Palm tree made from one and a half toshes step by step. How to make a naturalistic tall and voluminous palm tree from paper. Technology for making a trunk for a large palm tree

Recycle a lot of unnecessary plastic bottles, which have accumulated at the dacha over the summer, is difficult. But there is a simple way out of this situation. All empty containers can be turned into beautiful garden decorations. One of these decorations is a handmade palm tree made from plastic bottles. Step-by-step production And good mood will help you cope with the task in no time.

Methods of using plastic

Decomposition process plastic material lasts for 100 years. In order not to pollute the environment, plastic waste removal has been established in any area. But there are some summer cottages from which waste is not removed. In this case, conscientious summer residents remove the bottles themselves. In order not to do unnecessary work on removal, in one evening you can make from plastic bottles palm tree It is enough to collect all the colorful containers on the site. You can decorate with palm trees:

There are three ways to make a palm tree from bottles. Each of the methods will help you realize your creative fantasies and create a real work of art out of plastic. This masterpiece will be a real decoration for any area.

Types of decorations for a summer cottage

There are many options for making an artificial palm tree.

Thanks to this, appearance tree can be anything.

Types of structures are:

  • With straight trunks or in the form of petals. Sometimes a log is used as a base.
  • High and low.
  • With spreading smooth leaves or fringed.

Making large palm trees

To make a palm tree large sizes, you will need a lot of plastic bottles. They begin to collect them in advance, involving the whole family and relatives in the process. For work you will need the following materials:

  • Plastic bottles various colors. The trunk is made from brown containers, and leaves are made from green bottles.
  • A metal rod is used for the trunk, and a thick wire is used for the leaves.
  • Wide tape, scissors and a sharp knife.

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You need to know that the more bottles are collected, the more magnificent the crown of the plant will be. To make the trunks and leaves look smoother and better, containers of the same size and diameter are used for production. Containers of other sizes should not be thrown away. Leaves are made from small bottles and inserted into the middle of the crown. In this place, the different amounts of material will not be visible. But they cannot be used for the trunk. Narrow brown containers are used to construct trunks for other types of trees. Containers of different shades will make all crafts made from plastic bottles brighter and richer. Palma step by step:

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Tree with unusual leaves

Besides the big tree, there is another way to make palm trees. It is a little more complicated, but is particularly original. If you follow all the instructions step by step, then making a palm tree from bottles will not be difficult. The work process begins with the manufacture of the barrel:

All elements are strung on a metal bundle or cable and form a tree.

Bottle bottom construction

To make this palm tree you will need 2 times as many bottles. Because the entire structure consists of bottoms. Step-by-step order of work:

If you additionally decorate the palm tree and the surrounding area with other crafts, the area will look even more interesting. For example, you can make monkeys, bees and pigs from plastic bottles. Swans made from car tires look interesting.

Together with my son, we agreed to make a palm tree from plastic bottles for the garden. It turned out that there are a considerable number of ways to implement the idea. Wanting to get the best specimen, we tried several schemes for assembling an exotic plant, which we will tell you about.

When we started assembling a palm tree from plastic bottles, we fully experienced main problem: a huge amount of containers is needed! It must be taken into account that all this abundance of bottles must be washed, cut and collected with your own hands. The scissors gave my son calluses. During the work, three ways to solve the issue were discovered:

  • make a small tree;
  • use technology with less material;
  • paint transparent bottles.
This all passed through our hands several times

As a result, we decided to make a medium-sized tree. Only three bottles were painted. We achieved the use of containers almost without scraps, that is, 90%. 35 brown and the same number of green plastic bottles were used for the entire product. We provide a description of the creation of what you see in the photo, as well as a diagram for assembling a small and large tree with your own hands. We made a man under a tree from plastic bottles earlier.

A man-made palm tree and a “local resident” created earlier

Assembling a trunk for a medium-sized palm tree

Let's start assembling the tree from the trunk. It requires a metal tube with a diameter that easily fits into the neck of the bottle. The tube should be 50cm longer than the palm tree: this part will be in the ground.

We used a 150cm long tube entirely to assemble the barrel. For installation on site, they drove 50cm of reinforcement into the ground, 1m long, onto which they placed the tube. load-bearing structure palm trees Below are step-by-step instructions and a diagram for assembling crafts for the garden. The step numbers here and below correspond to the numbers in the pictures:

The result was a palm tree trunk. The diameter of the tree is not the same due to the use of different bottles, but this is how it happens in nature.

Small palm tree trunk

We know that there are uneven projections of branch remains on the surface of the palm tree. At a short distance they are clearly visible, so for small tree would be better suited barrel of a different design.

A small palm tree may have a different trunk design

A small palm tree can be installed in the country house right next to the wall of the house. In this case, you need to perform the following steps step by step:

Technology for making a trunk for a large palm tree

There is a third way to make a palm tree trunk. If we want to make a large tree for the dacha, close in size to a natural one, the examples already discussed will not be suitable due to the disproportionately small diameter of the trunk and the fragility of the structure. In this case, you will have to cut off the very bottom parts of the plastic bottles, and then drill them and fasten them with screws or nails to the log. Of course, you will need a lot of containers.

Option for making a natural sized barrel

Master class on making a crown for a medium-sized palm tree

Now let's take care of the crown exotic wood. To assemble it, we also chose a design that makes full use of plastic bottles. The bottles vary, and we pre-divided them into five groups for the five branches of the tree, trying to keep each set roughly the same. To assemble the crown, you need to follow these steps step by step:

Like the trunk, the crown of a palm tree can be made in different ways. It is very convenient to choose the desired option based on the size of the tree. Returning to a medium-sized sample, you can create a fluffier crown. However, in this case you will have to cut the bottles in 5mm increments, that is, do three times the amount of work with your own hands. In addition, in this case only the top third of the bottle is used, which will require three times more starting material.

Making a crown for a small tree

Now here is a master class on making a crown for a palm tree small size. This craft is good for beginners. In this case, it takes noticeably more time to work with each detail, but noticeably fewer bottles will be required, and the crown of the tree will have a more natural appearance at a short distance to small tree.

This crown will only require a few bottles. The step-by-step instructions will be as follows:

Other options for making an artificial tree crown

Options for palm tree crowns with different leaves

Note that palm leaves can be cut using different patterns. If you awaken your imagination, you can come up with something new and make your own palm tree from plastic containers.

Please note that for the manufacture of wood large size The crown shown in the photo below would work well.

Having already had some experience, we understand that this option will require a large amount of source material. As you can see, only the lower parts of completely identical bottles, strung on wire, are used here.

So that individual links do not fit into each other, upper part each workpiece is cut and bent inward.

We hope that you will get the best palm tree from plastic bottles. The video below will help you clarify the missing details.

Plastic bottles - excellent material to demonstrate creative abilities. A huge number of crafts fit organically into landscape design adjacent areas. This hobby also performs a noble function, preventing clogging environment non-degradable waste. There are many ways to make a palm tree from plastic bottles. The proposed options will help you build a real masterpiece that will become a worthy element of decorating the site.

First option

A real palm tree is impressive in size. To make a plant close to the original, you will need a lot of plastic bottles. Therefore, it is better to distribute the task of collecting containers in advance among the immediate environment. Brown and green containers are designed for classic palm trees. Extraordinary and extravagant individuals can experiment with plastic bottles blue color or other shades unconventional for palm trees.

Advice! Palm long time will retain its original attractiveness if plastic bottles are pre-soaked in a warm soapy solution and the remaining labels and adhesive solution are carefully removed.

Materials required for work:

  • plastic containers;
  • scissors and stationery knife;
  • wide tape;
  • thick wire for leaves;
  • metal rod for the barrel.

The aesthetics of the craft will be ensured by bottles of the same volume. For large plant 2-liter containers are optimal; a medium-sized plant can be made from a 1.5-liter container. Bottles of 0.5 liters are appropriate for a dwarf specimen.

A palm tree made from plastic bottles is assembled with your own hands in stages:

  • initially the branches are decorated for a lush crown;
  • then the trunk is assembled;
  • Finally, the structure is connected together and securely fixed to the surface.

Let's look at how to make a crown step by step:

The number of branches at the top may vary, but the aesthetic appearance of the palm tree is achieved with a minimum of 5-7 lush leaves.

When the preparation of the crown is finished, they move on to assembling the palm trunk. Here you will also need almost the entire plastic bottle, with the exception of the bottom. The container is cut lengthwise into 5 equal fragments, as shown in the photo:

Palm blanks are strung on a rod, each new level comes with an offset. The result should be something like this:

Advice! To connect the crown and trunk of the palm tree together, parts are welded on the top of the metal fittings, where the wire with leaves can be threaded. This is the most reliable way fixation. Small, light leaves are secured with tape.

It is preferable to make a heavy structure solid foundation. There are several options for installing a palm tree from plastic bottles:

  • the trunk can be fixed on a metal platform, which is subsequently buried in the ground;
  • the reinforcement is buried half a meter into the ground and concreted;
  • lighter products can be covered with brick chips with further compaction of the soil around the palm trunk.

Second option

The following method of forming a palm tree from plastic bottles with step by step algorithm actions.

Work begins with labor-intensive process barrel assemblies:

  • You will need a third of the plastic container, cut off from the neck side.
  • All blanks are cut into 8 parts, leaving intact small area near the base.
  • To ensure that the palm trunk has a scaly surface, each segment is bent outward.
  • Using the bottom of the container will help reduce waste of plastic bottles. To do this, use a hot knife to make a hole of a suitable diameter at the bottom. Otherwise, the process of forming blanks is identical to the algorithm described above.

Palm leaves can also be made into other shapes. The crown will be presented in the form of wide foliage, reminiscent of a fan. You can use green and yellow plastic containers for it.

Comment! The splendor of the crown directly depends on the number of leaves from the bottles, and their width depends on the size of the containers.

It is better to make the crown of a tall palm tree from a 5-liter container; for a medium-sized plant, 1.5-liter containers will be sufficient. Cutting the leaves of a fan is quite simple:

  • remove the bottom of a plastic container;
  • the bottle is cut lengthwise into 3 parts;
  • each segment is rounded at the end;
  • the petals are cut into fringes on both sides, leaving a narrow untouched strip about 1.5 cm wide in the middle;
  • splendor is achieved by bending the fringe in different directions.

Finally, the elements strung on the cable and fittings are fastened together.

Third option

Another method involves creating a palm tree using the bottoms of plastic bottles. It should be noted that such a container will require much more.

Crown design step by step:

  • At each bottom it is necessary to make a hole whose diameter corresponds to the prepared base. The work is performed with a hot knife or drill.
  • Green bottle blanks are strung on a rigid cable.
  • The edges of the wire are secured with caps so that the parts remain in place.

Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

Decorate your garden or yard country house Can original palm tree from plastic bottles, made by yourself - you can use step-by-step instructions and detailed diagrams for beginners. Let's look at several master classes on creating beautiful exotic crafts using improvised means and simple materials. Such decor will help you create a real palm paradise in your summer cottage, and making it will be a fun activity.

Real palm tree with bananas in the country

Palm tree in your garden

The material for creating a man-made palm tree will be plastic, namely, accumulated over time. summer season plastic bottles. Now it's time to use them for their intended purpose and benefit by collecting exotic plant right at your dacha.

To implement this idea, you will need bottles of two colors: green and brown. At the same time, the containers must be in sufficient quantity, because the specimen should not be a mini version of a palm tree, but large and original art object along with .

Plastic palm trees in the country along with garden figures

Suitable material for assembly:

  • plastic bottles of the same type - brown and green colors are a priority. As a last resort, you can use transparent containers, painting them at the finishing stage in the desired shade;
  • Brown beer, kvass or tea containers are suitable - they will form a palm trunk:
  • green plastic may remain from bottles of Sprite, mineral water, energy drinks, tarragon - these are future palm leaves;
  • some decorate the tree with bananas and coconuts, so you can buy plastic dummies of fruits or make them yourself from available materials, painting them in the desired tone;
  • if you have bottles of different shapes, you will have to alternate them during the assembly process so that the transitions and differences in width are not very noticeable.

Decorative coconuts and bananas

The difficulty of installation lies in the painstaking handmade and the need to process each part separately: cut out the desired shape, adjust to size, process the edges.

Where can you place a decorative palm tree:

  • near and ;
  • in the middle of green gardens and;
  • at entrance area in ;
  • along the facade or fence;
  • about or ;
  • on ;
  • next to unsightly or garden.

This craft will become a decoration children's party on outdoors, theme party and even wedding.

Beautiful palm compositions

Before you start work, everything plastic parts need to be thoroughly cleaned and washed so that no traces of labels, glue or drinks remain. It is also important to ensure that all necessary tools and materials, step by step instructions and schemes.

Single plastic palm trees in the backyard

Master class on making an “evergreen” tree

A home craftsman must purchase tools and stock up required quantity bottles, decide on the dimensions of the product, namely the height of the trunk and the width of the crown.

What you will need for assembly:

  • masking tape;
  • thick wire or rope;
  • metal pipe, fittings, rod or dried tree trunk;
  • plastic bottles of two colors;
  • sharp scissors and a stationery knife.

Be sure to remove all labels, film and paper from the surface of the bottles. The remaining glue must be dissolved in acetone or soap solution and then removed with a sponge.

Step-by-step description of the process:

The product can be decorated with fancy garden figurines or homemade plastic animals from the same bottles. For a tropical palm tree, a cheerful brown monkey made of plastic fringe and wooden parts is suitable.

The tree can be decorated with bananas, planted in flower pot, mound of decorative stones or among plantings in the garden.

The video master class below shows step by step and with explanations for beginners how to make a beautiful one yourself plastic palm tree from simple bottles.

Other options for making country palms

The appearance of such palm trees is always approximately the same; differences can only be in the technique of cutting leaves and making the core for the trunk. Let's look at some interesting ideas:

A palm tree made from green and brown plastic bottles (made with your own hands according to step-by-step diagrams, as well as with explanations for beginners) will help extend the summer on yours. Making such a craft is not a difficult task; even beginners can do it. Use your homemade palm tree as outdoor party props, decoration, flower beds, etc.

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