Is it possible to make water? How to prepare structured living water. Is it possible to wash with holy water?

There are a lot of completely reliable household filters for water purification that will solve the problem. This filters for drinking water, which are built into the sink, faucet attachments, filter jugs, installations for pre-purification of water throughout the apartment. But when the filter fails, and the problem needs to be solved at least for a while, we remember more simple ways cleaning tap water.


Chlorinated tap water tastes and smells unpleasant. But chlorination is necessary to neutralize microorganisms present in the water. To neutralize microorganisms present in water, it is chlorinated. Drinking chlorinated water is not recommended; chlorine has the ability to accumulate in the body and, during boiling, forms very harmful chemical compounds. The effect of chlorine can be neutralized by settling the water. Simply pour tap water into a large container and leave for 7-8 hours. Impurities of heavy metals and chlorine compounds will evaporate during this time. Important! Use ¾ of the settled water for drinking and food, discard the rest.


A simple method of preparing melt water at home is suitable for those who have a spacious freezer. Cold water in plastic bottles should be placed in freezer and wait until about half of it freezes. In the middle of the volume there remains unfrozen water, which is poured out. Ice is thawed and used for drinking. The idea behind this method of water purification is that pure water freezes first, leaving most of the impurities in solution. Even sea ice is mostly composed of them. fresh water, despite the fact that it forms on the surface of a salty reservoir. It is important to know: you can only use water that produces clear ice for food. If the ice looks cloudy, the water from it is saturated with harmful substances. Therefore, doctors recommend only clear, clean ice to defrost and drink. Melt water from it is very beneficial for the skin, so you can actively use it for washing.

Silicon enrichment

Silicon has strong bactericidal properties, in fact it is the best natural water filter, but the question is - where to get it? Silicon can be purchased at some pharmacies or ordered from an online store. Its cost is not high - 230−250 rubles per 150 g. In addition, silicon also has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties, helps improve metabolism, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of organs gastrointestinal tract, preventing the occurrence of pathologies, promotes rapid elimination from the body of waste, toxins, carcinogens and other harmful substances. Before using silicon for the first time, you must rinse it thoroughly with running water, then add water and leave for 2-3 days. You need to drink in small portions, at least 2-3 glasses per day. Periodically (once a week) the crystals must be washed to remove any deposits that have formed.

Activated carbon cleansing

Activated carbon is included in household bulk filters for water purification. This is an effective water purifier, after which tap water tastes and smells better. since coal absorbs almost everything harmful substances located in tap water. To purify water using activated carbon, you need to place it on a container of water. homemade filter in the form of a fabric or gauze bag filled with activated carbon- powder, granular or tablets (tablets must first be crushed). True, such an improvised filter cannot be used for a long time; it requires replacement after a few days.

Cleansing with silver

The ions contained in silver actively purify water. Silver has bactericidal properties, so you can pour water into a large glass container, place a silver object (with 999 purity) inside and let the water sit for 8-10 hours. The only thing is that it is not recommended to drink only such water as silver - silver toxins can accumulate, creating an excess of silver in the body, which can lead to metabolic disorders.

Photo: seasons. agency / Jalag / Wrage, Götz, fotoimedia/Ingram.

For normal and full-fledged work The body cannot survive without water. In an adult, water makes up about 70% of the total body weight. The daily dose of liquid for a person is 2–2.5 liters. Many people know about this, but only a few adhere to this regime. And the reason is not a lack of water, but a careless attitude towards one’s health. In order not to harm your health, but, on the contrary, to improve it, you need to learn to drink good quality water and adhere to the rules for its intake.

Organic indicators

For water to be healthy, its quality must meet the following criteria:

  1. The degree of acidity and alkalinity (pH) should not exceed 8.5. The alkalinity of the water should not be less than 6.5 mEq/l. Otherwise this water environment is an excellent place for breeding harmful microorganisms and bacteria.
  2. Healthy water is soft. This criterion is influenced by the amount of salts, metals, calcium and magnesium in it. To get rid of hardness, just boil the water.
  3. All waters contain chlorides, a high content of which indicates that the water is polluted and unsuitable for drinking. The normal level of these substances in water is 250 mg/l.
  4. An increased content of sulfates in water (the norm is 250 mg/l) leads to disruption of the digestive system and, as a consequence, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. The presence of such dry residue in water as iron and manganese should not exceed 0.05 mg/l.

It is impossible to check the above indicators of drinking water standards without special equipment. But you can always ask the seller in the store for a quality certificate with a detailed marking of all the constituent elements in the water.

Taste and color...

You can use your senses:

  1. The color should be transparent. If the water is slightly cloudy or a white precipitate appears, do not drink it. This indicates a high content of salt, primer, peat bogs and even the remains of flowering reservoirs.
  2. The taste and smell should be neutral. A salty, bitter or sweet aftertaste may indicate poor water quality.

Purifying drinking water at home, popular methods

Filtration and settling

This is the most common the method that is best suited for rural areas where they use river water. There are paper, fabric and porous filters, which can be made independently from cotton wool, a sponge, filter paper or gauze folded in two or three layers. To do this, pass the water through a filter to remove heavy organic substances, sand and clay impurities, and leave for about 6 hours. After which a small sediment will definitely appear. Drain the clean water into a separate bowl.


This method has been known to us since childhood. Indeed, boiled water is safe. But then the liquid will lose all its useful material, which die under the influence of high temperature.

Peter the Great's method

By order of the emperor, back in 1720, every soldier was required to carry with him a “slate stone” or, more simply, shungite. Research in 1717–1719 showed that this stone disinfects water and prevents the occurrence of such serious diseases as anemia, dropsy, scurvy, liver disease, etc. And already in the 60s of the twentieth century it became known that shungite is capable of purifying water from helminth eggs, chlorine, excess copper and other harmful substances.

To prepare shung water, just put a few stone pieces (300 grams) into a jug of water (3 liters) and leave it for 72 hours. Then carefully drain 2.5 liters of liquid without stirring. Dispose of sedimentary water.

Mechanical method using a household filter

This is the easiest and simplest way to purify water. To do this, you should purchase from the store household appliances special filter device. For example, a filter jug ​​that, using a nozzle, cleans running water. Don’t forget to ask sellers for quality certificates confirming its effectiveness.

How to prepare the right water

You may have already heard that water should not only be purified and safe, but also structured. Many scientists argue that water carries both positive and negative information, which naturally affects the structure of the cells and membranes of the body. Properly structured water filled with positive information has a beneficial effect on human health and prevents many serious diseases. But we will tell you how to prepare the right water easily, simply and affordably at home.

Option 1 - Melt water

Due to the fact that melt water is very similar in structure to the structure of human membranes and cells, the body does not have to expend additional energy to process it. This naturally has a beneficial effect on overall well-being and helps quickly cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, and improves protective functions immunity, promotes cell rejuvenation processes.

Cooking steps:

  1. Take 2 liters of tap water and heat it without bringing it to a boil, cool it quickly by placing a container with hot water into a bowl of cold water.
  2. Already cold water place in the freezer.
  3. Check your freezer regularly. When you see the first dense ice near the edges of the container, remove it. It contains dangerous impurities such as clay, sand, soil, etc.
  4. Place the remaining water back in the freezer for 12 hours.
  5. After the time has passed, take it out and leave it there. room temperature for about 5–7 minutes.
  6. Rinse off the first liquid under running water.
  7. Thaw the remaining ice.
  8. The melt water is ready; it should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

At daily consumption Melt water in an amount of at least 3-4 glasses normalizes the functioning of the heart, muscles, blood vessels and cleanses the blood.

Option 2 - White Key Method

Using this method of preparing delicious and healthy water you will learn how to structure water yourself, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on your health.

Cooking steps:

  1. 5 liters of water must be left to stand for 48 hours.
  2. Drain the settled liquid within 5 cm of the bottom of the dish.
  3. Heat the water to 95 degrees. If you do not have a special thermometer, rising bubbles will indicate the desired temperature.
  4. Cool the water quickly by covering the container with a lid under running water.
  5. Place 5-7 medium pieces of black silicon on the bottom of a bowl of water and leave covered for 2 days.
  6. Carefully pour the flint water into another container and place it in the freezer, and discard the bottom 2–4 cm layer.
  7. When the first ice appears, remove it and freeze the water again.
  8. Wait until light ice 1-2 cm thick appears on the surface and make a hole in it, drain the still unfrozen liquid through it.

The resulting silicon melt water can be consumed. It cleanses the body and, with long-term use, relieves a person from a whole list of dangerous diseases. Store the water in a cool place for about 3-5 days.

How to drink water correctly

To get the most benefit from water, you must:

  1. Consume it in an amount of at least 2 liters per day.
  2. Drink a glass of water every day on an empty stomach.
  3. Do not drink during or before meals.
  4. After eating food, do not drink water for 1.5 hours.

Proper water, diet

Very effective for cleansing the body are fasting days on water alone, which can be done several times a month. In this way you can perfectly cleanse your body and get rid of several kilograms.

Diet and water, reviews

A strict water diet is not easy to tolerate. But the results are worth it. The correct structured liquid perfectly cleanses the body, restores strength and rejuvenates human cells and membranes.

How to make tap water healing? How to purify water?

Melt water
We know very well that people who constantly consume clean melt water, for example, mountain residents, live much longer than urban people, while knowing nothing about immunity problems, the need for vitamins and a whole bunch of different diseases. Melt water improves metabolism, helps cleanse and rejuvenate the body.

What does melt water do in the body? The fact is that melt water has a smooth, clear structure, similar to that of a human cell, and therefore is perceived by the body as a related product. When melt water enters the body, it displaces and replaces old cells that have exhausted their potential, and thus dramatically accelerates metabolism, promoting fairly rapid cleansing and rejuvenation of the body. In addition, melt water, due to its large internal energy potential, gives a person a lot of strength, vigor, and energy. It has been repeatedly noted that people who drink melt water become not only healthier, but also more efficient, brain activity, labor productivity, and the ability to easily solve difficult problems increase.

What should a person who lives far from natural sources do? No need to be upset. This water can be prepared at home.

How to prepare melt (protium) water
This technology for obtaining clean, biologically active drinking water was proposed by hydraulic engineer Alexey Labza, for which I bow to him.
To prepare protium water, it is better to take clean water. If you use tap water, it is advisable to filter it household filter. Filtered water in plastic bottle, preferably in enamel pan place in the freezer. In winter - on the balcony, it's even better. After some time, the water will set into ice. This ice contains concentrated molecules of heavy water, which freezes at a temperature of +3.8 C. Therefore, we pour the unfrozen water into another container and expose it to the cold again. And defrost the first pan and drain the water. After the water in a pan exposed to frost freezes by about 2/3, pour out the unfrozen water: it contains concentrated chemical impurities of our civilization and excess mineral salts. The ice remaining in the pan is frozen protium water. It is defrosted before use only at room temperature. Under no circumstances should it be heated, as its healing properties will be lost. You immediately taste qualities you will feel the difference between melt water and the one you usually drink.

How to improve healing properties water
Leave it in the sun for several hours so that the water is charged with the energy of the Sun and the sky. This way you will give it the properties of living water. Living water is water found in the open air: rivers, lakes. Dead - it flows underground, and you drink it every day from the tap. Living water penetrates everywhere and revives everything. Dead water has the opposite properties. It stops all processes in the body, everything freezes and stops. Water of eternal sleep. It would be especially good to leave the water under open sky during Christmas.

Put a few silicon crystals in it, so that later you will have silicon health. Or imbue it with silver by placing a silver item in a vessel.

You can also magnetize it by passing it through a magnetic funnel or by placing a magnet nearby for a while. Magnetized water has amazing properties. It seems to become more fluid, being more easily absorbed into the blood and penetrating through the smallest capillaries, dissolving salt deposits and removing them away. It is very easy to check: almost no scale forms on the kettle when using magnetized water.

Finally, you can harmonize the water with classical music, birdsong, and the sound of the surf, recorded on disk. Researchers claim that information is well “recorded” on water structures, then merging with the body. And it will sound powerfully, like an ocean surf; harmoniously, like a good orchestra; harmonious and flexible, like a violin.
By the way, it is recommended to drink melt water soon after melting, then it has the greatest power. Don’t wait until the glass is full, drink the melt water a few sips at a time, the effect will be stronger.

If you work, the issue of constant consumption of melt water becomes more problematic, but it can still be solved. Use it for freezing instead of a container. plastic bottle from a juice or mineral water bottle of the size that is convenient to take with you to work. Better less than nothing.

To revive the water, you will need two glasses or cups (metal utensils will not work). We pour water into one of them, about halfway, and begin to pour it from glass to glass, raising the top one higher, creating a small waterfall. And so about 40-50 times. The water falling from a height will be saturated with oxygen, sparkle and seem to smile. This will be almost real healing water of a mountain river.

By the way, you can heal with water! Do not drink handfuls of tablets, but clean water! This ancient way yogis. With proper persistence and regularity, almost all diseases can be treated. So, take a glass of clean, cool water, preferably protium. You place it on your left palm, and cover the glass with your right on top. And you quietly begin to shake the glass so that the water in it begins to rotate. Try to feel the water, its coolness, its movement. Did you feel it? Wonderful! The water accepted your good attitude and benevolence. As if I became close to you. Now it has become healing. Drink it in small sips. Imagine how water fills you with waves of light, cleanses you of impurities and toxins. Focus as much as possible on the diseased organ, feel the joy that it is filled with energy and has become healthier.

Everyone knows the fact that a person is almost 80% water. But few people know that our health and well-being depend on the quality of this water. One of the methods for improving the properties of H 2 O is structuring - producing water with properly organized molecules.

How to make structured water? A question that interests a lot of people, and you will get the answer to it. It will also become clear what properties structured water obtained at home has, and what it is used for.

What is structured water?

The best water to drink is pure spring water. It has a crystal lattice structure similar to that characteristic of fluid in the human body.

The ordinary water we get from the tap cannot be compared. It has virtually no organized structure. Its molecules are larger than the molecules in human body fluids, so it cannot be absorbed properly.

It has proper organization molecules - crystal structure. Such a liquid is capable of normalizing any biological processes, which is why it is sometimes called living. Man has invented methods by which structured water is obtained from ordinary water.


Its effect on the human body depends on what properties the liquid has. Structured water is the most beneficial for health. How to benefit from its use?

Naturally, it is impossible to heal by drinking structured water once or twice. You can feel its beneficial effects only with regular use. It has been found to promote:

Structured water at home

All the beneficial qualities of this liquid will certainly attract the attention of those who care about the health of their body. The question immediately arises: “How to make structured water yourself?”

This procedure is simple, but requires some time. It consists of several stages:

  • We need to prepare the water that we will structure. It is better that it is purified through a filter, or settled, unboiled and not fluoridated.
  • Next, the water is put on fire and brought to a state preceding a boil, when swirls and bubbles already appear. It is important not to miss the moment and immediately remove the liquid from the stove.
  • The water is cooled at room temperature and placed in the freezer to freeze. When the first layer of ice, approximately half a centimeter thick, has formed, it must be removed. The liquid that freezes first contains deuterium, which has a detrimental effect on living cells.
  • The remaining water must be completely frozen.
  • Thaw should be at room temperature. When two-thirds of the ice has already turned into liquid, you need to remove the remaining ice from the container - this is also not good for the body.

Thus, we have removed from the liquid that part of it that freezes first, and that part that freezes last. As you can see, making structured water at home is easy and simple.

Other ways to receive

There is a theory, and it has already been scientifically proven: water can be influenced by in non-standard ways. Emotions, words, sounds, human energy - under the influence of all this, H 2 O easily changes its structure.

Experiments were conducted during which structured water was obtained by reading prayers. After such an experiment, the liquid crystals took on a symmetrical shape. The same result was obtained when exposed to famous great classics. Under the influence, water also changed its structure, but it was not crystalline, but fragmented and chaotic. The same thing happened when the liquid “listened” to screams, swearing and negative emotions.

Surprisingly, even a written word can have an effect on water. The connection here is still the same. Kind and positive words - beautiful patterns made of crystals, negative texts are ugly disjointed spots that do not form groups. As a result, it was proven that the greatest cleansing effect on the liquid is created by the combination of two words: “love” and “gratitude.”

More information about these experiments can be found in Dr. Emoto Masaru’s book “Messages from Water.” The Japanese researcher asks us to emit more goodness that the liquid can perceive and remember, because then it gives this positivity to us.

Structuring devices

There is also a semi-industrial way to structure water. The device used for this is called “Aquavit”. This is a hydrodynamic installation for activating fluid, operating on general principle freezing.

IN Lately You can see more and more offers for the purchase of household structurers that can change the properties of a small amount of water, sufficient for family consumption. The operating principles of these devices are very diverse; each manufacturer positions its structuring method as the most effective. It is difficult to judge the quality of the liquid obtained after using such devices without testing them in practice.

You have already read the information about how structured water is made at home without any equipment, and the decision about the advisability of purchasing such a device is up to you.

How can you see the structure of water?

There is a method that clearly demonstrates the change in the structure of H 2 O. A drop of water is sharply frozen, and a picture is taken at 200-500 times magnification.

Photos of tap water, as well as samples from rivers and lakes, look like unattractive, chaotic blots. A structured liquid, on the contrary, has a clear structure and the appearance of intricate openwork crystals. Such photographs are shown in the film “The Great Power of Water.” It also explains in detail how to structure water, giving it beneficial properties.

Experiences confirming the benefits of structuring

But what to do with skeptics who are not impressed by crystal photographs and reports? scientific research? The difference in the influence of ordinary and structured water on living organisms can be seen even at home, by conducting simple experiments.

The simplest thing is to plant two identical indoor plants, one of which should be watered with a structured liquid, and the second with regular tap water. As a result, it should become noticeable that the first is ahead in growth. The same can be seen in the example of seed germination.

Experiments have been carried out on an industrial scale using structured water for irrigation and in raising young domestic animals. Vegetables that were watered with a structured liquid contained 40-50% less nitrates and 10-20% less heavy metals. On poultry farms, chick mortality decreased by 18-20%.

What consumers say

Many of those who learned how to structure water became interested in the process, made it part of their daily routine and completely abandoned tap liquid. Almost every consumer of structured water notes the difference in taste. This may not be noticeable right away, but after a week of regular use, the liquid will taste favorably different from regular tap water. Consumers also notice positive changes in the general condition of the body:

  • skin color improves;
  • the functioning of the stomach and intestines is normalized;
  • blood pressure stabilizes;
  • Symptoms of chronic diseases and seasonal allergies disappear.

There are, of course, those who did not notice the obvious medicinal properties structured water. But none of them believes that consuming H2O with an altered molecular structure can be harmful.

Every city has centralized system water supply And sewer. The income level of the population is such that few can afford to pay for the purchase of drinking water in 1.5-10 liter bottles, so they are forced to drink tap water. Is it possible to drink tap water? - let's figure it out in this article.

Yes, of course, you can drink tap water, but after just one mandatory condition - boiling. Drinking water standards are regulated by SanPiN, which clearly states the requirements for drinking water entering our taps.

It should be understood that the water meets these requirements at the time of leaving the station filtration at the water intake, then this water can mix with the same feces that accidentally fell into a pipe with cold or hot water, because for sewer pipe and water supply pipes in all cities of our country, one single pit is used.

If the water is chlorinated, then any random bacteria that enter will be destroyed, but viruses No. Therefore, viruses must be destroyed by additional boiling of the tap water that you plan to drink.

Tap water often contains impurities rust, metal after the water supply is restarted due to its temporary stop for one reason or another. The solution to the problem is simple - you need to install filters rough cleaning for hot and cold water supply pipes. Great importance has the installation of similar filters on cold water supply pipes, since they are connected to Appliances - dishwashers, washing machines and faucets that will last many times longer if you have filters installed.

Today, many people praise Honeywell brand filters. Which water purification filter you choose - decide for yourself; almost every year two or three new manufacturers appear on the market. The only thing you should remember is that the water passed through the filter is not suitable for drinking - it still needs to be boiled. Special attention should be paid to the filter cleaning system, since in its absence, filtered particles will accumulate in the filter, which will one day enter the water in the form of microelements and increase their concentration to levels higher than they are in untreated water.

According to requirements SanPiN"a Drinking water should not be completely sterile. It should not contain bacteria that cause infectious diseases or protozoa. The maximum number of bacteria should be limited to 50 per 1 ml of tap water. As already noted, drinking water must be boiled before drinking, then the number of bacteria will drop to 0 and all viruses that have entered it will be destroyed.

Separately SanPiN"om regulated chemical composition tap water. It takes into account the total hardness of water, the content of petroleum products, phenols, macroelements and microelements. There are strictly regulated limit levels concentrations (maximum permissible concentrations) within which it has been proven that no harm to human health is caused.

Check composition of your tap water the content of all regulated elements can be found in the local chemical laboratory, or in the laboratories of the city sanitary and epidemiological surveillance. Just when handing over the water, tell them that this is water from your artesian spring in a private home, so you would like to check whether it is drinkable or not. In this case, no one will lie to you and will honestly describe the composition and compliance of the water with the requirements of SanPiN

Even water corresponds to all biological and chemical indicators; it may have its own smell, taste, and turbidity. All this is strictly regulated, but in fact only the presence of impurities visible to the eye and various films on a surface. If you don’t like the taste or smell of the water, but it meets other requirements, you will either have to buy bottled water or change your city of residence so that you can get water from another water intake and treatment plant in your taps.

IN major cities water treatment stations several, so you can try changing your place of residence.

From quality drinking water Human health depends and it is thanks to the central water supply that the number of infectious diseases has been dramatically reduced. Today, people who boil drinking water and similarly follow food storage rules never end up in the department of an infectious diseases hospital due to gastrointestinal infectious disease. Before introduction central water supply Almost no city dweller could boast of this. Therefore, one should not underestimate the importance of tap water as a source of drinking water, and rather than drinking water of unknown origin in a plastic bottle, one should give preference to boiled tap water.

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