Dream interpretation of walking on ice with water. Why do you dream of ice on the river? Ice according to Nina Grishina's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

Dream Interpretation Ice

  • Frozen emotions.
  • walk along thin ice- means to take risks or be in a suspicious situation.
  • Sliding on ice means not being confident in yourself, not feeling solid ground under your feet.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

Dream Interpretation Ice

  • Ice can be a symbol of frozen emotions. Express yourself and all your emotions. Speak from your heart openly and freely. Walking on thin ice means taking risks or being in questionable circumstances. Examine your life to see if there is an area in it that only seems reliable, but is actually doubtful. Slipping on ice means not being confident in yourself, not feeling solid ground under your feet. (See also Water)

Dream Interpretation: Mayan Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Ice?

  • Good value
    If you dreamed that the ice was melting, the events happening around you will not affect your lifestyle in any way. So that no shock touches you, drop a drop of blood into a glass of water, then freeze the water and take it to the cemetery.
  • Bad value
    If you dreamed that you were walking on ice, you are now taking a very big risk. To avoid any problems, swallow a small piece of ice in the morning.

Dream Interpretation: Russian Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Ice

  • Failures, frozen situation, unsolvable problems

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book N. Grishina

See Ice in a dream

  • Seeing ice means worries about the family / trouble in business / bad advisor.
  • Having it in the house is a disaster.
  • Walking on thin ice and being afraid means life, fate or soul is on the verge of something dark and unclear.
  • The ice cracked under you, but you jumped out - the trouble would pass by.
  • Walking on slippery ice means you will have to balance between people who have difficult relationships with each other / false tone in relationships / the wrong path has been chosen / risk.
  • Walking on melting ice is an untimely warming in relations with people who have offended you.
  • Seeing an ice hole is dangerous.
  • Falling into an ice hole is a danger to life / your impulse of feelings will not be understood / you will encounter deception and resentment.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

See Ice in a dream

  • Ice dreams of disasters. For example, ill-wishers will harm you in a matter that is important to you.
  • Ice floating in a stream of clear water says that someone else's envy will put an end to your happiness.
  • Walking on ice in a dream means you will have to risk your peace of mind and the respect of others because of fleeting joys.
  • If you dreamed that you were making ice, then pacify your egoism, otherwise you cannot avoid failure in business.
  • Swimming in icy water promises pleasure that will be interrupted by some event.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

See Ice in a dream

  • Symbolizes unjustified trust. The secrets you shared with someone no longer exist. See also Icicles.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Dream Interpretation Ice

  • A symbol of coldness, lack of feelings or the end of a relationship. but the greatest meaning is not this image itself, but the action that is associated with it or unfolds around it.

Dream Interpretation: Ancient French Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Ice

  • Seeing ice in a dream is a good sign, promising a happy meeting.

Dream Interpretation: Antique English dream book(Zadkiel's dream book)

Dream Interpretation Ice

Dream Interpretation: Eastern women's dream book

Dream Interpretation Ice

  • I dreamed about ice - be prepared for adversity and beware of being hit in the deepest vulnerable spot. A dream in which you see ice floes in a stream of clear water means: your serene existence may be overshadowed by envious friends. If you walk on ice, it is possible that you will, of your own free will, part with your usual comfortable life. A dream in which she walks on ice warns a young woman: she should be more careful in her actions, because with her behavior she can attract too much attention from others. Icicles on houses dream of poverty and lack of comfort. Health deterioration is also possible. Icicles on the fence foreshadow possible suffering of soul and body. Icicles on trees mean your prospects will become even bleaker. Icicles on coniferous trees question your bright future. A dream in which you make ice warns: you risk failure due to your selfishness and arrogance. Sucking ice means illness. A dream in which you drink water with ice warns: your frivolity can lead to serious consequences and illnesses. If you are swimming in icy water, you shouldn’t really count on your planned vacation; it may be interrupted by unforeseen circumstances.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Ice

  • Ice in a dream portends many disasters. Evil people will look for an opportunity to harm you in the matter that is most dear to you.
  • Seeing ice floating in a stream of clear water means that your happiness has come to an end, which will be to blame for the envy of others.
  • Seeing yourself walking on ice means that you are risking your peace of mind and the respect of others for fleeting joys.
  • For a young woman to walk on ice in a dream means that only a thin veil hides her from shame.
  • Icicles on the roofs of houses mean poverty and a life deprived of comfort. This dream also predicts deterioration in health.
  • Icicles mean future suffering.
  • Icicles on evergreen trees - Your brilliant future will be overshadowed by undeserved rewards.
  • Seeing that you are making ice foretells failure in business caused by your irrepressible egoism.
  • If you dream that you are gnawing on ice (icicle) - you may get sick. A dream in which you drink water with ice promises the same thing.
  • Swimming in ice water promises pleasure, which will suddenly be interrupted by a certain event.

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Ice

  • trouble;
  • many difficulties;
  • hostility (dark ice).

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Ice

  • If you dreamed of ice, then you should be prepared for adversity and be wary of being hit in the most unprotected place. If you dreamed of ice floes in a stream of clear water, then in reality your serene happiness may be overshadowed by envious friends. If in a dream you are walking on ice, then it is possible that in reality you will take a sharp turn and part with your usual comfortable life. For a young woman, a dream in which she is walking on ice means that she should be much more careful in her behavior, because she may attract too much public attention to herself. Icicles on houses dream of poverty and lack of comfort. Health deterioration is also possible. Icicles on the fence mean possible suffering of soul and body. Icicles on trees mean your prospects will become even bleaker. Icicles on coniferous trees foretell that a brilliant future will be hidden under the shadow of doubt. A dream in which you make ice warns that in reality you risk failure due to your selfishness and arrogance. Sucking ice means illness. Drinking ice water in a dream is a warning that frivolity can lead to serious consequences and illnesses. If in a dream you are swimming in icy water, then you should not particularly count on your planned vacation, since it may be interrupted by unforeseen circumstances.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

See Ice in a dream

  • Ice is bad luck.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Ice?

  • Cooling.
  • There is - cool down. You will stop worrying; hatred and jealousy will let you go.
  • Ice field - tranquility, mental relaxation.
  • Broken ice, ice drift - your peace has come to an end, you will be overwhelmed by emotions.
  • Someone is holding, eating - someone in whom you are interested will cool off towards you, become indifferent.

Dream Interpretation: Italian Dream Book by Meneghetti

Why do you dream about Ice?

  • Means rigidity, frigidity. Rigidity (lat. rigidus - hard, hard) - difficulty or inability to change the behavior intended by the subject in conditions that objectively require its restructuring. Frigidity (from Latin frigidus - cold) is sexual coldness, manifested in a decrease or absence of libido and specific sexual sensations.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

See Ice in a dream

  • Primary elements - metal, water.
  • Elements - dryness, cold.
  • Emotions - sadness, fear.
  • Organs - lungs, colon, kidneys, bladder.
  • Planets - Venus, Mercury.
  • Holding ice/snow in your hands/standing barefoot, although you feel cold, and freezing, although nothing external prevents you from leaving - a symbolic manifestation of internal fear, depression and apathy. Holding ice or snow in your hands/standing barefoot in a dream is a yin state of cold outside as a reflection of internal processes. The element that controls the kidneys is cold. The kidneys are afraid of the cold, and the kidneys store the human will to live. External illnesses of cold weaken a person’s will, and the loss of internal control over oneself causes a dream image of ice and snow, on which the dreamer stands and voluntarily freezes. The dream cannot be called completely unfavorable: one’s own body, still having the willpower to resist, warns the dreamer that lack of control over one’s emotions opens the door to kidney disease with already weakened lungs. The decline of internal strength also leads to disorder in business, and then depression will become an element threatening to freeze life. But it’s not too late... Get out of the cold, out of the snow - start fighting, look for a way out of the deadlock. Chopping ice, melting ice/snow and drinking water is a symbol of the beginning of a way out of a psychological impasse: the manifestation of internal forces, restoration of the balance between heat and cold, the resumption of proper blood circulation in the channels of the heart (warmth) and kidneys (cold). Water from melted snow and ice is considered the most beneficial for health ( living water), therefore, in illness, sleep foreshadows recovery. The dream is favorable and, even after a difficult winter, promises a good spring for the dreamer. Sucking ice and snow to satisfy the need for water - a weakened body does not have enough strength to break the pathological physically and psychologically situation running in circles. The body tries to get an influx of fresh energy at any cost and loses its last warmth. The dream foreshadows failure or illness and advises that to prevent this from happening, rest, gain strength and check the choice of goal and means of achieving it. Enjoying the cold in a dream, experiencing an exaggerated need for it in a dream/walking barefoot in the snow/showering oneself with snow - all this means a dangerous excess of emotions, the fire of which they are trying to extinguish
    cold from outside. The dreamer's internal capabilities (and he knows this) exceed the external possibilities of implementation. External cold is a symbol of adequacy, sobriety, calmness, a comparison between the desired and the possible. The cold will freeze excess self-confidence that threatens self-confidence, which will allow you to draw up an action plan adequate to reality. Sleep is favorable: the body has the strength not only to restore internal balance, but also to prevent it possible violation, adequacy is a guarantee of success and health. But still, the dreamer should be more restrained and avoid Napoleonic plans. Looking at the expanses of ice and snow with tranquility and pleasure is beneficial: this means the body’s rhythms correspond to the winter season and healthy kidneys. Looking with fear, despondency and longing, especially at dusk, is unfavorable: a weakened body, a discrepancy between one’s own rhythms and the winter season, weak kidneys and lungs.

Dream Interpretation: Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Ice?

  • See - obstacles various kinds walking on them is a good obstacle; to crash - you will learn a lot of fear; to see in the forest is vain efforts, illusory hopes.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Azar

Dream Interpretation Ice

  • crash on ice - you will know fear

In the dream book the site itself big dream book Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: dream book for women, Shuvalova’s dream book, lunar dream book, gypsy dream book, Mayan dream book, medieval dream book of Daniel, newest dream book G. Ivanova, psychoanalytic dream book V. Samokhvalova, Jung's dream book, Wanderer's dream book, Cleopatra's dream book, Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti, Indian shamanic dream book, Veles dream book, Longo's dream book, psychotherapeutic dream book, Eastern women's dream book, Azar's dream book, Aesop's dream book, mirror dream book of psychological states, Assyrian dream book , dream book of the Yellow Emperor, spiritual dream book, dream book of love, and others.

The article on the topic: “dream book ice cracks” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

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Why do you dream of ice in Miller’s dream book?

Snow and ice underfoot are dreamed of as a sign of a dangerous and very unstable life situation. Moreover, the more invisible the ice on the road was under the snow in the dream, the more negative the situation will be in reality.

Floating on an ice floe is a harbinger of a large number of misfortunes that will await you one after another.

Walking on thin ice in a dream is a danger of stumbling in life, of taking a criminal path.

Running on ice when your feet slip and you can’t do it faster - such a dream predicts fruitless efforts to speed up some process.

A river covered with ice or an ice-covered sea dream of failures as in commercial activities, and in my personal life.

If at the same time you dreamed of a fish swimming under the ice, you will not only fail, but also lose something important.

Transparent water with ice floating along the river prophesies the end of a prosperous period in life.

I dreamed of water and pieces of ice on the floor in the house - for families it means divorce.

It is a very bad omen to fall through the ice. Such a dream portends misfortune.

If you happen to fall through the ice in a dream on Monday night, you may suddenly lose your job, and with it your livelihood.

Seeing ice melting in a dream is a good sign; you will be reciprocated where there was no hope for it just yesterday.

Dreaming of melted ice on your own palm means that you yourself will respond to someone’s persistent advances or a long-standing request.

Holding ice in the palm of your hand and seeing that it is not going to melt - your heart will remain impregnable and indifferent to other people’s feelings or pleas.

Drinking ice water dreams of illness.

An icy river or an icy lake means suffering if the dreamer bathes in it. The meaning of the dream is enhanced if it involves a very large and very cold body of water, for example, an icy sea.

Breaking ice, breaking it in order to get something from under it in a dream - to everyday life, deprived of the desired comfort.

Chopping ice in order to put it in a glass with some kind of drink means cooling your relationship with your partner.

Breaking ice on the river means difficulties in achieving what you want. However, there is a danger that you will overdo it and do something to your detriment.

If in your dream thin ice on the river cracks on its own, it is important whether there was a danger of falling through the ice for you or whether you were standing in a safe place.

The ice pyramid is dreamed of as a symbol of an unattainable dream.

I dreamed of ice figures - the dream should be interpreted based on the meaning of these figures and objects. The fact that they were made from this material suggests that all this in your life, firstly, is short-lived, and secondly, it can only bring trouble.

Swimming under the ice in a dream and not being able to surface, because after you jumped into the hole, the ice has tightened - an extremely bad sign, warning of the danger of making an extremely rash and irreversible decision.

Why do you dream of ice - Hasse’s dream book

A river in ice dreams of stagnation in affairs and feelings.

If you saw ice on the sea in a dream, everything in your life will go awry.

A river with ice floating on it in blocks is a great worry in your dream.

If the ice on the water went in circles - such a dream is very dangerous sign indicating the threat of insanity.

Skating on ice on a river is a sign of joy and fun, but only if the ice on the river was reliable and strong.

If skating on ice in a dream posed a threat, you could fall through the ice at any moment - you should not mindlessly indulge in entertainment in reality, since the price to pay for this can be very heavy.

Walking on ice with caution - for a young woman, such a dream says that only a very thin line separates her from shame.

If a man happens to walk on thin ice in a dream, then he may be drawn into a criminal scam.

Sailing on ice floes in a dream means life with an unloved person.

Icy water dreams of deteriorating health.

Why do you dream of ice - esoteric dream book

Snow and ice on the river dream of failure in business, the reason for which will be your own selfishness.

Skating on ice, falling, getting up and moving on - this indicates perseverance, which is worthy of better use.

Dreaming of a sea covered in ice signifies a difficult psychological state, mental discomfort, even depression.

If you dream of absolutely transparent ice, and you see how the river under the ice lives its own life, you will be absolutely in vain trying to melt someone’s heart.

Seeing melting ice in a dream and falling under it means a serious illness.

Go under the ice with a car or other vehicle– danger of accident, accident.

Walking on thin ice in a dream with a loved one is an indication of a very unreliable, shaky relationship that is unlikely to continue.

Why do you dream about ice? modern dream book

An icy river dreams of stagnation, an unexpected stop at life path. It is possible that the relationship may end, dismissal from work, etc.

Walking on ice in a dream means unproductive actions, wasted energy.

If you saw a lake in a dream, the ice on which froze along with the birds swimming on it - there is a threat of exposure of your not so plausible deeds.

If you walk on ice with your lover or mistress, your relationship will very soon be made public.

Cracks in the ice symbolize the danger of an accident or injury.

Breaking ice in a dream with something heavy, for example an ax, means an explosion of emotions. Be careful that your nervous system withstood this flurry of feelings.

Eating ice and gnawing on an icicle means illness or loss.

Ice according to the dream book

For a person who saw ice in a dream, the interpreter promises troubles and loss of luck. Some dream books, on the contrary, warn of the end of difficulties. In order to correctly interpret what frozen water means in a dream, you should remember all the details of the dream, the emotional coloring and the general picture of the plot.

Fall into the water

If you fall under an icy crust in a dream, it means a fierce fight against the disease.

The universal dream book believes that you are taking too risky actions at work or in life, which threaten not only your well-being, but also threaten your loved ones.

Roll on the surface

Did you dream that you were skating on ice? Seeing something like this means losing your job, securities or jewelry.

The modern dream book believes that the plot in which you slid on ice foreshadows fun and happy times. If you dreamed that while skating you fell under an ice floe, it means that your friends are not as reliable as they seem. It's better to limit your communication with them.

Walk on the ice

If you dream that you are walking on frozen water, then real life troubling times will come, the result of which depends on the outcome of the dream itself.

If you managed to walk on a surface that was cracking and slippery, then you have overcome a difficult path, which means that prosperity will soon come after difficult days and failures.

Aesop's Dream Book claims that such overcoming difficulties will strengthen and lead to new level, a promotion or getting rid of an illness will be a well-deserved result.

Ice cracks

A dream in which the ice is cracked symbolizes the circumstances in which you find yourself. The period now is very difficult and only you can overcome it.

If in a dream you managed to jump out before the ice piece broke, this means the successful resolution of all matters. If you are walking on a thick ice floe, which logically should not crack, but it does, it means that your loved ones are to blame for your troubles.

Ice floes, snow and water

If you dream of ice on the river, this foretells failure in business. Also, the Modern Dream Book interprets this plot as an omen of difficulties in personal and family life, which will begin because of someone's envy.

Dreaming of water and ice is interpreted depending on the circumstances and actions that are accompanied in this picture. Seeing pieces of ice floating on clean water- to the end of a quiet life due to other people’s dirty intrigues.

I dreamed that there was water with ice in a glass - a disease caused by rash actions.

Night dreams in which you dream of melting ice promise death. But this plot is not always a bad omen. For example, the Wanderers' dream book interprets death not only in direct meaning. It can mean the end of a love relationship, dismissal from work.

Miller's explanation of the dream

Miller's dream book claims that this symbol is a harbinger of severe disasters, often caused by ill-wishers.

For a young woman, walking on a thick layer of frozen water in a dream promises exposure in her love affairs.

Dreaming of ice floes floating on the water predicts numerous failures and troubles that are provoked by someone’s envy.

Eating ice in a dream means a sharp deterioration in health.

Various interpretations

If ordinary “hard workers” from the village dream of snow and ice, then a wonderful harvest awaits them. Shereminskaya's dream book promises a promotion for employees wages, businessmen - a lucrative contract. However, positive changes will not come immediately; first you need to go through a difficult time.

If you dreamed of a frozen river, then there will be stagnation in business or relationships. Such a pause will allow a person to reflect on his business affairs or the usefulness and expediency of his relationship with certain people, be they loving or friendly.

I walked on the ice, it was melted, but thick, I walked through it and woke up.

I dreamed of ice on the river, clean, smooth, and there was a bridge across the river.

I dreamed of a frozen water breakthrough, the ice was not ordinary dirty ice.

Frozen shore, not far away there are different boats with and without sails.

I was on the river, there was a lot of snow, and I felt my leg go under the snow and squatted down, my friend was next to me, I shouted to her, but she didn’t pay attention and at that second I fell under the snow, I saw how I was drowning, but I couldn’t even move a finger.

I dreamed that I was walking near the water in the evening and the wind suddenly rose, and all the water seemed to be flying at me and freezing under my feet...

I dreamed of a child in ice. I tried to peel off this crust on it and couldn’t. What is this for?

I dreamed of Spain, and my suppliers, and that I was visiting them. And I’m driving a car with a Spanish woman and climbing a high mountain. Then she and I drive along a straight road and find ourselves in the Ice Age. And I see frozen ground, which is covered with thick ice. I and many tourists walk on this ice. And the Spanish woman says that these are the sights of Spain.

Why freeze ice yourself?

I dreamed that I was chipping pieces of ice from the window.

I dreamed that my beloved and I were standing on a bridge, looking at a pond, all the garbage covered with white ice on it was being washed away clean water from melting ice. What is this for?

The two of us are standing on the bridge. White melting ice washes debris from the reservoir.

She walked across the river on the ice hand in hand with ex-husband, we came across a high bank and he carried me to the ground in his arms.

In a dream, with two buckets of water, she was sliding on the ice. In order not to fall, she relaxed, slid steadily, did not spill water, and reached the end, stepping on solid ground.

I dream of a lake - a dugout, with a diameter of 7 meters, a depth of 4 meters. Lies at the bottom huge turtle in diameter - 4 meters, supposedly in hibernation. Paws and head are visible. The water is pure, like crystal and frozen into ice. The awakening of spring in nature. I'm surprised by her large sizes what she breathes, and I want to show her to the whole world. There are 2 laptops on the ice - one is mine and I woke up. The feeling is pleasant.

I dreamed that I was ice myself. I was only a blue man and the young man wanted to approach me, but he was afraid. Why?

Dream Interpretation

The ice is cracking

Dream interpretation Ice cracks dreamed of why in a dream Ice cracks? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Ice cracking in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

What does it mean to see ice in a dream: melting, transparent, thin, blocks, sliding, falling, melted?

Many people associate ice with power, strength and inaccessibility. But not many people know what this phenomenon means if they dreamed about it. Many dream books interpret seeing ice in a dream as a harbinger of misfortune and sorrow. But ice in a dream has an ambiguous interpretation.

A dream about seeing ice can only be interpreted based on the details and events occurring in the vision:

  1. Fall into a frozen lake or sea. This vision has two interpretations:

Interpretations according to different dream books

Run on the icy surface. This is a sign that the dreamer may lose the respect of friends and loved ones due to incorrect behavior.

Drinking water with ice can lead to illness.

Fall on the surface. Expect betrayal in love.

Crossing a frozen lake or river brings favorable news.

Breaking an ice block in a dream means doing something for profit.

Interpretation based on appearance:

Melting prophesies death.

Pure portends long years of life.

Dirty symbolizes the onset of disease.

A heavy block represents danger and hard physical labor.

Other interpretations

If a vision where there is ice and snow that melts was dreamed of by people living in rural areas, then an amazing harvest awaits them. This is a sign that the year will be unusually fertile.

If the dream was seen by people engaged in commercial business, then they should expect profit and the signing of profitable contacts and the conclusion of good deals.

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Why do you dream about ice: ice floes, frozen ponds, ice barriers? Basic interpretations of why ice is dreamed of

Often in a dream you can see a variety of incidents. In a dream you can travel to other countries and even worlds. Each dream has its own meaning. Why do you dream about ice? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream of ice - basic interpretation

Ice in a dream is a rather ambiguous and negative symbol. Such a dream means that soon negative changes will occur in your life that you will neither be able to foresee nor prevent. Your life will seem to freeze, and you will have to for a long time get out of the crisis.

It is important to remember all the details of the dream:

Where exactly did the ice freeze?

Have you ever fallen through the ice?

Who did you walk on the ice with?

What color was the ice?

What emotions did the dream evoke in you?

If you dream of ice on the window of your house- such a dream means that everything you have planned, everything you wanted to realize within its walls will not come true. We can talk about a planned purchase, a trip, a conversation. In this case, the action will be postponed indefinitely. You will most likely get bogged down in petty problems and squabbles and simply move away from solving matters.

If a small puddle is covered with ice - such a dream foreshadows minor problems that you will soon quickly resolve; you are most likely not mentally prepared for the fact that worries will fall on you. In the next few weeks, intensify all your efforts towards achieving your goals.

If you dream that an entire lake or river is frozen- such a dream foreshadows enormous troubles and troubles. The worst thing is if you try to cut through the ice in a dream, but nothing works.

If you dream that you suddenly found yourself under the ice- such a dream means that you will be immersed in everyday affairs and problems, but someone else will be to blame for their occurrence. Don’t be disappointed and panic, just take a closer look at your close circle and refuse to communicate with those people who pursue mercantile goals.

If you dream that someone else fell through the ice– such a dream means that your sluggishness will cause someone else’s heartache. Perhaps you will set up a colleague or loved one. It is important to take a closer look at who will be with you in the dream, depending on the plot of the dream, such actions should be expected from this person.

It is also important to remember the dialogues that could arise in a dream. They may contain fateful information for you. If after such a dream you get up in a cold sweat and are quite worried, then you have missed important point in your work. Somewhere you have overlooked and failed to fulfill your responsibilities, so now you should intensify all your efforts to achieve the desired result.

If you dream that you decide to walk on the ice- such a dream foretells you troubles associated with the loss of your reputation. At the same time, you yourself will personally become a provocateur of negative opinions towards you. You should listen more carefully to your inner voice and not exalt yourself over others.

If you have a dream in which you drink drinks with ice, or suck ice, such a dream means that you will soon suffer from an illness. If in a dream you only drank a little drink with ice, the illness will be insignificant. If you ate a lot of ice, such a dream means that the disease will have serious consequences for your body.

If you dream that you are making your way through a glacier- such a dream will mean that you will try with all your might to overcome your fear of changes in life. You have long been afraid of losing your inner core, which is why you try to stay in one place and not move anywhere in life, not develop.

If you dream that you look into ice blocks like in a mirror– you will have to admit all your shortcomings to your soulmate. But the point is not that you are not ideal, the point is that you have become overly demanding of your chosen one and now he holds a grudge against you.

Why do you dream of ice according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

Why do you dream of ice - to cool feelings and emotions. This is the interpretation of the dream Esoteric dream book. If you dream that you are chained in a block of ice, you will not be able to influence your own life, you will become inert and submit to the events of life.

If you dream that ice bound the trees and you are walking through an icy park - your peace of mind will be quite long, but you should not turn it into a habit, sometimes it is worth making an effort in order to get good results in the future.

If you dream that you have turned into a block of ice- such a dream suggests that you will soon have to face the cruel machinations of your enemies. Your previous success has them actively watching you. Now you are not only constantly in the field of their attention, but also regularly receive a dose of negativity. This can be either gossip, complaints, or hidden threats. It will help you understand this in more detail. full interpretation sleep.

If you will dream of various figures made of ice– you should remember which of them you met in reality. You may dream of a personal item that is frozen - such a dream is a warning dream. You should be more sensitive to your personal space.

If you in a dream you see ice melting– the period of suspension of your movement is over and all you can do is boldly move forward. Outline your goals and objectives. Try to actively take actions for self-development. Right now, doors are opening before you to those opportunities that you previously missed.

Why do you dream of ice according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says that ice is identified with the coldness of a person in the intimate sphere life. Perhaps you will see yourself trapped in ice - such a dream means that you will become a hostage to your established stereotypes and prejudices. It will be difficult for you to change your behavior, but at the moment time, this is necessary, since you have to do a lot of work towards developing existing relationships.

If a lonely man dreams of ice on his hands– he will not be able to find his soul mate for a long time, but he himself remains to blame for the current situation. The whole point is that internal loneliness has become the reason that a person has closed himself off from relationships and does not want to let anyone into his life.

It is not reasonable on his part to hope that such a person will appear in life who will want to achieve love and care no matter what. The dream book advises you to work on your fears and blocks, and stop forbidding yourself to be happy.

If you dream about how you are trying to free your beloved from an ice trap- such a dream warns of the possibility of cooling of feelings and loss of trust between partners. In order to understand the real reason the current situation - it is necessary to interpret it completely.

Why do you dream of ice according to other dream books?

In the small Veles dream book It is said that ice dreams of losses and failures. If you see an ice barrier in front of you in a dream, in reality you will also encounter a series of troubles. The larger the ice blocks in the dream, the more difficult your life situation. If you dream of someone throwing ice at you, you will become a victim of evil from a stranger.

If you recognize the offender, then in reality this person will become the cause of your problems and disappointments. If you dream about someone trying to make a beautiful figure out of ice, you will have the opportunity to gain quite valuable life experience.

In Grishina's dream book it is said that if a pregnant girl dreams of her ice baby, she urgently needs to take care of her own health, he may be in mortal danger. If a girl dreams that her lover gave her a bouquet of frozen flowers, such a dream may mean a period of cooling of feelings.

The reason for this will be someone else's rumor. You shouldn’t get too upset in this situation, since it’s temporary and most likely everything will be just fine in the relationship between lovers. The dream book advises to be more attentive to each other’s feelings and needs so that such problems do not recur in the future. But you shouldn’t rely on dreams for everything. They only give hints and predict the possible development of events; everything else depends directly on the person. From his thoughts and actions, from his desires and their further implementation.

Snow and ice underfoot are dreamed of as a sign of a dangerous and very unstable life situation. Moreover, the more invisible the ice on the road was under the snow in the dream, the more negative the situation will be in reality.

Floating on an ice floe is a harbinger of a large number of misfortunes that will await you one after another.

Walking on thin ice in a dream is a danger of stumbling in life, of taking a criminal path.

Running on ice when your feet slip and you can’t do it faster - such a dream predicts fruitless efforts to speed up some process.

A river covered with ice or an ice-covered sea dream of failure both in commercial activities and in personal life.

If at the same time you dreamed of a fish swimming under the ice, you will not only fail, but also lose something important.

Transparent water with ice floating along the river prophesies the end of a prosperous period in life.

I dreamed of water and pieces of ice on the floor in the house - for families it means divorce.

It is a very bad omen to fall through the ice. Such a dream portends misfortune.

If you happen to fall through the ice in a dream on Monday night, you may suddenly lose your job, and with it your livelihood.

Seeing ice melting in a dream is a good sign; you will be reciprocated where there was no hope for it just yesterday.

Dreaming of melted ice on your own palm means that you yourself will respond to someone’s persistent advances or a long-standing request.

Holding ice in the palm of your hand and seeing that it is not going to melt - your heart will remain impregnable and indifferent to other people's feelings or pleas.

Drinking ice water dreams of illness.

Chopping ice in order to put it in a glass with some kind of drink means cooling your relationship with your partner.

Breaking ice on the river means difficulties in achieving what you want. However, there is a danger that you will overdo it and do something to your detriment.

If in your dream thin ice on the river cracks on its own, it is important whether there was a danger of falling through the ice for you or whether you were standing in a safe place.

The ice pyramid is dreamed of as a symbol of an unattainable dream.

I dreamed of ice figures - the dream should be interpreted based on the meaning of these figures and objects. The fact that they were made from this material suggests that all this in your life, firstly, is short-lived, and secondly, it can only bring trouble.

Swimming under the ice in a dream and not being able to surface, because after you jumped into the hole, the ice has tightened - an extremely bad sign, warning of the danger of making an extremely rash and irreversible decision.

Why do you dream of ice - Hasse's dream book

A river in ice dreams of stagnation in affairs and feelings.

If you saw ice on the sea in a dream, everything in your life will go awry.

A river with ice floating on it in blocks is a great worry in your dream.

If the ice on the water was moving in circles, such a dream is a very dangerous sign, indicating the threat of insanity.

Skating on ice on a river is a sign of joy and fun, but only if the ice on the river was reliable and strong.

If skating on ice in a dream posed a threat, you could fall through the ice at any moment - you should not mindlessly indulge in entertainment in reality, since the price to pay for this can be very heavy.

Walking on ice with caution - for a young woman, such a dream says that only a very thin line separates her from shame.

If a man happens to walk on thin ice in a dream, then he may be drawn into a criminal scam.

Sailing on ice floes in a dream means life with an unloved person.

Icy water dreams of deteriorating health.

Why do you dream of ice - esoteric dream book

Snow and ice on the river dream of failure in business, the reason for which will be your own selfishness.

Skating on ice, falling, getting up and moving on - this indicates perseverance, which is worthy of better use.

Dreaming of a sea covered in ice signifies a difficult psychological state, mental discomfort, even depression.

If you dream of absolutely transparent ice, and you see how the river under the ice lives its own life, you will be absolutely in vain trying to melt someone’s heart.

Seeing melting ice in a dream and falling under it means a serious illness.

Going under the ice with a car or other vehicle is a danger of an accident.

Walking on thin ice in a dream with a loved one is an indication of a very unreliable, shaky relationship that is unlikely to continue.

Why do you dream about ice - modern dream book

An icy river symbolizes stagnation, an unexpected stop on the path of life. It is possible that the relationship may end, dismissal from work, etc.

Walking on ice in a dream means unproductive actions, wasted energy.

If you saw a lake in a dream, the ice on which froze along with the birds swimming on it - there is a threat of exposure of your not so plausible deeds.

If you walk on ice with your lover or mistress, your relationship will very soon be made public.

Cracks in the ice symbolize the danger of an accident or injury.

Breaking ice in a dream with something heavy, for example an ax, means an explosion of emotions. Be careful that your nervous system can handle this barrage of feelings.

Dream interpretation ice

The interpretation of what ice means in dreams is very multifaceted. The usual meaning of this symbol is a stop in business and love, coldness of expressed emotions, concentration on one’s own person. Many dream books say that seeing ice in a dream means experiencing in reality sensations akin to diving into an ice hole.

If you dreamed about ice, the dreamer needs to be prepared to be responsible for all the work done. Not even the smallest mistake will escape the eyes of your superiors. Love relationships as if they were covered with an ice crust - no sympathy, no understanding.

To explain why ice is dreamed of, you need to analyze a lot of symbolic meanings. Esoteric and archetypal interpretations will also be important here. Because ice is a derivative of water, which is the source of life.

If you dreamed about ice

In many cases, seeing ice in a dream is not a positive omen. Most often it is a gradual stop to the frantic rhythm of life. But the most terrible thing is not this – but my own feelings from this state of affairs.

A person becomes like Kai from the fairy tale of the same name about the Snow Queen - leisurely and indifferent. He is deprived of the vital fire, and even if some sparks arise in the soul, the dense ice crust does not allow them to penetrate the heart. This condition quickly transforms latent depression into a state of complete apathy.

For the most detailed interpretation why ice is dreamed of, it is important to remember as much as possible more details:

  • Where exactly you saw ice in your dream (on the river, the sea, or at home in a glass) - the scale of future incidents will depend on this.
  • What it was like (clean and transparent, or dirty, melting as an option).
  • The dreamer's actions with this substance (prick, break, break, walk or ride on ice).

Among the ice

If you dreamed of ice, then in order to understand the scale of the impending events, it is important to remember exactly where it was. Seeing yourself among the ice in the sea means that you will have to struggle with the difficulties of life for a long time, and you have every chance of simply falling into apathy.

It is much easier to explain why you dream of ice on a winter or spring river. Being on the river at any time of the year means trying to comprehend the flow of life. And if it is hidden under a thick layer of ice, it means that a serious obstacle will appear in your life.

If you dreamed of ice on the sea

If in a dream you noticed an ice hole, be careful before every word spoken. Your life can change radically in just a short time.

At sea

This is what the modern dream book says: ice that has completely frozen the sea means that your soul has become covered with a shell and does not allow heat to enter. And people who love you share it with pleasure. You are now at a crossroads and it seems that life has no meaning and all your efforts that were invested in an important project are just wasted time.

  • Walking on thin ice at sea means you are too keen on risk and are capable of harming not only yourself, but also others.
  • Seeing how the ice on the sea has cracked under your feet - you are now on the verge. And the correctness of the chosen path will determine whether you get everything or nothing.
  • The ice that has bound the sea melts, releasing a large amount of water, it foams heavily and rages - an unpleasant situation at work will give rise to a lot of gossip about your person. Your reputation will suffer significant damage.

On the river

To see how all the waters on the river are covered with a dense crust of ice - your business will stop and freeze for some time. To get out of this suspended animation, you will need to make a decision that will affect not only the course of the matter, but also your entire life.

  • Please note that the ice on the river is very thin, but you still want to stand on it - you are too risky, you should not accept a tempting but unrealistic offer.
  • Spring ice drifts on the river, everything is melting, and the water is very noisy - a series of events will change your opinion about several people at once. Perhaps you will quarrel with someone, and this will leave a serious mark on your soul.
  • Riding a sleigh on a frozen river - the fun will end very sadly.

About the significance of the ice hole on the river

If you dreamed of an ice hole

Seeing an ice hole on the river has a very serious symbolic meaning. Water is a symbol of life. Ice is the limiting factor of its flow. He does not exclude this life, but also does not allow it to flow in the necessary direction. In this case, the ice hole can be interpreted as a portal or a special opportunity to change your life.

Whether these changes will be positive or negative will be determined by the water that the ice hole hides.

  • Clean and bright water, see the bottom, its smallest details - you will be able to absorb important information, which will influence the worldview.
  • Dark muddy water, the ice hole frightens you with its depth and uncertainty - you will have to work on yourself for a long time.
  • Make an ice hole yourself, try, feel the heat in your body from the work done - you are trying to overcome the calm and some coldness in the relationship, forgiving your partner for his selfishness.
  • If you slip on the ice and fall into a hole - if you managed to get out, then you can overcome significant hardships in life.
  • To pull out a fish means the birth of a child.

Being in a river while ice is forming

Very unusual are dreams in which the river is covered with ice while the dreamer is in the water. Such a vision appears very rarely, and not to every dreamer.

Its symbolic meaning is the understanding of time and space. Information that has always been on the surface, but you could not process and accept it, will open up and become clear to you.

  • Swimming, swimming enthusiastically, and then noticing that ice has formed from the water, standing on it - your decision to change your lifestyle is commendable, but a fanatical passion for something can cause harm.
  • Sail in a boat and stop because the water is frozen - your natural course of life will be disrupted.
  • Finding yourself under water while the surface is covered with a crust of ice, not finding a way out and waking up - complete destruction past worldview (perhaps you will change religion). On the other hand, such a dream may indicate a serious illness and long-term treatment.

Quality characteristics of ice

The appearance of ice is very important for the adequate interpretation of dreams. Because, like water, in a dream it can be clean and transparent, or cloudy and dirty.

What was the ice like?

In the first case, we can talk about radical changes within the dreamer’s personality - new knowledge, rethinking of the meaning of life and the resulting apathy. But cloudy and dirty ice, especially if it melts on the road under your feet, is a problem with physical health.

The darker the ice crust, the longer the treatment will be.

Interpretation in different sources

Many dream books agree that such dreams exclusively bring problems and misfortunes. Some talk about a scandal among colleagues or life-threatening adventures. More modern interpretations gravitate towards this explanation: dreams of ice precede the cooling of relationships and the emergence of apathy towards others and oneself.

Ancient Slavic dream book

In ancient times, it was believed that ice seen in a dream in the middle of summer warned that the planned business would bring irreparable harm to the dreamer. Even if, at first glance, it seems that this is an absolutely safe activity.

If you were sliding on the ice

  • Slide on fresh ice- get into a difficult situation. If you managed to slide masterfully and not fall, you will be able to find a way out of this situation.
  • A high ice slide means difficulties. Being at the top and looking down - get a promotion by completing a dangerous task. To be below and see that the ice wall is huge - it is difficult for you to overcome your own confidence in the inviolability of the rules adopted in childhood.
  • Slipping on the road because there was a frozen puddle under your feet - if you fell on the ice and felt severe pain, you will suffer from the selfishness of your other half. Just slip and not fall - the relationship will be strained, but will not completely deteriorate.
  • Ride horses along the road covered in ice- you are planning a very risky event. It can end very badly - someone can lose their health or even their life.

Miller's explanation

Miller's rather popular dream book speaks of a series of failures if in a dream you had to slide on ice. But transparent and playful bright colors in a dream on sunlight He considers ice a unique opportunity to transform his life for the better, says Miller’s dream book.

  • Sliding on ice in a dream means balancing between two different opinions.
  • A high ice slide, sliding down it is dangerous entertainment.
  • Driving at high speed on a road covered with ice - even the most ordinary task you undertake turns into an amazing and dangerous adventure.
  • Slipping because the frozen water was covered with snow under your feet - lack of awareness difficult situation. Slipping, although you definitely saw the ice, means making the wrong decision.
  • Melts in a glass, rushes to pour juice or whiskey - the most ordinary things will seem surprising to you, says Miller’s dream book.

Freud's Dream Book

This interpreter, who is guided by the principle of aggressiveness and sexuality, says that ice is a subconscious, and in some cases, conscious restraint of emotions. You may be worried that such a surge will be inappropriate, but then you definitely won’t wait for the moment you need.

  • Sliding on ice is a symbol of sexual intercourse. If you are afraid to slide and feel uncomfortable, it is difficult for you to express yourself with the best side in front of a new partner.
  • There is an icy crust on the road, driving along it at high speed - you are able to escort the partner you met literally five minutes ago to bed. Do not forget that this can be very dangerous not only in terms of diseases, but also basic personal safety rules.
  • Slip and fall - one careless word from your partner can ruin an intimate date. If you slip and don’t fall, you can get out of a difficult situation.
  • Ice melting in a glass - you can please your partner in the way he wants. If it melts right in your hands, you will adapt to each other very quickly.
  • Breaking pieces of ice or crushing for a cocktail is a craving for unusual pleasures.

Why do you dream of transparent ice on the river? This dream image reflects a delay in business or relationships, general cooling and relative calm. The dream book will consider in detail various options what happened in the dream.

Interpretation according to Miller

Did you dream about ice on the river? Miller's dream book believes that this is a rather negative sign that foreshadows disasters of various scales. In addition, someone cunning and insidious is waiting for the right moment to seriously harm you.


Why do you dream of an icy river? In a dream, it symbolizes difficulties and obstacles on the way to achieving your plans.

Did you dream about an icy river? The dream book suspects that a completely hopeless situation has arisen and a lot of unresolved problems have accumulated, which impedes further progress.

Moreover, in a dream, an icy river marks the extreme degree of coldness of the dreamer and the complete absence of any feelings.

If you happen to enter frozen water at night, then in reality a good event will be overshadowed by major troubles.

Failures and crop failure

Seeing ice on a river is most often a bad thing. The dream book predicts unsuccessful transactions and weak trading.

Another current interpretation of the dream promises sailors misfortune on a sea voyage, and farmers a bad year.

In addition, in a dream this is a clear sign that your lover will soon lose interest in you and the passion in the relationship will fade away.

You are in danger!

Why else do you dream of thin ice on a river? Walking on it literally means taking risks. Finding out in a dream that the ice is so thin that it falls under you is even worse.

This is a sign of mortal danger to the body and degradation to the soul. The dream book suspects that at this stage your fate depends on some dark force.

Did you dream that the ice crust cracked, but you managed to jump out of the hole? Big trouble will pass by. If this fails, then be prepared for the worst.

What did you do?

To understand exactly what ice on the river means, the dream book advises you to remember what exactly you did in the dream.

  • walk along strong ice– confidence with some risk.
  • In a subtle, unreliable way – uncertainty, instability.
  • Skating means losing something valuable.
  • Making a hole is a great fear.
  • Falling into an ice hole is a mortal threat.
  • Fishing in it is a risky, but clearly profitable business.

Did you dream that the snow and ice cover on the river was melting? Soon, communication with others will improve noticeably. If you have fallen into a thawed area, then too sudden a warming in relations will be extremely untimely and will only do harm.

Need control!

Why do you dream about ice drift? In a dream, this is an eloquent symbol of awakening. The dream book is confident that the most neglected cases will certainly get off the ground.

Do you see that the ice drift has taken on a threatening appearance? It is necessary to control consumption vitality and your own emotions. Otherwise, trouble cannot be avoided.

Did you dream that an ice drift carried you downstream? If you are not careful, you will fall into an insidious trap set by your enemies.

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