Low-growing tomatoes (tomatoes) for open ground are the best varieties of tomatoes without pinching. Low-growing large-fruited tomato The earliest low-growing varieties of tomatoes

Outside the window there is still snow in some places, but it’s time for us to prepare for summer season. And today we will choose the best varieties of tomatoes for growing in open ground. Tomatoes are one of the most popular vegetables cultivated in country and personal plots. There is a huge variety of varieties, differing not only in color, taste and shape of the fruit, but also in the height of the bushes grown and the timing of harvest ripening.

U experienced gardeners There are your own time-tested favorite varieties, among which you will definitely find stunted ones or, as they are also called, determinant ones, that is, “limited in growth.” I’ll say right away that all of them are suitable for open ground. Low-growing varieties are usually called “for the lazy” or “field” varieties because they are unpretentious to growing conditions and many of them do not require garter.

Most low-growing varieties do not require pinching; they quickly and easily begin to bear fruit and delight with a good harvest. Today I will tell you about varieties and hybrids that will appeal to both novice summer residents and experienced gardeners.

Plants with a bush height of less than one meter are considered low-growing. All of them are divided into three groups:

  • determinant (bush height up to 100 cm);
  • superdeterminate (bush height up to 50 cm);
  • as well as standard ones ( compact bushes 50-70 cm high with a small number of stepsons) tomatoes.

Low-growing, early-ripening sweet tomatoes are the most productive varieties that do not require pinching

The main advantage of low-growing, early-ripening varieties is that they are resistant to unfavorable growing conditions, and most of them are grown without pinching. They withstand heat and cold equally well, insufficient watering and lack of fertilizers. In addition, when there is insufficient lighting, seedlings do not stretch.

Tomato Polbig

My favorite. The early-ripening Dutch hybrid is unpretentious and very tasty. Forms compact bushes 60-80 cm high, moderately leafy. Resistant to burns of leaves and fruits in extreme heat. Ideal for growing in the south of Russia.

The yield is very high for early tomato varieties - on average 4-4.5 kg per bush, even when grown in the fields farms. I also like it because it hardly gets smaller on the stepsons (up to 150 grams, it never gets smaller). Very resistant to verticillium and fusarium. The ripening period is 90-100 days, the fruits are smooth, do not crack and are well stored. Universal use. Disadvantage: Slightly susceptible to blossom end rot.

Tomato Solerosso

A magnificent Dutch hybrid, the name translates from Italian as “red sun”. The variety is early ripening, ripening occurs 90-95 days after emergence. For summer season The height of the bush can reach only 50 cm.

The fruits are ovoid, small, 50-90 grams, very tasty. IN southern regions are brightly colored even in October, the bush is covered with fruits. Productivity at good care- 3 kg or more per bush. The skin of the fruit is strong and does not burst on the bushes and when planted, the flesh is dense.

Advantages: resistance to fungal diseases (never suffers from blossom end rot, even on acidic soils, Cladosporium blotch, Verticillium wilt, Fusarium blight), transportability, excellent keeping quality.

Disadvantage - not resistant to viral diseases(mosaic, leaf curl, bronze). But since this hybrid is early ripening, in the southern regions they manage to collect the bulk of the harvest before the outbreak of the disease. The fruits are especially attractive for pickling and pickling.

Tomato Novichok

Another tomato I love is Novichok. Very tasty, abundantly fruiting, medium early variety(fruits on 114-127 days from germination). It is grown in various regions of Russia. This time-tested variety has remained one of gardeners’ favorites for decades. If you are taking your first steps in growing this vegetable, then start with Beginner. Two types are grown: red and pink.

The determinate type plant is characterized by its small size, medium foliage, height - 60-80 cm. Fruit weight - 80-100 grams. The pulp is fleshy and juicy in taste. Small sizes and convenient shape make the tomato suitable for canning whole. Both species are resistant to many common diseases.

Tomato Buyan (Fighter)

I recently discovered another ultra-early ripening (ripens on the 95th day from germination) and unpretentious variety of tomatoes. These are Buyan red and Buyan yellow of Siberian selection, the second name is Fighter. Suitable for growing using the lazy method (I come to the dacha twice a week) in any region of Russia.

This is a strong one - a bole up to 50 cm high. The bush is strong, the fruits are oval, red or yellow, dense and very tasty, weighing 90 grams (the first ones can grow up to 180 grams). Productivity depends on the weather. The variety is resistant to drought and has good immunity to viral and bacterial infections tomato In seedlings it is problem-free. Suitable for salads and all types of processing.

The most delicious large-fruited varieties of low-growing fleshy tomatoes

Among the low-growing tomatoes there are a fairly large number of large-fruited varieties. I will tell you about those that pleased me with their large yields and wonderful taste.

Tomato Summer resident

An early ripening standard variety for open ground, ripens 96-105 days after germination. Very unpretentious, it has a stable harvest in both rainy and dry years.

Does not require pinching or tying. But due to the heaviness of the fruit, the stems may not be able to stand it and break or even fall completely to the ground. I usually tie it up for peace of mind. Fruiting is extended. The fruits are round with slightly pronounced ribbing near the stalk, red in color, weighing 80-130 grams. The variety is resistant to blossom end rot and fusarium. Designed for cultivation in risky farming areas.

Tomato Raspberry giant

Early tomato - the first fruits can be harvested 110 days after planting the seeds for seedlings. Determinate, widely spreading plant grows up to 90 cm in height and requires staking. The leaves of the plant are very similar to potato leaves.

Produces crimson, large, flattened fruits. Fruit weight is 500-600 grams, the first fruits are slightly smaller - about 200-400 grams, the pulp is juicy, sweet, sugary. The fruits are formed on clusters of 4-8 pieces. The variety is productive; up to 6 kg of fruit can be harvested from one bush. Resistant to major diseases. The fruits are suitable for fresh consumption and canning.

Tomato Fat Jack

A medium-early tomato variety with a short fruiting period - the crop ripens 100-115 days after the first shoots. The height of the bush is 40-60 cm, the plant is powerful but requires tying to a support, since it can collapse under the weight of the fruit.

The plant bears clusters on which there are 3-4 flat-round red fruits weighing up to 200-300 grams each. During the season, you can remove about 30 fruits from a bush. The main advantage of the variety is the rare combination of early ripening and large-fruited, unpretentiousness to growing conditions.

Tomato Yamal

The variety belongs to the early tomatoes of Siberian selection - the first fruits begin to ripen after 95 days. The most promising high-yielding variety for risky farming areas. Bush height up to 50 cm. Leaves large size, dark green.

Possesses very high resistance To low temperatures. Even in very rainy summers it retains high fruit set. It is distinguished by the friendly yield of the harvest - a considerable part of it is harvested already in the first ten days. The fruits are red, weighing up to 180 grams. Inside the pulp is quite juicy and fleshy. The taste is excellent. This variety is universal, as it is very good in salads, it can be canned and processed into juice.

Tomato Orange

Early ripening high-yielding new variety tomatoes. The period from germination to fruit ripening is 105-110 days. Bush 35-50 cm high. The highlight of the variety is its high yield.

The fruits are very beautiful, flat-round, orange, large, 100-150 grams. The taste is excellent, with increased content carotene. The fruits are suitable for fresh consumption and canning. Characterized by disease resistance.

Low-growing tomatoes resistant to late blight: the best varieties for pickling

Late blight is a serious disease that affects both the green part of tomatoes and the fruits. Methods and drugs that allow you to completely rid your green pets of this disease have not been developed to this day. Late blight, like other diseases, primarily affects young plants. Therefore, in order to guarantee a good harvest, it is necessary to select varieties that will be less susceptible to this disease. This group includes varieties early dates ripening, which begin to bear fruit before the outbreak of the disease.

Tomato Shuttle

This variety grows in a trunk; the stem stands evenly and tightly in the soil and does not require support or pinching. The height can reach up to 50 cm (at my dacha it was low - 40 cm). One of strengths variety is its cold resistance. That’s why it appealed to gardeners in all regions of our country, where it’s both cold and warm. It has also proven itself well when grown in Siberia.

From germination to the beginning of fruiting 85-120 days. The plant is erect, 40-45 cm high, does not require pinching or staking. The fruits are red, fleshy, elongated oval with a spout, smooth, weighing 50-60 grams. The taste is high. The fruits taste very pleasant and sweet. The tomatoes are elastic, dense, good for preservation.

Tomato Duckling

Early ripening (100-105 days from germination to fruiting) variety of tomatoes. A plant up to 60 cm high does not require pinching, but it is advisable to tie up the bushes.

The fruits are bright orange, smooth, round with a “spout”, medium density, very tasty, with a high content of sugars and beta-carotene, weighing 70-90 grams. It is valued for its endurance, disease resistance and high and consistent yield in all weather conditions.

Tomato Liana

Low-growing, ultra-early ripening tomato (period from germination to fruiting 87-93 days), highly resistant to various kinds diseases. This variety comes in both regular red and pink.

The bush is not large, 50 cm high, does not require shaping, but lies down under the weight of the fruit. Therefore, a garter is necessary. This variety has good yield. From one square meter you can collect about 10 kilograms of fruits, the weight of which is small - 70-100 grams, which is good and convenient for preparing winter twists. The fruits are round, dark crimson or red depending on the variety, very tasty, slightly sweet, with a high content of dry matter and sugars.

Tomato Chaika

A highly productive, early-ripening tomato variety, you can get ripe and juicy fruits in just 90 days. The height of an adult plant is 50-70 cm. The leaves are large, similar to potato leaves. In the southern regions it can be sown directly into the ground.

The fruits are round, red, weighing 75-80 grams, but favorable conditions growing fruit weight can reach 100 grams. They have a pleasant taste, are dense and meaty. The variety is universal. Small fruits can be canned, and large ones can be used in salads and processed.

The best seeds of low-growing tomatoes for the Moscow region: productive varieties for the middle zone

Tomatoes are heat-loving crops, and for their cultivation it is necessary to take into account the climate of the region. Therefore, breeders every year develop new varieties that could not only grow in different corners our vast Russia, but also to delight gardeners with their harvest.

To the climatic features of the Moscow region and other regions middle zone Russia should be attributed:

  • sudden temperature changes in summer period from 25 to 10 degrees Celsius;
  • increased air humidity, reaching 75-80 percent;
  • presence of late spring frosts in May and autumn frosts in early October-November.

I want to say right away that if breeders have bred a variety for a particular region, this does not mean at all that it cannot be grown in another. For example, the Buyan variety of Siberian selection felt great on my summer cottage in the Astrakhan region (southern Russia).

Tomato Red Riding Hood

An early ripening German selection variety with a height of 40-50 cm. Resistant to diseases. Tolerates sudden temperature changes well. The leaves are large, ribbed, similar to potato leaves.

The fruits are bright red, round shape. In the middle zone they reach a mass of 80 grams. Very tasty, sweet with a slight sourness, universal use. Each cluster bears 3 to 5 fruits. Productivity up to 2 kg per bush. Planting density is 5-6 bushes per 1 square meter.

Tomato Bullfinch

New super early ripening variety for open ground. From germination to ripening 95-97 days. The bush is low-growing, 30-40 cm high, does not require pinching. Grows well in depleted soils.

The fruits are smooth, round, smooth, red, large, fruit weight 130-150 grams, resistant to cracking. The variety is resistant to adverse weather conditions. When grown in open ground in central Russia, it ripens at the end of July. Resistant to late blight.

Tomato Mongolian dwarf

Many gardeners fell in love with this variety of creeping tomato, bred by breeders from Novosibirsk. It is actively grown not only in the regions of Siberia and Transbaikalia, but also in summer cottages central Russia. It begins to bear fruit on the 100-110th day from emergence and bears fruit until frost; the fruits are practically not afraid of diseases.

Very unpretentious. The plant grows 15-20 cm upward, after which it begins to bend downwards, creeping along the ground and releasing roots where it touches the ground. This variety produces a huge number of stepsons. The distance between plants should be at least 60-70 cm. It is very convenient to protect the shoots from frost. Cold-resistant variety.

The fruits are fleshy, quite juicy with sourness, weighing up to 200 grams, although by the end of the growing season they become smaller. As a result of a long period of fruiting, one bush can produce up to 10 kg of multipurpose fruits. Since the tomatoes lie on the ground, you can put straw or mown grass under them.

Tomato Visibly-invisibly

Early variety - from the moment of planting tomato seedlings to the appearance of the first fruits, it takes from 85 to 95 days. The height of the bush is 40 cm, but due to the large number of fruits, a garter is required. This variety comes in two types: pink and red.

Despite small size bush, the first fruits are quite large 280-330 grams (the bulk of the fruits are 200-300 grams). Round, very tasty and sweet fruits of dark pink color, smooth and dense, do not crack. Ripe tomatoes are red in color, round in shape, slightly flattened and also have a pronounced taste. Each inflorescence has 4-6 ovaries. Thus, a relatively low bush produces 4-5 kg ​​of standard, full-fledged fruits that are not prone to cracking. The variety is characterized by increased resistance to fungal diseases. The purpose is universal.

Tomato Talalikhin 186

This early ripening (103-111 days) determinate variety can be grown throughout the middle zone and in the south of Russia, in Siberia and the Urals. The plant is semi-spreading, 35-65 cm high. Requires moderate pinching for smoother ripening.

The fruits are flat round, red, smooth or slightly ribbed, weighing 75-100 grams. The taste is good. The variety is resistant to adverse environmental factors. Pleases with abundant fruiting. Recommended for fresh consumption and processing.

This year I will grow tomatoes in the climatic conditions of the Moscow region. For growing in open ground, I also sowed seedlings of low-growing varieties that were new to me: Karapuz (large-fruited), Yellow Buyan (proved well in the conditions of the Astrakhan region), Winter Cherry.

Which tomato seeds to choose for open ground in Siberia and the Urals (varieties of Siberian selection)

Siberia and the Urals based on the harsh climatic conditions classified as a risky farming zone. But thanks to the success of breeders, today, subject to agrotechnical rules, tomatoes can be grown in these regions even in open ground. I will tell you about tomato varieties that have proven themselves well in the Northern regions.

Tomato Sanka

One of the best low-growing, early-ripening tomatoes. Bush up to 60 cm high. The ripening speed is incredible (78-85 days). Fruits abundantly. The productivity is very high. The fruits, weighing 80-150 grams, are red, fleshy and have excellent taste.

From one square meter you can harvest up to 15 kilograms of tomatoes. Resistant to cold weather, the Sanka variety can produce crops right up to frost. That is why it has proven itself well in Siberia and the Urals. Universal use.

Tomato Demidov

Mid-season variety of the Siberian collection. Standard. The bushes are compact, up to 60 cm high, with weak branching. The leaves are very similar to potato leaves.

The fruits are dark pink, round and slightly ribbed, weighing 100-120 grams, sweet. Universal purpose. The variety is high-yielding. When ripe fruits are collected in a timely manner, new ones are formed. Resistant to temperature changes, tolerates heat and cold weather well. Resistant to diseases.

Tomato Far North

This variety was bred for cultivation in the Northern regions. It is suitable for growing in open ground. Standard bush up to 60 cm high.

From the first shoots to fruits is about three months. It is unpretentious and gives a good harvest. The fruit itself is flat and round in shape, red. In the northern regions, the weight of the fruit is 50-70 g. The fruits ripen very smoothly. Pruning is not necessary, but can be done to get an early harvest. By the way, due to its early ripening property, it is not affected by late blight.

Tomato Countryman

The variety is productive, early ripening, it is possible to plant seeds in the ground, bypassing seedlings (hence the name “countryman”). Developed at the West Siberian Vegetable Experimental Station in Barnaul. The value of the variety: plasticity, early ripening, good maturity and transportability of fruits. Resistance to a number of diseases.

The plant is determinate, 70-75 cm high. Does not require staking or pinching. Early variety. Ripening occurs on days 95-98 after full germination. The fruit is plum-shaped, glossy. Fruit weight is 60-80 g, there are up to 15 fruits in the hand. Productivity up to 18 kg/sq.m. Fruit ripening is very smooth. Recommended for growing in open ground through seedlings, or by sowing seeds directly into the ground. Suitable for fresh use and whole fruit canning. Resistant to blossom end rot, bacterial spot, septoria.

Tomato Heavyweight of Siberia

This is an early-ripening large-fruited variety for open ground. The height of the bush is from 60 to 75 centimeters. A mandatory garter is required not only for the plant itself, but also for the fruits, which can come off due to their heavy weight.

The fruits are deep pink, flattened, heart-shaped, weighing up to 500 grams. Tomatoes are delicious, great for salads and winter preparations. If you want to get large fruits - up to 800 grams, you need to remove the stepsons, and also not allow the number of ovaries to exceed 7-8 pieces per bush.

Video review of dwarf tomatoes

This year I also sowed the following varieties of dwarf tomatoes for seedlings: Pinocchio (red), Micro - NK (a mixture of yellow and red), Bonsai Micro F1 (red). I will tell you about my results of growing this vegetable on the pages of my blog.

Low-growing tomatoes are the leaders in summer cottages and vegetable gardens. What is the reason for this success? Why are tall vines with large fruits lost first place to their inconspicuous relatives?

  • Low-growing tomato varieties do not require equipment for planting, require a lot of attention and are characterized by high yields.
  • Most low-growing varieties are not needed; they grow in a trunk.
  • They quickly begin to bear fruit and delight with a rich harvest.
  • They are distinguished by friendly fruiting, which is important for housewives.
  • Tomatoes of this type manage to give main part harvest before active phase.

Each gardener chooses the best varieties of low-growing tomatoes for himself individually, depending on his region of residence and growing conditions.

In order to choose the right tomatoes for your plot, you need to know that all low-growing tomato varieties belong to the determinant group, which is divided into three subgroups:

  1. determinant;
  2. semi-determinant;
  3. superdeterminant.
  • Designed for planting in open ground and indoor spaces. The side shoots of the bushes are located very densely, due to which a trunk is formed that does not require tying or pinching.
  • Semi-determinate tomato varieties are recommended for growing in open ground. If you do not pinch off the top at a height of 80-90 cm, then it can reach 120 cm. Tomatoes of this group are not recommended to be pinched in order to harvest a larger harvest, but experienced gardeners resort to this technique to speed up the fruiting of the bush.
  • Superdeterminate tomatoes are characterized by early and medium ripeness, uniform fruit production, and good yield. Tomatoes of these varieties are characterized by a short growing season. After the friendly release of fruits, they do not form a new ovary. All tomato varieties of the super-determinate group require pinching and the formation of a growing point.

It is better to buy hybrid seeds of low-growing tomato varieties for greenhouses and open ground of all three subgroups in specialized stores, since those collected with your own hands lose their maternal properties, and instead of a small bush, a long vine can grow in the garden bed.

Selecting the best varieties of low-growing tomatoes for greenhouses

Everyone is used to tall varieties of tomatoes growing in a greenhouse on a long trellis. But there is not always time and opportunity to engage in the formation of a bush, distribution of brushes, and pinching. Then low-growing tomato varieties come to the rescue, which are simple and easy to care for.

Among the wide variety of tomatoes, I would like to highlight several of the best varieties of low-growing tomatoes for greenhouses:

The best low-growing tomatoes for open ground

All varieties of low-growing tomatoes are suitable for open ground. The huge variety of tomatoes in this group allows you to choose tomatoes for any color, taste and size.

A large assortment of low-growing tomatoes is presented today not only in specialized stores, but also in the country's markets, where it is not always possible to be sure of the quality of the products and compliance with the variety. It’s better to play it safe and buy seeds in a store where experienced specialists will share their secrets successful cultivation low-growing tomatoes in greenhouses and in the garden.

Low-growing, high-yielding tomato varieties - video

Low-growing tomato varieties are distinguished by their short length. The purpose of these varieties is usually for growing in open ground. The bushes of these varieties are very compact and small. Most low-growing varieties have a determinant type of plant structure. What does it mean? This means that the plant will not grow more than it is given by nature; with a determinant structure, the plant does not need to be pinched. In this article I would like to present a few low-growing tomatoes; I should also talk a little about general features these varieties.

Low growing tomatoes

Few people can imagine a summer table without tomatoes. Tomatoes are our main vegetable on the summer table. Many people grow tomatoes on their own home plot. Today, there are a great many different varieties tomatoes. In this article we will pay attention specifically to the short ones.

Low-growing tomatoes are best grown in open ground. There is a perfect place for them - they are very compact and unpretentious. Also, it is the low-growing varieties that are early ripening. This type of variety produces inflorescences quite early - usually after 4-6 leaves. There are also very few inflorescences in total. The growth of the bush is limited to the last inflorescence. It should also be noted that low growing tomatoes are less susceptible to diseases such as late blight. This is due to the fact that they grow and produce crops very quickly; late blight simply does not have time to infect them.

Features of caring for low-growing tomatoes

The most basic feature of caring for low-growing tomatoes is that they do not require pinching. The yield of low-growing varieties is, of course, slightly less than that of tall ones. However, you can still easily get 5-6 kilograms from 1 bush, and the entire harvest will be early. In general, basic care measures are no different from other varieties of tomatoes. Regular watering, fertilizing, loosening, and weeding are required.

Low-growing tomato varieties - list

Structure: determinant

Early ripening: early ripening (90-100 days)

Fruit size: 90-110 grams

A very drought-resistant variety.

Low Growing Tomato Supermodel

Structure: determinant

Early ripening: early ripening

Fruit size: 120 grams

Productivity: 5 kilograms per 1 square meter

Taste: classic tomato

Tomato variety Eldorado

Structure: determinant

Early ripening: early ripening

Fruit size: 200-250 grams

Taste: very sweet

Structure: determinant

Early ripening: early ripening

Fruit size: 170-200 grams

Productivity: 5-7 kilograms per 1 square meter

Taste: very sweet and tasty

The variety is unpretentious and resistant to many unpleasant diseases.

Structure: determinant

Early ripening: early ripening

Fruit size: 100 grams

Productivity: 8-10 kilograms per 1 square meter

The variety is unpretentious and has very high yields.

Tomato Red Fang.

Tomato variety Red Fang

Structure: determinant

Early ripening: ultra early ripening

Fruit size: 40 grams

Productivity: 4-5 kilograms per 1 square meter

This low-growing variety is distinguished by its unpretentiousness to growing conditions, as well as a very peculiar shape of the fruit.

Structure: determinant

Early ripening: early ripening (98-113 days)

Fruit size: 80-100 grams

Productivity: 5-7 kilograms per 1 square meter

Structure: determinant

Early ripening: early ripening (100-105 days)

Fruit size: 80-90 grams

Productivity: 3 kilograms per 1 square meter

Tomato Banana Red.

Structure: determinant

Early ripening: ultra-early (90-95 days)

Fruit size: 70-80 grams

Productivity: 3 kilograms from 1 bush

Tomato variety Baskak

Structure: determinant

Early ripening: medium early (109-115 days)

Fruit size: 60-65 grams

Productivity: 5 kilograms per 1 square meter

Taste: sweet

It is particularly resistant to late blight.

Tomato White filling.

Structure: determinant

Early ripening: early ripening

Fruit size: 80-132 grams

Productivity: 4-7 kilograms per 1 square meter

Tomato variety Triumph: photo

Structure: determinant

Fruit size: 65-70 grams

Productivity: 4 kilograms per 1 square meter

Taste: classic tomato with a slight sourness

A very drought-resistant variety. More details: .

Average yield: 4 kilograms per 1 square meter.

Structure: determinant

Early ripening: mid-early (100-110 days)

Fruit size: 65-120 grams

Productivity: 250-400 centners per hectare

Drought-resistant variety. It is resistant to many diseases. .

Tomato variety Lotus: photo

Average yield: 8-10 kilograms per 1 square meter

Structure: determinant

Early ripening: early ripening (95-105 days)

Fruit size: 80-120 grams

Productivity: 4 kilograms per 1 square meter

Taste: classic tomato with a slight sourness

Easily tolerates drought. The variety is resistant to late blight. More details: .

Structure: determinant

Early ripening: early ripening (95-105 days)

Fruit size: 80-100 grams

Taste: excellent

Tomato Duckling: photo

Average yield: 5-6 kilograms per 1 square meter

Structure: determinant

Early ripening: early ripening (100-110 days)

Fruit size: 80-100 grams

Taste: excellent

The variety is resistant to late blight. More details:

Average yield: 5.5-6.2 kilograms per 1 square meter

Structure: determinant

Fruit size: 85-100 grams

Taste: excellent

More details: .

Average yield: 2.5-4 kilograms per 1 square meter

Structure: determinant

Early ripening: early ripening (95-110 days)

Fruit size: 70-100 grams

Taste: good


Many gardeners prefer low-growing tomatoes. There are more advantages to growing them than disadvantages. Dwarf bushes give high yields large tomatoes. That's why vegetable growers sow determinants.

What is characteristic of low-growing tomatoes is that they:

  • rarely reach a meter in height;
  • do not require stepsoning;
  • ripen earlier than indeterminates;
  • after five to seven inflorescences appear, the fruits begin to fill with ripeness;
  • together they give away the harvest.

Determinants are the most resistant to diseases and are resistant to low temperatures. Determinate species include plants that have dense lateral shoots. The resulting trunk does not need tying or pinching. In semi-determinate tomatoes, the top of the stem can reach more than 120 centimeters. Therefore, it is pinched at the level of eighty to ninety centimeters. Then fruiting will accelerate and productivity will increase. Superdeterminants have a short growing season. By giving away ripe fruits, they will not form ovaries again.

To choose the right tomato varieties, you need to know their main qualities and in what conditions they will manifest themselves best.

Which tomato seeds are productive and stunted?

Every gardener wants to reap large harvests, which is why you need to purchase tomato seeds for growing, which will delight you with the number of fruits:

  1. The fruits of the Siberian Troika are valued for their sugary taste and versatility of use. Pepper tomatoes have a rich red color and weigh 350 grams. From one bush, sixty centimeters high, you can collect five kilograms of excellent fruits. On the first cluster, tomatoes ripen, reaching a length of fifteen centimeters.
  2. Juicy tomatoes weighing one hundred to two hundred grams adorn the Ballerina bushes. Fans of pink, pear-shaped fruits will love this variety. The height of the bush is sixty centimeters; tomatoes ripen after 100-105 days. Six to seven kilograms of tomatoes are harvested from one square meter.
  3. Carpal determinant Moscow pear grows up to eighty centimeters in open ground, and up to a meter in greenhouses. Pepper-shaped fruits are fleshy and tasty. With a yield of four to five kilograms per bush, a lot of pickles are prepared from tomatoes for the winter.
  4. Standard plants include the Buyan, or Fighter, variety. Its stem is below fifty centimeters. Not picky, bears fruit well on light and fertile soils. The tomato tolerates drought and is resistant to viruses and fungi. Slightly elongated oval fruits are from the early ones, appearing 95-100 days after germination. There are two types - red and yellow. From one square meter, gardeners harvest up to nine kilograms of delicious tomatoes.
  5. The Rocker tomato is distinguished by its compactness. Red plum tomatoes reach a weight of one hundred grams and ripen 100-105 days after the first shoots appear. The variety represents high-yielding plants, because four to five kilograms of fruit are collected from one bush.
  6. Late varieties are represented by Mushroom Basket. The height of the stem is more than a meter, so the top must be pinched. The shape of the fruit is interesting; they are very ribbed, looking like a basket, as the name suggests. The weight of each fruit is 250-350 grams, and the tomato pulp is so tender and sweet that many summer residents grow them. With good care, the tomato will delight you with large fruits weighing half a kilogram.
  7. The Sanka variety is chosen by farmers for planting, as the yield reaches fifteen kilograms per square meter. Tomatoes are easy to care for using machines, since the bushes are low-growing, no more than half a meter. And the fruits produce a red color, weighing 80 grams.
  8. Early ripening tomatoes Little Red Riding Hood, or Rotkäppchen, came to us from German breeders. The maximum height of the bushes is forty centimeters, allowing them not to be tied up. Fruits weighing one hundred grams are characterized by light ribbing, excellent taste qualities. Under the thin, smooth skin hides juicy purple flesh. Consistently high fruiting yields two to three kilograms of tomatoes from one bush. New products are popular among farmers. In their fields they produce thirty tons of tomatoes per hectare in excellent marketable condition.

Not only early ripening varieties are famous for their high yields, but also late dates maturation.

Which determinants are suitable for open ground

Not all tomatoes bear fruit well in open ground. They must be cold-resistant, because the weather in some regions changes dramatically in the summer. And in the garden, the soil is more difficult to treat against pathogenic fungi and viruses. Therefore, it is better to sow low-growing plants.

The following varieties of tomatoes are popular among summer residents:

  • Watercolor with red elongated fruits;
  • Golden Stream, famous for its excellent-tasting orange and yellow fruits;
  • super early Red Fang, ideal for canning;
  • with fruits of tomato flavor Supermodel;
  • Abakan pink, without which no summer salad can do;
  • continuous fruiting until frost Aztec with small yellow fruits;
  • Explosion is cold-hardy, which is why it is grown in northern regions;
  • late-ripening Eldorado, delighting with delicious pink tomatoes weighing more than one hundred grams.

All of the low-growing tomatoes produce stable yields and bear fruit together at the same time. They can become a decoration of the site due to the compactness of the bush, bright green leaves, rich color scheme fruits

Greenhouse low-growing tomatoes

It is easy to grow low-growing varieties of tomatoes in greenhouses and greenhouses. They will not take up much space, because on one square meter You can place up to six to seven bushes.

Early varieties are valued because they produce tomatoes under the film at the beginning of summer.

The Alaska variety ripens earlier than everyone else. The short stem does not reach even half a meter in height. And the sweet-tasting fruits are good in summer salads. They are the ones who will make up for the lack of vitamins in the body after a long winter. The plant is not afraid of diseases, which include cladosporiosis, tobacco mosaic, and fusarium wilt. 90-100 days after the first shoots, bunches of red tomatoes weighing up to 95 grams are collected.

Early ripeness is characteristic of Riddle tomatoes - the fruits ripen after 82 days. The excellent taste of tomatoes weighing one hundred grams allows them to be used for fresh consumption and canning. The fruits are preserved presentation without cracking. They are not afraid of excess moisture or drought.

Bizarre bunches of fleshy tomatoes weighing up to three hundred grams from the Raja variety. Juicy, fleshy, they look decorative on the branches and taste pleasant.

Large tomatoes, reaching a kilogram in the greenhouse, from the Pink Honey variety. These are the sweetest tomatoes, as the name suggests. They belong to the mid-late species and require proper care and protection from diseases and pests.

Ryabchik tomatoes are interesting in color. Round, slightly flattened fruits weighing three hundred grams, red with yellow stripes and a sweet taste have long been loved by gardeners. They look original in salads and winter preparations.

Varieties for balconies

The most compact bushes tomatoes are suitable for growing on balconies, loggias, and window sills. Tall tomatoes will not be able to fit in a city apartment. But the best varieties of low-growing varieties give stable yields even in such conditions. Among them:

  1. In the self-pollinating hybrid Balcony Miracle, the bush does not grow higher than forty centimeters. Of the low-growing tomatoes, it is the most productive. Two kilograms of fragrant and sweet fruits are harvested from one plant.
  2. The low bushes of Belyi naliv bear fruit well on a balcony and produce up to seven kilograms of round red tomatoes from one square meter. Due to their resistance to cracking, the fruits are used for canning for the winter.
  3. Betalux is immediately planted in the ground, and after germination, 95 days later, the first tomatoes, sweet and fleshy, are harvested. The variety is cold-resistant and not afraid of drought.
  4. The Bogataya Khata tomato is famous for its disease resistance. The compactness of the bush with a height of 45 centimeters allows the variety to be planted in tubs and pots on the windowsill.
  5. And the Bonsai tomato is ideal for the windowsill, small balcony, because the bushes reach 25 centimeters in height, but produce a harvest of three or more kilograms. And dense red tomatoes weighing thirty grams will decorate a festive and everyday table in the middle of summer.
  6. The dwarf-height bushes of the Yellow Cap will yield a harvest in 85 days. And the fruits match the growth of only twenty grams.
  7. Even in hanging planters grow Garden Pearl. The tomato bears fruit for a long time, the tomatoes are all equally round in shape and weigh twenty grams. There can be up to three hundred of them on one hand.

These tomato varieties are in demand among city residents who do not have the opportunity to garden on their plots.

What varieties produce colorful tomatoes?

Most often, tomatoes produce red or pink fruits. They are useful for humans. They contain a lot of lycopene, which prevents the development of cancer cells and aging of the body. Yellow and orange tomatoes have not been new to our table for a long time. Among the shortest delicious varieties like Duckling. Glossy, round-shaped fruits with a spout are orange when ripe.

In open ground, the Persimmon hybrid grows up to eighty centimeters. The mid-early tomato pleases with golden tomatoes, which can be harvested up to three to four kilograms per bush.

Black fruits of the Gypsy variety. It belongs to the superdeterminants, since its height is slightly more than a meter. Chocolate-colored tomatoes bear fruit better in a greenhouse. They tolerate transportation well, are suitable for fresh consumption, and are used to prepare delicious sauces for the winter.

The tomatoes of the Basque Blue variety are almost black in color. The semi-determinate plant type produces clusters with six or eight fruits. The fruits are smooth, round in shape and weighing one hundred grams and are rich in anthocyanin. The substance has bactericidal properties and has a positive effect on vision.

The Black Moor tomato bears fruit after 115-118 days. The height of the bush is one meter. The yield of the variety is high - up to six kilograms per square meter.

The variety of determinate tomatoes allows you to grow both large-fruited tomatoes and miniature cherry tomatoes.

When to plant low-growing tomatoes and how to care for them

Sowing of tomatoes begins 60-65 days before planting the plants in open ground or a greenhouse. Sow only those varieties of tomatoes that are suitable for the climatic conditions of the area where you live. Tomatoes are sown for seedlings in late March or early April. The seeds undergo a process of hardening and disinfection. To make seedlings appear faster, a bag of seeds is dipped into a growth stimulator.

Tomatoes are planted in the ground after the soil has been disinfected. Place the containers with the plant in a well-lit place, creating a room temperature of 20-25 degrees.

When the threat of frost has completely passed, seedlings of low-growing tomatoes are transferred to beds in open ground or a greenhouse. The ideal time for planting tomatoes would be early or mid-May. They are planted in greenhouse soil two weeks earlier. To prevent plants from being exposed to cold weather, they are covered with paper caps.

Caring for tomatoes consists of:

  • moderate watering;
  • fertilizing every two weeks, alternating the application of organic and mineral fertilizers;
  • garter if a large number of large fruits have formed on the stem;
  • pinching the tops of superdeterminants.

To achieve early harvests from low-growing tomatoes, varieties of this type are selected with a description of their qualities.

For warm areas, you don’t have to sow tomatoes for seedlings; the plants will ripen well even when planted directly in open ground or a greenhouse. The planting pattern is usual for determinants: 50x50 or 60x60 centimeters. Six to seven plants can be placed on one square meter. In a small area, low-growing tomatoes will have enough nutrients to produce full harvests.

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