Schefflera: flower care at home, pruning and causes of disease. How to care for Schefflera at home Indoor Schefflera flowers

Schefflera – tropical plant, which rarely blooms at home, but has interestingly shaped leaves. Schefflera got its name thanks to the surname of the famous botanist Scheffler. How to properly care for and propagate sheflera at home, why the “vampire” is kind and brings happiness and prosperity to the house - we’ll look at it in the article.

Types of cheflera

IN wildlife There are about 200 varieties of the plant. We will focus only on those that are grown indoors.

  • Schefflera eight-leaved. The most common plant. It has a bushy form with leaves that look like outstretched fingers. The shape of each leaf is lanceolate, with veins lighter than the leaf itself. The height of the plant is small, up to 50 cm. There are varieties with variegated leaves. If there are several seedlings in one pot, they form a lush spreading cap;
  • Schefflera tree-like- has the shape of a small tree, with green or spotted leaves extending from the trunk. It is advisable to have a support for this species that will support and guide the thin trunk;
  • sheflera radiata– most often has 7 leaves and grows in the form of a small tree. The color of the leaves is predominantly green;
  • Sheflera business– the height of the plant in indoor conditions is no more than 40-45 cm, it has an interesting and larger oak leaf shape. The color of the leaves can be either green or spotted.

Planting chefleras

If you bought a plant in a peat-based nutrient substrate, it needs to be transplanted into a pot with drainage at the bottom and nutrient substrate for palm trees. Planting is carried out using the transshipment method. Nutrient soil can be made independently from turf soil and peat, sand, humus, leaf soil. The ratio of turf soil to the sum of all other parts is 1:1. The soil should be light. After planting, the plant needs to be watered well.

Caring for sheflera at home

The plant is unpretentious and is often placed in office premises (a beautiful and neat tree or bush is in harmony with the work environment). But, nevertheless, it is important to know the basic rules of care and some features of the plant.


Like any plant of the tropics, she loves moderate watering, as the top layer of soil dries out. In summer, the plant is watered once every 2-4 days, depending on the temperature and humidity of the environment, in winter - once every 10-12 days. Schefflera requires periodic spraying with soft, slightly cool water. You can place the container with the plant in a small tray with water or moistened moss. The plant will absorb the required amount of moisture through the drainage hole and leaves.

Top dressing

The plant needs a complex of vitamins and minerals, which will give it the opportunity to grow and develop. Feeding with any complex fertilizer will help with this. mineral fertilizer for decorative foliage plants. Feeding is carried out through watering or spraying the leaves. In summer 2 times a month, in winter – 1 time.


If you want to get a spherical version of the plant, you need to cut off the top at a height of 4-5 internodes sharp knife. The plant will gradually acquire the desired shape. To avoid causing harm, pruning is carried out in stages. If you want to grow a neat tree, do the same pruning of side shoots and leaves that stand out too much.


If you purchased young plant, it should be replanted once a year according to the method specified in paragraph 2. An adult plant is replanted every few years using the transshipment method if the soil is depleted and the bush has grown greatly. It is also necessary to replant the shefflera if the roots become visible through the drainage hole. This means the potty is too small for her.

Reproduction of shefleras

You can get new plants in 3 ways:

The first 2 methods of propagating cheflera are available to beginning flower growers, the third requires some experience, and therefore is not very common.

When forming the crown of a plant or spring pruning, the cuttings are treated with “Kornevin” or crushed coal and planted in small containers with nutritious soil and drainage. The top of the cutting is covered with a bag to create optimal conditions for germination. After rooting, the plants are planted in pots. The survival rate of cuttings is high.

If you propagate sheflera by seeds, they must be soaked in any growth stimulant and placed in a mixture of peat and sand in a 1:1 ratio, lightly sprinkled with earth. The container is also covered with a bag and removed only for ventilation. At the stage of the second true leaf, the cuttings are planted.

When receiving cuttings, an incision is made at the junction of the leaves with the stem with a sharp knife and the area is wrapped in damp moss. After some time, the appearance of roots is observed. When a good shoot is formed, it is carefully separated from the mother plant and planted. The difficulty with this method is that an incorrect cut can damage the plant.

Sheflera flowering

As mentioned above, shefflera rarely blooms in indoor conditions. This is due to the necessary balance of air humidity and intense lighting, which is difficult to create in an apartment.

If flowering occurs, the flowers are yellow paniculate inflorescences of small flowers. Flowering occurs in summer.

Diseases and pests

Schefflera diseases are most often associated with improper care:

  • if overwatered, the leaves may turn yellow and fall off;
  • if the plant is too dry, it wilts, spots appear on the leaves and they become lethargic;
  • Improper watering or contaminated soil can cause aphids and mites to appear.

If the cause of the disease is excess or lack of moisture, it is necessary to normalize watering and place the plant in a lighted place. After some time it will return to its original shape.

If you notice pests on the leaves of a flower or in the soil, you need to treat the shefflera with an insecticide and place it in a bag for several days. If necessary, repeat the treatment. Be sure to isolate the flower from other plants.


"Good Vampire", although it refers to plants with poisonous juice, normalizes the energy of the house. It is believed that it absorbs only negative energy, purifying the home in this way.

By placing a plant in the bedroom, you harmonize relationships and normalize energy flow. If the plant withers, which is associated with falling or yellowing of the foliage, the atmosphere in the house is far from positive and harmonious.

If the plant quickly begins to grow, expect an addition to the family.

The magical properties of sheflera

It is no coincidence that sheflera is used as an office plant. In addition to its neat and strict appearance, ease of care, it is able to attract money, luck, good partners and clients. Based on the state of the flower in the office, you can in some way talk about the state of affairs in the company.

“The Good Vampire” - a sheflera in a home or office not only normalizes the situation, but promotes harmony between spouses and the development of normal relationships in a business environment.

Schefflera - spectacular decorative evergreen. Due to its unusualness and attractiveness, the culture is in great demand. Moreover, it has also been proven positive properties. For example, saturate the room with oxygen, air ions, and have a relaxing effect. The article will tell you how shefflera is propagated and cared for at home.

Belongs to the Araliev family. It is a tree, shrub that is capable of tropical forests grow up to 10 meters. In an apartment, the plant is much more compact: it usually reaches a height of 0.5-2.5 meters. Schefflera has long won the hearts of domestic flower growers. It is grown in many homes. Culture brings to ordinary interior notes of the equatorial tropics. This picturesque plant is distinguished by an abundance of bright foliage. It is finger-dissected. One leaf consists of 4-12 parts. It looks very much like a holey umbrella or a palm with splayed fingers. The surface is bright. There are white or creamy yellow inclusions.

Common varieties of Schefflera flower

There are about 200 species in the genus Scheffler. The plant adapts quite well to indoor conditions. But in order to increase the comfort of growth, the grower will have to make a lot of effort. Before considering how to care for shefflera at home, and what problems most often arise, you should characterize the varieties of this plant.

Most common the following types shefflers:

IN indoor floriculture variegated forms of varietal varieties are especially popular hybrid forms with green leaves with spots, streaks and streaks. The most common types found in homes are:

  • Janine.
  • Luzeana.
  • Gold Capella.
  • Charlotte.
  • Melanie.
  • Custer.
  • Bianca.
  • Amate.
  • Mix.
  • Gerda.
  • Nora.

Schefflera Janine

This is a tree type. Janine or Schefflera Gianni stands out among the mass of other varieties. The plant looks very attractive. The foliage is very bright and expressive. There are dark stains and inclusions located in a chaotic manner. In addition, the culture is unpretentious. So caring for the Schefflera Janine flower is not particularly difficult. The culture tolerates partial shade calmly and does not change its color.

Any problems that arise are usually due to incorrect content. For example, due to poor temperature conditions and unsuitable humidity levels, active shedding of leaves is often observed. But having adjusted all the parameters, the state of the culture immediately improves. So, if all errors in care are identified and corrected in a timely manner, Gianni will delight you with her beauty. Unfortunately, Schefflera Janine is not blooming. However, this cannot be called a disadvantage. After all, the plant looks luxurious and presentable. For which it is highly valued.

Scheffler Luzeana

Schefflera Luzeana amazes with its grace: its delicate, highly decorative leaves do not leave anyone indifferent. The foliage is shiny and leathery. Sometimes there are variegated inclusions of white or yellow color. Spots appear when exposed to sunlight. The variety is not capricious in care. The main thing is to follow the advice and content recommendations.

Schefflera Gold Capella

Among the Variegated forms, Schefflera Gold Capella is especially popular, which is often used for apartment decoration and landscape design. The flower combines well with other house plants. Thanks to this, there is a chance to create unique interior ensembles.

The leaves are quite fleshy and glossy. They are shaped like fingers spread out in different directions. It blooms extremely rarely at home. It is better for Gold Capella to choose places with diffused light. With a lack of lighting, the variegated crown becomes uniformly green.

Schefflera Charlotte

Schefflera Charlotte was bred quite recently, but has already become in demand among landscape designers.

Foliage with outside light green tone with a dark edge. And the other side is more intense. The shape resembles an open rosette. Charlotte is widely used for landscaping office and residential buildings.

Schefflera Charlotte

Schefflera Melanie

Schefflera Melanie is considered a tree-like variety. It is distinguished by small variegated foliage and a very elegant crown. Unpretentious in care. Therefore, Melanie is often chosen for indoor growing.

Schefflera Caster

Schefflera Caster is valued for its decorative sizes. If for large palm tree There is not enough space, it makes sense to pay attention to this variety of shrub. For small apartments and houses, such a compact tree will be the most optimal solution bring a touch of exoticism to the interior.

Schefflera Caster

Schefflera Bianca

Shefflera Bianca is characterized by short leaves that reach a length of only 8 centimeters. Each sheet has an edge and a beige base. The edges are jagged. Sheffler Bianca requires minimal attention at home. It is necessary to organize regular and abundant watering. And also apply complex fertilizers every 2 weeks. The optimal room temperature is +18-22 degrees.

Scheffler Amate

The Scheffler variety Amate is also very elegant. The plant attracts the attention of gardeners with its waxy shiny leaves. Culture has high stability to pests. For example, to spider mites, scale insects and thrips. Amata is not demanding of light. It can also be placed in significant shade.

Schefflera Mix

Often in flower shops you can find a plant called Schefflera Mix. For a novice gardener, caring for Schefflera Mix at home seems incredibly difficult. But by adhering to the rules of cultivation and providing the culture with the required conditions, all problems and difficulties can be easily avoided.

Schefflera Gerda

Shefflera Gerda is also easy to care for at home, which is why this variety is often chosen for apartments. The shrub prefers diffused lighting. At home, the tree can reach a height of 50 centimeters to 2.5 meters. It all depends on the growing conditions. Gerda's foliage is quite variegated. The color varies from white-green to yellow-green.

Schefflera Nora

Easy care for Schefflera Nora at home and elegant foliage - these are two important features, for which flower growers highly value and love this variety. The leaves are dark green, long. There are jagged edges. There are inclusions yellow tone. The crown is quite lush.

Schefflera Nora

Features of growing and propagating crops at home

In principle, all types of Scheffler require the same conditions of detention. True, sometimes there are some differences between different varieties. By following general care recommendations, there is every chance of growing a luxurious palm tree at home.

Schefflera can be purchased in the store. Or, as an option, try to grow a whole plant yourself. For this they use different ways. Obtain culture in one of the following ways:

The culture is quite large. Therefore, after a while, the shefflera is transplanted into larger containers. Young plants are replanted every couple of years in the spring season. A special soil mixture is used for this. Palm trees also grow well in hydroponics.

The state of culture largely depends on care. An important part of care is lighting. The tree is very light-loving. However, it cannot tolerate the scorching rays of the sun and heat. To low light, low temperatures it is able to adapt. However, it loses its luster. It is advisable to place the plant near windows facing east or west, away from heating devices.

The optimal air temperature is considered to be +17-22 degrees. Periodically, the sheffler needs to be sprayed with a spray bottle. Irrigate moderately and regularly. The soil should be constantly moist. Although the palm tree is moisture-loving, it cannot be flooded.

Schefflera is also pruned at home in order to shape the crown. The procedure is carried out in the spring, before the bush enters the active phase. To tall varieties To turn them into bushes, you need to shorten them by half their height, and then perform a shaping haircut every year. The crown is shaped gradually over a long period of time. Drastic pruning can only do harm.

Diseases characteristic of Schefflera

Overpowering Schefflera various kinds illnesses due to violation of maintenance rules.

The most common Schefflera diseases are: leaf loss, darkening, and spots. Leaves often turn yellow and fall off due to high temperature indoors, with excessive irrigation and stagnant water, and also if temperature indicators below normal.

Can often be seen on leaf plates brown spots. The reason for their formation is sunburn. Too dry air also causes green vegetation to darken and fall off. Sometimes this condition occurs when there is a deficiency of microelements in the soil.

The leaves also turn black due to rotting of the roots as a result of excessive irrigation and low temperature in the apartment. Excessively dense soil can also contribute to this condition. Sometimes a gardener notices that the trunk and leaves begin to curl and deform. The most common reason for this is lack of light.

Conclusions about growing shefflera

Thus, Schefflera is a tropical evergreen plant that is actively used in landscape gardening. This palm tree is often grown in apartments and office spaces. At the same time, the height of the crop does not exceed 0.5-2.5 meters. Shefflera looks very impressive. The main thing is to care for her properly. There are different types and varieties. On at the moment About 200 types are known. The most popular ones include Mix, Caster, Gold Capella and Charlotte. Many useful information in the article:

Schefflera flower is a houseplant called Schefflera, belongs to the Araliaceae family and natural conditions reaches a height of up to 20 meters. The plant blooms with inflorescences of different sizes. Blood-red, white, green paniculate, umbrella or capitate inflorescences attract not only insects, but also birds. Under natural conditions, sheflera can only reproduce by seeds. At home, the plant blooms extremely rarely.

Flower varieties

Schefflera flower - indoors, unpretentious plant , ideal for beginner gardeners. For good growth he needs to pick up right place and know a few rules of care. There are many types of Schefflera in nature, some of them:

  1. Schefflera tree is the most common type and is popular among flower growers.
  2. Schefflera radiata flower reaches a height of up to 12 meters.
  3. Eight-leaved shefflera - got its name because of the great similarity of the leaf structure with the tentacles of an octopus. It has a name - octopus tree.
  4. The most elegant cheflera is the second most popular species that can grow at home.
  5. Scheffler Veitch - this species is significantly different from others. When young, the leaves have a reddish tint, but older plant becomes, the brighter and greener the foliage becomes. The flower is light-loving, so it prefers the south side of the window.
  6. Schefflera digitata is a beautiful, low bush ideal for growing in an apartment.

Gallery: Schefflera flower (25 photos)

Rules of care

Lighting and temperature

For beautiful growth, a flower needs to choose the right place. For this a window will do, which faces west or east, with diffused light. To prevent leaf burns, homemade shefflera must be hidden from direct sunlight.

In summer, the flower can be placed on a balcony or loggia, hidden from drafts and wind. In winter, shefflera is placed in a well-lit and cool place.

Almonds on summer cottage: plant care rules

For proper growth, it is necessary to adhere to the temperature regime. It should not exceed 20 degrees in summer and 17 degrees in winter. If the temperature is elevated, the leaves of the sheflera may fall off. Do not keep the plant near heating devices.

Watering and fertilizing

Caring for shefflera at home includes feeding and watering. Schefflera is watered with warm and settled water. Do not allow the soil to dry out and beware of severe waterlogging, as excess moisture leads to rotting of the roots and death of the plant.

Good growth also depends on air humidity; for this, the pot is placed in a tray with wet expanded clay. The plant must be constantly sprayed and the leaves wiped with a damp cloth. Schefflera needs to be sprayed twice every 7 days, and in hot weather the plant can be given a light shower.

In winter, the plant does not need feeding, and spraying is extremely necessary, because the room temperature is too high.

Feed the plant with minerals and organic fertilizers, alternating them once every 10 days from spring to autumn and once in winter.

Flower transplant

A young plant is replanted annually, and adults only as needed, when the roots come out of the drainage hole.

Schefflera is planted in a pot larger size with nutritious soil. For good and proper growth, expanded clay is placed at the bottom of the pot and covered with prepared soil. The soil should be light, fertile and nutritious.

How to propagate sheflera

It can be propagated by: seeds, cuttings, layering.

Propagation by seeds

Propagate by seeds The work is not easy, since it is necessary to comply with temperature conditions and watering rules.

Before planting, seeds must be disinfected for 15-20 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or in a solution of Epin or Zircon.

Seeds should be sown in January-February to a depth of 3 cm in nutritious and fertile soil. For good and fast germination, you need to make a microgreenhouse, place the container in a warm place and periodically moisten the soil with a spray bottle.

Caring for decorative Kalanchoe at home

When 2-3 true leaves appear, the plant is planted in pots with a diameter of 9 cm and removed to a warm, well-lit place. Stronger and healthier seedlings transplanted in autumn into pots with a diameter of 12 cm.

Cutting method

For cuttings, you need to cut 10 cm shoots with two buds, treat them with Kornevin and place them in water for rooting. When the plant takes root,

transplant it into a pot with nutritious soil, water it generously and place it in a warm, well-lit place.

Cut cuttings can be planted immediately in prepared soil. To do this, they are treated with Kornevin and planted in prepared soil in a transparent container. The stalk is covered plastic cup to maintain a temperature of 20 degrees. Periodically, the cap is opened and the soil is moistened using a sprayer. If the roots fill the entire container, it is necessary to replant. in a larger pot and put it in a bright and warm place.

Reproduction by layering

Only adult plants are propagated by air layering. To do this, the trunk of the plant is cut vertically, and the cut site must be wrapped in moss treated nutrient solution. From above, the moss is covered with polyethylene.

So that the plant quickly produces aerial roots, moss needs to be constantly moistened.

After a short time, roots form at the place where the cheflera was cut, and after 2-3 months, when the roots are large and strong, it is necessary to cut off the entire top part under root formation.

The rooted cuttings are transplanted into a pot. The plant is pruned at the root, leaving only a small stump. The pot is placed in a warm, illuminated place, periodically moistening the soil. At proper care in a short time the chef will be pleased with the lush and bright greenery.

Why does the plant turn yellow and drop its leaves?

Insufficient care for the plant pests may appear, which lead to yellowing of the foliage, and if not treated in a timely manner, to the death of the plant.

Peony care: planting and replanting in autumn and spring

In order to prevent disease, it is necessary to regularly inspect the Schefflera, and if pests appear, treat the plant in a timely manner. Karbofos or Aktelik are suitable for this. When processing, you must ensure that the solution does not get into the ground. If the plant is severely affected, the treatment is repeated after two weeks. Yellowing of leaves can also occur if the plant is exposed under direct sunlight.

Sheflera leaves may fall off for several reasons: temperature conditions are not maintained, improper watering, insufficient lighting.

When the plant is overwatered, its roots rot. The help is as follows:

  1. Carefully remove the plant from the pot.
  2. Examine root system: remove rotten and damaged roots.
  3. Treat them with a solution of Epin or Zircon, then with phytosporin and treat with charcoal.
  4. Replant the plant in prepared nutrient soil, put on a plastic bag, periodically removing it for ventilation and spraying. The package is removed after a week.

Schefflera turns black at low air humidity. To avoid this problem, it is necessary to follow the rules of care.

They are so similar, but so different... You can read for a long time, but it is better to see the differences in the photographs.

Varietal characteristics

The genus Schefflera includes more than 200 plant species, all of which belong to the Araliaceae family and grow in hot tropical forests. Schefflera looks like small trees or shrubs, with very elegant foliage. Each of its sheets is shaped like a palm with outstretched fingers; there can be from 4 to 12 such “fingers” in one sheet. Sometimes the plant is called an umbrella tree, for its resemblance to an open umbrella. It is kept in the room because of its elegant foliage; flowering in captivity is a rare miracle.


  1. The most famous representative is Schefflera digitata, its homeland is New Zealand, it is an endemic plant.

    Endemics are those plants that grow only in a certain place on the globe.

    In tropical forests it reaches a height of 8 meters. Its leaf is divided into seven parts resembling fingers. The leaf plates are soft and thin, the edges are pointed. The flower resembles a branched panicle; large flowers can reach 40 cm in diameter. When the flower fades, a purple fruit appears in its place, which is eaten with great pleasure by birds and insects. The life of this variety has long been under threat; local residents take great pleasure in selling this plant to tourists, thereby disrupting its population.

  2. Schefflera actinophylla, it is also often called the “green star”. This evergreen tree, reaching a height of 10 - 15 meters, from one or more trunks. This species is characterized by elegant serrated leaves from 30 to 60 cm in length. One leaf consists of 7 – 16 toothed leaves. It blooms with small flowers, united in inflorescences; after they wither, a purple fruit appears, suitable for birds and insects. Schefflera stellafolia (star-leaved) can be grown from seeds in a greenhouse.
  3. Schefflera octophylla, is a species native to the subtropical forests of India, Japan and China. In nature, it is a shrub or tree that can reach a height of 2 meters. Its young leaves are covered with light needles, which disappear with age. Each leaf is divided into eight small oval plates.
  4. Schefflera arboricola- the most numerous species and the most popular in indoor floriculture. You can find the name Scheffler Arboricola in Latin name plants. In its natural habitat it grows as a small shrub, but can grow as a small vine. This type only grows up to 3 meters in height.
    At home, you can most often find the Tree Schefflera, the care of which is quite simple, so it is considered an unpretentious decorative foliage plant. A popular flower for landscape design and apartment interiors. Reproduction Tree Schefflera The easiest way to do this is by cuttings or air layering. It is better to obtain cuttings in the warm season from the spring until autumn, during the period of active growth and development of the plant. The young shoot is cut off and placed in water; you should choose a bright place where your pet will produce roots. After two weeks, when the roots appear, the shoot can be planted in a prepared pot for further development. Caring for a tree representative at home can be considered basic. However, you need to follow simple rules, to raise a beautiful “creature”. The tree is a light-loving palm tree, but open sunlight can cause burns to the leaves. You need to choose a bright place near the window; you should immediately abandon the window sill on the south side. In summer, the bright sun “rages” on the southern window. Constant soil moisture is beneficial for the plant; you need to stick to the “golden mean”; stagnation of water at the roots will lead to their rotting and death of the trunk and root system. The optimal temperature is considered to be from +15 to +20 degrees all year round. Feeding should be carried out as planned from spring to autumn, during the period of active growth. Any fertilizer is suitable for “ornamental deciduous plants.” As for replanting, young plants can be subjected to this procedure annually, increasing the new pot by 1-2 cm, but for an adult, strong tree, once every 2-3 years is enough, changing the flowerpot for Schefflera and renewing its filler. You can buy soil at any flower shop, suitable for palm trees or home flowers.
  5. Now there are many varieties classified as Schefflera variegated, bred specifically for landscape design and apartment decoration. one of the most favorite forms of this species among gourmet gardeners. This palm is native to South Asia. It goes well with other home colors, creating wonderful interior ensembles. Its main advantage is its glossy, fleshy leaves, reminiscent of fingers placed in different directions. Whatever the care, at home Schefflera Gold Capella blooms extremely rarely or does not bloom at all. Golden Capella grows and develops well in places with diffused light. In the dark corners of the apartment, the elegant variegated foliage takes on a monotonous green. When kept in dark rooms, you need to arrange artificial lighting.
  6. not picky about home care. She prefers diffuse lighting. When grown indoors (at home), it reaches a height of 50 cm to 2.5 m, while much depends on the conditions of detention. Moderate humidity of the substrate is suitable, without stagnation of water and drying out of the earthen coma. The color of the foliage is variegated: from white-green to yellow-green.
  7. No less elegant variety Scheffler – Amate. It attracts the attention of gardeners with its shiny waxy leaves and resistance to pests of indoor plants (thrips, scale insects, spider mites). The Amate variety is not demanding of light, can be in significant shade and is suitable for apartments and offices with windows facing north.
  8. One of the most graceful representatives homey look is Louisiana, its decorative openwork leaves do not leave indifferent even the most beloved gourmet gardeners. The leaves are leathery, shiny, can be variegated with splashes of yellow or white. The presence of spots is determined by the sunnier side of keeping the flower at home. In care not demanding, just stick to it general advice on the content of this type of indoor plants.
  9. (there are many variations of names, such as Janine, Zhannie or Janine) has all the known advantages of the whole species and ease of care at home. It is popular for its elegant variegated foliage. The light greenery of the leaf is diluted in a chaotic manner with dark inclusions and stains. Gianni tolerates partial shade or shade well, without losing its variegated leaf color.
  10. Variety Scheffler Charlotte It was introduced not so long ago, but has already gained popularity among landscape designers. The outer part of the leaves is light in color, with a dark green edge visible at the edges, but with reverse side leaf color is more saturated and dark. In general, it resembles an open rosette. Used as an ornamental foliage plant for landscaping residential and office premises. When it comes to care, it prefers the same things that are typical for all types of these palm trees.
  11. Green Star (Green Gold) is one of the recently bred varieties, its distinctive feature is fleshy dark green leaves, attracting close attention. Prefers high air humidity and practically does not bush. If your interior lacks rich green color, you can try growing Scheffleru Green Star from seeds, buying them at a flower shop. Planting in the ground is best done in spring time(end of February – beginning of March, April) during the period of active growth and development of all domestic flowers. The seeds are placed in a moist substrate; the top of the pot can be covered with film, but when the plant hatches, the film should be removed. The container with sprouts must be placed in a bright place, but not in the sun, otherwise the delicate foliage may get sunburned and die.
  12. Schefflera Nova (or Nora) attracts gardeners with its elegant foliage and ease of care at home. It has very long narrow dark green leaves, not evenly toothed at the edges. The color of the leaves is light olive with splashes yellow. All year round it will delight you with its lush crown.
  13. , another beautiful species of Schefflera tree. It differs from other varieties in the fine variegation of its leaves and elegant crown.
  14. Among the many varieties bred, it should be noted separately Scheffleru Bianca. It has shorter leaves compared to other varieties: about 8 cm in length. Each leaf has a white edge and beige tones at its base. Due to the contrasts of colors, light and dark, the serrations along the edges of the leaves stand out less clearly.
    It is worth noting that the care for Schefflera Bianca is the same as for the parent of the species. At home, you should organize abundant watering, drying the top layer of soil, apply complex fertilizers every 2 weeks from May to August and set the temperature in the summer to within 22 °C, and in the winter to about 18 °C.
  15. It is famous among flower growers for its decorative dimensions; it is perfect for small apartments and premises. If you have little space for a large palm tree, then you can safely opt for this variety of shrubs.
  16. In a flower shop you can often find plants labeled Schefflera Mix; a novice florist always asks the question “how to care for this variety at home.” In a pot marked Mix, you can safely find any representative of this genus. As for care, you need to adhere to the basic rules for growing this species in residential (or non-residential) premises.


Almost all types of Scheffler require the same conditions, with the exception of the differences described in this article. General recommendations to care, methods of reproduction and other interesting facts can be read in the corresponding

Schefflera or Schefflera(Schefflera) from the Araliaceae family unites more than 150 species of evergreen trees, shrubs and vines. Breeders have bred decorative deciduous miniature trees and lush shrubs, adapted for growing at home, as well as in a greenhouse, winter garden and in open ground for decorating gardens or personal plots. The decorative value of the plant lies in its special beauty large leaves, the complex plates of which are dissected into lobes diverging in different directions from one point on a long petiole. This finger-dissected shape of the leaf blade is very reminiscent of an open palm, and in some countries the schefflera is still called the umbrella of gnomes, umbrella tree or an umbrella tree. Caring for the unpretentious sheflera at home is quite simple, provided you follow certain rules for growing indoor decorative foliage plants. Photos of popular indoor varieties You will find these miniature trees or shrubs below in this material.

At home, Schefflera blooms extremely rarely. But some decorative deciduous varieties bloom quite regularly in greenhouses. Small white flowers are collected in elongated racemes or paniculate inflorescences.

- photo: inflorescence with small flowers

Some indoor plant lovers grow schefflera in the form of a lush bush or tree, similar to home topiary. With regular pruning, this solitaire plant can be easily transformed, forming a trunk and crown as easily as the popular Ficus Benjamin. For example, Schefflera arboricola (Schefflera arboricola, Heptapleurum arboricola) will fit perfectly into the interior of a modern office, as well as living space, as a floor (tub) or even table plant. Bonsai is easily formed from Schefflera arborescens. In addition, this miniature tree is not as whimsical as a bonsai from a domestic azalea or from a blooming fuchsia. Non-lignified shoots begin to be formed using thin wire, then branching shoots are regularly cut off so that the trunk of the tree is decorated with a lush crown. To make the bonsai trunk look thicker, it is formed from several intertwined stems. Phytodesigners often use shefflera to create home floral compositions along with such popular indoor plants as Dracaena Marghinata, flowering Kalanchoe, Money tree (Crassula), Dollar tree (Zamioculcas), tree-like yucca, Hamedorea palm, Monstera with pinnately dissected leaves.

- photo: shefflera bonsai

Another popular type for home grown- Schefflera octophylla with luxurious elliptical palmate leaves on drooping petioles, which consist of 5-16 “fingers” lobes. The color of the leaves can be either uniformly green or variegated - with yellowish or white streaks, streaks and spots. When forming floral composition against the backdrop of these lush bush-like plants, unpretentious flowering indoor plants will look interesting - phalaenopsis or dendrobium orchid, Saintpaulia house violets, geranium pelargonium, tuberous begonia, hibiscus Chinese rose, gerbera, hydrangea.


Location and lighting.

The best option is to place the pot with the plant on the window sill on the east or west side. If the shefflera is already tall enough, then you can place the pot next to the window on a wooden stand. Variegated varieties can be placed on south-facing windows so that the pattern on the leaves is more pronounced. But be sure to protect the plant from direct sunlight and shade the window glass in spring-summer period. In autumn and winter it is advisable to place it next to room cheflera phyto-lamps for artificial lighting to save decorative look leaves.

Temperature conditions.

In autumn and winter, the comfortable temperature for shefflera is 16-19°C, but lowering the temperature to 12°C will not harm the plant. In spring and summer, the plant will feel comfortable at a temperature of 17-24°C. Small changes in temperature during the day are quite acceptable and even have a beneficial effect on development indoor plant. But be sure to protect the sheflera from drafts, and also keep it away from heated heating devices.

Air humidity.

The optimal air humidity is high (50-60%). But sheflera quickly adapts to moderate humidity levels. Spray the plant with warm, settled water once every 3-4 days, and on hot summer days - every day, additionally wiping the leaves with a damp soft sponge. At the end of spring and summer, you can place a pot of shefflera on a tray with wet expanded clay, and place a container filled with water next to it to maintain the optimal humidity level.


Water for irrigation is soft, well-settled and warm. In autumn and winter, water the plant very sparingly, avoiding overwatering. In spring and summer, water regularly, not allowing the earthen ball to dry out, but also not over-moistening the soil. Pour out all excess water that flows into the pan to prevent moisture from stagnating around the roots.

Earth mixture and fertilizing.

Slightly acidic earth mixture you can make it yourself by mixing humus, sod land and clean sand in equal parts. For variegated varieties, you can make a mixture of humus soil, fibrous peat and river sand (3:1:1)

Fertilizing should be applied once every two weeks during the growing season. You can feed with a solution of universal fertilizer for decorative indoor plants.


Choose a pot for transplanting sheffleras that is spacious enough, adding to the bottom drainage layer broken brick or expanded clay. Up to three years, replant the shefflera annually, and an adult plant once every 2-3 years. The best time for transplantation is mid-spring.


Indoor Schefflera varieties can be propagated by seeds, air layering and cuttings.

To sow seeds, use a mixture of peat and sand in a wide container. Before the procedure, you can soak the seeds in water with dissolved Epin. Optimal time for sowing - mid-winter. We moisten the substrate from a spray bottle with warm, settled water and cover with a glass container or cellophane. Spray and ventilate the substrate with water once a day. Pick into separate pots only after several leaves appear on the seedlings.

To propagate by cuttings, you need to cut off a slightly woody cutting with a sharp knife and keep it in a solution with a root formation stimulator. Root in a mixture of peat and sand. The container must be covered with a translucent plastic bag.

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