Why dream that they are trying to kill you. Why do you dream that they want to kill you: interpretations of dream books. Complete dream book of the New Era

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing murder in a dream- portends sorrows caused by the atrocities of others. It is possible that violent death will happen before your eyes.

If you committed murder in a dream- this means that you will be involved in shameful events that will put a stigma on your name.

To dream that you yourself are killed- means that your opponents are doing everything to ruin your life.

Kill an armed villain or wild animal who attacked you in a dream- portends good luck in business and a quick rise up the career ladder.

If you find out in a dream about a friend's suicide- this portends long unrest on the eve of resolving an important issue.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Witness the killing of a person or animal- is a sign of rejection of this object.

Sometimes killed- the personification of those qualities that the dreamer wants to get rid of.

Kill strangers- your fears will leave you, life will become calm.

Kill relatives and friends- to a quarrel with them, failure in business.

Freud's Dream Book

If you killed someone in a dream- this means you need to get rid of a boring relationship. Time after time, you try to convince yourself that there is still something to fight for, but in fact, everything that was the core of the relationship is long gone, and you both think about your future as if there is no place for the other in it.

Witness a murder- cruelty takes up too much space in your fantasies. At the same time, you seem to not take into account the fact that your rude caresses may not be pleasant to everyone. Be less selfish about sex.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Any murder in a dream- this is a sign of deep, painful contradictions that can seriously complicate your life.

To see in a dream how a murder is being committed or has already been committed before your eyes- portends losses. Most often, such dreams mean that some unforeseen circumstances may interfere with the implementation of your plans, causing you difficult experiences.

If you are killed in a dream- the dream suggests that some of your problems are severely neglected, and circumstances are stacked against you. It looks like you will have to mobilize all your strength to avoid a life catastrophe.

Kill someone yourself in a dream- a sign that in some situation you risk reaching despair.

If at the same time you do not know what to do with the corpse- such a dream means that this situation will leave a heavy mark on your soul, which will be extremely difficult for you to get rid of.

The most favorable dream is in which you killed the enemy attacking you- such a dream means that, by showing determination, you will be able to cope with unfavorable circumstances and solve pressing problems.

If in a dream you kill someone- this means that you are freed from those aspects of your personality that you do not need for development and growth. You kill ideas and stereotypes in yourself that are no longer needed.

Killing a child in a dream- most often, you kill your own inappropriate “childish” behavior.

If one of your parents becomes your victim- this means that you get rid of the inconvenient aspects of your relationship with your parents. This image may also apply to your own parenting.

If you are killed in a dream- most often this means that you need to become the master of your life. Feel strong, not weak. Return to your dream and DEFEAT your opponent! This will help in real life.

See murder- to safety; be killed- great success at work, promotion

Murder leads to betrayal, and if someone is in your presence- to trouble.

Murder- to trouble; but if you see that the killer is caught- this dream foretells deliverance from a threatening danger.

Kill someone- a sign of possible danger; threaten to kill someone- to accumulated aggressiveness, mental, nervous and hormonal imbalance.

Dream about murder- symbolizes aggression, hostility, the rhinestone of death. It is necessary to pay attention to who kills, why, what is the relationship between the killer and the victim- then the dream will tell you about your true feelings.

The sleeping man was killed- the end of all problems.

Kill an enemy, as well as a rat or snake- to liberation or healing.

If you dreamed of murder- the dream promises you deep pleasure. Sick people- such a dream promises a speedy recovery.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Thursday to Friday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Parable "Stone"

One day, two people turned to the sage and asked him to explain the difference between good and evil.

One of those who came had a grave sin on his soul, which would remain with him for the rest of his life and he would never be able to remove it.
He was absolutely sure of this.
Once, long ago in his youth, in a fit of momentary anger, he hit his friend with a stick, so hard that he fell to the ground, hit his head and died.

The second person who came opposite, lived his life calmly, measuredly, did not notice any sins, for he had not committed any atrocities in his life.
He has nothing to repent for, nor ask for forgiveness, nor grieve.

The sage, having listened to both, stood up, walked around a little thoughtfully and asked his guests to do the following:
- Go to the road and bring me stones.

Here you are, having killed your friend, bring me the biggest stone you can find.
It may be very hard, but bring it.

And you, my pious guest, pick up small stones.
The smallest ones you can find.
Bring me as much as you can carry at a time.

And both who came to the sage did so. We went out onto the road.
The sinner found a huge stone and dragged it to the sage.
The pious man collected a large mountain of small stones and brought them too.

The sage looked at both and said: “I thank you for fulfilling my request, now each take what you brought, return to the road and put your stones exactly in the same place from where you took them.”

And both returned back to the road.
The sinner easily found the very place where he took his cobblestone.
The pious man, of course, did not find the places where he had collected his small stones, so he returned without fulfilling the sage’s request.

Then the sage concluded:
– Anyone who has found the place where he took his stone knows his main sin and he has the opportunity to free his soul from this sin through sincere and constant spiritual repentance.
All is not lost for him.

But woe to those who do not remember and do not want to remember their actions.
Who does not notice any atrocities or minor sins behind him.
Anyone who does not notice his sins has nothing to ask for forgiveness.

So, the ability to repent is one of the virtues.
Imaginary kindness is hidden evil.

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about wanting to kill in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    I have two friends Natasha and Yana! I dreamed that Yana was shooting from afar in the back of Natasha’s neck, then I started to run, and Yana shouted wait and held me at gunpoint, but I managed to hide behind the house and I woke up! I don’t understand what it was! I’ve been in a very panicky state all day, tell me what it is?

    I dreamed that I and some other people (I couldn’t see their faces and appearance in the dream) were going to shoot kittens I didn’t know. At first, the three of us tried to escape, they shot at us, wounded someone, we ended up in an abandoned house, and then they reached us. They wanted to kill us because we were not acquitted at trial. me personally for allegedly stealing balloons. two were taken to be shot, they gave me a phone so that I could record a farewell message to my family. and then suddenly an old car pulled up, like in Soviet films with milk, and the woman behind the wheel shouted at me to sit down. and so I run to the car, only for some reason I became a girl with braids and a bow, sat in the cab and bent down like a real me. This is where I woke up.

    Some people wanted to kill me with machine guns. And there were many of them. Then I ran out into the street and a man ran up to me, who seemed to be fighting for me. He covered me with himself and we ran to another entrance. Where I met my friends and sat down to cry, asking: why me?

    Good evening, I'm worried about my sleep. I have had a similar dream 3 times already. As if they wanted to kill me, I naturally resist. Most of last dream, the predominant color was red, as if I were wearing red clothes and one of many girls who were to be taken into a common large room and shot. In a dream, I ask many people (including parents) for salvation, but they tell me that nothing will happen and reassure me. Previously, I had dreams that my friends were conspiring to kill me, I dream that I am running away from a shot, but I don’t have time and the bullet hits me in the back, I wake up in a cold sweat and bewilderment, I hope that you will help me and tell me about these oddities.. I read that this may be due to some kind of guilt on my part, but it seems to me that I did not offend anyone, I don’t wish harm on anyone..

    I was in some house with two girls whom I knew in a dream (I don’t know in reality), then we started running away from the house for some reason, it turned out that two men were chasing us and wanted to kill us, then one disappeared somewhere, then one man who was chasing us killed two girls who were with me with a pistol, and I started to hide, he was looking for me, I managed to call the police, he got into a red car and waited for me to appear, then a crowd of people mingled with and walked by them, saw that the police were driving, which I called, I waved my hand to stop, a handsome guy got out of the car, I started telling what happened and then we went on foot somewhere, I was always afraid that he would find me the man who wanted to kill, in the end this guy and I came to the forest, we chatted the whole way, he liked me and I liked him too, then we drove in the forest in some kind of car and arrived at some beautiful house, to a woman he knew, I really liked the house, I walked around looking at everything, and he was talking to the woman, then someone knocked on the door, I opened it and there were some people standing there with their faces painted, like on Halloween, they laughed and said something, I thought they were some idiots, I wanted to close the doors, but they wouldn’t let me and then I woke up

    Hello, my name is Arthur, I’m 13 years old and I dreamed that I was walking with friends and everything was fine and suddenly older people than me, 18-20, came along, there were 4 of them, I knew three of them, but 4 of them didn’t and they were discussing about us but not everyone, just me and Sasha (friend) and there were also my friends name, we somehow understand that they want to kill us with a pistol and we kill us home, but when we kill, whoever wanted to kill us called Sasha and Sasha started talking to him smart words about prison, mother and friends and in the end we run home and the dream ends.

A dream in which a person sees his own violent death, indicates that in the near future he will face a major conflict with someone close to him. There is a high probability that as a result of this conflict there will be a break in relations with this person.

What if I dream they want to kill me in my sleep?

To see that they want to kill me in a dream means that the dreamer committed some immoral, immoral act. A person is tormented by an unbearable feeling of guilt, he feels remorse for what he has done. It will be difficult for someone who sees such a dream to regain respect in his own eyes.

The dream also symbolizes lost time or time wasted. A person has lost a good chance for self-realization or, due to his irresponsibility and indifference, he is ruining his hidden talents and capabilities. You should pull yourself together before luck turns away from the dreamer.

A dream in which a person sees himself fleeing from an animal that wants to kill him suggests that the dreamer will soon meet good friend. It is likely that the person having such a dream has a secret admirer who is hiding his feelings for fear of being rejected.

A friend or relative trying to kill in a dream means betrayal or conspiracy on the part of loved ones.

A stranger wants to kill, which means that in the future they will come difficult times. You need to gain strength and patience.

If you are threatened with a pistol or knife in a dream, financial difficulties await you. You may need to put off a major purchase or trip abroad for a while.

A person is being strangled in a dream - a warning about impending danger. Enemies will do everything to slander the dreamer and harm his reputation. It is recommended to avoid participating in quarrels and conflicts.

What does it portend?

Why dream that hired killers want to kill me in a dream - to the loss of oneself, one’s individuality. You need to resist pressure from others, not allow them to manipulate you, and boldly face dangers and difficulties. This is the only opportunity to preserve yourself as an individual.

A killer in a dream can be a sign that a person is full of strength and ready for decisive action, such as changing a boring job or breaking up a relationship that is weighing him down. The dream foretells global changes in better side in the dreamer's life.

Seeing your own death at the hands of others in a dream is a sign that a person must make incredible efforts not to lose control over the problem that has arisen and turn the situation in his direction. You should not count on anyone’s help, since the solution to this problem depends entirely on the dreamer and his actions.

Such dreams mean that a person is trying to escape from difficult thoughts and problems that have befallen him. The cause of such dreams may be shocking news or long-term depression caused by the betrayal of a close friend or a series of failures.

A painful and painful feeling of danger in a dream may be a hint of moral exhaustion, a pre-depressive state of the sleeping person. Dream books claim that the meaning of a dream in which they want to kill you reflects emotional imbalance, loss of control over the situation, or indicates an aggravation of problems with others.

Murder weapon as an indicator of morale

If you dreamed that they wanted to kill you with a pistol, it means, as the Modern Combined Dream Book says, try to keep your emotions to yourself, otherwise it will be difficult to avoid conflict with others. Shooting a pistol yourself, intending to finish off the attacking maniac, means victory in a difficult and tedious task.

Medea's dream interpreter undertakes to interpret why one dreams of aiming a pistol at loved ones. Such a plot prepares the dreamer for the upcoming swearing; a clash of characters with relatives is possible. Attack a man with a knife or young man, Miller’s dream book predicts shame and dishonor for a woman. According to Freud, such an image promises deliverance from outdated relationships.

Seeing that some person wants to kill his mother with a knife or an ax means that future financial difficulties will greatly affect mutual understanding between family members. I dreamed of a mother attacking the dreamer with a knife - to the need to be patient and show flexibility in solving a pressing problem. Threatening your mother in a dream speaks of family troubles.

The pursuit or desire to change the situation

If you constantly dream of being chased by some people who want to kill you, it means that you need to remember the plot of the dream in detail. So:

  • often seeing the persecution of other people from the outside means that the current problem has a different solution;
  • I dreamed that I was being pursued by a dead man - deal with old debts;
  • managed to escape from a dead man in a dream - luck will smile;
  • a husband in a dream who is chasing you reminds you of the secret that you are hiding from him;
  • pursues ex-husband or a guy in a dream - the character is offended by you;
  • a ghost wants to kill you - a difficult test lies ahead;
  • running away as fast as you can from a cow promises an unexpected inheritance;
  • Aliens are chasing you, intending to kidnap you - to a sad adventure.

Interpretation of sleep according to Miller

Miller’s dream book tries to explain why we dream of a situation in which a character is being pursued or wants to be killed. The psychologist advises to be wary of dreams in which violence is present. Thus, witnessing a violent crime is considered a sign of danger - the negative thoughts of enemies are directed against the dreamer. Finding yourself in a war, becoming a participant in hostilities, indicates a difficult home environment that will be filled with discord and conflict.

Identity of the attacker

Seeing an unknown man or other unidentified person intending to hurt you and being afraid of it, according to the old version French dream book, portends a reunion with old relatives, friends, former loved ones. Knowing the attacker by sight and hiding from him in a crowd of people indicates secret enemies hiding under the guise of friends.

For an unmarried girl to recognize her boyfriend in a maniac who wants to kill her, the dream book tells her about the cool and zealous character of her chosen one. Seeing dad as an attacker means that a relative, during a serious conversation with the dreamer, will try to impose his will.

Have a desire to kill someone

In the dream book of birthday people you can find an explanation of why you dream of wanting to get rid of your wife. Despite the negative plot of the vision, the dreamed image promises a long and happy married life, a harmonious relationship with your soulmate.

Taking someone hostage, according to the modern combined dream interpreter, speaks of the dreamer’s complete delusion in the current matter. If you dreamed that you had the intention of swatting a rat in a dream and successfully carried out your plan, thanks to perseverance and determination you will achieve success.

Managed to save someone's death in a dream, foreshadows modern universal dream book, successful resolution of an important issue, a difficult task.

My husband and I were walking, and he saw a man he didn’t know, or maybe he wanted to detain a bandit, but this stranger gave me an injection, I don’t remember, my husband began to fall and suffocate.

In a dream, an unknown person wanted to kill my sleeping husband with a knife. I saved my husband. I prayed not to kill him, and he left. I also saw in a dream how a friend with a gun took aim at me. I took the gun from her.

My grandfather, who loved me, was very angry, I didn’t understand why. I told him something, he came up and, with the intent to kill, stabbed the knife twice into the chest (heart area). I didn’t feel any pain, I touched the wound and saw a lot of scarlet blood on my hands.

In my dream ex-boyfriend Moreover, we haven’t seen each other for a very long time, about 10 years, as if he and his assistants want to kill my relatives and me, while he spares me and we go up the stairs.

I had a dream as if terrorists wanted to kill me and everyone.

I had a dream that two people broke in unknown men to my apartment, and they began to stick something sharp into my body, like a spear, into my legs and arms.

In a dream, a person can see completely different plots, which can be both positive and negative. Often unpleasant dreams, on the contrary, are positive omens. To interpret a dream in which someone wanted to kill, it is important to take into account other details of the plot.

Why do you dream that they want to kill you?

If in a dream you had to run away from a killer, this is good sign, promising longevity. Night vision, where you had to hide in the crowd from the killer, warns of the existence of enemies who are waiting for an opportunity to attack. This may also be a harbinger of severe material problems. If you want to kill someone you know or are close to in a dream, it means that in reality this person will make attempts to bring the dreamer out of balance. A dream where attempts to kill are unsuccessful is a warning about the existence of a risk to health and life.

If you want to kill with a knife in a dream, this is a harbinger of difficult experiences and depression. The dreamer must mobilize all his strength to cope with all problems. Night vision, where I had to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the killer, indicates the existence internal conflict, which does not allow you to live peacefully and move forward. The dream book recommends taking a break and calmly sorting yourself out. The dream book considers a plot where they want to kill in a dream and are taken hostage to be a warning that enemies will try to destroy, and first of all this concerns competitors at work. If an animal wants to attack and kill, it means that in the future the dreamer will meet a good friend. For single girls, such a dream promises the appearance of a new admirer. To dream that close relatives want to kill you means that one of the people around you wants to improve relationships, but at the moment it doesn't work. A night vision where a stranger wants to kill with a pistol warns of career problems.

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