imply many prohibitions:

  • It is strictly forbidden to move the gas riser. It is only allowed to change the placement or the length of the branch from it;
  • when installing a gas supply system inside buildings, it is prohibited to use plastic elements;
  • pipelines in residential premises must be made of steel, as indicated in the relevant SNiP;
  • during repairs, it is strictly forbidden to turn off common taps or valves, which can lead to an emergency;
  • connection gas equipment and its commissioning must be carried out by a specialist with the appropriate permit.

How to properly obtain permission to carry out repair work?

Before cutting a gas pipe or carrying out any other manipulations with this system, you must obtain a special permit from the relevant government agencies. This requires:

  1. Contact the gas supply service at the place where your house or apartment is registered.
  2. The owner of the property must write a corresponding statement. It indicates what needs to be changed.
  3. Apartment or private house where the work is planned should be visited by a gas service specialist.
  4. The master assesses the place where it is planned to carry out the specified renovation work, and gives a conclusion.
  5. After agreement with the regulatory authorities, you can contact the company to draw up an estimate for the work being carried out.
  6. After drawing up an estimate, it is agreed upon with the homeowner, who must give his consent to the repairs.
  7. If all documents are in order, you must pay for the repair team.

In any case, we must not forget that if it is impossible to change the existing pipe configuration, there is an alternative way to solve the problem. To disguise unsightly elements gas system You can order special boxes. They will hide ugly details from the eyes, and successful external design will allow them to fit successfully into any room.

Instructions for moving pipes in the kitchen and general rules for carrying out work

If you decide to remove the gas pipe or move it from one place to another, you must follow certain instructions.

Preparatory stage of work

Before carrying out repair work, take care of the following:

  • you need to contact the masters and find out from them what consumables needed for repairs;
  • the kitchen area where renovation work will be carried out must be cleared of furniture and any other interior items;
  • furniture and other valuable items remaining in the room that cannot be removed must be covered with tarpaulin or burlap;
  • the gas supply to the devices is stopped using a valve.

To move the pipe to the desired location, you must adhere to the following instructions:

  1. After shutting off the gas on the riser, the pipeline is purged to remove debris and dust.
  2. Excess elements are trimmed according to the existing plan.
  3. The resulting hole is closed with a special plug.
  4. A hole is made in another section of the pipeline, which will later be used to connect a new element.
  5. The new pipeline is welded to the resulting hole.
  6. Installation of other elements of the gas system is carried out if this is provided for in the design documentation.
  7. A valve is installed to shut off the pipeline.
  8. To seal the joint formed, tow is used.
  9. A stove or other gas consumer is connected.
  10. The quality of the work performed, the reliability of the connections created and the absence of leaks are checked.
  11. Most companies that repair gas systems provide a certificate of completion of work.

Rules for installation work

To effectively operate gas pipes, you must adhere to the following rules during the next repair:

  • Before starting repair work, it is imperative to shut off the gas throughout the entire riser. Any manipulation under pressure is prohibited;
  • The installation of gas pipelines should be carried out in most cases by welding;
  • dismountable connections are permitted only in areas where shut-off valves, meters or gas consumers are installed;
  • any dismountable connections must remain unimpeded for repair or inspection;
  • the gas pipeline must be installed on open areas walls;
  • if there are several gas consumers in the house, shut-off valves placed in front of each of them;
  • in places where people actively move, the pipeline should be at a height of 2.2 m from the floor or more;
  • during installation flexible pipes their length should not exceed 3 m;
  • pipe connections must be rigid and reliable, since this is the most vulnerable spot the entire system;
  • when pipelines cross walls, they must be placed in specially equipped cases;
  • Steel pipes carrying gas must be painted to protect against corrosion.

If you adhere to the specified rules and involve only specialists in the work, the transfer of pipelines will occur without problems, and the created system will function without failures.

Video: Moving a gas pipe in the kitchen

Gas pipes are a means of transferring gas from supplier to consumer. In some cases, it may be necessary to relocate the gas pipe located in the apartment. The reasons for this may be repair work in the premises, redevelopment, emergency situations etc. This article is for informational purposes only, since all work with gas equipment and communications must be carried out exclusively by authorized specialists.

Rules for moving pipes

Moving a gas pipe involves meeting a number of requirements:

  • You cannot install a gas pipeline in a living room.
  • Installation in ventilation shafts is prohibited.
  • It is unacceptable to lay a gas pipeline beyond decorative cladding, with the exception of situations when we are talking about collapsible elements.
  • It is not allowed to pass the pipeline through openings of windows and doors, along the floor, over baseboards, or under plumbing equipment.
  • If there is a need to lay an electrical cable next to a gas pipe, then it should be no closer than 25 centimeters. The distance to the electrical distribution panel must be at least half a meter.
  • The connections should not be loose, but rigid.
  • The gas pipeline must be located so that if there is any nearby technological equipment, convenient access was maintained for its inspection or technical work.
  • Gas pipelines are being installed in open form at the height of gas appliances. The gas pipeline must be located at least 2 meters 20 centimeters from the floor. If there is insulation on the gas pipe, the distance is calculated from the bottom of the insulated pipe.
  • The pipeline is secured with brackets, clamps, hangers and hooks. Pipes through which it is transmitted liquefied gas, set at an angle of 3 degrees from the system. If the room has gas meter, the slope comes from this device.
  • The vertical of the pipeline, where it intersects with any structures, must be covered in a special box. There should be approximately a 10 mm gap between the pipe and the box. The gap must be filled with pieces of rubber, tow or other material that is elastic to the touch.

Pay attention! When working with gas equipment, there is a risk of unforeseen situations that may lead to accidents. Based on this, you need to think carefully about whether there is really a need to move the gas pipe in the apartment or whether you can get by with another solution. If transfer is still necessary, during installation all people unrelated to installation work must be removed from the room.

Permitting documentation for pipe relocation

To carry out installation work With gas communications A number of approvals will be required:

  • You need to write a request to move the pipe to the gas service company at your place of residence.
  • Next, a specialist from Gorgaz must appear and inspect the site of the proposed work. The specialist will decide on the spot whether it is permissible to move gas pipes in a particular situation, and will also carry out necessary calculations and will make an estimate of the project and a technical plan of the premises.
  • After the work is paid for, a date for its completion is agreed upon.
  • On the designated day, specialists will arrive at the place of order. They need to check that they have certificates and approvals to perform the relevant type of work. Please note the date of the last certification - it must be updated annually. If everything is in order, workers can begin installation.
  • Upon completion of the installation, a report on the work done is drawn up, and a corresponding note is entered in technical passport. The passport must reflect all changes made to the apartment’s gas supply system.

Installation progress

The transfer or replacement of a gas pipeline is carried out according to a certain algorithm:

  • Before moving the gas pipe in the kitchen (or other room), close the main valve for supplying gas to the room.
  • The pipe is purged to completely remove gas residues accumulated in the pipeline.
  • Cut out required area gas pipeline, it is qualitatively welded into the hole that appears.
  • Next, a hole is drilled in the main pipe with a drill where it is planned to place the gas pipe.
  • A piece of pipe is welded to the hole made.
  • A shut-off valve is mounted on the other side of the welded section. To ensure the tightness of the connections between the faucet and the gas pipeline, a tow winding or a special sealing tape is used.
  • Upon completion of installation of the faucet, a connection is made to the gas stove, as well as to all places where other gas devices. Gas stove and the column are connected with a flexible two-meter hose.
  • The gas pipeline is secured to the wall with brackets or clamps. The distance between the fastening elements is not arbitrary, but is established by SNiP standards.
  • Next, you can open the main tap and check the operation of the system.

Pay attention! Checking before connecting gas is mandatory.

The purpose of the check is to find out:

  • reliability of connections;
  • absence of gas leaks in all places of the system.

Testing is carried out using a hot soap solution, which is applied with a brush to the gas pipeline components being tested. Leaks are indicated by the appearance of soap bubbles. In this case, you will need to revise what has been done.

Correctly installed gas pipe - most important factor safety of house occupants. Trust the work only to specialists!

Qualified specialists will quickly and efficiently move the gas pipe to the required location!

You don't need to worry about turning off the gas at the riser, we'll take care of that ourselves!

The price includes departure and necessary materials(pipes, fasteners, gaskets, seals, etc.). No surcharges or surcharges on the spot!

When ordering this service, a new gas tap as a gift!

If you are renovating your apartment and a gas pipe is in the way, our specialists will help you put it in place!

Anyone who makes renovations in an apartment that has gas pipes, sooner or later, before or after choosing a kitchen, faces such a problem when there is a gas pipe in the middle and simply ruins the whole appearance kitchen, corridor or will not allow you to install equipment at all...

The cost of work can be clarified by phone, from photographs, or on site. To obtain an accurate cost, it is necessary to describe the problem more precisely.

You can send photos via the feedback form, SMS, WhatsApp, Viber - 89857277305 or email: info@site

Move the gas pipe - Procedure

    We need to understand the task, for this we need to understand how the gas pipeline runs now, and what you want to get in the end;

    If it is difficult to explain in a telephone conversation, send overview photos of the situation to us;

    If it is not possible to send a photo, our specialist will come to the site to view it;

    If the scope of work is agreed upon, we will be able to choose a time and accept the application.

When you contact our company you will receive:

    Free consultation, assistance in choosing the location of the pipe and tap;

    Transparent prices, no surcharges, no surcharges on site;

    Understanding of current requirements and rules for violations;

    The shortest possible time, from the moment of calling to completion up to 48 hours;

Our specialists will carry out the work high level quality and safety!

Advice: it is better to move the pipes in the apartment before the renovation is completed, while there is no finishing!

Often the thought of how best to arrange gas pipes does not immediately come to mind, because there is no experience in this matter.

Over many years of experience, we have prepared some wise advice for you:

  • Each gas appliance requires a separate gas tap. For independent oven and hob Separate welding branches are required.
  • Remove the tap from under the countertop.
    Don't like the look of the kitchen when a pipe with a tap and a hose runs along the apron? You can move the branch with the tap under the countertop to the height permitted by the rules. Please note that the gas pipeline should not be located in the washing area, or in boxes occupied by equipment! It is necessary to provide access to the gas pipeline for use, inspection and maintenance. We recommend placing the tap in a free box at least 40 cm wide.
  • Do not brick up gas pipes! We are approached by clients who did this a long time ago and now ask us to take the pipes outside so they can sleep peacefully.

Norms and rules for the location of gas pipes in the apartment

To perform high-quality installation or moving gas pipes, the rules must be followed.

There can be a large number of violations that people don’t even suspect about (More than 100)!

To answer possible questions, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of them:

  • It is prohibited to connect a gas appliance using multiple hoses; the hose must be solid;
  • Gas pipes and equipment are prohibited from being located in residential premises;
  • Gas pipes cannot be walled up; laying them in niches is not allowed. Gas pipes along their entire length must be accessible for inspection and maintenance;
  • Each gas appliance requires a separate gas tap. The gas pipeline to the tap must be without threaded connections;
  • The minimum height of the horizontal sections of the gas pipe is 50 cm from the floor;
  • The gas pipeline must not cross the electrical cable. The distance between them should be at least 10 cm at intersections. (40 cm with parallel installation);
  • There must be a door in a room with gas equipment;
  • The gas tap must be located close to the device, always in the same room;
  • Flexible eyeliner(hoses) are used only for connection from the tap to the device. The hose must not cross the gas pipe;
  • Geyser cannot be installed in a toilet;
  • The gas pipeline must not cross ventilation duct;
  • The gas tap should not be located directly above the stove (heating zone).

Examples of work on moving a gas pipe in an apartment

In this example, the gas riser simply did not allow positioning kitchen furniture. With the help of our organization, he was moved to a corner.

A situation often occurs when it becomes necessary to move a gas appliance to another location. As a result, it is necessary to relocate the gas pipe in the apartment. Such work should be approached with full responsibility and should be carried out by professionals with the appropriate skills and knowledge.

Such a service from specialists is not cheap, but incorrect actions can lead to very sad consequences.

It should immediately be noted that moving gas pipes in an apartment consists of two large and important stages:

  • coordination of the movement of gas equipment in special services;
  • carrying out work to move the gas supply line.

Instructions for moving a gas pipeline

For professionals, moving gas equipment is not a very difficult task; it is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Using the gas tap, turn off the gas supply to the room.
  2. The gas pipeline is then purged to remove any remaining gases from it.
  3. In the place where there is a connection to the gas pipeline, an unnecessary section of pipe is cut off and the resulting hole is welded (read: "").
  4. A hole is drilled in a certain place and an outlet, which is a metal tube and tap, is welded to the gas pipeline.
  5. Then they install a branch to gas appliance by applying threaded connections.
  6. Before using the equipment, the installed gas valve and pipe with welded joints, be sure to check for leaks.

To connect household gas units, use a flexible bellows hose no more than two meters long. Before moving the gas pipe in the apartment, it is advisable to think about the fact that perhaps this length of the hose will be sufficient and this movement will not be required.

To work with gas pipelines, specialists must have a permit; they undergo re-certification at least once a year in order to confirm their qualifications.

Preparing to move pipes

Before moving a gas pipe, the property owner should contact the gas supply organization at his place of residence with a statement regarding his desire to make changes to the gas supply system of the apartment. A technical specialist will come to the specified address to inspect whether there are conditions for moving gas equipment.

If possible, a representative of the organization will make the necessary calculations and draw up a cost estimate. It is possible that there will be a need to draw up a new technical plan for the room where the gas pipe passes, in which the transfer will be taken into account. After making an advance payment for services, the gas workers will set a day for the work.

The owner of the premises needs to make sure that the gas company has certification - ask its employees for the appropriate documentation, which should be provided to customers upon their request.

When specialists arrive to move the gas pipe, you should check that they have certificates that will confirm their qualifications. Only then can craftsmen be allowed into the apartment. After completing the transfer process, gas workers must draw up a report on the work done and do it in gas passport corresponding entry.

SNiP provisions on the arrangement of gas pipelines in an apartment

According to the provisions prescribed in SNiP, the distance between a gas pipeline laid openly in a room or in the floor and engineering communications other purposes (sewage, heating, plumbing systems) must allow inspection and repair of gas equipment and related fittings.

At the same time, gas pipelines must not be allowed to cross ventilation grilles, window and door openings.

Between the gas pipe laid in the wall and the means of wired communication and broadcasting, the minimum gap is determined taking into account safety precautions, which are provided for by the rules regarding work with cable lines.

Minimum distance and permissibility of intersection between the gas pipeline and electrical wiring, located indoors, is determined on the basis of the PUE.

The gas pipeline is laid in residential buildings at a height of at least 2.2 meters from the level flooring to the bottom of the pipe, and if there is insulation on it - to the bottom of the insulating material.

When laying a gas pipeline through which wet gas is supplied, a slope of at least 3% must be maintained. When installing the meter, the slope is made in the direction away from it.

A vertically located section of the gas pipeline at the intersection with building structures must be placed in a case. The distance between it and the pipe is filled with elastic materials, such as rubber bushings or tarred tow.

Gas pipelines laid inside rooms or channels must be painted using waterproof paints and varnishes.

Gas units and gas burners are usually connected to the gas pipeline using a rigid connection method.

The choice of technology for welding gas pipes in an apartment directly depends on the material they are made of. In any case, when working with gas pipelines there is a risk of an accident, so the transfer must be carried out in the presence of a minimum number of residents.

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