What does forsythia look like when a blooming flower bush looks like. Solar forsythia in your garden, planting and care. How to choose the right seedling in a store

Forsythia ( Forsythia) – a shrub 2-3 m high with a spreading or erect crown. Forsythia is one of the first to bloom. Bright yellow flowers appear before the leaves. Bushes strewn with flowers “glow” from afar in a bare, barely waking garden.

Forsythia species are similar in appearance.

Most often used:

Forsythia medium ( F. x intermedia)

Forsythia drooping ( F. suspensa) , which have decorative forms and varieties.

Forsythia grows best in fertile soils. Photophilous, does not tolerate excessive moisture. In severe winters it can freeze. Easily propagated by cuttings.

Forsythia is also called forsythia, as it received its name in honor of the English botanist W. Forsyth.

Forsythia in bloom looks especially advantageous against a dark lawn background. It is better to place the shrub not alone, but among others tree species, because after the plant drops its flowers, forsythia no longer attracts attention.

In this article we will talk about the features of planting, care, and also give detailed information about forsythia as a decorative element for the garden.

Yellow ornamental shrub forsythia: photo and description

A flowering forsythia bush is the first sign that spring has arrived.

This magnificent plant is completely covered with golden flowers 3 cm in diameter. They appear long before the foliage. And only when they fall, the first greenery appears. Fosythia leaves are serrated, 2-15 cm in length. The foliage seems to shimmer: from dark to light green. The fruit of the yellow forsythia bush is a capsule with winged seeds inside.

Forsythia loves light very much, although it is shade-tolerant. Not demanding on soil. It is a close relative of the olive.

Forsythia looks best against the background of a lawn in a composition with other ratania. The shrub blooms for three to four weeks. Unlike many plants, forsythia remains attractive even in late autumn due to its light purple leaves.

Usually this shrub blooms in early April, and in the southern regions even in February. Forsythia has an exquisite shape - the branches are thin and arched inward.

After reading the description of forsythia, look at the photo of the bush:

How to plant forsythia in spring and fall

Planting and caring for forsythia in the open ground requires novice gardeners to have certain knowledge. We will tell you how to plant forsythia in spring and autumn.

It is necessary to plant forsythia when warm weather sets in and before the first frost, so that the plant can take root before the onset of cold weather. A windless piece of land on the sunny side would be ideal - forsythia easily tolerates shade, but prefers sunlight. The shrub does not tolerate frost well and prefers warmth. In winter, the tops of the shoots may freeze, but with the onset of the first thaw, the crown of the plant quickly returns to normal. The recommended soil composition is alkaline and slightly dry. If it is acidic, then it is worth lowering the pH level by digging and adding ash to the soil. Forsythia is also resistant to harmful gases: do not be afraid to plant it near the road. Tolerates drought well and is not prone to disease. Before wintering, forsythia should be bent to the ground and covered with foliage or spruce branches.

Planting forsythia shrubs is most effective in a complete composition. If you want forsythia to bloom much earlier, plant it in a well-lit area or near a heat source, for example, a wall on the sunny side of the house.

Hanging forsythia will be most effective when planted at higher elevations: its weeping branches will look most advantageous.

Holes for planting forsythia need to be dug 50x50x70 cm. To plant a group of plants at once, they should be dug at a distance of 1-1.5 m. Before planting the shrub, drainage - crushed stone - is laid at the bottom. Its layer should not exceed 12-15 cm. Pour sand on top of the crushed stone, about 5-10 cm. All this is covered with a mixture of compost. After planting, the bush is covered with earth and thoroughly compacted. Also, immediately after planting, the plant is well watered. If the forsythia was planted in the fall, then before the onset of the first frosty nights it must be mulched with breathable material to prevent freezing. With the onset of warmth, the mulch is removed and the branches are bent. Now you know how to plant forsythia correctly.

Pay attention to the photo correct landing forsythia:

Types and varieties of forsythia: photos and descriptions

There are 7 types of forsythia shrubs, some of them came to us from Asia, and others were grown in Europe. In our area, the most established ones are ovoid, weeping and intermediate forsythia. A detailed description of forsythia varieties is presented below.

For warmer regions, European and Forsythia Giralda are suitable - these varieties are more vulnerable to cold weather.

Types and varieties of forsythia differ from each other in a number of characteristics.

Oval forsythia tolerates cold weather best. It grows up to two meters in height. This type of shrub was brought to us from Northern Asia.

In country gardening, the most frost-resistant species, Goldzauber, is most often used.

drooping forsythia came to us from warm regions East Asia. Representatives of this species require careful care before frost: the bush must be covered.

Intermediate variety of forsythia– a mixture of dark green and weeping forsythia. Has many decorative forms.

European look differs in that it blooms along with the appearance of foliage. Because of this, the bright blooms do not stand out as much as other species. Not frost-resistant, the buds of the bush are often damaged due to cold.

Forsythia Giralda is similar to the European one, but is more vulnerable to night frosts.

You can see photos of forsythia varieties and types below:

Also, after reading the description of forsythia varieties, look at the photo, which shows the most obvious differences:

Care when growing forsythia shrubs

Caring for yellow forsythia bushes is not difficult. Adult shoots do not need constant moisture. Water them abundantly, especially during dry periods. Do not overly moisten forsythia, it does not like it. To maintain an optimal water level in the soil, the plant should be mulched around the trunk with compost.

Thanks to fertilizing, forsythia blooms much earlier and brighter. It will be enough to fertilize the plant twice: at the first thaw, during the period of ripening of flowers using complex fertilizers and after they fall, with phosphorus fertilizers.

When planting and caring for forsythia, it is important to take into account that it must be constantly weeded, since it does not tolerate weed “neighborhood”. Loosening the soil will also be useful.

After 3-4 years, you need to prune all dead shoots. This procedure must be carried out every spring, before the budding period.

Caring for and growing forsythia requires regular feeding. The first feeding of the plant must be carried out with a full range of mineral fertilizers. For 1 m, the feeding consumption is about 50-60 g. After flowering, to help the shrub establish new buds, Kemira Universal fertilizer would be an excellent option. It should be used at the rate of 100 g per square meter. m.

If the climate in your region is dry, then forsythia needs to be moistened regularly. Monthly watering of 8-10 liters will ensure the full development of the bush. After abundant moisture, the soil must be loosened and mulched to avoid premature loss of moisture. Planting and caring for forsythia shrubs is a long but not difficult process. The main thing is timely feeding and pruning of the plant.

Pay attention to the photo of planting and caring for forsythia:

Forsythia is less prone to diseases, which is its advantage compared to other ornamental shrubs that require constant care, which in turn turns out to be a real problem for a novice gardener. The main cause of forsythia diseases is excess moisture in the soil. It tolerates dry periods with ease, but if when planting you did not take into account the need for drainage and provide the shrub with regular watering, then be prepared for the fact that the plant will soon begin to wither. Rot in the roots is almost impossible to remove, therefore, it will be much easier to avoid the disease. To do this, you need to water the bush correctly: 10 liters of water every 3-3.5 weeks.

If excess moisture in the soil cannot be avoided, then immediately start loosening: this will help dry the soil faster.

If the roots of the plant are constantly kept damp, this can lead to more serious consequences. When rot has already appeared in the roots, it is necessary to dig up the bush and trim all affected parts. The remaining roots should be immersed in a disinfectant solution for 30 minutes. If root system was severely damaged and after trimming there is almost no left of it, then it is necessary to cut it off most of shoots. Otherwise, the plant will immediately feel a lack of nutrition from the roots to so many shoots.

After all these procedures, the shrub must be transplanted to a new place, preferably with good lighting. Don't forget about the drainage system when planting.

One of the most dangerous diseases of forsythia is bacteriosis. The main symptom of the disease is premature yellowing of the foliage. After a certain time, the bush begins to wither. Dark areas are clearly visible on the cut of the shoot.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to save a plant from bacteriosis. The only way out is to remove the bushes from the soil and then dispose of them.

How to propagate forsythia from cuttings and seeds

Forsythia propagates by seeds and cuttings. Drooping forsythia can be multiplied by layering. We will tell you how to propagate forsythia using each method.

  • How to propagate forsythia from cuttings

In early October, it is necessary to cut off thick shoots older than 1 year for 15 cm cuttings. Then, they are lowered into the ground, leaving a couple of buds outside. The shoot is covered with dry leaves. Already with the onset of spring, the cuttings will begin to actively grow, and in the fall they will become full-fledged seedlings. If you notice that the plant is not developing well and is weakly putting out branches, it needs to be pruned. The cut branches are lowered into water until roots appear, after which they are planted in the soil.

Cuttings with developing foliage are cut in June. After a few weeks, when the cuttings have finally taken root, they can be transplanted into the garden for 2-3 years;

  • How to propagate weeping forsythia

At the end of summer and beginning of autumn, a branch of a weeping bush is bent to the ground and fixed. After which, it must be covered with a layer of fertile soil. To make the roots grow faster, the bark on the branch should be trimmed a little. With the onset of spring, it is separated from the main plant. Next year a new forsythia will appear in this place.

The shoots of this forsythia variety take root well and do not require growth stimulants.

  • How to propagate forsythia by seeds

After 2 months of stratification, the seeds can be sown in spring or early autumn. Caring for them is no different from caring for any other seeds. It is important to water them and fertilize them on time.

In order to enjoy the beautiful flowering of forsythia, you don’t have to wait for spring to arrive in your garden. Growing forsythia is also possible in the cold season. To do this, you need to cut off branches that are more than 1 year old in the fall, cover them with polyethylene and hide them in the refrigerator.

To awaken spring in your home, just immerse the branches in warm water for several hours. After that, pour water into a glass or vase and dissolve 50 g of sugar per 1 liter in it. Place the shoots in a vase. After just a week, forsythia will delight you with a lush yellow bouquet of flowers.

How to prune forsythia in spring and summer

Young forsythia shrubs should not be touched for the first few years, except perhaps to remove dead shoots after wintering. Mature plants are pruned more heavily. We will tell you how to prune forsythia correctly and when to do it.

  • How to prune forsythia in spring

After severe frosts, most often young shoots freeze and need to be removed. Also in the spring, the foundation for the formation of the future bush is laid, since the branches are better visible and it is much easier to get into the depths of the bush than when everything is overgrown with foliage. However, the main pruning is carried out in the summer, after the flowers have fallen;

  • How to prune forsythia in summer

All faded branches must be cut in half. Dried and old shoots, even if they are already quite large, must be shortened at a height of 5 cm from the soil level. New buds will soon appear on the resulting stumps, from which young, healthy branches will emerge. When pruning, it is worth giving the plant a bowl or ball shape. If you use forsythia as a hedge, then it must be rejuvenated every 3 years. To do this, the plant is cut to half its height. This will give a powerful impetus to the active development of many young shoots, which means the hedge will become denser.

Forsythia is an ornamental shrub, so it needs to be pruned at least once every 4 years. Otherwise, it will lose its appearance and bloom worse.

Forsythia shrub in landscape design (with photo)

Forsythia found wide application in garden and park decorative art. Forsythia is most often planted with others beautiful flowering plants, creating a complete composition. Very often, forsythia is used in landscape design as a hedge, due to its ability to quickly grow young shoots.

In any case, gardeners and simply amateurs classify the plant as a primrose shrub and certainly want to have it on their site.

What to pay attention to

Although the shrub is unpretentious, there are still some peculiarities in caring for it. For example, he categorically against excessive watering. In October, with the onset of the first cold weather, watering the plant must be completely stopped; moisture must be retained only in the hot and dry summer months.

One more nuance - forsythia may suddenly turn out to be “not the” shrub you were counting on - that is, it may not bloom as profusely as it was presented in the advertising picture in the store.

The reason is the choice of a variety that is not suitable for a particular climatic type. Or a banal re-grading, an unpleasant phenomenon that flourishes in our markets and in seed and seedling stores.

Before choosing and boarding, pay attention to everything: from the name of the variety and characteristics to appearance. Understand the features of each variety so as not to be disappointed in your “golden” purchase.

A little history

This olive-shaped plant is widespread in Eastern countries. China, Korea, Japan have known the “golden” openwork bush from time immemorial.

Forsythia came to Europe in the middle of the last century, thanks to the fact that the head gardener of Kensington Palace, Mr. Forsyth, liked it. The plant later received his name.

In England, the shrub is usually called very precisely - forsythia - in order to bring the name of the plant as close as possible to the name of the famous botanist.

Forsythia shrub: planting and care

To decorate your garden with golden and delicately blooming forsythia, just take a few cuttings left after pruning. It is advisable to choose the strongest and most promising ones. Due to the low germination rate of shrub seeds, the seed method of plant propagation is practiced much less frequently.

It is better to use for planting cuttings after spring and summer pruning– they take root much faster. For the winter, young shoots must be covered with dry leaves or spruce branches.

Another method of reproduction is layering. For gardeners, it is the most hassle-free: press the branch to the ground and slightly cut the bark. Thanks to the cut, the branch will take root faster.

Forsythia are very light-loving, but can withstand slight shading. Therefore, choose the planting site carefully: the more sun it is, the better the shrub will develop. It’s great if the place chosen for the permanent “place of residence” of forsythia is also protected from the wind.

Soil To grow a forsythia bush, it must be sufficiently loose and permeable to water. When planting in a hole, add a little sand and humus, this will help young plant“grasp” the ground more tightly. It’s great if you can find a scoop of wood ash; forsythia responds very well to such fertilizer.

Stick to the parameters of the planting hole: 60x70 cm. Do not over-moisten the soil; the golden oriental shrub tolerates drought more easily than moisture.


No trimming a forsythia bush can quickly lose its attractive appearance, it does not bloom so well, it stretches out and becomes shaggy.

Branches should be trimmed immediately after flowering., but not too zealous - leave the younger shoots and remove the old ones (four-year-old ones). It has been noticed that old branches bloom very heavily and bloom little, or even not at all. Naturally, these are not suitable for reproduction.

Old shoots can be identified by their branching and how low they bend to the ground.

Shelter for the winter

Preparing forsythia for winter. Even tested frost-resistant varieties forsythia is a must need to be insulated for the winter heaps of dry leaves or pine needles.

Young branches are especially tender and if they freeze in the cold, they will not be able to fully bloom in the spring.

Before insulation, the branches of the bush must be pressed tightly to the ground and then covered.


In one of the previous sections, we already mentioned that forsythia is propagated by cuttings and the bushes obtained from spring pruning cuttings are much better. But some gardeners practice autumn propagation.

Reproduction in autumn

Cut off a young but already lignified twig no more than 18 cm long and place it in the ground to a depth of 10 cm. Leave a few ground buds on the surface (three are enough) and cover them well with dry leaves so that the cutting can successfully overwinter.

Reproduction in spring

Place the green cuttings, cut at the beginning of June, in the root solution and let them sit for several days. Branches ready for planting are placed in greenhouse conditions: prepare the soil mixture, pots and plastic film to create a mini-greenhouse.

By autumn, the young cuttings should already have taken root. At the end of September-October, the seedlings can be safely “relocated” to the beds, sprinkled with a thick layer of leaves.

The easiest way propagation of forsythia - layering. The bush can successfully produce it on its own: the branches, in contact with the ground, take root, giving life to a new bush.

But spontaneous reproduction does not suit gardeners, so they carefully control the process or take part in it, pressing to the ground exactly the branch that seemed most successful to them.

Forsythia flowers. Photo

A characteristic common to all varieties of forsythia shrubs: tree-like shrub, early flowering, has small yellow flowers.

But the variety is different. There are seven of them in total and each captivates with its unique feature.

Forsythia intermedia, for example, is the most brightly blooming, its flowers are dazzling golden, collected on a branch in groups of several pieces. It is also suitable for landscaping purposes; its bright green succulent leaves do not lose their color even in the fall. It has several decorative forms, among which gardeners distinguish densely flowered (with twisted flowers), remarkable (with bunch-shaped arrangement of flowers) and primrose (with flowers located at the base of the branch).

Popular variety ovoid forsythia. It is called a winter-hardy beauty for its ability to tolerate cold well even without shelter. Flowers range from bright yellow to dark yellow, numerous and large.

The original appearance has forsythia hanging. It blooms in May with swaying large yellow bells. The branches of the plant are thin and drooping, making the bush look tender, defenseless and very original.

You can appreciate these amazingly beautiful varieties by looking at the photo.

Bush after flowering

After the sunny forsythia fades, having survived the stormy time of its flowering, do not rush to cross it out from the list. decorative elements garden

The openwork period of the flowers is short, but the leaves remain!

Having replaced the golden bells on the branches, the leaves are able to maintain their optimistic color until the first frost, enlivening the garden and delighting you on autumn days.

The very beginning of spring: the snow has just melted, the plants are slowly waking up after a long winter. Here and there the first green islands appear. And now, like a bright sun, you can see a wonderful bush strewn with yellow flowers - the picture is so beautiful that it fascinates everyone. It's blooming forsythia, an extraordinary plant given to us by Mother Nature.

The magnificent golden flowers that adorn forsythia appear even before the leaves. As soon as March ends, bright petals are already blooming on graceful branches. Flowering lasts for about a month, then the flowers fall, leaves grow, and the forsythia becomes a fluffy green beauty. And in the fall, when the palette of leaves changes to orange and crimson-red, forsythia again surprises with the riot of its colors.

This amazing shrub can be grown in your garden. Let's take a closer look at the magnificent forsythia.

According to botanical classification, forsythia (lat. Forsythia) is a whole genus belonging to the olive family (lat. Oleaceae) and uniting several species of shrubs and low trees. There are other, less common names for the plant - forsythia or forsythia, and the people called the yellow beauty golden lilac. Forsythia acquired its name thanks to the famous botanist, one of the founders of the Royal Horticultural Society, William Forsyth, who first brought the plant to Europe.

In nature, forsythia is found on almost all continents: Europe, Asia, Northern and South America. Such a vast range speaks of the antiquity of the genus, which over time spread throughout the globe.

The appearance of forsythia is familiar to many gardeners. It's spreading perennial shrub or low growing tree with drooping branches, oval leaves and bright yellow bell-shaped flowers. Flowers can differ in the length of the styles and stamens, and both types of flowers are needed for pollination and subsequent fruit set - short-columnar and long-columnar.

Typically, forsythia is used as ornamental plant decorating the garden. However, sometimes the plant is used for other, more material purposes. For example, forsythia is one of the fifty fundamental herbs of traditional Chinese medicine, and Korean string instruments are made from its wood.

And yet the main purpose of the plant is to please the eye. That is why, based on some species, botanical breeders have developed many beautiful varieties.

Types and varieties of forsythia

All types of forsythia grown in our country are divided into two categories: frost-resistant and non-frost-resistant. Frost-resistant ones are suitable for temperate latitudes, while non-frost-resistant ones can only be planted in the southern regions.

[!] Unfortunately, even frost-resistant forsythia do not take root in the north of the country. In areas located north of Moscow, even if forsythia grows, it will bloom very sparingly or not bloom at all.

The following species can be considered relatively frost-resistant:

Forsythia drooping, also called drooping or crying (lat. Forsythia suspensa). This is a bush maximum dimensions which is about 3 m, with thin hanging shoots forming a lush crown. Leaves are simple or trifoliate, bright yellow flowers collected in bunches located along the entire length of the stems. This magnificent plant is often used in landscape compositions. The popularity of the species predetermined the emergence of many forms and varieties:

  • Variegated (lat. Forsythia variegata). It is distinguished by leaves decorated with spots in a chaotic pattern and flowers of a rich golden hue.
  • Purple stem (lat. Forsythia artocaulis). As the name implies, it stands out for its special, red-brown color of shoots and leaves.
  • Siebold (lat. Forsythia Sieboldii). Short frost-resistant shrub with dark yellow flowers.
  • Fortune (lat. Forsythia fortunei). A tall shrub reaching 3 meters in height with reduced winter hardiness relative to other species.
  • Deceptive (lat. Forsythia Deccipiens). It has large, rich yellow flowers and bright green leaves that turn reddish-purple in the fall.

The most popular varieties of hanging forsythia are:

  • "Nymans" (Newmans) is a tall shrub with dark brown branches and flowers of a delicate, light yellow shade.
  • “Taff’s Arnold” (Taff Arnold) is a variegated variety 2.5 m high. Creamy-yellow flowers are collected in bunches, leaves are green with a lilac tint.
  • "Hewitt's Gold" (Hewitt Gold) - tall plant with bright golden flowers.

Other varieties of drooping forsythia: “Elanor” (Elanor), “Melissa” (Melissa), “Aurea” (Aurea), “Cynthia Barber” (Cynthia Barber).

F. "Nymans", F. "Taff's Arnold", F. "Hewitt's Gold"

Forsythia ovate or oval (lat. Forsythia ovata). The most winter-hardy representative of the genus. The height of the bush varies between 1-2 m. The shoots are dense, spreading, pointed large leaves have a rich green hue in summer and a beautiful purplish red in autumn. Golden-yellow flowers, collected in groups on the branches, reach 2 cm in diameter. Due to its relative frost resistance, the species has become widespread in more northern regions. Several varieties of forsythia ovate are known:

  • "Ottawa" (Ottawa) is a compact perennial with amber flowers, grayish-brown branches and dark green leaves.
  • "Tetra Gold" (Tetragold) - beautiful variety oval forsythia with dark yellow flowers. Overall height plants are about 1 m, the diameter of an individual flower is 3 cm.
  • "French's Florens" (French Florence) is a variety that stands out for its compact size.

Forsythia intermedia or middle (lat. Forsythia x intermedia). This is an artificially bred hybrid of drooping and dark green forsythia. The shrub is distinguished by its rather large size, up to 3 m in height, thick oval-elongated leaves and bright yellow flowers, collected in groups. The hybrid was adapted specifically for regions with temperate climates, therefore it has properties such as drought and frost resistance. Forsythia intermediate has been known since the end of the 19th century, and therefore a large number of forms and varieties of the perennial have been developed to date:

  • Dense flower (lat. Forsythia densiflora). Spreading shrub with flowers of a soft yellow hue.
  • Primrose (lat. Forsythia pumulina). It is similar to the previous form, but the flower petals are distinguished by an unusual wavy edge, as well as an unusual arrangement at the base of the shoots.
  • Wonderful (lat. Forsythia spectabilis). One of the most beautiful forsythia, distinguished by its thick spreading branches and large golden flowers, the maximum size of which is about 5 cm.

Numerous varieties of forsythia intermediate can be seen, usually in European cities:

  • "Spring Glory" is a deciduous shrub with clusters of yellow flower stalks. Height varies between 1.5-3 m.
  • "Lynwood Variety" or "Lynwood Gold" is a fast-growing, frost-hardy shrub with bright golden flowers and rich green leaves.
  • "Week-End" (Week-End) - distinguished by thin, erect branches and large golden-yellow flowers.
  • "Fiesta" (Fiesta) is a compact variety of forsythia, the main value of which is its leaves, decorated with a variegated pattern.
  • "Minigold" (Little Gold) is a low shrub with densely arranged yellow flowers.
  • "Primulina" (Primulina) is a small perennial characterized by light yellow flowers on brown branches.

Other varieties of intermediate forsythia: Arnold Giant, Charming, Fairy Land, Lemon Screen, Lilliane, Parkdecor Parkdecor), “Rebel” (Butar), etc.

F. "Spring Glory", F. "Lynwood Variety", F. "Week-End"

There are many more non-frost-resistant types of forsythia:

Forsythia dark green, whose second name is the greenest (lat. Forsythia viridissima). A tall shrub with erect branches and simple oblong leaves of a dark green hue. The foliage does not fall for a long time in the fall, which adds additional decorativeness to the perennial. Bright, yellow flowers are collected in bunches of 2-3 pieces. In temperate latitudes without additional winter shelter freezes out, so it is recommended for planting in the southern regions.

The most famous variety of dark green forsythia:

  • "Bronxensis" (Bronxensis) - very low-growing variety with dark green leaves and yellow flowers.

The main subspecies of dark green forsythia, which has become the basis of many varieties, is Korean forsythia (lat. Forsythia koreana). This shrub is different unusual leaves with a jagged edge, decorated with a creamy network of veins on a dark green background and pale yellow large flowers.

Some varieties of Korean forsythia:

  • "Kumson" is a popular variety with variegated leaves.
  • "Seoul Gold" (Seoul Gold) - bright green leaves with a golden edge.

Forsythia europaea(lat. Forsythia europaea). A relatively compact shrub compared to other species, the maximum height of which is 2 m. The leaves are large, bright green, oval-elongated in shape. It blooms early, before the leaves bloom, with single golden flowers. It is thermophilic and is grown mainly in the southern regions.

Forsythia Giralda(lat. Forsythia giraldiana) is an even more heat-loving species, capable of growing only in the subtropics. By appearance resembles a bush European forsythia, but the leaves and flowers are usually larger. The long, usually erect, branches bear dark green leaves and bright, rich yellow flowers. The average height of the plant is about 2 m.

F. dark green, F. Korean, F. European

Forsythia in landscape design

In the southern regions of Russia and Europe, in Japan and China, forsythia is one of the most popular deciduous perennials that decorate gardens, squares, and parks, especially since it blooms in early spring, when other plants are just beginning to revive after winter sleep.

In landscape design, forsythia can be used in different ways: both as a bright single accent and in group compositions. The shrub looks great as a decoration for slopes and fences. Hanging, drooping species are good for decorating the banks of artificial or natural reservoirs.

A variety of conifers can provide an excellent background for forsythia: the golden shades of the shrub in summer and the purple-red shades in autumn will stand out brightly against the background of muted greenery. The shrub also looks good next to large deciduous trees, especially since its compact root system does not prevent them from growing normally.

Growing and caring for forsythia

Among gardeners, forsythia is considered unpretentious and undemanding to care. She does not need a special lighting regime, is patient with a lack of water, and is grateful for almost any feeding. And yet, in order for the shrub to bloom magnificently every spring, some rules must be followed. Perhaps we should start with wintering and spring care for forsythia, because the flowering of the bush depends on this.


It is known that flower buds next season They are laid immediately after flowering, therefore, they develop throughout the whole season and overwinter with the plant. It often happens that in the spring of shrubs that are not covered for the winter, only the lower branches, located close to the ground, bloom, and the rest stand bare. This indicates that forsythia suffered from cold weather and retained flower buds only on shoots covered with snow.

In order for the shrub to bloom luxuriantly in the spring, it must be covered for the winter. As a covering material, you can use what you have on hand - pine spruce branches, mown grass, fallen leaves. It is not forbidden to purchase a special non-woven material to the gardening store. You should not use polyethylene - the plant may rot under it.

[!] To simplify the process, before covering the branches are tightly tied with rope and bent to the ground.


An important factor in the flowering of forsythia is its correct, and most importantly, timely pruning. Early pruning greatly reduces flowering, since flower buds are laid after flowering and develop on two to three year old shoots. That is why forsythia should never be pruned before the growing season begins (with the exception of the frozen ends of the shoots).

Pruning is carried out once every 3-4 years in the spring, immediately after flowering, removing dead and too old shoots. Annual decorative pruning of shrubs is a waste of time and effort.

Location, soil, fertilizer

Forsythia is a shrub that prefers sunny places. However, if it is not possible to plant the southern beauty in a well-lit area, light partial shade is also quite suitable. In addition, it is worth considering that the plant must be protected from strong winds, which can damage thin branches.

The maximum size of forsythia, especially in the southern regions, can reach 2-3 meters, so plants in a group should be planted at a sufficient (1.5-2 m) distance from each other. In this case, the planting depth should be at least 0.6 m, and the length and width of the pit should be 0.5x0.5 m.

The soil for forsythia should be light (water- and breathable), as well as fertile. Excessively acidic soil must be limed by adding slaked lime or wood ash to the pit (300 grams of lime, 200 grams of ash per pit).

The reason for the poor flowering of forsythia is often a lack of nutrition. Unfortunately, in our country, few gardeners pay attention to fertilizing shrubs. Moreover, to admire the bright hat of spring golden flowers, you will have to use fertilizers repeatedly throughout the season.

Forsythia is fertilized for the first time immediately after the snow melts, adding manure to trunk circle and loosening it well. The next feeding is carried out immediately before flowering, in April. At this time, a mineral complex is added to the soil around the bush. After the end of flowering, during the laying of next year’s flower buds, the plant is fertilized with complex fertilizer. Such nutrition allows you to achieve especially lush and beautiful flowering.

Diseases and pests of forsythia

In general, forsythia can be called a plant that is resistant to most diseases. However, there are a number of diseases to which the southern beauty is susceptible. For example, on forsythia, especially young and fragile ones, an infection such as that caused by some protozoan fungi may appear. Its symptoms are wilting, "", mold growth. When the first signs of this appear the most dangerous disease the soil must be treated with appropriate preparations (Fitosporin, Trichofit, Previkur, Gamair, etc.). Well, if this does not help and the infection has spread throughout the entire bush, you will have to get rid of it, otherwise all the neighboring plants will get sick.

Another fungal disease that threatens forsythia is moniliosis. It can be identified by brown dry spots on leaves and shoots, reminiscent of burn marks. Treatment is the same as in the previous case - immediate treatment with systemic fungicides.

The main pests of forsythia are aphids and nematodes, which can be controlled with folk remedies or, in the case where the colony has grown, chemical insecticides. In addition, some types of shrubs are food for lacewing and cutworm larvae. If nests of these insects appear, they should be immediately removed and destroyed. Otherwise, gardeners do not have much trouble with forsythia.

Reproduction and planting

Forsythia reproduces in several ways:

  • seeds,
  • layering,
  • cuttings (winter and summer).

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Planting seeds

Seed propagation is rarely used and is considered the most labor-intensive. In addition, shrubs obtained from seeds bloom only in 4-5 years and do not always retain the varietal properties of the mother plant. This method is more suitable for experienced gardeners or breeders.

Winged seeds from capsule fruits are collected in the fall, and in the spring of next year, in March-April, they are sown in the substrate. After a few weeks, seedlings appear, which grow by about 5 cm in the first year of life, and by 15 cm in the second, after which they are picked and transferred to open ground, not forgetting to carefully cover for the winter.


This is the most easy way obtaining new specimens of forsythia, especially since in natural conditions the shrub, as a rule, reproduces in the same way.

Rooting of cuttings should begin in the fall. For rooting, the lower, not too old, branches that have retained their elasticity are selected. The selected shoot is bent down, pinned to the ground and sprinkled with a 10-centimeter layer of soil. In order for the roots to appear earlier, the bark of the pinned part needs to be slightly cut in a circle. On next year, in the spring, roots will appear, after which the shoot can be cut off from the main plant and planted in a permanent place.


For rooting, two types of cuttings are used: green, cut in June, and lignified, obtained in October.

[!] In conditions temperate climate It is better to plant green forsythia cuttings.

Cuttings must be at least 15-25 cm in length and contain at least two internodes. For better rooting, before planting, they should be placed in any root formation stimulator (Epin, Kornevin). The prepared cuttings are planted in a peat-sand mixture or sand to a depth of 10 cm so that at least one bud remains above the ground, and are placed in a greenhouse. The greenhouse must be ventilated from time to time, and the shoots must be watered at least once a week. Rooted cuttings can be transferred to open ground only in the second year of life, remembering to cover them for the winter.

Of course, forsythia is one of the beautiful bushes, capable of decorating any garden. And, despite the fact that the plant requires attention, especially when preparing for winter, all efforts are more than compensated by the magnificent spring bloom. Grow forsythia in your gardens and enjoy the beauty of its extraordinary golden flowers.

It’s early spring, the buds are just beginning to swell on trees and shrubs, and forsythia is already covered with golden-yellow flowers, although its leaves have not yet blossomed. In central Russia, this shrub begins to bloom in April-May, and in the southern regions - in February-March. Bright spots of blooming forsythia unusually enliven the landscape. The leaves are also decorative - quite large, bright or dark green, smooth, “cool”; they retain their rich color until late autumn and fall only in late October - early November. The very shape of the bush is beautiful - the shoots arch and droop.

Forsythia, or Forsythia, or Forsythia - a genus of shrubs and small trees of the Olive family (Oleaceae), blooming with beautiful yellow flowers.

Forsythia, or Forsythia, or Forsythia. © Laurie White

Forsythia is widespread in North America, Western Europe. In our country, it decorates gardens and parks in many regions of Central Asia, Crimea, the Caucasus, Moldova, Ukraine, the Baltic states, central regions Non-Black Earth Region, Moscow and Leningrad, and on personal plots remains a rare guest for now.


Types of forsythia

There are 6 known species of the genus Forsythia, named after the English gardener Forsyth, who lived in the second half of the 18th century.

Forsythia (Forsythia) European. © Sergey Naumov

Forsythia europaea- a shrub reaching 2-3 m in height, with a narrow ovoid crown. The leaves are bright green in color and arranged oppositely, like all forsythia. The flowers are bright yellow, 1-3 in the leaf axils, drooping, bell-shaped, up to 2 cm long, on short curved pedicels. The shrub is very spectacular, although it is considered less decorative among other types of forsythia. This is the only forsythia that is found naturally in Europe and is one of the most winter-hardy. In the conditions of Moscow and Leningrad it blooms and bears fruit every year.

Forsythia (Forsythia) Giralda. © Andrea Moro

Forsythia Giralda comes from Northern China. In appearance it resembles a European one. The leaves are elliptic or oblong-elliptic, drawn-pointed at the apex, dark green above and pale below. The flowers of forsythia giralda, like the previous species, are golden-yellow, on short stalks, not very large, abundantly covering the shoots. In winter hardiness it is close to European.

Forsythia (Forsythia) is oval-leaved or ovoid. © Lisa

Forsythia ovate- a shrub with spreading branches, 1.5 m high. It grows in nature on the Korean Peninsula. The leaves are bright green, broadly ovate, 5-7 cm long, sharply pointed at the apex. One of the earliest flowering types of forsythia. Forsythia ovate flowers are bright yellow, on short stalks, with wide oblong petals. This is the most stable species for the central and northern regions of the Non-Black Earth Region.

Forsythia (Forsythia) is the greenest. © Fanghong

Forsythia greenest- a powerful shrub with vertically directed shoots. In nature it grows on the mountain slopes of Central and Eastern China. The leaves of forsythia green are dark green, oblong, and quite large. The flowers are bright yellow with a greenish tint, 1-3 in the leaf axils, the corolla petals are wide, the flower length is 2.5 cm. This species tolerates only the climate of the southern and southwestern regions of the USSR, and to the north it freezes and does not bloom every year.

Forsythia (Formaithia) drooping, or weeping. © KENPEI

Forsythia drooping, or Forsythia weeping- a powerful shrub up to 3 m high, found in nature on mountain slopes in Northern and Central China. This species is most valued in Western Europe as one of the most beautiful. In our country it can grow only in the southern regions - Moldova, Western Ukraine, Crimea and the Caucasus. The large dark green leaves of drooping forsythia turn yellow and yellow in the fall. purple tones. Golden-yellow flowers are arranged 1-3, sometimes 6 in a bunch. The corolla tube has orange stripes inside, the flowers are 2.5 cm long. There are several varieties of drooping (hanging) forsythia.

Forsythia (Forsythia) average, or hybrid, or intermediate. © Jardiland

Forsythia medium- garden hybrid of green and hanging forsythia. Powerful tall shrub 3 m high, with straight and slightly hanging shoots. The leaves of medium forsythia are quite large, ovate-oblong, on strong growth shoots, sometimes tripartite, often with a transition from whole to tripartite. The flowers are bright yellow, several in a bunch.

There are many forms of this garden hybrid known. Some of them are quite winter-hardy and can withstand the climate of the central and northern regions of the Non-Black Earth Zone.

Propagation of forsythia

Forsythia is propagated by seeds, layering, winter and summer cuttings.

In October, the capsule fruits ripen, crack slightly, and winged seeds can be seen in them. Forsythia is sown in the spring, in March-April, in pots or boxes with soil. Shoots appear in 3-6 weeks, germination rate is 35-50%. In the first year of life, seedlings reach a height of 2-8 cm, in the second - 12-30 cm, in the third year - 60-90 cm. From boxes, forsythia seedlings dive into ridges in the second or even first year of their life, and there they overwinter satisfactorily when covering the soil with a layer of leaves of 15-20 cm. They bloom for the first time at the age of 4-6 years.

For vegetative propagation cuttings are harvested in winter and stored moist in a cold basement. However, in conditions middle zone Forsythia is most often propagated by summer cuttings. To do this, choose vegetative growth shoots with not very long internodes. Best time for cuttings - June - early July. Forsythia cuttings are cut with 1-2 internodes at a distance of 0.5-1 cm from the node, the lower leaves are removed, the upper ones are cut in half. For better and faster rooting, the cuttings are placed for 5-6 hours in aqueous solution heteroauxin.

They are rooted in river sand at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other, deepening the cuttings by 2-4 cm. Forsythia can be cut in film greenhouses, which many gardeners have on their site. In hot weather, greenhouses must be ventilated and the cuttings must be watered 4-5 times a day. In cool weather, watering twice a day is sufficient. 4-5 weeks after cutting, 70-100% of forsythia cuttings will form roots. In the first year, the plants are left in the ground in the greenhouse; they are covered with leaves and spruce branches for the winter. In the second year, forsythia can be planted on ridges, and in the third or fourth year - in a permanent place, where many plants bloom in the same year.

Forsythia, or Forsythia. © Vineta Radziņa

In conclusion, I would like to remind you once again that forsythia came to us from rather warm places and even the most winter-hardy of them can suffer in severe winters - part of the annual growth or flower buds die if they are above the level of snow cover. However, the extraordinary decorative qualities of these shrubs are worth waiting patiently for the next, more favorable year and again seeing forsythia in lush bloom.

Which, before the leaves appear, is densely dotted with yellow flowers. Although the branches are still bare, flowering is already in full swing. It blooms already in March-April, which means it can decorate any place in or near the house in the spring!


Forsythia flowers are golden yellow, their diameter is 2.5 cm. They are collected in few-flowered inflorescences. The shrub has fruits - elongated capsules that crack. The plant loves light, but is not picky about the soil.

Pay attention! There are about a dozen species in the shrub genus, most of them come from China, Korea, and Japan. One European forsythia is from the Balkans.


  1. The height of the plant is 3-4 meters, the width reaches 2 meters.
  2. The leaves are oval, opposite. Their length reaches 15 cm.
  3. The flowers are yellow and shaped like bells.
  4. Flowering lasts about 3 weeks, sometimes longer.
  5. The plant is light-loving, but grows in the shade.
  6. The soil for growth needs limestone.

It is believed that forsythia is a symbol of spring, because it blooms when there is still snow in places. Its bright flowers improve your mood and with all their appearance they say that spring has come. Therefore, it is often decorated with squares and parks in cities. Early flowering sets the shrub apart from all others.

Interesting! IN autumn period The key decoration of forsythia is its leaves, because they whimsically change color to. It seems as if the bush is burning with a bright motley flame.

Forsythia varieties

There are not so many varieties of forsythia; moreover, not all of them can be grown in our latitudes. The first step is the division into species, which are divided into different varieties.


This is one of the most popular representatives of this plant. Its height is up to 3 meters, it begins to bloom at 5-6 years. The trunk of the bush is straight, there are arched shoots in the shape of a tetrahedron.

On growth shoots the leaves are trifoliate, on old branches they are ovate. Bunches of flowers are located throughout the shoot. This species will delight lovers, because it offers excellent decorative varieties:

  1. Variegata - its flowers and leaves are yellow, which creates an excellent effect against bright greenery.
  2. Artocaulis - leaves and shoots are dark purple.
  3. Fortune - narrow trifoliate leaves, thick drooping shoots, dark yellow flowers.
  4. Siebolda is a low bush, its shoots creep, the flowers are dark yellow, the leaves are bent.


Its height also reaches 3 meters. The shrub is a hybrid and begins to bloom after 3 years. The shoots are straight, hanging down a little. The flowers are collected in bunches of 3, sometimes 6. There are a lot of them on the shoots, the flowering period is 20 days. This species is characterized by winter hardiness, drought resistance and rapid growth. Looks great like hedge element. Based on it, the following varieties were bred:

  • Beatrix farrand - height up to 4 meters, bright yellow flowers, blooms in May.
  • Densiflora - height is only 1.5 meters, but with a luxurious crown diameter of 1.3 m. The branches are spreading, flowers are densely located on them, and it also blooms in May. This variety is covered for the winter.
  • Linwood - height 2-3 m, there are many flowers, their diameter is 3.5 cm. The leaves are green in summer, from yellow to purple in autumn.
  • Spectabilis - 1 m high and 1.2 m in diameter. The shoots fall neatly. The size of each flower is up to 4.5 cm in diameter. This variety is deservedly considered one of the most beautiful.
  • Melissa and Weekend are new varieties that will delight you with their flowering immediately after the snow melts.


The height of the bush is no more than 2 meters; it will delight you with flowering 4-5 years after planting. The branches are spreading and ascending. Flowering occurs in April-May and lasts 20 days. It grows quickly and does not require too moist soil and protection from frost in winter. Among the varieties are:

  1. Goldzauber is one of the most valuable varieties, very popular among landscape designers. The flowers are large golden yellow. Easily tolerates frost.
  2. Dresden forfrüling - the bush is dense, its height is 2 meters. The flowers are light yellow.
  3. Spring glory - height, crown diameter - 3 meters. There are many peduncles, their size is up to 3.5 cm, bright yellow.

Advice! It blooms at about the same time as forsythia. By planting them side by side, you can get an unforgettable visual effect– bright yellow forsythia flowers combined with purple crocus blossoms.

Forsythia: photo and description of the planting process

Planting forsythia is not a difficult task, since the plant is unpretentious, but at the same time it gives excellent decorative effect. You need to plant it in a place that is protected from the wind. She loves the sun, but will feel no worse in partial shade. To plant several bushes, it is important to maintain a distance between them of at least 1.5-2 meters. Exactly how much space to leave depends on the specific variety.

It should be planted, as well as replanted, in the fall, before frost sets in. Dig a hole measuring 50 x 50 or 70 x 50 cm. At the bottom, drainage is required from broken crushed stone or brick with a layer of about 15 cm. Next - a layer of sand of 8 cm. After this, the hole must be filled with earth with humus and sand. In order for all this to fit and the roots to be comfortable, the depth can be at least 60 cm.

Important! If the soil is acidic, you need to add 0.3 kg of slaked lime or 200 g of ash.


It consists of the following stages:

  1. Watering - if there is sufficient rainfall, then forsythia does not need additional watering. Dryness is better for her than excess moisture.
  2. After watering, the soil around the bush needs to be fluffed up.
  3. Feeding consists of spreading rotted manure around the plant earlier in the spring, but not near the trunk itself. In April, you can apply mineral fertilizer. Additional feeding is needed after flowering.
  4. Removal of weeds is mandatory.
  5. Trimming. Bye bush does not bloom, young shoots are not pruned. But if the plant is frozen in winter, then before the buds open, you need to remove the affected shoots. With an adult plant, they do this: cut off dry and old branches every autumn. You need to be careful with pruning, because if you do it too intensively, there will be no flowering, but the bush will become wide.
  6. In order to prevent the bush from freezing, it is advisable to prepare it for winter by covering the roots with a 10 cm layer of dry leaves. If the forsythia is young, then wrap the entire bush. While the shoots of the plant are flexible, they need to be tilted to the ground and pinned and covered. The main thing is that the snow falls before severe frosts hit, in which case the bush will not freeze.
  7. If forsythia is planted in the fall, then it is imperative that the flower buds do not rot during the thaw period.


It is not difficult to propagate a bush, but it is important to choose suitable variety for your climate zone. The photo shows forsythia with the names of the varieties, but you should choose not only by appearance, otherwise the plant may disappoint, not giving the desired effect. Reproduction options:

  • Seeds. This option is only suitable for species of forsythia. Sowing is carried out in the fall after collecting those same seeds or in the spring. In the latter case, save collected seeds needed at a temperature of +2-5 ⁰С. The planting box is filled with fertile soil: 2 parts leaf soil or humus and 1 part sand. The seeds are sown and covered with film until germination. Forsythia should be planted from a box into separate containers after 1 year, and after 3-4 years it can be planted in a permanent place. In this case, flowering will occur in 4-6 years.
  • Vegetatively. The most effective option is cuttings with green live bait. The bushes obtained in this way will bloom in 2-3 years. Cuttings should be taken in July. After this, stick them into the ground and cover with film. It is important to ensure a temperature of +22-25 ⁰C and high humidity - to do this, spray with water 4-5 times a day.

Pay attention! The shrub can also be propagated by dividing the bush; there will not be much difference in the timing of flowering.

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